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#amazing incredible show stoppping#looking at you ms community....#and who knows how many other sites#what's your deal anyway
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Journaling after taking a break
Emulators, Pokemon, Super Mario Sunshine, nostalgia, ending therapy, 90 Day Fiancé, Emmy Rossum, the future. So much has happened and I’m entering the next season of my life.
I have some updates since I stopped journaling.
I figured out emulators and have been able to play games I wanted to play or played as a kid. I’ve only just started getting into my catalog of games, but already I’ve played and finished:
SpongeBob SquarePants: Battle for Bikini Bottom
Pokemon Pearl
Battle for Bikini Bottom is a game I really loved as a kid and it still holds up! The game mechanics, the different levels, and the pacing. A 10/10 game for me, personally.
Pokemon Pearl was amazing - I chose to play it over Pokemon Diamond because I wanted to see how the gameplay differed. It was very similar to Diamond, except this time I was able to finish the game. This was the first Pokemon game I ever finished (beat the Elite 4 and Cynthia to become the Pokemon Champion). I caught Palkia and my team consisted of Empoleon, Haunter, Crobat, Kadabra, Palkia, and an HM Pokemon.
Emotionally I have been healing and re-connecting with my inner-child as I’ve been playing.
The current games that I am playing are:
Super Mario Sunshine
Kirby: Nightmare in Dreamland
Crash Bandicoot
Playing these games is such a trip. There are a number of other games I wanted to start but my Odin can’t play them at full-speed so I need to wait for the Odin 2 to come in.
I’ll be gifting my Odin to Aprille once the Odin 2 comes in. I originally didn’t plan to buy the Odin 2, but once I understood the setup process and the fact that the Odin 2 could handle all the PS2 and GameCube games that the Odin couldn’t, my decision became clear.
Another update: I’ve decided that I’ll be ending therapy this upcoming December session. This wasn’t something I was sure about until I got a confirmation that my card on file had expired. I’ve been listening for a sign on when it was time for me to move on from therapy and that was it.
It’s been a long time coming and I’m literally not the same person I was when I started. It’s almost surreal that I’m closing the book on this specific aspect of my life, but I know I’m ready for it.
Another update: I’ve been feeling nostalgia like crazy. I almost don’t feel I’m here fully nowadays. I’ve been feeling like I’m seeing the world as I did in Okinawa and high school and college. It’s as if all the timelines within me have begun to combine and condense within me so that they all exist as one. It’s been an unsettling and overwhelming feeling, although not unwelcome.
I don’t feel that I’m ready to make sense of what’s happening within me yet, but I believe it will make sense in time.
Another update: there was a Black Friday deal on MAX and I got it as a surprise for us so that we could watch 90 Day Fiancé. We’ve been doing so for a few weeks now and it’s been incredible revisiting the show and who we were the last time we watched it.
I know that many people see the show as just another “trash reality-tv” show full of drama but we see it as so much more than that.
We see courageous people making courages decisions, choosing to be incredibly vulnerable in front of the entire world. Their stories move us and we constantly talk about what comes up within us as we watch them embark on their journeys.
Even today, we were talking about how the people on the show “90 Day Fiance, the other way” were playing these roles in their lives and decided to say goodbye to it all and embark on brand new journeys for themselves. This is why we loved the original show, because we understood and were invested in the risks people took to pursue what they felt was for them.
It’s inspiring.
Tonight’s episodes led us to revisit the move to Chicago and how we felt we were similar to the cast in making that decision. I even saw a TikTok I watched during an ad-break of Fiona leaving Shameless – I had never seen the clips before because I stopped watching a season or 2 before.
I was moved to tears because we are all Fiona/Emmy Rossum. We’re all actors playing out these roles – be it mother, father, sister, brother, friend, lover, etc. It’s only when we decide that we no longer want to play this character anymore that we can experience something new and different.
Yes, the show intended to continue with YOU in it, but you always have a choice to choose differently. And when you do, it can be hurtful for the other actors around you still committed to their characters. But in the grand scheme of things, it’s a decision you have to choose for yourself if you want something more for your life.
With everything that has happened (there’s definitely more but for now this is all that is coming to mind), I know I am entering a new era in my life.
I don’t know what my relationship with journaling like this will be moving forward, but I know that I will journal as I feel called to it. I don’t think I will be checking in on a daily basis anymore, and that is ok.
This space was never meant to be permanent or un-changing. Just like me, it will morph and evolve over time. I can’t see where it will go, but that’s the beauty of the journey.
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I am not going to ask anonymously so you know I'm not one of your friends in disguise, SO YOU KNOW
Your art makes me so happy. The amount of times I show it to people I know who are not on Tumblr and go "LOOK AT THIS ART IT'S AMAZING" (especially your JayDick stuff) is probably extreme. You are one of my top three Bats fanartists. ANYWAY. HAVE A GOOD DAY/NIGHT
🥺 Stopp you're too kind.... What can I even say to something like this
I'm so glad to hear it, truly. Also extremely flattered considering the sheer number of incredible artists in this fandom. I hope you have a fantastic day/night 🖤
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talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopp-
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Wild Horses- Part 1 (Prequel to Slow Burn)
Pairing: Modern AU Fili x Female OC Prim
Words: 3,359
Warnings: injury (dislocated shoulder and deep cut, mention of concussion), blood, injuries being treated. Swearing. Illusions of sex/smut. Military personnel in a training activity. Sound of an explosion.
Summary: This is the beginning of the story of Fili and Prim. They meet in this chapter by accident and sweet Fili helps tend to Prim after falling off her horse, sparking their connection and attraction to each other.
A/N: My lovely and dear friend helped me immensely with this by not only being my beta and editing it (multiple times) as well as encouraging me through my many moments of doubt. She is incredible and I will forever be grateful to her for her kindness and amazing way with words. @guardianofrivendell this one's for you!
Prim could sense it.
The young, inexperienced horse she was on was going to spook. Apollo flinched at every bird that flew overhead and every rustle in the leaves on the trees and bushes that surrounded them.
She knew it wasn’t the best idea, going out for a trail ride alone on a green horse, but it needed to happen. If she was going to use him as a lesson horse to teach her more novice riders, he needed to be able to handle these types of situations so she wasn’t constantly worried about him taking off on them and someone getting injured.
Prim made an attempt to calm him down with a reassuring pat on his neck, “It’s okay, buddy, you’re alright,”
After a few minutes of walking soundly, Prim felt more comfortable and she was finally able to enjoy their surroundings. But it was short lived when a loud explosion sounded in the distance, causing her gelding to leap forward into a canter and take off quickly down the trail.
“Woah, woah! Easy!” she called out to him as she attempted to slow him down, seating her weight down hard in the saddle and trying to regain control with her reins. She spun him around in a tight circle to get him to stop, but he flung his head to the other side hard, hopping as he did and then bucked before taking off again.
Prim had dealt with horses spooking more times than she cared to count, but still the familiar nervousness fluttered in her stomach and in her head she knew if he didn’t ease off soon she was going to end up on the ground.
Despite her efforts, the poor horse wasn’t having it, proceeding to gallop full tilt through the wooded area with no destination in mind.
As if things couldn’t get any worse, a second explosion sounded, causing the horse to freak out even more.
Apollo suddenly left the trail and bolted into the bushes instead. Prim tried to dodge the low hanging branches as best as she could by keeping her face close to the horse’s neck, but couldn’t avoid a twig whipping against her cheek. The warm drop of blood trickling down her face went unnoticed.
Just as she made the decision to dismount, he bucked again and threw her from his back.
Prim landed hard on the ground, her body making a loud thud, pain instantly screaming through her left shoulder.
A wave of nausea washed over her, knowing something was broken or dislocated, but she refused to let herself pass out, she needed to get her horse back and help for herself.
She swayed a little when she brought herself to stand, exhaling through her mouth to try and breathe through the pain.
The weight of her arm hanging at her side was enough to make her want to vomit, so she supported it by gripping her elbow with her right hand. Her shoulder was definitely dislocated but she didn’t have the strength or knowledge to replace it on her own.
Just start walking, she thought, willing herself to move in the direction her horse had gone. Luckily the ground was muddy, so locating his hoof prints was easy.
She fought against the nausea and softly hummed a tune to try and distract herself. Her vision started to blur and she didn’t know how long she could stay awake. She needed to find someone and fast.
Sweat beaded down her face and Prim moved with as much speed as she could manage, hoping it wouldn’t take long to find Apollo.
“STOP! Stop! Hold your fire!” Fili yelled when he saw a horse gallop straight into the field his soldiers were practicing drills in.
What the fuck?
This was a first.
The horse was fully tacked, but missing its rider.
