#amphibious vehicle market
aviationanddefence1 · 9 months
Global Amphibious Vehicle Market Report
The worldwide Amphibious Vehicle market may be divided into two segments based on End User: defense and commercial. During the anticipated period, the commercial category is expected to increase the most. The market is likely to benefit from the increasing use of amphibious excavators for dredging. In terms of both value and volume, the military sector has held the highest market share. Rising defense spending has a beneficial impact on the market.
Market for Amphibious Vehicles by Propulsion Type:
The global amphibious vehicle market report is divided into screw propellers, water jets, and track-based vehicles, among others. In terms of both value and volume, the track-based propeller sector has the biggest market share. The segment's growth is driven positively by its ability to move at high speeds on both land and water surfaces. The segment's growth will be driven by increased demand for track-based propulsion in defense applications. The amphibious vehicles enable military soldiers to survey and monitor both sea and land borders efficiently.
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aviationdefence122 · 1 year
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rahulglobal · 2 years
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wemresearch · 2 years
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grandmaster-anne · 1 year
Court Circular | 30th March 2023
Hotel Adlon Kempinski Berlin
The King and The Queen Consort, accompanied by His Majesty’s Ambassador to the Federal Republic of Germany (Her Excellency Mrs Jill Gallard) and Ms Franziska Giffey (Governing Mayor of Berlin), this morning signed the City’s Golden Book before His Majesty called upon Mr Olaf Scholz (Federal Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany) at the Federal Chancellery, Berlin. The King and The Queen Consort afterwards visited Wittenbergplatz Market and were received by the Managing Director of Berlin-Brandenburg Farmers’ Market (Ms Silvia Hintsche). Their Majesties subsequently attended a Plenary Session at the Bundestag and were received by the President of the Bundestag (Ms Bärbel Bas). Ms Bas welcomed The King and The Queen Consort and His Majesty addressed the Session. The King this afternoon visited the Ukraine Arrivals Centre, Tegel Refugee Centre, Berlin, and was received by The President of the Federal Republic of Germany. His Majesty afterwards visited Wasserstrassen und Schifffahrtsamt, Finowfurt, and was received by the Minister President of Brandenburg (Dr Dietmar Woidke). The King, accompanied by the Federal President of Germany, viewed a static display of a British amphibious bridge and a mechanised infantry vehicle before viewing the completion of the amphibious bridge. His Majesty walked on to the bridge and spoke to a group of British and German soldiers. The King later visited Brodowin Organic Farm, Ökodorf Brodowin, Weissensee, Chorin, and was received by Mr and Ms Ludolf von Maltzan (Owners). His Majesty toured the dairy and viewed the ripening rooms before meeting members of the farm staff and young farmers. The Queen Consort, accompanied by Ms Büdenbender (wife of The President of the Federal Republic of Germany), this afternoon visited Refugio Café, Berlin. Her Majesty and Ms Büdenbender afterwards visited Komische Oper, Berlin.
St James’s Palace
The Princess Royal, Patron, the Injured Jockeys Fund, this morning opened their South West Hub at Taunton Rugby Club, Veritas Park, Hyde Lane, Taunton, and, having been received by His Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant of Somerset (Mr Mohammed Saddiq), this afternoon attended a Reception at Taunton Racecourse. Her Royal Highness later opened Weston College’s Health and Active Living Skills Centre, Loxton Road, Weston-super-Mare, Somerset.
Kensington Palace
The Duke and Duchess of Gloucester this morning attended the Lord Mayor’s Big Curry Lunch Reception at Guildhall, Gresham Street, London EC2.
St James’s Palace
The Duke of Kent, Patron, the Society for Army Historical Research, this morning received Major General Ashley Truluck (Chairman) and Members of the Society’s Council and was presented with the Fellowship of the Society.
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If you're a Scooby-Doo clone, and I'm a Scooby-Doo clone, what's left of us? (A blind opinion on the reasonably forgotten Goober and the Ghost Chasers)
One of many clones made to cash in on the success of Scooby-Doo throughout the 1970s. Goober was less successful than most, only managing 16 episodes before it was canned. The series follows a trio of ghost-chasing teens and their wacky dog as they chase ghosts for their magazine, Ghost Chasers Magazine.
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Ted (left): The Fred of the group. Drives the car, and uses his alliterative equipment in his Apparition Apparatus Kit to do most of the investigative work.
Tina (center): She interviews the ghosts, and presumably writes the stories for their magazine. She seemed a little braver than Ted, willing to stand her ground and continue her interview until the ghosts get within arms reach.
Gilly (right): Their Shaggy ghost photographer. He is completely oblivious to danger; willing to let ghosts actively grab him in order to get his shot. And even berating Goober when he tries to save him.
Goober (dog): Ok, we got to him; the title character. The creature that would become Scooby-Two. He's ugly, he's annoying, and he completely lacks all of the charm of Scoob. Except when he does. Then you see through the grime placed upon him and see him for what he is. Goober.
