#americans are behind by bruce dickinson
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hardrockshrimp · 2 years ago
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Crudely assembled Bruces! :D I'll be fully putting him together with wire joints, as well as making the replaceable parts (hands, mouths, eyes) tomorrow because it's almost 3 am here TEEHEE just imagine he has a face right now
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demolition-lesbians · 2 years ago
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Rolling Stone #1119 December 9, 2010 - The Playlist Issue
(click for better quality) Here's the playlist if you want to take a listen! Transcript:
Gerard Way: Glam Rock
My Chemical Romance's frontman grew up a metalhead, but when he heard Iron Maiden's lead singer, Bruce Dickinson, cover Mott the Hoople's "All the Young Dudes," he discovered a whole other world, "I knew I had to find out more," Way says, "To some people, glam is just about makeup. To me, it's a very magical thing almost like witchcraft."
1: "Ziggy Stardust" David Bowie, 1972
This song defines glam. It was also the first thing in rock that really challenged people's notions of sexual orientation. Bowie actually sings about a man's ass! 2: "Children of the Revolution" T. Rex, 1972
You always knew Bowie would make it out alive and turn into another character; with Marc Bolan you didn't know that. He came across as very vulnerable. 3: "All the Young Dudes" Mott the Hoople, 1972
This is kind of a cheat because David Bowie wrote it for them, but I always preferred the Mott the Hoople version. By this point, Bowie was talking about the actual glam movement, which is why it's about kids stealing makeup and breaking into unlocked cars. Glam became about the kid in the room, the poster on the wall, putting on a women's short fur coat and eyeliner, with no shirt on, just listening to this music. 4: "Ballroom Blitz" Sweet, 1973
They completely break the fourth wall when the song opens up and they're calling each other by name. We emulated that on our song "Vampire Money." It literally starts out just like "Ballroom Blitz" does. 5: "Cum On Feel the Noize" Slade, 1973
Obviously, everybody knows this for the Quiet Riot version, but when you hear the original you realize just how bold it is. The soundscape they created is probably one of the best out of all the glam-rock bands. 6: "Love Is the Drug" Roxy Music, 1975
Roxy Music took the glam thing and then modified it. Bryan Ferry looks nothing like a glam artist, and that's what I love about him. He's wearing this great suit and he's got short hair and he's so romantic. Maybe some people wouldn't consider Roxy Music a glam band, but I do, for a lot of reasons. A major one is that they used to have Brian Eno behind the keyboard wearing feathers on his shoulders and eye shadow.
7: "Needles in the Camel's Eye" Brian Eno, 1974
Speaking of Eno, this is the first track on his first solo album. It's the glammiest track on the record. As soon as he finishes that song, he's almost over it, and he's moved on to something else. Besides Bowie, Eno is still the most important artist to me of the glam scene. When you heard his first album, you knew it was gonna be his last glam record. He just needed to do it once and he was done. 8: "Clones (We're All)" Alice Cooper, 1980
With "Clones," Alice Cooper was moving into the glam of the future, like this kind of Blade Runner replicant version of glam. Alice Cooper doesn't get enough credit for being a glam artist. A lot of people just say, "Oh, he's shock rock," but I think he's way more Rocky Horror than he is shock rock. 9: "48 Crash" Suzi Quatro, 1973
She's the most unsung glam rocker. She's also the prototype for the Runaways. "48 Crash" is one of her more aggressive songs. She looks amazing on the cover, wearing this black cat suit. Everything about the song is magic. 10: "Personality Crisis" New York Dolls, 1973
They were a lot more punk, but I will always consider the New York Dolls glam by the nature of how they looked and their attitude. They took glam to America and really challenged the sexuality of it. They also had Johnny Thunders, who's basically like the American Mick Ronson.
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schoolofrockgr · 7 years ago
Τα κορυφαία δισκογραφικά comeback rock μουσικών θρύλων
Μια μικρή ή εκτεταμένη χλιαρή περίοδος, μέτριες και αποτυχημένες δουλειές, σκάνδαλα ή writer’s block. Όποιοι και να ήταν οι λόγοι που τους απομάκρυναν από το προσκήνιο κι εκεί που όλοι τους είχαν ξεχασμένους, τελειωμένους ή ότι δεν είχαν να δώσουν κάτι ακόμα σπουδαίο, υπήρχαν αυτοί εδώ οι τύποι και οι μπάντες που τράνταξαν τα νερά και ��άφνιασαν τους θαυμαστές τους με απρόσμενες επικές επιστροφές.
Πολλές από αυτές σφυρηλάτησαν την καλλιτεχνική τους υστεροφημία περισσότερο και από την χρυσή τους εποχή.
10. BON JOVI – CRUSH (2000)
Ύστερα από το σπουδαίο Τhese Days (’95), το συγκρότημα έκανε ένα δισκογραφικό διάλειμμα μερικών ετών. Κανείς όμως δεν ήταν σίγουρος για το μετά. Ήδη δύο φορές η μπάντα είχε καταφέρει να προσαρμοστεί στα δεδομένα των εποχών για να είναι επίκαιροι μία στα 80’s και μία στα 90s. Τώρα όμως; Η μουσική βιομηχανία τη νέα χιλιετία είδε δραστικές αλλαγές όσον αφορά το ροκ. Η grunge πέθανε, η alternative εξελίχθηκε. Η ποπ μουσική βασίλευε μαζί με τη δεύτερη έξαρση της hip-hop και πραγματικά ποιος θα έλεγε πως αυτές οι κορεσμένες παλιοσειρές θα έπιαναν ξανά κορυφή;
Κάπου εκεί ανυποψίαστα, σκάει το single του It’s My Life. Η τεράστια επιτυχία του σημαδεύοντας την νέα fanbase για το συγκρότημα. Η νεολαία τους αγκάλιασε, οι παλιοί έμειναν άφωνοι και το συγκρότημα πέρασε δυναμικά στην τρίτη δεκαετία του με μια σειρά, ξανά, από hits…
Σημάδεψε την πολυπόθητη τότε για κάθε φαν τους είδους, μεγάλη επιστροφή του frontman Bruce Dickinson που είχε αποχωρήσει άσχημα τ�� 1993. Το συγκρότημα είχε βρει τον αντικαταστάτη στο πρόσωπο του Βlaze Bayley, όμως οι προσδοκίες δεν εκπληρώθηκαν καθώς τα μέσα της δεκαετίας του ‘90 τους βρήκαν σε οριακή από άποψη εμπορικότητας και αποδοχής.
Ο ηγέτης Steve Harris τα ξαναβρήκε με τον Dickinson όπως και με τον Adrian Smith που είχε αποχωρήσει το 1990, πριν το άλμπουμ No Prayer For The Dying. Όλοι μαζί αναβίωσαν τους αυθεντικούς μεγάλους και τρανούς Irons με έναν δίσκο που πλέον κατατάσσεται στους κλασικούς τους. Σήμανε την αρχή για μία δεύτερη νιότη για τους θρύλους της μέταλ.
Ακολούθησαν γιγαντιαία tours και μια σειρά από δουλειές που σε συνδυασμό με εκείνες των 80’s, τους καθιέρωσαν ως την κορυφαία μέταλ μπάντα στο πλανήτη.
Το πρώτο άλμπουμ των Deep Purple μετά από…m9 χρόνια!
Όχι μόνο αυτό, καθώς υπήρξε το πρώτο reunion μετά από 11 χρόνια με το θρυλικότερο και σπουδαιότερο line up της μπάντας που κυριάρχησε στα 70’s. Ξανά μαζί όλοι οι μεγάλοι. Ιan Gillan στα φωνητικά, Ritchie Blackmore κιθάρες, Roger Glover στο μπάσο, Jon Lord στα πλήκτρα, και last but of course not least, Ian Paice στα ντραμς!  Για να λέμε τη αλήθεια ο δίσκος κατατάσσεται αρκετά μετά από τις πάλαι ποτέ αριστουργηματικές δουλειές τους, όμως μόνο και μόνο με την επανένωση όλων αυτών είναι μια άκρως ενδιαφέρουσα δουλειά, που αν μη τι άλλο μας χάρισε την επιτυχία ‘’Perfect Strangers���’ και μια νέα προσέγγιση στον ήχο τους.
Ύστερα από μία κάπως χλιαρή δεκαετία του ‘90 για εκείνους, ιδίως προς τα τέλη αυτής και το μέτριας αποδοχής άλμπουμ Pop! (1997), οι πολυδιάστατοι Ιρλανδοί το γύρισαν ξανά στο mainstream και στο κυνήγι της επιτυχίας. Χωρίς αρνητικό πρόσημο αυτό το σχόλιο. Έβαλαν στη συνταγή του δίσκου στοιχεία alternative, new wave & dance επιρροές και το μίγμα πέτυχε για τα καλά! Δέχθηκε θερμής αποδοχής από κριτικούς και κοινό συν μερικά βραβεία Grammy.
Περιέχει τις επιτυχίες: Beautiful Day, Elevation, Walk on & Stuck in a Moment You Can’t Get Out Of. Έβαλε τους Ιρλανδούς ρόκερς δυναμικά σε νέα μουσικά μονοπάτια, νέο κοινό νέα χιλιετία με νέο ήχο…
Mία από τις μεγαλύτερες εμπορικές φρενίτιδες στην mainstream μουσική. Μετά από μερικές εμπορικές αποτυχίες για το συγκρότημα του θρυλικού βιρτουόζου Carlos Santana στη δεκαετία του ‘80 και ένα διάλειμμα 7 ετών, η μπάντα επαναπροσδιόρισε την μουσική ταυτότητα της, χωρίς όμως να χάσει την αυθεντική της βάση των latin επιρροών.
Μιλάμε για ένα άλμπουμ που ξεπέρασε τις 30 εκατομμύρια πωλήσεις παγκοσμίως! Το υπέροχο single ‘’Smooth’’ (με Rob Thomas στα φωνητικά) παρέμεινε έναν ολόκληρο χρόνο στο νο1 (!) του billboard. Τα εννέα βραβεία Grammy έρχονται να συμπληρώσουν το κάδρο σε ένα από τα πιο εκκωφαντικά comebacks όλων των εποχών. Μεγάλη μαγκιά.
Μετά από μία σχεδόν αδιάφορη δισκογραφικά δεκαετία του ’90, εννέα χρόνια χωρίς δίσκο και 18 (!) ολόκληρα χρόνια δίχως την συνοδεία της θρυλικής ‘’Ε street band’’ – h όποια απαρτιζόμενη από μουσικούς παγκοσμίου επιπέδου, κάποτε τον συνόδευε στα σπουδαιότερα αριστουργήματα του. Το «αφεντικό» της ροκ βρήκε την χαμένη του έμπνευση από την τραγωδία της 11 Σεπτεμβρίου στους δίδυμους πύργους και επανένωσε όλα τα μέλη της μπάντας με σκοπό να δώσουν μια παρηγοριά και ελπίδα στον σοκαρισμένο και σε θρήνο αμερικανικό λαό. Ο δίσκος δέχτηκε θερμής αποδοχής από κοινό και κριτικούς που το αγκάλιασαν ως μια από τις δουλειές που επανέφεραν τον σπουδαίο Springsteen των περασμένων δεκαετιών στα γνώριμα επίπεδα.
Πέρα από το εξέχουσας σημασίας θέμα του δίσκου, στέκει και μουσικά μόνο του σαν μια από τις αρτιότερες δουλειές του.
