#amazing eyelash extensions
lavishsalonlashesusa · 10 months
What’s the newest trend in good lash extensions in Vancouver, WA?
Setting the standard for the newest trend in Vancouver, WA's lash scene, Lavish Salon Lashes has become synonymous with outstanding eyelash extensions. Here's a summary of the reasons Amazing Eyelash Studio Vancouver WA is becoming popular. Read more: https://medium.com/@lavishsalonlashesusa/whats-the-newest-trend-in-good-lash-extensions-in-vancouver-wa-275e4f0c3d0b
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elliethefroggy · 2 months
Buck doesn’t let his jealousy get the better of him, doesn’t body check Eddie at the basket ball match, Tommy doesn’t go over to his apartment, there is no kiss, Tommy does not ask Buck out on a date.
What happens instead is this:
Tommy becomes an honorary 118 member, starts hanging out more and more with everyone from 118. By extension, Tommy starts spending more and more time around Buck. Tommy finds it very inconvenient when he starts crushing on a supposedly straight Buck (Tommy tries to resist but that resistance crumbles every time Buck smiles at him).
Queue Tommy secretly pining over Buck, and sighing longingly whenever he catches a glimpse of Buck.
Now in my mind, Tommy and Chimney remained pretty close after Tommy left, close enough for Tommy to drop everything the moment Chim calls to steal a helicopter. Chim also undoubtebly knows about Tommy’s sexuality.
This means that Chim is witness to Tommy’s pathetic pining. This also means that Chim is there to catch Tommy spending far too much time looking longingly at Buck’s various assets.
“Buck’s going to remain straight no matter how long you stare at his ass,” Chim reminds Tommy. This is not the first time Chim has had to remind Tommy of this.
Tommy sighs despondently, “I know. Doesn’t mean I can’t admire the view.”
“This wouldn’t be nearly as difficult if Evan didn’t have both gorgeous looks and gorgeous personality,” Tommy says one night at a bar. Being a good friend, Chim has started taking Tommy out whenever Buck’s straightness becomes too much for Tommy to bear.
“He’s just so adorable,” Tommy continues.
“I know, buddy,” Chim says, patting Tommy on the back (Chim has also had to pat Tommy on the back a lot as of late).
“Are we sure Evan’s straight?” Tommy asks after the first beer.
Chim, with absolute certainty, says “Yes, now get over yourself, you sad, sad man.” And then Chim buys Tommy another beer because he’s a good friend.
And because Chim is such an amazing friend, Chim can’t help but pay attention whenever Buck and Tommy interact, mostly to make sure Tommy doesn’t make too much of a fool of himself.
Which means he’s also watching Buck, and he’s watching Buck watch Tommy.
And that’s when the doubt creeps in.
Chim’s known Buck for a few years now, has seen what Buck is like around women he’s attracted to, knows what Buck’s pining face looks like.
And he’s seeing that face now whenever Buck looks over at Tommy.
At first Chim doesn’t believe his eyes, figuring that listening to Tommy compliment every single aspect of Buck from his eyelashes to his laugh has corrupted Chim’s brain, making Chim see things that aren’t there.
Because Buck’s straight.
The more Chim watches, the less he’s sure. Because there’s Buck being somehow both endearingly awkward and seamlessly smooth around Tommy. There’s Buck spending way to long gazing into Tommy’s eyes, and staring at Tommy whenever Tommy’s not looking. There’s Buck zeroing in on Tommy every time Tommy enters the room; There’s Buck holding onto every word coming out Tommy’s mouth. There’s Buck laughing at every one of Tommy’s jokes (and, sure, Tommy’s a funny guy with a real dry sense of humour, but he’s not that funny).
If Chimney didn’t know any better, he would say that Tommy’s not the only one who’s got a crush.
All signs are pointing to Buck wanting to hold Tommy’s hand, go on romantic walks along the beach with Tommy, as well as do more than PG13 things to Tommy.
Does Tommy actually stand a chance?
Chim doesn’t want to get Tommy’s hopes up straight away. He needs to make sure that his hunch is correct. He needs to gather more data.
So Chim starts inviting Buck and Tommy everywhere he can think of, and then pretends to take a really long time in the bathroom so that Buck and Tommy can have some alone time while Chim is hiding behind a bush or a potted plant depending on the location, spying on them.
Tommy, because he’s a very observant person, notices Chim in the bush with binoculars pointed at where Tommy and Buck are seated, and confronts Chimney after Buck has gone home.
And Chim can’t keep a secret for shit, so of course he tells Tommy about his doubtS even though he really doesn't want to disappoint Tommy if it turns out that his hunch is wrong.
“I’ll keep investigating,” Chimney says, once again patting Tommy on the back, watching hope bloom on Tommy’s face.
Chim continues inviting Tommy and Buck to hang out, sometimes inviting others as well to avoid suspicion (Buck isn’t suspicious at all, but Hen has start narrowing her eyes at Chimney).
Tommy calls it torture, Chim call it science. Oblivious Buck is just concerned about the amount of time Chim spends in the bathroom. He asks Chimney if Chim’s having any any bowel problems. Chimney insists he doesn’t, but Buck figures Chim’s either putting on a brave face or is too embarrassed. Buck doesn’t bring it up again, but he does leaves some pamplets regarding bowel problems and their causes in Chim’s locker as well as sends Chim links to various medical websites.
Chim is mortified. Tommy finds it hilarious. Chim decides to attempt a different approach.
To try and throw Hen off the sent and to further advance his research, he gets Karen to drag them all to a gay bar to see how Buck reacts around other queer men (Karen is very amiable once Chim tells her of his suspicions; she always enjoys gossip).
Chim and Karen sit opposite Tommy and Buck, the better to observe them. Eddie, poor confused Eddie had to be discretely elbowed aside when he tried to sit next to Buck, and has been dragged next to Karen, supposedly so that Karen can arrange a play-date between Christoper, Denny and Mara. Though Karen is paying much more attention to Buck’s every micro-expressions than any word coming out of Eddie’s mouth.
Unfortunately, the gay club is a bust because Buck’s too busy learning about monster trucks from Tommy to pay attention to any other attractive man at in the bar. It’s hard to tell if Buck’s attention is due to an attraction to Tommy or if he’s just really interested in soaking up new information in that spongy brain of his.
Chim starts leaving queer memoirs scattered around the fire station (Karen gives excellent book recommendations).
Chim starts commenting on attractive men they see on the tele when it’s a particularly slow day at the station. He does this to such an extent that some of the members of B shift are wondering if Chim’s the one with a case of latent bisexuality. That thought is strengthened in their minds when Chimney starts bringing some those magazines with the romance quizzes in them: ‘Best guy for you’; ‘Your ideal guy’; ‘What your celebrity crushes say about your love life’; ‘Take this quiz to reveal your partner’s star sign’; etc.
Then Chim very loudly goes on about how gay and single Tommy is whenever Buck is in earshot (and now some of B shift think Chim’s planning on leaving Maddie for Tommy).
The first time Chim brings up how gay and single Tommy is, Tommy takes him aside to ask him what the hell that was about.
Chim says in response, “Listen, if Buck isn’t 100% straight, he needs to be aware that you’re on the market so that he doesn’t go check out all the other male fish in the sea.”
Buck doesn’t make a big deal out of Tommy being gay, acts his usual self. Though he does manage to slip into conversation that he’s an ally. And when Buck does that, Tommy feel his hope to one day hold Buck’s hand during a romantic sunset walk along the beach shrivels up a little inside him. Chim gives Tommy yet another commiserating pat on the back, and takes Tommy to a bar later that night so that Tommy can drink his problems away.
Meanwhile, Buck knows that Tommy being gay isn’t a big deal, but for some reason Buck can’t stop thinking about it.
It’s not like he’s ever had a problem with anyone’s sexuality before, so what is it about Tommy?
And representation really does matter. Here Buck is, being confronted with a Man, a big, muscular man like himself, who enjoys going to the gym like himself, who’s in a similar profession to him. And this man is gay.
And that’s going to cause something in his mind to shift. Maybe he doesn’t notice that shift at first, maybe it’s only subconsciously.
Maybe he’s going to start picking up a few of those memoirs that Chim’s been leaving around; Buck’s always been fond of non-fiction after all.
Maybe he’s going to ask Hen and Karen about their experiences figuring out their sexuality, their coming out stories (during this conversation, Karen will be staring intently at Buck, looking for any signs of the queer thoughts Buck may or may not be having).
(Chim is very happy with this because pointedly asking Hen and Karen about their queer experience was next on his game plan.)
Buck doesn’t ask Tommy about his sexuality though, not yet at least. Buck can’t seem to bring himself to ask Tommy. Though he doesn’t know why.
Then Buck does as Buck does best and goes on a research binge about all the different sexualities, but more specifically bisexuality (I imagine there is at least one sexuality quiz during that research binge).
And, at the end of that research binge, the results are conclusive. Buck is bisexual. Maybe he says that out loud in his empty apartment “I am bisexual” and it feels right and it feels so very exciting.
Once he realises that he’s bisexual, a lot of things start making sense. Including Tommy’s ass. Tommy’s very fine ass that Buck can’t help but stare at. And Tommy’s eyes. And Tommy’s hands as well. And Tommy’s laugh; And definitely Tommy’s smile. Basically all of Tommy.
Buck keeps his newly discovered sexuality to himself for a bit, wanting some time to himself to live in this new reality of his, basking in this new part of himself.
Also so that he can spend a few days staring at attractive guys without any knowing looks from his loved ones.
Turns out he spends most of those few days staring at Tommy which, again, makes sense.
Because he is such an open book, it doesn’t take Buck long to come out.
He decides to tell everyone at the next get-together. They’re all outside, having another barbecue at Bobby’s and Athena’s. Tommy is also present for this.
Everyone is of course supportive and happy for Buck. Chim is forcing himself to stay still, even though he really wants to jump up and down, high-five Karen, high-five Tommy, and then shove Tommy in Buck’s lap.
Meanwhile, Tommy is in his chair, having a deer-in-the headlights moment, staring up at Buck, wide-eyed, slightly pale, a forkful of potato salad halfway to his mouth. Tommy is so frozen that Chim has to nudge him so that his fork continues its journey to his mouth.
Tommy chews on the potatoes mechanically, no longer paying attention to the delicious taste that he’d been previously enjoying, too busy trying to act normal and trying to rein in his growing hope. By Chim’s side-eyes, Tommy isn’t doing a great job.
As the night goes on, Tommy forces himself to not approach Buck no matter how much he wants to, mostly because has forgotten how to act like a normal human being.
But then Buck is right there, in front of him.
“Hey,” Buck says.
“Hi,” Tommy replies. So far so good.
Buck is looking at him, and Tommy is trying to remember what he’s meant to do with his hands.
“Congratulations,” Tommy forces out because congratulations are definitely in order, “How are you feeling?” He asks, genuinely curious.
“Good,” Buck says in that sincere way that comes so naturally to him.
“Yeah, great. I feel, I don’t know, lighter I guess. I mean, I’m still me, but now I know why I spend so much time staring at men’s asses.”
Tommy snorts, “Yeah, I know the feeling.”
There’s a pause. Buck’s staring at Tommy, and Tommy’s staring at Buck, and neither want to look away.
“Hey,” Buck finally says, “tell me if I’m completely off base, but there’s this little Italian restaurant I’ve been meaning to try, and I was wondering if you’d want to come with me.” Buck stops, swallows. Tommy watches his adam’s apple move. Buck continues “Like, as a date.”
Tommy forces his eyes back up away from Buck’s neck.
“A date?” Tommy repeats, the hope inside him soaring.
“Okay,” Tommy says, smiling, not sure if he can believe what he’s hearing.
