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foster-clockworker · 4 years ago
Look, if you're gonna spout shit and nonsense about how Johnny Depp is abusive and an asshole, or about how Amber Heard is a sweet innocent woman being attacked by "the Monster", you can unfollow me or block me right now.
If you're gonna ignore all of the evidence that points out that he was NOT the abuser BUT the abused, and if you're going to ignore how Amber Heard has admitted ON AUDIO TAPE that she was hitting him and called him a "fucking baby" and a "coward" for running away from her, unfollow or block me right the fuck now.
If you're willing to ignore everything that the witnesses are saying, all the proof he's submitting, /just/ because he is a man and she is a woman, go fuck yourself right now, and unfollow or block me.
Male abuse survivors exist and they deserve better. They deserve to be heard, to be believed, to be loved, and they deserve respect.
Female abusers exist and they deserve jail time. In a truly equal world, their crime should be punished in EXACTLY the same way of male abusers.
Abuse doesn't have gender.
Abuse doesn't have gender.
Abuse doesn't have gender.
Amber Heard stans and anti-JD DO NOT interact.
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angel060563 · 4 years ago
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#Repost @jd_sweetprince @download.ins --- Please Read... this is so important ...so many things are happening, Don't help them abuse Johnny more, HE HAD ENOUGH.. and don't jump in to sides for MM or ERW yet (For more informations of wtf happened, check my stories out, I will update them to my highlights soon) #JusticeForJohnnyDepp #AmberHeardIsTheAbuser #AmberHeardIsAFraud #Lockherup https://www.instagram.com/p/CK6_1AuMLC0/?igshid=b1fqn3wtshhp
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foster-clockworker · 5 years ago
You know what really irritates me about the whole Johnny Depp situation?
It's the ABSOLUTE HIPOCRESY you guys show. This isn't on television, or the newspapers, or on social media - specially here - as MUCH as it was when you all thought it was the other way around. The SECOND that there's proof that Amber was the abusive one, y'all motherfuckers have gone silent like the fucking hypocrits that you are; even worse, some of you have the FUCKING AUDACITY to blame him for the abuse or say that he is abusive, too!
How the fuck do you sleep at night? How can you sleep knowing that you are allowing evil, wicked and sociopathic women manipulate, gaslight and abuse their partners, no matter if female, male or everything in-between? Because by victim blaming, you're allowing it. You're sending them the message that it's not really their fault for being violent, it's their partner's for not complying to their wishes.
What really irks me the most is the audio recently released. It's out there, you can watch it on YouTube (here: https://youtu.be/aca0KWoHtqQ).
I'm only halfway through it, but it's clear to me that she's trying to manipulate him into a fight, she gaslights him into thinking HE'S the one responsible for their fights, and she belittles him everytime (like calling him a baby and a coward for running away from physical fights, or asking for help from a security guard). And the worst thing, to me at least, is that if the roles were reversed, you'd cancel him in a second; after all, you already did under false allegations. But because she's a "strong woman" that represents the MeToo movement, you're all silent.
*Pretends to be shocked.*
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This is another proof that women can be, and often are, as abusive as men, but y'all not ready for that conversation yet.
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angel060563 · 4 years ago
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#Repost @mortivian @download.ins --- These pictures she took with Jack are extra creepy. She tried to recreate their family pictures. #amberheardistheabuser #amberheardistheliar #BringJohnnyThatHorizon #DownWithTheSun #JackDepp #JohnnyDepp #JohnnyDeppForever #DeppheadForever❤ #JohnnyDeppIsInnocent #iBelieveJohnnyDepp #IStandWithJohnnyDepp #WeAreWhitYouJohnnyDepp #JusticeForJohnnyDepp #MENtooMovement #MENtoo #YouAreNeverAlone #AlwayForYouJohnnyDepp #AlwaysWithYouJohnnyDepp https://www.instagram.com/p/CDA_NjjJAFj/?igshid=1hblewhxdurpp
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angel060563 · 5 years ago
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#Repost @johnnydepp.jack.sparrow @download.ins --- Seeing Johnny smile fills my heart with joy ♥️♥️♥️ --- #johnnydepp #deppheadforever♥️ #JusticeForJohnnyDepp #johnnydeppisinnocence #ibelieveinjohnnydepp #istandwithjohnnydepp #wearewithyoujohnnydepp #amberheardistheabuser #amberheardistheliar #amberheardisagolddiggerbitch #amberheardisadisgracetowomanandtoallhumanity https://www.instagram.com/p/B9FG-PpJZXb/?igshid=1c0voh8j8j79y
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foster-clockworker · 4 years ago
I'm sorry but that's bullshit. There are multiple studies that demonstrate that mutually abusive relationships are actually INCREDIBLY RARE, and that normally the violence and abuse is always lopsided to one side. And let's not forget that, despite the cases of abuse being something like 60%-40%, a lot of people believe that only women can be victims, and only men can be abusers.
