mindblowingscience · 10 months
Over the years, scientists have managed to unveil the existence of quite a few intriguing particles, pushing the entire field of physics forward with each discovery. There's the "God Particle" for instance, aka the Higgs Boson that grants all other particles their masses. There's also the so-called "Oh My God!" particle, an unimaginably energetic cosmic ray.  But now we have a new particle in town. It's named  the "sun goddess" particle  —  and is fittingly extraordinary.  This particle has an energy level one million times greater than what can be generated in even humanity’s most powerful particle accelerators; it appears to have fallen to Earth in a shower of other, less energetic particles. Like the "Oh My God!" particle, these bits come from faraway regions of space and are known as cosmic rays. The particle has been dubbed "Amaterasu" after Amaterasu Ōmikami, the goddess of the sun and the universe in Japanese mythology, whose name means "shining in heaven." And just as its mythological namesake is shrouded in mystery, so too is the Amaterasu particle. Its discoverers, including Osaka Metropolitan University researcher Toshihiro Fujii, don’t know where the particle came from or indeed what it is. They also still aren't sure what kind of violent and powerful process could have given rise to something as energetic as Amaterasu.
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This particle has an energy level one million times greater than what can be generated in even humanity’s most powerful particle accelerators; it appears to have fallen to Earth in a shower of other, less energetic particles. Like the "Oh My God!" particle, these bits come from faraway regions of space and are known as cosmic rays. The particle has been dubbed "Amaterasu" after Amaterasu Ōmikami, the goddess of the sun and the universe in Japanese mythology, whose name means "shining in heaven." And just as its mythological namesake is shrouded in mystery, so too is the Amaterasu particle. Its discoverers, including Osaka Metropolitan University researcher Toshihiro Fujii, don’t know where the particle came from or indeed what it is. They also still aren't sure what kind of violent and powerful process could have given rise to something as energetic as Amaterasu. "This is the most energetic charged particle ever detected by the Telescope Array experiment," Fujii told Space.com.
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mysticstronomy · 10 months
Wednesday, November 29th, 2023
Welcome back,
Over the years, scientists have managed to unveil the existence of quite a few intriguing particles, pushing the entire field of physics forward with each discovery. There's the "God Particle" for instance, aka the Higgs Boson that grants all other particles their masses. There's also the so-called "Oh My God!" particle, an unimaginably energetic cosmic ray.
named the "sun goddess" particle  —  and is fittingly extraordinary.
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This particle has an energy level one million times greater than what can be generated in even humanity’s most powerful particle accelerators; it appears to have fallen to Earth in a shower of other, less energetic particles. Like the "Oh My God!" particle, these bits come from faraway regions of space and are known as cosmic rays. The particle has been dubbed "Amaterasu" after Amaterasu Ōmikami, the goddess of the sun and the universe in Japanese mythology, whose name means "shining in heaven."
And just as its mythological namesake is shrouded in mystery, so too is the Amaterasu particle.
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Its discoverers, including Osaka Metropolitan University researcher Toshihiro Fujii, don’t know where the particle came from or indeed what it is. They also still aren't sure what kind of violent and powerful process could have given rise to something as energetic as Amaterasu.
"This is the most energetic charged particle ever detected by the Telescope Array experiment," Fujii told Space.com.
The hope is that, just as Amaterasu is credited with the creation of Japan according to the Shinto tradition, the Amaterasu particle can help create an entirely new branch of high-energy astrophysics.
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High-energy cosmic rays are extremely rare to begin with, but Fujii said the Amaterasu particle has an energy level not seen in a staggering 30 years of cosmic ray detections.
In fact, when the researchers spotted Amaterasu with the Telescope Array experiment — involving 507 detectors spread across 270 square miles (699 square kilometers) of the high desert of Millard County, Utah —they initially thought the detection must be some kind of mistake.
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"I thought it would be my mistake or bug, and then after checking the details of the event, I was excited to find it was not an error," Fujii said.
First spotted by the Telescope Array experiment on May 27, 2021, the Amaterasu particle exhibits an energy of 224 exa-electron volts (EeV). For contest, one EeV is equivalent to 10¹⁸ electron volts. This puts Amaterasu on a similar energy level to the most energetic cosmic ray ever discovered — yes, that's the "Oh My God!" particle, which was detected in Oct. 1991 by the Fly’s Eye camera in Dugway Proving Ground, Utah. The latter had an energy of 320 EeV.
