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lutnistas · 2 years ago
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Amphitheater ( Colosseo ) of El Jem ( El Djem / Tunisia ) 
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enoshimakuro · 2 years ago
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Landscape - Retaining Walls Photo of a huge backyard retaining wall landscape.
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sylvia-und-sybille · 8 months ago
Challenge accepted (not amount of endings, but variations of the ending instead of biggest part is changed.)
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submitted by: anonymous
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captain-flint · 2 months ago
U no like gladiator ii?
Why? 🥺
i am so sorry, anon, there was simply no way for me to like it as someone whose entire career and literal job is about understanding ancient roman history. unfortunately, they made ZERO effort at trying to make this movie seem even slightly authentic, and even though i went in expecting very little historical accuracy (big hollywood blockbuster movie by ridley scott, yes i know), the absurdity of it all had me scream laughing and pissed off to no end. not only was that entire movie an enormous, literal caricature of ancient rome and its people, it was also incredibly bad. i could've maybe forgiven the cgi baboons on steroids, killer rhinos and sharks in the amphiteatre, but the storyline genuinely lacking any depth with actors who were visibly struggling with delivering their lines that made them sound either pathetic or like they were in a low budget action movie were simply too much for me. the whole movie was an americanized idea of ancient rome told on screen. like it actually started to feel disrespectful at one point. it was a whole bunch of characters behaving like clowns trying to spin a story without a single meaningful thread and i simply hated it. gladiator 1 did a masterful job compared to this one. because it was so genuine and moving, any inauthenticity was easily overlooked. this movie tried to bank on the glory of its predecessor, but sadly it pales in comparison to the point i wouldn't even associate the two. i guess it's good if you want a mindless action movie with occasional pretty cinematography bc, in my opinion, that's about all it's got to offer 🤷‍♀️
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paperandsong · 2 years ago
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Poster for a pyrotechnical spectacle reenacting the 1871 Paris Commune by Sackett & Wilhelms Lithograph Co., New York, 1891
From the New York Times, September 8,1891: Fireworks at Manhattan. A novel display by moonlight on the waterfront. The crowd at Manhattan Beach at night was double that of the afternoon, the attraction being Pain's carnival of fireworks. The amphiteatre was packed. After the regular display, "Paris, from Empire to Commune," a number of set pieces were exhibited. Their effect was seriously marred however, by the fact that they had been on storage since last Saturday, and had become damp. One fire rocket was spread forth, at a great height, the "Essence of Moonlight."
If any fans of Love Never Dies wanted to participate in PotO Paris Commune Week, this actual 1891 pyrotechnics show at Manhattan Beach, the easternmost end of Coney Island, is a great place to start. We all know who really enjoys putting on a show that hops. 
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persephoneizm · 9 months ago
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Salamis Amphiteatre Dionysos Altar 1075 B.C.