“Kili, can you try to grab it?” he instructed his brother. “I’m going to go look for its rider.” Judging by the bewildered look and how sweaty and terrified the horse was, the rider was most likely in rough shape.
Fili took off at a run into the forest, quickly tracking and following the hoof prints from where the horse had come from.
Within a couple of minutes he caught sight of the rider, a young woman staggering toward him, also following the tracks made by her horse.
“Hey, are you okay?” he panted, stopping in front of her. Her face was bleeding, a deep gash on her cheek just below her eye and she looked awfully pale.
“My horse took off-“ she began, wincing as her trembling hand tried to support her arm. Fili noticed right away that her shoulder was dislocated.
“Yeah it ran into our training area, he’s okay we’ve got a hold of him,” Fili explained, knowing the woman would be concerned about her horse’s safety.
“Sit down, I’m going to pop your shoulder back in,”
The woman’s eyes widened with disbelief, probably thinking she would be taken to the hospital for treatment, causing Fili to chuckle slightly at her alarm.
“It’s okay, I’ve done this before. My younger brother really liked climbing trees when he was little,“ he tried to assure her with a smile.
Fili wasn’t a doctor, but he had enough experience from being in the military and a brother to Kili to help with this.
He gently helped her to the ground, knowing every movement was sending searing pain through her arm.
“This isn’t going to feel good, I’m sorry,” he apologized in advance, knowing how much this was hurting her, and how much more it was about to hurt going back into position.
“Yeah, it’s fine, just fucking do it, please,” she nearly begged, her eyes shut tight.
Before he did anything, he grabbed a small stick and held it up in front of her face.
“Here, bite on this,” he instructed.
She opened her mouth and he placed it between her teeth, giving her something to clamp down on.
“Ready?” he asked, placing his hands on her, one on her collarbone and the other on her upper arm.
She nodded yes and squeezed her eyes shut, bracing herself.
With one swift motion, Fili pressed her arm up and back into its socket. She screamed through the stick in her mouth, tears springing from her eyes to mix with the blood and dirt on her cheeks.
“There, it’s okay, it’s done,” he soothed her, his concern switching from her arm to the gash on her face. The cut looked like it needed stitches.
She wiped the tears from her eyes quickly, seeming as if she was embarrassed for crying, only to look at her fingers that were now smeared with blood.
“Fucks sake,” she cursed, becoming more aware of her second injury.
“I think you need some stitches,” Fili explained. “I have some stuff back at the trucks. Are you okay to walk?”
“Yeah, I’m fine,” she said as she stood too quickly, losing her balance slightly and grabbing onto his arm for support.
She looked at him for the first time and he couldn’t help but smile.
She was stunning.
Her eyes were green and vibrant despite the pain that showed in them.
“I can carry you,” he offered.
She nodded yes, and he was happy for it.
He stepped to the other side of her so it would be her uninjured arm that hung around his neck, allowing the previously dislocated one to rest on her body. He scooped her up easily, hooking her legs in the crook of his arm, his other hand clutching around her waist.
He walked a few steps before he felt her head rest against his shoulder, and for some reason it felt like the most natural thing in the world.
Fili remained quiet as he walked the short distance back to the training area, not wanting to disturb the woman resting in his arms.
Kili sprinted over to him as soon as he entered the field, closing the distance quickly.
“Hey, is she okay?” Kili asked, looking over her condition as Fili continued walking to his truck.
“She dislocated her shoulder, I already fixed it, but I’m worried she might have a concussion,” he nodded at the cut on her cheek, “This is pretty deep too.”
He looked down at the woman still tucked up against him, “I’m going to set you down now, okay?” Fili stated, placing her gently on the open tailgate of his truck.
“Thank you, but I’m fine, really, I just need to get my horse and go-“
“I don’t think so, I need to dress this cut,” he insisted.
Kili walked over, holding the reins and guiding her horse over to them.
“Is he okay?” The woman asked, more concerned about her horse than herself. Fili smiled to himself as he watched her eagerly look over her horse, searching for any injuries from where she sat.
“Yeah, he seems to be fine now, just scared,” Kili explained to her as he pet the horse on the neck and spoke softly to it.
“Kili is great with horses, he’s in good hands,” Fili assured her, “you’re the one who needs looking after now,” he smiled.
As much as Prim hated feeling weak and vulnerable, regardless of being injured, she felt comfortable in the presence of this soldier. She couldn’t believe that she allowed him to carry her all the way here either, she just wasn’t that type of girl, always looking after herself. But there was something about him that made her feel at ease.
Prim admired his features as he gathered the supplies to clean and dress her face.
He appeared a few years older than her, his age given away by the fine lines that decorated the skin around his eyes and forehead. He was quite handsome, and his piercingly blue eyes made her chest tighten every time they looked at her.
He removed the black helmet from his head, revealing blond waves that were slicked back with sweat.
Prim lifted her arm to remove her own helmet, but was stopped by the pain that still lingered in her shoulder.
“Here, let me,” the soldier offered, moving his thick fingers to unbuckle the strap under her chin.
After taking off her helmet, he began to gently wipe the blood from her cheek. She couldn’t help but flinch when he touched it a little harder than she knew he meant to, the regret clear on his face.
She smiled despite the pain, “It’s okay, I’m fine,” she said, giving him permission to continue.
“It might need stitches,” he explained, his brows knitted together, “I only have surgical strips on me but I think they’ll hold.”
“I trust you,” she said, unsure exactly why she did.
He chuckled quietly, the sound rumbling through his chest that made his body move as he did it.
She wanted to hear him do that again.
She found it difficult to know where to look with him being so close to her face, making the act seem extremely intimate.
She took in the stubble that coated his cheeks that she knew had been shaved yesterday and grown back already, the indent in his nose that perhaps formed from it being broken, and the curve of his lips that were parted slightly as he concentrated on taking care of her cut. Then her eyes landed on his extremely curly, blond chest hair peeking out through the collar of his undershirt and she felt inclined to touch it.
Prim could tell even through his military gear that his physique was solid and defined.
Dirty thoughts stirred up in her mind as she continued to look him over, his gorgeous face a welcome distraction from the sting on her cheek and unrelenting ache in her shoulder.
Was he single? she wondered. Not possible.
Although his fingers were thick and his hands were dirty and calloused, they were deft and skilled and she imagined how they would feel on other parts of her body.
Would he be the type of lover who was gentle and attentive, yet capable of rough and eager pleasure?
Yes. Definitely, she decided.
As her thoughts continued that way, she came to the realization that he was standing between her legs, his thick torso a demanding presence against her inner thigh. It was enough to feel her cheeks heat up and she prayed that he wouldn’t notice or think it was from the adrenaline of her accident.
She needed to think of something else.
Letting her vanity get the best of her she broke the silence between them.
“It’s going to leave a nasty scar, isn’t it?”
His eyes moved from the cut where he was focused up to meet hers and smiled, revealing his dimples once more.
“You’ll still be beautiful,” he said and winked at her.
She was done for and she didn’t even know his name.
“Can I get the name of the soldier who saved my day?” Prim asked curiously as he removed his fingers from her cheek.
“Fili,” he answered with a grin.
Those fucking dimples.
“Thank you, Fili,” she beamed back at him. “I’m Prim.”
He looked up at her through his blond eyelashes, regarding her with something that hinted at amusement, “It’s nice to meet you, Prim,” his voice was husky and made her flush even more.
She liked the sound of her name on his lips.
“Well, I think I should probably head back, let you get on with whatever this is-“ she waved the hand of her good arm in the direction of where a group of soldiers stood waiting for instructions, “I don’t want to cause any more trouble,” she carefully slid off the back of the truck and took the reins from the man who’s name was Kili, dreading her walk back.
“You’re not riding back, are you?” Kili asked her, slightly alarmed.
Yes, she thought but decided to change her mind so as not to make them worried.
“Uhh, no, I’ll walk back, it’s only a couple of kilometres.”
She was definitely mounting up again as soon as she was out of sight, regardless of how her shoulder felt.
“I’ll walk with you,” the blond offered, and her stomach flipped.
“No, please, you’ve done enough. I don’t want to be anymore of a disruption,” she said, trying to maintain her pride.
“I insist. It’s no trouble. I can have my brother pick me up from your barn,” he explained with another smile. “And I’d like to make sure you get back okay.”
Prim swallowed, not only was he sexy as hell, he was sweet too.
“Only if you’re insisting,” she said with a sly smirk.
She looked him over, thinking maybe he was keen to be in her company a little longer as well.
Prim turned to Kili and thanked him for his help before starting through the field in the direction of the forest from where she came. She had Apollo’s reins clutched in the hand of her uninjured side with him following easily behind her, and Fili striding along with them to her left.
