#an id say hi to khonshu on the way up
quirinus-quire · 1 year
How Moon Knight #26 Opens Up a Conversation About Spiritual Plurality Alongside DID
Moon Knight #26 (2023) came out 3 days ago, and gave us the long awaited focus issue on the recently introduced character to the franchise, Dr. Yehya Badr, aka Hunter's Moon. In this issue, Dr. Badr is shown in a therapy session with Marc Spector's therapist, Dr. Sterman. In this session, he explains that after the last time he was resurrected by Khonshu, his consciousness began to merge with that of previous, deceased fists of Khonshu.
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[ID: two comic panels from Moon Knight (Volume 9) #26. In the first panel, Dr. Sterman sits on a chair in her home. She says "One moment, please. You're telling me that the... persona of a dead fist of Khonshu took over your body?" In the second panel, Dr. Badr faces the wall and responds to her. "Yes and no. It was more that... we became one." end ID]
Badr is experiencing the memories and identities of these former Fists of Khonshu, as if they are his own.
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[ID: two more panels from the same comic, both characters are in the same places. Dr. Sterman says: "So that is what you meant by a flawed resurrection. The chorus that Khonshu imbued you with, the memories of all the firsts who came before you..." she trails off, and Badr picks up with: "Yes. The levee has broken. And at times, I cannot tell where I end and they begin." end ID]
What Badr is experiencing here is by all definitions a plural experience. Religious and spiritual plurals are very much a thing in the real world, and it is not uncommon for plurals of all origins to have blurred identities and memories, as Badr does with his system.
While Badr is definitely not the first case of spiritual, religious, or non-disordered plurality in the Marvel Universe, because Moon Knight is a book with a protagonist with Dissociative Identity Disorder, this gives Marvel the perfect opportunity to have an explicit discussion about plurality existing in other forms beyond DID.
The majority of representation for plurality in media centers around Dissociative Identity Disorder, as does Moon Knight. Plural representation that is not textually described as DID is usually a supernatural experience, such as possession by a ghost or some other supernatural entity. As we have already mentioned, spiritual and religious plurals do exist in the real world, though probably not in cases like Badr's, they still are very much real and deserve to be represented just as much as people with DID do.
While the plural community at large has become more accepting and aware of plural experiences outside of DID in the past couple decades, we still need to break this barrier in media representation. Marvel would be a great place to do it, as they have such a vast universe of so many diverse characters, and already have plenty of characters with DID. Badr may not be exactly the perfect candidate, as his system's origin is not very realistic, but he is still a huge opportunity to open this discussion.
Badr and Marc are already textually described as brothers, they have a complex relationship that could be strengthened further by their shared experience of plurality. There's plenty of conversations to be had about the ways their plurality differs- Marc, Steven, and Jake have very hard memory and identity barriers, while Badr and his system have quite the opposite.
As a system ourselves, this is something we've long waited for, both in Marvel and in all forms of fictional media in general, when it comes to portrayals of plurality. Let's hope Marvel gives us this arc!
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sl33pyperson · 11 months
ok yeah i mightve spend all afternoon reading comics
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honestly this is just cute, i didnt know wonderman and visions connection
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screaming once again
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laughing his way through this. terrifying! thanku khonshu!!
