#amelia biance
northern-borealis · 6 years
From Love, Peace
Title: Chapter 1: The Early Beginning
Series: From Love, Peace
Fandom: Thomas Sanders (Sanders Sides)
Characters: Remy (fan character), Amelia Bience (original character), Logan Sanders, Thomas Sanders, Joan, Talyn, mention of Valerie and Terrence, Roman Sanders, Virgil Sanders, Patton Sanders, Deceit in later chapters
Word Count: 1,001 (no I'm not joking)
Warnings: Death Insinuation/Mention; yelling; one curse word; let me know if I missed anything else please!
A/N: Hey guys! This is my first multi-chapter fic, so I’m really excited to be posting it. Thank you to @book-of-charlie for voting on the title of the series! I am super excited to be posting this, I have been drafting and editing this for about a month, and I am super thankful to my older sister, Mera, for Beta’ing this for me (Since I draft on paper, and everything. She’s also the only person that can read my handwriting). So, here we go, guys! Chapter 1!
“Amelia, stay here with Logan!”
“Mother!” Amelia Bience tried to protest, holding her baby cousin.
Amelia’s mother and aunt paused in their rushing around, and her mother made her way to kneel in front of her daughter.
“Amelia, please. We might not come back, and I need you to keep yourself and Logan safe.”
“If we can, we’ll send Remington here to keep an eye on you, okay? Your uncle Remy?” Her Aunt Pranks tried to reassure Amelia, as she looked at the door.
Amelia just nodded slowly, tears starting to leak down her face. Her mother and aunt shared a look, but didn’t think to say anything else before leaving the small building in the woods that the Bience family shared.
Amelia watched the door shut as she sat down in the chair in the corner, and looked down at Logan in her arms. “Lucky, sleeping through the whole war.” She mumbled, watching the door again.
“Keep my son in his room! I want a guard in and outside of it, keeping guard!” The King bellowed.
Patton Hartlen bowed to the king, and motioned for another guard to come with him, electing to not say anything to the king.
“Our only job is to keep the prince safe. Stay outside the room.” Patton ordered the other guard, slipping inside the prince’s room.
The young prince’s nursemaid looked up as the door slammed shut behind Patton. Her eyes darted to the three year old prince. “How bad is it?” She whispered.
“Thirteen warlocks and twelve witches have been killed by execution in the last hour, and fourteen of both slaughtered in the streets as they tried to run. Four squads of knights have begun to scour the woods, looking for any strays.”
The old woman shook her head. “You know, there was a time before the magic-folk were hunted. When the warlocks and witches and royals and common-folk lived in harmony.”
“I’ll believe it when I see it.” Patton spoke harshly. “As far as I have ever seen, the magic-folk live and breath deception and deals with devils. I’ve known that since I was a child.”
“Come on Virgil, let’s play a game.” The boy’s father begged, ignoring the shouts, fires, and screams that continued without end in sight that came from outside their home.
“What game, Papa?” Virgil asked, sitting on the floor across from his father.
“Remember the one I showed you a couple days ago?”
“With the X’s and O’s?”
Virgil’s father nodded. “Exactly.” He pulled some of the ash from the long-dead fire, and flattened it in front of the pair. “You go first.”
The game went on for some time, Virgil giggling occasionally as he knew his father let him win.
Eventually, a pair of people opened the door, and rushed inside, slamming it shut behind them. “Thomas, are you both alright?” The more colourful of the pair asked.
“We’re fine at the moment, Talyn. You and Joan?”
“We were going to try and get to some friends in the forest, but with all the knights all around, we couldn’t risk getting caught.” Joan said, sadly.
“Papa, is something wrong?” Thomas picked his five-year old son up, and wrapped him in a hug.
“Yeah. A lot of things are right now, Virgil.” Thomas sighed as Joan and Talyn sat next to the father and son, the ashes that the game had been played in long since forgotten.
“You remember how Valerie and Terrence’s parents disappeared earlier?”
Virgil nodded. “Is that going to happen to you three?”
Thomas looked at his friends, who were wide-eyed, and frankly a little shocked that a five year old had thought to ask that.
“Maybe, storm-cloud. Maybe. But not if we can help it.” The two warlocks nodded. “But if it does, promise me one thing, I know it’s a lot to ask.” Virgil nodded again. “If that happens to us, run. Keep running, and don’t stay in one place for too long.”
“I don’t want to leave home.”
“Then don’t leave the village. Just keep moving. Don’t let anyone see you, don’t let anyone catch you, alright?”
Virgil nodded, and rubbed his eyes of tears. “Papa, I’m scared.”
Thomas held his son’s head close to his chest, and locked eyes with his friends. “I know Verge. I know.”
Rushing through the forest was not exactly the witch’s idea of fun, especially when there were about a hundred royal knights on his tail.
It had really been a surprise to see Missy and Pranks rushing out of the forest, especially without Amy or Logan. When the twin sisters explained the situation to him, of course Remington would go to the cabin and stay with the kids.
So here he was, running through the forest, trying to find a house that had been enchanted to not be found. Both girls had done that, which didn’t make it any easier.
