#american polictics
ginnyrules27 · 2 months
Ya'll in light of what happened at the Trump rally today (why he's allowed to travel across state lines when he still needs to be sentenced for the 34 felonies he was found guilty for in New York is beyond me but I digress), I beg you to please read what Project 2025 has in store for us if Trump steps back into the White House
Here's just a few bits:
-They want to eliminate overtime (so if you work over 40 hours, no more time and a half. They wouldn't have to pay you for that time. Hell, we'd likely be lucky if they didn't institute a six day work week again, with just Sundays off for church)
-Remove the FDIC (the organization that protects your money. If you have it in a bank account and that bank fails? The FDIC requires they pay back up to 10k. If you have over that, you're out that rest but let's be honest, how many of us on this site have over 10k to our names?)
-Deregulate the banks (show of hands, who remembers the shitshow that was 2008 with the subprime mortgages?)
Please, I am begging you to vote. Vote like your future depends on it because it does.
And if you live in VA and you're a Dem on this site, Ken Cuccinelli is one of the brains behind Project 2025. You may know him by his other works such as being the VA Attorney General who implemented the transvaginal ultrasound before you could get an abortion. If you can't stomach voting for either candidate but you hate the idea of The Cooch being able to implement his policies on a federal level, be petty and vote blue!
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cavityinmybrain · 1 year
i was doing some thinking last night while i couldn't sleep. i was thinking particularly about politics in america, even more specifically how identity politics have become a thing.
it’s mostly seen in queer communities, people cutting hairs over who is and isn’t “actually” gay. the politicians don’t care who is more gay. they will not care.
i think the same idea of “screw identity policing” can apply to systemhood. i don’t think its fair for anyone to tell anyone how to feel/what they’re experiencing. i don’t think it’s a productive use of energy or time to split hairs over whether someone is “faking or not”
brains are very weird. i don’t think we know enough about brains to fully know if someone could be born with multiple consciousnesses without trauma. i do think people can experience being plural from different causes, and it’s not my job to judge them based on where they “became” plural from.
i guess im pro-endo now?
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theonesillywitchgal · 9 months
lil background and information for my fanfic
Reader character: I don’t wanna refer to you as y/n, so you’ll have a nickname like Lemon (cause you’re probably fruity as fuck). You went to Hogwarts and was basically modern Hermione, except a Ravenclaw. Graduated with several N.E.W.T.S, and ended up going to the uni that they had for Europeans and Americans.
Hazel: Hazel was sorted into Pukwudgie, and thrived under that house in Ilvermorny. All events in Bottoms happened in her seventh year, except it was Thunderbird vs. Horned Serpent in Quidditch. loser!Hazel has my heart, and I will be incorporating her into this story.
the uni they’re going to: Basically, Isolt got together with one of her fellow relatives who went to Hogwarts around mid-1700s, and they both agreed higher education should be provided for witches, warlocks, and wizards. They built a magical building similar to Hogwarts in the Netherlands, and divided it into five parts by language: English, German, Dutch, French, and Italian. Classes were the same among all languages, and some majors you could take included: Magical Creatures, Dead and What’s Beyond, History, Polictical Science for the Ministry, and many more. This is where said protagonists meet, and everyone falls in love and such. Blegh.
So yeah. That’s it.
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whomstress · 2 years
Imma say it. I don't care what you think of Hilary Clinton. I do not have a good opinion of her as a person and don't even get me started on her policts. However fucking ever. NOTHING has ever shown me more that how much the country hates women by letting Donald Trump win over her. She had bad politics of course but she is also a LEGITIMATE person of congress that has done her job for over twenty years before Trump even got on a stand. EVERYONE agreed he was a crazy asshole and trust, I was on the Bernie train as far as I could but the fact of the matter is Bill Clinton literally got impeached for getting his dick sucked in the OVAL OFFICE and other atrocities and the left is not as hard on him. Some people still love him despite his exact same policies! Not to mention Monica Lewinsky is STILL the butt of that despite her being an intern and him being the godamn president. Who had more responsibilities in that situation? It's crazy how close the poles where and people we're saying "lesser of two evils" bullshit. THE FUCK? She was talking about Healthcare and the American people and he was talking about building a wall around Mexico and LOVING to sexually assault women. There is NO comparison. Even if she was a bad president, which I don't doubt, do you honestly think she'd ever be as bad as Trump? Anyway end of rant. You can hate Hilary Clinton policies, trust me I will NOT stop you, but if you think she's even comparable to Trump you are part of the problem.