Ξεχωρίζουν τα: Waiting on a sunny day, The rising, Empty sky, Worlds Apart (προσωπικό αγαπημένο) & Lonesome day.
Ο δίσκος τους Warning (2000) υπήρξε σκέτη αποτυχία. Γι’ αυτό το θρυλικό αμερικάνικο πανκ-ροκ συγκρότημα αποφάσισε να κάνει ένα διάλειμμα για ανασυγκρότηση. Είχαν από τα μέσα των 90’s να ταράξουν τα νερά με κάποια σπουδαία δουλειά. Μπήκαν στο στούντιο με την έμπνευση μιας punk-rock εξιστορηματικής όπερας. Έναν concept δίσκο που ακολουθεί τις ιστορίες του Jesus of Suburbia.
Τα θεματικά άλμπουμ συνήθως αντιμετωπίζονται ως ενιαίες δουλειές και πολλές φορές δεν παράγουν τεράστια hits πέρα από εξαιρέσεις όπως το ‘’The Wall’’ των υπέρτατων Pink Floyd. Ο δίσκος αυτός όμως των πανροκάδων τα διέλυσε όλα: Boulevard of broken dreams, Ηoliday , American Idiot, Wake me Up when September ends όπως ήδη τα ξέρετε. Το κάθε κομμάτι από αυτά θα στεκόταν ως ναυαρχίδα για οποιονδήποτε άλλο δίσκο. Εδώ έκατσαν όλα μαζί. Σε μια δουλειά που ξεχωρίζει για τα αντιπολεμικά μηνύματα της οι Green Day κατέκτησαν τον μουσικό κόσμο και μια θέση στους κορυφαίους δίσκους της δεκαετίας.
3. AC/DC – BACK IN BLACK(1980)
Λίγους μήνες μετά το θρυλικό Ηighway to Hell, ο πρώτος τραγουδιστής της μπάντας Bon Scott, βρέθηκε νεκρός σοκάροντας τον μουσικό κόσμο. Το συγκρότημα έμεινε ξεκρέμαστο και έθεσε εαυτόν στην αναζήτηση νέου frontman. Ύστερα από εκατοντάδες τύπους φυσικά που έκαναν audition, έπιασαν το λαχείο και δεν το ήξεραν όταν τα αδέρφια Young κατέληξαν στον Brian Johnson. O Johnson ανέλαβε ευθύς εξαρχής ρόλο στις συνθέσεις του συγκροτήματος με προσφορά σε στίχους και μουσική και δημιούργησαν έναν από τους πλέον πιο κλασικούς δίσκους όλων των εποχών.
Το πένθιμο Back In Black είναι πλέον το δεύτερο σε πωλήσεις άλμπουμ όλων των εποχών μετά το Thriller του Michal Jackson. Εnough said νομίζω…
Tο 1978 ο πολύς Ozzy εκδιώχθηκε από τους Black Sabbath για παραβατικές συμπεριφορές και για την ακατάπαυστη χρήση ναρκωτικών που έκανε την επικοινωνία μαζί του… ανυπόφορη.
Επικοί τσακωμοί με τον Iommy σημάδεψαν την αποχώρηση. Το συγκρότημα τον αντικατέστησε άμεσα με τον θρύλο και συγχωρεμένο Ronnie James Dio και δημιούργησαν το αριστούργημα Heaven and Hell (1980), αποδεικνύοντας πως το συγκρότημα μπορούσε να σταθεί σε υψηλές πτήσεις και χωρίς τον Ozzy. Εκείνος όμως; Είχε τη δυνατότητα να ξεχωρίσει χωρίς την μπάντα και τον Iommy από πίσω; Ή βασικά, θα μπορούσε να συνεχίσει στο χώρο μετά από την κατρακύλα στα drugs;
Η απάντηση ήρθε εμφατικά! Μέσω της μάνατζερ και γυναίκας του Sharon, ανακάλυψαν ένα από τα πιο σπουδαία ταλέντα στην κιθάρα, τον αδικοχαμένο Randy Rhoads και μαζί δημιούργησαν έναν από τους σημαντικότερους δίσκους στην ιστορία του μέταλ. Με μπροστάρη τον τρομερό βιρτουόζο Rhoads, ο Ozzy τάραξε τους πάντες στο χώρος της μουσικής βιομηχανίας που τον είχε ξεγραμμένο και θύμα των ναρκωτικών που θα περνούσε στη σφαίρα της νοσταλγίας. Η Sharon όμως ήταν εκεί, την κατάλληλη περίοδο, για να τον σώσει από τον ίδιο του τον εαυτό…
1. JOHNNY CASH – HURT (2002)
Όποτε σκέφτομαι το συγκεκριμένο κομμάτι-διασκευή και την ιστορία από πίσω του ανατριχιάζω. Σαν διασκευή φυσικά, είναι από τις καλύτερες που έχουν γίνει. Σαν βίντεο κλιπ ίσως το πιο συγκινητικό. Σαν σημασία και backround λιώνει και σίδερα. Ο Cash επέλεξε το κομμάτι των Nine Inch Nails, που έμελε να ήταν το κύκνειο άσμα του, διότι βρήκε στους στίχους του τον αντικατοπτρισμό των δικών του δαιμόνων. Της πάλαι ποτέ μάχης του με τα ναρκωτικά, την αποκαθήλωση από το προσκήνιο και τα λόγια, που εκφράζουν τις πιο ζόρικες στιγμές της ζωής του. To πιο αξιοσημείωτο είναι πως την περίοδο των γυρισμάτων του βίντεο κλιπ είχε σοβαρά προβλήματα υγείας. Εξού και το βίντεο κλιπ εμπλουτίστηκε με flashbacks στιγμιότυπα της ζωής του και λίγες μόνο τωρινές τότε λήψεις.
Λίγους μήνες μετά, πρώτα η June Cash, γυναίκα του που συμμετείχε στο κλιπ, έφυγε από την ζωή. Όχι πολύ αργότερα, την ακολούθησε και ο θρύλος Cash. Aυτά τα γεγονότα, συν το πως το σπίτι του που εμφανίζεται στο βίντεο κλιπ κάηκε το 2007, δίνουν στην διασκευή αυτή πολύ σπουδαία και ξεχωριστή σημασία συνοψίζοντας έτσι την καριέρα του, αλλά κυρίως τον άνθρωπο Johnny.
Διότι τίποτα δεν είναι όπως φαίνεται, ακόμα και αν είσαι ο Cash, οι προσωπικοί δαίμονες, η κατάθλιψη και ο πόνος δε κάνουν διακρίσεις…
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romanmigracs · 5 years ago
Forest Sea (Pol. Leśne morze) (1960), a novel by a Polish writer and educator Igor Newerly. The first book published outside Asia which refers to atrocities committed in the unit.
The Man Who Ended History: A Documentary (2011), a novella published in The Paper Menagerie book by American writer and Chinese translator Ken Liu: A scientific discovery allows a victim's descendant to go back in time to witness and learn the truth about the atrocities committed in the unit.
Tricky Twenty-Two, a novel in the Stephanie Plum series by Janet Evanovich, features as its antagonist a deranged biology professor who is obsessed with Unit 731 and is attempting to re-create the unit's bubonic plague dispersals.
The Solomon Curse, a novel in the Fargo Adventures series by Clive Cussler and Russell Blake, involves this unit in its plot, around secret human experimentation on the island of Guadalcanal.
"Island 731" written by Jeremy Robinson
The Grimnoire Series, an alternative-history series of novels by Larry Correia, has Unit 731 conducting brutal magical experiments on prisoners of the Japanese Imperium.
There have been several films about the atrocities of Unit 731.
The Sea and Poison (1986), Japan, directed by Kei Kumai
Men Behind the Sun (1988), China, directed by Tun Fei Mou
Unit 731: Laboratory of the Devil (1992), China, directed by Godfrey Ho
731: Two Versions of Hell (2007), produced by James T. Hong; documentary about Unit 731 told from the Chinese and Japanese sides[96]
Philosophy of a Knife (2008), Russia, directed by Andrey Iskanov
Dead Mine (2012), Indonesia, directed by Steven Sheil and based in a fictionalised version of Unit 731
"The Breeding House" (1994), Bruce Dickinson. Segment of the CD-single Tears of the Dragon, describing the atrocities committed by Unit 731 and the immunity granted by the Americans to the physicians of the Unit
"Unit 731" (2009), American thrash metal band Slayer. Song on the album World Painted Blood, describing the events and atrocities that occurred at Unit 731
"Unit 731" (2011), Power electronic band Brandkommando
"And You Will Beg for Our Secrets" (2016), from the Anaal Nathrakh album The Whole of the Law, refers to Unit 731's activities and the US amnesty given in exchange for information resulting from the experiments carried out.
"The New Eternity" (2018), from the Silent Planet album When the End Began refers to Unit 731's human experimentation and other crimes against humanity.
Unit 731 - Did the Emperor Know?. Television South documentary made in 1985 and first broadcast on the 13th of August.[97]
The X-Files episode "731" (1995). Former members of Unit 731 secretly continue their experiments on humans under control of a covert U.S. government agency.
ReGenesis episode "Let it burn" (2007). Outbreaks of anthrax and glanders are traced to World War II Japan.
Warehouse 13 episode "The 40th Floor" (2011). General Shirō Ishii's medal from Unit 731 simulated drowning when applied to a victim's skin.
Concrete Revolutio. The experimentation on superhumans by the Japanese and Americans is a parallel to Unit 731.
The Truth of Unit 731: Elite medical students and human experiments (2017). A NHK Documentary broadcast in 2017, including paper materials, recording tapes, and interviews to former members and doctors who have implemented experiments in 731 Unit.
The Blacklist: General Shimo's Biological Experiments
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Look at how represented it is in popular culture. More so than entire communities. Why do people care??? It doesn't even work
The Pink Floyd image has been much referenced, parodied and paid homage to, for instance on:
The US cover of The Orb's 1991 album, Adventures Beyond the Ultraworld.[4]
The back cover of Les Claypool's Frog Brigade's 2001 album, Live Frogs Set 2, which is a full cover of Pink Floyd's Animals.[5][6]
The station can also be seen on various other pieces of album artwork, including:
The booklet art for The Who's 1973 album, Quadrophenia.[7]
The photograph on the sleeve of Hawkwind's 1977 album, Quark, Strangeness and Charm, is of the B Station's control room.[8]
The cover of Jan Hammer's 1988 12" single of "The Runner (marathon mix)".[9]
The back cover of Morrissey's 1990 album Bona Drag.[10]
The background art for the cover of the 2001 Petula Clark boxed set, Meet Me in Battersea Park.[11]
The cover of London Elektricity's 2005 album, Power Ballads.[12] Silhouettes of the station's coal cranes were used on the cover of the group's Hanging Rock single.[13]
A photograph on the inside case of Muse's 2009 album, The Resistance.[14]
Battersea Power Station was also the name of Junior's Eyes' 1969 album. Junior's Eyes went on to become David Bowie's backup band for a brief period in the late 1960s.[15]
Music videos
The power station has often been used as a shooting location or as a backdrop in music artists' promotional videos. Such uses include:
Footage from the photoshoot of the cover of Pink Floyd's Animals is used in a video for their 1977 song "Pigs on the Wing".[3] During the song "Money" at their 2005 Live 8 performance, the power station was briefly shown when the camera panned out away from the stage.[16]
The Jam shot the promotional video for their 1978 single "News of the World" on the roof of the power station.[17] Photos from the shoot featuring the station also appear on the sleeve of the "Snap!" compilation album.[18]
A scene from Bill Wyman's promotional video for his 1981 single, "Je Suis un Rock Star", shows the station in the background.[19]
The station appeared in the video for the 1982 hit single "You've Got Another Thing Comin'" by heavy metal band Judas Priest.[20]
Tori Amos filmed the video for her 1996 single "Talula" inside the station.[21]
The band M People shot the music video for their 1995 single "Search for the Hero" inside and around the station. It was directed by Matthew Amos [22]
The station appears in the 1997 music video by American pop band Hanson, for their song "Where's the Love".[23]
It was rented by Bruce Dickinson in 1999 to be a film location for the video to "Man of Sorrows".[24]
Texas filmed the video for their 1999 single "In Our Lifetime" inside the station.[25]
The hard rock band Europe shot some scenes of the video clip "Open Your Heart" (1988), at the station.[26]
The band Biffy Clyro shot the music video for their 2010 single, "Many of Horror", at the station.[27]
In Take That's video for their 2010 single, "The Flood", the group pass by the station while rowing down the River Thames.[28]
Served as a backdrop for Ayumi Hamasaki's music video for the song, "Return Road", from her 13th album, "Party Queen".
