#ameond targaryen
myladysapphire · 2 years
His Sapphire Princess (I)
After the night in the brothel Rhaenyra is married to Laenor Velayron to protect the birth of her child. who in the years to follow is the only one of Rhaenyra's children that is believed to be his, she is loved by all in the red keep, even queen Alicent adores the girl, so when Rhaenyra proposes a marriage between Aemond and Rhaenyra's daughter Visenya, Alicent happily agrees.
The children having been best friends in their youths are more than happy to be wed but when the incident at drift mark occurs things change, will it be for better or worse?
word count: 2,866
CW: mummy issues, childish teasing, incest
Fem!oc x Aemond Targeryen (can be read as x reader)
Masterlist | series masterlist | next part
disclamer:  i do not own any of claim any of the A song of ice and fire charecters, all rights belong to GRR MARTIN, all charecters are his except for my OC                     
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Her mother was once again in labour. Visenya was the eldest of three. With two brothers and two uncles, she often found herself surrounded by boys. Her Aunt Heleana was often her only escape and even then, bugs seemed more interesting to her. She had longed for a baby sister and loved the idea of dressing her up like a doll and teaching her everything she knew. She often felt lonely,  her brothers were often off with their eldest Uncle Aegon, trying their hardest to impress him. She missed the days when they longed for her satisfaction or happiness over any task, she asked them to do. And now they focused their attention on tormenting her other Uncle Aemond.
Aemond was her dearest friend, having both had eggs that didn't hatch in the cradle they found a way to bond through that. And later their love for the histories of old Valyria and learning High Valyrian.
One was never without the other, that was until she finally claimed her dragon.
When she was six, she went to Dragonstone for the first time. There she made it her mission to claim a dragon. She did not mind which, but she was determined to do so. Having given up much sooner than Aemond on her egg ever hatching, she concluded that she would claim a dragon, and if Aemond wished, she would happily share a dragon with him.
It was no easy feat, she snuck off in the dead of night and rode on horseback (a horse double her size, barely hanging on for dear life) to the dragon mount. Nine dragons resided on Dragonstone, her mother's; Syrax, her brothers; Vermax and Arrax, her father's; Seasmoke, the three wild dragons; Sheepstealer, Greyghost and the cannibal (though she would never think of attempting to claim them), and then there was Vermithor and Silverwing. She believed her best bets were lied with one of them, wild dragons being far too risky for a mere child. There were also several hatchlings and young dragons, but she wanted a grown one. A dragon to strike fear and build her respect.
She was a princess and the heir to the iron throne, after her mother. And riding a dragon fit for a king or a queen is a sure-fire way to build her some support, if not fear to stop any usurpation.
So, when she came face to face with Vermithor, she knew he would be hers.
She sang him a Valyrian lullaby, A song her mother often sang to one of her brothers. She almost giggled at the motion, the bronze fury, wooed by a lullaby. But she had heard stories of dragons being lulled into submission by a song, she hoped it would attract his attention, and lure him out.
It did.
Though she did not anticipate him letting a monstrous roar into her face, a fire built in his throat.
"Umbagon, gīda"
Wait, calm.
He stopped, his head lowered, sniffing her. She refused to show her fear, refused to cry. "Dohaerās" she stuttered.
His head lowered further, edging closer to her face. He sniffed her, letting out a grumble. "Dohaerās" she let out again, this time her voice firm.
His body lowered; his face approached hers. She reached her hand out to stroke him, rubbing at his nose.
"kessa ao ivestragī nyke kipagon ao?" she questioned, hand still stroking him.
will you let me ride you?
His eyes homed in on her, taking in her every movement. Assessing her.
He moved his head forward gently, softly nuzzling her, or at least as much as a dragon could. She took that as a yes and moved forward slowly. Her hand not leaving him. whether to reassure her or him, she did not know. She stoked along his side gently. Moving forward to the ladder to his saddle.
"ok" she muttered to herself, reaching forward to grab the ladder "don't fall, don't fall" she moved up slowly, holding her breath. Making it onto the saddle, he let out a slight shake. Not enough to throw her off, but enough to hurry up. It seemed as if Vermithor was eager to let his new mount fly him.
She sat down slowly, grabbing the reins, "sōvegon".
His ascension was fast, somewhat graceful. Unlike her mother's dragon, he did not glide into the air, sweet and graceful. No Vermithor flew. He flapped his wings to their full length, showing off his size and power. Vermithor wanted to dominate the sky and show his power. He was loud, roaring as if to announce his presence. At first, she thought it was to strike fear and warn other dragons off, but by the quick company of Silverwing, she knew it was a call.
The mated dragons roared upon each other's presence. And then they began to sing. They moved around each other, their voices echoing their movements.
They flew and moved around each other.
She realised then that with one came the other. Much like she and Aemond, perhaps he could claim Silverwing. And they could be like their first riders, she hoped.
She wasn't sure how long they flew, by the time she had even claimed Vermithor the sun had begun to rise, and her parents must be starting to worry. But she could not find it in her to care. They landed outside the entrances to the castle and were quickly greeted by her parents.
"Muña, Kepa" she shouted in greeting. "I claimed him, Muña" she let out excitedly.
"I saw, my love." Her mother spoke, her tone wavering between stern and happy. She knew her mother could not stay mad at her for long, especially with how happy she was.
Her father let out a laugh, "We saw, sweetheart, but you can't keep sneaking out" he tried to say sternly, though his pride shone through his eyes.
"I know, it won't happen again" she muttered, lying.
"hmm" her mother spoke, clearly not believing it "you know, when you lie you look at your feet"
"sorry" she squeaked out, before seeing Jace, her younger brother (by ten moons) run out.
"Senya!" he shouted.
"Did you see? Did you see?" she asked excitedly, as Jace ran up to her and hugged her.
"Yes! Can you take me riding?" he questioned excitedly, Vermax being only four was nowhere near large enough to ride.
"of course," she spoke quickly wrapping her arms around him and spinning in a circle.
Her mother cleared her throat "not until you are older" she spoke " and you missy, will have to hold off on the riding until the dragon masters deem you ready".
Shouts of discontent rang between the two children, "but you claimed Syrax was around my age, and you were allowed to ride her!"
"Yes, but Syrax was much smaller, and Vermithor is much bigger" her mother spoke, pride in her tone when speaking of her dragon.
Visenya only hoped for a bond like her mother and her dragon had.
