#an excuse to draw sexy dagon
shynrinn · 5 months
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when michael is late and you're bored so you tempt mortals
demon version
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ego-osbourne · 11 months
Dumb Witches Festival Costumes
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Happy Halloween! I just nearly forgot to post this, but thankfully I caught myself! Enjoy some of the stupid ideas I had for a few of the Masq!
Ego is Miraak, because someone told them that imitation is the highest for of flattery or something something, it doesn’t actually matter bc Ego defo wanted to use their (limited) craftsman skills to make a funny caricature of their older brother.
Sammy G dressed up as Dagon, largely for an excuse to run around in minimal clothing. Set with a bald cap, horned headband, faux arms, and a wooden axe to boot.
Erandur is a moth priest because he’s always thought their attire was interesting and fun. Unfortunately he didn’t consider how he might get around after finishing the costume with a blindfold, and now needs someone to take him by the hand and lead him around (also I rarely draw him with his hair down [ie. not in a braid], and I forget just how LONG I made his hair).
And, lastly, Rakell. Y’know how we have sexy nurses? I like to think a lot of Tamriel’s populous considers spriggans to be the equivilant. So of course Rakell was bet that he wouldn’t be a sexy spriggan that year, and of course he proved the better wrong (though any other year he would probably dress up as Velehk Sain [note that this is TDI-time and Rakell hasn’t met Velehk yet]).
Other life notes below:
This is the first year I haven’t dressed up for Halloween, though not necessarily out of my own volition. I’m at college and away from home, and the friend that I did Halloween last year with left campus, and I had no one else to participate with irl this year. + I’m tighter on money this year and simply couldn’t afford buying myself a costume. On top of that, I didn’t have a whole lot of ideas, either.
I decided to put what money I had saved for Halloween towards a future Ego cosplay that I’ve been working on, but man, it’s just not the same. Doing nothing for Halloween this year has had me really bummed out the past few days.
And then it snowed.
Oh my God did it snow. For reference: I love snowfall, and though snow IS possible this early in the year, it usually doesn’t stick. This snow STUCK. Not a whole lot of it, probably an inch, but enough! (And it’s still snowing so we might get more!) And it was just. So pretty. Bundled myself up and walked around in it for a bit. Just. Ugh. A very nice end to a largely negative-feeling day.
Just wanted to document this :] Happy Halloween everyone! I know I’m having a better one.
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