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nocturna7 · 11 months ago
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Linlithgow Palace
James I ordered work on a palace to begin in 1424, following a fire that severely damaged the earlier residence. The elegant, new ‘pleasure palace’ became a welcome rest stop for royals on the busy road between Edinburgh Castle and Stirling Castle.
Mary, Queen of Scots, was born on 8th of December 1542 at Linlithgow Palace, to King James V and his French second wife, Mary of Guise. Mary was baptised at the nearby Church of St Michael shortly after she was born. On 14th December, six days after her birth, she became Queen of Scotland when her father died.
The palace fell quickly into decline when James VI (son of Mary) moved the royal court to London in 1603, following his coronation as James I of England.
The palace’s north quarter, which probably housed the queen’s apartment where Mary was born, fell to the ground in 1607. It was rebuilt around 1620, on the orders of James VI. The Duke of Cumberland’s army destroyed most of the palace buildings by burning in January 1746.
#linlithgowpalace #linlithgow #historicscotland #maryqueenofscots #fiftyshades_of_history #loves_scotland #monumental_world #visitscotland #scotland #scotland_greatshots #castles_oftheworld #igscotland #ig_scotland #instascotland #insta_scotland #lovescotland #explorescotland #traveling_scotland #thisisscotland #wonderlustscotland #hiddenscotland #unlimitedscotland #yourscotland #castlesofscotland #castlemypassion #amazingshots_castle #bestcastles #yourcastles #scotlandexplore
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andys-fofografie-seite · 2 years ago
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Einfach traumhaft schön die Burg Runkel zur Blauenstunde 🌃🏰 Allen einen schönen Montag Abend 😇 #nowarinukraine 🇺🇦🕊🕊 . . 📸@andys_fotografie_seite @andys_burgen_seite @andys_travel_seite 📍#runkelanderlahn 📷#sonyalpha7iv #sonyobjektiv . . #reflection #blendenstern #runkel #burgrunkel #burgen #burgenundschlösser #burg #castle #best_of_hessen #hessensburgen #hessenland #lahn #germany #deutschland #deutschlandliebe #burgenfan #mittelalterburgen #mittelalter #blauestunde #blendensterne #wiesnernews #burgruine #gebäude #architektur #architekture #deutschlandsburgen #burgenundschlösser . . @castles_and_palaces @amazingshots_castle @all.german.castles @castles_oftheworld @best.castles @burgenruinenschloesser @burgen_ruinen_deutschland @welt_der_burgen @burgen_wandern_kunst @burgenarchiv @burgen.de @best_of_hessen @hessentourismus @entdecke_hessen @raw_germany @raw_community @deutschland_greatshots @deutschlandkarte @entdecke_deutschland @visit_europe @_igeuropa @visit_germany @germany.explores @lightroom @rtlhessen @hessenschau @castle.travellers @_hessenreise_ @raw_reflection_ @kfconcept @cullmann.germany @germanalphas @sony.deutschland @sonyalpha @sonyalphagallery @burgen.deutschland (hier: Runkel Castle) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpdYCOcDfTw/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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guyclement · 3 years ago
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URBEX Guy Clément FORTERESSE ABANDONNÉE DU 16eme siècle - Italie. Forli. Incroyable découverte de cette ancienne forteresse perdue dans La Plaine du Pô en Italie 😍 Youtube 👉https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNhQsBPt6BJFwUHyUhrgn1Q Facebook 👉 URBEX Guy Clément #styneimage_urbex #kings_abandoned #global_urbex #finesturbexselection #t_m_u_c #abandonedplaces #abandoned #feature_urbex_king #decay_explorers #the_urbex_institute #haikyo #all_is_abandoned #batpixs_lostplaces #renegade_abandoned #total_abandoned #247urbex #amazingshots_castle #urbex_queens_ #urbexfrance #urbexitalia #urbexpolska #chateau #castle #hiddenplaces #discover #explore #urbex #vergesseneorte #urbexdeutschland #urbexbelgium https://www.instagram.com/p/CccuoTUAJrc/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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auvergnerhonealpes · 4 years ago