“Okay,” Buck says, smiling back. It’s a smile so soft that Tommy wants to trace it with his fingers, but they’re definitely not there yet and Tommy’s trying to act normal.
“Okay,” Buck repeats a little breathlessly, that soft smile still in place.
(During this whole interaction, Chimney is hiding in a bush, binoculars in hand. Karen is at his side, asking him what they’re saying.
“I can’t read lips!” Chim says, though he tries anyway with mixed results.
But then, Hen comes along and puts a stop to it, dragging Chim and Karen out of the bush and confiscating Chim’s binoculars.)
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tyxoxo · 1 year
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pairing: jeno x fem!reader
genre: smut, cam couple!jeno/reader
words: 2.5k
warnings: pwp, degrading, erotic asphyxiation/breath play (choking, headlocks/chokeholds), facefucking/throat fucking, spitting, slapping, near unconsciousness, reader wears eyelash extensions (didn’t know if this needed to be mentioned but its necessary to the story trust me!!) 
a/n: horny JAIL!!
playlist: deftones - beware • she_skin - 55
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“alright baby, tell ‘em what you told me earlier.” jeno’s words were sinfully sweet, filled with excitement to hear you voice your death wish to thousands of people. 
“i want you to go as hard as you can on me. don’t. hold. back…” you ended your request with a giggle, knowing the audience got a kick out of your boldness, which would only get stomped in the dirt by your boyfriend later. 
currently, the two of you were in your bedroom, only in your underwear: him on the ottoman at the end of the bed, and you sitting back on your heels in between his spread legs, both facing the camera. 
the stream had only started minutes prior. the first ten were usually spent sitting leisurely in front of the camera, drinking sips of water to hydrate for the scenes ahead. it was definitely unassuming at first, but once the comments started flooding in, any outsider would realize that this side of the internet was nothing but filth. 
you didn’t even have to look behind you to know that jeno sat there, eyeing all of the comments with a smug look of satisfaction, cock growing harder and harder by the second. even if there wasn’t a camera lens to glance at the top of the laptop, you would still be able to sense his anticipation. 
raddad234: can’t wait to see you destroy her pretty little mouth today _
vix3n11: what’s daddy have planned for his girl today? so happy to see you two after a long day of work - xoxo
those were just a few of the many subscribers tuning in for the night. just from the sight of your two faces alone, money started pouring in. 
01bbyGirl: just sent $50!!
prXncesS666: just sent $25!
“01bbyGirl, prXncesS666, we haven’t even gotten started yet! you’re too kind, thank you so much!!” you attached your hands to your mouth, followed by blowing a kiss to the screen.
jeno’s remained quiet, leaving you to do most of the “thank you’s” for any of the gifts or money sent, as you were more eloquent with your gratitude. truthfully, his job of looking delectable for the camera was more than good enough, and you always made an effort to mention that to him. 
he continued to caress your shoulders, slender fingertips tapping along your curved skin ever so often. 
“for those of you that just now logged in, i hope you all are having a good day/night, wherever you are. you haven’t missed anything, we’re just waiting on a few more people to join before we get started!” 
the viewers continued to rise with every blink: 
it was astonishing to say the least. every saturday, at 11pm you felt pampered. so many people—strangers who were obsessed with watching jeno manhandle you for however long he saw fit.
his stamina was never short of amazing, making you dazed, confused, cock drunk…whatever words described your undoing the best. 
“repeat it again baby…” jeno’s “strong but silent” façade was wearing thin as the stream progressed. as soon as the night of debauchery began, he would turn into a degrading machine. 
just as you set your bottle of water down from taking another sip, you smiled for the camera, eyes fluttering at the upcoming repeat of your death wish.
you looked back at jeno, who’s eyes had already transformed, pupils dilated to the size of a marble.
he smiled at your intentional doe-eyed expression, nodding his head to signal that you should and will repeat it.
“don’t take it back now.” he chuckled after, offering the right amount of lightheartedness. he nuzzled his face into your neck, rubbing his nose up and down the smoothness of your skin. he inhaled deeply, catching the scent of your pleasant perfume.
“i’m nottt. don’t worry…” you giggled, leaning into his feline embrace.
“i’m sure you guys can tell jeno’s excited. reiterating from earlier, i decided that i want him to go as hard as he can on me tonight. no holding back…”
jeno missed the comments that flashed by, as he was too absorbed in wrapping his arms around your neck, lips barely grazing across your warm cheeks.
uKKixo_9: are you sure can handle it babygirl?” 
osAkalov3r: woww, you’re such a perfect sub! ur gonna do great! i know you will!! 
the ability to read more of the comments were becoming increasingly difficult. it was evident from the fact jeno had strengthened his hold on your head and neck. 
he had only did a few chokeholds in the past, but this seemed different. 
he was hungry; starved to see you gasping for air at the very start.
the fluorescent colors of the vaporwave inspired chatroom began to melt in front of your very eyes, becoming blurry from his relentless affliction. you immediately brought your hands up to clasp onto his veiny arms, breaths getting hollow with every attempt to wiggle within his broad frame.
“you asked for this. let’s see how good you do.”
his tone had dropped an octave deeper, hitting against the vein that was now bulging from your temple. 
he had clearly done this on purpose, catching you off guard like this. you couldn’t even clear your throat, let alone speak. you attempted a shallow breath as he held you in place, saliva bubbling out past your trembling lips.  
“if you fucking pass out, i won’t get to use this throat now will i?” he spat against your ear, taking a peek at the chat. a devilish grin spread across his face, resonating through the laptop screen, completely high off of the comments plastering on the screen like bets. 
bets to see how long it would take for you to tap out.
you would go against all odds, no matter the sting, no matter the lack of oxygen. 
“you make me so fucking hard baby…mmh, all this cock is for you.” 
the ability to comprehend anything that came out of his mouth was nearly non-existent. you slammed your eyes shut, hoping to sacrifice your sight for the ability to hear, as the ringing got louder and louder.
as a result, you missed the chat,
1hEllygrrl0: i can’t help but touch myself, this is so hot
kInKstarxx77: you weren’t joking, jesus christ
you were sure your face was contorted into an unsightly expression from the pressure against your entire jaw, but the self-conscious thought didn’t matter. all that mattered was jeno’s love for seeing you struggle from his brute strength. 
just as you tried to hook your nails deeper into his arm and claw away at his taut skin, he released, arms flailing back, hitting against the arm rests of the velvet ottoman. 
you persevered through the burn surging from your trachea, making sure to keep your teary eyes glued to the screen. chest heaving, ragged breaths escaping from your glossy lips. 
now you understood the science behind being addicted to this; head spinning, ears blaring, skin tingling, heart racing. 
being on the brink of consciousness felt better than any runner’s high. more fulfilling than a wrestler on steroids. 
and you wanted more.
a single, heavy cough from deep within your chest was all that you were allowed to do. as jeno had already hooked a single arm around your neck, this time rising to his feet, and pulling you up to be face-to-face with his bulging cock. 
the viewers were no stranger to your boyfriend’s strength, especially the frequent donator’s. every now and then he would gift them with videos of him exercising at the gym, coming up close to his phone screen so people could see the sweat practically streaming down his chest and abdomen.
they all knew he could destroy you. 
the chat had an excellent view, now that jeno switched the position of the laptop so everything could be watched from the side. they all tuned in as jeno stood above you, running his fingers through his hair, before taking off his boxer briefs. you used that time to take as many deep breaths as you could, fearing that there wouldn’t be much opportunity left. 
his length stood loud and proud against his navel. his girth alone took up most of the view of his chiseled face as you panned your eyes upward.  
your star-crossed eyes still showed admiration behind the angst, waiting for his next command.
he was painfully hard, tip pink and leaking down the pulsing veins on his shaft. 
there was anything but self-control as he forced your head forward onto his groin, arousal immediately coating your eyelids, balls pressing against your closed mouth. fortunately you were still able to breathe through your nose, as you would grow accustomed to by the time this was over. 
he directed your head like a rag doll, smearing your face back and forth across his length.
“she’s gonna let me use this throat any way i want to…isn’t that right baby?”
all you could do was nod violently, not having the power to speak past his balls that were prodding at your lips.
your hands remained on your thighs, clawing at the skin to take your mind off of your own arousal, that was now leaking past your underwear. 
jeno peaked over at the laptop, smirking to himself at how pathetic you looked—being controlled like the useless slut you were always meant to be.
he found himself satisfied from that little show, knowing it was time to get down to the real art. 
with his left hand still locked onto the back of your head, he pulled you back, enough to give you whiplash from the sudden movement. 
“open up. tongue out.” 
those four words were all it took for you to obey, letting him guide his tip onto your drooling tongue. he didn’t bother starting off slow; all of the subtlety could be left to rot for all he cared.
he pushed past your lips, tip hitting your uvula in a single blink. you gagged instantly, heaving further onto his length. 
his let his head fall back, finding instant gratification in your supposed journey towards resilience.
what a sick joke, jeno thought, as he let out a sigh of relief. 
he kept you still for what felt like minutes, eventually using both of his hands to usher you closer to this bare groin.  
“be a good fuckdoll…show them you can take it.”
jeno was somewhat surprised you hadn’t tried to back away so soon, but considering the years of training that led up to this point, it had definitely paid off. 
though, he could tell when it became too much. the way you began to tap his thighs over and over, was a telltale sign that even your nose breathing didn’t offer invincibility to his wrath.
your taps had turned into slaps, somehow keeping a steady rhythm despite the world spinning around you.
he ignored you, just like you expected.
it felt too good to let you go, especially with the way your tongue spasmed along the underside of his shaft. 
you used all the strength you could muster, grasping his thighs and pushing your head back against his palms. 
mau5Queen: uh ohh, she’s in trouble now hehe!  
a coughing fit ensued as you successfully managed to release yourself. your hands remained on his toned thighs, head staring down at the floor where tiny little puddles of his essence had remained. 
he used his left hand to grip your chin, squishing your face together like putty. you held your breath as you met his eyes, brows furrowed in disappointment, lip upturned in a snarl.
the tears that stained your cheeks made a connection with his right palm, a single slap that was enough to make your head turn. 
“don’t try to run from me bitch. who said my cock could leave your mouth?” he growled, patience hanging by a thread that would soon snap into seething anger if you didn’t pull yourself together quick.
he grasped his dick once more, attempting to put himself back inside where he belonged.
you purposefully pursed your lips together with a shake of your head, preventing him entry…hoping he would slap you again.
he winded his hand up and brought it down on your cheek as you faced the laptop screen. giggling to the audience, and to your sadist boyfriend that your wish had been granted.
a scornful smile adorned his face, with only the nose-down of his figure being available to the camera, which made it all the more hotter. 
you kept your head facing the camera as he finally found himself inside, knowing he loved the sight of his dick poking through your cheek from this position. for once, he thrusted slowly, letting his cock slip out with a pop, occasionally directing his tip to rub against the corners of your mouth. 
you kept your hands locked behind your back to show obedience as he continued his playful actions like constant rewinds on a videotape. your saliva and his precum formed a delicious elixir, decorating your breasts in a lustrous shine.
“turn towards me, i wanna fuck this pretty little face…” he whispered into the cold air. you complied, opening your mouth wide. 
this was considered take 2 as he started up again. you made an effort to maintain eye contact this time, wanting to witness his looks of pleasure. 
he was unreal, managing to rough you up with so much finesse, keeping you hungry for more. 
the disgusting sounds of him fucking your throat not only filled the room, but the ears of all of your viewers. you wished to read more, but keeping your eyes locked on jeno was more rewarding. 
his mouth hung open, tongue darting out to lick along his upper lip every time you bobbed your head to match his momentum.
he reached one hand down to cup underneath your jaw and the other to rest on top of your head. this headlock was rare, only on the special occasions that he knew he would reserve all of his cum for just your mouth. 
your eyes started to burn as he used his middle finger to prop your eyelid up as high as it could go, the air from his thrusts brushing against your cornea. the most fucked out expression you could ever make, was there for all to see. wearing eyelash extensions was clearly a mistake, as you felt them detach one by one from his harsh pull on the delicate skin.