What sets him apart from Scooby? His cowardice. While that is a Scooby trait, Goober et al. uses it to contrast his human companion's oblivious bravery. Usually having to drag characters away from danger. He also randomly turns invisible. There is 0 explanation for this, but it is often used for a "you thought he was there, but it was just his hat" gag. Otherwise, it was just done to save on animation.
You may notice some, er, recognizable music in this clip. The show has an original soundtrack, but the earlier episodes would sometimes recycle tracks from Scooby-Doo.
Unlike Scooby-Doo, Goober can’t talk except to the audience. Which he does in the most nonsensical fourth-wall breaks ever conceived. Like, sometimes they are just humorous asides, but most of the time they make absolutely no sense.
Like every "teens hunt ghosts with talking animal" series, the teens need a vehicle and boy do these teens have a vehicle.
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I honestly don't know what this is. It has six wheels, an open driver's seat, the front kinda looks amphibious. Is this a military surplus vehicle the kids got? A custom creation? Are the middle wheels just decorative (a fashion statement I completely understand)? Does it have a marketable name? The world will never know.
Now onto the show itself. The first thing we see is the opening and it is desperately trying to evoke feelings of “Scooby-Doo”. Kids walking in vague corridors, ghosts and skeletons appear, dog runs away, dog says his one liner, kids show their ‘unique’ personalities.
There are two problems though. First, the only kid whose personality is shown is Gilly, and he is only shown to take pictures of ghosts. Second, the dog’s one liner is stupid. Scooby has his “Ruh-roh”, a funny modification on “Uh-oh” which can be used in any instance. Goober? He’s got “Who’s afraid of ghosts?” (Hint: It’s him. He was just running from them) and “This is ridic-alic-alic-alic-alous”. The first one makes no sense in the context of the intro, and the second makes me want to violence.
The typical episode was, well, it was Scooby-Doo. There's a mystery, they solve it. Except, Goober mysteries often involve actual ghosts. Which brings some added uniqueness to the series. Every episode also had a “If you didn’t x, and I didn’t x, then who did??” moment. It was never funny, but their insistence on using it (sometimes more than once an episode) made it wrap back around to hilarity, and a moment I was genuinely looking forward too every episode.
They also made the gang absolute morons who struggle to complete a puzzle with four pieces left.
Ok, that's a typical episode, but what about the quality Mark? Quality seems more important than formula. Of course it is Steven, you absolute fucking moron. That's what I'll discuss right after this segue.
Most of the show (almost 75%) is just blegh. Not bad per se, but so bland and so nothing I struggled to get through them and believed writing about the series to be impossible. There was just. . . nothing there. The first eleven episodes were absolutely nothing. The kids showed up, there was a ghost (either real or fake, it didn't matter), they would split up, group A finds and flees from ghost, group B finds and flees from ghost, repeat until 17 minutes of footage, then yada yada over the solution, and roll credits.
When I say 'yada yada' I mean yada yada.
All but one of these first eleven episodes had a guest star. With eight of them 'guest starring' the Partridge Family from the show of the same name airing at the time. Calling the Partridge Family 'guest stars' is like calling Vegeta a guest star. They are in half the episodes and play integral roles in each of them (as integral as they can given the episodes were nothing).
The most egregious example is episode five. The episode has the Chasers and Patridges (except the two youngest Partridge kids who exist to be told to wait outside the plot) stuck on a pirate ship haunted by two ghosts. The ghosts, Dink and Dunk, offer entertaining banter. And the “d” alliteration throughout the episode is fun, but the entire episode is “don’t ring the bell or Dunk will wake up and be mad!” *someone rings the bell* “Hide gang!” *Dunk goes to bed* Repeated 3 times. Ending when the gang finds the island where Dunk hid his treasure, something Dink mentions they should do several times throughout the episode. However, the gang completely ignores him and only happens upon the island Dink couldn’t find for 100 years. If the episode had just been the gang helping Dink find the island while Dunk is mean it would have been great (well, it would have been ok).
As with all cartoons at the time, there are a number of small errors throughout. From Gilly wearing his camera after it had been stolen, to minor discolorations. However, there's one really glaring error in episode 11, see if you can spot it.
Ok, I've talked about the bad first episodes, but what about the one's after 11? Well, about those. . . the five episodes after the Partridge family left are great. Like, way better than the first 11 episodes. There were real mysteries with clues and twists. The Ghost Chasers all do things in the episode. There are actually memorable gags and scenes. It was a magical shift in tone and quality.
Hell, one of the episodes inspired me. The effect for the villain in episode 15 talking looked super cool and I am definitely stealing it for something.
The first eleven episodes feel like someone wanted to make the next Scooby-Doo. From the restrained quirkiness of the dog, the usage of guest stars to drum up early interest, even using its music. They wanted the next Scooby-Doo so they took everything they could from it and added celebrities, and they failed. Not spectacularly. There was no spectacle, there was no reason to take note of it. It just failed. Nothing worth remembering, nothing worth revisiting.