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theartraveller · 9 months ago
Unveiling Wonders: Why The National Museum of Egyptian Civilization Belongs on Your Bucket List
the new national Museum of Egyptian Civilization is outrageously amazing photo by ©THE ART TRAVELLER ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Firstly, the architecture is beautiful. It’s a striking building with lavish landscaping and, in the middle of crowded Cairo, a wonderful sense of space. It’s also full of facilities: theatre, a Roman-style amphiteatre, cinema and all kinds of rooms for different functions.…
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baliportalnews · 1 year ago
Genap Satu Tahun, Trans Studio Bali Theme Park Rayakan Anniversary Pertama dengan Undang Anak Yatim dan Bagi-bagi Doorprize
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BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, DENPASAR - Trans Studio Bali, satu-satunya taman rekreasi wahana dalam ruangan di Bali merayakan Anniversary pertama, tepat satu tahun sejak dibuka pada 16 Desember 2022 lalu. Bertajuk ‘Holiday in Wonderland’, perayaan Anniversary Trans Studio Bali menghadirkan dekorasi unik dan lucu bertema pastel seolah membawa pengunjung ke negeri permen. Dekorasi tematik ini tidak hanya ada saat acara puncak, tetapi bisa dinikmati selama libur akhir tahun, yaitu mulai tanggal 15 Desember 2023 s/d 7 Januari 2024. Puncak acara Anniversary sendiri berlangsung pada 23 Desember 2023, dimana banyak rangkaian acara yang dihadirkan. Salah satunya adalah adanya kegiatan CSR mengundang 275 orang anak yatim dari yayasan-yayasan wilayah Denpasar dan sekitarnya. Juanito Alfa selaku Head of Marketing mengungkapkan, dengan dilaksanakannya kegiatan CSR ini pihaknya berharap anak yatim akan merasa senang dan terhibur bisa bermain ke Trans Studio Bali. “Karena ini merupakan Anniversary Trans Studio Bali yang pertama, kami ingin membuat banyak momen bermakna, salah satunya dengan berbagi kebahagiaan kepada anak-anak”, ungkapnya saat ditemui di Trans Studio Bali. Selain CSR, dilaksanakan pula pengundian doorprize, dimana akan diundi dari nomor seri tiket masuk pengunjung yang datang di puncak acara. Adapun hadiah doorprize yang dihadirkan antara lain Voucher Tiket Pesawat Garuda Indonesia, Smart Watch, Emas 0,5 gram, Blender, hingga smart TV 32 Inch. Tak hanya itu, 111 pengunjung pertama juga mendapatkan keychain pin gratis dari Trans Studio Bali. Rangkaian acara lainnya yang tidak kalah menarik adalah penampilan Welcoming DJ di pintu masuk Trans Studio Bali, Stand Free Photobooth 360o, pembagian cupcake, serta penampilan spesial Wulan Azhar dan Band. Menggabungkan acara eksternal dan internal, dilaksanakan pula pengumuman Best Employee untuk para staff Trans Studio Bali sebagai bentuk apreasiasi selama satu tahun bekerja. Kemudian, tak lupa acara tiup lilin dan pemotongan kue secara simbolis, serta ditutup dengan Balloon Drop berisikan hadiah-hadiah menarik dari para sponsor. Dalam sambutannya saat di Panggung Amphiteatre Trans Studio Bali, I Nyoman Sutarjana selaku General Manager Trans Studio Bali menyampaikan bahwa Anniversary ini menjadi momen yang tepat untuk merayakan pencapaian luar biasa selama satu tahun Trans Studio Bali berdiri. “Kedepannya, Trans Studio Bali akan terus melakukan evaluasi dan berkomitmen bersama-sama untuk meningkatkan kualitas experience baik itu dari segi wahana, show serta keamanan dan keselamatan pengunjung. Selamat ulang tahun Trans Studio Bali,” serunya saat sambutan berlangsung.(bpn) Read the full article
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luciochaves · 1 year ago
Watch Rodrigo Y Gabriela Enchant Red Rocks Amphiteatre With "Diablo Rojo...
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travellers2travellers · 2 years ago
The Roman amphiteatre of Pula - Croatia
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nouvellesdumaquis · 2 years ago
Pop Legends en tournée avec The Beatles, Elton John et ABBA
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Bonne nouvelle pour les fans d'ABBA, des Beatles et d'Elton John ! La tournée Pop Legends repart sur les routes de France pour un show extraordinaire de trois heures avec trois tribute bands incroyables à voir le 08 juin au Dôme de Paris et dans toute la France cet été.
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Pop Legends réunit pour la première fois – et ce dans une même soirée – les artistes interprétant les trois plus grands noms de l’histoire de la pop music, à savoir The Beatles, Elton John & ABBA interprétés respectivement par The Bestbeat, The Rocket Man et ABBA Mania. C’est « L’ » événement de ce début d’année à ne pas rater pour tous les fans de musique POP : The Beatles, ABBA et Elton John réunis en un seul grand concert ! Pop Legends consacre un spectacle à ces grands artistes de la pop music et rend ainsi hommage à la variété internationale et aux plus grands tubes qui ont traversé le temps (et que nous avons tous fredonnés même sans en connaître exactement les paroles !).