“look at you…so fucked up, just for me.” he choked up the words, feeling his orgasm approaching in the pit of his stomach. 
now you felt numb, not even realizing that your eyes had rolled back into your sockets. 
your chest had grown tight, body going slump from the spent ability to breathe in through your nose. your ears rang louder than ever before, a sign that this may be the last you would ever hear for a while. 
“i’m almost there, fuck!!” 
with one final thrust, jeno flooded your mouth with his cum, a string of groans overpowering the sounds of it bubbling inside your abused throat. spurts of milky white stirred you from the light that almost consumed you. 
“drown in my fucking cum…” 
he backed out in a flash, watching you stumble backwards onto the floor. 
your sprawled body was just out of view, leaving the chat to wonder if you really were unconscious. 
you weren’t, but lying there for a while sounded the most appealing.
prXncesS666: is she dead wtf? 
//tagging: @glitchfiles @jasminexox5
lmk if you want a part 2 of aftercare/subspace, cuz this was pretty hardcore sksksk.
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bimbosanddolls · 8 months
New Pinned Post
Hi! I'm Kiki! I'm your friendly neighbourhood bimbo doll! I am a trans lesbian in my 30s. I started this blog as a bimbo transformation writer and somehow I turned into real life bimbo in training. I'm a gamer girlie, fantasy football queen, and Sailor Moon fanatic. Oh! And I'm also the trophy wife of a super amazing wifey. So I probably don't wanna be your sugar baby. Anyway, I'm a super inclusive bimbo and see my bimbofication as something that's super empowering. I'm not here to be a good girl for Men; I'm just here to be a bestest bimbo I can be.
Here are the steps I'm already taking towards my bimbofication: ♡ cleaning up eating habits ♡ getting back into a regular fitness routine ♡ growing out my hair ♡ laser hair removal ♡ bimbofying my wardrobe (more pink!) ♡ lip filler (1cc) ♡ cheek filler (1cc)
And here are some of my bimbo goals: ♡ breast implants ♡ eyelash extensions ♡ get some sexy wigs for whenever I want pink or blonde hair ♡ get ears pierced ♡ Barbie "B" tattoo on my wrist ♡ Sailor Moon transformation wand tattoo... somewhere?
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darklovecat · 1 year
Beauty tips?
Taking my vitamins and beauty supplements every day!
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I believe that beauty and health go hand in hand so I got a complete blood work-up to figure out what vitamins and minerals my body was lacking, and I make sure I'm taking my them daily. On top of that, I take various supplements such as Collagen, Fish oil etc but I swear by my 10-gram daily collagen regimen. I take its powdered form right before going to bed and have noticed its benefits within a short time - My knees used to sound like a bowl of Rice Krispies when I bent down, but after a few days of collagen, the crepitus is gone. Plus, my hair is growing faster and my skin is looking plumper. It's done wonders for my joints, giving me a healthy glow, and making me look way more refreshed.
Having perfect posture at all times!
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I think this is a very simple but overlooked beauty tip that truly elevates your appearance. It's like the secret weapon of beauty, it can transform not just the way you look, but also the way you feel. When you stand tall and hold yourself with grace and poise, you radiate confidence and elegance. Good posture also has numerous health benefits. It can help prevent back pain, improve your breathing, and even boost your mood and energy levels. Ever since I've started incorporating Pilates and Ballet into my routine to build strength and flexibility, my posture has improved greatly. The way you carry yourself says a lot about who you are and by standing tall and confident, you'll not only look beautiful but also feel empowered and ready to conquer the world.
Getting 6 hours of quality sleep every night!
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You know what's a major beauty tip that most people sleep on? Sleep!! Forget about slapping on expensive creams and doing a gazillion steps in your skincare routine. You gotta start with the basics, hun. Get your sleep game on point, eat right, and manage your stress. Now, I know we all have different needs when it comes to sleep, so I won't give you a specific number. But trust me, beauty sleep is not a myth, it's legit! I turn on Night Mode on my devices at 6:30, pop my sleeping pills at 9:30, and hit the hay an hour later. Oh, and I'm not afraid to take a nap during the day if I need to. Don't underestimate the power of a good night's sleep. It's the secret to looking and feeling amazing.
Growing out my eyelashes!
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I take pride in my long and voluminous lashes, they're one of my best features and one of my most complimented features. However, my natural lashes were not always this way, they became longer through regular lash serum usage. I do not really need wear mascara and after a lash lift, my lashes appear as if I'm wearing extensions. While Latisse has worked wonders for me, it's important to note that the product does come with potential side effects such as orbital fat loss and irritation. Thankfully, I did not experience any adverse effects. Another caveat is that the product only works as long as it is used consistently. Despite these considerations, I wholeheartedly recommend Latisse. To see the results for yourself, check out the Real Woman Gallery.
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niiwa-angel · 3 months
I've started watching Golden Girls and holy shit!! It's amazing how REAL these women look! Their faces are natural, they're of course older women, but they actually LOOK like real middle aged women. Their faces have wrinkles, they have smile lines, you can see around their necks and ears that they have some loose skin. But they're still stunning
They're wearing makeup but it's not over the top, you can still see their real skin, it's makeup used to highlight their natural beauty, not cover up every minor detail. Their hair looks like it can be naturally achieved with basic washing, brushing, and at home styling, it's not keratin treatments galore and extensions. Their faces are diverse, nose sizes are different, their lips look natural and normal, they aren't over stuffed with filler.
They can make normal expressions and you can really see it on their faces. They aren't botoxed into mannequins. Their nails are manicured but still natural. They aren't entirely made of acrylics, they actually look comfortable to have on, they can still do things with their hands.
Their clothes look comfortable and they still look very elegant. They look like clothes I could reasonably find in a Maurices, and they can still move comfortably. It's not like today's actresses where you'll see them wearing things no everyday person could find but you could get a cheap replica from Shien that will break up after three washes. They occasionally wear high heels but those heels are only two to three inches high, not the best but not terrible either, they can still walk, jog, dance, and move comfortably.
The "sexy" one, Blanche, is absolutely stunning. She's a gorgeous woman, but she still looks like she's in her fifties (that is not a bad thing). Her hair has some grey around the ears, her bosom needs a little extra support, she has some extra inches around the waist like most women who have lived a full life, worked a job, had children and raised them, socialized with other people, and aged naturally.
And this post isn't supposed to be about men, but the men are very natural looking too. Their faces are just as diverse as the ladies, noses of different sizes, wrinkles, natural bodies (not over muscled and dehydrated for days so they have no body fat hiding those muscles), and their hair is thinning (because the show is about people in their fifties or older) without having plugs.
You never see things like this today. Even the older women in TV and Movies have their wrinkles and blemishes botoxed or CGId out. The clothes always look horribly tight and uncomfortable, their hair looks fake. Their nails look fake, the eyelashes are extensions, pretty much all of them have fakes over their teeth that makes their lips look extra fake with all the filler. They all look like Snapchat filters.
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dulcegyaru · 2 years
🌺 Low Spoon Gyaru 🌺
Gyaru is one of those lifestyles that isn’t necessarily focused on luxury brands or bougie stuff but is high maintenance to some extent. High maintenance can be several things: effort, time or money. Here are my tips on doing gyaru with minimum effort for those who are low on energy.
Keep in mind for some things to be effortless the price may go up.
Gyaru has 5 “pillars”:
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Not every gal has to be tan, theres sub-styles that don’t require it such as hime-gyaru. The tanning in gyaru was developed to fight beauty standards in Japan. Depending on where you are maybe tanning is the beauty standard maybe it isn’t. To me the important part is having healthy skin you feel confident in so I’ll twist this pillar to hygiene instead.
If you’re low spooning opt to do the pit stop:
Basically one shower for everything:
- clean your body, wash your face, brush your teeth and wash your hair (if it’s hair wash day)
Some people may find it gross but honestly it’s convenient. You’re already there, water is already running. Instead of having several steps you can just do everything in one place.
After wards it’s just treating face, body and hair. Start by your face so you don’t have to rinse your hands whenever you change products.
You may find yourself a bit more energized and happy for once you’re all clean and ready for the day.
Personally clothing is relatively easy if you already have a gyaru closet going on however if you don’t thats fine. Stick to a couple of safe and easy outfits: comfy and sexy are two words that should be in your outfit. Gyaru isn’t really a clothing focused style and almost everything can be made gyaru as long as the hair and makeup are top notch. Choose your favorite feature in your body and exploit it.
Personally, to me my legs are my best feature. So I base my outfits around that. Shorts, skirts, socks and leg warmers are my favorite accessories. Notice how these outfits look gyaru but there’s no heavy accessorizing and nothing gets in the way? Thats what you should strive for
If making outfits is something you struggle with go to Pinterest and check some outfits out, look for regular outfits and see how they can be gyaru-fied. Everskies is an amazing app where you can create outfits as well. Try to create stuff there. Theres groups in apps like amino where you can get crit and ask for tips.
Keep the clothing you like at an easy access place, maybe the front of your closet, maybe a rack outside. Repeating items and outfits is ok.
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Here’s where it gets a but more complex. Some gals say no make no gal, others say it’s completely fine. To me even though makeup is a huge part of it, gal is about lifestyle and ideals.
Personally I’ve managed to reduce my makeup routine from 1-2 hours to 5-15 minutes. Obviously makeup requires skill and practice so maybe what takes someone a minute may take you 5 (such as eyeliner or lashes)
To reduce time select that which you don’t enjoy and remove it. Heres a list of things I don’t do:
Foundation: I have acne, I used to hide it by wearing foundation but im not embarrassed by it anymore. I really don’t use it unless I want to have like a seamless moment for an activity or if im posting on social media. Most of the time I wear foundation im not really doing Gyaru makeup anyways
The nose contour: Im black, my nose doesn’t look good with the whole stripe contour moment. Plus it looks odd from the sides. If i do wear foundation I follow my natural line to bring definition back to the face but i try to avoid if
Contacts: not really makeup but I hate them
Basically most of my makeup centers on the eye area. And even then you can avoid some steps.
If you color your eyebrows you can be up to 3 weeks with color so technically you can avoid doing your eyebrows besides from brushing and grooming (if necessary).
You can get eyelash extensions, now days lash techs are posting their lash maps and some pf them are creating anime/manga themed lashes which match the appearance of some daiso lashes.
You can half line your eyes instead of trying to do a full line eyeliner look. This is easier put visually but hopefully y’all get the gist. I might do a tutorial in the future. Honestly makeup is the only thing you really need the spoons for and even then removing some aspects that do not serve you can reduce it by a lot.
Get press ons. Seriously there’s a bunch of people on Instagram making beautiful sets and they’re relatively cheap. You only have to prep your nail a lil and put them on.
Hair is a bit complex as it kinda depends on the sub style you’re under. However for most (excluding hime) you only need layers. To me gyaru hair is very similar to scene kids once they’re leaving the style. The layers are a bit long, there’s some nice facial framing, color and cute bangs. If your hair meets these, you can just leave it as it is honestly.
Braids are a low maintenance option as well as wigs. Or simply having your natural hair texture theres not a lot of images of gyaru hair outside of straight and wavy, but hair is hair you don’t need a certain texture to pull it off just the main features. Curly hair can have bangs and layers. You can do layers and bangs with braids + add any color you like.
Worst part about braids is having to sit at the chair for hours but if you have the spoons for it, do it, you can be up to 3 weeks (more or less) with braids so that’s something you don’t have to worry about for quite a while.