But those last five? Those feel like someone wanted to make Goober. Sure, it's bones were still Scooby-Doo, but it was no longer only wearing a different skin. It had different flavor. The ghosts being real was no longer a gimmick used to disguise yet another villain scaring kids off their lawn. They were used as actual characters in the episode. From minor gag appearances to being a major antagonist or red herring.
Of course, the quality of these episodes is severely limited by the time and audience they were written for. They are good compared to the preceding eleven episodes, but compared to a modern television series they are middling. The reason I call them great is because of the promise they show. The promise that the series could have come into its own identity if given the time and freedom.
Goober wasn't good. It was a lazy excuse to cash in on the latest cash cow. It being forgotten was a reasonable outcome for what it was, but not a deserved one. Regardless of the soulless reason for creating the show and the awkward execution in the first three quarters of it, people put effort into it. They put their minds into it. And the fruits of their minds deserve to be remembered. Because, regardless of its poor execution, Goober has good ideas hidden within it. The mystery solving teens not being brave or cowardly but oblivious to danger. Hunting ghosts not being a hobby but a livelihood (which could be used to explain their willingness to be near dangerous ghosts. Can't pay rent if you're dead or if you don't get the picture. Might as well try for both). The dog being the straight man and voice of cowardly reason to the humans. The ghosts being malevolent, benevolent, or just plain evolent.
These concepts are worth revisiting and reimagining. Not as Goober 2, but as something else. Something new, building upon those brilliant ideas squandered by the original trying to fill-in Scooby-Doo's shadow. Something combining those ideas with their own to make a new, greater story. That's why nothing deserves to be forgotten. Forgetting someone's work is to slow the evolution of the human imagination. People grow from the stories they hear, even ones rarely spoken.
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turtlethon · 1 year
“Atlantis Awakes”
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Season 7, Episode 23 First US Airdate: December 4, 1993
Bebop is declared the King of Atlantis and the Turtles must help a half-man, half-fish to claim his rightful throne.
We’re into the final five episodes of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles season seven. “Atlantis Awakes” is credited to David Wise and first aired in a double bill with "Dirk Savage: Mutant Hunter".
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It’s rare to see the Turtles using a vehicle other than their van these days, with even the blimp popping up only occasionally. Today’s show is an exception, with one of the sewer tubes and a new dinghy carrying our heroes around underground. Michaelangelo is on a surfboard and breaks off from the team to travel down a winding tunnel, but winds up losing his footing. He narrowly avoids going over a steep drop when a mysterious figure emerges from the water to save him.
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Michaelangelo’s rescuer is a half-man, half-fish called Alim Coelacanth. Providing him with a snappier (and more marketable) name, an astonished Mikey dubs him “Merdude” before reuniting with the other Turtles. The rest of the team find this talk of a fish-man dubious, but Alim emerges from the water to greet them, explaining that he’s from the city of Atlantis. Regular Turtlethon readers will know that the green teens encountered the sunken city first-hand during a visit to Greece in “The Lost Queen of Atlantis”, an episode that aired in the US mere weeks prior to the broadcast of this one. The Turtles seemingly have no memory of such an adventure now, with Raphael dismissing Atlantis as “just a myth”. Apparently either David Wise was unaware of the existence of that episode, or considered its events to be non-canon, which itself is perhaps the best possible indicator that the entire “Vacation in Europe” side-season exists outside of the proper TMNT timeline.
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Alim explains to the Turtles that the other Atlanteans are human, with him being the exception; he left the city over 200 years ago in search of others of his own species. This quest has proved unsuccessful, and so he seeks to return to Atlantis, but has lost track of it. The Turtles agree to help Alim return home, and the group swim off together in search of the city.
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The Technodrome is rolling around at the bottom of the sea, and Krang has discovered interesting energy readings from a location nearby. Rather than driving the fortress there, Shredder leaves on a scouting mission with Rocksteady and Bebop in an amphibious transport module. The villains are stunned to discover the lost city of Atlantis under a giant dome, and demand to be granted entry. Once inside, the citizens begin bowing upon seeing Bebop, declaring that their “king has come”.
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As Alim summons a group of sea creatures for the Turtles to ride so they can keep up with him, the people of Atlantis explain that they’ve waited for generations for the prophecy of a beast man to emerge who will be declared their ruler, and so Bebop is now made their king. Rocksteady is upset at this, wondering why his friend was selected for the role over him. Giving orders doesn’t come easily to Bebop, and so he leans on Shredder for advice as a dissenter called Hepax Lagamina declares this to be a farce; at the suggestion of Shreds, the new king has her dragged away to be clapped in irons.
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The Turtles and Alim take an underground passage into the city, emerging in the throne room as Bebop is made king in an official ceremony. A group of spear-wielding men encircle the group as the first act ends.
