#amohq: start
ameliabtw · 7 years
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“I thought I’d have a much worse sleep deprivation hangover today than I do.” Amelia laughed, running her thin fingers through her blonde hair. “So, I've decided to come out from my house and be an active member of society, and ditch my plans of slumming it on the couch with netflix by myself. With that said, you got any plans or suggestions for me? Up for a little fun? Or hey, if you even feel like joining me for a netflix binging session, I wouldn't say no to that either."
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“Autumn? No, no, we’re not together anymore. Broke up last week, actually. It’s, uh... for the best. I learned a lot from our relationship. Like, for instance -- if a girl says ‘What did you mean by that?’, I learned that that conversation is not going to end with, ‘Oh, now I understand what you meant by that. Let’s go to GameStop.’”
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xavierhawthorne · 7 years
“ damn, did everyone get together and decide it was the best day to annoy the hell out of me ? if so, it seems like everyone who was in on it did a pretty great job at achieving their goal. all i can do is hope for a better night than i had day, i guess. --anyways, i hope you day was better than mine ? “
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valcntinaa · 7 years
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“i’m just SAYING,” valentina muttered, looking up from her compact after she touched up her lipstick. “ no one can hold a grudge as long as me. isabelle cooper threw her birthday party on the same day as me in the third grade and told everyone that i had head lice so they’d go to hers instead, and like – ten years later i ended up revenge banging her dad and being her step-mom for like two weeks. ”
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ameliabtw · 7 years
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amelia finished a row of shots by slamming the last little shot glass down on the table in front of her. she flashed a triumphant smile at her unworthy opponent who’d presumably snuck his way in from the town over; sawyer’s parties were usually the talk of all the surrounding towns, though usually no one dared try to mess with any of them. as promised at the beginning of the bet, whoever won got to take a body shot of their choosing off the loser -- so amelia did without hesitation, making it as sensual as she possibly could. with a smirk on her lips she turned to the gathered crowd. ‘now, which lucky bitch gets to do a body shot off me??’ she offered, the cloud of alcohol slowly fogging her mind now that she was several drinks {& shots} in. 'don't be shy, we all know you want to.'
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xavierhawthorne · 7 years
about xavier hawthorne ! 
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hello! i’m erin, and i’ll be playing this guy. if you want to plot with him, i have a few ideas listed on my page, so feel free to shoot me a message. under the cut you can find some info on him. ** tw in bio: pain medication addiction.
xavier hawthorne. twenty-two years old. within his group of family and friends in armillo, xavier is known as the star athlete. growing up in a large family with an older brother, an older sister, and a younger sister ( all wanted connections ! ) he is very used to being in large crowds and wanting to be the center of attention. that’s why he loves sports so much: it pushes him into the spotlight where he can perform his very best and get positive attention for it. both on and off the sports field, xavier has a tendency to be aggressive if things aren’t going his way, but he’s much more likely to be chill and collected when things are going in a way he sees fit off the field. 
during his high school days, xavier was very popular and the star of his school. he led teams to victory in three different years, and he didn’t want it any other way. he had multiple chances for scholarships to any school of his choice, and xavier chose to go to a college a few states over. however, an injury took him off the field for what would have been a season. his addiction to his pain medication is what got him kicked out of school and sent him back home after a drug test. xavier played many sports, but the one he was picked up for was soccer. he still plays on occasion, along with baseball and basketball, but nothing more than a few light games. he has no chance of going pro anymore, which was always his dream. 
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