#amberlight city
amberlightcity · 3 months
Amberlight v4 Status
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Amberlight City v4 is still under production, and is planned for release around August 2024. While the original release was planned for 2023, v4 has been much more ambitious than the original plans. Expect a complete metro overhaul, new towers, more details, and fixed issues that plagued v3. More details to come soon!
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mirandyficlists · 11 months
Werewolves and Wolfie Mirandy Fics
Amberlight  by je_talveran– Werewolf Miranda
Blood and Sex by Melanacious  https://melanacious.livejournal.com/15650.html
Caught Between the Moon and New York City by Punky_96-werewolf  Miranda then Andy  
Coming Home by Punky_96 (Sequel to Caught Between the Moon,  and also a Xover with Rizzles)
Howling for my Protection Series by Dragonposeidon – werewolf
An Alpha Sheriff and A New Threat  https://archiveofourown.org/series/1549720
Mate For Life by chiaroscuroxvii – Werewolf Andy 
Teen Wolf by Punky_96- Werewolf
The Beast You Made of Me by PunchingApricots  https://archiveofourown.org/works/14364945/chapters/33161301
The Devil’s Run by Bearblue– Werewolves- Miranda wolf and Andy Nymph
Unstoppable  by Punky_96 – werewolf  https://archiveofourown.org/works/32314447/chapters/80101483
Which Shape?  By Trainedsnake – dog (Emily) https://archiveofourown.org/works/33206692
White Wolf – Wolf/Witch Miranda
You’re Very Fetching, So Go Fetch by Charlotte Priestly & Elle-Nic –Dog Miranda  https://archiveofourown.org/works/24235207
Stop Trying to Make Fetch Happen by Charlotte Priestly & Elle-Nic – Dog Miranda https://archiveofourown.org/works/24388267
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karaamberlight · 10 months
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Fingers ran along the thick coat of Shabby, the once stray cat, now completely settled into his domestic life within the small Silvermoon City apartment. Kara’s foot bounced to the Winter Veil music playing from her record player as she occasionally sang made-up lyrics towards Shabby himself about what a good and fat boy he was. She had finished decorating weeks ago for the holiday, and honestly considered just leaving it up all year long since colorful lights and the baked-goods scented candles were absolutely her aesthetic.
Although all of that came to a screeching halt when there was a sudden knock at the door. Kara stilled completely as her attention darted towards the closed and locked door, slowly reaching for the record player to turn the music down. She wasn’t expecting any visitors, and while it was likely something or someone completely harmless outside that door, she couldn’t help the spike in anxiety that suddenly took hold. Pressing a finger to her lips, as if Shabby would know what that meant, she stood up and tiptoed over to peek through the peephole.
No one was there, but maybe someone could still be there just hiding out of sight. She kept her gaze plastered to that peephole for five minutes….ten minutes. Still nothing. Surely whoever was there had left by now. Fingers curled around the pepper spray she kept on a nearby shelf, then unlocked and swung the door open in one quick swoop. Eyes darted left, then right, and then down at…
Her nose wrinkled in confusion as she set the can of pepper spray back on its shelf and picked up the bouquet of shimmery violet and white flowers arranged within a Winter Veil vase. The door was shut and locked, unlocked, then locked again just for good measure before she walked the flowers over to her table. The card was plucked from its holder and in fancy script read:
‘You’ve always been my favorite Amberlight. ~Your Secret Admirer’
Her cheeks flushed as she pressed the note to her chest, the anxiety now completely gone and replaced with something much happier and warmer. “Shaaaaabbyyyy, did you buy me flowers?” Said in a singsong voice as she looked around for the cat, who was now on the table chewing on the flowers. “Shabby, no! Silly boy, those are not good for you!” The cat was scooped up off the table and promptly spun about the living space with her as she danced to the holiday tunes.
This was going to keep her in good spirits for days to come!
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dicenne · 1 year
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Master of Ceremonies Dicenne Amberlight!
