#amono x reader
ant1quarian · 7 months
What if you made a plushie version of the avian boys and gifted it to them as a courting gift after you figured out they were trying to court you? (ft, Sans, Red, Axe, Dust, Killer, Nightmare & Error)
Sans would be super flustered, and super appreciative. He'd keep the plushie in his nest all cozy-like and show you it excitedly whenever you turn up to visit him.
Red secretly loves it. He eyes it with faint amusement and he's really happy that you want to court him as well, but he's not going to be like Sans when it comes to it. You don't think he likes it until you end up in his nest one day and your plushie is sitting there in prime condition.
Axe loves the plush- and loves to get you to smother it in your scent so he can snuggle with it at night. Sometimes he hands it back for a day so that you can snuggle with it while he has his scent on it.
Dust probably stares at his look alike before simply nodding. He definitely likes it, though. Keeps it in his nest in the corner that's the least likely to get wet.
Killer actively shows you how much he loves it, keeping it with him almost always. He likes to pull it out and show you it with a happy grin. It's not necessarily in a very good condition, but it's definitely well-loved.
Nightmare gives you a forehead smooch as thanks. He loves it, and he'll often start staring at it silently with a happy expression on his face. It's common for him to snuggle up with it or sit it in his fluff.
Error absolutely adores it and will make you one in return. 'Cause then at night it's kind of like cuddling each other from afar and he really likes that thought. You'll see him happily grinning whenever he plays around with his plush.
Hehe, plushies. Gotta love 'em
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kaeyas-beloved · 4 years
The Lost & The Pained {Chapter 14 ~ Pictures}
The Lost & The Pained Chapter Masterlist
Summary of last time: (Y/N) along with Midoriya, Iida and Todoroki were admitted into hospital after facing off against the Hero Killer Stain. Although she won't outright admit any details, Mido and Todo can tell that (Y/N) is hiding something.
Amono and Dabi had a moment on the roof of the hospital before getting called back to base. Dabi reminisced about old times before actually leaving.
Now: (Y/N) has just made it back home and is about to get an earful from her explosive mother and brother.
Also! Just a reminder and warning that this book does have elements of blood, torture and drugging. In this chapter, a somewhat graphic description is written. I'll have bold exclamation marks for when it starts and when it ends in case some wish to skip it!
"GOD DAMNIT AGAIN!?" Katsuki and my mother screamed, their expressions and tones making it seem like they were clones of one another. In all honesty, they basically are.
"Calm down!" I say, cool as a cucumber. I've been through this routine before and hopefully if I'm calm it'll mellow out the two blonds. "I told you, it was just a little backstreet throw down - nothing to worry about and nothing I couldn't handle..."
"YOU WERE ADMITTED TO THE HOSPITAL!!!" Mom shouted. I swear I could see her hair turning grey faster by the second.
Things were getting heated and when I took a step back both of the angry humans advanced a step forward.
"Hey now..." you're a rock star - I MEAN, "it's all part of the job description!" Their eyes practically bulged out of their sockets with that comment.
3rd Person POV
While (Y/N) stood before her fuming relatives, Masaru trying to calm the situation down, The League of Villains were plotting some more bullshit to enact.
"We already have plans for the summer, so why are we discussing more for the girl?" Shigaraki rasped, slowly scratching his neck, red eyes glaring at the group of males seated together at the bar.
Two nights ago Airaki called up the entire League, though at the time some members were unavailable, so the meeting was set back a few days.
Airaki spared a glance around his small group of close comrades before eyeing Shigaraki once more, a glare present within his cold forest green eyes. He never liked the way Shigaraki worked, finding that sometimes there were too many gaps in his plans or simply just the way he acted pissed him off. Yet he still went along with him, seeing as at the beginning of their agreement it seemed the League was the only way to get back at (Y/N) and what she did to them.
"We are all well aware of future plans," Airaki sneered, unsheathing a dagger from a strap around his thigh and started to idly play with it, voice evening out for his next words "but until then I figured adding a little bit of... excitement might rage the growing fire even more..."
To Shigaraki it seemed like too much work, why go through more for a plan that's already chock full of twists and turns? Yet he still heard them out, something in the way the greenette spoke catching his interest.
Amono stood when the signal to go on was given, making his way to the cabinet he always kept locked. With a turn of the key the doors opened and he reached in, retrieving a valuable item.