Pop Legends débute le 8 Juin au Dôme de Paris – Palais des Sports puis en tournée :
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LYON – AMPHITEATRE SALLE 3000 / 04.06.23 à 17h00 BREST ARENA / 07.06.23 à 20h00 PARIS – DOME DE PARIS / 08.06.23 à 20h00 TOURS – PALAIS DES CONGRES LE VINCI / 09.06.23 à 20H00 LIMOGES – ZENITH  / 10.06.23 à 20h00 CAEN – ZENITH  / 13-06-2023 à 20h30 ROUEN – ZENITH / 14.06.2023 à 20h30 LILLE – ZENITH / 15.06.2023 – 20h00 LONGUENESSE - SCENEO / 16.06.23 à 20h30 SAINT-ETIENNE – ZENITH / 18.06.23 à 17h00 CHAMBERY – LE PHARE / 20.06.23 à 20h30 
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lutnistas · 2 years ago
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Amphitheater ( Colosseo ) of El Jem ( El Djem / Tunisia ) 
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professorlizzard · 2 years ago
Week #18
120. King For A Day Temp Agency: A small apartment housing a very regal looking temp agency. Here, you can rent all kind of kings from Planet Friedrich, from the elected king of Free Aurentine, to the grilling king of Emgnuland. Note: these are not real kings, but you are contractually obliged to treat them as such.
121. The Ranking Of Things: A tabloid newspaper headquarter, with stained glass windows. Inside, fear weasel journalists write colourful papers about the best Elder Thing of the month. Elder Things really like this newspaper for the coupons inside them.
122. The Amphiteatre Authority: A great stone building. Insides, the cyclopsean council of music provided audience. Will your planned venue be too loud, or perhaps, not loud enough?
123. The office of non-standardized measures: A no-nonsense and drab office building. Inside, you can find exhibits of measurements that were proposed as universal, but failed. As Oldkilo, famous, Eelglish scientist said, you can't succeed in this world with illogical measurement like the Horfle (exchanges for 11 Mlench, but only on the weekend).
124. The High Court Of All Tourism: This is a building covered in flags. If you have any grievances with the hotels and inns you are staying at, submit your issues here. The court will visit horrors on the offices who dare to break the rules of hospitality (and these horrors are of the eldritch kind).
125. Traffic Control: An office building, decorated with a grand statue of the cyclopsean god of city transit, Metra. This building is responsible for assigning car free zones, parking zones, mass transit zones and the like. As the office believes that mass transit belongs to the masses, the city is very friendly for carless folks.
126. Secret Trial By Robot: A secret underground robot fighting ring. Shady scientist, Gunsrules have found this place where scientists can settle their disputes in robot battles. Of course, these are just remote controlled nonsentient robots, do not worry (but robot shells from Core Prime often join the fight on behalf of fleshy creatures).
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ifreakingloveroyals · 2 years ago
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Through the Years → Felipe VI of Spain (1,775/∞)
30 June 2015 | King Felipe VI of Spain gives a speech during a visit to the Universidad Nacional (UNAM) at UNAM's Simon Bolivar Amphiteatre in Mexico City, Mexico. The Spanish Monarchs are in their second state visit since the proclamation of Felipe VI as Spanish King last June 19th of 2014. (Photo by Daniel Cardenas/LatinContent via Getty Images)
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ancientromebuildings · 3 years ago
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Pozzuoli amphitheatre
* 1st century ce
Pozzuoli, July 2019
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nobeerreviews · 5 years ago
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And the temple of love grows old and strong But the wind blows stronger cold and long And the temple of love will fall before us Black wind calls my name to you no more
(Sisters of Mercy - Temple of love)
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