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WHERES MY FUCKING MONEY, DRACULA (surprised this panel isnt from a like. main story comic? just a side comic in the all marvel shit)
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oh i love mks lil sassy talk backs
mk would be a TERRIBLE boss are u kidding me
oh thats why shroud gave him a thumbs up
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FREMCHYYYYYYY IVE MISSED UUUUUUU let fremchy listen to carly rae jepsen
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i like spence purely bc he puts up with marcs bullshit. would love to see spence meetthe other boys but considering the comics he first came up in.. thatll never happen :(
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stop drawing face details the face details will Never look nice (his lil jump over the railing is cute)
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now to the present where marcs goal is uh. vibe with the avengers and talk to his terrible god
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he is literally just standing there he does not fucking care and he does not know who this lady is. truly went 👁-👁
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“isnt it obvious?” honestly marc no. u like sex? any type of affection is good for u? u need someone after marlene? him being jealous is hilarious tho rip marky boy
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they fucked on the plane to the grand canyon. tigra fucked a god o7
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lol get fucked khonshu
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if this line was from my boys id like it. instead, shut the fuck up khonshu
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i can enter only minds on the edge of extinction…… marc truely was a fucking Shattered man with nothing but this Justice force behind him at the end. he keeps pushing apart everything, pushing everything down, and it just is breaking him more and more until he is putty in the hands of an uncaring, wanting, god. marc refusing to look into himself, the disgust steven had, both ignoring jake, just constant strife breaking them to “the edge of extinction” ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh marc isnt having a good time :(( idk if the wackos will ever even realise the khonshu stuff in time
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i-think-its-just-me · 2 years
nah cause the way i literally just creamed myself thinking about oscar isaac😭
like the chokehold that man has on me is in-fuCKING-SANE
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mkfluffluv · 2 years
He Doesn’t Mind
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prompt : marc didn’t plan on falling for your loud mouth but he does anyway.
hello it me, back at it again with the writing. english isn’t my first language blah blah blah you get the gist. likes and reblogs appreciated!! leave me requests and i’ll (probably) write it :D
warnings : maybe slightly ooc? i don’t know, id like to imagine marc would be a nervous wreck when around the people he likes. other than that, this is just more fluff 
word count : 2334
italics is steven and bold is jake
Marc Spector doesn't usually go on dates. After the events of Ammit and his divorce with Layla, it's been hard for him to really commit himself to relationships. Sure, he's had his fair share of drunken hookups that earns him a good and loud nagging from Steven with Jake snickering behind him whenever he's there, but long-term relationships have just never been something he looked for. There are too many risks, too many complications what with the two other men living in the body, and his nightly job of serving Khonshu as his fist of vengeance. Marc doesn't have time for relationships, and neither does Jake. Maybe Steven does but the man is as smooth as sandpaper so the chances of that are slim.
That is, until one day, Marc switches in the middle of Steven's morning shift as a gift shopist and is greeted by the sight of well, you. You were rambling about these weird-looking jellies that you waved around in your hand, talking on and on about their inaccuracies and irrelevance to Ancient Egypt history. He distinctly remembers Steven rambling about the same thing one moonlit night. Marc doesn't know why or how he switched in but this situation was not one he wanted to be in. But he stays anyway. You intrigue him.
"What I'm saying is that jellies weren't even invented at the time! They could've done anything else but jellies? It's ridiculous!" You continue to ramble, your hands flailing about as if that would help get your point across. When your gaze eventually looks away from the offending jellies and towards himself, Marc feels his breath blown away from his chest.
The glare that you send his way as if he was the one at fault for the sweet treats is, for lack of a better word, adorable. You have your arms crossed in front of your chest, nose slightly scrunched up, mouth pulled down into a frown, and brows furrowed deeply. Without Marc realizing it, he was staring with a stupid grin on his face.
When your head tilts to the side, Marc snaps out of his thoughts, mentally slapping himself. "Right, sorry. I don't handle those kinda things." He says. Your previously angry face contorts into one of confusion.
"You're American?"
Fuck. Sometimes Marc forgets that his other alter is British. Now see, he would love to attempt a British accent, but the last time he did that, an old lady had smacked him across the face, thinking he was mocking her. So, Marc decides to try and lie his way out of this.
Well, that wasn't really lying now, was it?
Marc mentally tells Jake to shut up, to which he does after cackling at him for a bit.
Marc clears his throat and tries to gain his composure back after his slip-up. Best Steven impression it is then. "Sorry. What was your complaint? I'll be sure to pass it over to my boss." He says, his attempt at a British accent possibly not as bad as before as you seem to shrug the matter off immediately.
"Never mind that I'll just talk to your boss myself." You say, before stomping off towards wherever Steven’s boss is.
After Marc sees that you're out of hearing distance, he quietly calls out Steven's name. He has a favor to ask.