"We decided that releasing these to those she's closest to, plus the media, would defiantly have an effect" Airaki continued, his smirk growing at the thought of what the contents within the container could do.
The face of the villain group stopped his scratching for a moment, taking the outstretched metal box from the kinetic quirked male.
With just one peek, Shigaraki was already on board with this bonus plan.
First Person POV
I walked down the sidewalk to UA, another day of teaching about to start. It was unusually quiet for a Friday morning, but who was I to complain?
Rounding the corner I nearly ran into a camera man who was only one of many men and women bombarding the school gates. Briefly I wondered if something had happened or if they were just there for All Might again. Nevertheless I still had to say something to the guy I nearly rammed into.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to knock into you!" I apologize, offering a sheepish smile. The guy turned around a smile of his own.
"It's quite alright- (H/N)!"
Shit- they were here for me weren't they!?
"(H/N)? Where!?" They were!!! But why!?
Instantly the domino effect kicked in and everyone in the crowd surrounding the front entrance erupted into shouts. And me? I was swarmed by those closest to me. I couldn't make out any coherent voice since all the sounds mingling into one loud noise but it consisted of a boat load of questions.
As I fought off the crowd of news reporters something rough wrapped itself around my waist, freaking me out. I took a quick look at it and found that it was a familiar cloth scarf and before I could do anything I was yanked up off the ground. Following the line of cloth once I landed on the lip of the school wall, I was proven right that it was Aizawa who got me out of that mess.
"Thanks..." I said with a short nod, surveying the mass of people that pooled below us. Camera men pointed their cameras up and took shots while reporters held up mics, still spitting out questions so fast that I got a headache.
"Come on, let's head inside..." the ravenette sighed, pulling me down to the ground by the back of my shirt. I ended up falling ungracefully on my ass, a comical oof escaping me. From behind me a barely audible snicker sounded from my long time friend and my eyes narrowing into a playful glare despite him not being able to see it.
"Don't think I didn't hear that!" The lazy man seemed to kick his ass into gear because his pace quickened ever so slightly, almost like he thinks he can get away from me.
Well he can't apparently because I caught up to him in three seconds flat...
As we walked in silence down the halls a question stared to gnaw at my mind and it wouldn't go away. So I did the most logical thing and asked it.
"Shota, why are the students staring at me?" Dark coloured eyes spared me a glance before they returned to in front of him, his ever present neutral expression deepening into a slight frown.
"You didn't see the news?" He answered a question with a question. My brows furrowed.
"No, I was in a hurry this morning and didn't have time to sit down and watch. What does that have to do with the staring though?" Aizawa sighed again - obviously I'm missing something here! Before he could answer me we entered the 1-A classroom where all 20 students awaited us, with something to tell us too apparently.
As I parted from Aizawa's side to my usual window spot Yaoyorozu stands and calls out to me, stopping me in my tracks. Her tone was what caught me off guard, she sounded... distressed? Anxious too perhaps. Gazing over my shoulder my eyes meet her's for a moment until they trail down to the object in her hand.
A photograph. Two photos to be more specific. Although the picture part of it wasn't facing me I could still see that something is written on the back in thick, red marker.
"Bakugou-san... this morning many of us received these in the mail... they're rather graphic and... and they're..." she trails off, eyes down casting like she's unable to meet my (e/c) eyes anymore. Now that it's been said, as I scanned the rest of the room many did in fact have their own pair of pictures laying face down on the desks. Not everyone had them, but a good three quarters did.
Wordlessly I waved my hand, motioning for the teens to bring me them. One by one they did until I had a relatively thick stack, all of them having a single word inscribed on it's back. As I collected them I was able to get a better look at what was written, some said LIAR, other's said TRAITOR or PATHETIC.
When I had all of the pictures in my hand I met the eyes of Aizawa. I'm not sure what I was looking for when I gazed at him, maybe an answer to what these mean? All I got was a nod, telling me all I needed to know, just look. Hesitantly beginning to turn each and every picture over I went through the pile slowly, the content just growing gruesomer by the second.
It started with pictures of me chained to the wall, some have me baring my teeth as I tug on the metal restraints in an attempt to get at the one taking the picture. Some just show me with a lifeless expression as I sat against the wall.