For wigs, I recommend wigs that already have bangs in them, you just need to plop your hair in a cap and pop it on. It takes practice but once you get the hang of it it takes no time. Also it’s best to divide it in 2: put your wig cap at night, put your wig on the next day, that way it’ll be less exhausting
For straight hair, get one of those hair drier brushes, takes less effort than a blow drier + brush. You can skip the iron and you get volume so you can skip any extra steps.
For those with wavy and curly hair, work on finding the right products for yourself. The diffuser is your friend tbh in this case is just technique and good products. +++ remember to put your hair on a pineapple and bonnet to retain the curls.
For easy hair styles:
Twin claw clip tails
Half up half down (with claw clips)
Half up, half down pigtails
Space buns (low space buns are easier)
Literally almost anything involving one bug claw clip is a massive go to hair style
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thecandywrites · 7 months
Monster Marcjh 2024 - Day 5- Cervitaur
The Velvet Spa
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So, same setting, different characters this time. But here's the piece from last year.
The Velvet Spa is a medical spa specifically geared towards tuars of all kinds, either bi-pedal or quadrapedal- of every kind. They do winter coat removal/de-shedding in the spring. Antler growth supliments and special velvet shampoo to help your antlers grow to be the best that they can be. Hoof trimmings year round. Horn shaping and polishing if you have horns vs antlers. Velvet stripping in the fall and antler shedding in the winter and normal- massages, hair styling, facials, eyelash extensions. Micro-dermabrasion, dermaplaning, botox injections.
And in case you're wondering, yes I was absolutely inspired by Girl With The Dogs on Youtube.
As always, thank you to @borealwrites for making an amazing Monster March 2024 Prompt List.
Monster March 2024 Day 5- Taurs - 
The Velvet Spa
“Thank you for calling The Velvet Spa, this is Charlize, how can I help you?” You answered the phone when it rang in the back from it overflowing the calls in the front. It was the spring, that meant deshedding appointments out the wazoo, overbooked schedules and the phone practically ringing off the hook. 
“Charlie! I’m so glad I caught you!” Came the all too familiar voice from the other side of the phone as your shoulders dropped and you almost regretted picking up the phone. Everytime Otto called- it meant, he needed a favor. Big ones. And right now- was not the time to be calling in those favors. It was spring de-shedding time. The place was super busy, your day was booked solid. 
“Otto, I’m booked solid Bud.” You immediately told him. 
“Really? Come on, please? I need a huge favor for a friend. It’s an emergency!” Otto proclaimed. 
“Then go to the Emergency Room.” You insisted. 
“Not that kind of emergency. Come on, please? Name your price Charlie, I need a Hail Savior. Please. I’m desperate and I know you’ll come through. And you’re the best de-shedder in there. And it’s not for me, it’s for a friend. He’s here for a big business thing and he’s from the East Coast and he’s only here for a couple weeks, but he started to shed his winter coat last night and today he’s miserable. And no one de-sheds like you do. I gave him your card and recommended you specifically.” Otto insisted. 
“Then why isn’t he calling me?” You asked. 
“He did! Several times! But you’ve been busy with clients! He tried talking to the front desk people but he got the run around and they can’t get him in while he’s here, he leaves in a few days. But his proposal and big meet is tomorrow morning. My Man can not work his magic and make this deal if he’s sweating his own fur off into his suit, which that’s not good for anyone. It’s a really big deal. It’s his future on the line. Come on Charlie. Please? If you’d just stay late, I’ll buy you dinner, anywhere you want to go or give you a gift card, or bottle of wine or whatever you want. Please. I’ll even make a down payment on half of his services if you can just get him in. Please?” Otto begged as you took a deep breath and a long exhale. 
“Fine. Is he there with you?” You asked. 
“Yes! Thank you. Yeah, let me get him. I’ll make it up to you when I get paid again.” Otto insisted. 
“I’ll take a gift card, for at least a hundred dollars. And you’re lucky you’re family Otto. You’re costing me a dinner date.” You grumbled as you had to pull out your phone and shoot a text to your date that you had to work late and would need to reschedule. You should know better than to try to have any kind of social life during the spring de-shedding season. 
But the date just blew you off for being a “catfish” for dodging another date with him. Oh fuck this dude. You were gonna be making bank tonight. You didn’t have time for his shit anyway. You quickly blocked his ass while you waited for your second cousin to get his “friend” on the phone as he walked through the office building he worked in. 
“Ok, Charlie, meet my friend Antony. Antony, meet Charlize, aka Charlie.” Otto quickly introduced when he handed the phone over. 
“Hi, Charlize was it?” You heard another voice offer. 
“Hi Antony. My name is Charlize, friends call me Charlie. What can I do for you?” You asked in your nicest tone you could muster. 
“I desperately need a deshedding appointment.” He confessed. 
“Of course, let me look up my schedule real quick to see when I can squeeze you in.” You offered when you looked up the schedule on your phone and tried to find an opening. 
“Please, thank you so much for this, it’s an emergency. I have a big presentation at work tomorrow. And I can’t go in looking like a patchy schmuck.” He pleaded as your eyebrows knitted. It had been a little while since you last heard the term ‘schmuck’. But he was from the East Coast, lingo was absolutely localized you suppose. 
“Well, here’s the thing, I think I can squeeze you in at 7. But since it’s an emergency evening appointment, it’s usually double for those.” You warned. 
“Make it triple. I need the works. I need a deshedding treatment and a conditioning treatment as well as a proper full body blow out and brush.” He answered as you nodded in understanding, you figured. You pulled up Otto’s file and filed this under an ‘Emergency Appointment for Friends and Family’ and made an opening in your schedule only to immediately fill it out for this guy as you started adding all of these services to the appointment.  
“Ok. I can do that.” You nodded in agreement. 
“And you said it was at 7 right?” He asked. 
“Yes. If you could get here at a quarter till, that would be best.” You urged him. 
“I’ll definitely be there. I just woke up this morning and with my morning shower, clogged the drain and all day, I feel like I keep dropping clumps of hair under my clothes and I look like a yearling getting their first spring shed, I practically have spots again.” He complained. 
“Oh you poor thing. You know if you get straight lye…” You began. 
“It’ll eat the hair in the drain. Yeah. I know. Already did that at the AirBnB I’m staying in while I’m here.” He confirmed. 
“Good. I would hate for you to have plumbing problems on top of everything else.” You grinned as you set up his services in the system and the appointment. 
Dang it. You were not going to be able to get food until at least 8:30 now. But this guy was about to drop some serious coin at this appointment and even if he left you a minimal tip, it would be enough to buy you dinner at least. 
“Yeah, that wouldn’t be good. Thank you so much for getting me in and getting me in so quickly. Can I like- get you dinner after or something?” He thanked you with overwhelming gratitude. 
“Nah you’re good. I get it, you’re here on business and you’re in a pinch and most people have no control over when they go into the rut or their velvet dies, or when their bodies decide to shed their winter coats. I’m glad I could get you in Antony. I hope you crush it tomorrow.” You offered. 
“Now, I have to take you to dinner.” Antony tried to offer as you could hear his smile through the phone.  
“Really, Antony, you don’t have to, it’s ok. Plus, my boyfriend is making me a rack of lamb for dinner anyway.” You tried to lie. The last thing you needed was a pity date from Mr. East Coast - never-gonna-see-him-again. 
“Oh, ok. Well, I’ll still see you at seven then. I really appreciate it.” Antony graciously offered. 
“You’re welcome. See you at seven.” You offered before you hung up and tried to finish your lunch without eating any hair from any clients. You were going to sweat at least five more pounds of sweat off today in the process. But, your clients needed it. 
You finished off your lunch before you grabbed your gloves and went to the waiting room to get your next client. 
Every client with fur was coming in for the spring de-shed of their fur. Antler shedding was dead of winter, which was always a big boost for the winter holidays. But only some had antlers, some had horns depending on their species and some genders. But winter coat de-shedding? That was everyone, every version of a taur was coming in for de-shedding appointments now. 
And The Velvet Spa? It had the best equipment and the best, most highly trained specialists in the state practically. It was a high end medical spa. And catered to taurs of all kinds. 
The spa had special deshedding shower heads. Where a deshedding specialist could get into a large 2 person shower with a client and give them a full body wash with the de-shedding shower heads and de-shedding shampoo and conditioner. Often, the hair catchers around the drain would just be a glob of shed fur that got put into a special trash bag. Then from there, the client would be moved to a dryer box, or “hurricane cage” with the specialist, who now had a special blow dryer nozzle and would blow dry the client out, all over their body and then once the client was blow dried out, inside the special “hurricane cage”. Then they got a full body brushing and deshedding so that all their hair, from head to toe, or head to hoof in other cases, would get brushed out and would lay right. And then, once that was done, the client would look and feel like a brand new person. 
Thankfully, you were able to get by- in the afternoon as it turned from afternoon to evening by a few fruit and nut granola bars. It wasn’t real dinner by any stretch of the imagination but it was better than nothing and Bianca kept the snacks overflowing during these times in the year just for this purpose. 
You barely made it out to the lobby by 7, after seeing your last client off before you were handed his folder when you saw his receipt stapled to the itemized service order. Holy shit, this man, not only paid for everything you put in here, but left you a huge tip. The largest of the day. Well damn. He meant business. 
“Mr. Morrigan?” You called out before a very handsome cervitaur nearly jumped to his feet and hurriedly came up to you. Damn it, you should have said yes to that date with him. Fuck. Why did you lie to him about the whole boyfriend and dinner thing? Because you didn’t want to be the pity date. Of course, it would figure that he would be the sharpest dressed man in the waiting room. Fuck. He must have been Mr. Big Shot. Damn it! He was only here for a few more days, and you’d never see him again. You were looking for something with a lot more permanence in your love life anyway. So you simply put on a polite smile while inwardly kicking yourself. 
“Yes, that’s me.” He offered. 
“So you’re Otto’s cousin Charlie?” He guessed. 
“Yes. I’m Charlie. Nice to meet you Antony.” You shook his hand. Fuck, he may have been shedding, but the man smelled damn good. His cologne was making your mouth water. 
“So, big presentation tomorrow eh?” You recalled as you had him follow you to the shower room. 
“Yes. It’s a quarterly update, my company got a lot of seed money and it’s a report to the investors on how well said seeds are growing. I’ve been practicing it all week in between being walked through how things are run out here. I’m just really nervous and then to add this surprise shed, might as well be a blown tire on my way to an interview as far as a monkey wrench into things. Normally I have a different place I go to- back east. But I feel silly just flying back, just to get this done, just to try to fly back here in time.” He offered. 
“Oh, I totally get it. And yeah, it’s a lot to risk, just to get de-shed, which to most people who don’t have fur- seems kind of a silly thing, but it’s like- trying to do this with a really bad hair cut and getting your hair destroyed by a newbie hair stylist who was trying to give you auburn and ended up giving you neon purple instead. It’s a big deal and it’s important to look and feel your best.” You readily explained.
“Yes! Exactly!” He nodded. 
“Well, I’m glad I could get you in and this totally counts as a total emergency. Well, here’s your room. Get undressed, put on the bathrobe and then leave the room by the door on the other side. I’ll be locking the room from this side so that no one can come in and steal anything while you’re getting your fur de-shed. Ok? And I’ll meet you on the other side.” You offered before you locked the door and then put his paperwork in the file holder outside the room before you quickly walked around and entered the spa from the back and got your bay prepared while he undressed.
He came out the other side, with just a towel around his waist. God damn, he was jacked and hulking. He must have had one hell of a rack over the winter too. Figures, of course he was, this could not get any better or, worse depending on your point of view. He may have had at least four inches of fur all over, but you could see those pecks and abs from here. Lord have mercy. God damn it, a pity date with Mr. Gorgeous didn’t sound so bad now did it? 