Chimneys are observed in the music One Thing by One Direction.
The power station is featured behind the credits of Nice for What by Drake (musician).
The power station is also written about, or mentioned in, various songs.
Welsh pop band Super Furry Animals wrote "Battersea Odyssey", a song about the power station, on their 2007 album Hey Venus!.[29]
English singer Frank Turner mentions Battersea Power Station as the dwelling of the Fisher King in "The Fisher King Blues" on his 2013 album Tape Deck Heart.[30]
Television and film
The station was used in the opening scene of Alfred Hitchcock's 1936 film, Sabotage.[31]
The station can be seen in several key scenes in Val Guest's 1961 doomsday black comedy The Day the Earth Caught Fire, most prominently when a dense fog rolls up the Thames
The station was the focal point of action in the film High Treason, in which a cell of saboteurs plot to destroy the station (among others) to disrupt Britain's power grid. The film has extensive interior scenes.
It has appeared numerous times in the long-running British science fiction series Doctor Who. It appeared briefly in the episode The Dalek Invasion of Earth in 1964, which saw the station in the 22nd century with two chimneys demolished, and a nearby nuclear reactor dome.[32] It appeared again in the 2006 Doctor Who episodes "Rise of the Cybermen" and "The Age of Steel" as the base to which Londoners are drawn to be converted into Cybermen.[33]
It appeared briefly in The Beatles' 1965 film Help!, with a caption identifying it as "a famous power station".[34]
It can be seen near the end of the 1967 film Smashing Time, when the station appears to explode.
The station is seen in the 1967 science fiction film The Projected Man.
The A Station's control room was used as the location for the "Find The Fish" segment of Monty Python's 1983 film The Meaning of Life.[35]
It is in the background, belching out smoke, of the opening shot of the "Hell's Grannies" sketch in Monty Python's 1971 film And Now for Something Completely Different.
The station's interior was used for a closing scene featuring Christopher Reeve, Richard Pryor and Larry Lamb in the 1983 film Superman III, where it doubled as an American coal mining operation.
It was used as the external façade of the Victory Mansions in Michael Radford's 1984 film adaptation of George Orwell's novel, Nineteen Eighty-Four.[36]
A stylised image of the station appears in the title sequence of Agatha Christie's Poirot, which began airing in 1989. The series was set in the late 1930s, when the power station comprised only the western half – the remainder was added in the 1950s, long after the events of the show had ended.[37]
The power station was the location for a weather changing machine in the children's sci-fi series "The Tomorrow People" in 1994 in the episode "Monsoon Man".[38]
The station stood in for an Eastern European military camp in the 1994 MacGyver TV movie, The Lost Treasure of Atlantis.
In Ian McKellen's 1995 film adaptation of Shakespeare's Richard III, the derelict power station stands in for Bosworth Field in Richard's final battle scene.[39]
In the "Knightsbridge" episode of Neil Gaiman's 1996 television series Neverwhere, the station appears as the aboveground landmark for the London Below Floating Market.
A computer generated version of the power station appeared briefly in the background of a 2006 episode of the ABC television series Lost entitled "Fire and Water", sporting an identifying sign saying "Widmore Construction". This was the first introduced of one of the show's principal antagonists, Charles Widmore.[40]
In Alfonso Cuarón's 2006 film, Children of Men, the station appears converted as the "Ark of Art" in 2027. The building contains art treasures salvaged from nations whose governments have collapsed and preserved for a "posterity".[41] It contains a shattered and rebuilt Michelangelo's David, and Picasso's Guernica.[41][42] An inflatable pig is tethered to the exterior of the building, a reference to the Animals album cover.[43]
In May 2007, Battersea Power Station played a central role in episode 5 of series 4 of the BBC TV series New Tricks.[44]
In October 2007, the power station was used as a filming location for the Batman movie, The Dark Knight. The station's stripped, empty interior was used as a setting for a burnt out warehouse.[45][46]
Starting in December 2007, the interior of the power station was used in Terry Gilliam's film The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus.[47]
In 2008, the power station was used as a location for the film Happy-Go-Lucky.[48]
The station was featured in Guy Ritchie's 2008 film, RocknRolla.[48]
In April 2010, the station was featured in the BBC television series Ashes to Ashes.[49]
In March 2010, the movie Nanny McPhee and the Big Bang briefly showed the station, with a silver inflatable pig tethered between two smokestacks.[50]
In October 2010, auditions for Sky1's Got to Dance programme were held at the station.[51]
The 2010 film The King's Speech used the A station control room to represent the BBC's wireless control room.[48][52]
The 2011 Bollywood film Ra.One was shot at the power station.[48][53]
The 2010 BBC's series Sherlock features some scenes at the power station.
The power station appeared briefly in the film Fast & Furious 6 (2013)[54][55]
The Power Station was used in a 1992 advert for Burger King acting as a filming location for a movie.
In one episode of the twenty-fourth series of Thomas & Friends, Thomas passes the Power Station on his way to London.
Why do I see so much about battersea power station. Why do I know so much about it. Why am I being told to care about it. Is it even that good? There are loads of other power stations, this is the only one I know anything about - apart from the one that 44k a year Thom Yorke chains himself to. Seriously, what's good about battersea power station?
23 notes · View notes
junker-town · 5 years ago
The preseason NCAA tournament bracket would look like this
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Kansas will be a favorite to crash the Final Four.
But don’t put too much money on November’s No. 1 seeds making it all the way to Atlanta.
At this time last year, the Kansas Jayhawks, Duke Blue Devils, Gonzaga Bulldogs and Kentucky Wildcats found themselves atop my annual exercise in futility—the preseason bracket.
And how many of those teams made it to Minneapolis for the Final Four? (checks notes) None. Nil. Zilch. Zero.
While Duke and Gonzaga ended up atop the bracket on Selection Sunday, both also fell one game short of making it to the Land of 10,000 Lakes, with Kentucky meeting the same fate as a No. 2 seed. Then there were the Jayhawks, who didn’t even make it out of the Second Round—after falling to a No. 4 seed.
As for the teams that ended up traveling to the Twin Cities, both the Michigan State Spartans, a preseason No. 3 seed, and eventual national champion Virginia Cavaliers, a No. 2 seed in November, were decent bets to make it to US Bank Stadium. In fact, both Michigan State and Virginia’s Selection Sunday seeds were one line higher than what I projected a few months earlier. On the other hand, the Auburn Tigers and Texas Tech Red Raiders were real surprises. Sure, Bruce Pearl’s squad were a preseason three seed, just like Michigan State, but the Tigers entered March Madness as a No. 5 seed—in four seed Kansas’ pod. Then there were Chris Beard’s Red Raiders, who over-performed their November projection, earning a No. 3 seed—four lines higher than their preseason seven.
Even though 40 of 2019’s preseason field of 68 ended up in the real bracket five months later, only eight of those teams earned a seed that matched their preseason projection. Another nine squads ended up seeded within a line of their November placement. Going back year after year, the numbers tell a similar story about how the season will unfold. Now, perhaps 2020 will finally be the year the four teams at the top of this bracket will buck the odds and make their way to Mercedes-Benz Stadium. But it’s far more likely that at least one of these teams will stumble, with one of the many capable teams ranking behind them rising up as a replacement. Prepare yourself for five months worth of surprises, twists and turns. Enjoy the journey.
Here’s the full preseason bracket for your amusement. A few notes will follow.
1. Midwest (Indianapolis, Indiana)
Cleveland, Ohio (Fri./Sun.)
1. Michigan State (Big Ten) vs. 16. Fairleigh Dickinson (NEC)/NC Central (MEAC) 8. Wichita State vs. 9. Mississippi State
St. Louis, Missouri (Thu./Sat.)
5. Baylor vs. 12. Vermont (Am. East) 4. Seton Hall vs. 13. East Tennessee State (SoCon)
Sacramento, California (Fri./Sun.)
6. Saint Mary’s vs. 11. Georgetown/Missouri 3. Oregon (Pac-12) vs. 14. UC Irvine (Big West)
Greensboro, North Carolina (Fri./Sun.)
7. VCU (A 10) vs. 10. Houston 2. Duke vs. 15. Colgate (Patriot)
4. West (Los Angeles, California)
Cleveland (Fri./Sun.)
1. Kentucky vs. 16. Iona (MAAC) 8. Oklahoma vs. 9. Washington
Omaha, Nebraska (Fri./Sun.)
5. Purdue vs. 12. Western Kentucky (C-USA) 4. Texas Tech vs. 13. Toledo (MAC)
Tampa, Florida (Thu./Sat.)
6. Auburn vs. 11. Butler/Syracuse 3. Virginia vs. 14. Hofstra (CAA)
Spokane, Washington (Thu./Sat.)
7. Tennessee vs. 10. NC State 2. Gonzaga (WCC) vs. 15. South Dakota (Summit)
2. South (Houston, Texas)
Omaha (Fri./Sun.)
1. Kansas (Big 12) vs. 16. Montana (Big Sky) 8. Utah State (MW) vs. 9. Michigan
Sacramento (Fri./Sun.)
5. LSU vs. 12. Belmont (OVC) 4. Memphis (American) vs. 13. New Mexico State (WAC)
Albany, New York (Thu./Sat.)
6. Marquette vs. 11. Oklahoma State 3. North Carolina vs. 14. Wright State (Horizon)
Greensboro (Fri./Sun.)
7. Florida State vs. 10. Colorado 2. Maryland vs. 15. South Alabama (Sun Belt)
3. East (New York, New York)
Tampa (Thu./Sat.)
1. Florida (SEC) vs. 16. Sam Houston State (Southland)/Texas Southern (SWAC) 8. Wisconsin vs. 9. Texas
Spokane (Thu./Sat.)
5. Arizona vs. 12. Harvard (Ivy) 4. Ohio State vs. 13. Loyola Chicago (MVC)
Albany (Thu./Sat.)
6. Cincinnati vs. 11. Davidson 3. Villanova (Big East) vs. 14. Liberty (ASUN)
St. Louis (Thu./Sat.)
