#amelia dansworth
plaidbooks · 10 months
Seasons Greetings
A/N: I know it's been a while since I wrote anything and this may not get traction because it is two OCs in a fandom, rather than established characters, but I hope you'll give this a shot! If you missed the bios on these two, you can read it here!
This covers the Spending Xmas Alone in @storiesofsvu bingo!
Also, let me know if you'd like to be on the taglist for these two!
Tags: none
Words: 1098
Taglist: @witches-unruly-heart
Pairing: Benoit Montclair x Amelia Dansworth
Amelia sat at her desk, typing away. Though it was Christmas Day, she had decided to come into the office--there was work to be done and if she didn't do it before New Years, she'd be worried for the whole vacation.
Besides, she wasn't doing anything for Christmas anyways; just sitting in her flat, drinking hot chocolate and watching some cheesy romcom on tv.
This seemed less pathetic. At least she thought so.
Suddenly, there was a soft knock on her open office door, and she jumped in surprise; she was supposed to be in the office alone today while everyone was off for the holidays.
But standing in the doorway was none other than Mr. Benoit Montclair, looking handsome as hell, even with his brow furrowed in concern, dark eyes on her.
"I thought everyone had the next week and a half off?" he said gently in his deep voice. He came into her office fully, standing in front of her desk.
Amelia blinked at him before responding, "they do--we do. But I wanted to finish this little financial snafu and it couldn't wait until the new year--"
"So you decided to come in on Christmas Day? No other day would suit you?"
She couldn't help but notice how he skipped over the "financial snafu;" did Mr. Montclair really trust her that much?
"I, uh, I don't have any family or anything to celebrate with. So, I thought I'd just get this done now." Heat rises to her cheeks, so Amelia switched it on him. "Why are you here, sir?"
Ben gave her a curt smile, lips pressed in a thin line. "My father is a workaholic and my sister lives in Japan."
"Oh...I'm sorry...."
He shrugs. "I don't really celebrate the holidays, anyways. And, like you mentioned, there is work to be done."
Running out of things to say, Amelia goes quiet. Her eyes slowly roam over her boss; from his Italian leather shoes, up his tall frame, and taking in his expensive suit--it probably cost more than her rent for a full year.
But what stopped her scan was a white envelope clutched in his hand.
Ben's eyes followed hers to the envelope, and he holds it up, glancing at it as if he also forgot he was holding. "Oh!" he started, "when I saw that you were logged in on site, I thought I'd bring you your Christmas bonus--so you wouldn't have to wait for the post like everyone else."
"Thank you, sir!" Amelia replied in shock. She had been looking forward to her bonus; it helped pay some of the end-of-the-year bills.
He walked closer to her desk, arm outstretched. But just as Amelia reached out for it, he flipped it out of reach. Confused, she looked up into his face, and he smiled softly at her.
"Do me a favor? Take the rest of your vacation off. I don't want to see yo here again before the new year, understand?"
The intensity in his dark eyes paired with that soft smile has her melting. "I--yes sir. And, um, you too?" She wasn't quite sure why she added that, but she couldn't stop the words from tumbling past her lips.
Ben's smile grew, showing a line of pearly white teeth. "I will try my best. It's hard when you're the boss."
And with that, he held out the envelope in his long, thin fingers. As soon as Amelia took it, Ben turned and headed out the door.
"Happy Christmas," he called over his shoulder before disappearing down the hallway.
"And happy new year," Amelia replied, sitting back. With her boss's departure, she felt a tension leave her body.
Shaking her head to clear it, she started typing again. But the thought of her Christmas bonus sitting on her desk kept pulling her attention. She knew she had to look at the amount, so she could better plan her bill payments.
Amelia used her envelope cutter to break the tape and opened it to reveal the cheque inside. But as she gazed at the amount, she almost dropped it in disbelief.
Her normal paycheque was £5000 a month; about £1k more than an entry position. She had been expecting a £100 bonus. Instead, she had received double her monthly amount.
This could pay bills for a few months! she thought, a lump in her throat. There had to be some mistake--but no, also in the envelope was a letter.
Eyes skimming over the words, Amelia found that Mr. Montclair gave her that bonus--as well as "other, faithful employees," the letter said--out of his own pocket.
It took her a few moments to process before she was able to continue working. But the rest of the day and well into the night, Amelia had a floaty feeling about her.
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plaidbooks · 10 months
Benoit x Amelia
Here's a masterlist of all stories with these two (OCs in the adow universe)
Seasons Greetings
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plaidbooks · 10 months
I’m writing some fic that’s about two OCs, both set in the A Discovery of Witches universe! So, here’s their bios:
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Name: Benoit Montclair
Age: somewhere in his 400s
Race: Vampire
Family: Baldwin Montclair (father)
Miyako (sister)
Matthew Clairmont (uncle)
Diana Bishop-Clairmont (aunt)
Bio: Benoit was an English prince in the early 1600s. But when sickness threatened his life, his mother made a deal with a vampire so save Benoit—and thereby saving their throne. Baldwin turned Ben, but was told he’d not be allowed to interfere with human politics, including holding the crown.
Ben hated his new father for decades after that, especially as his (human) family was overthrown and executed.
They reconciled centuries later, but old wounds reopened when Baldwin had issues with his daughter during and after World War Two. They are only recently working through their anger issues towards each other, politely cordial.
Ben is in charge of one of Baldwin’s human businesses.
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Name: Amelia Dansworth (Lia for short)
Race: human
Age: 33
Family: Clayton Dansworth (father - deceased)
Kathy Dansworth (mother - deceased)
Anabell Dansworth (grandmother - deceased)
Bio: Amelia’s parents moved from London to New York for Clayton’s job. She was born there, and her parents decided to not file for dual citizenship, opting for Amelia to be American.
When she was 12, however, her parents were killed during a mass shooting incident. As her only living relative, Amelia moved back to London, living with her grandmother.
Amelia went to university, studying business. She was able to get a job directly after graduation, and she’s been with the same company since—working her way up the ranks until she got her own office.
Sadly, her grandmother passed when Amelia was 25. Since then, she has thrown herself fully into her work life, ignoring any kind of personal life. Though, she has met up with coworkers for a drink after work, she’s only close to the woman in the office next door: Emily.
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