#amy march x laurie
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hellcheerful · 2 months ago
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LITTLE WOMEN (2019) dir. Greta Gerwig
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jakeperalta · 1 month ago
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romance in film gif meme: [4/5] gazes/yearnings
"dress for festivities! top hats and silks!" "I will! I'll wear my best silk!" little women (2019) written and directed by greta gerwig
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saoirse-ronan · 4 months ago
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laurie and amy + song lyrics: i love you, i'm sorry by gracie abrams
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reputayswift · 2 years ago
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thestarlight3 · 5 months ago
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Kathryn Newton as Amy March & Jonah Andre Hauer-King as Theodore “Laurie” Laurence
Little Women (2017) Miniseries Dir. Vanessa Caswill Written by Heidi Thomas
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whtsyours · 6 months ago
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Samantha Mathis and Christian Bale as Amy March and Theodore Lawrence
LITTLE WOMEN (1994) dir. Gillian Armstrong
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daemonsdarksister · 1 year ago
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Laurie studies her face, and we know that he sees her and loves her
Laurie catches her face with his hands, and kisses her
Florence Pugh and Timothée Chalamet <3
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marchsistermadness · 2 months ago
there are new dreams everywhere for those with eyes to see
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for example…
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jessmalia · 1 year ago
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Got love-struck, went straight to my head Got lovesick all over my bed Love to think you’ll never forget We’ll pay the price, I guess
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will80sbyers · 4 days ago
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Little Women (1994)
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princesssarisa · 2 months ago
"Little Women" collectible plates, designed by Elaine Gignilliat
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Marmee nursing Beth
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Meg's wedding day
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Amy and Laurie
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@littlewomenpodcast, @thatscarletflycatcher, @joandfriedrich, @fandomsarefamily1966
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justmeandmyships · 2 years ago
How People think Laurie acted after Jo's rejection: Oh no! What am I going to do without Jo?! 😭😭😭 She's the love of my life. I loveeeee her...well I guess there's her annoying sister Amy, I guess I have to settle down and fix my broken heart. At least I'll be close to Jo 😭😭😭.
How Laurie (from the books) really acted: Oh no Jo rejected me...oh look there's Amy she looks so beautiful... what no. I need to cry for Jo...but I didn't know how much I missed Amy. thinks in Amy ... Laurie stop it You're in love with Jo... I'm supposed to stay here only for a few days but I stayed a whole month because being with Amy is so fun...no!!! I'm supposed to be sad... sad about whom? How was her name...why is Amy dancing with everyone but me 😭😭😭😭...I hate my childhood friend Fred suddenly like why does he exist?!!! ��😑😑...oh right Jo!!!... I love her. Yes ...why I am not sad about her??!! I'm supposed to be heartbroken. I'm not this shallow. I'll proposed to Jo again and marry her even if I am miserable for the rest of my life before admitting my feelings weren't that deep and she was right....wait. why does Amy despise me 😭😭😭😭😭😭....writes an opera with a female lead exactly like Amy...Beth died, even though I'm closer to everyone else I'm going to travel across Europe and be there for Amy even if she despise me 😭😭😭. She needs me. Poor her.... wait do I love Amy?... how is this possible??...I wish we always pull the same boat, will you, Amy?.🥰🥰🥰
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tarrynmj · 5 months ago
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Laurie Laurence 🥂📜 | Amy March 🎨👒
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papenathys · 11 months ago
Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy being the original quartet of coquette / dark academia / cottagecore / light academia aesthetics will never not be funny to me. Like I know they would each have insane Tumblr game. Meanwhile, Laurie would be haunting the old money-Greek classics-Iliad yaoi tags and posting bait photography in thrifted sweaters, corduroy pants and black nail polish captioned "how I look with she/they pronouns in bio"
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distressedjellyfish · 1 year ago
Things I think about with frequency
Amy March
How we deserved to see Amy and Laurie's wedding, and them falling in love, and just more of them
How Amy March is hated by many because LMA based the characters off her own sisters, and Amy was obviously written with some bias (as were all the sisters), which shines through and makes us feel similarly about Amy that "Jo" felt about her younger sister.
That line where Amy says "I've been second to Jo my whole life" hits A LOT harder when you realize that Louisa's (Jo) middle name is May, and her younger sister, who she based Amy off, is named May, after LMA's middle name.
I think that people see Amy as this vapid little bitch because she always knew she wanted to be a wife, and she knew she wanted to be rich. But what people fail to consider is that a lot of the time the youngest is the one that sees all the flaws in their family’s lives and feels responsible for taking care of them, even if its not expressly stated. Jo was a wild card. She was free to do as she wanted and nothing could stop her and God love Marmee for never trying. Meg was docile and almost polar opposite of Jo, and as the eldest sister she felt the same burden but lessened because yes she had typical Eldest Sister Syndrome where she had the need to take care of the family, but she also was the first, and therefore had no pre-set markers and expectations that she needed to meet or surpass. She wanted to marry and all that, but it didn't super matter about finances to her. Beth was unable to do "better" than her sisters "mistakes" flat out. And its not through any fault of her own, its just the way it was.