Also, what are you talking about? AH has been spreading her lies for FOUR YEARS without any repercussion for her, despite the evidence stacking up against her, and the media and the MeToo movement sided with her since day fucking one. No due process, no checking of evidence, no nothing: she was a victim, he was an abuser, end of story. And yeah, there were people that still defended Johnny, but most people went to cancel him immediately. Seriously, even overseas where I live a lot of people were like "Oh he's a bad person, guess I won't see another movie with him in it". She lied over and over and over again, while he remained silent, trying to get it over with. And NOW that he's decided to talk and defend himself, it's a problem?
People are vocal now because she lied. People are vocal now because she dared use her position as a rich, famous woman, and lie about him. She branded him as a monster and a wife-beater. Sure, he has a history of alcohol and drug use, but so does she. Do you know what she also has? A history of being abusive towards her partners, while his exes have all said he's nothing but sweet, loving and caring. He has tons of evidence in his favor, while a lot of hers has been proven to be false. She abused a man, and she preyed on people's good faith because she's a woman.
Society always forget abused men. People almost always mock abused men ("What did you do to piss her off?", "You're such a pussy your girl beat you?", "You're male, you can't be abused"), and it becomes incredibly embarrasing and painful for men to admit they are abused. THAT'S what makes people angry. THAT'S why people are vocal now. Not because "we're more used to hate women than men", but because she took advantage of the fact that her word is enough to destroy men's lives. She abused a man, stole a woman's rape story, and is lying under oath AGAIN.
I've read the witness statements. I've heard the audios. And I've seen the photos.
Mutual abuse my ass.
Look, I don’t have all the facts of the story but I don’t think any of the fans do. 
I browsed both the “I stand with Amber” and “I stand with Johnny” tags. 
I think both of them were abusive towards one another. Johnny apparently has a history of violence and various addictions that make him even more unstable. Amber stole someone else’s rape story. Both of them contradict themselves at various points. 
Both of them are trashy. 
What I really hate is that there were so many people who were like “Well, I still enjoy JD’s movies” even when there were absolutely zero evidences in his favour. But the minute they realise Amber’s version has ‘plot holes’ they start hating on her with the passion of a thousand suns and want to cancel her and are like “my poor, innocent, purehearted baby Johnny, I ALWAYS knew you were innocent”. 
No, I think both were violent. I think that Amber wants to take as much as JD’s money since he’s rich so that’s why she’s making her story more dramatic. 
Honestly, there are few things I hate as much as cheaters so JD kinda would deserve Amber taking all his money. That’s what you get for cheating on your wife, the mother of your children, with someone half your age. Maybe Amber is an evil sociopath and maybe she’d planned for this the moment she said ‘yes’ to him. But I don’t really care. 
I won’t stop liking Aquaman because Amber’s in it if that’s true. 
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angel060563 · 5 years ago
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Johnny Depp Allowed to Pursue Defamation Suit Against Amber Heard Gene Maddaus March 27, 2020 1:27PM PDT by Variety A Virginia judge on Friday refused to dismiss Johnny Depp’s lawsuit against Amber Heard, allowing him to proceed with a claim that she defamed him in a Washington Post opinion piece. In the piece, published in December 2018, Heard alluded to her previous claims that Depp had assaulted her during their marriage, though she did not identify him by name. Judge Bruce D. White ruled on Friday that Depp can proceed under the theory that Heard’s statements clearly implied that Depp had assaulted her. “Plaintiff has pleaded circumstances that would reasonably cause three of the four statements at issue to convey the alleged defamatory meaning that Mr. Depp abused Ms. Heard, and this alleged meaning is in fact defamatory,” White wrote. #congratulation🥳 #johnnydepp #deppheadforever♥️ #johnnydeppforever #johnnydeppisinncoent #johnnydeppisasurvivor #ibelievejohnnydepp #istandwithjohnnydepp #WeAreWithYouJohnnyDepp #JusticeForJohnnyDepp #MENtooMovement #MENtoo #neveralone #amberheardistheabuser #amberheardistheliar #amberheardisadisgracetowomanandtoallhumanity https://www.instagram.com/p/B-SErxuJPAo/?igshid=b7kqwb3xcdko
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angel060563 · 4 years ago
#Repost @mortivian @download.ins --- Personally I don’t see the injuries, the quality is too bad. But the fact that she doesn’t deny it and just say she doesn’t want to talk about “the altercation with her sister” is very telling imo and the woman that is checking her out seems to know where the bruises are located. These clips weren’t broadcasted in the show. #amberheardistheabuser #amberheardistheliar #JusticeForJohnnyDepp https://www.instagram.com/p/CDB_eBfJk73/?igshid=124z1f1ignisq
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angel060563 · 5 years ago