“Ok, we’re in here.” You gestured to the shower stall, that was frosted at waist height to preserve some modesty to them as you put on your special shield and gloves after filling the canister on the special shower nozzle with one hand and your special shower scrubber in the other hand. 
“Ok, do you want to go face first or back first?” You asked. 
“Uhh, back?” He asked. 
“Ok, feet or hooves in second position. You will want to put your hands on the bar though once you adjust the temperature of the water to your liking.” You gently warned him before you used the toe of your waders to kick over a special stool to step on and not slip so you could get to the top of his head behind him as he turned the rain shower over him on and turned it up to a hot temperature as the stall filled with steam before he took a moment to get wet and relax for a moment before you went in and took the special nozzle and started washing the top of his head, seeing the now fuzzed over patches where his antlers would be growing out in the summer and fall. 
You would make swipes with the deshedding shampoo nozzle with one hand and used your massaging scrubber in the other. 
Antony could do little but moan and groan in pleasure as all kinds of hair got un-impacted down his body. 
He put his hands splayed out on the shower wall and simply melted into this. His ears drooped and his shoulders sagged as even his belly softened as his eyes closed in serenity. As you could see in the reflection of the glass on the inside that he got an erection too. 
It was seen as unprofessional to appraise a client’s genitalia, but- he had been blessed with more than just good looks. But you kept your eyes and your focus on the professional service you were offering, as the professional you were doing your best to be. You went from his head, to his neck, to his shoulders and back, even his rear. And down the back of his legs. 
“Ok, turn around so I can do the front please.” You requested before his eyes snapped open before his hands covered his erection as he seemed to look around for something to use to hide it. 
“Sir, it’s a natural reaction to the service. It happens to everyone. It’s ok. But if you really are uncomfortable, I can get you a hand towel.” You calmly and patiently offered. 
“No, I’m…I’m sorry. I’m just…I’m just not used to this. I mean, I have place back home that does something like this but…I’m just not used to having this…bad of a reaction and I’m so sorry. You’re an amazing professional, I’m so sorry.” He tried to justify as it was clear it was practically painful for him and the harder he tried to get his erection to go away, the harder it got and the higher it speared the air. 
“Really, Antony, it’s ok. I’m used to it. Even the old geezers get this reaction. And with them, I worry about them fainting because for them, it’s been decades since they’ve popped a boner and they’re not used to the blood flow being away from the head on their shoulders and we worry they’ll faint and slip and break a hip or break the one thing no man ever wants to break.” You tried to joke which got him to snort a laugh. 
“Here.” You put the scrubber down and gave him a hand towel to cover himself, because a little washcloth was not going to cover it.
“Thank you.” He thanked you as he used it to wrap around himself before he turned around and then closed his eyes and avoided your gaze as you rolled your eyes and changed out the bottle of deshedding shampoo into the nozzle before you continued with the process of washing his front, with the same care and attention that you had given his back. 
You also couldn’t help but notice he was subtly stroking his cock with the now wet and soapy hand towel. 
Whatever, at least he wasn’t propositioning you. And at least, he wasn't asking you to “take care of it” for any price. Which he would automatically dismissed as a client if he did. Surely, he knew the rules, same as you. 
“So, how long have you been working here?” He asked as he opened his eyes and watched as you washed one arm down while the other hand now kept the hand towel in place. 
“A year and a half.” You answered. 
“Well, I can see and feel why. This place was very highly recommended by everyone I worked with. Whether they were taur or not.” He appraised. 
“We work hard to keep our reputation as sterling as it is.” You offered as you got his belly and did what you could to work around his groin.  
“So…were you named after Charlize Theron or….?” He asked as you grinned. Very few guys tried that line. Was he subtly still flirting with you?
“Nope. I was supposed to be a boy, I was supposed to be born as a Charles. But then when I came out a girl, Charlize was close enough, and still a ‘Charlie’ either way.” You answered as you sat at your ankles then knelt at his feet to get at his quads better as you ignored the way his cock bobbed next to your head. 
Shit, were you ovulating? Why were you taking notice of every little detail with him? You had been cool with all of your other clients today, why was he sticking out so much? Maybe you needed to hit that vibrator in your car after work. Something. Or perhaps it was regret on exactly what you had lied to turn down. Probably regret. 
“Oh shit.” He groaned when you got to the top of his foot where the fur got finer before it would fade to an otherwise human looking foot as you grinned smugly and then really put your weight into the scrubber to scrub at his feet and ankles. 
“Why does that feel fucking phenomenal?” He asked as he couldn’t help but lean forward with his hands suddenly braced on his knees, letting you get an eyeful. But at least he was leaning on himself and not on you. 
“The especially fine fur on the backs of your hands and wrists and feet and ankles and muzzle, rarely gets the deep scrubbing that the rest of you gets. Even though it needs it just as much.” You answered before you switched to the other foot. 
“How expensive is that scrubber thing?” He asked. 
“Not any more expensive than any other scalp massager. We sell them out front, we sell this one and then cheaper options and more expensive options too. You can buy one before you leave.” You answered as you had to kneel and sit back on your feet and really get down to scrub as he was acting like this was some kind of religious experience. 
“How much is it to just get good scrub downs like this?” He asked. 
“Only $75 for full body scrub downs, during regular business hours, a hundred and fifty for after hours.” You answered.
“When are you available to do this again? Because you’re going way harder and doing a way better job than the girls back east ever do it.” He wondered. 
“Oh, well some specialists have a much softer touch and much gentler techniques for most things period. I’m obviously not. I’m much heavier handed than most are. For some though, I’m a bit too aggressive, others, especially when there’s impaction with fur or hair, need a more vigorous approach. Because it takes far too long to get the impaction loose if you go soft. And I don’t usually have that kind of time to take with every single client. Especially in the busy spring winter coat- de-shed.” You shrugged.
“There, any spots I should get again?” You asked as you rinsed off his hand towel and handed it back to him to cover over himself. 
“Oh, yeah, sorry. I’m, I’m good. Thanks.” He sheepishly took it to cover over himself awkwardly again.  
“Ok, let’s get you rinsed.” You nodded as you took off the canister and twisted the face to get the right setting and then got up on your stool. 
“And close your eyes.” You instructed before he did and held his breath while you got his face before you took the spray away to scrub at the soft, shorter, finer hair around his face and head again before rinsing it off. Then you moved to his neck and chest, and got his arms and belly then, had to ignore his groin to get his hips and legs. 
“And turn around please.” You made a motion for him to turn before he did as you got back on the stool and got the back of his head, down his neck, then his shoulders as you ignored his subtle stroking of himself as you got to his butt and suddenly his strokes were faster as he leaned against the glass and had his eyes closed as you worked down from his rear to his hamstrings then his calves and ankles before he was pumping himself almost at a heinous pace as you just shook your head.
So much for being subtle. Men were always going to be men you supposed.  Maybe it was best you were seeing this, pop this attraction bubble you were in, and slip you right back into reality. You were a specialist, he was a client, leave it at that, period.
At least his body only tensed a moment later and he kept his sounds down before you got the special squeegee to try to get a fair bit of water out of his fur so you wouldn’t be in the hurricane room too long. 
“Better?” You asked once you finished as he seemed to get himself together. 
“Yeah, much, thanks.” He said as his cock was now, clearly softening. 
“That can go here, in the dirty laundry.” You urged him once you had turned the water off and took your face shield off and shoved your hood back too to keep your head from getting wet as you readily got the room cleaned around him and rinsed out the canisters to be refilled tomorrow. 
“If you’ll follow me to the hurricane booth.” You invited as you had him follow you across the room where a special booth was as you went and grabbed a special hat and hair net to keep you from inhaling any of his fur before you closed the door behind him and then turned on the vents as the air current around the room picked up. 
“Ready?” You asked. 
“Yup.” He nodded before you took the special nozzle and then used the super powerful blow dryer to power dry him, head to toe as you weren’t surprised when it was like it was a furnado in there for several hot minutes as you blew out his coat as the fan and circulation caught all the blown fur only a few moments after it detached from his body as you used a thicker metal de-shedding comb to get the bigger clumps. 
Granted, he was a big guy, but you still managed to get him dry and get out of there before you brought him back to his room to brush him out propper, grinning when he was groaning and moaning again. Maybe he was just unusually stressed and or touch starved. Probably both. 
Once you got him all brushed out, he did look so much better. Nice and clean, lean and neat and his fur practically had a satin sheen as it laid down in it’s natural pattern. 
“Ok, well, my job is done here. Feel better? Happy with how it turned out?” You asked him as you nodded to the full size mirror on the wall.
“Yes. You did an amazing job, thank you so much for getting me in on such short notice. I’ll schedule back with you when you have an available appointment when I’m in town next.” He insisted.
“I’d look forward to working with you again too.” You offered with another nod before you got out and walked around to get his paperwork and checked a few things off before handing it back to the front desk for when he would check out before you walked back into the back, eager to get out of this damn wader suit and wet gear. Although you were sure, you probably needed another shower yourself. But for now. You just needed to get your shit and clock out and get to your car where your vibrator was practically calling your name. 
You did just that, happy when there was a few hundred dollars cash that you could put into your wallet from cash tips and got out of there. Walking quickly to where you had backed your car into a parking space so you could just pull out of there.
You quickly got into your car and turned it on just enough to crack the windows to let the warm spring air in and so the windows wouldn’t fog up if you took a few minutes to get off. You quickly grabbed your vibrator and your little bottle of lubed and reached into your scrubs and under your gut and under your fupa to get at your mound and slip the lube around your nub while the vibrator took a second to warm up under your belly and between that and into the crux of your belly and thigh before you grabbed it and manuvered it in your pants before you managed to slip it in and then into position that when you would “sit” normally, the handle would just have enough contact with the seat that you’d be able to move it with just your core without having to keep a hold of it with your hands.
You turned the car off and then popped your headphones into your ears because you did not want what you were going to be playing to be loud enough for anyone to hear but you and got an incognito tab open, your favorite porn site, your favorite trope typed in, your favorite video soon popped up and you grinned excitedly.
The one with exceptional visuals and even better audio. The one where you could really hear the guy’s grunts, his growls, his snarles, his big heavy breathing that matched his big, heavy, furry, “monsterous” form. One that would fuck you senseless, the kind that used you without asking for permission, the kind that dominated you and you said ‘thank you’. The kind that was hung like a draft horse if not a brama bull and would really bulge your already plump and soft belly. The kind that would use you like a cocksleeve and fuck you until your mind broke. The kind that was strong enough to lift you and move you like a doll, and make your rolls jiggle and whose large hands would still get ample hold of your thighs and ass and breasts and belly. The kind that blew your back out and would make you look like you stuck a fork into a light socket and practically rearrange your guts while making your insides grin like an idiot. The kind that would choke you, spank you, rough you up just enough to shut you up and turn you into the kind of "good girl" most bad guys loved. But who could be wild and "tamed" and be tender and affectionate only moments after. That kind. 
You turned it on and melted into the experience and slipped into the fantasy and took a long, exhale as the tension in your chest started to melt as you ground down into the vibrator’s touch, canting it forward so it would really work over your G-spot while the rabbit would press against your clit. You had spent almost a heinous amount on this particular vibrator but it was perfect and worth it. You didn’t need much. You barely needed one whole video before you couldn’t help but lull your head back and scrunch your face as you bit your lip as your legs went straight and ridged. Your belly fluttered as your lower back got that good release and deep relax. A pleasured grin bloomed on your features as you opened your eyes and then looked out of the windshield. 
Then movement out of the corner of your eye as you turned to see Antony, sitting in the front seat of his huge SUV rental, across the way and down a bit. Shit, had he been there this whole time?! Fuck. Oh this could be a disaster. What was he doing back here? And what was he looking for? Shit, he saw you and smiled and was walking over after he got out of his vehicle. 