“Damn blood magic.” Remington muttered, pausing behind a tree for a couple seconds.
Not too much longer after that, Remington was able to take a breath of relief when he saw the small, magic-built house.
Remington opened the door to the cabin, and nearly collapsed in relief when he saw Amelia sitting in the corner, still holding Logan.
She jumped up when she saw the man, and ran over to him. “Uncle Remy!”
“Come here, girl. I got you.” Remy reassure, gathering the thirteen-year-old in his arms. “I’m gonna stay with you and Logan, alright? I don’t-” Remy broke off, and rubbed his face. “I don’t know what happened to your mom and auntie after they told me to come here.”
Amelia sniffled a couple of times, and rubbed away fresh tears from her own eyes. “I’m afraid, Uncle Remy.”
Remy sighed. “I know hon. And it’s okay to be afraid, I’d be worried about you if you weren’t.”
He looked towards the door. “A lot is happening right now, but I promise you, it’s gonna get better some day.”
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toxic-lucky · 5 years
12 and 28 for EVERYONE
Okay so, disclaimer, there’s over 130 characters and I’m missing some, so, please forgive me
12. How old are they? When is their birthday?
28. Are they aware of their strengths?
Kia Greens, October 8th, 6 y/o, and no
Vincent Greens, June 10th, 38 y/o, and yes
Owl, November 2nd, 18 y/o, and yes
Regan Deia, November 2nd, 17(00), and yes
Dawn, August 17th, 3000 y/o, and yes
Mia, December 6th, 25 y/o, and no
Asher, July 24th, 3580 y/o, and no
Esta, September 8th, 80 y/o, and no
Liulf Faze, January 15th, 28 y/o, and no
Adian Ross, April 9th, 20 y/o, and no
Onava Aquarius, July 25th, 26 y/o, and no
Jezebeth, March 3rd, 19 y/o, and no
Zero, January 16th, 28 y/o, and no
Jake Artem, December 21st, 400 y/o, and yes
Elvaid Ro'Leah, Febuary 13th, 1092 y/o, and yes
Olivia Ro'Leah, December 13th, 950 y/o, and yes
Callan Azal, May 27th, 25 y/o, and no
Valentine, April 21st, 750 y/o, and no
Louis, Febuary 9th, 900 y/o, and no
Nevada Hyino, June 13th, 210 y/o, and no
Allenia Necroxin, July 11th, 23 y/o, and no
Bianc Necroxin, July 11th, 23 y/o, and yes
Ace Amber, August 5th, 22 y/o, and no
Amelia Amber, October 21st, 28 y/o, and no
Zane Amber, April 4th, 15 y/o, and no
Kate Amber, January 27th, 7 y/o, and no
Pine Amber, December 29th, 40 y/o, and no
Hikaru Chiba, August 29th, 23 y/o, and no
Liang Chhet, August 25th, 23 y/o, and yes
Dia Brenton, December 8th, 24 y/o, and yes
Arco Delilah, September 10th, 250 y/o, and yes
Kitlyn Bian, March 10th, 20 y/o, and yes
Irwin Delotae, December 21st, 20 y/o, and no
Annabella Pithius Aeshma, May 27th, 240 y/o, and yes
Balthazar Zaire, Febuary 10th, 19 y/o, and no
Rune Zvezda, April 22nd, 20 y/o, and no
Alistar Mulig, April 15th, 17 y/o, and no
Odette Mulig, January 9th, 16 y/o, and yes
Lenita, August 20th, 17 y/o, and yes
Dusa, November 5th, 9 y/o, and no
Oscar June Talesman, May 16th, 20 y/o, and yes
Dio, January 1st, 5 y/o, and no
Estelle Wright, Febuary 8th, 7 y/o, and no
Gale Sawyer, June 20th, 8 y/o, and no
Irene Minx, July 9th, 40 y/o, and no
Shiloh Fara, April 30th, 41 y/o, and no
Grove, Febuary 18th, 300 y/o, and yes
Astena Abto, Febuary 19th, 580 y/o, and yes
Walker (Edowyn) Armen Davidi, Febuary 8th, 200, and yes
Bowtie (Alex Minue), October 2nd, 560, and no
Scythe (Salem Altino), April 20th, 750, and no
Viper (Ether Lilo), June 23rd, 810 y/o, and yes
Sparrow, March 9th, 90 y/o, and no
AKU (Artifical Kinetic Universe), October 7th, 8 y/o, and no
Arro, January 8th, 6839 y/o, and yes
Narti, December 12th, 4296 y/o, and yes
Liron Halosin, January 13th, 6500 y/o, and yes
Dimity Spwitti, March 1st, 4000 y/o, and no
Tenebris Spwitti, March 1st, 3998 y/o, and no
Laelux Spwitti, March 1st, 3998 y/o, and no
Iris Thule, April 8th, 4025 y/o, and yes