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nerdepic · 2 years
every day in the uk it gets worse for trans ppl. every day
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ravenclaw-reblogs · 4 years
it astonishes me that we all know at least a little bit about the American political system, purely because of how messed up it is
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thesaintelectric · 2 years
americans in the notes on brit polictics posts (especially regarding the energy bills price increase) shut the fuck up challenge. i dont give a shit about lol britian bad this is going to fucking kill people
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Americans think their politics are the worst and I just laugh
To be honest, all polictics around the world is just as disgusting. We have yet to see the stuff thats not brought out to light
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lactating · 4 years
american polictics are so cruel and harsh that it hurts the spirit
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ginnyrules27 · 2 months
The Congressional Black Caucus, Fmr President Clinton, Fmr Secretary of State Clinton, and Mitch Landreiu (who is the Senior Advisor to the US President for Infrastructure Coordination--yes I had to google him too) have all endorsed Kamala Harris as the Democratic nom.
Michigan Gov Gretchen Whitmer and California Gov Gavin Newsom have come out and said they will stand down and not challenge her at the convention.
Marc E. Elias (who apparently is a lawyer you can google cause I had no idea who he was before today) tweeted that the Democratic nominee for president will be on all 50 state ballots and that there is no legal case to keep them off the ballot despite Speaker Mike Johnson threatening to sue to keep Biden's replacement off the ballots if Biden drops out.
So let's take today to scream, to rage, to laugh at the fact that Biden waited until after the RNC to step down so they spent their whole convention raging on a guy who wouldn't be Trump's opponent. And then tomorrow...let's get to work. Cause it looks like the Democrats are coming together, now we need to make sure the voters come to the table too.
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6. Ruthie & Tom
I figure to understand something I'm going to explain much later (the true injustice of everything) I am going to go over each family member. It will show the scale. It will show you the complete confusion of what happened. I again state, that this is my own experience and opinions. People change with years, and I don't know how these people are doing at this time. They could be deceased. ........ Ruthie and Tom lived in Mt. Siani, NY. We would take the van across on a ferry. Ruthie's home spelled great. Her and Tom showed each other respect and love. Their back yard was big and covered with birdhouses. They also had black painter's plastic on the side of the yard by the fence. Every morning, they would scatter bird seed and the red cardinals, blue jays, and other beautiful birds would come and eat. Ruth and Tom would sit on the back porch and watch the birds while they drank coffe and enjoyed the sun rising. This, I thought, was where I wanted to be when I'm older. The last time I saw Ruthie, I left feeling in what I would I call now, a terrible sense of unmature unempathic non-understanding. That late afternoon, Ralph, Georgia, Ruthie, and Tom all sat out on the porch. I want to say Ruthie and Tom had another friend over, but I'm really only remembering the four of them. That was the last night were going to be there and as the sun set, I saw something I had never seen before... fireflies. The sunset, and the stars came out. I was walking and running through the back of the yard (which was forest land) and staying near the big tree in their backyard. Then I heard Ralph start telling his polictical views. Let's talk about those views real quick. He started listening to Rush Limbaugh. Then he said Rush was misinformed. Then he started listening to an A.M. channel that was callled "The New American." He would tell me that I would have to learn how to fight because we would be living under Marshall Law and the police were going to come in, take our guns, and kill us all. I'm sure if he knew he would be there forever, he would have built a bunker in the backyard. We also had enough food and water for days. We had guns in sock drawers. Loads of rifles. I was expected to read and report to Ralph on many articles in The New American magazine. I was taught if I didn't learn Chinese, I would die. I was told I would die at a young age. Bascially, if you've read Turner Diareis, you know how Ralph thought. Back to NY.... That evening Ralph started spouting his beliefs and how everyone should be ready. Ruthie, Tom, and Georgia were yelling at him. That evening Ruthie and Tom left the evening earlier than expected and went upstairs. The next morning we left, there hugs, but lots of tension. The next few hours I road on the floor of the van, wishing and praying for a crash. Or to hurl us off a big moutain. Georgia screamed at him about coming up with bullshit, and Ralph screamed at her about being ignorant to truth. Ruthie & Tom had children, but I don't know their names. I found a love in birds because of them. I still have that dream I wish I knew I could succeed... retired. coffee. birdfeeders.
