ameliabtw · 7 years
text @ tinder hottie 🔥
logan: good cuz boss told me my nose looks "awful" and i should """"see a doctor""""
logan: what does he know, amirite?
amelia: well you should probably still do that, just to make sure if it is broken it's set back into place
amelia: but it's up to you if you wanna have a slightly crooked nose your whole life
amelia: next time try to get a video of you fighting though, could be hot to see you in action ;)
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ameliabtw · 7 years
mym ⇄ ( open. )
mym: i feel like a really fucked up modern betty crocker.
mym: i'm icing a cake and watching gay porn. why am i like this.
amelia: is this a weird invitation for cake?
amelia: i ask myself that every day, though i don't typically find myself watching gay porn admittedly; no judgement though.
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ameliabtw · 7 years
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“ yeah, anything you want, “ he assured her, gently guiding her away from the crowd. benjamin kept a skeptical eye on her as he navigated toward what he hoped would be the kitchen, stopping in his tracks at her latest suggestion. “ i do love movie night, “ he smiled in amusement, wondering just how drunk his counterpart was. “ i’m not a big fan of parties i don’t plan myself, no, but i know you like them, so we can stay if you want. granted, my place is a lot less noisy and, “ ben leaned closer to amelia, almost as if delivering a secret, “ my couch is really fucking comfortable to watch movies on. “
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amelia followed along with benjamin, only stumbling a little. she’d gotten drunk so often recently she was starting to be able to handle her drunk-self a little bit more than most people could typically do. she smiled brightly at her company, “ you’re so sweet, benji.” she hummed happily that he was willing to stay at a party if she wanted to. she couldn’t help but laugh softly when he shared his little “secret” with her about his couch being comfortable to watch movies on. she nodded her head slightly, glancing around the party as if weighing her options before looking back to benjamin. “take me home.” she sighed dramatically as if she were sliding into the back of a cab in some cheesy flick. she laughed a little bit after delivering her small performance, “ and by that i mean, i want to test your couch theory out for myself.”
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ameliabtw · 7 years
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holding amelia was never hard for benjamin, it was simply convincing her not to run off. “ i’m not mad. just, uh, “ he cast another glance around them, skeptical of the crowd. “ just maybe cool it for a bit, yeah ? you’ll want to have a clear head for at least part of the night. you want some water ? a nap maybe ? i can give you a ride home if you need one, you know. “ even worried, ben couldn’t help but smile down at the blonde, a laugh escaping him despite his best efforts to subdue it.
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amelia glanced around them as well as he spoke, maybe she had created a little too much hype. luckily ben had found her before she could end up doing something she might regret. she laughed softly when he offered her a nap, shaking her head and letting her gaze rest back on him. “ some water would probably be good, and a ride home. but can we enjoy the party a little longer ? if i promise not to have any more drinks ? ” she attempted to compromise. “ or, “ she added as a last minute thought, a glint of an idea flashing through her eye, “ we could go watch a movie at your place !! i lost sawyer like an hour ago anyways, she’s probably off fucking becks; and i’m about partied out, and you don’t like parties that much anyways, right ? ”
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ameliabtw · 7 years
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he hadn’t meant to watch. in fact, he’d been on his way to find an exit, desperate for a breath, when he’d come across the seen before him. benjamin watched in horror as amelia began to down a row of shots, eyes averted as she performed one off another human being. he’d never been much of a drinker, but sawyer never let him say no to a party, meaning his attendance was mandatory and a much needed distraction from his typical activities. “ are you serious right now ? “ he glanced at the rest of the audience, shoving through a few to lessen the distance between him and amelia. “ how drunk are you ? “
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amelia waited in smug silence for someone to take her offer, until ben emerged from the crowd; her facial expression went from smug, to pure happiness, to a cute pout in hopes of getting his forgiveness right off the bat. “benji ! ” she exclaimed, wrapping her arms around him and hugging him tight before shrugging her shoulders and holding up her fingers to indicated a ‘little bit’. “a little bit more than you would approve of, don’t be mad.” her pout returned to her lips as she looked up the taller male with puppy-like eyes. 
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ameliabtw · 7 years
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ameliabtw · 7 years
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ameliabtw · 7 years
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amelia finished a row of shots by slamming the last little shot glass down on the table in front of her. she flashed a triumphant smile at her unworthy opponent who’d presumably snuck his way in from the town over; sawyer’s parties were usually the talk of all the surrounding towns, though usually no one dared try to mess with any of them. as promised at the beginning of the bet, whoever won got to take a body shot of their choosing off the loser -- so amelia did without hesitation, making it as sensual as she possibly could. with a smirk on her lips she turned to the gathered crowd. ‘now, which lucky bitch gets to do a body shot off me??’ she offered, the cloud of alcohol slowly fogging her mind now that she was several drinks {& shots} in. 'don't be shy, we all know you want to.'
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ameliabtw · 7 years
*・☪˙ ˖✶ — imessage ✉ open
levi: correct bc that would be weird
levi: if it means you not walking home alone drunk then yes, but i'd rather not
amelia: don't have such a stick up your butt, i'm just playing
amelia: i'll try not to bother you with my drunkenness then
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ameliabtw · 7 years
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‘point me in their direction and i’ll teach ‘em a lesson. nobody fucks your day up and gets away with it when amelia is around.” she smiled softly, nudging the other gently. “hey if anything at least let me try and make your night better, what’ll cheer you up? ice-cream? vodka? a good night out? your wish is my command!” 