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・・・ Couleurs de Haute-Savoie avec le superbe château de Menthon Saint-Bernard. Élevé au XIIe siècle, il est un des joyaux architecturaux savoyards. France Photo de @mic.and.v #chateau #château #lacannecy #myauvergnerhonealpes #cdansmaregion #castle #castlemypassion #amazingshots_castle #amazingcastle #castle_oftheworld #bestcastles #medieval #castleofeurope #forteresse #fortress #castellidelmondo #nationalgeographic #patrimoine #france_focus_on #aura_focus_on #frenchcastle https://www.instagram.com/p/CIBOw7pJa79/?igshid=xmeuuzyjs36h
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mrikodrey · 4 years ago
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@chateau_angers #angers #angersmaville #visitangers #igersanjou #jaimelanjou #loirevalley #myloirevalley #tourism #igersvaldeloire #nightphotography #beautifuldestinations #beautifulplaces #castle #castles_oftheworld #castlemypassion #amazingshots_castle #chateauxdelaloire #chateauxdefrance #chateauxfrancais #reflection #bns_reflection #addicted_to_reflections #reflection_focus_on #reflectiongram #cityscape #cityview #citybynight #super_france #monchateaulanuit #chateauangers (à Château d'Angers - Domaine national) https://www.instagram.com/p/CHVE90pDzcY/?igshid=1wye11k2dmk48
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geminiit · 5 years ago
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Castle Moszna #fotograf #fotografia #visitpoland🇵🇱 #fotografiapolska #fotografpolska #castle #zamkoholik @igerspoland #igerspoland #igerspoland_zamkiwpolsce #igers #zamekmoszna #instagood #photooftheday @amazingshots_castle #amazingshots_castle #amazingcastle @castle_photogroup @castles_oftheworld #castles_oftheworld #castlesoftheworld #castlepoland #worldwide_castles @medievalworld #medievalworld @monumental_world #monumental_world #monumentalworld @polskie_zamki https://www.instagram.com/p/CEYqtrcAo0p/?igshid=1ajwoapefyv00
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alacqua · 5 years ago
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Other piece of art from @sergejk87 . . Castle Žužemberk in the misty morning. In the past this castle was also called Seisenburg. It is supposed that castle got name after the German word 'sousen' that means humming, roaring - by the noise of river Krka. One of the most picturesque castles in Slovenia 🇸🇮 is located on a hill overlooking the town and the Krka River. The engraved year 1000 can be seen in one of the towers and the castle is believed to have been constructed in that year, but first written documents about the castle date back to the 13th century only. In the 16th century it was converted into a fortress with 7 defensive towers. From 1538 until World War II, the Auerspergs were its owners. ------------------------------------------------------------ #gradzuzemberk #okusidolenjsko #visitdolenjska #fortress #bestcastles #medievalworld #amazingshots_castle #amazingcastle #skljocogram #sloveniaoutdoors #lepoteslovenije #mistymorning #igslovenia #castlevania #monumental_world #monumentalworld #yourcastles #europefocus #discoverslovenia #sloveniainphotos #loveslovenia #castlesofslovenia #castletowers #manor_n_castle #topsloveniaphoto #total_europe #fallinginslovenia #europe_photogroup https://www.instagram.com/p/CBgWrvWM_kB/?igshid=rchehtfaiqp8