TARTS AFTER DARK IS TONIGHT! World’s End Tavern, Shattrath City Wyrmrest Accord Doors open at 6pm (PST) 18+ SHOW ONLY!
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theconstructsworld · 2 years
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The Construct - ‘C’ Likeness:  Cillian Murphy In-game Name: Theconstruct (WrA-H) Artist: Merwild His Master, Gaebral’s, finest and most ‘innocent’ creation.  Although he presents himself as a Death Knight, no one is really sure if that is the truth or not - there’s much more to him than meets the eye.  He tends to be a bit of a wanderer and never stays in one place for too long, often preferring to watch and observe but is ‘friendly’ enough upon approach.  His views on life and the world may be a little too extreme for some.
Aerden Lo’sharri Jr. Likeness:  Tom Holland In-game Name: Aerdenn  (WrA-H) Artist: Teallinum Looks like a cinnamon roll and IS (mostly) a cinnamon roll!  He joined the military as soon as he was of age and has been there ever since.  He started in the medical tents but has since become a combat medic, being one of the few that uses Life magic and is also an empath.  He was recently chosen to go through the Elite Forces training and is currently in training for that. He still has a lot of growing up to do but he has a bright and optimistic outlook on life despite all the hardships. He learned in the recent years that Pollux Hale is his biological father! 
Ryland Falkov Likeness: Thomas Doherty In-game Name: Falkov (WrA-A), Ryyland (WrA-H), Ryyland (MG-A) Artist: Zoratrix A half-elf born from a human mother and a high elf father (whom he has never met nor even knows the name of), Ryland grew up in his mother’s dance studio where she taught lessons. Now he can be spotted in a variety of night clubs go-go dancing for tips, and more recently you can find him on the Succulent Tart stage! He is also the lead navigator for the Lady Lillium, working under Captain Felonous Blacksun. He’s charming, flirtatious, and loves to be the center of attention - he’s also always on the lookout for his next sugar mama/daddy.
*Rarely RP’ed, but available upon request!* **Info below the cut!**
Taric Sunflare (Darkmorn) Likeness: Joe Alwyn In-game Name: Darkmorn  (WrA-H) Artist: Zoratrix An alchemist and herbologist who owns the alchemy shop, The Red Rook, down in Booty Bay with his cockatiel Pickles, Taric could be considered something of a ‘modern hippie’. He prides himself on the quality and effectiveness of his all-natural potions, having studied the craft under his mother for his entire life until she passed. Often found traveling for work, he is able to adapt and thrive in pretty much any culture.  He is the nephew of Tristenne ‘Red’ Darkmorn, although that will likely remain a secret for some time even though most that know both suspect some sort of relation given their similarities.  Like all the Darkmorns before him, he’s able to freely traverse the Shadowlands and commune with the dead.
Kareenia  Amberlight - ‘Kara’ Likeness: Anya Taylor-Joy In-game Name: Kareenia  (WrA-H) Artist: AvannTeth The younger sister of Dicenne Amberlight, Kara is something of a wild card. She currently lives in a small apartment in Silvermoon City with her cat, Shabby, but can be found often visiting Dice in Ratchet. She’s had a rough life, but thanks to her big brother she’s done a lot of healing in recent years and is less afraid of being out in public and in crowds. Art is her therapy, and she’s quite the skilled painter.
Inistellan Volanthus - ‘Stellan’ Likeness:  Clive Owen or Jon Hamm In-game Name:  Inistellan  (WrA-H) Artist: Merwild My oldest (in age, not in time played) and most distinguished character, Stellan has led a very long and fulfilling life…that the majority will never hear about.  He’s gone through three name changes in his lifetime, although he’ll only ever go into detail about his present persona. Currently he works as a bouncer and an occasional host for The Red Moon when not doing mercenary gigs with Talonoa. The man prefers to remain a bit of a mystery to just about everyone, even those closest to him - for a good reason.
