la-galaxie-langblr ยท 6 months
10 for the langblr asks ๐Ÿ’ซ๐Ÿ’›
Hi, thanks for the ask :D
10. Favourite language learning moment this year?
For background info, I struggled really badly in my uni speaking classes for most of first semester due to a couple factors I won't get in to, to the point where I seriously considered whether I wanted to continue with French as a degree at all. Thankfully my language tutor is an angel and I had many conversations with her about what we could do to make the experience less difficult for me and how I could build my confidence. Flash forward to the last speaking class of the semester, and I spoke French for a full 5 minutes in front of my classmates and I even volunteered to answer a second question!! It's been a rough ride and it was a real sticking point for me in terms of how much I enjoyed my course, and while I know that my progress won't be linear I'm very proud of how I started with 2 back-to-back panic attacks in one of the first weeks and now I can occasionally participate out of choice :)
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