Ever since claiming her dragon Aemond had tried to distance himself from her. His jealousy strong and their relationship. But she refused to put up with Aemonds actions. Dragging him along with her to meet Vermithor, trying to get Silverwing to bond with him. She did not, but the notion alone made all jealousy he felt disappear. She continued in her efforts to find him a dragon to claim, and whenever he wanted, she would take him out on Vermithor.
If the people of KingsLanding thought, they were close before, then this was a whole new thing.
Alicent, her grandmother, had always liked her. Found her sweet and adored how she cared for Aemond.
Everyone in KingsLanding enjoyed the young princess.
They did not however like her brothers.
At first, she didn't understand, still believing that Ser Laenor was their father. That was until she met Ser Harwin strong. Seeing the way her mother looked at him, the way he looked towards Jace and Luke. The way he had taken her under his wing also and treated her as if she were his own. She knew he was her brother's father, not hers. But neither was Laenor. But she still loved him like he was and treated him as if he was. She was his favourite (another reason for the court to believe she was his) and she was always by his side, and always felt such sorrow when he went off to battle in the steppestones.
She did feel some envy of her brothers, though Ser Harwin loved her as much as he did her brothers, even sneaking off to teach her how to defend herself and swordplay, she could not shake the feeling of jealousy.
Her mother, as much as she loved her, always had a look of resentment when she saw her. She assumed it was because she looked like her father. A man she had no idea who he was a man she could only assume her mother loved. Her mother favoured her brothers, she knew it, lived with it, and resented it. All because she looked like a man whom she had never met. Though being named her mother's heir did quench some of the envy she felt, it still wasn't enough.
Her mother may always be there for her, that was no lie. But unlike with her brothers, there was a hesitance to it.
That was another reason why she wanted a sister, perhaps a sister would understand why she felt the way she did and be treated the same as she was.
But she understood she wouldn't be, no her siblings would all come from a man who loved her mother, and her mother loved back. A man who stuck around.
So, when she overheard, she had a brother, no surprise was seen on her face as she understood nothing would change. That she would be fourth on her mother's list of priorities.
Loved just as much as her brothers, but a hesitance to it.
"Muña" she called, walking down the hallway, towards her mother's chambers.
She had promised her mother she would be there for the birth, wanting to act as support and learn one day what would be a part of her own life (a fact her mother never let her forget).
She ran up to her, quick to greet her new baby brother, her brothers will be very pleased. Her father quickly appeared from another entrance, causing her to run straight into him "ugh, Kepa! Watch where you are going" she groaned, rubbing her nose
He chuckled softly "sorry, little love"
"My, my what happened to you!" her mother exclaimed, "if memory, serves you'd said you'd be her for the birth of the babe?"
She offered a sheepish smile, "Sorry mother, Vermithor wanted to go flying, ask him yourself" nodding her head, it was true to some degree, she wanted to go flying and Vermithor was more than eager to comply.
Her mother hummed in response.
"A boy! I've just heard" her father finally spoke, happily.
"Yes," mother said through pained breaths.
"Can I name him, this time mama?" she said begged. She had a very long list of names and was more than prepared to give her brother a fitting name. as much as she loved Jace and Luke, she hated their names.
Her father patted her head and said "it's up to you mother, love" before turning to her "well done, where are you going?"
"She wants to see him." Her mother hissed, walking shakily up the stairs.
She Shook her head, Alicent had four babes of her own, surely she understands how painful birth is. She rolled her eyes. Perhaps she was getting too old. She was a grandmother after all!
"Now? I'm coming with you"
"Me too!"
"I should hope so," her mother remarked, bitterly.
"Can I hold him, Muña?" she asked, seeing her mother struggling.
Her mother looked down at her and nodded, grateful for the small rest it gave her "of course, my sweet girl"
Her father quickly offered her his arm, which was taken gratefully.
She looked down at her brother, he had the same nose as Luke, brown hair and what she could make out brown eyes. A shame. She had hoped for at least one silver-haired sibling. She was starting to feel like the odd one out.
"Was it terribly painful"
Both mother and daughter turned to look at the other and rolled their eyes.
"I took a lance through the shoulder once," he remarked, unaware of his wife and daughter's actions.
"My deepest sympathies" her mother hissed.
She was completely enchanted with her newest brother, despite his plain features, and simply choose to ignore her father and his attempts at comforting her mother, giving the babe forehead kisses, and cooing at how cute he was, but stopped upon realising he was covered in blood let out a disgusted snort. Her mother chuckled thinking it was directed at her father.
The halls were crowded with court members. Awaiting to see the newest prince. some to see if her mother had had another child sired by her father or another bastard.
Stopping for several members of the court to offer their congratulations to her mother before reaching the queen's chambers. She handed over her brother before bidding her parents farewell.
Whatever was about to happen, she had no desire to see.
And spotting Aemond walking through the corridors meant she didn't want to stick around for much longer.
"AEMOND!" she shouted, running up to him "I have another brother!"
He rolled his eyes, an action he tried to keep from her "hmmm" he said, not caring too much. She and he were walking down the corridor heading towards her family chambers.
"Congratulations Visenya! Oh, that's great news Visenya!" she mocked, putting on a deeper voice.
"Ha Ha, very funny" he spoke, unamused. Arms crossed.
"What does it even matter? Aren't they just another bas-"
"Do NOT-" she interrupted him; a stern look on her face. "They are my brothers, and that is all that matters" she spoke, tone hard, tired of Aemond's attitude. "If you're going to speak about this is will take my leave" she stared him down. Not at wanting to leave. Aemond always apologised, he hated it when he received the silent treatment from her and was often quick to apologise to prevent it.
"Sorry, Senya" he looked down. "what's his name?"
"I don't know, I have ideas, but mother probably won't listen to them!" she let out frustrated "it'll probably be some stupid name like Rhacearys or something!"
They had come up to her family chambers now, the door opened as Ser Harwin and her brothers walked in placing a dragon egg in a fire hearth inside.
"Brothers!" she exclaimed, walking in. Aemond stood by the doorway hesitant to enter.
"princess" Harwin greeted with a warm smile.
"Hello Harwin" she replied, hugging him.
"Senya" both her brothers exclaimed, before moving their eyes to Aemond "uncle," they said curtly, before looking at each other and giggling. Oh, they were up to something!
"Perhaps I should go" Aemond mumbled, moving to leave.
"I – but" she stuttered out, sad, he wanted to leave "I'll see you later? In our secret spot" she whispered the last part, winking terribly as she did so.
Aemond went to laugh but stopped after seeing something over her shoulder. Her brothers most likely. "of course," he mumbled.