She typically never felt awkward or shy around anyone, usually exuding confidence and sometimes maybe even a little cockiness when it came to talking to men, but Fili made her feel different. She couldn’t think of anything to say to him and she cursed herself.
“How are you feeling?” he asked.
“Good, considering. A little achy and tired, but I’ll live,” she couldn’t help but grin and look away because of how intensely he was staring at her, his blue eyes piercing.
“Make sure you get some rest,” Fili advised.
“I will,” she lied. She still had ten stalls to muck out and hungry horses to feed when she returned to the barn and it was going to take her twice as long with one arm hardly being of any use.
“So how long have you been training there?” Prim asked, wondering how she never noticed military training before today in the area she rode through so often.
“Not long, but we will be more frequently,” he explained.
“I should probably start avoiding this area then, right?” she quipped.
“I would recommend it,” Fili grinned.
Unless I want to see you again, she thought.
Fili took in the facility when they arrived, admiring the large arena and sprawling fields where multiple horses were scattered about, grazing in the sunshine.
“So you run all of this?” he asked, thinking what a demanding task that would be.
“Mhm,” Prim hummed as she walked into the barn and started untacking Apollo. “I took over the business from my coach about two years ago.”
“And you do everything by yourself?” Fili wondered.
She laughed, making him want to hear her do it over and over. “For the most part. I do have some students who help with chores in exchange for lessons, which helps a ton, but that’s only a few times a week.”
He watched her pause when it was time to remove the saddle from the horse’s back, prompting him to quickly offer to do it for her, knowing her shoulder couldn’t manage reaching up to lift it.
“I’ll get it,”
“Thanks,” she pointed to a saddle rack on the wall, “you can just set it over there.”
Fíli placed it down and turned to face her.
“Would you like to come out for a bite to eat and some drinks tonight?” The words came out of his mouth before he knew what he was doing.
He saw her hesitation and cringed, thinking he had crossed a line, and bit his lip as he tried to recover.
“It’s nothing big, just myself and Kili and his girlfriend, you don’t need to feel obligated though.”
He felt like an idiot. She was probably tired and sore and the last thing she would want to do is go out.
But he wanted to see her again. He refused to let this be it.
“I’d love to.”
Fili sighed with relief, happy she agreed.
Prim approached him, now standing close enough he could lean forward and kiss her if he was ever so bold.
“I’ll give you my number so you can let me know the details,” she held her hand out for him to place his phone in.
She tucked her bottom lip in her teeth in an effort to restrain her smile while she typed her information into his contacts before handing it back to him.
He laughed when he read what she listed as the name with her phone number; Horse Girl With The Messed Up Face.
“Just in case you confuse me with any other damsel in distress you happen to rescue,” she winked at him and he stifled a growl.
“There could be no confusion, Prim,” he assured her.
“Fili?” They heard Kili call from the main entrance, seeing him turn the corner and spot them. “Sorry to interrupt-“ he trailed off, making Fili take a step back from Prim.
“I’ll be right there, Ki,” Fili said to his brother.
Looking back to Prim, he instantly smiled. “I’ll call you later then,”
“I look forward to it,” she admitted, “And thank you, again for everything,”
“It’s nothing, I’m glad you’re okay.”
He watched her turn and walk over to a wheelbarrow and pitchfork that were leaning against the wall, concerned she was about to start doing a chore she shouldn’t because of her shoulder.
“Hey you’re not-“ he began, but she cut him off.
“The stalls aren’t going to clean themselves,” she retorted.
Oh, she was a stubborn one.
“No, no, you can’t do that, you’ll only end up hurting yourself more.”
She raised her eyebrows at him in a ‘well who the hell is going to do it then’ way, leaving him no other choice but to pluck the pitchfork from her hand.
“Kili!” he called over his shoulder, taking joy in the complaints spewing from his brother’s mouth when he realized what he’d been recruited to do.
“You’re not serious.”
“Incredibly.” Fili grinned at his brother, handing him a shovel.
#fili durin#fili x oc#modern au#dean o'gorman#fili imagine#fili x reader#fili#slow burn#wild horses#series#fili the hobbit#the hobbit#fili friday#also known as deano day#fili smut#fili fic#modern fili
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just practice - chapter ten
chapter ten is here, yay! hope you all enjoy it! somewhat important update in the notes at the end of the chapter on ao3 for those interested. thanks in advance!
ao3 link here
Holding the premier of the school play on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving was a bold move in Annabeth’s opinion, so it was surprising that the school’s parking lot was nearly filled, although that almost certainly had to do with the fact that Piper was playing Viola in the school’s production of Twelfth Night. Her performances in the school plays had turned into something of local legend after all. It had all started when she landed the role of Ophelia as a freshman, a feat in and of itself, but it was the way that she had sent audiences home in tears each night of the production that had catapulted her to near mythic status among the student body. It had gotten to the point where even many members of the football team could be found patiently waiting in line to watch a Shakespearean play.
Ever prepared, Annabeth had come fairly early to help secure seats for herself and the rest of her friends. The moment the doors opened, she made a beeline for the rows close to the stage and found some center seats, but when the auditorium began to fill its seats quicker than she anticipated and none of her friends had yet to arrive, she was forced to concede all of the seats she’d reserved except for two, one on either side of her. As more and more of the seats began to get filled, She came close to sending a text in the group chat as her sense of worry grew. Fortunately, that was when Jason showed up, a grateful smile on his face as he sank into the seat next to her. He took off his jacket, draping it on the seatback, and rubbed at the dark bags beneath his eyes.
“You look like a panda,” Annabeth said, smirking.
Jason ran his fingers through his hair and scowled. “Very funny. I’ve been neck deep in planning for the stupid after-party, and it has been a total nightmare.”
“So I take it that working with Drew Tanaka isn’t a good time then?”
Jason rolled his eyes and said, “There’s just something about event planning that turns her into a demon. At one point, I legitimately thought she was going to skin me alive.”
“Very dramatic,” Annabeth teased, squeezing his shoulder. “At least the worst is over now.”
“I sure hope so,” Jason muttered. “Otherwise, I might not live to see another day.”
Annabeth was about to say something when her phone vibrated in her pocket. She fished it out and looked at the caller ID, which immediately sent a frisson of irritation running through her. That was probably the seventeenth time this random number had called her over the past two weeks. She didn’t recognize the number at all, but whoever it was happened to be incredibly persistent about calling her.
“That number again?” Jason asked.
Annabeth sighed and nodded. “It’s starting to get really fucking annoying.”
“You should just block ‘em and save yourself the trouble,” Jason said, shrugging.
“Yeah, you’re right,” Annabeth said, sighing. “I’ll do it after the show.”
Jason nodded and pulled out his phone to shoot some texts, presumably to the group organizing the after-party. Annabeth spent her time scrolling mindlessly through Twitter, waiting for Percy to show up, but he was still missing two minutes before the show was due to begin. It was only once the lights began to dim that Annabeth heard the familiar cadence of his footsteps behind her. Percy squeezed past the people who were already seated, murmuring apologies as he passed by, before he sank into the seat beside her. He shifted uncomfortably in his seat and winced as he probed his upper back muscles.
Annabeth looked at him with concern and said, “Are you okay?”
“I’ve been better,” Percy said, grimacing.
“I swear your coach has been extending practices by an hour every month now since the start of the school year.”
Percy huffed a laugh. “You’re probably right. I swear, he’s trying to kill me. Literally every part of my body hurts right now.”
Annabeth frowned in the dark. In all his years on the team, she had never heard Percy complain about his body hurting after practices. His coach must have been pushing him even harder over this past month than normal. She wasn’t sure how to feel about that.
She leaned in to him to whisper to him and found her face heating up at the distracting scent of body wash and chlorine clinging to his skin, evidence of the post-practice shower he must have taken before coming here.
It took her a moment to collect her thoughts and mumble, “If you feel that bad, you should have just gone home. Piper would understand.”
“I’m not missing the premier just because I’m a little sore,” Percy said, shaking his head.
Annabeth paused before giving him a tentative nod and turning back to the stage, but she still felt lingering traces of embarrassment. That scent was beyond familiar to her and it had been for years, so she was troubled by how she had suddenly become so conscious of it.
Fortunately, the start of the play gave her a way to stop treading down that creepy train of thought. She had read Twelfth Night once during middle school, but it hadn’t made much of an impression on her. Seeing it performed now, the play was a lot better than she had remembered, but then again Piper had always insisted that there was a huge difference between reading a play versus seeing one live. For a high school play, Annabeth couldn’t help being impressed by the level of care and effort that had gone into every element of the production, from the set design to the lighting and wardrobe. Of course, the actors were great as well, but Piper stole the show as Annabeth had expected.