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tobycs6841 · 5 years
Week 4 Lecture Reflection
In this week’s lecture, it covered hashing cryptographic knlowdge. Also in the evening, a seminar group talked about social engineering and there was a guest lecuture at the end.
I would like to talk about social engineering over social network. I believe social network is a new area to expand social eningeering. Normally, people may use social network to spread some misleading information or other information for polictical reasons or whatever. There are some examples like Facebook election influence. Similarly, there is an American TV show called “Homeland”. In the show, CIA used Twitter’s APIs to post some information and monitor the cyber to achieven some purposes. There are other security issues when people posting on the social network. For example some personal information would be shown unintentially.
Human Weakness: Corruption
FIFA is the boss of world soccer sport. In 2015, there was a corruption scandal involving the present and vice present of FIFA. The corruption was related to 2018 Russia World Cup and 2022 Qatar World Cup. So, when people found large interests to them, it is sometimes very hard to refuse it because of the nature of human. Word Cup is a typical example. World Cup not only involves exciting matches, but also sports gambling. So, some gambling companies may use money to manipulate the match and make profits to themselves. So, they can bribe the present of FIFA. Also, World Cup bidding countries may use money to “buy” FIFA commitees’ support.
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mariaiscrafting · 3 years
I saw your post about the someone calling Dream a lib, and I saw it myself too, so uh, if it's not much of a bother, and because you really seem to know about this, since I think you study polictics (? (based on your posts), what does it mean to be liberal? and to be radical? and why people wan to radicalize Dream? /gen
Aight, so there's like a hundred different meanings of libs but I assume that what Dream and that person meant is the typical definition of lib that Gen Z tends to use these days. I'm gonna preface by saying I'm not the most knowledgable on this shit, and I haven't taken a political theory course yet, so I'm going off of my own, limited knowledge.
So, liberalism, as it's used in the classical sense, means advocating for economic freedom and civil liberties to do as you please > the govt controlling you. So, classic liberals are against high taxes, the social welfare state, business regulations, etc. They believe in increased individual control over your own life, which I personally do not agree with because classical liberals tend to disregard the fact that, in an oppressive state, it is impossible for their to be true equality under capitalism. But let's not get into that.
Most people nowadays don't use liberal in the classical sense. They mean liberalism as Wikipedia describes it: "Modern liberalism includes issues such as same-sex marriage, reproductive and other women's rights, voting rights for all adult citizens, civil rights, environmental justice and government protection of the right to an adequate standard of living." When conservatives call people liberals as an insult nowadays, they mean that person is supporting abortion, or gay marriage, or BLM, or something. All of these are seen as "liberal." I assume this is what Dream meant when he called himself liberal-leaning, like every fucking person that fits his demographics likes to do because they think it marks them as universally non-bigoted (non-misogynistic, non-racist, non-homophobic, etc). Imo, people have to stop calling this liberalism and start callling it social progressivism, because that's what it fucking is, but that's neither here nor there.
What I assume people mean when they use "liberal" derogatorily, and they're a leftist, is a neoliberal. A modern liberal is derided by leftists for not being radical enough in their progressivism. This comes in many forms. Many modern liberals draw the line at where their social progression stops; this can include supporting binary trans people but not non-binary/non-dysphoric trans people, claiming to be non-racist but still believing undocumented immigrants or refugees logically don't have a place in the US, believing women deserve worker's rights and don't just belong in the home but not believing patriarchy exists in the US in the 21st century, supporting gay people and same-sex marriage but criticizing gay people for openly/publicly showing affection, etc. This could be what OP meant by saying a liberal needs to be radicalized. On the other hand, they could be referring to the fact that many modern liberals are actually only socially left-leaning. They might be so anti-statist to the point of being against the social safety net, like many ancap-leaning people are (ancap = anarcho-capitalism). They might simply be fiscally conservative. To radicalize a liberal is to essentially turn them into a full-blown leftist, and to radicalize a liberal in the modern American sense usually means to turn them into an ancom-leaning leftist (ancom = anarcho-communism).