"WAIT!" she ran up to him, giving him a quick hug. "BYE!"
Not long after his exit her mother and father entered the room, stopping her from confronting her brothers about whatever their plans with Aemond were.
"Mother look, we choose an egg for the baby" Jace spoke, as their mother moved to sit.
"That looks like the perfect one" she agreed, finally sitting in the chair to rest, as the cover on the eggs pot was lifted.
"We let Luke choose" Jace admitted, as Luke grew a proud smile and thanked him.
"Not every day an egg leaves the dragon pit, princess. I thought it best to escort the lads" Harwin spoke up, his eyes drawn to the babe in her father's arms.
"Laenor and I thank you, commander".
"Another boy, I heard. What a fine knight you are going to make, yes?" Harwin spoke towards the babe.
She stood by her father, looking down at the babe. He had been cleaned up since she last saw him. Much less blood.
"Ser Harwin wishes to be introduced to Joffrey"
"Joffrey?" she questioned, looking between her mother and father "my list had much better names!"
"shush, now," her father whispered, patting her head and moving the babe into ser Harwin's arms.
"wasn't that your friend's name?" she questioned, looking at her father.
He gulped and nodded "Oh! Ok, it's fine then. I forgive you!" she exclaimed. Though she still hoped for a chance to rename him to something much better.
"Father, please may I hold Joffrey?" Luke spoke, trying to grab Joffrey out of Harwin's arms.
Their father tutted, moving her brothers and herself away, dismissing them to their dragon pit lessons.
next chapter
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hederasgarden · 2 years
Summary: After battle, Aemond visits your tent. 
Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x Lady Wife!Reader
Word Count: 1.8K
Rating: Explicit, 18+ only. Rough sex, fingering, biting, knife play and PIV sex. Basically smut with feels.
A/N: Thank you @whatblogisthis216, @shootingthroughthemoon, @handoverthekawaii and @shadycloudphilosopher for their help with this!
Likes are lovely but comments and reblogs make my day!
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The ground shakes and the distant, angry roar of a dragon deafens the camp. Even from within your tent, you recognize Vhagar’s cry.
Your husband has returned.
There is no telling his mood, it varies wildly these days as the fighting intensifies. Some days he has little time for you, pouring over maps and plans with the men he commands until the early morning hours only to leave again soon after. Other days he wants nothing more than to lose himself in the comfort of your body, working hard to make your belly swell with a child again. What he wants from you today remains to be seen but it’s best to be prepared.
You stand, drawing the attention of the small gathering of women and servants in your tent.
“Thank you all for joining me this afternoon. I think it’s time for me to retire for the day,” you announce.
They bid you goodbye quickly and you watch them slowly file outside. It’s best for everyone if they’re not present when Aemond arrives. Your husband cared little for propriety when his blood lust was high from battle. His reputation and missing eye frightened many of the ladies; you couldn’t imagine their scandalized expressions if they saw him how you did in those unrestrained moments. He had scared you once too but that was when you were young and naive. Your head was filled with rumors about his awful deeds and garish appearance.
Now you know better. There was no doubt he could be cruel and violent. You’d seen first hand how easily he crushed his enemies and those that would harm the ones he loved, though he was never unkind to you. Even in the beginning when you were nothing to one another he protected you fiercely simply because you were his. He was gentle then too, his eye always seeking yours to determine your reaction to each touch and kiss he placed on your body and for that alone you would have cherished him but over the years you'd grown to love him too.
“Princess….” You turn, surprised to find one of the newer servants watching you with an unexpectedly concerned expression. “Would you like me to remain?”
“I can handle the Prince,” you assure her with a smile. “Go. Please…”
“As you wish,” she says, dipping her head and disappearing through the flaps of the tent.
When your betrothal to Prince Aemond was announced, this was hardly how you imagined passing your days. You expected something more sedate and safe within the Red Keep but your husband liked you close. It kept him calm and focused, reminding him of what he fought for. You learned to love the freedom it gave you outside his mother’s watchful eye and the King’s lecherous one.
Your only warning before Aemond stalks through the tent flaps is a hushed greeting of, Your Highness, from the guards stationed at the entrance of your tent. He ignores them, his eye focused solely on you as he sheds pieces of his outer armor with each step. As he continues his steady approach, his sword and outer doublet fall to the floor. The last thing to be removed is his eye patch and your gaze is automatically drawn to the brilliant sapphire jewel nestled there. It frightened many but you found him handsome like this.
“My Prince,” you greet. “How was the battle? Did you-” whatever words you would say to him are cut off by his mouth on yours.
He kisses you roughly, grabbing your hip and neck possessively. Together you stumble towards the bed in the corner of the room, his hands groping your body. When your legs tangle in your skirts Aemond grasps the back of your thighs, practically throwing you on the bed in a fit of impatience.You hardly have time to recover before he’s on top of you, slender fingers ripping at the collar of your dress to bare your shoulders to him. His teeth find your neck and you groan, hips rising to press against his. He sucks at the impression he’s left in your skin as he fumbles with your dress, seeking the warmest part of your body.
It doesn’t take long for him to grow impatient with your clothing and pull back. A grunt is your only warning before a dagger appears. Another woman might cower in fear at the sight but you only felt a peculiar rush of desire you had long since stopped trying to understand. Aemond was skilled with all manner of weapons and you learned about his penchant for small blades after the wedding. It was a favored bedmate for the both of you by now. You loved to watch him wield it. There was something beautiful about the way he handled it, the dagger moving between his fingers like water over stone.
In a flash your dress is split down the middle. Aemond wrenches it open with two hands, baring your upper body to his hungry gaze. The cold air washes over your heated skin and you shiver. He smirks and drags the flat of the blade over one breast and then the other until your nipples harden into peaks. He follows the cool blade with his warm tongue and you moan, threading your fingers through his hair.
“I should keep you naked all the time,” he whispers.“I could command it and you would listen, my obedient little wife.”
He doesn’t wait for your response before shifting down your body, flipping the knife easily in his hand to make quick work of the lower half of your dress. When he is done it hangs in tatters off your body along with your small clothes. He looms over you, something in his gaze both thrilling and terrifying. In moments like this, it’s not hard to believe the tales about the madness that lives within each Targaryen. Aemond looks like he could devour you whole.
“I’ve been dreaming of this warmth,” he admits, long fingers stroking the thick patch of curls at the apex of your thighs. He continues speaking, his voice smooth and hypnotic. “Of how tight and hot you’d feel around me.”