Shit! This vibrator was quiet but not that quiet. He would definitely be able to tell. You quickly reached for the vibrator to turn it off as subtly as you could before he approached and leaned over to talk to you out of your car window.
“Oh good you didn’t leave yet!” He smiled as you reached forward to turn the car back on just enough to roll the window down all the way as you got your headphones out of your ears so you could hear him.
Oh good, he had just gotten there. Ok, you could still salvage this. 
“No, not yet.” You shook your head no as you put on a customer service smile. 
“Can I help you with something?” You asked politely as your pussy clenched around the vibrator and you could only hope he would be oblivious to what you were really doing as you damned your cheeks for flushing as red as a beet. 
“Uh, yeah, uh, sorry.” He stuttered and stammered as he shook his head violently as if that would knock the right words into his mouth as you saw his nostrils flare as he took a few deep breaths through his nose. Fuck could he smell you too?! This couldn’t get any worse. 
“So, about, in there.” He felt obligated to say as it was clear he was frustrated and flushed as the fur around his cheeks looked practically pink as he tried to shuffle his weight from one foot to the other. Shit, was he getting hard again? Why was he affecting you? Or were you affecting him?
“It’s ok. Antony. I get it. Sometimes that physical reaction gets so intense that you need to take care of it, because it’s easier and faster than waiting for it to go away. It’s ok. That’s why we have all those washcloths and hand towels in there in the first place. You didn’t cross the line and proposition me, if anything you tried to be subtle and discreet about it. Every first timer goes through it. It’s awkward, but it’s normal.” You tried to reassure him as you felt rather hypocritical about it too, with your pussy currently being stuffed with your biggest vibrator you could manage to still be discreet in your car in the parking garage. 
“Yeah, thanks for the reassurance, um…I hope dinner with your boyfriend is as delicious as it should be. He’s lucky to have you.” He offered as he tried to take a half step back, as you sighed and groaned and whimpered. 
“Ok, I gotta come clean Dude. I don’t have a boyfriend, let alone one who would even think that having dinner ready by the time I would come home -would ever be an option. Let alone one who would have the cooking prowess to even know how to cook a rack of lamb, much less have such a thing ready on a regular thursday night that wasn’t some super special occasion, like a birthday, or an anniversary. It was a lie. I just didn’t want a pity date. Plus the Spa has a very firm- no dating clients- thing. And you were in a super tight spot and I would be scum if I took unfair advantage of you, especially when you were in an hour of need.” You confessed as your cheeks were now probably permanently flushed as you didn’t even have the heart to look up past your steering wheel. 
“Charlize, first off, you absolutely deserve to have a partner in life who absolutely would and should have dinner ready by the time you get home. You work really hard and you work smart. You had great body mechanics and wonderful effectiveness. And hopefully you make enough doing it to provide you with the lifestyle you deserve. I asked you out because you’re really sweet and lovely and one hell of a professional. And because Otto was sure that you were single. If you don’t like me or think less of me because I had a moment of weakness, that’s more than fair. But at the very least, when you get a chance, come to Aurora Boreallis, give them this ok? And have a night on the town, on me.” He offered as he gave you a business card and then an electronic card from the casino. It looked like one of those charge cards at Dave and Busters but obviously, from the casino. 
“Thanks.” You thanked him as you took it. 
“So, first off, I asked you out before you took me on as a client. I don’t know how things are done out here. But back east, if there was already a previous relationship before any professional service, there can be one after. I’m still interested in taking you out on a date. But the question remains, are you interested or not?” He asked. 
“Oh, I am, but, not tonight. It’s late, I’m tired, I need sleep. Tomorrow is gonna be just as busy but I’m off on Sunday.” You offered. 
“I can do that. How about brunch on Sunday?” He offered. 
“Sounds awesome.” You grinned before you exchanged phone numbers. 
“See you Sunday.” You offered him before you both went your separate ways.
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sunskate · 22 days
Off (ice) Hours Podcast: episode 10 Emilea Zingas (part 2)
has imposter syndrome sometimes (like at 4CC), has to remind herself she earned her place
she's not superstitious at competitions, but Vadym is way more- meditates, everything's organized in a particular order, his costumes, skates. she gets anxious at competitions about her hair and makeup, though -
when she skated singles, she threw on mascara and eyeshadow and called it a day, but she went to her first competition at Lake Placid their first season, and other girls at practice had on fake eyelashes, which she'd never worn in her life, and her coaches asked, where's your makeup? "i didn't know that was a requirement of me right now!" and she was the only skater with a bare face at the practice
other skaters at her rink taught her how to do her makeup. she would sleep in 25 braids before Nationals and 4CC because she didn't want to get up to crimp her hair before performing their RD
Q: is it true that in ice dance, judges - a lot of pressure/attention is put on how the girl looks, like that defines how the whole team looks? A: yeah, a 100%. one of my biggest fears going into ice dance was thinking that i wasn't going to look like a dancer. i just want to say it really doesn't matter what your god-given look is, you can be whatever you want to be. a lot of people told me you just don't look like it, you'll never be an ice dancer. you're such a jumper, you have these huge legs for jumping. you'll just never have that look, and i was really discouraged by that. i let that affect me for a really long time, and now i realize it's not that deep, and you can be whatever you want to be without thinking about how you look all the time. it is a huge part of dance, which i think is unfortunate. like teams who have worse proportions, like maybe the girl is taller than the boy or something like that, it's more difficult physically and people don't like it as much? i guess? i don't want to say that because that's not how i feel, but i can definitely see that people see it that way
sibling teams- could never skate with her brother, it would be more difficult because there's no real boundary for what you can say or do when you're family with someone. that can get messy fast
she looks up to Piper Gilles - her favorite person she's met in ice dance. Emilea has a recurrent ovarian cystic disease, and how Piper handled herself with her ovarian cancer and came back even stronger was inspiring and amazing. and is one of the most talented, powerful, beautiful skaters in the sport today. watched their FD last season crying. Piper carries her weight -
in ice dance "there's a stigma that [the girl] can sit and look pretty and the boy does a lot of work, which there are teams with that dynamic, and it does work, but i think Piper is a good example of someone who doesn't have that kind of presence on the ice. she makes her presence very known, and she's hauling ass in that program. the section after the SlLi - like 2 backwards crossovers basically on her own and then she does this backwards extension - i was just like 'holy- ' she is flying, and she's having no help. she can skate, and that's what i aspire to be like. i don't want to just sit and look pretty, like i want to carry my weight. and i want to be someone who makes a difference in a partnership, and makes a difference in a performance, and she's a great example of someone who does that"
(i *think* this the moment she means, even though it's not after the SlLi - it is an amazing transition into the curve lift)
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bookshelf-dust · 2 years
another request for Gareth! what if artist!reader asks Gareth if they can draw him and he gets all panicky and blushy🥺🥺
(don't you dare worry if I'll like it or not, I know your work is going to be amazing as always and the important people is that you enjoy writing it!)
bane of my existence
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gareth emerson x gn!reader
word count: 622
warnings: swearing, fluff
a/n: hi lovely! this was fun to write. the art kid in me enjoyed it. i hope you like this too!! <333 love you!
You set down the piece of charcoal you’ve been using, start playing with your eraser. You stretch the putty out, trying to get some of the dust off of your fingertips.
“Gare?” You ask, something coming to mind. You’re sick of charcoal for today.
“Hm?” He’s sitting on your bed, raiding your comic book stash.
“Can I draw you?”
Gareth’s fingers freeze where they flip through an issue of Captain America, one with Sam in your favorite red outfit on the cover. The boy feels his face go red. He’s panicking.
Drawing him would mean you’re looking at him intensely for however long—long enough for you to pick on all his flaws.
“Are you sure you wanna do that?”
You nod, patting the eraser over the edge of your desk. There really is charcoal everywhere.
“Yes. You’re the prettiest boy I’ve ever seen. I think you should be documented.”
Gareth shuts the comic and sets it on the bed before running his hands down his face. He’s trying to hide the blush before you see it.
You look up at him. “I have a new pen I want to try too,” you say, but your voice softens even more when you notice his state. “Gareth,” you coo. “Don’t go all shy on me please.”
He puts his hands down and you grin at his reddened cheeks.
“I’m gonna hide again if you don’t stop looking at me like that.”
“I don’t have to if you’re really not okay with it, Gare.”
He finally makes eye contact with you. “No! No, it’s okay. Do I need to do anything?”
You grin again. “Nope. Just forget I’m here.”
He rolls his eyes. “That’s impossible.”
Now you’re the one blushing.
True to your request, Gareth does his best to relax and go about his business of sorting through your belongings. Your comic book collection is much more extensive than his, and frankly, he’s kind of jealous.
You sit in your desk chair, one knee propped up with your sketchbook resting on it.
You started off using a pencil, sketching the prettiest parts of him—which proved difficult since they’re all the prettiest parts. You decided this would be more fun than a portrait or anything. Portraits stress you out.
Now your page is full of different Gareth features. His nose, his mouth. You’re working on the eyes now, the ink from your pen spreading over the paper to give him the long and unfair lashes he has.
You’ve used the pen to hatch some shadows in the areas that need them, and even if it’s a little messy—and by no means perfect—you’ve had fun drawing him.
You stand, capping your pen. You hand the notebook to Gareth, who looks over it so intently that it makes you nervous.
“Damn,” he says.
“Good ‘damn’ or bad?” You ask tentatively.
“Very good. Although I can tell you spent a little more time on my eyelashes than probably necessary.”
Your face splits in a grin and you take his in your hands. “Your eyelashes are the bane of my existence, Gareth Emerson.”
He laughs heartily. “And your nose,” you start. “And your mouth. And your freckles. Your everything.”
You tilt your head back, mock swooning. Gareth is bright pink, and you soothe your thumbs over the apples of his cheeks. “You really like them though?” You ask, needing reassurance.
His eyes dart to the page in your sketchbook again. You really are talented. Everything is so simple, the lines practiced though messy. “I love them,” he says.
Gareth pauses, looking you over.
“You have charcoal on the side of your neck, honey.”
“Dammit!” You exclaim, releasing him from your hold to examine the crime scene in the mirror.
please let me know if you liked this! feedback is always appreciated!! comments and reblogs mean more than you know. <33
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closetedcrossdresser · 7 months
A story I wrote
Almost a year ago your sex life drastically changed. Your wife found your folder still open on the computer. She saw ALL of your kinks. The crossdressing, cuckolding, femdom, pegging, bondage, forced bisexuality, all of it. When she confronted you about it and asked if you wanted out you told her you wanted to do all those things with her. You love vanilla sex, it's amazing with her and you're always left satisfied and smiling. You just have repressed kinks, and you'd rather she participate instead of you privately dressing up and playing with toys.
It took some adjusting, but since then you've gone as far as cumming in a chastity cage from getting pegged from behind while wearing her lingerie. When she pulled out the magic wand after you starting pushing back into her and pressed it against your cage you fell in love all over again as you came harder than you ever have.
Your regular sex has gotten much more frequent and intense, too. Super kinks only come out once every two or three months for now, but she's gotten more and more into it.
Now you're preparing for tonight's adventures, and you can't stop shaking from nerves as you glide the opaque black lace top thigh high up your shaved leg. You look yourself in the mirror as you attach the garter. She really outdid herself this time; your makeup is ridiculously slutty. The extra long eyelash extensions and liquid eyeliner were a nice touch. Of course the fuck me red lipstick matches the locking patent leather heels you're slipping on. It's hard to put the locks on because she cinched your black satin and lace corset so tight. Your breastforms feel like they're overflowing out of it. The shiny red miniskirt advertizes your ass almost as well as your painted lips advertize your mouth. You check your phone: 10 minutes since she said she was on her way. Any minute now.