7. Xavier vs. 10. Indiana 2. Louisville (ACC) vs. 15. Radford (Big South)
Last Four Byes: Indiana, Colorado, Oklahoma State, Davidson Last Four IN: Butler, Syracuse, Georgetown, Missouri First Four OUT: Iowa, Notre Dame, Dayton, Creighton Next Four OUT: Penn State, Providence, Illinois, Arkansas
Bids by Conference: 7 ACC, 7 Big Ten, 7 SEC, 6 Big 12, 6 Big East, 4 American, 4 Pac-12, 2 Atlantic 10, 2 West Coast, 23 one-bid conferences
Bracket Notes
These preseason conference bid totals aren’t too different from 2019’s final numbers. The Big Ten is down one from the eight bids earned last March, while the numbers for the ACC, SEC and Big 12 are stable. The Big East gained two bids, at the expense of the two-bid Mountain West and Ohio Valley, while the Pac-12 picked up the Big Ten’s extra bid.
Of the 68 teams in this projection, 44 return from last March. Of the 24 newcomers, 12 are at-large selections and 12 are new single-bid conference champions.
As usual, I leaned pretty heavily on my non-conference scheduling rankings when putting together these preseason pairings, particularly at the top of the bracket and near the cut line.
The list of teams considered for the preseason bracket was as deep as you would expect, going 42 spots past the “Next Four Out” group. While there are some notable mid-majors in this group, like the Buffalo Bulls, BYU Cougars, Nevada Wolf Pack, Penn Quakers and Rhode Island Rams to name just five, this group is naturally loaded with power conference teams. Of the 87 teams in the Power Five conferences, Big East and American, only the California Golden Bears, East Carolina Pirates, Tulane Green Wave, Vanderbilt Commodores and Washington State Cougars failed to make the “under consideration” group.
Gonzaga is able to play in Spokane because the Idaho Vandals is the host institution (and the Bulldogs aren’t scheduled to play at the Veterans Memorial Arena anyway).
Should they earn a bid, the South Florida Bulls (Tampa) and Creighton Bluejays (Omaha) are the most likely First and Second Round host schools that would need to play at another site.
Thinking ahead to the NCAA Tournament’s second weekend, the St. John’s Red Storm (East) and Houston Cougars (South) cannot be placed in the regionals they are hosting. But these teams aren’t alone. The Houston regional has three co-hosts, so the Rice Owls and Texas Southern Tigers would need to be placed in different quadrants of the bracket should they earn their respective conferences’ auto bids. As a result, Texas Southern finds itself in a 16-seed First Four game destined for the East Region in this projection. The same rule would apply to the Pepperdine Waves in the West Regional should they earn a bid.
The most interesting pod of the 16 projected here is the West Region one in Tampa. Not only could there be a rematch of last April’s controversial Auburn-Virginia national semifinal in the Second Round, but the Cavaliers could face the Syracuse Orange for a third time in another possible round of 32 matchup. Normally, these teams would be kept apart until the regional semifinals. But with two Big East teams joining the Orange in the First Four and a regular-season meeting between Butler and Missouri further complicating matters, that guideline would be relaxed according to the Selection Committee’s Procedures and Principles.
As for your projected top-two regional finals, Saturday’s doubleheader would likely start with Kentucky and Gonzaga in Los Angeles, followed by Michigan State and Duke in Indianapolis. On Sunday, Florida would meet Louisville at Madison Square Garden, with Kansas and Maryland closing the weekend out in Houston.
Regular updates will begin in January. Look for a Feast Week winners and losers post in early December to tide you over.
0 notes
ramajmedia · 5 years ago
Screen Rant's Fall 2019 TV Premiere Dates | Screen Rant
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Although TV is a year-round dumping ground for content these days, the promise of new and returning shows in the fall is still reason enough to get excited.  For one thing, the broadcast networks are sticking with their tried-and-true model of pushing big new premieres around this time of year, and 2019 is no different. ABC, CBS, FOX, NBC, and The CW all have a variety of new series set to make it or break it in the increasingly competitive Peak TV arena. And while the return and expansion of the Arrowverse, as well as new shows like CBS' anticipated Evil, and the fourth and final season of NBC's The Good Place all make a solid case for traditional TV continuing its ways, fall 2019 also brings two new streaming services to the table: Disney+ and Apple TV+.
While Apple TV+'s slate looks interesting and will certainly garner plenty of attention with titles like The Morning Show, For All Mankind, and Dickinson, it's the arrival of Disney's pop culture juggernaut, armed with a litany of Marvel and Star Wars titles (oh, and High School Musical) that's bound to set the internet on fire. To that end, other streaming services like Netflix, Amazon Prime, and Hulu (though the latter is technically now an offshoot of Disney+) will need to step up their respective game to continue earning those subscription dollars.
As such, the Fall 2019 TV premiere is going to be more crowded and more competitive than in years past. While it remains to be seen how many new subscribers both services will have on launch day, it stands to reason Apple and Disney will be stealing the limelight for much of November. Until then, check out the premiere dates for the new and returning shows this fall:
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Monday, September 2
Untouchable — Hulu
Tuesday, September 3
Mayans M.C. — FX, 10pm
Wednesday, September 4
Wu-Tang: An American Saga — Hulu
Dog’s Most Wanted — WGN America, 8pm
Friday, September 6
Elite — Netflix
The Spy — Netflix
Titans — DC Universe
Monday, September 9
The Deuce — HBO, 9pm
Tuesday, September 10
Mr. Mercedes — Audience Network, 10pm 
Thursday, September 12
The I-Land — Netflix
Mr. Inbetween — FX, 10pm
Midnight: This Close — Sundance, 10pm
Friday, September 13
Undone — Amazon
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TOP PICK: Unbelievable — Netflix
Inspired by the real events in The Marshall Project and ProPublica Pulitzer Prize-winning article, "An Unbelievable Story of Rape," written by T. Christian Miller and Ken Armstrong, and the This American Life radio episode, “Anatomy of Doubt”, with episodes directed by Oscar nominees Susannah Grant and Lisa Cholodenko, "Unbelievable" is a story of unspeakable trauma, unwavering tenacity, and astounding resilience.
The Ranch — Netflix
Red Bull Peaking — The CW, 9pm
Room 104 — HBO, 11pm
Sunday, September 15
Country Music — PBS
Wednesday, September 18
American Horror Story: 1984 — FX, 10pm
Friday, September 20
Disenchantment — Netflix
Criminal — Netflix 
Inside Bill’s Brain — Netflix
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Sunday, September 22
71st Primetime Emmy Awards — FOX, 8pm ET/ 5pm PT
Monday, September 23
Team Kaylie — Netflix
The Neighborhood — CBS, 8pm
The Voice — NBC, 8pm
9-1-1 — FOX, 8pm 
Bob Hearts Abishola — CBS, 8:30pm
All Rise — CBS, 9pm
Prodigal Son — FOX, 9pm
Bull — CBS, 10pm
Bluff City Law — NBC, 10pm
The Good Doctor — ABC, 10pm
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Tuesday, September 24
NCIS — CBS, 8pm
The Resident — FOX, 8pm
The Conners — ABC, 8pm
Bless This Mess — ABC, 8:30pm
FBI — CBS, 9pm
This Is Us — NBC, 9pm
Empire — FOX, 9pm
Mixed-ish — ABC, 9pm
Black-ish — ABC, 9:30pm
NCIS: New Orleans — CBS, 10pm
New Amsterdam — NBC, 10pm
Emergence — ABC, 10pm
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Wednesday, September 25
Chicago Med — NBC, 8pm
The Masked Singer — FOX, 8pm
The Goldbergs — ABC, 8pm
Schooled — ABC, 8:30pm
Chicago Fire — NBC, 9pm
Modern Family — ABC, 9pm 
Single Parents — ABC, 9:30pm
Chicago P.D. — NBC, 10pm
It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia — FXX, 10pm
Stumptown — ABC, 10pm
South Park — Comedy Central, 10pm
Crank Yankers — Comedy Central, 10:30pm
Thursday, September 26
Top Pick: Creepshow — Shudder
Based on the iconic 1982 film written by Stephen King and directed by George A. Romero, Creepshow stars David Arquette (Scream franchise), Adrienne Barbeau, Tobin Bell (Saw), Big Boi (Scream: The TV Series), Jeffrey Combs (Star Trek, Re-Animator), Kid Cudi (Drunk Parents), Bruce Davison (Longtime Companion, X-Men), Giancarlo Esposito (Better Call Saul), Dana Gould (The Simpsons, Stan Against Evil), Tricia Helfer (Battlestar Galactica, Lucifer) and DJ Qualls (The Man in the High Castle, Supernatural).
Young Sheldon — CBS, 8pm
Superstore — NBC, 8pm
Grey’s Anatomy — ABC, 8pm
The Unicorn — CBS, 8:30pm
Perfect Harmony — NBC, 8:30pm
Mom — CBS, 9pm
The Good Place — NBC, 9pm
A Million Little Things — ABC, 9pm
Carol’s Second Act — CBS, 9:30pm
Sunnyside — NBC, 9:30pm
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Top Pick: Evil — CBS, 10pm
EVIL is a psychological mystery that examines the origins of evil along the dividing line between science and religion. The series focuses on a skeptical female psychologist who joins a priest-in-training and a carpenter as they investigate the Church’s backlog of unexplained mysteries, including supposed miracles, demonic possessions and hauntings. Their job is to assess if there is a logical explanation or if something truly supernatural is at work.
Law & Order: SVU — NBC, 10pm
How To Get Away With Murder — ABC, 10pm
Friday, September 27
The Politician — Netflix
Transparent — Amazon
Hawaii Five-0 — CBS, 8pm
American Housewife — ABC, 8pm, 
Fresh Off the Boat — ABC, 8:30pm
Magnum P.I. — CBS, 9pm
Blue Bloods — CBS, 10pm
Van Helsing — SYFY, 10pm
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Sunday, September 29
America’s Funniest Home Videos — ABC, 7pm
The Simpsons — FOX, 8pm
God Friended Me — CBS, 8:30pm
Bless The Harts — FOX, 8:30pm
Bob’s  Burgers — FOX 9pm
Shark Tank — ABC, 9pm
Poldark — PBS, 9pm
NCIS: Los Angeles — CBS, 9:30pm
Family Guy — FOX, 9:30pm
The Rookie — ABC, 10pm
Robot Chicken — Adult Swim, 12pm
Next: October 2019 - Peaky Blinders, Raising Dion & More
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Tuesday, October 1
Sorry For Your Loss —Facebook Watch
Wednesday, October 2
All Elite Wrestling — TNT, 8pm
SEAL Team — CBS, 9pm
Almost Family — FOX, 9pm
SWAT — CBS, 10pm
Friday, October 4
Big Mouth — Netflix
Peaky Blinders — Netflix
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Top Pick: Raising Dion — Netflix 
Raising Dion follows the story of a woman named Nicole (Alisha Wainwright), who raises her son Dion (newcomer Ja’Siah Young) after the death of her husband, Mark (Michael B. Jordan). The normal dramas of raising a son as a single mom are amplified when Dion starts to manifest several mysterious, superhero-like abilities. Nicole must now keep her son’s gifts secret with the help of Mark’s best friend Pat (Jason Ritter), and protect Dion from antagonists out to exploit him while figuring out the origin of his abilities.
