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emmanueljacquot · 2 months ago
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xeno42alpha · 1 year ago
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…actually parts of germany use this style of pedestrian traffic signs
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Pedestrians in traffic signs in Europe (corrected)
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didonatodani · 2 years ago
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countriesgame · 1 year ago
Please reblog for a bigger sample size!
If you have any fun fact about GDR, please tell us and I'll reblog it!
Be respectful in your comments. You can criticize a government without offending its people.
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samsi6 · 2 years ago
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Eine Stadt, die Mainzelmännchen als Ampelmännchen einsetzt, kann nicht von grundauf schlecht sein; oder sie ist es gerade deswegen. Aber das ist irrelevant. Ich war heute in dieser Stadt. Ich schreibe hier über Mainz. Da war die minipress-Messe. Sie wird auch noch am Sonntag da sein. Es stellen dort eher kleinere Buchverlage aus. Marco Kerler machte mich durch die insta Notizfunktion darauf aufmerksam und ich bin ihm dafür sehr dankbar. Abomniert hatte ich ihn, weil er dieses eine phantastisch gearbeitete Bianca Körner Büchlein gefertigt hatte. Heute traf ich ihn bei einer Crauss Lesung. Das war toll. Ich mag manches daran, wenn virtual life real wird.
Die Messe ist absolut empfehlenswert. Lauter kleine Verlage mit vollkommen unterschiedlichen Ausrichtungen stellen aus. Es gab Zines, es gab viel Lyrik, es gab Romane, Fantasy, es gab Menschen, die Bücher von der Faser für das Papier bis zum Inhalt, handgeschöpft, handgeschrieben, handgemalt durchkomponiert und in einer Auflage von 4 (!) in immer leicht unterschiedlicher Ausführung (!!) herausgebracht haben - kurz: der Besuch der Ausstellung war im besten Sinne bewusstseinserweiternd. Vielen Dank Marco Kerler , dass ich davon erfuhr und wir uns sahen!
Habe ich erwähnt, dass ich hin und zurück alles in allem 70 km Fahrrad fuhr? Nicht pro Stunde, sondern insgesamt 4 Stunden hin und zurück...
Ein extra shout-out für die tolle Beratung beim Maro Verlag 🙏
A city that uses Mainzelmännchen as traffic light figures cannot be bad from the ground up; or because of that she is. But that's irrelevant. I was in this city today. I'm writing about Mainz here. There was the minipress fair. She will also be there on Sunday. Smaller book publishers tend to exhibit there. Marco Kerler drew my attention to this through the insta note function and I am very grateful to him for that. I had subscribed to him because he had made this one fantastically crafted Bianca Körner booklet. Today I met him at a Crauss reading. That was great. I like some things when virtual life becomes real.
The fair is highly recommended. Nothing but small publishers with completely different orientations are exhibiting. There were zines, there was a lot of poetry, there were novels, phantasy, there were people who composed books from the fiber for the paper to the content, hand-made, hand-written, hand-painted and in an edition of 4 (!) in always slightly different version (!!) - in short: the visit to the exhibition was mind-expanding in the best sense of the word. Thank you Marco Kerler for letting me know about it and for seeing you!
Did I mention that I cycled a total of 70 km round trip? Not per hour, but a total of 4 hours there and back...
An extra shout-out for the great advice at Maro Verlag 🙏
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unfug-bilder · 1 year ago
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thenightlymirror · 1 year ago
I had a brief hypnagogic hallucination in the middle of the night. It was very short lived and very psychedelic, and I was able to blink it away in a few seconds.
My vision was a field of golden static, made of churning numbers drawn in a very whimsical style. My impression was that it was supposed to look like The Matrix, but my brain didn’t think to only use binary numbers (non-binary brain). The style reminded me of the new Scott Pilgrim cartoon, which would be funny if all eidetic hallucinations had that hand. I doubt it. It was just something I saw recently. But the doorway in front of my bed was this field of churning yellow-gold numbers, with a kind of polygonal 3-D surface, which then turned into the visible doorway with a distinct dark presence in the center.