You put your long hair in a ponytail on top of your head. You lift your skirt and move your thong over so you can clip the leash to your cage as instructed. You leave it hanging from your skirt as you readjust. You hear her car pull into the garage. This is it. You pull on the red satin opera gloves and sit in the recliner. You hear them laughing as they enter the house. His voice is very deep and it makes you tremble. Is this actually happening?
They walk past you like you don't exist and sit on the couch. You don't have anything you could possibly think to say as they chat. You have no choice but to sit and watch them flirt. His arm is around her shoulder, fingertips rubbing the bare skin on her upper arm. She finally looks at you to judge your reaction when she puts her hand on his upper thigh. You involuntarily bite your lower lip and she smirks and moves her hand toward...
She says she's going for wine and she goes to the kitchen. The man continues to ignore you and pulls out his phone. She comes back in with two glasses and grabs your leash on the way back to the couch. You have to rush to not get hurt, and you're left standing next to your seated wife, still being ignored as they continue to drink wine and talk. There's a pause in the conversation, and he leans in. There's the slightest hesitaion, but she kisses him. Their tongues dance in a way that you're unfamiliar with, like they're eager to explore eachother; they ache for it. She puts her arms around him with the leash still in her hand which pulls you infront on him. His hands are exploring her, pulling her into him, carressing her breasts, reaching up her little black dress, rubbing her wetness through her black lace panties. He kisses her neck and she moans and looks at you. She points down. You know where this is going; it's your own damn fantasy, but you can't believe this is actually happening. You drop to your knees in front of the man seducing your wife. Her hand is back on his thigh. You put your hand on hers. She takes your hand and slides it up is leg with hers.
She puts your hand directly on his cock and starts using your hand to jerk it slowly, then her hand goes back around his neck as he works his kisses toward her breasts.
You don't stop rubbing the HUGE cock through the fabric in front of you. His mouth finds a nipple and your wife moans. You salivate as you put your other hand on the magnificent member in front of you. two hands isn't enough; you'd need a third to hold the whole thing.
You lean forward and exhale over the head through the fabric. His hips thrust slightly as he tries to fit an entire tit in his mouth.
You undo the belt.
And the button.
And the fly.
He lifts his hips and you shut your eyes as you pull his pants off. It's happening. You're submitting sexually to another man. You still can't believe it, but the actions are coming naturally. You put one hand back on the cock and lean in. No hesitation: your wife watches as you lick from the base of his balls all the way up the underside of his cock and you engulf the head in your mouth and moan. Finally, you know what it feels like, what it tastes like, and it's good. You bob up and down slowly on just the head, one hand on the base of the shaft, the other cupping those massive balls.
You feel a hand on your head. Not forcing you, but carressing your scalp with her fingernails.
He sits back and she scoots deeper into his embrace. His arm is back around her and he is big enough to reach down between her legs again. She kisses his neck and moans into him and he slowly rubs her and you slowly blow him. Her nails are still caressing, and her moans get softer. You want to keep going slow and teasing, but you start going a little deeper each time.
You feel another hand on your head, and this one is more insistent. He holds your ponytail in place and raises his hips to stuff more of his big cock into your mouth. You can feel him approaching your uvula as he slowly proceeds and you gag. You hear your wife moan. Then she gets up and kneels behind you. She puts her hands on your hips like she does when pegging you doggystyle and puts her hand on your head.
"Good girl" She whispers as he stretches his arms over the back of the couch and she forces more of the cock in your mouth. She starts thrusting into you as though she was pegging you and gets a rythm going. You can hear the noises you've heard in porn so many times coming from a throat getting fucked, and they're coming from you.
Suddenly, she forces your head all the way down. Your eyes bulge as your nose presses into his trimmed pubes. Your body forces you to try to inhale, but all that does is put suction on the cock in your throat.
A deep, guttural moan escapes the man attached to this mighty cock. She pulls you off of the cock by your hair and pulls you all the way back and kisses you. You can feel her tongue trying to lap up the taste of the cock in front of you.
She moves you over and dives her own mouth down on the cock. She doesn't go anywhere near as deep as you but he quivers as she swirls her tongue over his head. You lean in and suck his balls. He starts to thrust into your wife's mouth. She'd always stop you here, but she seems to get into it even more with him.
"Lick me"
You lay down behind her and scoot your head under her, she sits back on your breast forms and moves her thong over before rocking forwards and grinding on your mouth.
He stands up and she leans back a bit. He's now straddling your head and you can see his balls rocking back and forth getting closer and closer to her chin as she grinds her sopping cunt over your tongue.
She pulls it out and spits onto herself just above her pussy so it drips into your mouth and on your face. She's grinding over your chin and nose now as she dives back down on the cock. Drool starts hitting you in the face as his balls start hitting her chin. You hold her ass and focus on her clit while she's getting face fucked and she moans her orgasm into his cock. He slows his thrusting as her spasms taper off. He pulls out and rubs his throbbing member on your wife's face. Why does she enjoy that with him and won't let you do it?
She pushes him down and stands up. She beacons you to his cock and holds your face against his leg as she straddles in position over his dick. She looks you in the eye as she guides him in. Her eyes roll back into her head and she can't get more than halfway down. She starts bouncing halfway down his cock and you lean in and start sucking his balls again. You do your best and by the time she gets all the way down you have his entire sack in your mouth. You know how tight she is so she must be gripping this monster like a boa constrictor. He starts to throb almost immediately and your wife starts SCREAMING through orgasm #2. His balls are still in your mouth and you can feel him start to unload in your wife. She lifts off and one rope blasts up and runs from her neck to her pussy before you put it in your mouth and start swallowing. She pushes you head all the way down and spurt after spurt go directly into your stomach. You're quivering for breath by the time she releases you. You doubt there's any cum left in your mouth but you kiss your wife to share the taste anyway. She kisses you in the most loving, tender, turned on way.
You break away and start kissing the cum off of her neck, and down her chest, all the way to the cock still resting on top of her opening. You start to lick the head, and around your wife's lips. You clean every surface before diving your tongue deep into your wife and sucking as much out as you can. It's turning you on more than you thought it could to eat another man's creampie from her. She gets up and you return to kisses and a gentle touch on the cock before you. You're tonguing under his balls when your wife gets behind you.
You feel her lift your skirt and your thong tugs on your cage as she pulls it to the side. She lubes your ass.
"Suck it" She says as you feel her strapon at your entrance. You put the mostly limp dick in your mouth as she thrusts into you unforgivingly. She holds your pony tail and starts slowly putting the whole length of the strapon in and out as the cock grows in your mouth. She pushes you down and starts thrusting. Porn noises from your throat again, but this time there's uncontrollable moaning coming from you added to the mix. You start timing your breathing so you can deepthroat with every stroke without too much struggle. She's fucking you so hard the cock comes almost all the way out of your mouth every time she pulls back and it goes all the way down every time. She slows down and releases your head. You continue deepthroating as if you were still being forced. She slaps your ass, and pulls out.
He gets up and they trade positions.
She puts her strapon in your mouth and holds you there, petting your head. You feel the spit covered monster at your entrance. He pushes, you moan in pain. He tries again and it pops in. you scream into her dildo and she pushes it down your throat to quiet you. He pauses to let you adjust to the intruder, but she pushes your shoulders back into him and he slowly pushes it all the way in. His huge hands hold your hips and he waits for your nostril breathing to calm. The strapon is still in your throat.
Then he starts fucking you slowly. You can feel the world melt around you, there is nothing but the woman you love in front of you silently encouraging you to take it, and the intruder in you. This is what you wanted, doesn't it feel good?
Slowly all the pain subsides and is replaced by an eagerness for more. You're pushing back into him as he slams into you.
She gets up and he pulls you by the tits to an upright position. you arch your back as he slams into you.
You feel her hand on your thong and see she has the key at the ready! She unlocks you, but doesn't touch it. She lays down underneath you and positions herself so she can lick his balls as he fucks you. He pushes you back down to take the strapon back in your throat. She's thrusting it into your throat as he holds your head down.
Suddenly he slams into you and holds it. you can feel your wife still moving her head, tonguing his balls. He grunts and you feel the first spurt try to pop your eyeballs out. She scoots down and immediately engulfs your cock. As he thrusts into you and fires off the second spurt your cock makes it farther into your wife's throat than you've ever felt and your throat is forced down even harder on the strapon. This is too much. The man fucking your ass is forcing you to face fuck your wife and forcing your wife to face fuck you. You want to hold it, to make this last, but it's impossible. You unload into her throat, matching the spurts of the cum inside of you. His pulsing continues long after you finish and your wife holds your spent cock in her throat, moaning through each fought for breath. You finally feel him start to shrink and he pulls out as she lets your cock out of her mouth. You feel the cum pour out of your ass and she lapps it up from your taint and balls. You turn over and kiss her, and as he gets up to leave you can feel yourself getting hard again, and start to rub your cock on her swollen pussy while you shower your wife with kisses.
You don't even know that guy's name, but you can't wait to do that again. The thought of it will have you perpetually horny. Forever.
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tyxoxo · 1 year
RxLuSTx0_ - teaser.
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pairing: jeno x fem!reader teaser, find full fic here.
genre: smut, cam couple!jeno/reader
words: loading…
warnings: pwp, degrading, erotic asphyxiation/breath play (choking, headlocks/chokeholds), facefucking/throat fucking, spitting, slapping, near unconsciousness, reader wears eyelash extensions (didn’t know if this needed to be mentioned but its necessary to the story trust me!!)
a/n: i have other shit i should be doing, but here i am…
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“alright baby, tell ‘em what you told me earlier.” jeno’s words were sinfully sweet, filled with excitement to hear you voice your death wish to thousands of people.
“i want you to go as hard as you can on me. don’t. hold. back…” you ended your request with a giggle, knowing the audience got a kick out of your boldness, which would only get stomped in the dirt by your boyfriend later.
currently, the two of you were in your bedroom, only in your underwear: him on the ottoman at the end of the bed, and you kneeled down in between his spread legs, both facing the camera.
the stream had only started minutes prior. the first ten were usually spent sitting leisurely in front of the camera, drinking sips of water to hydrate for the scenes ahead. it was definitely unassuming at first, but once the comments started flooding in, any outsider would realize that this side of the internet was nothing but filth.
you didn’t even have to look behind you to know that jeno sat there, eyeing all of the comments with a smug look of satisfaction, cock growing harder and harder by the second. even if there wasn’t a camera lens to glance at the top of the laptop, you would still be able to sense his anticipation.
raddad234: can’t wait to see you destroy her pretty little mouth today _
vix3n11: what’s daddy have planned for his girl today? so happy to see you two after a long day of work - xoxo
those were just a few of the many subscribers tuning in for the night. just from the sight of your two faces alone, money started pouring in.
01bbyGirl: just sent $50!!
prXncesS666: just sent $25!
“01bbyGirl, prXncesS666, we haven’t even gotten started yet! you’re too kind, thank you so much!!” you attached your hands to your mouth, followed by blowing a kiss to the screen.
jeno’s remained quiet, leaving you to do most of the “thank you’s” for any of the gifts or money sent, as you were more eloquent with your gratitude. truthfully, his job of looking delectable for the camera was more than good enough, and you always made an effort to mention that to him.
he continued to caress your shoulders, slender fingertips tapping along your curved skin ever so often.
“for those of you that just now logged in, i hope you all are having a good day/night, wherever you are. you haven’t missed anything, we’re just waiting on a few more people to join before we get started!”
the viewers continued to rise with every blink:
it was astonishing to say the least. every saturday, at 11pm you felt pampered. so many people—strangers who were obsessed with watching jeno manhandle you for however long he saw fit.
his stamina was never short of amazing, making you dazed, confused, cock drunk…whatever words described your undoing the best.