You’re wet enough that when he seeks out your bundle of nerves his fingers slip easily over the sensitive flesh, teasing your entrance only to pull away a second later. You stare up at him, breath ragged as you wait to see what he will do. He smirks, withdrawing his hand and laying his body over yours. The weight of him presses you into the bed, spiking the molten heat that builds in your stomach
“I’d kill for you, for this,” he whispers, lips sliding over yours to cut off the gasp you make when he forces a hand between your bodies and curls two fingers possessively inside you.
You tear your lips away from his. “Aemond, please.”
“Beg for me sweetling,” he encourages, stroking you until you’re dizzy and hot. He builds you up effortlessly, teeth scraping over your neck while his fingers work your desperate cunt. You’re close to the edge of pleasure and you beg Aemond mindlessly for it, tossing your head side to side.
“That’s it, come for me,” he encourages, guiding you through the rapture you feel, not letting up even when the tears come. By the time he’s done with you, you’re limp and trembling, but you know from the look in his eye that he’s nowhere close to being done. Aemond withdraws his fingers, sucking them clean while he watches you. His expression is dark and full of desire.
“Turn over, little wife,” he commands.
It’s difficult in your current state but he helps by pulling the ruined dress from your body and guiding you to lie on your stomach. You watch him over your shoulder while he undoes the lacing of his breaches, a slight shake in his hand is the only sign he’s not as in control as he seems. You turn away and press your cheek into the cool linens, allowing him to position you the way he likes.
Calloused hands spread your legs wide and you jolt at the feel of his tongue sweeping through your folds. He hmms in response, warm air ghosting over your sensitive skin before drawing away. The bed dips and he settles one hand beside your head while the other grabs the back of your neck, keeping you in place as he pushes inside the wet heat of you. Your fingers curl into the sheets and both of you groan when he bottoms out.
Aemond’s moving before you have a chance to adjust, his knees pushing your thighs even further apart to allow him deeper. The rough fabric of his pants drags against your tender skin and his grip on your neck tightens. The knowledge that he’s still fully clothed while you are laid out naked under him heightens your pleasure. With a man like Aemond you’re always vulnerable but he never makes you feel smaller or less then, only desired.
“Husband,” you gasp, mouth parting in a soundless cry.
“Wife,” he answers with a growl, snapping his hips harshly.
The world narrows to the ache between your thighs and how he fills you over and over again. Even though you just came you can already feel something building in your stomach again. There’s nothing you can do to hurry it along when your husband is like this. He is a force of nature, one you can only submit to. Aemond releases your neck and falls to his elbows, chest pressing against your slick back. The room fills with the sound of his flesh slapping against yours. His breath is hot across your cheek. Half-whispered words in old Valyrian pass his lips but your mind goes fuzzy as your orgasm crests and washes over in a rush. Aemond’s movements grow more desperate as you clench around him, your body trying to draw him in further.
“You’re mine, only mine” he growls. "Say it,” he pants, spilling inside your body and sinking his teeth into your shoulder.
Finally, his hips slow and you push yours back, wanting more of him. Aemond grunts and holds you still with a harsh grip on your waist. You stay like that, tangled together for several long moments before he pulls back, brushing a soft kiss to your shoulder. The tender action is so unexpected in his current state that your heart beats faster in response.
“I belong to you,” you whisper, turning your head to meet his lips for a messy, possessive kiss that steals your breath. He plunders your mouth and thrusts into you once more. It's both too much and not enough. You squirm beneath him until he finally releases you.
“I will have to leave again this evening,” he says, stroking your sides. “The usurper bitch does not rest.”
“Then neither will you,” you reply. You hate when he leaves but you know until this war is over, he’ll never fully be yours.
“There is still some time until I need to leave. Enough for me to have you again and again.” You clench around him in response and he laughs. “To remind me what I’m fighting to come home to.”
“Always,” you agree.
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rosemultitargaryen · 2 years
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Warnings: bondage, breeding kink, oral dem receiving, mirror sex.
Pairing: Husband!Dom!Aemond x Wife!Sub!reader. (Fem)
Summary: "watch me as i worship your body with every inch of mine." Aemond decided to show you just how much he appreciates you.
Word count: 101
The people crowded to see the newly weds at the ball. Aemond by your side, you ascend down the stairs with a worried expression. Your fingers grasped the fabric of his clothes in need of some relief from this newfound anxiety.
"Do you truly think i will let harm come your way?" Aemond's voice calms you slowly, his tone is authoritative yet gentle while his facial expressions are relaxed and fond.
"I do not...everyone is just...never mind." Your words struggle against your quivering lips.
Aemond comes to a halt, turning to stand before you with a gentle hand on your left arm. His other hand grasp your chin, lifting your gaze to his eye. The moment is brief before you notice that everyone is awaiting your arrival from the halls. You clear your throat, pushing past your newly made husband. Your hands grasp at your dress, lifting it to allow access for your legs to move more freely. Although you wish for them to take you elsewhere, you manage to make your way down the staircase by yourself.
The celebration ceremony proceeds, everyone coming to personally congratulate you. You begin to feel more self conscious, seeing these lovely young women with thin hourglass bodies. Yes, Aemond stressed to you that your body is the perfect make for him. However, your mind tells a very different tale.
"My love." His voice pulls you from your sickening thoughts, your hand on your stomach as you look up into his eye.
"Yes?" You ask innocently as if you weren't just thinking of ways to get rid of the weight.
"I can see your thoughts taking over you." Aemond pauses, taking a moment to move forward and grasp your face. "Need i give you a physical example of how much i worship your body?" Aemond rhetorically asks.
You swallow thickly. "No...Aemond leave me be." You dismiss his intentions, brushing past him.
A frown forms on his pale face, his eyebrows furrowing and eyes squinting as he watches you walk toward the washroom. Aemond takes note and waits for you outside, leaning up against the door with his hands crossed over his chest. His hair falling perfectly over his shoulders, tied back into his signature half up half down hairstyle. You walk out of the washroom, your face reddened from the tears. You bump into your husband, his frame blocking you from moving as his hands take you waist firmly.
"Aemond..." you mumble and his head tilts.
Aemond guides you to your now shared chambers. His hands grasping your back as he gently pushes you within the walls of the room. You're taken aback by his forceful actions. His head gestures toward the bed, you follow.
If you had learnt anything from your husband, disobedience is not accepted. You sit on the edge of the bed, hands places on your lap as you wait for the next command.