After they became images of me beaten and bruised, the chains moving from being nailed into the wall to somewhere above and out of shot. The clothes I wore were torn in various places and died red with my blood. A couple of them have it where I was barely standing and a few had me on my knees, head bowed with my arms still raised high above my head. In these there was a pool of crimson at my feet that only seemed to grow in size. One had it where the wall behind was painted in my blood.
Dark purple and blue bruises coloured my exposed neck and arms along with thin and thick cuts, blood ran in a tiny streams down my nose, out the corner of my mouth and from somewhere within my hair line.
It was a never ending collage of my demise.
With each photo I went through, placing them face down on the desk I stood closest to, I finally reached the last one. By now my hands have already started shaking, my legs felt like they would give out at any second and I felt hot tears of years of hurt and frustration barely being kept at bay.
I didn't flip this one over, it was different than all the others that came before. Instead of just a single word in red it was a sentence written in black.
She can't be trusted
One shaky inhale later and I turned it over. What I was met with was no image filled with agony and pain, but a picture of evil intent in the eyes of the muse. It was me, I was the muse of this picture, like all of rest, only this one has me dressed in clean clothes, no injures marring my face or neck. My eyes, though, were not their usual (e/c) but a glowing red and the smile I wore had no joy, instead it held so much malicious intent. It was the smile - no - the smirk, the look a villain would have and it made me sick.
"I think I'd be best... if all of you forgot you ever saw these..." my voice was barely above a whisper when I finally spoke, yet everyone apparently could hear me loud and clear.
"Forget!? (Y/N)-chan we can't forget something like that!" Midoriya cried, standing from his seat. In front of him Katsuki glared at me, a snarl twitching again his lips.
"For once I have to side with Deku. You expect me to not think about this after seeing pictures of you chained and laying on the ground bleeding!?"
Slowly my eyes trailed up from the plastic within my hands, scanning the entire room. Many nodded in agreement to what was said.
"I know it'll be hard but I need you guys to. After all, this doesn't concern-"
A ringing noise pierced the tense atmosphere and for a moment I thought it to be the bell until coming to the realization that it was actually my phone. Dropping the current argument I pull my phone out, an unsaved number displayed at the top. It didn't have to be saved into my phone for me to know who it was though, it was a number I was familiar with and knew by heart.
Not wanting to waste a second I tap the green answer button, lifting the device up to my ear.
"I see you've received our little gift~" a low but sweet voice rang out, the response given setting me on edge. If he knew to call at this very moment then that means he can see and potentially hear me.
"I wouldn't show any signs of distress if I were you doll... wouldn't want to scare the kids now would you?" a different but still undeniably masculine voice said.
It was Airaki and Touy- Dabi, both of them sounding like they were having a blast toying with me. In the distant background the click of what I believed to be computer keys could be heard and I briefly hoped it was Amono. Briefly.
Something shifted within me. Before, I would let my emotions take control and cloud my judgement, but now that I've had a run in with all four of my old friends a small voice that's grown so loud in my mind is telling me to get it together. That they are not who I use to know and that if I wanted to do anything about this situation, to maybe even fix it somehow, that I have to use my head now more than my heart.
And not let lingering feelings get in the way.
"What do ya need?" Playing it like it was someone I'm acquainted with, which really isn't that far from the truth, I replied casually.
"That's a good doll. We need you to meet us at the location we send you in exactly one week at three. Don't be late." As soon as the blue fire quirked villain ended the call a text notification popped up under a different, yet still familiar, number - a location and time attached with it.
Later, I tell myself, I'll look at it later.
Silence hung in the air, breaths held as those around me waited for something to happen, maybe for me to say something. Across the room Aizawa stared at me, onyx eyes holding a single question, who was on the other end of that phone call?
"Like I said, it's best of all of you don't worry about these photos..." I muttered, "I've got to go, don't wait up on me..."
"(Y/N)!" The monotone voice of Aizawa shouted but I merely waved at him over my shoulder, pushing past. I have things to do and people to see.
I realize now that maybe I can't do this alone, I can't find those that I've lost twelve years ago without a little help.
Just whose help do I need exactly?
~~~~~ Well, it's back! While writing this chapter I was reminded of how much I love this plot that and I'm really happy to be writing this story again :)
Sorry if this chapter isn't the best, I still gotta get back into the swing of writing for BnHA again.
Thank you to those who are still reading this despite the couple month gap, you guys are awesome (even if there are only a few of you) :)
See ya in the next chapter!