I’ve been listening to a lot of Otherworld recently, and predicted my brain was trying to figure out how to give itself sleep paralysis nightmares, and sort of groaned like “Ok, whatever. It’s a sleep paralysis demon,” and blinked it away.
Any of the times I’ve had a sleep paralysis figure that I was self-aware of, it’s funny how goofy it looks. Now, I’ve had a lot of convincing, horrifying sleep paralysis presences, because I didn’t know what my brain was doing. But being aware of the phenomenon, sometimes I’ll just have a brief dysfunction of vision while waking up in the night. One time, it was a very silly little strobing detective that looked exactly like the walking Ampelmännchen man. Exactly. Not even moving. Just like the most basic “hat man” possible.
The one I saw last night was hardly a figure at all. A demon of some kind, only because it had horns or a larger than normal head. See, I’ve been trying to figure out why the “Hat Man” is always seen with some modification to the head. My assumption is that something is going wrong with your own head and you’re projecting it, like when I would always have sleep apnea dreams about drunk people.
It was like a cubist churning shadow in my doorway, which was also a churning polygonal field. The figure never really took shape. I didn’t want to scare myself to death or have a stroke, so I was like “Fuck this.” I even imagined a force field explosion to ward off anything around me, which is something I’ve only picked up from that podcast lol. I would never usually use protective magic, but if it works for other people’s brains having hallucinations, might as well work in mine.
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4freunde-inwien · 1 year ago
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Oben ist das Denkmal zu Ehren der Soldaten der Sowjetarmee und süße Ampelmännchen 🥹
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they-dont-get-my-back · 2 years ago
Ahhh the Berliner Ampelmännchen!!!!!! A classic!! I would say that’s a good souvenir from Berlin! 😌😌😌They only look like that there!
Fun Fact: in my town (actually only a street away from mine) are Roman soldiers as Ampelmännchen because we used to have like a Roman Camp here (like many European cities lol)
the fact that you can change it in relation to what is culturally significant for your city UGH
I want that for the whole world, please share the know-how
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thailand-trip · 16 days ago
[Sonntag, 19.01.2025]
Nach dem Frühstück (mit u.a. Algensuppe mit Seidentofu und gebratenen Reis) haben wir uns auf eine Tour zu Fuß Richtung Chinatown aufgemacht. Dabei haben wir die coolen laufenden Ampelmännchen entdeckt und festgestellt, dass es sogar Radwege gibt, auf denen man aber nie ein Fahrrad fahren sieht 😄
Zuerst kamen wir beim großen Kreisverkehr mit dem Democracy Monument vorbei (unweit davon saß ein älterer Thai mit einer coolen Stehfrisur, von dem Flo ganz begeistert war und ganz unauffällig ein Foto gemacht hat 😆)...
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sozeugs · 2 months ago
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maestrita · 2 years ago
What about the east German Ampelmännchen?!
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What Pedestrians Look Like Across Europe
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schorschidk · 3 months ago
Heute habe ich in Lengede etwas ganz Besonderes entdeckt: Die Ampelmännchen hier sind Bergmänner mit Grubenlampen! ⛏️💡 Eine wunderschöne Art, die Bergbaugeschichte dieser Region lebendig zu halten und zu ehren. 🌍 Solche kleinen Details machen unsere Orte einzigartig und erinnern uns daran, woher wir kommen. 💛
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unterwegsistdasziel · 5 months ago
Unterwegs entdeckt: in Dinslaken gibts Ampelmännchen Grubenlampe
Wie Du vielleicht in meinem Beitrag “Ein tolles Konzert-Erlebnis” gelesen hast, war ich zum ersten Mal in Dinslaken unterwegs. Auf dem Weg vom Bahnhof zum Burgtheater ist mir diese Ampel mit den ungewöhnlichen Ampelmännchen aufgefallen. Natürlich war ich neugierig, was es mit diesem Motiv auf sich hat. Bisher war ich der Meinung, die Darstellung der stehenden und gehenden Figuren an den…
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breathingmusic · 6 months ago
Münster has Gay Ampelmännchen!!
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unfug-bilder · 2 years ago
Aus der Welt der Verkehrsteilnehmer
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