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Act two opens with our heroes attempting to point out that Bebop is no king, before ultimately being forced to retreat into the water; with no breathing equipment, the Atlanteans are unable to pursue them. Later, Rocksteady complains about being passed over for the role of king to a disinterested Shredder as the two discover a room containing a giant jewel. Shredder informs Krang of this discovery, and he suggests it could be used to supercharge the Technodrome’s main cannon. Though the jewel is too heavy for Shredder and Rocksteady to carry on their own, Bebop’s influence will allow them to have the Atlanteans move it instead.
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Power is beginning to go to Bebop’s head by the time Shredder returns to address him, and it doesn’t take long before the new king turns his troops against his old boss. Meanwhile Alim explains to the Turtles that the advanced equipment kept in the palace is used to power the Hammer of Atlantis. Before he can expand on its purpose, the group are distracted by cries from a voice nearby. The group find Hepax Lagamina trapped in a jail cell. Upon seeing Alim, she declares that he must be the true beast man the prophecy spoke of, and that he must challenge Bebop for the title in the Atlantean Arena. Before they can break her out, a group of guards approach, and so the Turtles and Alim are forced to escape into the water once more. This time the guards have breathing equipment, and pursue the intruders underwater.
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King Bebop has Shredder get down on his knees in deference to him, alongside a now-weeping Rocksteady, who seems to be developing an inferiority complex as he watches his old buddy throw his weight around. Shreds eventually decides he’s had enough. Calling Krang via com-link, he orders that the contents of the former henchman’s room be burned. Bebop is aghast at the thought of his action figures, bubblegum cards and comic books being destroyed. He agrees to carry out Shredder’s mission, and has his troops begin the process of transporting the oversized jewel.
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The Turtles battle the royal guards in the waters outside of the city, but find the odds against them. Alim uses his special powers to turn things around, calling on a group of nearby sea creatures to restrain the men. With their path now clear, our heroes head back inside.
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Emerging inside the palace, Donnie and Raph split off to confront Shredder, while Leo and Mikey are tasked with freeing Hepax. Alim heads to the throne room, where he confronts Bebop; The King’s advisor Malathor informs him that he must accept this challenge, or he will have to forfeit his crown.
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As Leonardo and Michaelangelo battle Rocksteady for control of the keys to Hepax’s cell, Alim and Bebop begin doing battle in the arena. Shredder is confronted by Raphael and Donatello, but uses a laser blaster to bring the roof down upon the Turtles, leaving them in a pile of rubble as act two ends.
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It turns out that Raph and Donnie just happened to be standing near a canal outlet while being fired upon, and were able to dip into it to avoid the impact. Though the two are unharmed, they emerge to find Shredder has escaped with the crystal. Elsewhere, Leonardo and Michaelangelo outsmart Rocksteady, trapping him in a neighbouring cell as they free Hepax. The trio head to the arena and offer words of encouragement to Alim: Hepax instructs him to grab the Trident of Power, a weapon mounted nearby, which will only be of use to the true King of Atlantis. He uses the Trident to force Bebop to admit his rule is illegitimate, leading to cheers from the city dwellers. Before Alim can celebrate, Raphael and Donatello arrive to inform him of Shredder’s theft of the jewel, which Hepax explains is the “Star of Atlantis”.
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Bebop finds Rocksteady and frees him from his jail cell before tracking down Shredder and asking for his old job back. Shreds has his former henchman get down on his knees and grovel, but soon has bigger issues to deal with, as the Turtles arrive to confront him, accompanied by Alim and Hepax. As a going-away gift, he punctures the protective dome of the city with a blast from his laser weapon before escaping in his module. Alim again uses his psychic powers, this time summoning a giant squid that covers the hole and prevents any further water from getting in.
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The Turtles ride a pair of whales as they follow Alim out of the city, preparing for their next move. Meanwhile Shredder’s module arrives at the Technodrome and a group of Foot Soldiers unload the Star of Atlantis. As our heroes approach Krang’s fortress, it dawns upon them that he’s about to use the crystal’s power to open fire upon Atlantis. The group push the eyeball atop the Technodrome out of alignment, leading the blast to miss its target; after retrieving the jewel, our heroes and a group of sea creatures summoned by Alim safely transport it back to the city.
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Back in Atlantis, Alim is officially declared king, and announces that Hepax will be his royal councillor. The Turtles are unconvinced by his subsequent speech about this being the start of a new, peaceful era for the Atlanteans, given that Shredder and Krang remain nearby, and their fears turn out to be well-founded: as they speak, the Technodrome is approaching the domed city and about to launch an attack. Alim is unconcerned, as the power of the Hammer of Atlantis is revealed, the large crystal being the energy source for an array of hidden weapons surrounding the city which emerge to open fire on the Technodrome. Shredder and Krang watch as their systems overload, and are forced to make a humiliating retreat.
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With the day saved, Alim makes special arrangements to take our heroes home, introducing them to a quartet of giant sea turtles. Upon arriving back in the Lair, Leonardo remarks that the team has had a lot of adventures, “but this one tops ‘em all”. Michaelangelo emerges with a pizza made in Alim’s honour, the “Merdude Special”, covered in seaweed and other maritime items that leave the other Turtles queasy. The “disgusting pizza” ending, once such a fixture in the series that it was getting tiresome, has largely been taken out of rotation at this point; It’s almost nostalgic to see it dusted off for one more go-around.