It took her a while to realize that Percy was mouthing lines beside her, nearly verbatim. At first, she’d thought she was hearing things, but when she stole a sidelong glance at Percy, she noticed that he was leaning forward in his seat, staring intently at the stage and whispering the lines to himself.
“But, indeed, words are very rascals, since bonds disgraced them,” Percy mouthed.
On stage, Piper said, “Thy reason, man?”
Percy whispered, "Troth, sir, I can yield you none without words, and words are grown so false, I am loathe to prove reason with them.”
Annabeth shook her head in amazement before knocking elbows with him to get his attention. He froze in his seat, face turning a gentle shade of vermilion in response to being caught, before turning to face her.
“You know all the lines?” Annabeth whispered incredulously.
Percy ducked his chin. “Not all of them, just the scenes where Piper has lines. Must have helped her rehearse them like a hundred times.”
“And let me guess, she didn’t ask for your help: you volunteered,” she said, sighing.
Annabeth found herself shaking her head again when he rubbed the back in his neck and looked away with a sheepish smile. It was amazing that Percy had managed to memorize all those lines, but it was even more impressive that he had done so while juggling all his other responsibilities. Her heart welled up inside her chest looking at him while he tried to not-so-subtly divert her attention back to the play, still blushing profusely, as if he didn’t realize he was more amazing in her eyes than anything Shakespeare could’ve ever written.
Before she knew it, the play was over, and Annabeth found herself waiting backstage with her friends for Piper to finish changing into her normal clothes. Leo and Frank spoke quietly to one another while Hazel was noodling with her phone. Jason drummed his fingers against his pants and rocked on his heels and kept looking down the hallway to the changing rooms with poorly suppressed excitement, practically embodying the spirit of a golden retriever. Percy stood beside her, leaning against a wall with his eyes closed, close enough for their elbows to touch.
When Piper showed up with an exhausted smile on her face, Jason rushed in and pulled her into a fierce hug.
“You were amazing,” he said.
Piper laughed tiredly and whispered, “Thanks, Jace.”
Jason stepped away suddenly and rubbed the back of his neck, suddenly embarrassed by such a public display of affection. Piper rolled her eyes and poked him with her elbow before turning to address the rest of them.
“Thank you all for coming tonight. I really appreciate it.”
“Jason is right,” Frank said. “You were really great out there tonight.”
Everyone chimed in with words of agreement, which flustered Piper a little, much to Annabeth’s delight. Piper rarely ever got flustered except when she got bombarded by compliments that she had rightfully earned. Percy was the only one who didn’t say anything, but he watched the entire scene with a soft smile on his face. Once she’d given everyone else a hug, Piper met Percy’s eyes, her eyes shining with gratitude, and a wordless understanding passed between them.
“So, after-party everyone?” Jason asked.
Piper leaned against him and nodded tiredly. “I could certainly use a drink right now.”
Jason smiled before turning to the group and saying, “It’s at Drew’s place. I texted the address to our group chat in case anyone didn’t remember it.”
With that, they dispersed and made their way to the parking lot. It was dark outside even though it wasn’t all that late, but it was nothing unexpected considering December was on its way. Annabeth buried her hands in the front pocket of her sweatshirt, but she still couldn’t help shivering as the wind howled past them.
Percy smoothed his wind-tousled hair with a scowl before he gave her a sidelong glance. “So I’m guessing your parents didn’t change their mind about the after-party then?”
Annabeth nodded. “They are still insisting that I spend some quality ‘family time’ with them for Thanksgiving. Whatever the fuck that means.”
“Maybe it’s a good sign,” Percy said.
Annabeth snorted and said, “Knowing Helen, I highly doubt that. It’s probably just going to be a miserable meal with passive aggressive comments for dessert.”
Percy stopped and gave her forearm a gentle squeeze, forcing her to meet his eyes, which shone with concern.
“If it gets bad and you ever need to get out of the house, give me a call, okay?”
Annabeth tried for a laugh, but it sounded hollow even to her ears. “Come on, Jackson. You don’t think I can survive one measly dinner?”
“I know you can,” Percy said, firmly but not unkindly. “But there’s a big difference between surviving something and not having to suffer because of it.”
She didn’t really know how to respond to that, so she just remained silent. Percy looked at her and waited for a short while before he sighed and dropped her arm. Annabeth could tell by the downturn of his lips and the furrow of his brow that he still wasn’t entirely convinced, but she didn’t plan on changing her mind. No matter what happened at tonight’s dinner, she was determined not to call Percy. A nameless fear had begun to take root inside her. She couldn’t say what it was, but she couldn’t shake the feeling that something terrible would happen if she continued to rely on Percy as heavily as she had. Maybe she was completely off-base or maybe she was simply imagining the whole thing. And yet it grated on her like an itch she couldn't scratch, telling her, compelling her to at least do something.
Percy scuffed his converses against his ankle and nodded again. “Well, I guess I'll see you when you come over on Friday then?”
Annabeth nodded and watched him leave before she made her way back to her car. She didn’t remember much of the drive back home. The spam caller called again at some point, but apart from that the only thing that stuck out was how the pit in the center of her stomach grew the closer she got to her house. When she wasn't eating outside the house, Annabeth usually holed herself in her bedroom until the rest of the family finished dinner before she went downstairs to microwave the leftovers and bring them back upstairs with her. Tonight, unfortunately she had no such avenue of escape.
Once she parked in the driveway, Annabeth continued to sit there in the dark, her hands wrapped around the steering wheel so tightly the cheap stitching on the faux leather dug into her palms. She couldn’t help thinking at that moment that silence wore many different faces. When she was with Percy, silence was companionable and radiated a warmth that felt like trust. When she went for a run, silence was open and peaceful, almost like a physical space where she could leave reality behind for a short while. When she watched Percy give his mother a hug before he left the house, silence was wistful and forlorn, wrapping around her heart like tendrils of smoke. But now, as she sat in the car outside her own house, silence was unforgiving and violent, like a shark sensing blood in the water, waiting for her to tear herself to shreds.
But eventually, Annabeth screwed her eyes shut and forced herself to take a deep breath before she finally made her way inside. She slipped past the door and quietly took her shoes off before heading to the dining room. The rest of her family was already seated and had started eating.
“Ah, Annabeth, we weren’t sure if you would make it, so we got started a little early,” Helen said, voice dripping with faux sincerity.
Annabeth pursed her lips and nodded sharply before she pulled out a chair for herself and sat down. She didn’t put much on her plate — barely enough mashed potatoes to make a mound drizzled with gravy, a small piece of grilled chicken, and some buttered vegetables — and tried to finish her food as quickly as she could so she could retreat to her room.
Of course, it didn’t take long for Helen to take issue with that. “Someone certainly seems to be in a rush today.”
Annabeth looked up from her plate and tried to quell the fire in her eyes, but it was difficult when Helen looked at her with that smile of hers like poisoned honey, while the coldness in her eyes communicated her utter and absolute disdain for Annabeth in a way words never could. Briefly, she looked to her father to see if he might intervene, but like always, she was disappointed. He was staring absentmindedly at the wall behind her, probably thinking about his research.
"I'm just really tired," Annabeth lied.
"And yet you had just enough energy to go to your friend's play," Helen said.
"It's almost like human beings have less energy over the course of a day."
She had tried very hard to keep the sarcasm out of her voice, but it didn't seem to matter judging by the tick of Helen's jaw. Annabeth couldn't help deriving a twisted sense of pleasure at the momentary collapse in Helen's composure.
Helen sighed with mock affectation. "Children your age are so disrespectful these days."
Annabeth shrugged nonchalantly. "Must be because we’re on our phones all the time."
A gleam passed in Helen's eyes. "Or maybe it's because you associate with the wrong kinds of people."
Annabeth furrowed her brow and deliberately set her fork aside. "And what is that supposed to mean?"
Helen raised her wineglass and took a sip before she spoke, and when she did her tone was feather-light. "Oh, it's nothing. As your mother, I'm just concerned when a girl your age spends all her time unsupervised, doing lord knows what, with someone like that Jackson boy."
Annabeth balled her hands into fists. “‘Someone like him’? You don’t even know him.”
Helen looked at her imperiously over the rim of her wine glass. “I don’t need to know him to know that he’s of the wrong sort.”
It took Annabeth a second to decipher what Helen had meant, but once she did the pit in her stomach burned with hellfire.
Annabeth barked a harsh laugh and crossed her arms over her chest. “So he’s the ‘wrong sort’ just because he isn’t white?”