The Blacklist — NBC, 8pm
WWE Smackdown — FOX, 8pm
Sunday, October 6
Batwoman — The CW, 8pm
Back to Life — Showtime, 8:30pm
Supergirl — The CW, 9pm
The Walking Dead — AMC, 9pm
Madam Secretary — CBS, 10pm
Star Wars Resistance — Disney Channel, 10pm
Mr. Robot — USA, 10pm
Monday, October 7
All American — The CW, 8pm
Black Lightning — The CW, 9pm
Tuesday, October 8
The Flash — The CW, 8pm
Wednesday, October 9
Riverdale — The CW, 8pm
Nancy Drew — The CW, 9pm
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Thursday, October 10
Supernatural — The CW, 8pm
Legacies — The CW, 9pm
Friday, October 11
Charmed — The CW, 8pm
Dynasty — The CW, 9pm
Tuesday, October 15
Arrow — The CW, 9pm
Wednesday, October 16
Limetown — Facebook Watch
Friday, October 18
Looking For Alaska — Hulu
Modern Love — Amazon
Living With Yourself — Netflix
Sunday, October 20
Leavenworth — Starz, 8pm
Tuesday, October 22
Misery Index — TBS, 10pm
Wednesday, October 23
The Cry — Sundance, 11pm
Friday, October 25
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The Kominsky Method — Netflix
Sunday, October 27
Silicon Valley — HBO, 10pm
Mrs. Fletcher — HBO, 10:30pm
Next: November 2019 - Disney+, Apple TV+ & More
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Apple TV+ (TBD)
Dickinson — Apple TV+ (TBD)
The Morning Show  — Apple TV+ (TBD)
For All Mankind — Apple TV+ (TBD)
Snoopy In Space — Apple TV+ (TBD)
Friday, November 1
American Son — Netflix
Sunday, November 3
Shameless — Showtime, 9pm
Kidding — Showtime, 10pm
Tuesday, November 12
Disney+ Launch Date
High School Musical — Disney+
Top Pick: The Mandalorian — Disney+
After the stories of Jango and Boba Fett, another warrior emerges in the Star Wars universe. The Mandalorian is set after the fall of the Empire and before the emergence of the First Order. We follow the travails of a lone gunfighter in the outer reaches of the galaxy far from the authority of the New Republic.
Friday, November 15
The Man in the High Castle — Amazon
Dollface — Hulu
Sunday, November 17
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The Crown — Netflix
Ray Donovan — Showtime, 8pm
Sunday, November 24
Slow Burn — EPIX
Monday, November 25
College Behind Bars — PBS, 9pm
Next: December 2019 - The Expanse, Runaways & More
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Friday, December 6
Reprisal — Hulu
The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel — Amazon
Sunday, December 8
The L Word: Generation Q — Showtime, 10pm
Work in Progress — Showtime, 11pm
Friday, December 13
The Expanse — Amazon
Runaways — Hulu
Next: Kingdom Of The White Wolf Interview: Ronan Donovan On Nat Geo WILD’s New Event Series
source https://screenrant.com/fall-2019-tv-premiere-dates-new-returning-shows/
0 notes
nyslovesfilm · 5 years ago
Save the Date: TV Premieres and Film Releases
The schedule of television premieres and film releases continues.  Below is a list of upcoming television shows and films that participated in New York State’s production and post-production tax credit programs with upcoming release/premiere dates. American Son ­– Nov. 1 – Netflix An estranged interracial couple searches for answers about their missing son. Based on the Broadway play. Starring: Kerry Washington, Jeremy Jordan, Steven Pasquale (Participated in the New York State Film Tax Credit program – Production) Cubby – Nov. 1 – Pulsar Studios A 26-year-old from the Midwest moves to New York City to find hope and self-discipline through his friendship with a precocious 6--year-old and the adult superhero Leather-Man, who is conjured from a psychedelic cupcake. Starring: Patricia Richardson, Lucy DeVito, Zachary Booth (Participated in the New York State Film Tax Credit Program – Post Production) Dickinson – Nov. 1 – Apple TV+ An inside look into the world of Emily Dickinson. Poet. Daughter. Total rebel. In this coming-of-age story, Emily’s determined to become the world’s greatest poet. Starring: Hailee Steinfeld, Toby Huss, Jane Krakowski (Participated in the New York State Film Tax Credit Program – Production) For All Mankind – Season 1 – Nov. 1 – Apple TV+ Imagine a world where the global space race never ended. This “what if” take on history from Ronald D. Moore (Outlander, Battlestar Galactica) spotlights the lives of NASA astronauts—the heroes and rock stars of their time—and their families. Starring: Joel Kannaman, Michael Dorman, Wrenn Schmidt (Participated in the New York State Film Tax Credit Program – Post Production) Harriet – Nov. 1 – Focus Features Based on the thrilling and inspirational life of an iconic American freedom fighter, Harriet tells the extraordinary tale of Harriet Tubman's escape from slavery and transformation into one of America’s greatest heroes. Her courage, ingenuity, and tenacity freed hundreds of slaves and changed the course of history. Starring: Cynthia Erivo, Leslie Odom Jr., Joe Alwyn (Participated in the New York State Film Tax Credit Program – Post Production) Helpsters – Nov. 1 – Apple TV+ Meet Cody and the Helpsters, a team of vibrant monsters who love to solve problems. Whether it’s planning a party, climbing a mountain, or mastering a magic trick, the Helpsters can figure anything out—because everything starts with a plan. Starring: Stephanie D’Abruzzo, Martin P. Robinson, Tim Lagasse (Participated in the New York State Film Tax Credit Program – Production) The Irishman – Nov. 1 – Netflix Martin Scorsese’s epic saga of organized crime in postwar America, as told by a hit man. Starring: Robert De Niro, Al Pacino, and Joe Pesci (Participated in the New York State Film Tax Credit Program – Production) Motherless Brooklyn – Nov. 1 – Warner Bros. Set against the backdrop of 1950s New York, Motherless Brooklyn follows Lionel Essrog, a lonely private detective afflicted with Tourette’s Syndrome, as he ventures to solve the murder of his mentor and only friend, Frank Minna. Starring: Bruce Willis, Edward Norton, Cherry Jones (Participated in the New York State Film Tax Credit Program – Production) Tom Clancy’s Jack Ryan – Season 2 – Nov. 1 – Amazon An up-and-coming CIA analyst, Jack Ryan, is thrust into a dangerous field assignment as he uncovers a pattern in terrorist communication that launches him into the center of a dangerous gambit. Starring: John Krasinski, Wendell Pierce, John Hoogenakker (Participated in the New York State Film Tax Credit Program – Production) Patriot Act – Season 1, Cycle 5 – Nov. 3 – Netflix Every Sunday, Hasan Minhaj brings an incisive and nuanced perspective to global news, politics, and culture in his unique comedy series. Starring: Hasan Minhaj (Participated in the New York State Film Tax Credit Program – Production) Marriage Story – Nov. 6 – Netflix Academy Award-nominated filmmaker Noah Baumbach directs this incisive and compassionate look at a marriage breaking up and a family staying together. Starring: Scarlett Johansson, Adam Driver, Laura Dern (Participated in the New York State Film Tax Credit Program – Post Production) Noelle – Nov. 12 – Disney+ Santa’s daughter finds herself needing to take over the family business after her dad retires and her brother crumbles under the pressure of the job. Starring Anna Kendrick, Bill Hader, Billy Eichner (Participated in the New York State Film Tax Credit Program – Post Production) The Good Liar – Nov. 15 – Warner Brothers Career con artist Roy Courtnay can hardly believe his luck when he meets well-to-do widow Betty McLeish online. As Betty opens her home and life to him, Roy is surprised to find himself caring about her, turning what should be a cut-and-dry swindle into the most treacherous tightrope walk of his life. Starring: Helen Mirren, Jim Carter, Ian McKellen (Participated in the New York State Film Tax Credit Program – Post Production) The Report – Nov. 15 – Amazon In the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks. CIA agents begin using extreme interrogation tactics on those they think were behind it. Starring: Adam Driver, Annette Benning, Jon Hamm (Participated in the New York State Film Tax Credit Program – Production) The Shed – Nov. 15 – A Bigger Boat Stan lives with his abusive grandfather and tries to protect his best friend from high school bullies. When he discovers a murderous creature has taken refuge inside his tool shed, he tries to battle the demon alone until his bullied friend discovers the creature and has a far more sinister plan. Starring: Jay Jay Warren, Cody Kostro, Sofia Happonen (Participated in the New York State Film Tax Credit Program – Production) Waves – Nov. 1 – A24 The epic emotional journey of a suburban African-American family—led by a well-intentioned but domineering father—as they navigate love, forgiveness and coming together in the aftermath of a loss. Starring: Taylor Russell, Kelvin Harrison Jr., Renée Elise Goldsberry, Lucas Hedges (Participated in the New York State Film Tax Credit Program – Post Production)  Crown Vic – Nov. 15 – Screen Media Films Follows one memorable night in the life of LAPD officer Ray Mandel while hunting two cop killers on the loose. Starring: David Krumholtz, Bridget Moynahan, Thomas Jane (Participated in the New York State Film Tax Credit Program – Production) Ray Donovan – Season 7 – Nov. 17 – Showtime Ray Donovan, a professional “fixer” for the rich and famous in Los Angeles, can make anyone’s problems disappear except those created by his own family. Starring: Liev Schreiber, Eddie Marsan, Dash Mihok (Participated in the New York State Film Tax Credit Program – Production) 21 Bridges – Nov. 22 – STX Entertainment Thrust into a citywide manhunt for a duo of cop killers, NYPD detective Andre Davis begins to undercover a massive conspiracy that links his fellow police officers to a criminal empire and must decide who he is hunting and who is actually hunting him. Starring: Chadwick Boseman (Participated in the New York State Film Tax Credit Program – Post Production) A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood – Nov. 22 – Sony After a jaded magazine writer is assigned a profile of Fred Rogers, he overcomes his skepticism, learning about empathy, kindness, and decency from America’s most beloved neighbor. Starring: Tom Hanks, Matthew Rhys, Susan Kelechi Watson, Chris Cooper (Participated in the New York State Film Tax Credit Program – Post Production) Dark Waters – Nov. 22 – Focus Features Inspired by a shocking true story, a tenacious attorney uncovers a dark secret that connects a growing number of unexplained deaths due to one of the world’s largest corporations. In the process, he risks everything – his future, his family, and his own life – to expose the truth. Starring: Mark Ruffalo, Anne Hathaway, Tim Robbins. (Participated in the New York State Film Tax Credit Program – Post Production) Christmas at Graceland: Home for the Holidays – Nov. 23 – Hallmark Channel A Graceland tour guide meets a single father during a tour and agrees to fill in as his temporary nanny for the holidays. Starring: Kaitlin Doubleday, Adrian Grenier, Sunny Mabrey (Participated in the New York State Film Tax Credit Program – Production) Servant – Nov. 29 – Apple TV+ From M. Night Shyamalan, Servant follows a Philadelphia couple in mourning after an unspeakable tragedy creates a rift in their marriage and opens the door for a mysterious force to enter their home. Starring: Lauren Ambrose, Toby Kebbell, Rupert Grint (Participated in the New York State Film Tax Credit Program – Post Production) Daniel Isn’t Real – Dec. 6 – Samuel Goldwyn Films Trouble college freshman, Luke, suffers a violent family trauma and resurrects his childhood imaginary friend, Daniel, to help him cope. Starring: Patrick Schwarzenegger, Miles Robbins, Sasha Lane (Participated in the New York State Film Tax Credit Program – Production) The Wolf Hour – Dec. 6 – Brainstorm Media It’s July 1977, and New York City is awash with escalating violence. June, once a celebrated counterculture figure, attempts to retreat from the chaos by shutting herself inside the yellowed walls of her grandmother’s South Bronx apartment. But her doorbell is ringing incessantly, the heat is unbearable, and creeping paranoia and fear are taking hold. Starring: Naomi Watts, Jennifer Ehle, Emory Cohen (Participated in the New York State Film Tax Credit Program – Production) The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel – Season 3 – Dec. 6 – Amazon Studios A housewife in the 1950s decides to become a stand-up comic. Starring: Rachel Brosnahan, Alex Borstein, Tony Shalhoub (Participated in the New York State Film Tax Credit Program – Production) Uncut Gems – Dec. 13 – A24 Set in the diamond district of New York City, Howard Ratner, a jewelry store owner and dealer to the rich and famous, must find a way to pay his debts when his merchandise is taken from one of his top sellers and girlfriend. Starring: Adam Sandler, Kevin Garnett, Idina Menzel (Participated in the New York State Film Tax Credit Program – Production) Little Women – Dec. 25 – Sony Four sisters come of age in America in the aftermath of the Civil War. Starring: Florence Pugh, Emma Watson, Timothée Chalamet, Meryl Streep (Participated in the New York State Film Tax Credit Program – Post Production)