Ourobor An’dar - ‘Ouro’ Likeness:  Dan Stevens or Ryan Gosling In-game Name:  Ourobor  (WrA-H) Artist: DarkTarou While he’ll tell others he’s a freelance mercenary, Ouro is first and foremost an arms dealer and anyone in the business would know him as such. Horde, Alliance, military, citizen, mercenary - he’ll cater to anyone that offers the right price. He will never be found without a gun somewhere on his person, they are his lifeline and his obsession. On a quest for vengeance right now, his violent desires tend to play a heavy role in all aspects of his life.
*NEW CHARACTER!** Garren Norassin Likeness: Lucky Blue Smith In-game Name: Garrenne  (WrA-A) The son of Xylaes (former high elf, now blood elf) and Callia (night elf, now deceased and in Maldraxxus), he doesn’t remember much of his mother and has only recently met his father. Their relationship is very shaky given the circumstances, but Xy is now the only family that he has left. He’s stillyoung and is trying to find his footing in this world, which has not been easy given his unusual appearance that puts him as a bit of an outcast within both the Horde and Alliance. He lost his home and grandparents when Teldrassil was burned, and is currently living in Bel’ameth trying to find a new path in life.
*All character are on Wyrmrest Accord, Ryland is currently the only one with a Moon Guard counterpart!* *Always open for pre-established relationships with any of them!* *Can find me on Discord at:  the_construct* *Message me here or on Discord if you wish to RP!  The top three are currently the most active, but that could change at any time!
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thecloudcitymarket · 3 years
Guild Sellers
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Here is a list of all our guild sellers that will appear at the Cloud City Market!
We’ve included their seller card and names, alongside a tumblr link for their character blogs (if they have one!) Keep an eye out for more vendors to be added in the future!
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Shifting Sands Sales Nizrya Tres’aionies & The Perennial Dominion
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The Cast Company Collective The Cast Company
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( @thecastcompany​ )   ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
Frostbite Contingent Megahes Frostbite & The Frostbite Contingent 
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( @frostbitecontingent )
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The Succulent Tart Dicenne Amberlight & The Succulent Tart
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( @succulent-tart ) ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
East Azeroth Trading Company Morank Brightdigger & The EATCo
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talonoa · 4 years
Talonoa  Thursday, Pre-battle
“Commander Dal’shula.” The Sin’dorei Argent immediately straightened and saluted.
Talon returned the salute, offering a rare, warm smile towards the younger man; one he had trained himself what felt like a lifetime ago. “At ease, Lieutenant Nor’thus. It’s been years, you can just call me Talon now.” 
The Lieutenant eyed Talon over, looking both concerned and curious at the same time but didn’t voice his obvious thoughts.  Talonoa knew he looked much different now than he did when he was a part of the Argent Crusade. Back then he had a strong connection to the Light.  But now? Things had vastly changed in his life.  
After the loss of his family, he had lost his faith in the Light and it left him. Then after making a deal with quite possibly the literal devil, Talon had become something else, someone else. Someone much more powerful than he ever used to be. The pros were stacking: He no longer had the need to eat, drink, or even sleep. Then there was his most recent discovery; the undead completely ignored his presence, as if he were one of their own.  He wasn’t sure what that meant, but he wasn’t going to complain. The cons would come eventually.
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There was no time to catch up, the influx of infected had sparked the return of the Argents and some of the general military troops to defend the city. “We know you’ve been doing great work at the rear gate with your crew, but you know better than any of us that it’s been getting worse and worse.  We need you outside the gates with us to hold off the attacks while the barricades are fortified.”
“We’ll be there.”  Talon had faith in this group after they managed to hold off the attack at the Crossroads. Thankfully there were no frostwyrms here yet, but these zombies had no sense of self-preservation and would swarm en masse.