“That wasn’t what I said,” Helen said mildly.
“No, but it's what you meant.”
For the first time that night, her father spoke, voice low yet firm.
“Annabeth,” he warned.
Annabeth bit her tongue and wrestled with the urge to scream. At that moment, her phone vibrated again in her pocket, so Annabeth decided to run with it. Anything to give her an excuse to leave.
Her chair emitted an unholy screech as she stood up. “I have to take an important call.”
Annabeth didn’t wait for Helen’s permission and left the dining room quickly, only just noticing the irritation in her eyes. She went upstairs to her bedroom and slammed the door behind her before pulling her phone out of her pocket.
When she looked at the caller ID and noticed it was that same spam number again, Annabeth clenched her jaw and made to reject the call before an idea occurred to her. If she couldn’t show any emotion around her family, well then this stubborn asshole who clearly couldn’t tell she wasn’t going to answer the phone would give her a good opportunity to vent.
“Hello?” Annabeth snapped, answering the phone.
The voice on the other end of the line sounded male. “Oh, um, hello. Am I speaking with Ms. Annabeth Chase?”
“Yes,” Annabeth spat. “And who are you?”
There was a pause — the speaker was clearly taken aback by Annabeth’s open hostility, but it didn’t take long for them to recover.
“I apologize if this is a bad time, but my name is Rick Waters. I’m the coach of the women’s cross country team here at the University of California, Berkeley. I just wanted to reach out to you regarding the offer of admission we sent you a month or so ago.”
A panicked flurry of thoughts blew through Annabeth's mind. “Oh, sorry, I thought you were a telemarketer. Did you say that you sent me an offer of admission a month ago?”
“Yes, we sent a letter in early October to be precise.”
“I never got anything in the mail,” Annabeth said, frowning.
“Oh, well I suppose that certainly explains things. Perhaps there was a mistake made somewhere along the way, but no harm done. I could inform you of our offer over the phone now, if you'd like."
Annabeth pressed a hand to her forehead and shut her eyes. "Um, yes, please do."
"Well, we've been scouting all over the country for new runners for the incoming freshman class, and we were very interested in you. You are clearly a very talented distance runner, and I think you would be a wonderful asset and a great fit with our team here at Cal. All our facilities are state-of-the-art, and we have some former Olympians on our coaching staff in addition to a team of dietitians, physical therapists, and psychologists. I’ll pause here if you have any questions.”
“No, not at the moment, sorry. I’m just a little overwhelmed,” Annabeth said, mind reeling.
“I understand,” he said. “The reason I have been trying so hard to reach you, though, is because we need to know your decision before the 30th, which is in four days.”
Only four days? How the fuck was she supposed to write all those supplementary essays in only four days? It had taken her months to just finish the essays for the Common App.
“What is the process if I decide to commit to Berkeley?” Annabeth asked. “Like, am I required to send an application and include essays?”
“No, we wouldn’t need anything supplementary. We do, however, require a transcript, but we’ve already been in contact with your high school regarding that, and it was more than satisfactory. In fact, we were highly impressed with your academic performance.”
“Oh, um, thank you,” Annabeth said, feeling relieved.
“Of course,” the coach said. “One final thing I wanted to mention is that we would be willing to offer you a fairly sizable athletic scholarship should you decide to attend in the fall. It would cover a majority of your tuition and room and board fees.”
Annabeth leaned against her door and sank down to the floor, smiling so widely it hurt. The one fear she had had was how she would afford going to Berkeley, so she was beyond relieved that they were willing to give her a scholarship. For once in her life, it seemed that all her hard work had actually amounted to something. For once, her accomplishments actually mattered.
“Thank you so much,” Annabeth said quietly.
“Take some time to think about it, but please do get back to us by the 30th so that we can secure your admission. To be perfectly honest, the deadline for athletic recruitment ended in October, but I’ve been adamant with the Admissions Office that you were special and that the deadline be extended on your behalf.”
Annabeth's throat constricted and her heart squeezed in her chest. “I really don't know what to say. Just thank you so much. I really do appreciate it. I’ll be sure to get back to you by the 30th.”
“Wonderful,” he said. “I look forward to hearing from you.”
With that, the phone call ended, and Annabeth knocked the back of her head against the door and stared up at the ceiling, not sure whether to cry or laugh. As the coach had said, recruitment was usually finished by October, so the fact that she hadn’t received any offers from schools had been depressing. She had assured herself that her application was strong enough on its own to brave the conventional admissions process, but this was an immense weight off her shoulders. Of course, that meant that all those hours she’d spent on writing her stupid Common App essay had been pretty much useless, but she couldn’t bring herself to care.
The only thing that soured her mood was the knowledge that she still needed to go back downstairs to deal with her step-mother now that the call was over. Annabeth sat there and looked up at her popcorn ceiling, trying to muster the strength to get up, but it still took her the better part of ten minutes before she finally rose to her feet and closed the door behind her.
Friday at the Jackson household was often a rambunctious affair, but it was quieter than normal when Annabeth came to visit the day after Thanksgiving. But that was largely due to the fact that Paul happened to be away at a teacher’s conference, Estelle at a playdate at a friend’s house, and Sally was upstairs, working on her writing, which left Annabeth alone with Percy downstairs.
He had been the one to suggest that they bake something together, much to her relief. She had wanted to do something where she could turn her brain off, and there was just something about baking in particular that tended to calm her down. As Annabeth sat on the countertop, swinging her legs, and watched Percy riffle through the pantry in search of ingredients, it occurred to her that that was probably why he’d suggested the activity to begin with. The domesticity of Percy humming a tuneless melody under his breath while moving about the kitchen in his pajamas made warmth blossom in her chest.
"Are you gonna help out or are you just continue checking me out, Chase?" Percy asked, looking inside a cupboard for vanilla extract.
Annabeth felt heat rush to her face as she hopped off the counter. She tried to keep her tone light and asked, "What am I not allowed to check out my fake-boyfriend?"
Percy looked at her over his shoulder and raised an eyebrow. "Then surely you wouldn't mind if I were to check out my fake-girlfriend then."
Annabeth's heart fluttered in her chest. "It almost sounds like you're asking for permission."
It was hard to tell if the look in Percy’s eyes was teasing or challenging. "And if I am?"
Her throat had suddenly become completely dry. She wasn't sure if the move here was to say yes and double down or if she should play it off and change the topic.
She settled for the former and said, "And what would you do if I said yes?"
Percy's eyes darkened and his eyes darted to her lips for an instant before he cleared his throat conspicuously and turned away. “Good job. That should work when you get a real boyfriend.”
With that, the tension in the room dissipated into thin air, leaving Annabeth with a vague sense of dissatisfaction, although she couldn’t explain where it came from. Annabeth tried her best to put the interaction behind her and started helping Percy find the remaining ingredients, but she found her eyes wandering towards him without her permission. It was definitely because of the previous exchange, Annabeth reasoned, that she suddenly began paying attention to the way his back muscles strained against the fabric of his thin t-shirt when he reached up to get some nutmeg or the hard line of his jaw when she caught a glimpse of his profile as he turned away.
Her face began to heat up again, but this time it was because she was actually guilty of the crime she'd been accused of. She shook her head in an effort to dispel those thoughts, but she couldn't erase the images taking center stage in her mind's eye.
This was really fucking weird. She'd seen Percy practically every day for the last ten years, and his body had never distracted her like this, so it felt creepy and wrong. Yet, her eyes continued to wander towards him whenever she wasn’t vigilant, much to her embarrassment, as they started making the cookies.
They were nearly ready to put the chocolate chip cookie batter into the oven when Percy stopped and suddenly groaned.
"What?" she asked.
"I forgot the blue food coloring," he grumbled. "Mom and I ran out last time we made cookies."
Annabeth knew better than to ask him if it was really that important for the cookies to be blue, so she nodded and said, "Should we go to the grocery store?"
"Yeah, just let me get changed," Percy said, leaving the kitchen.
Sally made her way down the stairs and smiled as Percy went past her. She stepped into the kitchen and surveyed it for a moment before looking to her with a mischievous glint in her eye.
"Well, at least you both don't make nearly as big a mess as you used to."
"Sorry," Annabeth said, her face heating up.
"Relax, dear," Sally said, laughing. "I'm just pulling your leg."
Annabeth managed a smile and said, "How was your book tour?"
Sally leaned against the counter-top and sighed. "Exhausting, but overall, pretty good. Each time I have to do one of them, they just keep adding more and more cities. I know that it's a sign my books are reaching a wider audience, but it still wears out an old woman like me."
"You're not old at all, Sally," Annabeth said genuinely.