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siegbertpinger · 3 years ago
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GER//ENG in 1st comment 10 Monate nach der Flut bei uns will ich wieder langsam anfangen, hier zu posten. Die Burg Adendorf - nach Meinung von Kennern der schönste Adelssitz im Bonner Raum - geht im Grundriss auf den ersten Bau von 1337 zurück. Von diesem Bauwerk sind nur die Grundmauern und die vier Ecktürme erhalten geblieben. Das hufeisenförmige Wirtschaftsgebäude mit zwei Wehrtürmen bildet die Vorburg. Heute befindet sich das Gut im Besitz von Baron Georg Freiherr von Loe. Es kann von Gruppen ab 10 Personen zu zehn €/Person besichtigt werden. Sie werden vom Schlossherrn persönlich geführt. Die Holztreppe aus dem Mittelalter und der einzige erhaltene private Barockgarten im Rheinland sind einen Besuch wert. ⁠Burg Adendorf liegt in Adendorf, einem Ortsteil von Wachtberg unweit von Bonn. Obwohl der Name anderes vermuten lässt, handelt es sich bei Adendorf nicht um eine Burg, sondern um ein Wasserschloss. Die Anlage wurde 1337 erstmals urkundlich erwähnt und entwickelte sich über die Jahre von einem zweiflügeligen Winkelbau zu einer geschlossenen Vierflügelanlage, die nach ihrem Umbau zu einem Schloss kaum noch verändert worden ist und damit ihre Erscheinung des 17. Jahrhunderts im Großen und Ganzen bewahrt hat.⁠⠀Übrigens liegen in Wachtberg und nah bei mehrere sehenswerte Adelssitze, wie Burg Gudenau, Burg Münchhausen, Burg Metternich etc.⁠ #srs_germany #meindeutschland #deutschland_greatshots #alluring_deutschland #deutschlandkarte #raw_germany #ig_deutschland #visitgermany #phoenix_germany #batpixs_germany #travel_drops #my_german_views #germanysworld #best_germany_photos #meinedeutschlandliebe @about.germany @deutschlandviews #prettygermany_ #KINGS_VILLAGES #placestotravel_s #alluring_villages #houses_phototrips #fever_old_stones #castlemypassion @EuropeCastles #amazingshots_castle #manor_n_castle #castellidelmondo #raw_community_member #ig_nrw #meinnrw #sharegermany #ig_germany — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/rJNUZt8
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nocturna7 · 11 months ago
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Midhope Castle, also known as Lallybroch, home of Jamie Fraser (Outlander).
The property was owned by the Martin family in 1478, and they had a castle here, but passed to the Livingstones soon afterwards. James Lindsay, Lord Lindsay, had a ratification of 1592 for the lands of Midhope, with the tower and fortalice thereof. Midhope belonged to the Drummonds of Midhope, who were in possession during part of the 16th and 17th centuries, and Alexander Drummond of Midhope remodelled the tower in 1587 and his initials with those of his wife Marjorie Bruce are on a former lintel now above a gateway. Alexander Drummond of Midhope is on record in the 1640s, then Sir Robert Drummond of Midhope in 1647 and 1661.
The property passed to the Livingstones in 1664, and the intials of George Livingstone, 3rd Earl of Linlithgow are on a lintel, then went to the Hopes in 1678 and they remodelled the building. In 1710 the place was described as ‘a fine towerhouse with excellent gardens, one of the seats of the Earls of Hopetoun’. Midhope Castle was used to house farm workers after the building of nearby Hopetoun House, and in 1851 53 people lived here, but it was later abandoned and is now semi-derelict, although the outside was consolidated in 1988. The castle lies on the extensive Hopetoun estate.
Please be aware that there are many „Sam Heughan Scammers“ around. Never answer to any „Sam Heughan private accounts“ oder other „Sam Heughans“. These are always scammers or cheaters!!!!