I mentioned at the outset of this entry that we seldom see the Turtles use a vehicle other than their van these days; new characters popping up to coincide with their introductions to the toy line is also something that doesn’t happen as much as it did in seasons one through five. Alim / Merdude is an exception, having had a toy released a year prior to the broadcast of this adventure. My hunch is that Playmates largely didn’t care about the specifics of what went on in the cartoon by now as its drawing power had long since diminished. Moving forward, the toy line will move away from introducing new characters anyway, instead focusing on different versions of the Turtles (and occasionally Bebop and Rocksteady) with a never-ending array of bizarre gimmicks. This leaves Alim as one of the last members of an old tradition, the Mutant Guest Star of the Week: another of the many half-human, half-animal buddies that the Turtles cosy up to for twenty-two minutes, talk about maybe seeing again one day at the conclusion of the story, and then never speak of again.
Following on from “The Legend of Koji” a few weeks back, this is only the second episode ever to not feature April in any capacity. That story at least allowed Renae Jacobs to take on a different role as one of Shredder’s hired maidens, but here she’s not present at all. April’s absence is understandable as structurally it’d be tough to work her in. There’s very little wiggle room in this adventure, which kicks things off with the introduction of Alim staggeringly quickly; the fact that this is one of only a few of the Saturday morning TMNT episodes to use the shorter thirty second opening title sequence rather than the standard one-minute version is another tell-tale sign of the production team struggling to fit everything into the allocated broadcast time.
We can’t leave this adventure without returning to the thorny issue of this being the second Atlantis TMNT episode to air (for US viewers) in the space of seven weeks. But which is better? It’s no contest really: “The Lost Queen of Atlantis” had some fun stuff going on with the Turtles taking on the Atlantean cult, but it was hampered by the same ropey production values and general mediocrity that the entire Vacation in Europe side-season suffered from. It irks me to no end every time the Turtles speak as if they have no memory of prior adventures, but when it comes down to it an episode with adequate time and money spent on it like this one, from the main writer of the show, will always take precedence over what was effectively a single filler story from an entire side-season that accomplished nothing.
Next time, we’ll see the Punk Frogs and Mondo Gecko return for their final appearances in “Dirk Savage: Mutant Hunter”. PLUS: The belated TV debuts of Tokka and Rahzar!
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aiautos · 2 years
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This is the 1961 Studebaker Responder, an amphibious fire response vehicle built as a part of a government bailout to keep Studebaker from filing bankruptcy. Studebaker modified the 1960 Champ heavily into an amphibious firefighter, to be sold to the forestry service. However, despite 500 being ordered, this was not enough to save Studebaker, and the company folded in 1964. Because of the nature of the vehicles, AMC was contracted to retrofit and upgrade the vehicles until 1978, when they had reached an end-of-life phase, and were sold off to the civilian market. Most were converted into hunting blinds, or were used as parade vehicles, but this one (on display at the North American Museum of Automotive Heritage in Lancaster, New York), is Serial Number 0012, remains as the earliest unmolested model currently on display. Serial Number 0004, another unmodified unit, was severely damaged in a forest fire in the California forest fires of 2020, though is currently under restoration using the remains of Serial Number 0362.
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delvens1 · 17 days
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adityarana1687-blog · 25 days
Command And Control Systems Market To Reach $61.09 Billion By 2030
The global command and control systems market size is expected to reach USD 61.09 billion by 2030, expanding at a CAGR of 6.8% from 2024 to 2030, according to a new report by Grand View Research, Inc. The growing significance of situational awareness in the military, coupled with the increasing need for security and surveillance in law enforcement activities, manufacturing industries, and utilities, is driving the market growth. Moreover, geopolitical conflicts across various parts of the world are stimulating the demand for command and control (C2) systems due to the technological competencies provided by them, thereby positively influencing the market.
Market growth is further driven by the rising demand for C2 technology in the defense and commercial sectors, owing to its ability to combine various disciplines and interconnect them to optimize operations. In the commercial sector, fixed command and control centers are used to monitor and manage vital infrastructure, industrial sites, ports, harbors, and private airports, increasing demand in this segment, and thereby favoring market expansion.
A significant rise in military budgets across various countries and the emergence of cutting-edge defense technologies are major factors expected to boost C2 systems' demand. For instance, in April 2024, the U.S. Marine Corps awarded a USD 25 million contract to BAE Systems plc in addition to the previous USD 181 million contract for Amphibious Combat Vehicles (ACVs). ACV-P is the first in a range of four variants to be delivered to the Marine Corps, and its additional variants are comprised of ACV Command and Control (ACV-C), which is currently in production. Such initiatives are creating significant growth opportunities for the C2 systems market.
Growing investments in naval development worldwide, along with increasing global trade activities and the use of cargo ships in maritime trade, contribute to market growth. For instance, in November 2023, the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Maritime Administration announced allocating more than USD 653 million to fund 41 port improvement projects across the country as part of the Port Infrastructure Development Program (PIDP).