A warm smile crossed Sally's face. "You're sweet, dear. How have things been with you?"
Percy came downstairs, now that he'd changed, and jangled his car keys. "Ready to go?"
Annabeth looked to Sally and felt a surge of gratitude when Sally told Percy, "You go on ahead. Annabeth and I are going to have some girl time."
Percy looked between the two of them for a moment before he shrugged and left the kitchen. Annabeth waited until she heard the sound of the garage door closing before she spoke again.
"How did you know?" Annabeth asked.
"Hmm, know what?" Sally asked.
"Know that I wanted to talk to you.”
"I've known you since you were seven, dear," Sally said, giving her a significant look.
Annabeth couldn't help the fact that that brought a smile to her face. "Percy told me that he got recruited by USC."
“I’m happy for him and everything, but- I don’t know. It’s just that college actually feels real now and not like something imaginary in the far off future,” Annabeth said, twirling a strand of hair around her finger.
"It’s a big change," Sally admitted. "But I'm sure you both can handle it when the time comes."
"I know,” Annabeth said. “I’m just worried about being apart from Percy and stuff.”
"Well, if you’re that worried, what if you found a college close by LA?" Sally asked.
Annabeth shook her head. "A recruiter from Berkeley reached out to me Wednesday night about joining the cross country team there. He said the university would even be willing to give me a pretty big scholarship, so I'm thinking of accepting."
"Annabeth, that's fantastic," Sally beamed. "Your parents must be so proud of you."
"They just asked how I was going to pay for it," Annabeth said, smiling thinly.
Sally's eyes softened and she pulled her into a warm hug. Annabeth didn't expect a lump to form in her throat, but it didn't surprise her when it happened. She knew from prior experience that Sally Jackson's hugs did tend to have that sort of effect.
"Well, for what it's worth, I'm so incredibly proud of you and everything you’ve accomplished," Sally said. "Lord knows how hard you've worked these past few years."
"Thank you," Annabeth said, trying not to let her voice quiver.
Sally pulled away and framed Annabeth's face in her hands, smiling softly. "You've grown into such a wonderful young woman. It’s almost hard to believe that bossy little seven year old would grow up like this."
Annabeth wiped at her nose as a watery laugh escaped her. "Well, one thing hasn't changed: I'm still pretty bossy."
"Well, no one's perfect, after all," Sally said, a twinkle in her eye. "I really don’t think you have anything to worry about, dear. Berkeley and LA are in the same state."
"It's a five hour and forty-two minute drive," Annabeth said. "I, um, checked on Google Maps."
"That’s not that bad," Sally said. “You and Percy can deal with that.”
Annabeth shifted on her heels. "No, it's not that. I know we'll be okay, but I'm just worried it'll change things."
"Well, I know that the way you two feel about each other won't change and that's the most important thing," Sally said firmly.
"Of course, things will be different, but that doesn't mean it has to get worse. This is just another stage you have to pass through in your life, just like Percy does. But despite all that change, you will still be Annabeth and Percy will still be Percy, and that is enough for me to believe you both will be fine."
Annabeth considered her words before nodding. "I still haven't told him."
"He'll be happy to hear it."
"I know he will," Annabeth said. "I just want to be less of a wreck when I tell him. I don't want him to worry."
Sally smiled and said, "That boy will worry about you regardless of what you do."
"He shouldn't have to though," Annabeth said desperately. I’m not worth it.
"No, perhaps he shouldn't," Sally admitted. "But he chooses to anyways, and who are we to say he's wrong for it."
There was a pause before Annabeth quietly said, "Sometimes, it feels like he loves so hard, so honestly, so naturally that it's impossible for me to catch up."
"That's just the way he is," Sally said, a sad smile on her face. "His name means 'To Destroy', but there's no one more protective, more loving than my boy. Been that way all his life, even when he shouldn't have had to. Because of that, I’m afraid that I've hurt him without knowing, hurt him in ways that can't be fixed."
"You mean with Gabe?" Annabeth asked.
Sally's eyes turned hard. "He started trying to protect me from him ever since he was six and I don’t think he has ever stopped. Even now, I can see he still doesn't completely feel comfortable around Paul, but he bears it for my sake. He has always been willing to cause himself pain if it means alleviating someone else’s suffering. Sometimes, I worry that he feels the need to be responsible for how other people feel.”
Sally’s words immediately made Annabeth think about her conversation with Kara and how she had said something similar:
I just remember being so fucking stunned. Like, your girlfriend is telling you she’s breaking up with you after cheating on you, and your response is to go be someone else’s fucking therapist?
Annabeth balled her hands into fists and tried to swallow the lump in her throat. She wasn’t sure what to say. She had never been good with words or emotions, but she wasn’t even sure if this was something that could be fixed with just words. If she were like Percy, maybe she could think of the right combination of words to say in order to make this better, but she wasn’t.
She hated this. All her life, Annabeth had been praised for being intelligent. Most of her identity was built around that fact. Whenever her life went to shit, the one thing she could count on was the fact that she was smart: it was the one thing that made her feel like she was worth anything. But lately, Annabeth couldn’t help questioning if she’d built her entire sense of self around a lie. She couldn’t recall the last time she’d been able to use her intelligence to solve a problem, or at least not any problem that mattered. It seemed pointless to have all this purported intelligence when life only sent her problems that couldn’t be solved just by thinking really hard.
Sally must have sensed Annabeth’s frustration because she put her hand on Annabeth’s shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze. Although she felt a bit better, it did nothing to dispel the underlying sensation of weight, like someone was sitting on her chest.
The garage door opened and Percy popped into the kitchen with an exuberant smile, holding a bottle of blue food coloring in his hand.
“Managed to get the last one!” he beamed before his smile fell and he looked between the two of them. “What happened here?”
Sally gave Annabeth’s shoulder another squeeze before making her way to the staircase. “Oh, nothing. Just girl stuff.”
Percy nodded but clearly looked unconvinced. Once Sally was gone, he turned to her with a question in his eyes.
“Girl stuff?” he asked.
Annabeth found herself settling for a half-truth yet again. It seemed like that was all she did these days when she spoke to Percy.
“A recruiter contacted me from Berkeley,” she said, looking at her feet. “They’re giving me a big scholarship if I go there to join the cross country team.”
Percy blinked before breaking into a smile and rushing to her with open arms. “Holy shit, Annabeth, that’s insane! I’m so happy for you!”
Annabeth returned his hug and smiled into his shoulder — Sally had been so spot on about his reaction that, despite her heavy mood, it was kind of hilarious.
Percy looked at her with a searching gaze. “Then why do we seem so sad?”
Annabeth rolled her eyes. “I’m not sad. I was just getting emotional with your mom about how much I’ve matured.”
“Hmm, you don’t look all that mature to me,” Percy said, appraising her.
“Asshole,” Annabeth grumbled. “I don’t seem to recall that being your opinion back when you were trying to get permission to check me out.”
Percy’s face flushed at the accusation, and his voice jumped an octave as he stammered, “T-That was to help you practice.”
“Yeah, sure,” Annabeth drawled. “Very convincing.”
“Now who’s being an asshole?”
“Couldn’t be me,” Annabeth said lightly.
“Of course not,” Percy said, rolling his eyes. “Now should we start making these cookies or not? I’m starving.”
Annabeth followed him to the batter and watched as he drenched it in blue food coloring, tongue poking out the corner of his mouth, and found herself desperately wishing they had more time. There was a delicate, almost exquisite pain that came with the awareness that this couldn’t last, but watching Percy roll misshapen balls of blue cookie dough made it easier for her to ignore it. At least for a while.
#just practice#percabeth fluff#percabeth fic#percabeth fake dating au#fake dating au#im so bad at endings fml#please reblog if you can it would mean a lot#ill love u forever and always
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Peter Parker-Peter’s Tingle
Requested by anon! Angst alphabet letter B with fluffly ending! Although is not really angsty! I hope you like it!!
Plot: Peter’s tingle must always be trusted; through the good and bad.
Warnings: pregnant!reader, pregnancy problems (sightly), giving birth. Let’s pretend Peter’s 18 for this fanfic! ALWAYS WRAP IT BEFORE YOU TAP IT
Cravings were weird, and yours were definitely the weirdest of them all. You were sure of it when, at eleven thirty of the night, you were walking down the aisle of a store that was fifteen minutes away from your house just because of those snacks that you used to have as a child. Walking into the store and greeting the old man in the front, you looked around until you spotted what you came in there for. They were ordered by colours, the weirdest flavours displayed in front of you. You smiled at the thought of shoving a bunch of them in your mouth, and you almost clapped. While you were picking as much of them as you could in your arms and balancing them in your pregnant belly, you thought about him.