“Thank you, Comman-, Tal-, Commander Dal’shula.”  The young Lieutenant settled on this way of addressing him, it felt too weird to to call him anything else. Salutes were given once more, and the two parted ways.
Talon rushed back towards their camp, speaking hastily into his comm, “Stellan, get everyone ready, we’re going to aid in holding the rear gates.”
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Dicenne Thursday, Start of battle
Already in full gear and stationed near the rear gates, Dicenne was about an hour into his rotation when the orders came through.  He clicked his earpiece, “Copy that, I’ll help clear a path.” The infected had been trickling through for days now, but with the help of the Argents and the military, they could finally block them off for good and hopefully allow the crew some much needed rest.
Not many realized that Dicenne had spent a large chunk of his life serving in the military, and had even become an officer early in his career.  He was well on his way to becoming a General, as was his goal at the time. However, life could change at the drop of a copper. The day his wife and son died, everything else in his world was turned upside down and he ended up parting ways with the military. Now, needless to say, anytime there was a threat to his loved ones, he felt the urge to help.
Much like his father, he didn’t possess any sort of magic.  At least not in the way most thought of when the term ‘magic’ was mentioned. A lot of the time his power and endurance was chalked up to his size and his ridiculous work-out regime, but it was much more than that. An innate trait from the Amberlight side of the family, whether it was magical in nature or something else, Dicenne was gifted with incredible strength, nearly endless stamina, and inexplicably tough skin while in the midst of battle.  These attributes served him well in the military, and landed him on the front lines of most battles. The tattoos didn’t come until after his time in the military, and they weren’t just for looks; they amplified those inherent traits. 
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In other words, he had become something of an unstoppable force.   Give him a shield and a sword, and get out of his way.  
The zombies clearly did not get that memo. The large Sin’dorei stabbed his sword through the eye socket of one infected while his shield made contact with two more, sending them flying towards the canyon wall and smashing into it with a sickening crunch. He advanced without stopping, practically steamrolling his way through the remaining infected until he stepped outside the arch of the rear gate. Sharing a quick glance with those close by, he couldn’t hide the growing smirk. He was definitely in his element.
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Xylaes Thursday, Post-battle
The moment the blockade was in place and the ‘all clear’ was given, Xylaes sank down to his knees and dropped his blades to the ground. It was amazing how the exhaustion overwhelmed the moment the battle ended. His arms and legs felt like jelly and the bruises were beginning to make their appearance known.  
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Then there was a matter of the zombie bite on his left bicep.  Fio wasn’t accustomed to this sort of battle; where you had to be constantly aware of what was going on around you in every direction.  It could be disorienting, especially when having to deal with multiple threats at once. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the ghoul grab her and in a flash he put himself between her and gnashing teeth. He wasn’t trying to get bit, the ripping of flesh by mostly blunt teeth was not a pleasant feeling. Better him than her.
Given the magical properties of the infection, he had theorized that should he get bit, he wouldn’t turn. Having complete immunity to magic had its upsides, hopefully this would be one of those.  After hurrying Fio to safety, he gave Stellan a private message before returning to the field of battle. If he showed signs of starting to turn, he wanted the older man to shoot him in the head before he could harm anyone else. As close as the two were, he knew Stellan would do it in a heartbeat.  He was one of the best sharpshooters Xylaes knew; the shot would be clean and efficient. Thankfully, that didn’t need to happen.
He looked at the soaked bandage covering his bicep, by this point blood was dripping down his arm and into his gauntlet. That would probably need stitches.  He was afraid to remove the rest of his armor, it had been a brutal and physical fight and he knew all the bruising was going to make one hell of a color palette all over his body. Not to mention the blisters on his hands, he could already tell those were going to be awful. No simple fixes now, magical healing would do absolutely nothing.  He would have to rely on natural methods, potions, and salves; which thankfully they had plenty of.
He made his way to the top of the tower to join the rest of the bone-weary crew and eventually allowed his wounds to be tended to while eagerly helping himself  to some much needed whiskey.