Speaking from experience, its always been clear to me that as the youngest of 3, I would have to do better. My half brother got a girl pregnant on his gap year when he was 18, so I was never allowed to take one, even though it would have probably helped in the long run. My half sister has always been mean to my parents, and won't let my dad see his only biological grandkid, which rips my dad apart, so of course I feel the pressure to have a child to give my dad a bio grandkid to dote on like he does with his non-bio grandkids, even though he's never outwardly expressed to anyone ever that he feels any disconnect from my niece because they aren't related, or that he wants me to have kids for any reason other than he wants them.
Anyways, my point is that Amy felt that pressure from a young age, hence always saying this or that about marrying rich. Add onto that when Aunt March tells her she's her family’s only hope of not being in the lower class/lower middle class for the rest of their lives. And just because that's the only time we see it, but that doesn't mean that there weren't other similar conversations had. Do you really think Aunt March never made her snide comments about the family and their status in front of Amy?
Amy's entire character revolves around this point, she's focused on being a proper lady, being delicate and pretty, in hopes of one day being able to bag someone rich, for her family.
Obviously, she falls into infatuation with Laurie when she meets him at the ripe age of 12??? She idolizes Jo, and Laurie is basically just the boy version (with some exceptions). He's also rich, young, handsome, and charming, and adores the family for who they are, including all their flaws. He's exactly what Amy had been saying she would marry, with the added bonus of him loving Jo the way she is, the exact opposite of Amy, proving that there are rich lovely men out there who will love you even if you aren't perfect, even if you falter. He's proof she can have the life she knows she needs to have for her family, and also still enjoy it and not be stressed all the time about being perfect.
Of course Laurie loves Jo first, for very similar reasons that Amy is infatuated with him. At 15, his whole life has been spent at dinner parties with girls the exact opposite of Jo, all proper and lovely and so so similar to one another, being told he'll marry one of them, everyone expecting him to be polished and well spoken and everything that no 15 year old boy wants to be. So then in comes this whirlwind girl who is completely different, a breath of fresh air that never wants to marry and can't ballroom dance for shit and laughs too loud, and shows him that life can be the Something Different he so desperately craves.
And of course, he ends up with Amy. He was Jo's best friend, so for 6 years all he knew of her was the way she was presented through Jo's eyes. A bratty little girl, who was the same as the other vapid girls he knew, that wasn't worth a thought. And he never paid her any mind because he spent 6 years thinking Jo loved him back, so why would he think of other girls? Then, at 21, he is essentially dumped by the love of his life, and travels abroad to find who he is without her. He meets Amy again, the girl who was always happy to see him. Of course he's going to spend time with her, she's familiar enough to feel like home, but different enough from Jo that it doesn't hurt. And there's the added validation of her liking him, which sometimes you need after your heart has been ripped apart. Plus, she's the only one he really knows in Paris. So they spend time together, and in that time he learns that she's not at all the way he's seen her over the last 6 years. Where he always saw someone not very bright, with a dim personality, that didn't stand up for anything or really rock the boat unless seriously provoked, who would do anything for him, he now finds a strong, funny, kind, beautiful girl, who is very intelligent and has a deep understanding of how cruel the world is (maybe ((definitely)) moreso than her sister) and knows how to manipulate said world in such a way that she can come out close to on top, who cares about her family enough to put everything else aside in order to become the person they need her to be in order to support them, who would still do anything for him but will absolutely call him on his shit and put him in his place when necessary. And how could he not love that?
She's not all that much like Jo, sure, but she is so much more. And she deserves so much more than people calling her his second choice.
Also I think that its criminal that most people don't see that obviously Jo loved her family but she loved herself more. Her sense of duty was to herself, and finding the place that would make her happy. She was also kind of a brat? Things didn't go her way? Editor is a dick? Boy critisizes her writing? Tantrum.
Whereas Amy loved her family more than herself. She was willing to put aside her dreams in order to support her family, and growing up was very rarely bitter about it. She decided, on her own, that her family was her number one priority, and that regardless of the fact that she could be happier doing other things, she wanted to do what she could to provide for her family. She knew how the world treated women, and she learned how to take that, and general criticism, on the chin.
Personally, I think that Amy is a way better character, and I'll die on this hill
Amy March
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thestarlight3 · 7 months ago
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Kathryn Newton as Amy March & Jonah Andre Hauer-King as Theodore 'Laurie' Laurence
Little Women (2017) dir. Vanessa Caswill
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