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jdrespling · 6 years ago
IRON MAIDEN's BRUCE DICKINSON Discusses 'P-51 Mustang' American Fighter Plane (Video)
IRON MAIDEN's BRUCE DICKINSON Discusses 'P-51 Mustang' American Fighter Plane (Video)
IRON MAIDEN’s BRUCE DICKINSON Discusses ‘P-51 Mustang’ American Fighter Plane (Video) Wargaming — the company behind free-to-play titles World Of Tanks (2010), World Of Warplanes (2013) and World Of Warships (2015) — recently announced that IRON MAIDEN frontman Bruce Dickinson is hosting 10 online educational warplanes diaries. This free-to-view series is being released weekly on the World Of…
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emilestrange · 7 years ago
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Album Covers
Sheet Music (1974)
The Original Soundtrack (1975)
How Dare You! (1976)
Deceptive Bends (1977)
Bloody Tourists (1978)
Greatest Hits 1972–1978 (1979)
Look Hear? (1980)
Mirror Mirror (1994)
Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap (1976) (international edition)
Alan Parsons:
Try Anything Once (1993)
On Air (1996)
The Time Machine (1999)
A Valid Path (2004)
The Alan Parsons Project
Tales of Mystery and Imagination (1976)
I Robot (1977)
Pyramid (1978)
Eve (1979)
Eye in the Sky (1982)
Ammonia Avenue (1984)
Al Stewart
Past, Present and Future (1973)
Modern Times (1975)
Year of the Cat (1976)
The Early Years (1977)
Time Passages (1978)
The Answer
New Horizon (2013)
Stomp 442 (1995)
Ring of Hands (1971)
In Deep (1973)
Correlations (1979)
The House on the Hill (1971)
Lunch (1972)
You Can’t Beat ’em (1973)
Audioslave (2002)
Bad Company
Bad Company (1974)
Straight Shooter (1975)
Burnin’ Sky (1977)
Desolation Angels (1979)
Rough Diamonds (1982)
Be-Bop Deluxe
Drastic Plastic (1978)
Biffy Clyro:
Puzzle (2007)
“Saturday Superhouse” (2007)
“Living is a Problem Because Everything Dies” (2007)
“Folding Stars” (2007)
“Machines” (2007)
Only Revolutions (2009)
“That Golden Rule” (2009)
“The Captain” (2009)
“Lonely Revolutions” (2010)
Opposites (2013)
“Black Chandelier” (2013)
“Biblical” (2013)
“Opposite” (2013)
“Victory Over the Sun” (2013)
“Similarities” (2014)
Black Sabbath:
Technical Ecstasy (1976)
Never Say Die! (1978)
Brand X
Unorthodox Behaviour (1976)
Moroccan Roll (1977)
Livestock (1977)
Product (1979)
Do They Hurt? (1980)
Bruce Dickinson
Skunkworks (1996)
Catherine Wheel:
Chrome (1993)
Happy Days (1995)
Like Cats and Dogs (compilation) (1996)
Adam And Eve (1997)
Wishville (2000)
The Cranberries:
Bury the Hatchet (1999)
Wake Up and Smell the Coffee (2001)
The Cult:
Electric (1987) (credited on the picture sleeve as “Art Direction by Storm Thorgerson”)
Cochise (1970)
David Gilmour
David Gilmour (1978)
About Face (1984)
David Gilmour in Concert DVD (2002)
Def Leppard
High ‘n’ Dry (1981)
Deepest Blue
Late September (2004)
Disco Biscuits:
Planet Anthem (2010)
Dream Theater:
Falling into Infinity (1997)
“Once in a LIVEtime” (1998)
“5 Years in a Livetime” (1998)
The Dukes
The Dukes (1979)
Edgar Broughton Band
Edgar Broughton Band (1971)
Inside Out (1972)
Oora (1973)
A Bunch of 45s (1975)
Parlez-Vous English (1979)
Electric Light Orchestra
The Electric Light Orchestra (1971)
ELO 2 (1973)
On the Third Day (1973)
The Light Shines On (1977)
Ellis, Beggs, & Howard
Homelands (1989)
Home Is Where The Head Is (2002)
Secret Society (2006)
Fabulous Poodles
Mirror Stars (1978)
Flash (1972)
Out of Our Hands (1973)
4 (Labels only) (1981)
Gary Brooker
No More Fear of Flying (1979)
Godley & Creme
Freeze Frame (1979)
The Gods
Genesis (1968)
To Samuel a Son (1969)
The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway (1974)
A Trick of the Tail (1976)
Wind & Wuthering (1976)
…And Then There Were Three… (1978)
The Greatest Show on Earth
Horizons (1970)
The Going’s Easy (1970)
The Greatest Show on Earth (1975)
Greg Friedman
Can’t Talk Now (2013)
If (2014)
Synrise (2012)
Pink Bubbles Go Ape (1991)
Herman Rarebell
Nip in the Bud (1981)
Humble Pie
Town and Country (1969)
Thunderbox (1974)
Ian Dury and The Blockheads
Mr. Love Pants (1998)
John Wetton
Caught in the Crossfire (1980)
Korda Marshall
Now We Breathe (2015)
Led Zeppelin
Led Zeppelin (1969)
Houses of the Holy (1973)
Presence (1976)
The Song Remains the Same (1976)
In Through the Out Door (1979)
Coda (1982)
Leisure Cruise
Leisure Cruise (2014)
Leo Sayer
Living in a Fantasy (1980)
The Mars Volta:
De-Loused in the Comatorium (2003)
“Inertiatic ESP” single (2003)
“Televators” single (2003)
Frances the Mute (2005)
“The Widow” single (2005)
Amputechture (2006) (original artwork)
Rude Awakening DVD (2002)
Mick Taylor
Mick Taylor (1979)
Mike Oldfield
Earth Moving (1989)
Earth Moving single (1989)
Mike Rutherford
Smallcreep’s Day (1980)
Absolution (2003)
“Butterflies and Hurricanes” single (2004)
Black Holes and Revelations (2006)
“Uprising” single (2009)
Rampant (1974)
Close Enough for Rock ‘n’ Roll (1976)
The Nice
Five Bridges (1970)
Elegy (1971)
Autumn ’67 – Spring ’68 (1972)
Nick Mason
Fictitious Sports (1981)
Stories of a Stranger (2005)
The Offspring
Splinter (2003)
Paul McCartney
Tug of War (1982)
Peter Gabriel:
Peter Gabriel (1977) (“Car”)
Peter Gabriel (1978) (“Scratch”)
Peter Gabriel (1980) (“Melt”)
Immersion (2010)
Slip Stitch and Pass (1997)
The Pineapple Thief
Someone Here Is Missing (2010)
Pink Floyd:[20]
A Saucerful of Secrets (1968)
More (1969)
Ummagumma (1969)
Atom Heart Mother (1970)
Meddle (1971)
Obscured by Clouds (1972)
The Dark Side of the Moon (1973)
A Nice Pair (1973)
Wish You Were Here (1975)
Animals (1977)
A Collection of Great Dance Songs (1981)
A Momentary Lapse of Reason (1987)[10]
Delicate Sound of Thunder (1988)
Shine On (1992)[10]
The Division Bell (1994)
P*U*L*S*E (1995), including the blinking LED light that was featured in early CD packaging.[21]
Relics re-release (1996)
Is There Anybody Out There? The Wall Live 1980–81(2000)
Echoes: The Best of Pink Floyd (2001)
Oh, by the Way (2007)
The Best of Pink Floyd: A Foot in the Door (2011)
The Plea
The Dreamers Stadium (2012)[22]
The Police
“De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da” (single) (1980)
Golden Rule (2009)
Pretty Things
Parachute (1970)
Freeway Madness (1972)
Silk Torpedo (1974)
Savage Eye (1976)
Cross Talk (1980)
Program the Dead
Program The Dead (2005)
Quatermass (1970)
Difficult to Cure (1981)[9]
Straight Between the Eyes (1982)
Bent Out of Shape (1983)
Ralph McTell
Slide Away the Screen (1979)
Red Hot Chili Peppers
Stadium Arcadium (2006) (unused)
Prologue (1972)
Ashes Are Burning (1973)
Turn of the Cards (1974)
Scheherazade and Other Stories (1975)
A Song for All Seasons (1978)
Rick Wright
Wet Dream (1978)
Broken China (1996)
Rival Sons
Pressure & Time (2011)
Robert Plant:
The Principle of Moments (1983)
“Big Log“ (single) (1983)
Roger Taylor
Fun in Space (1981)
Roy Harper
Lifemask (1973)
Valentine (1974)
Flashes from the Archives of Oblivion (1974)
HQ (1975)
Bullinamingvase (1977)
Sammy Hagar
Sammy Hagar (1977)
Musical Chairs (1977)
Lovedrive (1979)
Animal Magnetism (1980)
Crazy World (1990)
Ineffable Mysteries from Shpongleland (2009)
Slow Earth
Latitude and 023 (2013)
Steve Hillage
Live Herald (1979)
Steve Miller Band:
Bingo! (2010)
Let Your Hair Down (2011)
Deadlines (1977)
Pieces of Eight (1978)
Cyclorama (2003)
Syd Barrett
The Madcap Laughs (1970)
Barrett (1970)
Syd Barrett (1974)
An Introduction to Syd Barrett (2010)
Toe Fat
Toe Fat (1970)
Toe Fat 2 (1971)
Come Again (2004)
Tiny Pictures (2009)
Laughing on Judgement Day (1992)
Behind Closed Doors (1995)
T. Rex
Electric Warrior (1971)
Phenomenon (1974)
Force It (1975)
No Heavy Petting (1976)
Lights Out (1977)
Obsession (1978)
Strangers in the Night (1979)
No Place to Run (1980)
The Wild, the Willing and the Innocent (1981)
Making Contact (1983)
Danger Money (1979)
Umphrey’s McGee
Safety in Numbers (2006)
The Bottom Half (2007)
Uno (1974)
Mode. Set. Clear. (2012)
American English (1987)
A Hundred Thousand in Fresh Notes (1989)
The Mollusk (1997)
Wishbone Ash
Pilgrimage (1971)
Argus (1972)
Wishbone Four (1973)
Live Dates (1973)
There’s the Rub (1974)
New England (1976)
Classic Ash (1977)
Front Page News (1977)
No Smoke Without Fire (1978)
Just Testing (1980)
Band on the Run (1973)
Venus and Mars (1975)
Wings at the Speed of Sound (1976)
Wings over America (1976)
London Town (1978)
Wings Greatest (1978)
Back to the Egg (1979)
The Wombats:
This Modern Glitch (2011)
Go 2 (1978)
Going for the One (1977)
Tormato (1978)
Yumi Matsutoya
Sakuban Oaisimashō (1981)
Younger Brother
Last Days of Gravity (2007)
Vaccine (2011)
Rapt. Dept. (2005)
17 (2005)
Ignoto (2005)
Music videos
Paul Young – “Wherever I Lay My Hat (That’s My Home)” (1983)
Rainbow – “Street of Dreams” (1983)
Robert Plant – “Big Log” (1983)
Yes – “Owner of a Lonely Heart” (1983)
Intaferon – “Get Out of London” (1983)
Kevin Kitchen – “Tight Spot” (1984)
Nik Kershaw – “Wouldn’t It Be Good” (1984)
David Gilmour – “Blue Light” (1984)
David Gilmour – “All Lovers Are Deranged” (1984)
Nik Kershaw – “The Riddle” (1984)
Nik Kershaw – “Wide Boy (1984)
Nik Kershaw – “Don Quixote” (1985)
Belouis Some – “Imagination” (1985)
Belouis Some – “Some People” (1985)
Glass Tiger – “Thin Red Line” (1985)
Glass Tiger – “Someday” (1985)
Ministry – “Over the Shoulder” (1985)
The Cult – “Love Removal Machine” (1987)
Pink Floyd – “Learning to Fly” (1987)
Pink Floyd – “The Dogs of War” (1987)
Anderson Bruford Wakeman Howe – “Brother of Mine” (1989)
Bruce Dickinson – “Tattooed Millionaire” (1990)
Bruce Dickinson – “All the Young Dudes” (1990)
Helloween – “Kids of the Century” (1991)
Alan Parsons – “Turn It Up” (1993)
Pink Floyd – “High Hopes” (1994)
Richard Wright – “Night Of a Thousand Furry Toys” (1996)
The Designers Behind Our Favorite Album Covers STORM THORGERSON Album Covers 10cc: Sheet Music (1974) The Original Soundtrack (1975) How Dare You!