“repeat it again baby…” jeno’s “strong but silent” façade was wearing thin as the stream progressed. as soon as the night of debauchery began, he would turn into a degrading machine.
just as you set your bottle of water down from taking another sip, you smiled for the camera, eyes fluttering at the upcoming repeat of your death wish.
you looked back at jeno, who’s eyes had already transformed, pupils dilated to the size of a marble.
he smiled at your intentional doe-eyed expression, nodding his head to signal that you should and will repeat it.
“don’t take it back now.” he chuckled after, offering the right amount of lightheartedness. he nuzzled his face into your neck, rubbing his nose up and down the smoothness of your skin. he inhaled deeply, catching the scent of your pleasant perfume.
“i’m nottt. don’t worry…” you giggled, leaning into his feline embrace.
“i’m sure you guys can tell jeno’s excited. reiterating from earlier, i decided that i want him to go as hard as he can on me tonight. no holding back…”
jeno missed the comments that flashed by, as he was too absorbed in wrapping his arms around your neck, lips barely grazing across your warm cheeks.
uKKixo_9: are you sure can handle it babygirl?”
osAkalov3r: woww, you’re such a perfect sub! ur gonna do great! i know you will!!
the ability to read more of the comments were becoming increasingly difficult. it was evident from the fact jeno had strengthened his hold on your head and neck.
he had only did a few chokeholds in the past, but this seemed different.
he was hungry; starved to see you gasping for air at the very start.
the fluorescent colors of the vaporwave inspired chatroom began to melt in front of your very eyes, becoming blurry from his relentless asphyxiation. you immediately brought your hands up to clasp onto his veiny arms, breaths getting hollow with every attempt to wiggle within his broad frame.
“you asked for this. let’s see how good you do.”
//tagging: @glitchfiles 🫣
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Amazing technology! 👀
Luum created a robot that puts on eyelash extensions for people. The robot can attach 25 lashes to each eye in around 15 minutes.
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ritualluxespa · 7 months
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Blink and You'll Miss It: The Incredible Before-and-After of Eyelash Treatments
Nestled within the vibrant city of Dubai lies Ritual Luxe Spa, a haven of opulence and tranquility. Our lavish spa menu boasts an exquisite selection of treatments, from sumptuous massages to rejuvenating facials, and now, introducing our latest addition: luxurious Eyelash Treatments. Step into our oasis of calm and embark on a journey to enhance your natural beauty like never before.
We take pride in introducing our exclusive Eyelash Treatments in Dubai, alongside our renowned manicures, pedicures, and more. Our skilled professionals specialize in eyelash extensions and lifts, offering personalized services tailored to your unique preferences and desired aesthetic.
Mascara can be a hit or miss—sometimes you get the length and volume you want, but more often than not, you're left with clumpy, spidery lashes that just won't cooperate. With eyelash treatments like extensions or lifts, you can kiss those mascara mishaps goodbye. Say hello to effortlessly beautiful lashes every single day!
One of the biggest benefits of professional eyelash treatments is how they enhance your natural lashes. Extensions add length and volume, while lifts lift and curl your lashes for a more wide-eyed look. The result? Lashes that look fuller, longer, and more glamorous than ever before—all without the hassle of falsies or mascara.
Let's face it—our mornings are hectic enough without adding a lengthy makeup routine to the mix. With eyelash treatments, you can shave precious minutes off your morning routine. No more painstakingly applying layer after layer of mascara or struggling with eyelash curlers. With just one appointment, you can wake up looking fabulous every single day!
Still not convinced? Let the before-and-after photos speak for themselves! Witness the dramatic transformation as short, sparse lashes are magically transformed into long, luscious works of art. It's like night and day—and the best part? It's all thanks to professional eyelash treatments.
So, there you have it—why settle for mediocre mascara when you can have the lashes of your dreams with professional eyelash treatments? Treat yourself to a lash makeover at Ritual Luxe Spa and prepare to be amazed by the stunning results. Trust us, your lashes will thank you!
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thereviewstudio · 1 year
I’m Glad My Mom Died- Jeanette McCurdy Review
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Image taken from Entertainment Weekly.
Rating: 5 / 5
A heartbreaking and hilarious memoir by iCarly and Sam & Cat star Jennette McCurdy about her struggles as a former child actor-including eating disorders, addiction, and a complicated relationship with her overbearing mother-and how she retook control of her life.
Jennette McCurdy was six years old when she had her first acting audition. Her mother's dream was for her only daughter to become a star, and Jennette would do anything to make her mother happy. So she went along with what Mom called "calorie restriction," eating little and weighing herself five times a day. She endured extensive at-home makeovers while Mom chided, "Your eyelashes are invisible, okay? You think Dakota Fanning doesn't tint hers?" She was even showered by Mom until age sixteen while sharing her diaries, email, and all her income.
In I'm Glad My Mom Died, Jennette recounts all this in unflinching detail-just as she chronicles what happens when the dream finally comes true. Cast in a new Nickelodeon series called iCarly, she is thrust into fame. Though Mom is ecstatic, emailing fan club moderators and getting on a first-name basis with the paparazzi ("Hi Gale!"), Jennette is riddled with anxiety, shame, and self-loathing, which manifest into eating disorders, addiction, and a series of unhealthy relationships. These issues only get worse when, soon after taking the lead in the iCarly spinoff Sam & Cat alongside Ariana Grande, her mother dies of cancer. Finally, after discovering therapy and quitting acting, Jennette embarks on recovery and decides for the first time in her life what she wants.
Told with refreshing candour and dark humour, I'm Glad My Mom Died is an inspiring story of resilience, independence, and the joy of shampooing your own hair.
McCurdy is probably best known for her role as Sam in the sitcom iCarly. After quitting acting, she turned to writing and created this amazing memoir that paints the real picture of her life as a child celebrity. In the beginning pages, an all-grown-up Jeanette McCurdy is watching her mother in a coma, while witnessing her three brothers whisper to her parent in hopes of waking her. When it’s the author's turn to address her mother, she tells her that her weight is 98 pounds- the goal her mother wanted McCurdy to reach.
This is the first sign of the emotional, physical, and mental abuse McCurdy suffered at the hands of her mother. This tells the reader what book they have signed up to read: a heartbreaking memoir about a woman trying to find a balance between violence and love.
Recently, abused celebrities, such as Paris Hilton, have taken the stand against the physical and mental abuse they endured growing up. This display of honesty shows their vulnerable side and ensures the reader's belief in their statements. 
McCurdy is not stating I WAS ABUSED, she is attempting to navigate the difficulties she went through as a child and if she owes her mother anything. She includes her child-self’s P.O.V. and recounts her thoughts ‘I’m glad mom gets what she wants’, as it was earlier than dealing with the tantrums her mother threw regularly. Another heart-wrenching anecdote is when McCurdy realises she has hit puberty and her breasts are coming in, something which should be avoided to stop weight gain. She asked her mum to ‘stop the boobies coming’, and she helped her with the secrets of losing weight- calorie restriction which turned into a multitude of eating disorders as McCurdy got older. The author has a special talent for putting the reader in the child’s shoes, making them feel and see the whole innocence behind asking for a mother's help. 
The author has taken time to remember the arduous stages of her life and translated that into an understandable text for the reader. This memoir is an absolute triumph and credit to McCurdy and an excellent read that I highly recommend. 
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loominggaia · 10 months
Físicamente, que es lo más atractivo de los líderes mundiales? (En sentido normal y en el otro sentido si entiendes a lo que me refiero)
(Translated via Google Translate)
"Physically, what is the most attractive thing about world leaders? (In the normal sense and in the other sense if you understand what I mean)"
Now that's an interesting question! They're all such assholes, it's fun to search out their positive traits. These are all physical features, and of course beauty is subjective, so these are just my personal opinions...
Gultopp Folkvar: He's in good shape for his age. I mean, aside from missing a bunch of body parts...the parts he still has are well muscled and he still exercises regularly. If all the world leaders got into a physical brawl, Gultopp would whip everyone's ass.
Marghan Matuzu: He's got youth and good looks. His mom is gorgeous and his dad was probably a looker before he got sick too, so Marghan has genetics on his side. He has big, dark eyes and a sharp nose which I think are nice features. He plays sports so he's in pretty good shape too.
Chua Lamai: How to judge the beauty of a gorgon? Especially a medusa! Overall I think Chua just looks really cool, like in a badass intimidating way. Also they have a giant dumptruck ass, and who doesn't appreciate a big butt?
Roz Yerim-Mor: The man looks like an old, worn-out leather bag now...but in his youth, he probably looked a lot like his son Jaq, and we all know what a chad Jaq is. 👀 Though Roz's prime years are far behind him, he still carries kindness and tenderness in his eyes. You look at his face and feel a sense of warmth, like he really does care about you and all living things.
...Also he has a colossal dick. Just sayin'.
Qara Zareen: It's hard to say how attractive Qara really is because she is so fake. She dyes her hair and beard, has butt and breast implants, wears fake eyelashes, has skin treatments, cosmetic surgery on her face, makeup tattooed on, etc. I think her natural appearance is probably quite ugly, but she has turned herself into a dworfen beauty queen with her money.
Indiga Evangeline: Indiga is another one who's hard to judge because like Qara, she hides her true appearance behind fakeness. She's had no cosmetic surgery, but she does wear extremely tight corsets to shape her body and cakes on pounds of makeup. She would look very different without these things. In her youth she had an elegant kind of beauty like her daughter Cerulea.
Oberon Mogdir: To us humans, this guy looks pretty unsettling with his tall skinny body, cloven hooves, and a face that looks like a creepy clown mask. But fauns happen to find all these things attractive, and a big chunk of Oberon's votes came from horny faunish housewives thirsting over him, so...you know. I do think he has youthful skin and nice cheekbones. He also still has a full head of thick hair for his age, but who knows, that could be a wig or extensions or some shit. His personality is so fake, I wouldn't be surprised if his appearance was too. He probably dipped over to Zareen Empire for cosmetic surgery more than once...
Hethor Etios: She's big, she's burly, and even though she's old, she looks like she can still beat your ass. What more could you want in a woman? And there's no way around it: she has massive boobs, which minotaurs go crazy for. Hethor is udderly beautiful! ...For a geriatric minotaur, that is.
Titania of the Seelie: She's a stunner in every physical sense, if only she didn't look so sad all the time. She is short and petite with flowing snow-white hair and delicate facial features, and these are all things the Seelie people find beautiful. It's said that Morgause and Reaper are the only people alive who have seen her smile, and when she does, her beauty takes one's breath away.
Morgause of the Unseelie: If you threw Morgause down a well, the chemicals in her hair would poison a whole town. But hey, that's the price you pay to have amazing hair like hers! She teases it big and high like an 80s glamrock star, and you'd be hard pressed to find anyone in the Unseelie Court with hair more magnificent than hers. She also has a goth aesthetic which always wins points with me.
Serafeen of Damijana: It's hard to say what she looks like under those shapeless robes, giant headdress, and thick makeup. But we can see that she has really intense eyes. Rumor has it that she can stop someone's heart just by glaring at them...but in reality, I think her victims are just having heart attacks because they fear her power. If Serafeen glares at you, it means she's not happy, and if she's not happy, the Damijana Guard will be kicking down your door in about--aaaand they're here.
Sovereign of Aquaria: I just can't find anything physically attractive about this guy. I'm sorry. He's a scowling, fish-faced, blobby old fuck. I know, I know, he and Mr. Ocean are basically twins...but attitude makes a big difference, and at least Mr. Ocean has kindness in his eyes and an endearing doofy-ness about him. Sovereign just looks mean. You can tell what a ruthless bastard he is just by the look on his face and the way he carries himself. He obviously doesn't take care of his body or his soul. All he seems to care about is quenching his thirst for power.
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