Apparently, according to Steven, you are a regular visitor, always coming to the gift shop to complain about certain souvenirs to his boss, Donna, whenever she's there. Steven never interrupted them, only listened intently as you pretty much talk her ear off. He'd always found it amusing, but when you came to complain about the jellies to him, he panicked and switched with Marc.
Marc, wanting to see you again, asks Steven for a favor. At first, Steven did not want to be a part of whatever scheme he was trying to do but Marc then told him that it was to make up for switching with him when he wasn't prepared in the slightest, and Steven, after a few more minutes of convincing and an offer to talk to his boss about getting him the tour guide job, begrudgingly agreed.
The next day, you walk into the gift shop, and Steven switches with Marc. The plan was that Marc would talk to you and get to know you more like a normal person, but despite popular belief, Marc is not a normal person and is instead a nervous wreck when it comes to talking with people he may or may not be...interested in. ("Steven, I refuse to call it a crush, that is just childish.") So, all he does is gawk and stare as you talk and talk and talk, complaining about everything to Donna, starting with the jellies from before to whatever else there is to complain about the museum. Donna mostly ignores you though, seemingly used to this behavior from you.
Marc does eventually get the courage to talk to you though. Once you finish your complaining and Donna walks away from the gift shop, Marc clears his throat and greets you by going "So, jellies huh?" of all things which is so lame, that he briefly thinks Steven had taken over for a second. You're taken aback of course, probably by the American accent that seems to come from a man you previously thought was British. But you seem to completely brush it off and let out an exasperated sigh, though smiling at him nonetheless. "Donna never listens. I've told her so many times that the merchandise is wrong but she completely ignores me like I'm just some kind of annoying bug," you continue to ramble with Marc only half-listening to your words, nodding and shaking his head when necessary.
It is then that the friendship between you two really started. Conversations start short but as you get to know each other, they start getting longer and longer, with you doing most of the talking and Marc chirping in with his own opinions and stories now and then. Marc had come to really enjoy your company which is odd for him since he usually was not a big fan of people who talk too much. But for some reason, as long as it's you who is doing the talking, he doesn't seem to mind at all.
After a few weeks of doing this, Marc noticed that his interest in you ("Still not calling it a crush, Steven.") had grown stronger and, if Marc's body language reading is to be trusted, then you've been showing reciprocating feelings as well. So, one day, he asks you out.
It starts like any other day with you complaining to Donna about the usual stuff and Steven switching with Marc. It's started to become sort of a routine really, one that Marc very much appreciates Steven for doing with him. Maybe Steven just likes the fact that he doesn't have to deal with Donna because of this. Either way, Marc appreciates it.
After babbling to Donna and her leaving, you stomp over to where Marc is standing and talk his ear off, the anger visibly showing in your face as you punch the air and scream into the palm of your hand now and then to not disturb any other guests in the museum. To any other person, you would look insane but to Marc? You just looked very endearing and he just couldn't help himself.
"Would you go on a date with me?"
Your body stiffens, fists pausing mid-air-punching and mouth agape. You blink. He blinks. Everything is still for just a second before-
Marc flinches at your loud and booming voice, the people around you two immediately turn their heads to stare, including Donna who is glaring daggers into your soul. Marc glares back and Donna visibly startles, but quickly puts on her usually cocky composure before scoffing and walking further away.
He then turns to you again and watches as you profusely apologize to all the other visitors and workers in the museum for your ruckus, polite "Sorry"s and "My apologies"s pouring out your mouth. When people finally look away and focus back on their work and the artifacts, your head snaps back to him so fast, Marc is concerned for the well-being of your neck. "Yes. Of course, I'll go on a date with you." You quietly proclaim, a wide and happy grin on your face. Marc can't help but let out a quiet coo which earns him a light slap to the face from you.