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by Vcl_1807
- There’s going to be spoilers. This story will follow the Anime as I personally only watch the Anime.
- This book also includes the ‘Dabi is a Todoroki’ Theory ((He is there’s no way that he isn’t!!!))
- This is a bit of a slow burn fanfic (sorry : p)
There will also boy x boy content with other characters in the book
{First Chapter is the summary because it's too long for the summary box}
Words: 38316, Chapters: 16/55, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/M, Multi, M/M
Characters: Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Dabi (My Hero Academia), Todoroki Touya, Todoroki Shouto, Todoroki Rei, Kirishima Eijirou, Kirishima Eijirou's Parents, Kaminari Denki, Kaminari Denki's Family, Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Inko, OC - Character, Bakugou Katsuki, Bakugou Mitsuki, Bakugou Masaru, Bakugou Katsuki's Parents, Bakugou Katsuki's Family
Relationships: OC/Reader, Airaki Midoriya (OC)/Reader, Amono Kaminari (OC)/Reader, Kiko Kirishima (OC)/Reader, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Reader, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Reader, Todoroki Touya/Reader, Dabi (My Hero Academia)/Reader, Dabi (My Hero Academia)/You, Dabi (My Hero Academia) & Reader, Todoroki Touya & Reader
Additional Tags: Torture, Implied/Referenced Torture, Drugging, Swearing, Kidnapping, Blood, Blood and Injury, Blood and Violence, Blood and Torture, Physical Abuse, Abuse, Implied/Referenced Abuse
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ant1quarian · 7 months
I've read and wacthed a video if a study that crows are monogamous and they fly in sync to signify their bond ect, how would the avian boys react to a crow avian reader that sync her way of flying to theirs in a way to show she has strong love and trust for her mate!
Sans is really happy with this. He's already syncing up his flight patterns to fit with yours because, as a crow avian himself, it's a natural instinct. Doing this will earn you many cuddles and kisses out of happiness.
Red is amused and endeared, but keeping up with his flight pattern could very well be the reason you fall out of the sky. He barely ever needs to actually flap his wings unless he wants to go super fast. He's aware that crow avians generally need to flap their wings a lot more, so he might start slowing down to adapt to a middle ground so that you can copy each other.
Killer's flight pattern changes to fit whatever area he's in, so it's quite difficult to constantly adapt to it. Once he notices what you're doing he'll try to match yours, too- always offering you a dopey, goofy lil' grin whenever he manages to do it.
Axe is similar to Red. As a Harpy Eagle, he doesn't really flap that often, so he'll adapt a bit more to yours. It's not much of a problem to him- he's pretty good at following your body language as much as you follow his. He thinks it's super sweet though.
Nightmare is another one that'll have to change his flight patterns a bit so you don't lose altitude too fast. He flaps maybe once and keeps gliding soundlessly for a long while before flapping again, which a crow would not easily be able to manage, so he'll find a middle-ground with you.
Dust's flight pattern is kinda funky. To take off he flaps rapidly before vanishing into the sky and very fast speeds, to which he'll then simply just leave his wings outstretched and soar. Keeping up with him is one hell of a task, so he'll probably slow down to help you keep up. While matching his flight pattern is positively adorable, he's aware you won't be able to keep up with his stamina or speed- or even the way he flies- so he'll gently discourage you or maybe attempt to shift his flight pattern to become more like yours (though flapping would simply make him go faster.) He finds it super endearing, but he doesn't want you to push yourself.
Error, a black falcon, flies very similarly to Dust, though slower. He'll smile at your antics before attempting to slow down and match your flight pattern, even if he can't quite do it due to the level of energy he'd expend doing so. He'll try to teach you to glide better, but he can't really do much, even if he finds it super adorable and endearing.
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ant1quarian · 7 months
An Ranger Reader, she doesn't actively stays around long and all she always has to be here and there and deal with others people shit which she is not paid enough to do, so now we have a underpaid, overworked, tired Ranger who is always grumpy and shit meeting a Avian she didn't even know it was there at first because she wasn't actually looking over there but she wasn't on the territory either they were just people watching when they see reader digging into her self grumbling about she doesn't get pains enough to deal with some entitled people, they reason she's there, she got a notification that parents weren't watching their child and the child is lost and who's to blame her, she finds the child and everything but now she has a curious avian on her trail sneakily watching her
You owe me this one at least
It's definitely Dust.