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Request a free sample copy or view report summary: Command And Control Systems Market Report
Command And Control Systems Market Report Highlights
Based on platform, the maritime segment is estimated to register the highest CAGR from 2024 to 2030 owing to increasing marine trade, the need for safety and security of shipping operations, and growing investments in naval forces across various countries
Based on solution, the hardware segment accounted for the largest revenue share in 2023 owing to rising demand for robust hardware that enhances the functionality and effectiveness of C2 systems
Based on application, the defense segment dominated the market in 2023 as several governments are aggressively pursuing defense modernization initiatives amid rising security concerns and growing armed conflicts in different parts of the world
In February 2024, Northrop Grumman demonstrated a new software that receives, displays, and shares critical situational awareness data through handheld devices without connecting to a cloud server, protecting warfighters in support of Joint All-Domain Command and Control
Command And Control Systems Market Segmentation
Grand View Research has segmented the global command and control systems market report based on platform, solution, application, and region:
C2 Systems Platform Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
C2 Systems Solution Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
C2 Systems Application Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
C2 Systems Regional Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
North America
Asia Pacific
South Korea
Latin America
Middle East & Africa (MEA)
Saudi Arabia
South Africa
List of Key Players of Command And Control Systems Market
Lockheed Martin Corporation
BAE Systems
Collins Aerospace
Thales Group
Leonardo S.p.A.
Elbit Systems Ltd.
Northrop Grumman
CACI International Inc
Barco NV
Christie Digital Systems USA, Inc.
InFocus Corporation
Panasonic Corporation
Datapath Ltd.
Extron Electronics
Hiperwall, Inc.
Green Hippo Ltd. (tvOne)
RTX Corporation
RGB Spectrum
Userful Corporation
VuWall Technology Inc.
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aviationdefence122 · 1 year
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rahulglobal · 2 years
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wemresearch · 2 years
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Commercial Vehicle Accessories Market ruling majority of the Aftermarket Automotive Accessories Market
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The Commercial Vehicle Accessories Market is a dominant force within the broader Aftermarket Automotive Accessories Market, driven by the increasing demand for enhanced vehicle functionality, safety and aesthetics. With the rising global fleet of commercial vehicles, particularly in emerging economies, the demand for specialized accessories such as telematics systems, cargo management solutions, lighting and safety features is rising. This market encompasses various products and services, including vehicle tracking systems, custom interiors, performance-enhancing parts and external accessories like mud flaps and roof racks.
The Commercial Vehicle Accessories Market has skyrocketed to a market cap of USD 94.88 Billion last year in 2023. This market is experiencing a CAGR of 6.30% which has driven its potential by the increase in demand for essential accessories such as interior upgrades, safety equipment and technological advancements in commercial vehicles.
Some of the Prominent Companies in the Commercial Vehicle Accessories Market are :-
Robert Bosch - Europe (Germany)
Denso - Asia (Japan)
Magna International - North America (Canada)
ZF Friedrichshafen - Europe (Germany)
Hyundai Mobis - Asia (South Korea)
Aisin Seiki - Asia (Japan)
Faurecia - Europe (France)
Lear - North America (USA)
Valeo - Europe (France)
Thyssenkrupp - Europe (Germany)
BASF - Europe (Germany)
Panasonic Automotive - Asia (Japan)
Gestamp - Europe (Spain)
Commercial Vehicle Accessories Market Segmentation
Product by Type Coverage (Includes Market Size, Products by Segment, its Type and Influence) :-
Driveline & Powertrain
Interiors & Exteriors, Electronics
Bodies & Chassis
Wheel & Tires
Market Application in Commercial Vehicle Accessories Market:-
The Commercial Vehicle Accessories Market is segmented by Type and by Application, actors, stakeholders and the other members associated with the Commercial Vehicle Accessories Marketplace who can benefit from consuming the included content as a useful and powerful resource. The report consists of 162 pages of comprehensive data points that are segregated from different key regions around the world.
When it comes to commercial vehicles, the right accessories can make all the difference. Whether it's boosting performance, enhancing safety, or just making the ride more comfortable, the Commercial Vehicle Accessories Market offers a wide range of products designed to meet the unique needs of different industries.
Applications: OEMs vs. Aftermarket
Let’s start by breaking down where these accessories come from. There are two main sources:
OEMs (Original Equipment Manufacturers): These are the accessories that come directly from the vehicle’s manufacturer. They’re built to fit perfectly and work seamlessly with your vehicle. Think of these as the “official” parts that come pre-installed when you buy a new truck or van.
Aftermarket: This is where things get interesting. The aftermarket offers a huge variety of accessories that you can add or upgrade after you’ve bought your vehicle. Whether you’re looking for a better sound system, stronger tyres, or a high-tech navigation system, the aftermarket has it all. Plus, it often offers more options and better prices than OEMs.