After exchanging numbers, (Jake scolds him for never asking before and Marc ignores him, as usual.) you tell him that you don't want the date to be something too big as you’re not very used to big crowds or fancy dinners. Steven advises Marc to invite you into their humble abode and watch a movie. Marc tells Steven "That's a stupid idea, our apartment is a mess, no thanks to you." He says, his eyes drifting across the room where a variety of Steven's books and other miscellaneous items are carelessly thrown around the small studio. Steven scoffs and offers to clean up the room for him to which Marc stares at him suspiciously but agrees anyway. Jake tells him to watch your favorite movie since apparently, Marc has bad taste in movies. He can't believe they're wingmanning him right now.
So, he texts you their address, asks what your favorite movie is, and sets everything up for your small movie date. Not Marc's ideal kind of date but, it's your favorite movie. You're bound to talk a lot and Marc loves hearing you talk.
He'll tell Khonshu he won't be going on patrol today, and he will accept it as it is no matter what.
You never stop talking while watching the movie, pausing and commenting on every little detail that appears in each scene, and usually, this would annoy the fuck out of Marc. He likes watching his movies uninterrupted. But when it's you, and you're giving him these looks and these smiles, with your hands waving about as you explain how a certain shot was filmed, he finds that he doesn't mind. He thinks that he wouldn't mind listening to you talk and talk all day long if you would let him.
He's got it bad
Oh definitely
"Shut up." Marc quietly mutters at the annoying idiots inside of his head.
But then he hears your mouth snap shut, the comforting sound of your voice gone, making Marc turn towards you in concern. Your eyes that last shined with excitement is replaced by a gloomy look and your mouth is pulled tightly downwards into a frown. You didn't continue talking. He tilts his head in confusion at your sudden silence but before he could ask, Marc's eyes widen at the realization that you've heard him and misunderstood. He raises his hands in an act of showing comfort, his gaze automatically softening. "Not you." He says, then hesitantly grabs your hands that you had clutched close to your chest and held them in his. "God, no, not you. Please continue, I like hearing you talk." His voice is quiet at the last sentence, the tips of his ears growing red at his straight-forwardness. He doesn't take it back though when he notices the abashed look on your pretty face, the faintest pink dusted on your cheeks. Your mouth is hung open and your eyes are looking at him with so much love and adoration. If this wasn't the first date, he would've given you a short peck on the lips with how adorable you absolutely looked. Kinda reminds him of Gus a little bit.
Marc stares into your eyes for a while, the warm feeling in his heart growing warmer and warmer the longer he stares. You look beautiful like this. All of your small imperfect details glow perfectly under the light that emits from the TV. He can hear Jake urging him to "just kiss already" in the back of his head but he knows better than to listen to the man. Again, this is the first date after all.
So he takes your hands and slowly brings them up to his lips, pressing a soft kiss to the back of your knuckles. The rest of your face goes bright red at this and you quickly pull your hand away and turn your face to go back to watching the movie. If Marc wasn't paying attention, he would've been offended at this gesture but it was obvious to anyone that you were simply only flustered at his flirtatious antics.
He lets out an amused huff of laughter and continues to sit and pretend like he's paying attention to the screen when it is obvious that the only thing his attention is on, is you. You and your flailing hands and beautiful voice ramble on and on, completely drowning out Jake and Steven's teasing coming from the mirror behind him.
There are a million other voices in his head, not belonging to any of the other guys but simply his own, yelling at him that this is a bad idea, that getting attached to you is a bad idea, that even being around you right now is already a danger to your life. But, Marc doesn't focus on that. Not right now. Right now, he focuses on you and the way you've just paused the movie again, pointing at one of the characters and spouting out whatever complaint or praise that you have for them.
Marc only stares with love-struck eyes, not paying attention and thinking in his head about how terribly screwed he is for falling so fast for your loud and non-stop babbling mouth with his stupid grin that never seems to leave his face when he's around you.
So what if he's acting like a lovesick fool right now?  
If it's with you, he doesn't mind too much.