Probably, it would have been a good idea to tell Peter.
Peter, your boyfriend and the father of your child. Peter, the super hero of Queens that fainted when you went to the bathroom on the cinema two weeks ago. Peter, who didn’t know where you were and probably was coming back from patrol in a few minutes. Yeah, it seemed a pretty stupid idea, coming down all the way to the store when your boyfriend is fucking spiderman and could just swing there.
But he had left the toilet seat up once more and you didn’t want to deal with him. Not when you knew you would melt with his cute brown eyes and his innocent self.
Arms full of snacks and weird things, you walked back to the counter; only to stop by the third aisle, where the baby section peaked. You were over the 7th month of the pregnancy, yet you had decided to keep the gender of the baby a secret. It was Peter idea, who wanted to surprise everyone with the little bundle. He liked to have arguments with Tony, saying that it would be a boy, smarter than Tony that would make the most incredible suit the world had ever seen. To what Tony proposed to create a bubble paper room in the tower just for the baby.
It had been an accident. The unsafe sex, the pregnancy, the baby. Yet you knew that Peter and you would love that kid, either if it was a girl or a boy. Shuffling through the clothes, you tried to pick gender neutral ones when your phone rang. The annoying tone of Spiderman, does whatever a spider can started sounding, and thank God it was so late and there wasn’t anyone around.
“Hey babe” you answered, putting on a happy smile even if he couldn’t see you.
“Y/N! Thank God you’re alive. I-I came from patrol, and I didn’t see you. Thought you would be over Tony’s? But he hadn’t seen you either. S-so I got a bit, uh, worried?”
“I’m fine, just needed a quick run to-where are you?”
In the background, you could hear strange sounds. At first, they seemed a machine working, yet the more you focused, the farther the sounds were from being that. You sighed when you realised that it was Peter’s swinging by the buildings, the metallic suit colliding with the air.
“Peter, you better not be talking while swinging.”
There was a pregnant pause, where Peter could only keep silence shamefully; but he didn’t stop. You left the yellow onesie on its place and turned back to pay for all your items; apart from the snacks, two Spiderman’s plushie and a sippy cup themed like captain America.
“I swear, this stress is bad for the baby”
“I’m fine, thanks for asking though” a new voice interrupted the conversation, your eyes widening. “Hey Y/N. How’s it going?”
You let your mouth fall open when Tony’s voice came through your phone, and had to tighten your arms around the products to keep them from falling. Your adoptive father had been against the relationship since you had known Peter, and actually made the show of chasing Peter around New York with his ironman suit. Your mother, Pepper, and you had to stop him before it actually got bad.
When he found out you were pregnant, Peter ended up unconscious in the med bay and, once more, your mother and you had shouted to hell and back. Now, seven months later, Tony Stark and Peter Parker made the best team in keeping Y/N Potts away from danger; danger being opening a can by yourself or doing some shopping.
“I can’t believe your brought him into this, Pete” you said, half angry half i-knew-it-would-happen. “I thought we said no more Tony in your paranoias! His old heart can’t handle it!”
“Hey, I heard that!”
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry Y/N, but my senses kept bugging me and I’m really worried. And-then I called Tony, to ask him if you were with him, you know I can’t lie to him!” Peter rushed out, actually afraid of what you might do against him. “I’m sorry.”
“Okay, good. Good” you rubbed your eyes slowly, suddenly dying for a warm bed. Was it you, or it was too cold in that shop? Damn the hormones and the cravings. “I just want to go home, I’m really tired. I don’t care anymore, just be here quickly”
“Minutes away, Y/N. Promise”
You decided to sit in ones of the chairs that was exposed on the shop. It was a weird shop, that sold too many things. But it felt amazing to have somewhere to sit. Peter insisted in keeping on the line while he got there, and something in his voice made you reconsider your quick nap and hum in approval. Then, he began talking about his patrol and about how he almost broke his leg rescuing a lost kitten.
Tony made the occasional appearance, adding some snarky remark or just making sure you were okay. It didn’t worry you that he was so overprotective; they always were. Teen pregnancy was always a risk. From school, to people and social media, to health problems. A lot of things could go wrong in a teen pregnancy.
Minutes passed and, before you knew it, you heard the owner of the shop gasp in surprise. A male voice called your name, and you answered half-heartedly, almost ready to fall asleep there. From where you were sitting, you saw Iron Man impressive suit peeking over the shelves, and calling with one hand to a small figure, who ran to your side in seconds.
“Hey” Peter’s soft voice made you smile, and soon his fluffy locks welcomed you.
Peter kneeled on your right, his suit covered hand resting on your thigh and squeezing it carefully. He had bags under his eyes and a tired smile adorning his face. His locks were all over the place, still not used to the new mask Tony had gave him. You couldn’t resist the urge of running a hand through them.
As if it was a routine, his other hand travelled to your belly, covered by a horrendous pre-mom jacket he had made you wear. Still, both of you felt the baby kicking softly where Peter was touching it, and you smiled happy.
“Young woman, consider yourself the main cause of my grey hair” Iron man’s voice said.
Tony stepped out of the suit, leaving it on guarding mood on the beginning of the aisle; Spiderman’s identity was yet to be revealed. Although he looked slightly annoying from being out of his lab, he had a fond shine on his eyes, that was only directed to a few people in the world.
“I’m sorry I got you out of bed, old man” you heard Peter’s stiffen a laugh. “I just wanted something to eat.”
“Next time you can just call me” Peter said. “You know I can drop anything for you”
He would, and you knew it more than well. When he had discovered you were pregnant, you expected a lot of things. Walking out on you, insulting you, questioning the father of the child, excusing himself of its life. But Peter Parker had only hugged you tight and promised you that he would never move from your side, whatever you wanted or decided. And even proposed to leave highschool and search for some job.
Thankfully, aunt May and Pepper took that idea out of his mind quickly.
“I could use some spiderman swinging right now” you said, using your best puppy eyes. You faked a small pout and watched as Peter’s eyes widened. “I’m really, really tired… I walked here and all. And I want to go to sleep. Like, now.”
“What? Why?” Peter panicked. “Do you feel sick? I can bright you a paper bin. Mr Stark, can you bring a paper bin? Or do you need anything else? Karen, can you call-“
“Kid, she’s fine” Tony rolled his eyes. “I’ve been living with her long enough to know those eyes. She’s just trying to get away with being lazy.
You chuckled and Peter relaxed his shoulders, muttering something to Karen about not bringing the ambulance. With his help, you got up from the chair and wrapped your arms around his shoulders. He hugged your back and rubbed his nose against your neck, curls tickling your cheeks. Tony said something about keeping it PG and going to pay for the snacks, but you didn’t move from the embrace.
Peter’s arms had something that made you want to stay between them all day, even if it was weird with a huge stomach in between. The hard plates of his suit felt uncomfortable against your skin, and it was too chilly for you liking; yet you enjoyed yourself for a little bit, not aware of what was waiting for you.
It had probably passed only a few minutes before you heard the man in the counter walking angrily towards you. Your lips were awfully close to his, previously having kissed his neck, cheeks and chin, when Peter pushed aside and the mask covered him quickly, just in time to see the man walking in the aisle with Tony hot on his heels. He was speaking so fast you couldn’t understand him, although it was true that your mind felt a little foggy. The lights bothered you, the noises were too loud and it was cold in that dammed shop. You only wanted to go back to bed.
Peter gripped your hand and managed to push you a little behind him, not liking the way that man was pointing an angry arm at you.
“…pay! You have to pay for everything! Now it’s useless!”
“Hey man, I already paid for everything. And gave you a tip!” Tony raised his arms, and with a sharp look stopped the suit from frying that man. “This is ridiculous, you can’t even properly speak my language.”
“No, you pay more! She sat, and now useless! No one is buying the chair no more, and shop close if doesn’t have money! Pay!”
“Mr Stark?” Peter asked, voice unsure but ready to jump into the argument. By then, you were leaning on his back, cheek pressed against his shoulder blade while his thumb caressed your palm.
The man shouted something in his language. Judging by the small black moustache, dark skin and long clothes, he was probably muslim. He kept pointing to the chair, as if he wanted desperately for you to notice something.
And, in an ironic way, you were the first one to do so. You should had probably noticed earlier; the discomfort, the constant need to pee. Those were alarming signals, but you had just confused them with cravings and maternity hormones. While Tony shouted back and forwards with the man, you got stuck looking at the red stain on the chair you had been sitting on mere seconds ago. Some of it had leaked to the ground, and just then you were aware of the sticky feeling on your legs. Looking down, you saw the grey leggings darkened, and you gasped.