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"The Amaterasu particle should be an important messenger from the universe about extremely energetic phenomena, but we need to disentangle the origin of this mysterious particle," Fujii explained.
There isn’t an astrophysical object, or any cosmic event for that matter, in the direction from which the sun goddess particle appears to have come from. That's why scientists are pretty unclear on what led to its creation.
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But, while the origins of the Amaterasu particle may be currently unknown, Fujii does have some avenues of investigation to follow up on. Importantly, some of these ideas could extend beyond the Standard Model of particle physics, which is the best outline we have of the universe’s particle zoo and how each of those particles interact with one another.
Originally published on www.space.com
(Saturday, December 2nd, 2023)
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blu3berrydraws · 1 year
Deity au where Zuko takes the role of Amaterasu Ōmikami (Sun goddess in Japanese mythology) and Sokka takes the role of Sedna (Sea goddess in Inuit mythology)
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odaclan · 6 days
Nobunaga and the "Dairokuten Maō faith"
This was described in a tourism website, so it might not be necessarily true. That being said, the article claimed that the reason why Nobunaga called himself the "Dairokuten Maō" was because he might be someone who is a participant of the Dairokuten Maō worship/faith.
To explain this a little: I once mentioned that the Dairokuten Maō is actually worshipped in some areas. There are various possible reasons, but one possible reason is that in non-Buddhist faiths, this "demon king" is viewed as a guardian.
One reason is that, as a demon, the Maō tempts people away from Buddhist enlightenment by worldly possessions. Gold and riches and lustful pleasure. Therefore, if someone doesn't believe in Buddhism, it would make sense for them to think that this is actually a good thing and perceive the Maō as some kind of god of prosperity instead.
Slightly related to the above, there were also some medieval texts linking the Dairokuten Maō to Amaterasu and/or other deities. I'm not sure if this is in any way relevant to the worship of the Maō, but it might be relevant to Nobunaga's actions.
This is a narrative that supposedly came from the Taiheiki (possibly a more modernised translation):
When Izanagi and Izanami's first deity offspring "became the ruler of this land" and settled down in Ise, the Dairokuten Maō appeared. Since he would lose his power if Buddhism spread throughout the land of Japan, the Maō attempted to interfere with Amaterasu Ōmikami's actions.
Therefore Amaterasu Ōmikami swore to the Maō, "I will not come near the Three Treasures of Buddhism; the Buddha, Dharma, and the monks". The Maō's anger was appeased, and he wrote a contract in his blood which he gave to Amaterasu Ōmikami. "Until the world perishes, the descendants of Amaterasu Ōmikami shall be the rulers of this land. Supposing that anyone disobeys the Emperor's order, disturbs the country, or causes suffering to the people, the Maō's kin and house will surely punish them and repay it with death.
Some articles I've seen claim that there are also similar narratives where the ones who made the deal with the Maō were Izanagi and Izanami instead. As they were the creator-gods, this version escalates the Maō's importance even further. Though, I haven't seen any quotes of the actual text of this version yet.
The Taiheiki is a classic that I would expect the samurai lords of Nobunaga's time are familiar with. The idea that Nobunaga called himself the Dairokuten Maō based on the above Taiheiki text would lend some credence to the theories saying that Nobunaga might have been aiming to abolish the shogunate to restore power to the emperor.
As seen above, the Maō proclaims to be the emperor's protector, and also someone who safeguards peace in the nation. Even if Nobunaga doesn't particularly worship the Maō, he might have been inspired to view himself as that "Maō's kin and house" who puts to death those who disturbs the nation.
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diana-thyme · 1 year
Deities and Spirits
This is a list of all of the deities and spirits I have a relationship with.
Greek Pantheon: Worship
Egyptian Pantheon: Worship
Norse Pantheon: Worship
Inari Ōkami
Amaterasu Ōmikami
Folk Catholicism
Mother Mary
Saint Michael Archangel
Saint Joseph
San José su Cristo
Saint Anthony of Padua
Santa Muerte
Prince Seere
Butterfly Goddess
Storm Goddess
Craft God
Other Pantheons: Worship
Uni the Cat God
Astarte (Sumerian)
Veles (Slavic)
Gwyn ap Nudd (Welsh)
Airmed (Irish)
Lady of the Lake (British)
Devoted To
Ares (Greek)
Apollon (Greek)
Barbale (Georgian)
Working With
Diana (Roman)
Pluto (Astrological)
Baba Yaga (Slavic)
Sea Turtle
Human Spirits
Local Land Spirits
Lost Spirits
Taliesin (Brittonic Poet)
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keouil · 8 months
tell the wolves i'm home
gojo's never seen shoko's hands tremble. 1k. gojo/shoko. angst. also on ao3.