Aemond trails behind you, kneeling, his hands possess something of a leather consistency. You daren't question his actions, feeling the cool leather trickle down your bare arms. He unclips your gown, watching as it deliciously reveals your figure. Aemond stands and removes a cloth, revealing a mirror in front of you both therefore forcing you to look at your self bare.
"Aemond please, i can't stand to look at myself...please." Although you meant to sound stern your words came to be mere whimpers, ashamed of your body.
The leather whip trails down your front as Aemond kneels back behind you. The action elicits a moan from you, your eyes fluttering to a close as he grazes the material over your nipples. Aemond smirks, moving to your front as he kneels before you. His face is level with your entrance, the feeling of his breath against you makes your squirm.
"Behave." Aemond demands, lifting your legs over his shoulders.
His lips graze your clit, your hands flying to his hair for more control. Aemond's tongue presses against your hole, you force your hips forward.
"So eager, perhaps if you want to act like a whore you should join a pleasure house." He smirks.
The obscurity of his words makes something stir in you. Aemond works magic on you, making your head fall back in ecstasy. Slurs and moans fall from your lips like sweet nectar to Aemond's ears. His tongue laps up all you have to offer. As you are about to reach your release he withdraws his head, kissing you with hunger that overpowers his senses.
His body over powers yours, pressing you against the mattress. Your back arches as Aemond presses his erect member against your folds. You give him a look of permission before he plunges in and your eyes screw shut.
"Aemond...I.." you moan and scratch your nails down his bare back.
His thrusts are slow yet hard, knocking you further up the mattress with every thrust. His hair dangles in front of his face and you lean up to kiss his lips, the feeling of warmth fills you as he continues to snap his hips into yours.
"Ao feel raqagon nykeā million qēlossās issa jorrāelagon." Aemond slurs and you whine, feeling your climax reaching.
He continues his forceful thrusts, kissing your collarbone to add to your pleasure. You kiss his chin, beads of sweat forming on you as your breathing quickens.
"Aemond!" Your legs shake violently as his thrusts grow sloppier.
The coil snaps and you milk his cock, panting and whining as he continues to abuse your entrance for his own pleasure. Your head falls back to the pillows as you feel him release within you, pumping you with his cum. Aemond comes to a halt, making sure ever last drop is bestowed in you.
"You will look so beautiful, round with our child." He purrs.
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dreamlandcreations · 2 years
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The Bastard Princess
Aemond Targaryen x Daemon's daughter!Reader
• moodboards masterlist •
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You were enemies since the moment he claimed Vhagar.
He stole the dragon and you had taken his eye. Both acts are unforgivable in your book.
Being your father's daughter, your temper did not let you rest the case after the king declared it done. While they were preparing to depart, you were fuming on your own, at the beach where the only mother you knew had been buried.
Your anger attracted something dark and sinister.
When the Cannibal had emerged from beyond the cliffs, you thought you were done for but it seemed he had other plans.
After years of dreaming of it, you finally claimed a dragon. And the first thing you did was attack the traitor and the thief. It was only thanks to your father and Caraxes intervening that the young prince could escape.
Even though your wild dragon was almost the size of Vhagar, Caraxes won the fight and got away unscathed as neither you nor the beast in tune with your emotions could either hurt your beloved father or his dragon.
Daemon always cherished you, his eldest, even though you did not have his last name. Your mother was a good friend of his and his Lady wife's, who was one of the women they had fun with, in their years of freely roaming the world. Daemon Targaryen never regretted having you, he was not ashamed of you and taught you to be proud of who you are. A dragon, free even of the name that burdened him with the shackles of his first marriage. And despite loving you unconditionally and as her own, Laena agreed that you would be better off without having their name to tie you down.
You owned the monicker of the 'Bastard Princess' just as proudly as the nickname your father gave you, 'Wild Fire'.
As you grew up, you learned to control your temper but meeting with the one-eyed prince turned you both back into petty children, fighting over a dragon you never really had a desire to own and an eye that you - deep, deep, deep down - truly regretted taking.
But the king, who was still more present than anyone in his family gave him credit for, saw beyond your anger, witnessing the regret every time you realised just how much your words cut into Aemond, deeper than your blade ever could. And Viserys smiled at the glimpses he saw his son gave you when he thought no one could see.
After the little time he had spent with his extended family, the king realized that after his death there would be no stopping their fighting. He hoped, of course, that his daughter could take the throne without an issue but he was also not as blind as they thought.
Looking down on the balcony, he saw you and Helaena sitting in the garden, while his son admired you from a distance.
Viserys smiled, a decision came to his heart rather than his weary mind and he ordered the Grand Maester to him, preparing a future where his family is untied by the two of you.
None of you knew of his last declare.
Only a day after the king's death, the throne taken by his eldest son, you received a message from the Grand Maester, who was residing outside the palace, in a somewhat neutral territory, as the guest of the Tyrells'.
Mere hours after your fight with Aemond and his dragon, and almost losing Luke, you prepare to make a journey, not knowing it would change your life forever.
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• moodboards masterlist •
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cardansriddle · 1 year
it's not funny how downright obsessed and feral i am over every villain ever. he's a horrible, vile, murderous man? so what? he's just misunderstood and i can fix him.
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euphoniumpets · 2 years
The song of Ice and Fire - Aemond Tagaryen x Targaryen! reader
pairing: Amenond Targaryen x Strong! Reader
Warnings: incest. (but we all knew that)
Summary: You knew the moment you fell for Aemond was a cruel thing, it was forbidden, considering that your family was held the grudge against the greens and now that the two of you were sneaking your love behind your family's back was even harder to keep it a secret when war is coming closer to both of your families.
A/N: now I know that Aemond is a complicated character in the series and honestly, i live for complicated men especially when they're hot. The last episode killed me so we're just gotta pretend that didn't happened. Daemon has a soft spot for his daugther. Ngl, this was a crappy one since i'm still rusty about coming back but here it is lmao.
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Aemond didn't remember when he fell in love with lady Strong. But he thought that he had always loved her when he was a child. He admired her fire, fietsy, and her love for her brothers. She was different from any lady he had known and it was maybe why he fell in love.
You knew loving Aemond was a complicated, challenging, but most of all it was one of the passionate love you had ever known. You felt free when you were with him and Aemond could feel it as well. He never showed any emotions with anyone, except with his sister and his mother. But with you, Aemond could let his guard down and show you who he really was.
You both knew the risks of falling in love with each other and sneaking behind your families back. But that didn't stop you from doing it so. The longing looks, the sneaky touches were unnoticed by your families. And you knew that if one of your brothers knew, or your father, you knew you'd be a treason to the family.