0 notes
monochromatic--stains · 7 years ago
i found this survey on an old deviantart post that i did years ago and now i’m gonna do it again because the answers have definitely changed since then!
Ever been to a metal show? yes What was your first show? Slayer, Megadeth and Anthrax when I was 19 Was your first show a good experience? yeah it was really fun Who were you with at your first show? by myself, but I met some interesting people there Did you mosh at your first show? I was up against the rail, but I did push a few people behind me a little. Did you make it to the headliner in the pit on your first show? I was in the front the whole time Was your first experience as good as you dreamed it would be? of course Did you survive it? no and that's why I'm dead and not doing this survey Were the band members as "hot" in person? they look the same How long did you wait in line to get in? not more than 15 minutes, I got VIP tickets What bands have you seen? a lot, probably can’t name them all What was your best experience? meeting Mikael Stanne and getting to talk with him and then hug him Who was the best band you saw? Dark Tranquillity Have you ever been up against the guardrail? for Megadeth twice, Slayer, Anthrax, Motorhead, Volbeat, Lacuna Coil, Children of Bodom, Stryker, Warbringer, Alestorm twice and Dark Tranquillity twice, and I was in like the second or third row for Turisas and Firewind. Have you ever been up against the guardrail for your favorite band? YES! Ever crowd surf? no Ever mosh? yes, usually for the opening bands since i like being at the guardrail more. What was the most recent show you went to? Dark Tranquillity, Warbringer and Stryker at the Whiskey Was it any good? YES!!!!! it was one of the best shows I’ve ever been to! FAVORITES Whats your favorite metal song? I could never pick just one but right now probably Terminus (Where Death is Most Alive) by Dark Tranquillity Whats your favorite metal band? Dark Tranquillity Who's your favorite guitarist? Dave Mustaine, Chris Broderick, Alexi Laiho, Niklas Sundin Whos your favorite bassist? David Ellefson, I’ve met him a few times and he’s a super sweet guy Who's your favorite drummer? Gene Hoglan probably Who's your favorite keyboardist? Martin Brandström Who's your favorite vocalist? Mikael Stanne, Christian Älvestam, Tarja Turunen, Bruce Dickinson, Rob Halford Wheres your favorite place to see a show? Whisky A Go Go, The Observatory Who are your favorite concert buddies? I go to shows by myself most of the time What is your favorite thing to do while you prepare for a show? listen to the band’s music I guess? Whats your favorite thing to eat before/after a show? sandwiches I guess? Whats your favorite thing to keep you entertained in line? meeting new people I guess... or just being on my phone What is your favorite song live? All of them WHAT WOULD YOU RATHER Behemoth or Cradle of Filth? Behemoth Amon Amarth or Children of Bodom? Bodom, but I still really like Amon Amarth Trivium or Dream Theater? Dream Theater Dragonforce or Obituary? Obituary for technicality, Dragonforce for memes Anthrax or Slayer? Fuckin' SLAYER!!!!! but Anthrax is amazing live Metallica or Megadeth? Megadeth, even though I also love the first 3 Metallica albums Iron Maiden or Judas Priest? most of the time Iron Maiden, but it’s a tough choice Twisted Sister or Alice Cooper? don’t really listen to either Dark Funeral or Carpathian Forest? don't really listen to either Slipknot or Disturbed? being burned alive and having someone shit on my corpse. In Nightwish, Tarja or Annette? TARJA Lacuna Coil or Within Temptation? both Celtic Frost or Bathory? Bathory Finnish Metal or American? FINNISH Have you ever met someone in a band? Yup! David Ellefson (4 times), Chris Broderick (3 times), Dave Mustaine and Shawn Drover (2 times each), Mikael Stanne, Chris Amott, Johann Reinholdz, Anders Iwers, Martin Brandström, Anders Jivarp, someone from Warbringer, Christopher Bowes, Dani Evans, Mate Bodor, Frank Bello, Charlie Benante, Mike Portnoy, Sami Yli-Sirniö, some other guys from Barren Earth and a bunch of local bands. Are you going to a show in your near future? hopefully Nightwish in April, maybe Judas Priest the same month, maybe Arch Enemy next month but I doubt it What do you usually wear to a show? band shirt or tank top, jeans, Battle Jacket, comfortable shoes Would you rather mosh or be against the guardrail? RAIL Ever been groped? yeah but not enough for it to be super annoying Are there any pictures of you online while you're at a show? ones that I’ve taken lol Whether it be a band member or a fan, do you think you found a love? ? Do your parents like the fact youre into this? they’re happy I’m passionate about what I like
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oselatra · 8 years ago
Forever, sculpture
Artwork, and a city director, carve out a special place along Little Rock's riverfront.
Yari Montes, a young woman from North Little Rock, made her annual trip to Riverfront Park last Wednesday so she could have her photograph made next to her favorite sculpture. Her own pretty face framed by long brown hair and a rose tucked behind one ear, Montes leaned in close to "Forever a Rose," an almost life-size bronze of a kneeling woman with a bowed head, the sweep of her hair mostly obscuring her face, a rose in her hand. Her back is to the Arkansas River; in front is a grassy area partially enclosed by roses.
Montes said the sculpture is both beautiful and a bit sad. "It's like she was going through a hard time," Montes said.
It was the sixth year Montes has had her photograph made with "Forever a Rose," and a reporter just happened to be passing by. "Today was the day!" she laughed. Then she and her brother and three sisters continued their walk in the park.
It was exactly what Dean Kumpuris envisioned when he got the idea that downtown Little Rock's riverside needed some loving care to attract people to the park. Kumpuris and his brother, Drew, donated "Forever a Rose" to the park in 2009, just a few years after Dean Kumpuris began his Saturday walks through the park with his dog, Boris. "If it weren't for Boris, bringing him down here, a lot of this wouldn't have happened. I would take him on walks and I'd think, 'What can we do?' "
The French bulldog, now 13, has his own sculpture in the park, in the Vogel Schwartz Sculpture Garden, a cluster of small-scale works east of the Little Rock Marriott Hotel. The bronze Boris is one of an estimated 115 sculptures located (or to be located) in the park and around Little Rock, all gifts to the city made possible by donations from individuals, family foundations and the Sculpture at the River Market Inc. nonprofit. Since 2004, close to $4 million worth of sculpture has been installed; the replacement value of the works is higher.
Within weeks, the Vogel Schwartz garden will expand into a new area going in up the slope from the original, where a road turnaround was once located. The garden is itself being sculpted, with curving Corten steel walls creating a boundary and landscaped pathways within.
Robert Vogel said his family foundation gave a donation to make the garden possible after Kumpuris came to him with "his vision." Kumpuris, who is Vogel's close friend, has no trouble asking for money to buy sculpture and make other park improvements, Vogel said with a laugh. Kumpuris himself has said that sometimes when people see him coming, they run.
Vogel also said he believes the park, officially Julius Breckling Riverfront Park, named for a former director of the city's Parks and Recreation Department, should be renamed for Kumpuris.
On a recent hot Saturday morning, Kumpuris, a gastroenterologist and a Little Rock city director since 1995, was dressed in long sleeves and long pants and spraying weeds from an insecticide container labeled "Dr. DK" when this reporter met up with him in the park. "This is my job," he said as he sprayed.
You can find Kumpuris at the park every Saturday. He not only keeps the weeds down, he helped design the landscaping, chose many of the plants and has had a hand in the installation of every piece of sculpture. He knows every artist and the name of every work.
The Arkansas Times, it should be noted, has had some critical things to say about the sculpture, particularly about the scale of the work in the Vogel Schwartz garden. The garden did not originally have the intimate setting that the small sculptures — many more appropriate for a private garden or indoors — demanded. Now, thanks to the redesign, the placement of boulders that the city hauled down from Petit Jean Mountain and plantings that have matured, the sculptures work better in its big park setting. The garden now has a hidden feel: The Corten steel "waves" that parks department planner Leland Couch designed as partial enclosures mean that "you can never see all the sculptures at one time," Kumpuris said.
Kumpuris acknowledged that "we," meaning himself and the parks department, "made a lot of mistakes" with the garden in the beginning. Part of that had to do with the size of the work: The sculptures, some just inches tall, were small enough to make off with. Vandals have been able to remove bolts, grind through bases and simply wrest parts of them away. A total of five sculptures have been stolen since 2011; three were returned by the thieves after the publicity and two were replaced. One piece, Lori Alcott-Fowler's "Conversation with Myself," a sculpture of a person bending over a smaller version of the figure, was repeatedly vandalized; it has been moved into a more visible spot and made more secure.
Kumpuris gave us a tour, starting with "Beginning Life," a marble sculpture suggesting a seed. It is one of the loveliest sculptures in the park, to this writer's eye. "This is by Kathy Caricof," Kumpuris said. "She's probably the craziest woman I've ever met," he added fondly. (Kathleen Caricof also designed the "Stars and Stripes" stainless steel sculpture in front of War Memorial Stadium, a work that the Roy and Christine Sturgis Foundation commissioned for $500,000 and which Kumpuris said gave engineers fits to construct.)
One small sculpture depicts attenuated dancers with their hair on fire (Wayne Salge's "Sizzling Sisters") and another tiny work of reclining zaftig siblings (Adam Schultz's "Sisters") — are "crazy pieces," Kumpuris said, meant to bring a smile as much as a chance to appreciate art.