Nanami is inconsolable by the time Gojo gets back.
There is ringing in his ears, so loud and poignant and piercing; like someone tearing their heart out and carving its flesh from the bone, and it’s a voice he thinks sounds too much like Nanami that Gojo is afraid of confirming just yet. But above it all, the first thing he notices is the temperature in the room. It was colder than usual. The clinic often ran a few degrees lower than the rest of the compound, a way to keep samples fresh and tools sterile for as long as possible. This was never their preferred hangout spot for a reason. But even then it had never been so… chilling.
Gojo fights the nausea in his stomach and soldiers on.
He rounds a corner and finds his soul do a double take. The doors to the morgue were flung wide open, scraps of paper haphazardly thrown about and vials of medicine littered all around the floor. He hears the crunch of his boots against the glass and winces at the sound, so sharp against the usual tranquility of the place. Fragile everything was, even more so, Gojo thinks:
Getou had him currently pinned down to the floor, his arms thrashing violently and shards of glass bruising his face. He had cuts everywhere and looked so ragged and out of it, so unlike the calm, collected Nanami they both teased and were proud of him for. His uniform was torn around the edges and blood was plastered all over his skin.
“Is he..” Gojo searches for the words. “I mean—”
“Let me go!” Nanami screeches suddenly, trying to leverage his weight and get out from under Getou’s hold. Any normal day, he probably would have given them both a run for their money; Getou was the more skilled at close combat, Gojo not half as bad. But disoriented and hysterical Nanami couldn’t even see past the river of hysteria streaming down his face, let alone aim his jabs right. “Let me fucking go!”
Gojo bristles, instinctively coming closer to help. But Getou shook his head so firmly, maybe even insistingly, and levelled him with a look that told enough. “I got this,” he hisses, adding lowly, “He’s just a little out of it now, but he’ll be okay. He didn’t—ah—take the news well.”
Gojo stops dead in his tracks. “What news?”
It’s then he hears another crash somewhere inside the morgue, the sound of glass breaking and tables being shoved around. After a while there was a voice that followed– so quiet they had to strain their ears to hear it–an almost undeniable mewl. Getou’s eyes immediately snap to the door, brows furrowing. It’s that look on his face, Gojo realizes, that clued him in on how grave the whole thing had gotten since he left. Getou was never easy to spook, but he looked like he was ready to bolt inside if it weren’t for Nanami’s violent thrashing and flailing that kept him at bay.
Getou glances at the door in concern. It could only be that one thing, then. “That’s—”
Gojo was already making his way inside. 
“I know,” he says, and then: “I’ll take care of it.”
Gojo's never seen Shoko's hands tremble.
Not when they were doing test experiments on his newly awakened six eyes and Getou accidentally nicked him a little too close for comfort, that Yaga all but told her the fate of Amaterasu Ōmikami rested on her healing abilities and to think twice about angering the entire Gojo clan if she wanted any future at all as a doctor. Shoko stayed her hand then. He’d also seen firsthand how different her cursed energy manifests on a healing level from his, the almost gentle nature of it; so at war with how he executes his own, so full of executions. 
For Shoko it’s a gentle little thing, the ghost of a touch on his temple or a light tap on his knuckles to unknot the pressure of holding up domains for hours on end. 
He’d seen how she was with other people too. 
How Getou could be the most sickly and pale they’d ever seen him from ingesting too many curses in one day, to suddenly springing back to life like an invigorated war hero the next day after just one session with her. Or Ijichi, so often plagued with a myriad of humanly diseases, slowly start to build his resilience and immune system after constant check-ups with her. 
Through it all Shoko had never once wavered.
But the hand holding Haibara’s was now shaking.
Gojo sees her flinch, and that’s how he knows it’s bad. This was someone who never batted an eye at the amount of bloodshed constantly delivered at her doorstep, didn’t look the least bit fazed at the horrific state of some curses she was tasked to embalm daily, who never so much as needed a moment to collect herself after spending hours upon hours knee-deep into the guts of curses let alone humans. Shoko had the strongest stomach out of all of them, but even stronger, Gojo thought: her heart.