So, you didn't said anything and kept the secret as long you could keep it buried.
You fidgeted your fingers nervously as you approached the room and took a seat next to your brother and Heleane. You had grown fond of the Targaryen girl to consider you one of her closest friends. You didn't had a lot of friends since you often kept to yourself and your brothers. But you admired Haleane and her fascination for her bugs.
You could feel Aemonds gaze next to you. His gaze held with a hint of lust and posession as you took a seat next to him. You almost wanted to touch his hands before you decided not to.
Jace asked Heleane to dance and you could feel yourself smiling towards the girl. However, Aemond stood up after when the two of them had finished their dance before he held his cup to raise a toast.
''I want to make a toast of my nephews, Jace, Luke, and Joffery, each of them handsome...wise,'' Aemond trailed off as you looked at him, knowing what he was doing. You sent him a pleading look, but he ignored your gaze towards Jace. ''Aemond,'' You heard Queen Alicent warn him.
''Come, let us drain our cups to these strong boys,'' He finished and raised his cup. You looked at him with disappointment and betrayal. ''I dare you to say that again,'' You heard your brother threaten him as you widened your eyes.
''Jace,'' You warned him.
''Why? It was only a compliment, do you not think yourself Strong?'' Jace punched him, causing Aemond to push min back to the ground.
''Jace!'' You exclaimed as you stared at Aemond in disbelief as the knights held Jace, Luke, and Baela back. ''Having troubles, lady Strong?'' Aegon mocked you as you glared at him. ''Say that again, I dare you,'' You threatened as Aegon threw a comment about you and your brothers being bastards.
You grabbed the knife at the table before turning at him. ''Say that again and I will have your tounge cut off,'' You threatened him. As you began to approach him with the knife in your hand, you could hear your mother calling your name as you saw Daemon approach in front of you, blocking Aegon's sight. ''Y/N,'' Your mother said with a firm voice.
You turned around and saw her look before turning your father. He held the same gaze as your mother but with a slight soft tone. ''Go to bed, all of you,'' Rhaenerya ordered as you sighed and placed the knife back at the table before turning your gaze to Aemond. You looked at him with a slight disappointment before going to your chambers.
Walking back to your chambers, you heard faint knocks on your door. You opened the door as you saw Aemond in front of you. ''What do you want?'' You asked him. A little too rudely but you were still upset about him. ''I wanted to see you,'' He murmured as he entered into your chambers.
''Why did you had to do that? In front of everyone?'' You asked him and closed the door. ''I only complimented them, it's not my fault that they were offended,'' Aemond replied as you looked at him.
''I tried to defend you- I have defended you and this is the only thing i get to recieve, you offend my brothers?'' You argued. ''Please, Aemond, I thought you were better than this,'' You replied as he approached closer to you.
Aemond didn't say antything as you lifted his chin to meet your eyes. He looked into your eyes. The two of you didn't say anything since you were still upset with him, and you were right, you had defended him even when your brothers didn't enjoyed that you were taking his side. But it what he was, he was cruel, posessive, and many peopple believed that he was a monster. You doubeted it and you saw something else that didn't many people saw in him.
You didn't say anything in that moment before you kissed him.
The days passed and the tension rose towards your family and his. His family were in kings landing while your mother was preparing for war. Well, she tried to prevent it from happening.
When Jace decided to take the letters to the lords, you wanted to go with him. But your mother told you no, since she wanted you to stay at the court.
You were nervous and you had a feeling that something was wrong the moment you got to know that Jace was back from recieving the letter to the lords. ''Jace!'' You exclaimed, excited that you had your brother back as you missed the heart broken expression on his face.
You embraced him tightly before you noticed the expression on his face. ''What's wrong?'' You asked him as you turned to your mother, who had the same look as your father. ''Where's Luke?''
''He's gone, y/n,''
''What do you mean?''
''Luke's dead,'' Daemon responded from behind. You turned around.
''What? What happened?'' You gasped as you felt your brother's hand taking yours for comfort.
''Aemond went after him-''
''No, no, he wouldn't,'' You began to say and look at Jace.
''Y/n, he's the one who killed-''
''No! He wouldn't kill him,'' You shouted as you felt Jace look at you with anger. ''Stop defend him like you've always done, he's the one who killed Luke and you need to snap out of whatever he's done to you!'' Jace shouted back with anger as he had his hands placed on your shoulders. You looked at him with tears in your eyes, shocked since he never used to raise his voice at you.
''Jace,'' Your mother spoke softly, and sent him a warning sign. Jace looked at you with sadness in his eyes. ''Go to your room,'' Your mother ordered him as he nodded and leaved the room. Daemon shortly followed after.
You turned to look at your mother. ''I know,'' She spoke softly. ''I've always known,'' She responded before you approached her and began to let out a sob. You embraced her as she held you tightly in her arms.
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Him speaking high Valyrian 🤤 can someone make a smut out of this cause this video has been playing in my head all week 🤤🤤🤤 pls tag also lol
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lovelywetdreamer · 10 months
~🌸💜Punishment Time💜🌸~
Nerdy college student Ameond had enough of your cheating ways in chess. You made sure to wear a purple low-cut crop top that is one size small for you. Your breasts are basically bursting out of the top. You end up taking his knight because his eyes are too busy dining on you. When he was about to play his queen, he felt you slightly press your dainty feet against his hard-on. You could a spot forming as you rub your feet up and down his dick. Ameond has to end this game quick or he is going to end up coming in this pant. He somehow got your king. He doesn't remember how, and you can't tell him how. He immediately tore your top off and bent you over the chessboard. His hips were slamming against you so hard that some of the chess pieces fell to the ground. "Dirty whore trying to beat me with your slutty ways" he groans in your ear as his thrusts become deep and hard. You were drooling on the chessboard as your kitty was leaking on the floor. You are a mindless whore hungry for Ameond harsh thrusts and cum. He pulls your hair as he comes deep inside your tight walls.
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Nunu made this wonderful and cute fanart
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tr4sh-jam · 2 years
A son for A son
Aemond targaryen x velaryon reader
A/N: major plot spoilers and the reader is actually daemon’s and rhaenyra’s daughter. i had this in my drafts for a while before episode 10…wasn’t aware it was going to take a turn so i had to rewrite Aemonds opinion on what he did
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You had never loved him, it was made apparent in your marriage that you never loved him and would be written in the history books of what was meant to help both sides of the family only made it worse.