“ damn, did everyone get together and decide it was the best day to annoy the hell out of me ? if so, it seems like everyone who was in on it did a pretty great job at achieving their goal. all i can do is hope for a better night than i had day, i guess. –anyways, i hope you day was better than mine ? “
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ameliabtw · 7 years
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‘without a doubt the most beautiful, honestly,’ amelia nodded in agreement, sawyer was gorgeous, and sometimes amelia felt insignificant next to her best friend. but she quickly shooed those thoughts away because tonight was for fun. she was pleased when they clinked shot glasses and did a shot together, slipping another down her throat with a shrug at her friends comment. ‘we’ll see who can keep up with me tonight, try not to murder becks though, if you need me, just shout. i got your back.’
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amelia had finished setting down her party supplies on a near by table – a couple of bottles of various liquors and some edibles – before making her happy, and scantily clad, way over to sawyer. she snatched a shot right out of the blondes’ hand, downed it, and snatched one more to get the ball rolling. “we’re blaming becks for deaths now? damn, your guys’ relationship gets harder to follow every minute, i might need another one just to let it sink in,” she teased her friend, taking yet another shot. amelia was ready to get shit-faced and possibly hook-up with someone she hadn’t yet.
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‘ look at me, i’m blonde, beautiful and tiny. you think i’d last longer than a couple of hours in jail ? plus, 98% of the time he’s an asshole – maybe a little time in jail would knock that right outta him. —- you know, i think i’ll join you, ‘ she smirked, clinking shots with her friend and knocking it back, before proceeding with another two. ‘ so, what about you ? got your eye on anyone ? logans looking cute. ‘
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ameliabtw · 7 years
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amelia wandered through the party, looking for anyone to entertain her, maybe dance, maybe something more. she stopped in front of xander when she noted him though, rolling her eyes when he told her she was blocking the view. “i’m the best view at this party,” she retorted charmingly, before laughing a bit, she held out a hand to him, she knew he was someone she could count on for something to liven’ the party up more for her. ‘please tell me you have a little treat for me?” she smiled cutely at him.
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event starter. xander was sat on a sofa, completely out of it after having dropped two e’s. watching the room spin, he was confused when someone stood in front of him and blocked the intense rays of light he was viewing from the lamp. ‘ hey, what’re yee doin? yas blockin’ me view! ‘
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ameliabtw · 7 years
text @ tinder hottie 🔥
logan: he has a split lip
logan: am i sexy now???
amelia: yaaaaas go you! kick ass
amelia: you were always sexy in my opinion so??
amelia: yes 😙
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ameliabtw · 7 years
*・☪˙ ˖✶ — imessage ✉ open
levi: be safe tonight
levi: i don't wanna' be hearin' about anything in the news
amelia: you're not my dad,
amelia: can i call you if i get suuuuuper drunk and need a ride tho?
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ameliabtw · 7 years
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amelia had finished setting down her party supplies on a near by table -- a couple of bottles of various liquors and some edibles -- before making her happy, and scantily clad, way over to sawyer. she snatched a shot right out of the blondes’ hand, downed it, and snatched one more to get the ball rolling. “we’re blaming becks for deaths now? damn, your guys’ relationship gets harder to follow every minute, i might need another one just to let it sink in,” she teased her friend, taking yet another shot. amelia was ready to get shit-faced and possibly hook-up with someone she hadn’t yet.
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the girl stood at side of her pool in a tiny turquoise bikini, music blaring behind her, joint in her mouth and two shots in her hand – handing them out to people as they came out to the pool, and refusing entry if they refused. ‘ shot for yooou, shot for yoooou – don’t be a pussy now, it’s fucking 420 – no shot, no zoot, no swimming. and hey, if anyone drowns – blame becks, i was never here and he can handle prison a lot better than i could. ‘ 
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ameliabtw · 7 years
text @ tinder hottie 🔥
logan: he tried to use an expired coupon and i told him he couldn't
logan: certain words were exchanged, as were certain... fists...
logan: [JPG.6868]
amelia: show 'em who's boss
amelia: damn boy, you're still fine though ;)
amelia: please tell me he looks worse than your most definitely broken nose?
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ameliabtw · 7 years
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“okay, okay, far point; that was the wrong choice of words. but at least you still got the gist of it” she laughed, rolling her eyes playfully; leave it to him to shoot her word choice in the foot. amelia smirked smugly, noting the way his eyes flickered down the length of her body, she folded her arms over her chest as she leaned against the fence next to him and shrugged lightly. “you should know by now that i’m up for anything, what do you have in mind.”
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“I thought I’d have a much worse sleep deprivation hangover today than I do.” Amelia laughed, running her thin fingers through her blonde hair. “So, I’ve decided to come out from my house and be an active member of society, and ditch my plans of slumming it on the couch with netflix by myself. With that said, you got any plans or suggestions for me? Up for a little fun? Or hey, if you even feel like joining me for a netflix binging session, I wouldn’t say no to that either.“
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