But apparently not.
“Are you..” Gojo steps closer slowly. “Okay?”
“Fine,” came her clipped and rushed reply, the usual snark in her voice gone. It sounded heavier somehow, muffled and unclear and hesitant. He saw her eyes going a mile a minute, scanning every available inch of Haibara’s body and her hands glowing with cursed energy. “I just.. I can still try to—”
It’s then Gojo notices the other glaring thing in the clinic: the unnatural amount of reversed cursed energy. 
He had the most reserves of the entire batch, but even then he knew better to release so much of it all at once. Not like this. Not in a way that felt claustrophobic to breathe in, this congestion of so much raw power that just kept spiking erratically bouncing off the walls and igniting the room electric. There was an underbelly of desperation to the energy, an almost manic outpour of something that felt as heavy as it looked. And it was all coming from a single source: Shoko.
It dawns on him, then, that the tremor in her hands was from how much cursed energy she was spilling into Haibara. The overabundance of it, and the lack of a pliable vessel to take it in. Not anymore, Gojo notes darkly, noting the rigour mortis settling into the body.
“Shoko,” Gojo tries again, gentler this time, because with the way she was bottoming herself out it was hard to gauge how lucid she is. “Getou tells me you’ve been here for hours. Are you—Do you want to—”
This Shoko said in finality, and Gojo bristled at the familiarity; it was a tone she often took with them so regularly, that he half believed her to be sane just then. But her hands were still so openly shaking, and she was starting to lose parlour, and he gives it another half hour before her cursed energy reached critical levels of low. 
“I’m not done yet.”
Gojo tries again. “But he’s—”
“Don’t,” Shoko croaks out, and he’s definitely not imagining the falter in her voice then. She turns to look him in the eye for the first time, and Gojo braced himself, not expecting the glassy in her eyes or the barely restrained pleading in her voice. “Not you, too.”
Gojo could do nothing but hold her desperation, feel it strangle him from the inside, and wants to unslip himself from this skin because he recognizes that: the longing for something to be true. Hadn’t he been told, urgently and with no grace for any seventeen-year-old whatsoever, that choosing to take over the mission would probably mean not being there for Haibara’s last moments? And hadn’t Yaga fought tooth and nail for someone else to go instead of him, nearly yelling at the higher-ups to give the boy a fucking break his classmate is dying, and him ignoring everything regardless because one life spared couldn’t possibly justify the killing of a hundred more? 
He remembers the look of betrayal Shoko gave him just seconds before he was shoved into the car, at the same time Getou was pushing Haibara’s so obviously broken and bleeding body into her gurney and braving the initial shock with her until her medic instincts kicked in. There was no mistaking the thinly veiled resentment in her eyes.
Because Getou understood duty. 
But with Shoko there was a savior complex to it, having been told relentlessly that the lives of everyone in school depended solely on her capabilities as the only medic. It’s a heady thing to put on someone just learning to control it, and Gojo would know just intimately: the weight it holds.
And so:
“I’m sorry.”
Shoko looks at him for a few more moments, her eyes searching. She turns back and then says in a much quieter voice, “It’s not your fault.”
And so maybe Gojo has seen it all at this point and this is the one thing he gets to see first: Shoko so openly and unapologetically break character, and maybe it’s still taking him some time to wrap his head around how just one singular person could cause so much unravelling so easily, especially from someone he only ever associated with nerves of steel.
It’s a little heartbreaking, and maybe even a little too honest for what he’s used to. But when he remembers how Haibara always brought them back a souvenir from his missions, or how he always volunteered to take extra ones when he noticed them doing one too many, and how much unadulterated respect he gave them when they crossed paths at school: remembers, then, how unfair it is.
Gojo feels Getou hovering by the door, can already tell he’s going to be their voice of reason again in what was turning out to be the most fucked up thing they’d ever had to do. He probably would know how to handle this better and do the right thing, Gojo thought. But when he chances a look at Shoko and sees her sad eyes trailing over Haibara’s body and trying to commit everything to memory one last time, thinks maybe, just maybe; fuck the right thing. 
Gojo comes up beside her. He gently pries her hands away only to replace them with his own, reversed cursed energy already pouring out.
“Okay then,” he turns to look at her, patient. “Need my help?” 
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yumeko2sevilla · 8 months
Amaterasu_ unknown marionette
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"I am not a human after all, what do you mean."