“You’ve killed my own flesh and blood, haven’t I done enough for you??! haven’t I risked my life for you. JUST FOR YOU TO KILL MY OWN BROTHER.” you screamed while your ladies in waiting scrambled out of the room.
“I lost my childhood because of you, I was only 14 when I had to marry you, yet you walk around like you’ve done something worthy of yourself, you’re weak. and now our 4 year old babe is at the risk because of you.” you cried out, falling onto the floor
“Maegor isn’t our only son think about viserys” he spoke, Aemond could never figure out why you favored his eldest more than his youngest.
“what I did was a mistake…I was just messing around.” Aemond yelled pulling you up. “you are a man, in times like this fooling around with a dragon like Vhagar is not to be taken lightly.” you whispered.
“I’m sorry I truly am I know what i’ve done can’t be forgiven, I love you.”
“Love? what do you know about love.” you snap back while pulling yourself away from him.
taking a deep breath you look at him coldly. “a son for a son aemond…” you say quietly.
“You wouldn’t.” he yells out in fear
“I wouldn’t but my father will.” you voiced out while walking out of your shared room.
You wanted to go back home, to your parents, your siblings, and cousins, you couldn’t stay here any longer walking on eggshells waiting to be killed.
you watch as one of your maids read a book to your son Viserys's, naming him after your grandfather, you never held any love for your son you tried to but you truly couldn’t, he looked just like his father.
“Thank you, Amelia, but it’s time for me, little Viserys and Maegor to get ready for the feast.” you voiced out in a fake happy tone. “alright princess” she said while bowing to you and giving you, your sons back.
After the feast in Aemonds honor for killing your brother, you take your sons to your room in hopes to read them a story before putting all your children to sleep.
While reading your sons a story you hear a bang swiftly going to your daughters crib you pick her up holding her tightly. truth be told your daughter wasn’t Aemonds she was a bastard and so was your eldest but that would be a story for another time, snapping out of your thoughts you see two men making their way to you.
“A son for a son” spoke one of the men
“who are you?!” you couldn’t believe your father was that quick, deep down it hurt to know that he would do anything for your mother knowing it might hurt you.
“Blood and Cheese princess, you must pick a son to pay the debt you owe to your mother.” the other man spoke
“Okay…my youngest son” you answered looking away
instead of Viserys they grabbed Maegor. you kept pleading with them begging them to take you or viserys, you knew as a targaryen being simply born into the game of thrones you’d have to pay a price eventually.
 cradling your son while the two men walk out one turns to you and says.
“A son for a son.”
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tyranasauruslex · 2 years
Can we talk about Aemond being the big little brother?
Yes, yes we can. I can not tell you how much I adore the fact that HOTD had Aemond be the taller little brother. It just fits his and Aegon’s dynamic so well. Every short king needs a tall bestie.
Kid!Aemond was adorable then puberty hit and BAM! Targaryen Barbie.
I like that whilst, yes, he has a facial scar and an eyepatch that’s not his defining feature. We’ve got the hair, the waist, the walk, the cheekbones…. And his confidence doesn’t come from being a “ladies man” which is so typical of male characters who get a bit of a glow up. Aemond’s just out here reading his books, being a good religious boy, taking care of Meemaw Vhagar and helping his mum out.
I will go feral if they put a braid in his hair next season.
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sofiasweden · 2 years
Aemond: May I sit there?
Luke: That's my lap.
Aemond: That doesn't answer my question, Luke.
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helaelaemond · 1 year
(boyfriend poll here)
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roxineedstosleep · 2 years
omg i read your fic based on peakybinderss and mine’s and OH MY GOD I MAY NEED TO ASK YOUR COMPENSATION BECAUSE OF THE HEARTBREAK YOU JUST CAUSED
thank you thank you thank you 😭😭😭😭🫣
First, I adore your blog. Every time I see a post from you I get excited because I know you generate really great content.
Second. I'm a little sorry for the broken heart. Aemond made me quite angry, I had to make him pay a little for everything he was doing to Lucerys.
Now yes, a little alternative space of the whole story. (TW: Lucerys survived, but Aemond pays for all his actions. Still angst.)
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Lucerys survived childbirth. But at the cost of never wanting to see Aemond again.
His older children would like to visit, the nobles would watch him walk through the corridors and gardens of the palace carrying his youngest baby. But Aemond could not be near him or his children without feeling the terrible bitter smell of hatred.
Aemond lived in part the fantasy he dreamed when he thought he was about to lose Lucerys.
He would see Lucerys raise his children, he would see how Lucerys dances full of love and joy, he would see how he handled political aspects almost perfectly, how the people and the nobles loved him. But never by his side.
Jace, that's how he named baby omega, he grew up healthy and strong. But, to Aemond's pain, Jace was never able to live with him properly.
As if life wanted to pay for every one of his sins, JAce never wanted to be near his father; he would cry like crazy just being in Aemond's arms, he would hide in the skirt of the babysitters when he was around and he would be comfortably mute when the two of them were alone.
Of course, Aemond was able to fulfill her dream of seeing Lucerys alive and with her children… but without him in the mix.
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rosemultitargaryen · 2 years
Hello 💗
Could you possibly do Aemond and his wife having sex for the first time (maybe on their wedding not, it really doesn’t matter)
Warnings: Oral(fem receiving), Ownership kink, public sex, pain kink, degrading, praise, edging, embarrassment, breeding kink, size kink, fluffy ending. 
Pairing: Husband!Aemond x Wife!Virgin!reader.
Word Count: 1.1K
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The ceremony was beautiful, tears were shed, bonds were made. You and your newlywed husband walk throughout the crowd, edging to get to your now shared chambers.
"You look enchanting." He whispers and your stomach flips with joy and anticipation.
You two hurriedly get to your chambers, the girls wait in the secret room eager to see the bedding ceremony. Aemond allows you into the room first, his hand placed lightly on the centre of your back while he closes the door behind you both.
Nerves start to creep in, your fists clench as he guides you to the bed. Aemond slides his hands down your arms; feeling you tense, he backs up slowly.
"We needn't do this tonight." Aemond whispers softly, smoothing your hair out of your face.
"No..I'm okay, I can do this." You smile, looking up at him.
Suddenly all your nerves left as his hands landed on your face. His touch is soft and subtle enough to calm you. His lips meet yours, slowly moving with you letting you take control. A small moan leaves your lips as he grasps at your dress, tugging away at the laced back.