“Glad I didn’t have to shoot you in the head, Qin’oril.”  Stellan shot his friend a knowing smirk.
“Not out of the woods just yet, better keep that gun handy.” Xylaes returned the expression, even tossing in a wink. 
So they may have been a bit dark for some, but as Stellan said, ‘After being in the military for so long, you develop a morbid sense of humor to cope.’ When you come face to face with your own mortality as many times as Xylaes had, you learn to make a joke of it. It would catch up, eventually.
For now, the crew could rest.   It was a small victory, but one worth celebrating.
@inistellan​ @fio-renze​
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xvnot15 · 4 years
Mirandy Fic Lists Animagus/Shapeshifter/Animal Form
Amberlight  by je_talveran– Werewolf Miranda
 Caught Between the Moon and New York City by Punky_96-werewolf  Miranda then Andy  
 Coming Home by Punky_96 (Sequel to Caught Between the Moon,  and also a Xover with Rizzles)
 Fur, No Thanks We’ll Go Naked by Writtensword  - Mink Account purged but I have the fic.
Mate For Life by chiaroscuroxvii – Werewolf Andy  
 Purrfectly Yours by Bellatrix's Weightless Tears – Cat Miranda  https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11513135/1/Purrrfectly-Yours
Tangled Ribbons  by chiaroscuroxvii – Kitten Andy
 Teen Wolf by Punky_96- Werewolf
 The Cerulean Dragon by Jazwriter – Dragon Andy
 The Devil’s Run by Bearblue– Werewolves- Miranda wolf and Andy Nymph
 The Dragon Queen and the Princess by jah728 – Dragon Miranda
 The Lady and Her Dragons  By Bearblue- Dragons (duh. Lol) – Miranda & Cruella
 The Long Road by Michi & Greyregies – Pony Andy
 White Wolf – Wolf/Witch Miranda
 You’re Very Fetching, So Go Fetch by Charlotte Priestly & Elle-Nic –Dog Miranda  https://archiveofourown.org/works/24235207
Stop Trying to Make Fetch Happen by Charlotte Priestly & Elle-Nic – Dog Miranda https://archiveofourown.org/works/24388267
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valarin-sunstorm · 5 years
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Valarin sometimes didn’t know quite how to feel about Silvermoon City. However, the yarn shop in the Bazaar was too good to pass over. He had just finished up his purchase and was now the proud owner of a wicker basket piled with nice and colorful balls of yarn. He gave the shopkeeper a friendly wave as he departed and then set off to begin walking toward Eversong Forest.
It was a nice day, though that could probably be said of most days in Quel’thalas’ temperate region. Still, he seemed to be dressed for a harsher winter than what was typical in the kingdom. He wore robes of black and white that went from his chin to the floor, obscuring his small frame. His hands were covered by gloves, and tucked into long sleeves beneath the loose sleeves of his robe, leaving no skin below his face to be even accidentally glimpsed.
The elf smiled and tilted his pale face up to the sky. A few birds flew overhead, their flapping wings breaking the bright, clear color of the sky. This was a mistake. One of the more precarious balls of yarn in his basket was jostled by his steps and tumbled down while he was distracted. His eyes caught the movement and he let out a surprised noise.
The bright red ball rolled down the pavement, bumping into the foot of Kara Amberlight and coming to rest there. Valarin’s face pinched with distress and he walked toward her. “I’m sorry!” He said apologetically. “I wasn’t paying attention. May I have my yarn back?”
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Guess who’s LF Discord RP
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I’m not in game a whole lot right now, but I miss RP and I miss writing stories so here we are!  Now just a warning that I’m really slow with responses, so keep that in mind!
I’m looking for new contacts and catching up with old contacts.  Wanna RP?  Hit me up! My discord is: Marvolo#8114 Or feel free to message me here as well! All listed below are Horde but cross-faction friendly!