#midhopecastle #lallybroch #outlander #castles_oftheworld #fiftyshades_of_history #explorescotland #loves_scotland #scotland #scotlandlover #scotland_greatshots #monumental_world #visitscotland #igscotland #instascotland #loves_united_castle #traveling_scotland #scotlandexplore #thisisscotland #wonderlustscotland #unlimitedscotland #hiddenscotland #castlesofscotland #castlemypassion #amazingshots_castle #bestcastles #yourscotland #yourcastles
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andys-fofografie-seite · 2 years ago
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Schloss Braunfels 🏰 Allen einen schönen Freitag Abend 😇 #nowarinukraine 🇺🇦🕊🕊 . . 📸@andys_fotografie_seite @andys_burgen_seite @andys_travel_seite 📍#braunfels 📷#sonyalpha7iv #tamron150500 . . #kaiserwetter #burgbraunfels #mittelhessen #schlossbraunfels #burgen #burgenundschlösser #burg #castle #best_of_hessen #hessensburgen #hessenland #winter #germany #deutschland #deutschlandliebe #burgenfan #mittelalterburgen #mittelalter #schloss #schlösser #wiesnernews #burgruine #gebäude #architektur #architekture #deutschlandsburgen #burgenundschlösser . . @castles_and_palaces @amazingshots_castle @all.german.castles @castles_oftheworld @best.castles @burgenruinenschloesser @burgen_ruinen_deutschland @welt_der_burgen @burgen_wandern_kunst @burgenarchiv @burgen.de @best_of_hessen @hessentourismus @entdecke_hessen @raw_germany @raw_community @deutschland_greatshots @deutschlandkarte @entdecke_deutschland @visit_europe @_igeuropa @visit_germany @germany.explores @lightroom @rtlhessen @hessenschau @castle.travellers @_hessenreise_ @raw_reflection_ @kfconcept @cullmann.germany @germanalphas @sony.deutschland @sonyalpha @sonyalphagallery @burgen.deutschland @braunfels.erleben @schloss_braunfels (hier: Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cpno_m2DXXo/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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tigermike · 13 days ago
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Royal Palace, Stirling Castle
The Royal Palace was built around 1540 by James V as new home for himself and his wife Mary of Guise. The Palace presents James V as he wished to be seen, as a king on a par with the greatest of European rulers. This is one of the earliest and most innovative pieces of Renaissance architecture in Britain.
Building the Palace was a challenge. Archaeological investigations have shown that there were a number of pre-existing buildings here, on what had been the third close. These included the old chapel and a west range overlooking the royal park. This range may have provided accommodation for Margaret Tudor, wife of James IV.
#stirlingcastle #historicscotland #castles_oftheworld #explorescotland #loves_scotland #scotland #scotlandlover #scotland_greatshots #monumental_world #visitscotland #igscotland #ig_Scotland #insta_scotland #instascotland #loves_united_castle #traveling_scotland #thisisscotland #unlimitedscotland #wonderlustscotland #yourscotland #hiddenscotland #castlesofscotland #amazingshots_castle #bestcastles #simplyscotland #yourcastles #scotlandbeauty
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lasko2017 · 4 years ago
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Castle Fraser, Aberdeenshire. Castle Fraser was started in the mid-fourteenth century as a three storey rectangular Tower House. The surrounding lands, known as Muchall, were originally the property of Alexander Stewart, Earl of Mar. However, when he died in 1435 without a legitimate heir, the estates passed to the Crown. It was James II (1437-60) who granted both Muchall and Stoneywood to Thomas Fraser in the mid-fifteenth century. It was most probably Thomas who built the Tower House on the site which became known as Muchall-in-Mar Castle. The castle was substantially upgraded in the sixteenth century by Michael Fraser, Sixth Laird of Fraser. He built two new towers on diagonally opposite corners of the existing Tower House to form a Z-plan castle. Work started on the project in 1575 but progress was slow and it was still incomplete when he died in 1588 leaving his son, Andrew Fraser, to complete the build in 1636. Andrew was elevated to Lord Fraser in 1633. In 1897 Frederick Mackenzie Fraser died childless and his widow, faced with the extensive costs of maintaining the property, sold it in 1921 to Weetman Pearson, Viscount Cowdray. In the 1950s some work was undertaken to remove sections of the nineteenth century modifications. The castle was gifted to the National Trust for Scotland in 1976. A little reminder for all Outlander Fans: This is not the home of Jamie Fraser but absolutely worth to visit. #fortheloveofscotland #nationaltrustforscotland #castlefraser #castles_oftheworld #fiftyshades_of_history #explorescotland #loves_scotland #scotland #scotlandlover #scotland_greatshots #monumental_world #visitscotland #igscotland #ig_Scotland #instascotland #loves_united_castle #scotland_insta #traveling_scotland #traveling_uk #scotlandexplore #thisisscotland #wonderlustscotland #unlimitedscotland #photosofbritain #hiddenscotland #castlesofscotland #earthpix #tlpicks #amazingshots_castle #lasko71 https://www.instagram.com/p/CRmo56NFY1BwdzhVPx2yOpLxHOAWp7ueclVw0M0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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aloneinstitute · 2 years ago
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Craigievar Castle or the „Pink Castle“ near Alford, Aberdeenshire.