He's sneaking around in the background, dead silent as he climbs from tree to tree over your head. He knows you're too weak to do any damage to him (and part of him doesn't want to scare the child) and he's curious about you.
Namely what the fuck you're doing this close to Avian territory.
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ant1quarian · 6 months
Mafiaboys adopting a teenage (15) who was about to be unknowingly married off to a much (30) older dude(This dude is working under him and is secretly selling out information) Turns out Teen Y/N has no idea thinking this was a little coming of age but this is basically a wedding to force her into it.
Basically the wedding didn't cut and she ends up running out as quickly as she could and the story could pick off from there.
Ew ew ew ew, fuck that! You thought as you sprinted down the street full-speed, ducking and swerving as your white shoes quickly got dirty.
You didn't want to fuckin' be married off this young!
You'd barely lived!
You could hear the footsteps of your would-be husband quickly following you, calling out your name as the two of you continued to run.
You detoured into a back alley as soon as you could, determined to get this motherfucker off of your trail.
You hadn't anticipated hitting a dead-end.
What you also hadn't anticipated was for the man's SOUL to get tugged out. A flash of purple nearly blinded you before there was nothing but a tiny puddle of blood left to decorate the concrete earth.
A tall, intimidating form stepped out of the shadows- almost seeming to materialize from them- before turning their head towards you and fixing you with glowing mismatched eyelights.
You nearly choked on air when the pure danger radiating through the air finally reached you.
Another two figures appeared in respective bursts of red and blue.
... and that was, essentially, the story of how you got adopted by three of the most terrifying Mafia Figures in all of history.
It was a slow process, mind you. Sometimes Soot would randomly tail you for absolutely no reason at all. Sometimes Hit would turn up and inquire if anyone was getting too handsy or pushing you into things. Colt had been the one to buy you a cottage with your name down for everything so that you knew it wouldn't be able to taken from you.
They were funky at times, but surprisingly sweet considering their job.
... You decided to ignore the fact that anyone who dared to treat you like shit vanished off of the face of the earth.
( Thank you, Amono, for the ask!)
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ant1quarian · 4 months
Lag on relationship head cannons please?
As you wish
Lag is one hell of a guy to be dating. You've got to be adaptable and be more than aware that you cannot settle down.
You've got to crave the adrenaline- the running- the constant looming doom of potentially getting caught that Lag laughs at.
He and his brother are constantly on the move. He's chaotic, usually a bit of an asshole if you're on the wrong side of him, and delights in disorder and danger.
... but on the other side of the coin he is so devoted to the ones he care for. There is no hell he would not walk through or mountains he wouldn't level.
He's not always vocal about what he wants but he'll most definitely come up to offer little points of contact that are reassuring and undeniably affectionate.
He barely ever touches you with his hands, though. They're weapons and have only really known murder. It feels weird to have physical touch through his hands with someone he isn't about to murder.
He's also... really affectionate. In a way that isn't always physical. Like yeah he loves to randomly sit next to you and lean his head on your lap with a happy lil' gentle grin on his face. Sometimes he likes to fix your equipment for you, staying way up until the late hours of the night in order to do so. Sometimes he'll just get you flowers.
Lag also shows signs of possessiveness. Not to a yandere standpoint- if you want to leave he won't stop you- but as soon as anyone starts to cross boundaries he'll step in and you'll have to actively stop him from blowing someone's head off if they don't get the choice.
Or do. It'll just make a mess
But yeah! Lag is an absolute little shit but he's your little shit.
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ant1quarian · 6 months
We're going in for more Platonic Mafia boys x YN!
Yn isn't abandoned or anything, but her mother is very sick and her father isn't in the picture there's very little a child her age could do to try and nurse her mother back to health, but a kind person gave her a little job in their restaurant/cafe as a little waiter and mascot after learning of her situation
Little YN is doing her little job greeting the guest and all trying to basically promote business when she spots the mafia boys(well soot) well, she sees no one there to serve him so she goes and she basically hops over with a smile introducing herself and her job here at the little restaurant/cafe ready to take his order and maybe have a small chat because she thinks he's lonely and he reminds her of herself.
Basically this cutie pootie charms him and he's like 'yea, this my child' until he learns of her situation suddenly she's getting a bit more in tips and it's going to be enough to treat her mother.
Or basically little yn getting a few fathers to replace her dead beat one after unknowingly charming one of them.