I’m looking for Discord RP currently for:
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*Found in Ratchet at his blacksmith shop ‘Amberlight Smithing’ OR found in Silvermoon City on occasion.*
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*Found in Shattrath City working at The Red Moon Cabaret & Bordello or found in Silvermoon City.*
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*Found between Silvermoon City, Zandalar and Kul Tiras.  Especially in the neutral port towns for the last two.*
*I do have other characters you can find ----> HERE* **I can bring them out upon request although a lot of them are going to be found in more specific locations or more difficult to find!**
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yyanthe · 6 years
Writing - Opera Night III - Nazrien
It was delayed due to playing the expansion ^^;;
Part One
Part Two
The crowd around him jumped to their feet for a standing ovation but Nazrien could only sag in his chair with an exhausted sigh.  Maybe I'm being a bit dramatic?  But he really did feel as if he'd done a full's day of hard labor.  The lights went up but the curtains opened, revealing the entire ensemble.  They bowed to louder applause and pointed to the musicians and conductor, who in turn bowed and waved.  The curtain closed again and only to open once more, revealing less of the ensemble and more of the primary cast.
Before Nazrien knew it, Yyanthe had grabbed him by the elbow and hauled him up to his feet.  Yyanthe leaned in close to Nazrien's ear.  "I know you didn't forget your manners on the carriage ride here.  Be polite and applaud."  Nazrien's ears burned red with embarassment and he clapped as instructed.  His gaze drifted across each of the performers on the stage.  He rested his eyes on the elf with the pink wig, met his gaze evenly and then looked away.  Great, someone has just seen me be scolded by my father like I was a five year old...  The curtain calls continued and finally ended after the tenth curtain call for the leading lady.  By then, Nazrien's had stopped clapping as enthusiastically so as to save his hands from going numb.  
The curtains closed for the last time and finally, the crowd turned to leave the theater.  Slowly, he and his family made their ways to the door that led to the lobby until an official looking Sin'dorei caught Nazrien's attention.  She sailed through the crowd easily and when she spotted Yyanthe, her pace quickened.  Within seconds, her hand touched Yyanthe's shoulder.  She indicated for Yyanthe to lean over so she could speak to him quietly and he acquiesced.  She murmured something in his ear to low to hear and he nodded.  He asked a question back in her ear and she nodded to him.  
"Stuffie, Karyda, Nazrien.  Come on, follow me."  
The siblings exchanged a puzzled look but did as they were told.  They were ushered through the crowd into the lobby but were led away from the main exit.  They were led through a guarded door and down a long hallway lit with small floating magical candles.  They went up a small flight of stairs and through another door into a small corridor.  They paused for a moment to let a group of dancers pass and went through another door that opened into another long hallway.
It was quieter back here and well lit with floating magical lanterns.  The walls were draped with red silk as was the usual Silvermoon City design.  There were eight wooden doors spaced equally apart from each other.  Each had signs hung on them; a few doors had two names on the sign and others had one.  The usher led them to the second door with only one name posted on the door.  "Wait here, please."  She said, then turned to knock.
There was a faint noise inside before she slowly opened the door and peeked her head inside.  "They're here...Yes, sir.  Yes, sir."  She closed the door before she looked to Yyanthe.  "He'll see you first."
When Yyanthe stepped forward to go into the room, the siblings shared an incredulous look.  "He?"  They all mouthed at each other.  The usher politely nodded at the three then wandered back down the hallway.
Alone, they waited until they felt secure enough to come together in a huddle.  "Who's he?" Stuffie.
"Why are we backstage?"  Karyda.
"I don't like this." Nazrien.
Karyda adjusted the little cape half of her dress and looked curiously at him.  "Opera or meeting someone backstage?"
"Opera is a little weird..."  Stuffie said and Nazrien gestured at her in the same manner Yyanthe had gestured at her earlier that day.  "But why not meet someone backstage?"
Nazrien shrugged, "She said he."