Craigievar Castle was built in the Scottish Baronial style in the 16th century. This iconic tower house is one of the best preserved and the most loved castles in Scotland. Its exterior remains virtually unchanged since William Forbes completed it in 1626.
Craigievar was the Forbes family home until the 1960s. National Trust for Scotland is now responsible for the castle.
#fortheloveofscotland #nationaltrustforscotland #craigievarcastle #castles_oftheworld #fiftyshades_of_history #explorescotland #loves_scotland #scotland #scotlandlover #scotland_greatshots #monumental_world #visitscotland #igscotland #instascotland #loves_united_castle #traveling_scotland #traveling_uk #scotlandexplore #thisisscotland #wonderlustscotland #hiddenscotland #castlesofscotland #unlimitedscotland #earthpix #tlpicks #castlemypassion #amazingshots_castle #bestcastles #map_of_europe #simplyscotland,UK
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guyclement · 3 years ago
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URBEX Guy Clément Château de la Solitude - De l'autre côté Castle of Loneliness - The other side Une atmosphère extraordinaire continue de ce dégager de ce lieu malgré l'usure du temps 😍 An extraordinary atmosphere still emerge from this place despite the wear of time. Youtube 👉https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNhQsBPt6BJFwUHyUhrgn1Q Facebook 👉 URBEX Guy Clément #urbexcaptures #urbexing #urbexchampions #urbanexplorations #forgottenplaces #urbex #urbexexploration #urbexplaces #urbanexplorers #ruins #urbexfrance #urbexbelgium #urbexitalia #urbexspain #urbexpolska #abandonedcastle #styneimage_urbex #247urbex #global_urbex #finesturbexselection #haikyo #t_m_u_c #kings_abandoned #urbexlife #urbexphotography #decay #amazingshots_castle #abandonedplaces #castles #decayed https://www.instagram.com/p/Car42jvADNs/?utm_medium=tumblr
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trihapy · 4 years ago
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🏖@trihapy : : : : Reposté de @makc_177: "📌 Kolomenskoe Palace, Moscow 🇷🇺 📌 Дворец царя Алексея Михайловича, Коломенское, Москва 🇷🇺 #bestcastle #castellidelmondo #manor_n_castle #castle #palace #walk_on_russia #monumentalworld #wonderful_places #europestyle_russia #travel #photorussia #russia #awesome #droneoftheday #travelphotography #landscape #moscow #москва #rus_places #po_strane #фотодляроссии #россия #travelphoto #architecture #amazingshots_castle #total_europe #djiglobal #russia_traveling_ #drone #photooftheday https://www.instagram.com/p/CHXoU2Hl3pH/?igshid=1dloke5kazp06
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geminiit · 5 years ago
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Zamek Moszna #fotograf #fotografia #visitpoland🇵🇱 #fotografiapolska #fotografpolska #castle #zamkoholik @igerspoland #igerspoland #igerspoland_zamkiwpolsce #igers #zamekmoszna #instagood #photooftheday@amazingshots_castle #amazingshots_castle #amazingcastle @castle_photogroup @castles_oftheworld #castles_oftheworld #castlesoftheworld #castlepoland #worldwide_castles @medievalworld #medievalworld @monumental_world #monumental_world #monumentalworld @polskie_zamki (w: Moszna Zamek) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEFWk39hjt5/?igshid=15mlf1591sav
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