Hope you understand what I mean if not you can say so!
Hopping over to Soot, usually, is a very risky business. He's very well known for getting rid of any attachments he might make in a rather... unconventional way.
If you somehow manage to charm him (a very hard thing to do) you better bet he's gonna embody that guard dog-dad energy. Never overprotective just... a menacing shadow.
He overtips you. Constantly. Always. Sometimes he legitimately leaves diamonds and gold with the money for you.
When you meet Hit, he probably tells you that Soot couldn't turn up so he did in his absence. He's fun to be around- always more than willing to chat to you about random crap.
Once you meet Colt, you have officially gained three fathers. Colt's always there to brighten up your mood and intimidate any guest that might be giving you shit.
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ant1quarian · 6 months
"Where is she?"
His glare was icy devoid of emotion his voice and eerie blank listening to the sputtering excuses of his subordinates he's fist clenched
"I. Don't. Care"
He snaps silencing them all as cold sweat broke through the layers of clothing they wore, he repeated the question but this time you could hear that flicker of emotion.
"Where is she?"
-Mafia boys with the prompt of their subordinates losing track of an found child, attempting to adopt child, S/O or something else-
“where is she?”
Cold. Quiet. The temperature continued to drop as his subjects cowered away from his edged gaze. The small tremor in his voice and the purple sparking from his eyelight told silent tales of his incredible struggle to not lose his cool. The dim light caught on the movement of the fabric of his leather gloves growing taunt as his fists clenched.
His subordinate began to splutter excuses, knowing very well that their life could be at risk for not guarding their bosses’ partner well enough.
The slam of a hand on a concrete wall. The cracks the spiderwebbed across it. The quiet cry of fear the subordinate let out as they were shoved against the wall, hard.
Soot’s clawed hand dug into the infrastructure with an unnerving ease.
“i. don’t. care.”
He lent forward, eyelights blazing with unbridled fury as a snarl tore through his ribcage and carried to the end of his next sentence.
“where is she?��
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ant1quarian · 7 months
Avian Boys with Peacock Reader instead of looking like a female she's a Glorious Albion Peacock Avian who was transported there turns out she was from a rich family from humans and she went there and the boys are smitten but she's an tsundere and a slight brat who doesn't like direct of anything she can fly though
Based off this;
Tumblr media
Very pretty bird.
Classic is completely entranced by your beauty. You have shiny things on your tail! Pretty! The fact that you're a tsundere will simply make him more flirtatious and teasing. He's amused, but very willing to make sure you always have an out.
Red positively delights in making you get all flustered in the tsundere way. You and him aren't that different- you act harshly to compliments with a vibrant blush on your face, and he's generally an asshole to the people he doesn't care for. He doesn't mind that you're a bit of a brat. Just makes you cuter.
Killer is an absolute gremlin to you. I guarantee you that this whole shtick only started when you yelled at him for flustering you, and now he's absolutely merciless. Unless it's explicitly stated and obvious you genuinely didn't like that, he throws all of the Avian Rules into the wind. Meaning he'll brush his wing with yours and pull on your feathers gently if he wants your attention (both of which are considerably intimate as two friends or strangers- even as partners- or specifically reserved for young chicks.)
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ant1quarian · 7 months
Bandit and Sheriff having a crush on the same girl who rides horses around, she normally doesn't come around much but when she does it's only brief meet and go as she spends most of her time alone or with animals
Bandit will go out of his way to meet her- often turning up on his own horse (named Lucky) to say hello. It's obvious he's a gremlin- it's embedded in the very way he walks and talks. He only realises his brother likes you as well when he's viewing the two of you interacting from afar. He's. Not Proud to admit he's actually quite jealous. He starts coming around a lot more to see you, usually silent and just chilling with you as you do your thing. Brief visits are all goods with him, but if he wants to form a bond, he's going to show you he's willing to stick around for a long time.
Sheriff is probably really happy to see her around, when she turns up. He likes to chat a bit with her before she leaves. One day he might go with her for a bit- but not for too long. The town needs him. When he sees you and Bandit interacting he has to bury that immediate feeling of possessiveness that bubbles up in him and internally berate himself. This usually means he'll turn around and look away to restrain himself because he shouldn't be feeling like this! You're not his mate! He doesn't have a right! But part of him will always be a bit jealous, unfortunately. He makes it up the next time he sees you by being extra nice.
