mirela-mikaelson · 11 years
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mirela-mikaelson · 11 years
It isn't some huge secret, but I appreciate the fact that at least somebody can respect privacy 'round here... speaking of, you're new aren't you? My name's Mirela.
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I was going to ask why you don’t but, figure it’s best not to intrude on a complete strangers family business.. I’m Ethan by the way.
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mirela-mikaelson · 11 years
I don't get on with my brother, so a bit, but to a person's own I suppose.
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..Is that a hint of sarcasm I detect?
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mirela-mikaelson · 11 years
There are certain people that I'd rather fine.
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mirela-mikaelson · 11 years
Such a hard life.
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You know it’s really nice to have the whole cabin to myself but… I really miss the noise of my family.. 
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mirela-mikaelson · 11 years
It certainly isn't, yes it is. In the past few weeks, I've been...searching. To put it lightly.
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mirela-mikaelson · 11 years
I did, not too long before Camp happened, actually. And you're still human, aren't you? I think I met her, actually, but the topic of...Niklaus didn't come up.
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Oh, so you turned? Yep. She’s really nice.
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mirela-mikaelson · 11 years
Eighteen, as I will be forever. There...is another brother...probably just the same, that's bloody brilliant...never mind, I'll deal with it when it comes here, you said Ireland before...is that another sister?
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How old are you? Well, I haven’t met any guys yet but yeah…
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mirela-mikaelson · 11 years
He's a year older than I am, he's a pain although I'm sure he'll beg to differ...Wait, another?
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Oh, so we have another brother? I’m Steph.
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mirela-mikaelson · 11 years
Jese and I spent time in the Ukraine and I'm still accustomed. Oh, that much family...fascinating. I myself have been here over a year, and it only gets duller and duller.
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mirela-mikaelson · 11 years
You'll have to forgive me, the only practice I have with siblings is brother Jese dearest and he's a tad annoying. My name's Mirela, what's yours?
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Ding ding ding. Nice to meet you too.
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mirela-mikaelson · 11 years
Bloody hell...there are that many of us now? I reckon it's nice meeting you as well.
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Oh, so you're still new. Charming here, isn't it?
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mirela-mikaelson · 11 years
You and who? Are you -- you're bloody kidding me ...You look like him, bloody hell..we're sisters..
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Because Me and Ireland sleep here…?
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mirela-mikaelson · 11 years
I've never met any cousins before...I'm Mirela.
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How long have you been here?
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mirela-mikaelson · 11 years
I like to think that the one is enough... who are you?
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mirela-mikaelson · 11 years
Why are there suitcases in here?
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mirela-mikaelson · 11 years
I'm not about to go cuddle him but I won't kill him, either, if that' what you mean. And unless you want siblings, it isn't a bad thing to have none, especially with this family.
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What a very loving sibling bond you seem to have there. Not that I’d know what that’s like anyway.
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