I assume people want to radicalize Dream because most of this fanbase is a leftist. Most of us are anti-capitalist, vehemently pro-LGBTQ+, feminist, anti-racist, etc. Most of us consume content on Tik Tok, Twitter, and Tumblr that taught us not to be complacent and that every structure we live under is oppressive. But most of us are queer, or women, or POC, or ND, and that's kinda what's come to be expected among Gen Z, marginalized people. Personally, I think trying to radicalize every CC we love, who is most likely an upper-middle class, white, cishet, and/or male streamer, is an impossible and futile endeavor.
Anyways, idk if any of this made sense, and I hope it's mostly right (please politiblr don't come at me, I'm just some idiot trying to explain politics to Minecraft fans, don't take this seriously).
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opedguy · 4 years
Kamala Says Charge Kenosha Cop
LOS ANGELES (OnlineColumnist.com), Aug. 38, 2020.--Recently minted Democrat Vice Presidential candidate 55-year-old Kamala Harris said today that Kenosha, Wis. cop Rustan Sheskey should be charged for shooting 29-year-old Jacob Blake seven times in the back.  What’s clear from the video is that Sheskey unloaded his service weapon into Blake’s back for no reason, certainly not self-defense.  Kamala thinks Sheskey should be charged because there’s no other explanation for Sheskey’s behavior, shooting an unarmed suspect seven times in the back.  Laying paralyzed form the waist down in a Kenosha hospital, Blake may never walk again, despite surviving a remarkable seven gunshots.  Under investigation by Wisconsin’s Department of Justice, Kensosha police claim they want to get it right before charging Sheskey.  With five nights of violent street protests since Sunday, Aug. 23, the night of the shooting, justice must be served.      
       Reports of Blake chained or handcuffed to his hospital bed haven’t been confirmed, adding insult-to-injury over the racially charged shooting by a white police officer.  “I think that there should be a thorough investigation and based on what :”’I’ve seen, it seems that the officer should be charged,” Harris told NBC’s “Today Show” host Craig Melvin.  Harris should know having served as San Francisco District Atty. and California Atty. General.  Showing her cautious side, Harris was asked whether the use of force was justified.  “I don’t see it.  But I don’t have all the evidence,” Harris told Melvin, leaning toward charging the officer.  Without charging Sheskey sometime soon, Kenosha could see itself burned to the ground by the time authorities get around to a disposition.  Kamala noted that Blake wasn’t armed at the time he was shot seven times in the back. 
            When George Floyd was murdered by Minneapolis cp Derek Chauvin’s knee-on-his neck, the state Attorney General did everything possible to expedite the charges.  Telling the press that Wisconsin’s Department of Justice could take 30 days to charge Jacob Blake’s police shooter, law enforcement has worsened the racial unrest, now in its fifth straight day.  Whatever fact investigators expect to find, it’s not a rush-to-judgment to accept the fact that Kenosha cop Rustan Sheskey violated every known police procedure to subdue a suspect.  When you consider that Blake committed no crime, it makes Sheskey’s actions even more egregious.  Law enforcement doesn’t know whether or not Sheskey harassed Blake in a case of mistaken identity when he investigated a domestic dispute. What known for sure is that Sheskey shot Blake in the back seven times, not once or twice.        
     Excessive police force isn’t in dispute, only what prompted Sheskey to unload his service weapon in Blake’s back.  Suspending Sheskey and charging him with assault with a deadly weapon and attempted murder would not rob Sheskey of due process as he prepares his defense.  Leaving the case in limbo pending an investigation only makes the situation worse.  Wisconsin authorities know that Sheskey will be charged, regardless of what the investigation finds.  “The man was going out his car.  He didn’t appear to be armed,” Harris said.  “If he was not armed, the use of force what was seven bullets coming out a gun at close range in the back of a man, I don’t see how anybody could reason that that was justifiable.”  Harris raises a good point that whatever investigators eventually find, there’s simply no conceivable self-defense claim that can be made by any law enforcement professional.      