Draconem, December 8th, 6000 y/o, and yes
Luka Tompson, May 19th, 120 y/o, and no
Trixie Flores, Febuary 3rd, 32 y/o, and no
Eleodoro Pérez, July 25th, 34 y/o, and no
Paper Face, July 28th, 300 y/o, and yes
Zein Arai, October 6th, 20 y/o, and no
Lee Moroz, December 8th, 20 y/o, and no
Lilly Mills, July 3rd, 20 y/o, and no
Liam Mills, July 3rd, 20 y/o, and no
Spade Lynx, October 9th, 21 y/o, and no
Lenois Azau Heather, July 10th, 23 y/o, and yes
Fiona Belle Heather, November 24th, 21 y/o, and yes
Amy Pluto Heather, Febuary 2nd, 9 y/o, and no
Alexander Heather, October 25th, 4 y/o and no
Venus Caroline Heather, June 29th, 11 y/o, and yes
Wilhelm Luci, December 20th, 27 y/o, and yes
Clover, December 10th, 6237 y/o, and yes
William Disadiate, January 1st, 34 y/o, and no
Chase Luna Orfer, May 8th, 32 y/o, and no
Ryan Lisa Chris, June 8th, 30 y/o, and no
Matt Cobalt, December 6th, 28 y/o, and no
Sasha Nia, January 4th, 29 y/o, and yes
Novie Jewly, June 4th, 26 y/o, and yes
Zakari Ceae, Januray 12th, 28 y/o, and no
Oliver Desmond Lilac, January 3rd, 20 y/o, and no
Sigmund Laru-Veera, October 6th, 19 y/o, and yes
Ilya Hana Kaivirre, December 12th, 23 y/o, and no
Isaac Ilya Kaivirre, May 4th, 9 y/o, and no
Yvera Fai'Aurst, Match 9th, 18 y/o, and yes
Tumaini Aeolus Vance, September 30th, 23 y/o, and yes
Grace Newsmith, March 8th, 24 y/o, and yes
Ryouichi Kato, December 4th, 23 y/o, and yes
Reid Lalun, October 11th, 24 y/o, and no
September Liuedai Beanie Li'Aril, September 13th, 130 y/o, and no
Ralza, July 15th, 500 y/o, and no
Elliot Reuben, July 8th, 100 y/o, and yes
Hylia Reuben, November 10th, 20 y/o, and no
Hef Demidi, June 16th, 24 y/o, and no
Lennan, Febuary 19th, 30 y/o, and yes
Jiāháo Lì, December 1st, 18 y/o, and no
Eric Laz, December 18th, 200 y/o, and no
Ichiro, August 20th, 130 y/o, and yes
Cyriel, January 9th, 40 y/o, and no
Timothy Stuart, March 19th, 30 y/o, and no
Jackie Brawnly, September 14th, 32 y/o, and no
Jack Nicolas, May 5th, 13 y/o, and no
Karma, April 1st, N/A, and yes
Morgan Deux, December 3rd, 20 y/o
Ioriz Lilly García, June 8th, 18 y/o
Caleb Halosin, September 17th, 5000 y/o, and yes
Liciona Halosin, January 13th, 6800 y/o, and yes
Joe, May 28th, N/A, and yes
Christine, October 4th, N/A, and yes
Mark, April 12th, N/A, and yes
Aza, June 16th, N/A, and yes
Lunetta, July 20th, N/A, and yes
Helia, March 18th, N/A, and yes
Danni, April 19th, N/A, and yes
Flora, Febuary 22nd, N/A, and yes
Jack, January 19th, N/A, and yes
Alice, April 18th, N/A, and yes
Tuuli, May 16th, N/A, and yes
Viviana, Match 20th, N/A, and yes
Ariel, January 3rd, N/A, and yes
Daisy, July 22nd, N/A, and yes
Zeka, July 18th, N/A, and yes
Kingsley, November 8th, N/A, and yes
Nightshade, December 22nd, N/A, and yes
Avani, October 24th, N/A, and yes
Error, September 19th, N/A, and yes
Emerzella Heather, December 30th, 50 y/o, and yes
Percy Heather, Febuary 2nd, 48 y/o, and no
Alana Ro'Leah, May 27th, 3600 y/o, and yes
Erksine Ro'Leah, July 9th, 3630 y/o, and yes
Stoker Elmo Sawyer, October 30th, 1000 y/o, and yes
Eick Ro'Leah, November 30th, 5098 y/o, and yes
Lujuana Heather, January 18th, 12 y/o, and no
Javier Heather, April 8th, 6 y/o, and no
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thelocalnewsma · 4 years
Middle School Honor Roll, Trimester 1
Middle School Honor Roll, Trimester 1 #IpswichMA
Trimester 1, 2020-2021 Grade 8 High Honors Francesca Attardo, Margaret Beland, Lila Borgman, Cooper Bousum, Avery Brown, Claire Buletza, Taryn Desmond, Clara Dos Santos, Biance Fatu, Amelia Gibeley, Theodore Goodrich, Nathaniel Grenier, Frances Hertz, Maxwell Jones, Samuel Jones, Colleen Kielbania, Celia Lewis, Sofie Love, Sau-Lok Ma, Bridget Maher, Reilly Miner, Faraz Moosa Khani, Elizabeth…
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