The Vogel garden extension, which Kumpuris said should be complete by July, will feature flagstone paths and river rock beds meant to suggest water. A large sculpture by Jane DeDecker of children walking across a log will be placed atop boulders straddling the gravel; a crane operator worked with city employees a couple of weeks ago to position the sculpture, "Shortcut." While all the sculpture is bought by the nonprofit or donated, the city is doing all the landscaping. "We couldn't do it without city labor," Kumpuris said.
The first acquisitions for the riverfront were installed in 2004 along the park path that connects it to the Clinton Presidential Center grounds and on President Clinton Avenue. Kumpuris and others who worked to convince Bill Clinton to choose Little Rock for his library told him they would improve the park if he'd locate the library there.
"We needed to start doing something" in the park, which he described as just "big, sloping hills" at the time. "They're going to think, 'What the hell is over there?' " Kumpuris said.
"So people met on the third floor of the River Market. We said, 'Here are some sculptures we think we can put in that will make us look like we have some idea of what we're doing here.' ... We bought $300,000 to $400,000 worth of sculpture in two weeks," Kumpuris said.
Those first buys were Sandy Scott's "Presidential Eagle" (donated by Jennings Osborne) and "River Market Pig" (donated by Dean Kumpuris and the parks department); Carol Gold's "Fiesta" (donated by Dean and Drew Kumpuris, Bobby Tucker and his brother, Rett, and Wally Allen); and DeDecker's "Harriet Tubman" (donated by Peggy and Haskell Dickinson); "Anglers" (a gift of the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, Cynthia and Bob East, Richard L. Mays Sr., Richard L. Mays Jr., Gregory Mays, Bruce Moore, Darren Peters and Darrin Williams); and "Touch the Sky" (donated by the late Bill Clark in honor of his grandchildren).
All the artists are members of the National Sculpture Guild associated with Columbine Gallery in Loveland, Colo. Kumpuris got to know gallery owner John Kinkade when he sought a memorial sculpture for his daughter, Anne, who died tragically in a train accident in Egypt in 1997, to be placed at Kumpuris' church.
The selection of out-of-state artists, which has continued, prompted some grumbling among Arkansas sculptors and others, including this writer. The Sculpture at the River Market nonprofit, which recently hosted its 11th show and sale in the River Market pavilions, used Kinkade as a paid consultant at one time, so it seemed to local artists that they weren't considered good enough by the nonprofit's sculpture committee. In 2009, the Arkansas Sculptors Guild set up a competing show and sale the same weekend of the Sculpture in the River Market show, purposely timed as a "heads-up competition," organizer David Harris said, to put the works of talented Arkansans on exhibit.
But Kumpuris said that NSG membership is not a requirement, and notes that Sculpture at the River Market has invited non-NSG members to submit work to the jurying committee for the show, and has selected several such sculptors. In 2010, the nonprofit, which collects a commission on sales at the annual event and proceeds from a ticketed preview, started buying works by Arkansas artists; now sculptors Kevin Kresse, Michael Warrick, Bryan Massey Sr. and Shelley Buonaiuto are represented there. Missing from the park: Robyn Horn, Pat Musick, Margaret Warren, Stephen Driver, John Ellis, Susan Williams, David and Bre Harris, Terry and Maritza Bean, Harry Loucks, Tod Swiecichowski ... . (Kumpuris said he'd reached out to Fayetteville sculptor Hank Kaminsky, asking him to submit work, but was turned down.)
The Times has been critical of certain works in the park, particularly "Native Knowledge," which features three mounted stone bas reliefs of Native Americans and is positioned at the Junction Bridge, where the Quapaw Line begins. Denny Haskew's sculpture is a tribute to the Quapaw, and Kumpuris said the artist consulted with the tribe for the symbols carved into the back of the stones. But an identical sculpture by Haskew is in front of the Barona Resort and Casino in San Diego, where it was said to be dedicated to the elders of the Barona Tribe, and yet another is located at a golf course.
Still, if the Quapaw are happy with "Native Knowledge," who are others to quibble about its inconstant fealty?
In fact, now that the park is full of sculpture and landscaping that appropriately sets it off, it seems petty to carp about the work. It is public art, and almost by definition that means there's never consensus about which of it is good and which is not.
Jane Rogers, president of Sculpture in the River Market Inc., said around 400 artists are invited every year to submit art to the selection committee of 23, which meets on a Sunday afternoon to see the work and hear Kumpuris talk about each artist. She said the committee tries to keep the number of artists who will appear to under 50.
For seven years, the group has awarded a $60,000 commission to one artist in the show. This year, Stephen Schactman of Colorado (but not an NSG member) won the commission for "The Arkansas A," a monolithic stylized A that will be installed at the new Southwest Little Rock Community Center.
Though it seems the sculpture in the park has reached a critical mass, Rogers said the sculpture committee's job is not done. She was mildly receptive to the idea of holding back on granting commissions for a few years so the group would have enough money to buy a work by a big-name artist that might bring people to Little Rock. OK, maybe not a multimillion-dollar Claes Oldenburg "Clothespin" or a Jeff Koons stainless steel balloon dog, but it would only take a couple of years to buy, for example, a George Segal (depending on the work).
But for now, Rogers said, the committee intends to fill in a few gaps in the park and keep buying for the rest of the city, like those placed at the Bill and Hillary Clinton National Airport, along Chenal Parkway, at the community center and War Memorial Park, in front of the Robinson Center and on Main Street.
Rogers said people do sometimes complain about certain sculptures to her, "and that's OK." But most people "see value in what we are doing: making Little Rock a better place to live. It's been proven that a city with public art is a city that cares about itself."
Late last week, Carla Wilkins of Little Rock and friends were photographing "The Ties that Bind," a sculpture of a man tying a little boy's shoe, located in a shady spot just west of the splash pad. Wilkins brought family and friends to see the sculpture.
The Saturday previous, Kumpuris had pointed to "The Ties that Bind" and said, "This is how things happen in Little Rock."
In 2012, Kumpuris related, Dale Nicholson donated the funds to buy the sculpture "Patty Cake," of a woman and child playing the game, in memory of his late wife, Patty. When Nicholson died the following year, Sculpture at the River Market Inc. bought "The Ties that Bind" to memorialize Nicholson and created a minigarden, with a retaining wall, paving and picnic tables. Kumpuris said the garden needed a little girl sculpture, and so the nonprofit added "Hulahoop" in 2014, in what is now named the Dale Nicholson Sculpture Plaza. All the work is by DeDecker.
Wilkins, sporting a sleeveless T-shirt declaring "Too Busy Being Awesome," continued down the path to Kevin Kresse's "Breaking the Cycle," a sculpture of a man being pushed in a wheelbarrow by a young boy. On our tour, Kumpuris had said Kresse would be shocked "by the number of people who come and take a picture" by "Breaking the Cycle." And there were Wilkins and friends, having their picture made around the sculpture.
People may differ in their taste in art, but all agree that the Peabody Park Splash Pad, just west of the Junction Bridge, is a super addition to the park. The splash pad, where water shoots up in various patterns, is surrounded by native rocks for climbing and rubberized landing areas, tunnels and slides. To one side is a bowl-like grassy area. A pavilion overlooks the splash pad. The water draining from the splash pad has been directed under the walkway and to the river's bank, where it flows through a swampy area of cypress and bog plants and sweet spire to a waterfall. The play area, to which Peabody Hotel Group chairman Marty Belz donated $250,000, is a far cry from the splintery pirate ship set on hot sand that once stood there.
Now, kids squeal as they splash, families picnic in a shady area up the hill and people stroll through the park and around the Marriott, and there is sculpture punctuating the way.
Some of it is whimsical, like the monocle-sporting and bumbershoot-carrying turkey "Lord Featherwick" by Herb Mignery, who did cowboy art for most of his long career but who Kumpuris said turned to quirky stuff in his 80s. Mignery also did "Ellwood," a weasel in overalls, just up the path from the turkey. Both are just under 4 feet tall. There is figurative work of both humans and animals, like "Breaking the Cycle" and Pati Stajcar's "Vixen." There are stylized human images, like Collen Nyanhongo's "Resting Angel," the face of an African woman. "Some of the work is hard-edge conceptual work, like Ted Schaal's "Open Window," a large work east of the Junction Bridge that features a huge half rectangle balanced on a small ball atop a mirror image of the rectangle above.
Some of this writer's favorite sculptures: "Ghost at the River," a carved, abstracted bison detailed with skeletal figures donated by the Rev. Dr. Christoph Keller III and his wife; Dale Rogers' "Retro Trees," Corten and stainless steel with an Adolph Gottlieb/1950s look; DeDecker's "Patty Cake," the face of the mother reminiscent of the mother's in Picasso's "Mother and Child"; Leslie Lehr Daly's "Camdeboo," a fantasy animal with horns like tree limbs emerging from a cone-shaped head; Kevin Box's origami horses and paper airplanes in painted steel. Dee Clements' "Cat Tails" and her cranes, "Birds of Happiness," are perfect outdoor garden pieces.
Mark Leichliter's 14-foot painted work in steel, "Together," is the right scale to signal the entrance to the western part of the park and adds a bright splash of color to the splash pad area by which it stands. Timothy Nimmo's "Autumn Winds" is lovely (but is one of those small pieces that the artist likely envisioned as an indoor work). Sandy Scott's pelican, "Las Brisas," which was hidden by plant growth at the William Clark Wetlands on the Clinton Presidential Park grounds, is better placed in the new Vogel Schwartz area. Like "Together," Caricof's "Infinity," a 10-foot-tall abstraction of looping steel, is monumental, announcing to visitors that this long ribbon of a park is a place for art.
East of the Vogel Schwartz garden expansion, a portion of Riverfront Park lies under the Main Street Bridge. It's always cool there, Kumpuris said, and the bridge's supports create a nice visual as they diminish in the distance across the river. He wants seats on the slope under the bridge and lighting placed on the underside of the bridge to add to the view and create a feeling of safety. That means that one day there will be seats on the slope under the bridge and lighting placed on the underside of the bridge to add to the view and create a feeling of safety.
The city parks department has drawn up plans for a new children's play area past the hotel (Kumpuris has put the finger on someone for this, no doubt), in a neglected plaza now filled with leaves. Its outdoor musical instruments — drums and vibraphones and bells — sit forlorn on a concrete pad. A mosaic of the Riverfest logo on one wall reminds visitors of the area's earlier uses. There was once a "splash pad" here, as well, but it was merely a shallow fountain-like area that Kumpuris said wasn't connected to water. "When they wanted to fill it, they took a fire hose," Kumpuris said.
Kumpuris has his eye on more development along the riverfront, on the spit of sand and jungle just east of the Clinton pedestrian bridge over the Arkansas. A bridge has been built to the island, but it is locked while plans are made to develop the island. Kumpuris is already bushwhacking there, cutting a path through the wetland's equisetum and vines and cottonwoods. He sees children fishing from its sandy banks, making their way to the other end of the island that Kumpuris said opens up "like a cathedral."
"It will be a treasure once we get it figured out. Someone will think this is crazy, but if you want to see what life looks like ... this is Arkansas."
Returning to the River Market area and his weed-killing, Kumpuris observed, "We'll never be Crystal Bridges," referring to Alice Walton's grand Bentonville museum, where sculptures by famed artists dot the 100-acre grounds. "But we've got museums that are real quality" and Riverfront Park, with cool river breezes, splashing water and sculpture along its length, enough that visitors might stay awhile.
Forever, sculpture
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