       National Basketball Assn., Major League Baseball and National Hockey League all postponed games to show solidarity with the African American community.  Even former President Barack Obama shared his solidarity with professional athletes boycotting games.  Los Angeles Lakers’ 35-year-old NBA icon LeBron James said it best that it makes blacks feel that it’s no safe to walk the streets, whether that’s true or not.  Still not over the George Floyd murder, the country didn’t need more examples of police violence toward African Americans.  “And y’all wonder why we say what we say about the polict!!  Someone please tell me WTF is this???!!!  Exactly another black man being targeted.  This shit is so wrong and so sad!!  Feel so sorry for him, his family and OUR PEOPLE!! We want justice,” LeBron tweeted, expressing the collective frustration of the African American community.      
       Before anyone can answer LeBron’s questions, Sheskey must be charged at the earliest possible time, regardless of what happens when he mounts a defense.  Justice is about using the law to make a statement about what looks like egregious racism, whether or not that’s what happened.  When police officers make serious mistakes, especially with officer-involved shootings, it’s usually due to poor training, panic or post-traumatic stress, leaving officers unfit for duty.  Slashing police budgets makes matters worse when what’s needed is more education, training, better supervision and, if needed, more mental health services for stressed out officers.  If LeBron and others  really want to figure out what goes wrong, they need to look beyond racism to see what happens with otherwise responsible police officers that crack under the pressure. While it’s tempting to blame everything on racism, other factors are at play.
 About the Author
 John M. Curtis writes politically neutral commentary analyzing spin in national and global news. He’s editor of OnlineColumnsit.com and author of Dodging The Bullet and Operation Charisma.
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jenner757 · 5 years
but tulsi supports indian aggression in kashmir against indian kashmiri citizens and if tulsi is so anti-war then she should have refused to meet indian pm modi, she is playing hindu polictics by letting americans hear what they wanna hear ANTI-WAR, PEACE - I believe she will start new wars and destroy american relations with american allies across the globe but the only thing tulsi says she wont participate in is debate, what a liar & a hypocrite tulsi is a 2 face person
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thebranchesss · 6 years
Discrimination is the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people or things, especially on the grounds of race, age or sex. In this case im talking about racial discrimination which happens everywhere. One common form of racial discrimination is police polictity. Police brutality is a form of racial discrimination because police and their officials let the differences of race and upbringing cause them to take the lives of many innocent people. This social problem ,often happens to people who have had multiple encounters with the police, much like Oscar Grant in 2009. According to the website soapboxie.com Grant had multiple confrontations with the police prior to his death including when “...he was stunned by a taser after a traffic stop…” in 2007 and when he “...served two prison terms for drug dealing.” His involvement of police brutality ending with death. A result of death is one of many  form of police brutality such as abuse, harassment and many more forms that leave families broken. Discrimination denies those who are affected of their unalienable rights and of those are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Police say that those who they kill, hurt or arrest were resisting arrest ,and threatening by appearance because as a police they never know what can happen. The society does not realize that discrimination is a form of torture towards all that it is inflicted on. Discrimination can be from the states highest officials because they do not care who they hurt as long as they keep their jobs. As an African-American I feel punished by the society because I feel like everything I do will be wrong, based on how society has done other people that I look up to. Imagine there are three cars going the same speed on the highway, one car filled with all white people, one with all hispanics and one with all African-Americans. Which one do you think will be stopped first? Trick question it will be the car with all African-Americans they are considered as the most threatening by people all over the world based on single incidents that happened in the past, only because they had to act out to be heard and seen making them look like predators and violent people forever. Racial discrimination happens on the streets, in schools, in professional work offices and even on social media. A discriminatory comment or action can make it hard for successful people to want to continue succeeding. People fail to realize that death rates will continue to rise because people choose to discriminate others everyday.
Discrimination effects jobs
Many times people are not allowed the job they that hey are more than qualified for due to the color of their skin, often times people rather hire a white under qualified person than a colored qualified person because they want to go with the benefit of the doubt. Based on racial riviralys society has decided to hold on to all things that happened in the past between different races and their work opportunities, being that African-Americans were in the lower class they could obtain the jobs that whites could because the bosses of the all white owned companies did not want to deal with reliability issues if something was stolen or broken by the hands of a black person, because they needed to take it home to benefit their family. All of those thoughts are based on the thoughts that blacks are all thieves and need to steal to help protect their families and survive in a workplace successfully.
Harri-Anna, Derolus
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