All three of them fell silent as they thought about the implication.  Stuffie spoke first, with a decisive nod.  "Daddy isn't a cheater.  He always ended his relationships before starting a new one."
Hastily, Nazrien waved his hands around to dismiss the idea.  "No, no, I wasn't implying that he would cheat--"
"It really did sound like it..."  Karyda told him.
"It's not what I meant.  I just.."  Nazrien let his hands fall back to his sides.  "I..I don't trust other guys around him or our other fathers.  I don't want anything to tear our little family apart."  He reluctantly confessed.
Stuffie smiled and reached over to pat his hand.  "You don't have to worry.  That guy was staring at you, anyway."  At Nazrien's quizzical look, Stuffie looked amused and exasperated.  "Sunwell, you're just as much of an idiot as Daddy."  She pointed at the door with the sign that clearly spelt out the actor's name.  "Vyndariel Amberlight."  She pulled out the folded program from her small purse and moved closer to Nazrien.  "He plays Lord Blazesong in the show."  She stared as Nazrien only shrugged.  "He was glaring at you!"
"I told you he wouldn't notice."  Karyda smirked at the two of them.
"It was so obvious!!!"  Stuffie threw her hands up in the air.  She pressed two hands against her face in disbelief, seemed to remember her make up and very carefully lifted those hands off her face.  "I can't believe it."
"I was too busy hating life to pay attention to the show."  Nazrien muttered and the girls made an 'aw' noise which didn't sound very sympathetic at all.  "Don't tell him.  He's already scolded me for not clapping immediately for Light's sake."
His sisters gave him a look of pity and Stuffie patted him again.  "This Vyndariel didn't only just stare at you when he was performing.  He stared at you during the encore.  I think he figured out you hated the play.  He's probably in there demanding an apology from Daddy now."
Nazrien closed his eyes and groaned.
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amberlightcity · 1 year
Here’s a little sneak peek of Amberlight v4. Fall 2023
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v4 beta 3, Jan 2023
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mirandyficlists · 11 months
Animagus/Shapeshifter, Animal Form Mirandy fics
Amberlight  by je_talveran– Werewolf Miranda https://www.fanfiction.net/s/6210820/1/Amberlight
Catty by Mohnblume – Cat Miranda https://archiveofourown.org/works/26259694
Caught Between the Moon and New York City by Punky_96-werewolf  Miranda then Andy  
Coming Home by Punky_96 (Sequel to Caught Between the Moon,  and also a Xover with Rizzles) https://archiveofourown.org/works/15173894/chapters/35188457
Fur, No Thanks We’ll Go Naked by Writtensword  - Mink Account purged but I have the fic.
Howling for my Protection Series by Dragonposeidon – werewolf
- An Alpha Sheriff and A New Threat  https://archiveofourown.org/series/1549720
- Mate For Life by chiaroscuroxvii – Werewolf Andy 
Of Magic and Animagi (Catty pt 2) by Mohnblume – Cat Miranda  https://archiveofourown.org/works/30113943
Purrfectly Yours by Bellatrix's Weightless Tears – Cat Miranda  https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11513135/1/Purrrfectly-Yours
Tangled Ribbons  by chiaroscuroxvii – Kitten Andy
Teen Wolf by Punky_96- Werewolf
The Cerulean Dragon by Jazwriter – Dragon Andy http://archiveofourown.org/works/4278267/chapters/9689886
The Devil’s Run by Bearblue– Werewolves- Miranda wolf and Andy Nymph
The Dragon Queen and the Princess by jah728 – Dragon Miranda
The Lady and Her Dragons  By Bearblue- Dragons (duh. Lol) – Miranda & Cruella
The Long Road by Michi & Greyregies– Pony Andy
Unstoppable  by Punky_96 – werewolf  https://archiveofourown.org/works/32314447/chapters/80101483
Which Shape?  By Trainedsnake – dog (Emily) https://archiveofourown.org/works/33206692
White Wolf – Wolf/Witch Miranda
You’re Very Fetching, So Go Fetch by Charlotte Priestly & Elle-Nic –Dog Miranda  https://archiveofourown.org/works/24235207
Stop Trying to Make Fetch Happen by Charlotte Priestly & Elle-Nic – Dog Miranda https://archiveofourown.org/works/24388267
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smartecky · 5 years
Baptism of fire: my first, turbulent year as the Guardian's Latin America correspondent
Baptism of fire: my first, turbulent year as the Guardian’s Latin America correspondent
Tom Phillips takes a moment to reflect on the deepening strife for residents of Bolsonaros Brazil, Amlos Mexico, and a Venezuela now claimed by two men
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Its a balmy Caribbean evening and after a punishing day covering Venezuelas crisis Im decompressing on my hotel balcony above what was once one of Latin Americas great cities.