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#Repost @reemidepp @download.ins --- #JohnnyDepp “Heard is not a victim,she is the perpetrator.She hit,punched & kicked me.She also repeatedly & frequently threw objects into my body & head,including heavy bottles,soda cans,burning candles,television remote controls & paint thinner cans,which severely injured me” 😩 ----------------------------- #johnnydepp #deppheadforever♥️ #johnnydeppforever #johnnydeppisinnocent #ibelievejohnnydepp #istandwithjohnnydepp #WeAreWithYouJohnnyDepp #JusticeForJohnnyDepp #MENtooMovement #MENtoo #neveralone #amberheardistheabuser #amberheardistheliar #amberheardisadisgracetowomanandtoallhumanity https://www.instagram.com/p/B-pwzHZpdsP/?igshid=b6dfquvx7u6o
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angel060563 · 5 years ago
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#Repost @depp_my_hero @download.ins --- Agreed?💖 - - - #johnnydepp #johnnydeppisinnocent #justiceforjohnnydepp #wearewithyoujohnnydepp #amberheardistheabuser #amberheardistheliar #youcantkeepagoodmandown #deppheadsforever♥️ #actor #musican #myidol https://www.instagram.com/p/B8Ne3TJJ294/?igshid=umsoj1141qm6
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angel060563 · 5 years ago
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#Repost @justiceforjohnnydepp @download.ins --- Vanessa Paradis wrote this. And she was with Depp from 1998-2012, had 2 children together. She knows him so well and she can vouch for him. Yet some women(and men) and the media at large are choosing to believe Amber Heard because she’s a woman. Then what about this Woman whose words should hold so much weight?! Some people are just not ready for the truth. #johnnydepp #amberheardistheabuser #amberheardistheliar #amberheardisadisgracetowomanandtoallhumanity #istandwithjohnnydepp #justiceforjohnnydepp #deppheadsforever♥️ #johnnydeppisinnocent https://www.instagram.com/p/B823YImJ2Nw/?igshid=6vy2ohqcrzw6
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angel060563 · 5 years ago
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#Repost @morethandepp @download.ins --- Haha what kind of shit is she telling? We all believe him! Of course we believe him. Why not? We know that he is telling the truth. So please ... why should we believe her and the bad and especially lying shit she made up? Amber is finished and so it is right. But the bad thing is that she screwed up Johnny's career with her shit ... But I don't deal with the shit anymore because we should look ahead because when we look back on the shit she only gets more attention. And that's what she wants. And we should no longer pay attention to her and her shitty life. If so, she finds forgiveness from God. But not from me. No way. --- #johnnydepp #deppheadforever♥️ #justiceforjohnnydepp♥️ #johnnydeppisinnocent #ibelivejohnnydepp #istandwithjohnnydepp #wearewithyoujohnnydepp #amberheardisadisgracetowomanandtoallhumanity #amberheardistheabuser #amberheardistheliar #ambitch🤬 https://www.instagram.com/p/B8SHLsXJLlR/?igshid=uj7bn0w8m4m2
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foster-clockworker · 4 years ago
But she's the one that lived scared for her life! The internet taught me you always have to believe women! She said she was!
"Scared for my life", sure fucking thing.
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Excuse me…?! “ it gives j and I time to talk- otherwise know as me threatening his life if he misbehaves while I’m gone “
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angel060563 · 4 years ago
#Repost @jd_sweetprince @download.ins --- ... yet she got so many " BOOOs... and Justice for Johnny" 😂😂 and "How do you sleep at night?" .. And then she tries to act like she didn't hear anything, waving at the cameras like a crazy b**** .. #JohnnyDepp #BringJohnnyThatHorizon #DownWithTheSun #JusticeForJohnnyDepp #WeAreWithYouJohnnyDepp #wesupportjohnnydepp #istandwithjohnnydepp #weloveyoujohnnydepp #isupportjohnnydepp #deppheadforever❤ #johnnydepphasourtrust #nojohnnynopirates #nojacknopotc #amberheardistheabuser #amberheardisaliar https://www.instagram.com/p/CCwaX4dp7RC/?igshid=1jkb8bfgplttr
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angel060563 · 5 years ago
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#Repost @ifod_net @download.ins --- Justice is taking its course thanks to Johnny and his team. Hoaxers and their allies are now compelled to take the stand against their willing and their attempts to dismiss the case. Judge Nicol allowed the trial to move forward and it's currently set to begin on Monday. ⚖ #JohnnyDepp #JusticeForJohnnyDepp #amberheardistheabuser https://www.instagram.com/p/CCKCscWJ6PF/?igshid=rffv5euxa25d
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angel060563 · 5 years ago
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Johnny Depp by the GQ-Interview on November 2018 “Ultimately, the truth will come out in all of this and I will be standing on the right side of the roaring rapids. I hope other people will be too.” - Johnny Depp #johnnydepp #deppheadforever #johnnydeppisinnocent #johnnydeppisasurvivor #johnnydeppisavictim #ibelivejohnnydepp #istandwithjohnnydepp #justiceforjohnnydepp #wearewithyoujohnnydepp #amberheardisadisgracetowomanandtoallhumanity #amberheardistheabuser #amberheardisaliar https://www.instagram.com/p/B5ZX_YZpGlg/?igshid=2zra5hjqs9hn
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