“You al-“
Peter stopped at midsentence when he noticed the blood on your thighs. Once you were up and not sitting, he could see the beginning of a larger stain of red. He didn’t mind when his mask fell off and the muslim man stopped talking in surprise, neither when, in an attempt to catch you, he crashed with the shelves on his back and knocked over some diaper’s boxes.
Tony had never heard such a desperation in the boy’s voice. He had you gripping on his forearms, face suddenly face and sweat rolling down your neck. His face wasn’t much better; wide eyes, tears already forming in them, and mouth open.
However, Peter didn’t get to say anything before you finally crumbled down on his arms while your world turned black.
As Peter swung through the buildings of New York, bag on his shoulders, all he could think was about the crib. The half-done crib you were trying to build in what would be the kid’s room, in the tower. You had decided to stay there, with Peter, and although he would miss May, he had been happy with the idea.
Until the moment came, and he had been too busy fussing over the avengers to build the crib; then, he felt miserable. It couldn’t have been his fault, as the little bundle had decided to come three fucking months earlier.
His heartbeat was wild on his ears, so loud that he couldn’t see or feel the wind that passed through him. If you were there, you would shout at him for going to fast. If you were there, you would make him focus on the task and forget about the damn crib. But you weren’t, you were in an hospital bed giving birth while he went for the bag, that thankfully he had already prepared.
In a daze, he found himself in the hospital. The whole ‘protect the secret identity’ was long forgotten, and he ripped the mask off his head in front of the nurse in charge.
“C-Can I help you?” the lady said, voice trembling. She blinked a few times, surprised to see such a young boy in the spiderman’s suit.
“Yes, yeah. I’m… Y/N Y/L/N. She’s-She’s my girlfriend. Pregnant” Peter stumbled over his words. “She-well, not any more. I guess? She’s giving birth. Early, thought. We had a problem in a shop and-“
“Room 311. That’s the third floor” the woman cut him, kind smile on her face. “Take the elevator, then it’s down the hall and to the right”
He didn’t even think. His mind was only a mix of white noise and blurry images passing through him. Peter ran to the elevator, resting his forehead against the metallic wall of it as it rose, exacerbating the swooping feeling he had been fighting since you fainted on his arms; like someone ripped the floor out from beneath his feet. He had been trying to prepare himself for that moment for months, reading all the available books he found and asking for advice to every person he knew.
But, the moment had arrived and he didn’t even had the crib.
There was a woman waiting outside room 311, sipping from a water bottle and wearing awful expensive clothes. She had her hair tied up in a bun, and Peter barely recognised her as the lawyer Tony had gotten for you. Without sparing her another glance, he sprinted past her and almost kicked the door open.
It was sort of a nightmare, what lied behind that door. Peter thought his mind filtered out the worse of it, yet when he opened it and found you sitting on a bed, the end of it covered by blood, he was ready to faint himself.
Tony was by your side, shouting something over the phone with a frown on his face. And you were crying. Fat, big tears were making their way down your chest, and Peter’s knees became jelly. He managed to step up to your bed.
You looked up at him briefly, eyes squeezed in pain. You didn’t make any sound of recognition, but grabbed his hand in an iron grip and squeezed it. Peter immediately got the hint, and used his other hand to avoid the sweat getting into your eyes.
Tony got out of the room after nodding to Peter, taking the bag out of his white knuckles and placing it on the chair. Bile rose up to Peter’s throat when a particularly pained scream left your lips. You leaned over for a second, before relaxing slightly.
He took that as his cue to start whispering soothing words to you. They didn’t do much, and you only wanted to push him apart. But his voice was trembling, his hands were shaking and Peter had also tears on his eyes. So you let him keep talking while the next contraction hit you.
“You seem awfully close to passing out” you tried to joke, enjoying the few seconds of rest. Peter let out a nervous chuckle.
“That’s probably because I am” he whispered. “But I’m not! I promise, I’m not moving. Squeeze my hand, do whatever you want. I’ve read that maybe insulting me might-“
“Pete” you interrupted him, breathless. “I’ll be okay. The baby will be okay, doctors get preemies in here all the time, they know how to take care of them”
Peter’s thought went back to the unfinished crib, how he might had been the one not prepared. He would willingly give his life away from you. But taking care of another life? He wasn’t so sure about that. Even with the financial support of your mother and Tony, they were still a lot of things to solve. Like, highschool, life changes, his schedules.
He didn’t get to continue the list of things he could do wrong because it happened.
One second he was whispering just one more push to you, the next the room was filled with the sound of crying. It was like the first time he heard the heartbeat; it came from everywhere. It came from inside him, he could heart it in his bones. Already, Peter knew he could never forget it.
It wasn’t loud, just tiny mewling noises. The nurses rushed forward with clean towels to wipe away the blood. They were swaddling something in their arms, talking in hushed whispered. He can’t hear your voice calling him over the kid’s low cries. A blonde old nurse came forward, looking at you with soft eyes and asked you something.
Peter’s ears seemed to snap open to her words.
“Would you like to hold her?”
Vaguely, he registered the doctor talking to you about delivering the placenta next, but you nodded excitedly. Peter turned everything he had heard, seen or felt in his life down, and only focused on the blonde nurse standing by your side, offering up a bundle of blankets with a baby, his baby. The room became blurry because of his tears, and he had to sit down.
Next to you. So, Peter saw the little head between the blankets. And he cried.
“Remember to support her head-yeah, like that! I feel like you’re gonna be a natural.”
Peter didn’t actually heard what came after, neither did you. His ears aren’t ringing anymore, either. It was just him, the love of his life laying on a bed, and the bundle of happiness the world had decided to gift him with. A wriggling and squirming little baby girl, with her rounded cheeks flushed with red. Her tiny daughter.
The words made him choke on his sobs, and he covered his mouth with his hand. The love that crashed him was like anything else; it eclipsed everything, warmed him like a rising sun and washed away the thought about the crib.
There wasn’t anything he wouldn’t do, there was nothing that meant more to him that that moment.
“Hi, baby” you whispered.
Blindly, she reached towards the source of the voice.
Ten years ago, you had met Peter Parker. A boy with asthma, thin and a little nerdy; that had given you a silly necklace with a self-made atom. The same way it had captured your attention, and since that moment you had stuck to his side, your daughter gripped it with chubby fingers, and her cries died down.
Peter felt as if he was staring at the sun. He put one hand on her head, and the baby, his baby, made a soft little whining sound. Her eyes fluttered open and, if Peter could, he would sit down again.
He couldn’t control the urge of turning your head to the side and crashing his lips to yours. You squealed in surprise, and some nurses gasped. You were both sweaty and with tears on your eyes. The kiss tasted salty, it was awkward because the position and couldn’t last long because they had to take the little girl to the NICU. But it felt like the most perfect kiss of all times.
“I love you” he cried, not bothering to hide his sobs anymore. “I love you, I love you, I love you…”
You giggle wetly at him, and pulled him closer for another kiss.
Things were going to be hard. Teen pregnancy, highschool, a premature baby and a whole new world waiting for you. But something in Peter’s gut, his Peter’s tingle, told him everything was going to be just fine.
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Tom Tags:
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Oh my god can y’all.. can y’all believe artists like. exist. Good god. Amazing stunning beautiful incredible show! stopp!ing!!!
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ANDI!! congratulations on your milestone! you deserve all of them and so many more, writeblr is so lucky to have such an amazing person like you!! could i get a 🌈?
“🌈“ - wip rec!
faultless by @blossomov is, and i’m not exaggerating when i say this, one of my all-time-favorite wips on tumblr, hands down! faultless is a sci-fi wip that takes place in a world where science is the new god, humanity is legend, and technology is the norm. but what happens when the most ancient species appears in the system again? dun dun dunnnn!
faultless is so incredibly good and i just!! love this wip so much akdjwakda. i highly recommend you check out faultless and castor out if you haven’t already, you won’t be dissappointed! (also castor is such a wonderful person so go show her some love please!)
come celebrate 200 with me!
#AZKA THANK YOU !! ILY SM 🥺💕💕#HOPE UR HAVING AN AMAZING DAY BABIE!!!#friends#the azka tag!#* celebrations!#* andi's 200!#andi answers asks!
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Oh my god can y’all.. can y’all believe Cat like. exists. Good god. Amazing stunning beautiful incredible show! stopp!ing!!!
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💜✨ This is an Amazing Creator Award! Your creations are incredible, and they light up every dashboard they land on. Pass this on to eight of your favorite creators to show your appreciation and let them know their art is loved! ✨💜
🥺🥺 STOPP ilu and coming from my queen of kpop creators herself ❤️
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