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nissansouthafrica · 2 months
Why the Nissan Navara Single Cab is a Smart Long-Term Investment
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The right choice of vehicle can make all the difference in a dynamically changing South African business environment. The Nissan Navara Single Cab has held its ground to stay at the forefront of reliability, efficiency, and versatility. This powerhouse from Nissan South Africa deserves closer study by entrepreneurs and businesses looking to secure a smart long-term investment.
Comfort and Style: Built to Last
The Nissan Navara Single Cab is an amphibious workhorse that does not let down on comfort and style. Sturdy in build, it gives endurance and hence can be relied upon by any person who needs a vehicle that will stand both on time and on terrain. Be it city driving or rough country roads.
Fuel Efficiency: A Companion for Business
Thus, one of the major reasons it makes a wise buy is the fuel economy of the Navara Single Cab. In a country where fuel prices can significantly impact a business's bottom line, Navara's economic engine becomes an ace up its sleeve. This will hence reduce associated operating costs with time, helping the firm allocate its resources properly.
Versatility: Adapting to Business Needs
But what makes it versatile for business is this Nissan Navara Single Cab: it has a full-sized cargo bed that can carry goods, equipment, or materials easily. This means it is suitable for a very broad range of industries—from building and agriculture to delivery and just about anything. Its adaptability ensures that as your business evolves, your Navara can keep pace with changing needs.
Durability: Built for Daily Demands
Another strong point of the Navara Single Cab is its durability. This pickup, made from high-strength steel and tested to the extreme, has been reinforced to handle any daily business demands. This strength not only gives assurance of reliability but also helps raise its resale value, further anchoring its place as a smart long-term investment.
Safety: Protecting Your Investment
Navara Single Cab has also received a lot of emphasis on safety from Nissan South Africa by fitting the car with improved features regarding driver and cargo protection. From the cabin structure to the suite of its electronic safety systems, the Navara gives real peace of mind on each journey. Moreover, a car that is designed and built bearing safety in mind is likely to result in lower insurance premiums and less risk of expensive accidents. This adds significant long-term value to the vehicle.
Maintenance: Cost-Effective Upkeep
The Navara also comes with a reputation for reliability in its maintenance needs. With long service intervals and, at the same time, a good network of Nissan service centers across South Africa, your vehicle will have the required service attention while you save on both effort and money. This easy maintenance is one major reason for the Navara's lower total cost of ownership over its lifetime.
Balancing Performance and Eco-Friendliness
The Nissan Navara Single Cab offers each business sensitive to its ecological footprint the perfect balance between performance and care for the environment. Its lean-burn engine cuts fuel costs with less fuel consumption and lowers emissions, meeting increased corporate sustainability goals without giving up a lot of capability.
A Reliable Partner for Business Success
Purchasing a Nissan Navara Single Cab means much more than buying a vehicle; it is about manning your business with a trustworthy partner for the long term. Its durability, efficiency, versatility, and ability to hold its value truly set this vehicle apart from competitors in a saturated pickup market. The Navara Single Cab is, therefore, very well placed to dominate the class as businesses in South Africa look toward running efficiently and investing wisely for the future.
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marketwire · 4 months
CBRNE Integrated Vehicle Market - Forecast(2024 - 2030)
CBRNE Integrated Vehicle Market Overview:
CBRNE Integrated Vehicle Market size is estimated to reach $7.3 billion by 2030, growing at a CAGR of 5.3% during the forecast period 2023-2030. The market for CBRNE Integrated Vehicle is primarily driven by the growing investments in the defense industry and rising need for public safety, there is an increasing demand for integrated vehicles in several areas such as military, homeland security and border control, industrial facilities, nuclear power plants and so on. According to USAspending.gov report, The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has $178.88 billion split among its 17 sub-components in fiscal year 2023.
Market Snapshot: CBRNE Integrated Vehicle Market - Report Coverage:
The “CBRNE Integrated Vehicle Market Report - Forecast (2023-2030)” by IndustryARC, covers an in-depth analysis of the following segments in the CBRNE Integrated Vehicle Market.
By System
Reconnaissance Vehicles
Unmanned Vehicles (Ground, Aerial, Underwater/Naval)
Mobile Labs
By End User
Military and Defense (Army, Airforce, Navy/Coast Guard, Special Forces)
Others (Law Enforcement and Public Safety, Emergency Response and Homeland Security, Research and Scientific Institutions, Healthcare, Industrial, Others)
By Geography
North America (U.S., Canada and Mexico)
Europe (Germany, France, UK, Italy, Netherlands, Belgium, Poland Spain, and Rest of Europe),
Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, South Korea, India, Australia, Russia and Rest of Asia-Pacific),
South America (Brazil, Argentina, and Rest of South America)
Rest of the World (Middle East and Africa).
COVID-19/ Ukraine Crisis - Impact Analysis: 
∙       The pandemic caused major disruptions in worldwide supply chains, disrupting defense equipment manufacturing and delivery, including CBRNE integrated vehicles. Manufacturing and delivery delays are caused by lockdowns, mobility restrictions, and workforce limits. Governments throughout the world experienced enormous economic issues as a result of the epidemic, prompting budget cuts in a variety of areas, including defense funding. Defense budget cuts have had an influence on the acquisition of CBRNE integrated vehicles.
