wmhalliwell · 5 years
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You want us to go to war? You called everyone here for this nonsense? Many of us have lived in peace in this country for a long time. I have seen New Gods rise. I have seen them fall!
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ithappensoffstage · 5 years
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blackvalyrians · 5 years
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Members of the Black Pantheon of Excellence in American Gods
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meyerlansky · 5 years
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american gods, 2x07: “treasure of the sun” ↳ if you know what's good for you, you'll put the spear down. you'll leave, you'll never look on any of us fucks again.
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bahrmp3 · 5 years
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theravennestgifs · 5 years
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It is real. We’re just backstage, waiting in the wings inside Wednesday’s memories. Alright, so, you...what? You’re saying we’re in his head? More or less...
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There are new gods growing in America…
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quellstak · 5 years
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Bilquis in American Gods Season 2 Official Trailer
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highwarlockkareena · 7 years
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This queen kept the party going
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bynightafangirl · 7 years
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American Gods Meme: [2/3] Colors - “Mardi Gras”
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integrahellsings · 7 years
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The screen is the altar. I'm the one they sacrifice to. Then till now. Golden Age to Golden Age. They sit side by side, ignore each other, and give it up to me. Now they hold a smaller screen on their lap or in the palm of their hand so they don't get bored watching the big one.
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wmhalliwell · 5 years
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such strength. only a fraction of what’s to come. oh my boy, power like this you cannot walk away from. goodbye father.
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ithappensoffstage · 5 years
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You follow the signs, you’ll never have any motherfuckin’ fun.
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beaucannon · 7 years
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I don't resurrect, I re-life. Life has always been my gift. To re-gift.
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meyerlansky · 5 years
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american gods, 2x05: “the ways of the dead” ↳ like all things, runes fade. rubbed clean by the friction of time, the fading of memory.
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selinakylebat · 7 years
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Shadow “I have 99 problems and Wednesday is all of them” Moon in Come to Jesus.
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