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ant1quarian · 7 months
Reader meeting the boys through being bitter with her Ex who cheated on her with her ex best friend like it was so random but just happened like the universe definitely pushed them to together (Bonus; The two gang up on the two toxic waste and became good friends which lead to more)
The term "The Boys" is a very, very broad term in this case.
The Avian Boys?
Mafia boys?
Government boys?
Bad Sanses Boys?
Siren Boys?
The Western Boys?
You may need to be a bit more specific lmao 'cause I will not know what you mean until you specify it.
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ant1quarian · 7 months
Reader is an Ice skater and she has ice powers(like elsa) How would the Abian Boys react to her showing off her talent and powers after she trusts them enough?
Smol responses cos brain is very occupied :]
Sans is surprised. Big WOAH for him. He thinks it's pretty damn awesome that you can manipulate ice- as well as being balanced enough to skate on it.
Dust thinks it's pretty cool. He'll hang around and sort of just watch you do your thing. He likes to sit on your ice if you'll make him an ice perch.
Killer thinks it's awesome. He loves messing around with ice normally- the fact that you can manipulate and generate it is really cool to him. He'll join you in "ice-skating".
Nightmare is intrigued, probably figures out the reason behind how that works. He likes to watch you use your ice manipulation abilities, and will also join you on the ice if you convince him well enough.
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ant1quarian · 7 months
Sheriff and Bandit (separate) with the towns sweetheart not a mean bone in her body always nice and polite to everyone she even bakes pies and other sweets, one day someone snaps at her like real bad to the point she's tearing up because of how they're yelling and being so mean when she was just greeting them.
. . .
So Bandit's killing a bitch :D
Like he already doesn't have many morals- and he's definitely not above killing anyone. If he doesn't want to kill them in front of you, he'll likely just intimidate the fuck out of them. He loves your sweets and baked goods- like hell he's gonna let anyone make you cry.
Sheriff will likely step in front of you and grin very fakely at the one whose being a dumbass and very clearly state that he "don't tolerate that sorta crap in his town- so if yer gonna pull shit like that, y'can get the fuck outta here." He values your kindness- and it's true. Having bad days are all goods, but being such an asshole without being provoked is something he doesn't like.
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ant1quarian · 7 months
Like I'm gonna be honest I've never, EVER seen this trope
Mafia x DJ
Like hi, I am just brain storming possibile ideas and all and yeah this was born!
How would the Mafia Boys react to falling in love with a Semi famous DJ who somewhat doesn't even know about them and it isn't like she's a bad one she's honestly a fun person and she can adapt her vibe and everything she's not the radiant sunshine but she can be your pillar who'd have your back
Fiercely loyal + Strong she chucked a table one time almost hitting a creep for hitting on a mutual friend
I've never seen it either, but I think it should be around a lot more??
Mafiadust = Soot
Mafiafell = Hit
Mafiatale = Colt
Ahem. Here we go! :D
Soot usually finds most DJ's over the top. They usually carry an air about them that remind him too much of Fresh for him to be comfortable, but somehow you're different. He didn't know why he began to turn up to your gigs. The fact that you don't know him amuses the ever-living-SOUL out of him because holy fuck you've got to be living under a rock. He finds your fierce loyalty entrancing and actually kind of adorable. He will also actively Fuck Anyone Up if they manage to piss you off- not usually in front of you, but it has happened sometimes.
Hit, the charming, possessive bastard he is, definitely flirts with you in the most un-weird way ever. As if it's something natural. He finds your willingness to be in front of crowds and the ability to manipulate music the way you do pretty awesome. He's surprised you haven't heard a lot about him- he's pretty infamous- but that just means to him that you're seeing him as a blank slate. ... it's weirdly refreshing for him, to be seen without being judged for his sins.
... You'll never hear him say that he's intimidated by you when you're angry.
Colt is intrigued by you. He's kind of tone deaf- don't ask him to dance, he's got two left feet- but he can appreciate the level of dedication and skill that goes into it. Not only does he find you pretty, but your fun personality is awesome for him to be around. He doesn't get a lot of silly goofy interactions due to his line of work, so you're a big breath of fresh air. He almost expects falling in love with you, but that doesn't mean it doesn't hit him any less hard. He enjoys being around you, often doing lil' romantic acts.
Whenever you get Super Pissed he will start sweating and likely advert his gaze- even if you're mildly annoyed at him.
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