Below, a sequined canopy of amberlights flows north towards the…
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julesvalebright · 7 years
April 27
New season, new journal. 
It’s spring time in Silvermoon, and sort of a smoky, black non-season where I am. The irises and bloodroot are in bloom back home, while all that’s blooming here is doubt and fel-infested fauna trying to eat your fucking face. (How ‘bout that sweet, sweet alliteration, mmm). 
But we push forward, do what we have to. My time is split mostly between Light’s Hope Chapel and the Broken Shore itself now, as the world’s forces manoeuvre around in preparation of what’s to come. 
The *world’s*- that’s insane to think, but it really is exactly what you see there. People from everywhere, banding together to put this shit to bed for good. I’ve met all kinds this time around; Had a pretty regrettable breakfast with this Forsaken alchemist yesterday, who kept trying to convince me to show her ‘my Light magic’. She was friendly enough, in that creepy, unsettling way they have, but my appetite was kind of wanting to check out the entire time. I blew this Kaldorei farrier behind the stables a couple weeks ago too, just to see how that was. Note that this was less regrettable, by far.
It’s bone-deep exhausting out here though. Terrifying, like any stage of war, of course- but I’d be a liar if I said I didn’t sort of love it on some level. The physical toll it takes, taking over everything when you’re *in it*, just like muscle memory moving your body in this crazy, instinctual dance. It’s kind of beautiful in a way, though I’ve never been able to stop and actually see it for myself. Just another one of those faith-based notions I’ve developed along the way I guess. 
Mornings can still fuck all the way off though. It’s almost impossible find good coffee on the Broken Shore. Sometimes at all. There’s always lots of tea- thanks, entire continent of Pandaria- but I was raised taking care of flowers, not sucking them through a little silk bag.
Speaking of, I met a Pandaren lady on Sunday night, when I had a night off and I hopped a port back to the City. That was actually pretty nice. I made an ass out of myself and spilled my coffee on my pants, but she was kind enough to get all motherly on me with her handkerchief. 
I should have gone on to her friends’ party after that. I don’t even know why I didn’t, really. I love stupid drinking games and making stupid choices, like going to some stranger’s house late at night- haha. But yeah, I don’t know. I just ended up swinging by the apartment for a few, popping into the HQ, and then heading straight back to the field after that. 
Irises and bloodroot in full bloom there, bedrolls in canvas tents here. A sunset painted in pretty, pastel perfection, and one that’s dripping poison, coughing and sputtering the whole way down.
Next time, I guess. Maybe I will go check out that secret basket charity she mentioned, that I hear Dicenne Amberlight’s involved with. There’s definitely a joke in there somewhere- something about Dicenne and his big basket? I dunno. I’m too desperate for a coffee right now to wrap my head around it, and there’s almost none to be had. Send help.
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nytak · 6 years
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Christmas Display Along North James Street #christmas #xmas #night #nighttime #amberlights #streetlights #street #winter (at The City of Rome, NY) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsB4SpgHJ3P/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1f717d58ywd3
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