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I had a nice little thought/mental note right now about moon knight (or “the khonshu collective”, if you will), so I wanted to write it down:
He would be extremely caring and love telling me about his hyper fixation on egyptology and i’d would make him feel extremely heard because i adore listening to people talk about their interests
He would pronounce my name in his cute little British accent (phonetically) as Mer-aye-yuh or me-ray-uh, because I’m pretty sure thats how it sounds when spoken with that accent :,)
He loves oldies music (anything 20’s-50’s). One of his favorite’s is cant take my eyes off of you
He’ll quietly hum “la vie en rose” the morning after while cuddling / playing with your hair
Whenever he’s flustered, he smiles a lot and covers his face to hide it (but it’s super obvious)
Whenever we hold hands, he will kiss the back of mine nonchalantly without drawing attention to it
He makes really intense eye contact when I’m talking. Not in a creepy way, it always with extreme admiration/love. He does it to show that he’s listening attentively and he is actually so excited to hear whatever I have to say
His love language is Gift giving and Acts of Service. He ADORES getting small gifts for me, he’ll pick something small up for me all the time “just because it made me think of you”. He’ll cook me breakfast or make the bed for me whenever he can.
Id like to think that he’s really good at making me laugh. Like if i was having a hard time, he’d know exactly what to say or do to cheer me up.
Steven tries to wash the Mr Knight suit manually because he hates the idea of blood stains
Steven absolutely cries during romantic/sad movies
Steven smells really good all the time because he does his laundry really frequently (specifically he always smells like his fabric softener or smth)
Steven’s favorite movie is secretly the prince of egypt
Steven drinks an UNGODLY amount of coffee with almond milk (because yanno, he’s a vegan)
If i even slightly suggest i like something, Steven will go out of his way to buy it and hide it some place in the apartment for me so that when i get home from work, i can have a nice surprise
Steven will absolutely make me learn to read hieroglyphics
Steven gets super blushy every time i compliment him, literally a puddle on the floor
Steven and I share jackets & sweatshirts because we have the same taste and i wear my clothes oversized
Steven reads me books/poetry when we cant sleep
Steven will always tell me when there is inaccurate information in movies or books about egypt (mostly because he cant help it, but also because he knows i want to remember accurate information)
However i think Marc would say my name (Mireya) PERFECTLY because i know Oscar Isaac would be able to say it & he (Oscar) would make an effort to, therefore Marc would simply cause i say so 🤣
He 1000% follows the sidewalk rule without having to be reminded ever. He’s very traditional in those kind of ways, but not misogynistic at all. He loves a strong independent woman but also adores when i let him take care of me &/or let him take charge.
He’s an extreme worrier but wont show it because he’s to prideful
He’s a really good artist. He secretly carries around a moleskin notebook in his pocket and sketches beautiful things he finds inside it with any random tool he has on hand (pen from a random desk in an office he passed by, crayon at a diner / truck stop, pencil a kid dropped and left behind in the library, etc.)
His love language is physical touch / quality time, but not how you’d assume. He likes quality time in a “body doubling” way, like he loves being in the same room as me while I do homework, work on art pieces, clean up, etc. He loves physical touch like placing a gentle guiding hand on my back to move me out of harm’s way on the street or when I’m talking to much to realize someone is trying to squeeze by me in a boom store.
Marc would be horrible at dealing with emotions verbally, but if i just wanted to cry he’d be an amazing shoulder to lean on. That being said, he’d very quietly make any problems “go away” as he puts it. If i ever ask what happened he’d just say “don’t worry about it, sweetness”
I think id teasingly refer to Marc as “Lunito” if he’s extra pissy one day. idk why but i think it’d be a cute nickname for him wtf 😭 like “luna” as in Moon… yanno cause Moon Knight
Marc wears Sauvage by Dior 🧍
Marc is natural never tired somehow, even without sleeping, but is also a naturally mellow guy.
Marc really loves Indiana Jones
Marc has a secret love of caramel candies and will literally do anything for me if I give him one
Marc LOVES giving forehead kisses
Marc always unconsciously places his hand on my waist when we walk together
Marc slow dances with me in the kitchen when we cant sleep and spend the night together
Marc loves having his hair played with, but only when were alone (aka when he’s being vulnerable)
Steven/Marc almost always gives me his jacket when were out together because he’s naturally warm and doesn’t want me to freeze
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