You are stuck for words, feeling your dress pool at your ankles. Aemond kisses down your neck to your chest, his tongue finding your nipples and swirling deliciously around them. The act elicits a moan from you; gripping at his armour, anything that will relieve some pressure.
"Mm?" Aemond gives a suggestive look and you nod before he pushes you down onto the bed.
His body towers over you as he trails kisses down your body. Your hands grip the silk sheets as Aemond moves to your weeping cunt. His lips ghosting over the part where you yearn for him the most. Your eyes flutter to a close as he places a kiss on your clit, moaning as he does it. His tongue is eager to explore, flattening against your cunt as he laps like a kitten.
"Aemond." You whine, gripping at the sheets and arching your back.
Aemond picks up the pace, making your thighs tremble while he grips them firmly. His grip is strong enough that it may leave a mark on your supple flesh. He pulls away and makes it a point to kiss your thighs and mark them, claiming you as his, marking his territory. He moves up to your lips, kissing you while thrusting against you with need.
"Please, be gentle." You plead with your husband, scratching down his back.
Aemond strokes his cock slowly, lining up with your cunt before looking you in the eyes. His thirst for you and your body are unbearable. His cock twitches in his grasp, the tip prodding at your entrance. You move down in attempts to push him in, however your eagerness is not rewarded.
"Sweet girl, patience." He coos.
Just as you are about to protest Aemond sheathed himself within you, a retching scream leaves your lips and he groans. You scrap your nails down his back as Aemond moves at a measurable pace, making your eyes tear up and your insides curdle. Your chest heavies as the pain soon turns into pleasure.
"I..." you breathlessly mumble.
"Say the word and I will stop." He groans, making your eyes roll back.
You're too lost in the pleasure to say anything, your moans and whines being the only thing to leave your lips. Aemond groans and grunts in your ear, making it harder for you to focus. He grows bored of the standard position, pulling out quickly before picking you up and handling you. He flips you on your stomach, lifting your ass up before pushing back in. You feel him deep within your stomach with the new position. You look to your left and see the people watching the ceremony, watching you as Aemond fucks you senseless. You shy away, pushing your face into the sheets while Aemond slaps your arse.
"...fuck...nmnghhh." You groan at the connection.
"...you feel incredible, such a good fucking slut." Aemond ruts into you harder with each word. The slur making you clench.
The sound of skin slapping makes you whine as you yearn for your release. Aemond grins, gripping at the dips of your hips while slamming you back against his abdomen making you feel him deeper.
"Look at you, look at the state. All needy for release." Aemond chuckles and pulls out, the loss of contact making you cry out in frustration.
"Aemond. Please." You pant.
Aemond ignored your pleads and whines, lifting you once again. He lays down, lifting you so you're sat on his thighs. Unsure, you look at him confused until you find his hips on your waist. Aemond lifts you slowly before sliding you down onto his cock, your face contorting in pleasure as he grabs your breasts softly. You feel him get impossibly deeper than before. He presses his hand against your abdomen, applying just enough pressure as he thrusts forcefully within you. Your head goes back, arching your back and rolling your eyes.
"You look incredible all stuffed with my cock, I can't wait to see you swollen with our child." Aemond coos, making your legs shake with the pace he sets.
Your nails drag down his bare chest. Aemond leans up, fucking you senseless as he bites your breasts with hunger. His tongue smooths over the bite marks littered over your bruised chest.
"Aemond." You throw your head back, exposing your neck to him. He takes the opportunity and latches on, thrusting faster as your body convulses with your orgasm.
Screams and whines are to be heard from doors away as you let the harsh ecstasy run through you, the feeling of Aemond's release fills you to the brim. he makes it a point to keep himself sheathed in you, whispering praises and coos to you while he makes you ride out your high. Strands of hair stay to your face like glue as he peels his body from yours, you yawn and roll onto the bed as you watch him walk to the washroom. The water starts running and you frown, wondering what he is doing. Aemond returns a few minutes later with a robe in hand, holding his other hand out for you to grab. Reluctantly, you attempt to stand up knowing your legs are the equivalent to jelly right now. Aemond stands and stifles a laugh, watching you go limp against him.
"Okay, not funny." You grumble and Aemond places the robe over your shoulders, giving you some coverage as the girls are still watching you from the secret room.
Your eyes avert to the ground, Aemond's hand supporting you while he walks you to the washroom. The steam from the freshly drawn bath envelopes you both when you enter the room, candles lighting your way to the steamed tub. Aemond takes the robe off your body and helps you into the bath. The water smooths over your skin, making sure to taint your flesh with the specialised fragrances.
"Take your time and relax sweet girl." Aemond strokes your hair and leaves you to bathe.
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sakura-haruka · 2 years
I loved the first part of house of the Dragon but since the big time jump i have problems to connect with the characters, I feel like I don’t really know them, we don’t see them interact a lot.
I loved Rhaenyra “young” but I don’t feel like I really know her anymore, i still think she’s great but I didn’t see her love Harwin, didn’t see her mourn him either. She had a lot of tenders scenes with Daemon in the first part but we only have crumbs now, we did not see her fell pregnant with his children or just casually love each other. 
Jace and Luke: We don’t know how they feel about  Laenor’s death, do they believe their mother did not kill him? do they know the truth? (i guess not), do they care? Do they like Daemon, do they consider him as a father too?  They are betrothed to Daemon’s daughters and they seem content about it but not in love, what are they feeling???
Daemon: My dear, He’s a really cool husband, good for him... I didn’t actually saw him interact with his daughters since before his wife’s death. That’s just so weird. Does he only care for the children he had with Rhaenyra? I want him to do shady stuff again. 
Aegon II: We can all agree that it’s just not the same character, what happened between episode 7 and 8? we left a boy with a lot of issues, who was a little shit but also had a soul and who seemed actually (Despite his mother) close to his nephews, who was being abused by the adults of his family and had the potential to be a great character/vilain but in episode 8 he became, without any explanation, a rapist, psychopath who hates everyone. An awful human being who will just be another Joffrey. Let’s be real they just wanted to play safe and have a character that everyone could hate. Nuanced characters are too much work when they’re meant to be vilain. Yeah, i will be forever mad about him because he had so much potential and I wanted to see a vilain different from the ones in GOT. Also we still did not saw him with sunfyre
The only characters that were truly developed in the last episodes were Alicent, of course, Viserys and Aemond. They really did an amazing work developing those characters.
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cardansriddle · 2 years
he might be a manipulative, psychotic and murderous little shit but god the head i'd give that man.
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