∙       The Russia-Ukraine war has broader consequences on the global economy, including energy prices, supply chains, and trade flows. These macroeconomic factors have indirectly impacted overall demand for CBRNE integrated vehicles. Additionally, at a regional level the demand for CBRNE integrated vehicles witnessed increase due to the rising tensions of the conflict and concerns over use of chemical & nuclear agents in the war.
Key Takeaways:
∙       Fastest Growth of Asia Pacific Region
Asia Pacific region is analyzed to grow with the highest CAGR 6.3% in the global CBRNE Integrated Vehicle Market during the forecast period 2023-2030. Rising investments in Army and Defense has led to a growing demand for CBRNE Integrated Vehicle in the region. For Instance, in 2022, South Korea's Defense Acquisition Programme Administration (DAPA) has signed a contract with Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) to develop an airborne mine countermeasures (AMCM) system for the Republic of Korea Navy (RoKN) worth $70 million. According to KAI, its Marineon amphibious mobile helicopter, which is being developed for the Republic of Korea Marine Corps (RoKMC), will be modified for the role. These systems will include laser mine Integrated Vehicle, an underwater autonomous mine search vehicle, and an unmanned mine neutralization system.
∙       Reconnaissance Vehicles are Leading the Market
Reconnaissance Vehicles with new systems accounted for the largest share, attributing a value of $2.5 Billion in 2022. Reconnaissance vehicles, also known as recce vehicles or scout vehicles, are specialized military vehicles designed for the purpose of gathering information about the enemy, terrain, and other relevant aspects of the battlefield. The electrification of reconnaissance vehicles in the military is a growing trend aimed at enhancing their stealth, agility, and sustainability. Electric propulsion systems, including hybrid and fully electric options, reduce noise levels, making these vehicles more discreet during covert operations. Moreover, electric reconnaissance vehicles contribute to lower fuel consumption and reduced emissions, aligning with environmental and logistical considerations in modern military strategies. This transition represents a significant advancement in military technology, enabling more efficient and eco-friendly reconnaissance missions. In March 2023, the US Army approved the requirements to begin prototyping its new Electric Light Reconnaissance Vehicle (eLRV).
∙       Unmanned Vehicles to Register Highest Growth
Unmanned Vehicles segment is analyzed to grow with the highest CAGR 7.5% during the forecast period 2023-2030. This is owing to several nations are investing in CBRNE integrated vehicle contracts for homeland security, In February 2023, FIR teledyne defense, a division of teledyne technologies incorporated, announced that the U.S. department of defense has awarded it a $13.3 million contract to enhance the CBRN (chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear) reconnaissance capabilities of its R80D SkyRaider unmanned aerial system.
∙       The Continuous Rise in Military Expenditures and Spending Across the Globe Is Driving the Market.
According to Stockholm International Peace Research Institute report, In 2022, global military spending increased by 3.7% in real terms to a record $2,240 billion. Over the decade 2013-22, global spending increased by 19% and has risen every year since 2015. Military expenditure by states in Central and Western Europe totaled $345 billion in 2022. Russia's invasion of Ukraine was a major driver of spending growth in 2022. Military spending in Europe increased by 13% last year, the largest annual increase in total European spending since the Cold War. Significant increases in Russian and Ukrainian spending accounted for much of the exceptional growth, but many other European countries increased their military budgets in 2022.
∙       High Costs Associated with CBRNE Detection Services & Products as a Major Challenge
Developing advanced CBRNE Integrated Vehicles requires significant investments in research and development. Creating reliable and sensitive vehicle to detect a wide range of chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and explosive agents necessitates extensive research, testing, and innovation. Operating CBRNE integrated vehicles need specialized training for the personnels, and the operators involved. This training is necessary to guarantee that the vehicle's capabilities are used effectively and safely. Training expenditures and the requirement to keep a highly skilled workforce contribute to total costs. CBRNE integrated vehicles contain sophisticated systems that require frequent maintenance, calibration, and upkeep to maintain their dependability and accuracy.
CBRNE Integrated Vehicle Market Share (%) By Region, 2022
Key Market Players:
Product launches, approvals, patents and events, acquisitions, partnerships and collaborations are key strategies adopted by players in the CBRNE Integrated Vehicle Market. The top 10 companies in this industry are listed below:
Iveco group (IDV)
Rheinmetall AG (Survivor R 4x4)
General Dynamics (Tracked Robot 10-Ton (TRX))
SAAB (CBRN Reconnaissance Vehicle Kit (CRVK))
Indra Sistemas (AREVE)
FLIR Systems, Inc. (MUVE™ R430)
Milrem Robotics (The THeMIS UGV)
Thales (Schiebel S-100)
Smith Detection (The Precision Biological Detection System (PBDS))
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