_The Unknwon Marionette
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Full Name: 'Amaterasu'
⤿Amaterasu (天照大御神): Formally known as Amaterasu Ōmikami. She is the goddess of the sun and universe in Japanese mythology.
Japanese: 天照大御神
Other Names:
╰┈➤Amaterasu-san_ Prefect-san
╰┈➤Monsieur Marionette (Rook Hunt)
╰┈➤Crystal Jellyfish-chan_ Kurisutarukurage-chan (Floyd Leech)
╰┈➤Mindless Puppet (Airin Tojinomi)
╰┈➤Darling (Divianta)
╰┈➤Ama (Tsukuyomi)
╰┈➤Prefect of Night Raven College
Twisted From: Jackpot Sad Girl+ Bitter Choco Decoration_ syudou_ Vocaloid- Project Sekai
Voice Actor(s):
╰┈➤Japanese_ Yūko Kaida_ Tsubomi Kido_ Kagerou Project- Mekakushi Actors
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╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮
Age: 20 (Appearance Wise_ Forever)
Gender: Unknown (They/Them)
Species: Conscious Marionette
Birthday: August 13_ Leo
Height: 183 cm_ Marionette Form, 192 cm_ Human Form.
Dominant Hand: Ambidextrous
Hair Color: Quinacridone Magenta_ Crimson Red
Eye Color: Crimson Red
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╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮
╰┈➤Divianta ("Mother"; Phantom of Vengence)
╰┈➤Tsukuyomi (Younger Brother; Human?)
╰┈➤KAFU(Youngest Sibling; Human?)』
Dormitory: Heartslabyul_ Ramshackle (Unofficial)
╰┈➤ Prefect of Night Raven College
╰┈➤ Bartender_ Unofficial Diva of Light Music Club
Grade: Freshman
Class: 1-A_ No. 9
Club: Light Music Club
Hobbies: Dealing with works, staring at the aquarium, observing.
Favorite Food(s): Don't know.
Least Favorite Food(s): Tsukuyomi's cookings.
Talent(s): Archery, Acting.
"One of the Prefects of Night Raven College. A reliable, yet unnerving and emotionless marionette that gains the trust of every students. What lies behind those eyes, were left unknown."
╰── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╯
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"I have played well, as a fool. Have I?"
╰┈➤An Obedient Maiden: Amaterasu is,, quite obedient. Polite yet distant, they always call others "Master" in a neutral tone. Rules and orders are in Amaterasu's following list, despite how cruel it may be for themself. And when it comes to tasks that related to people, they are a marionette that would want to know everything.
╰┈➤A Clockwork Heart: Emotionally apethetic and distant, Amaterasu came out as dispassionate, largely lacking in interests especially to humans. Prefer to state the fact than smoothering others with lies, their words are always straightforward and blunt. Whilist it seems to come out insenstive, maybe they mean it in a good way. It's quite ironic, considering how they always lie.
╰┈➤Guilding to An Alive Memory: When ask for their opinions, Amaterasu always says they don't know, yet desperately searching for the answers. In the rare cases where Amaterasu feels emotions, it were memories that were intense. Yet overtime, Amaterasu has became more rebellious, although they're still keep their obedient nature.
✬Unique Magic: Views of The Spider Threads (蜘蛛の糸の眺め)
"In the demise of the fallen world, I embrace the continous redness. Views of The Spider Thread."
╰┈➤The user is capable of seeing everything. From the past to the future, from the reality to concepts, there are almost nothing that they couldn't see. All you need is tell them, and they will seek it for you. But beware, if you change the future with bad intentions, the consequences will strike back to you.
╰┈➤ Backstory: •°•[ A Lost Child and The Witch]•°•
╰┈➤ Amaterasu once punched a Savanaclaw senior, due to how he insulted KAFU and Yukiharu. Later, the senior is known as Leona.
╰┈➤ In the Light Music Club, Amaterasu is known as the Diva of the Club. This is mainly due to how they have a good voice, and know many metal songs. (Quite the contrast of their nature.)
╰┈➤ Amaterasu is the Host of Anbelrona Hansel, the Phantom of Controlling.
╰┈➤ Logically, Amaterasu doesn't really belong to any dorms, even Ramshackle. But due to Crowley's wish, they got sorted unofficially to Heartslabyul and Ramshackle. They also have a Heartslabyul's dorm uniform.
╰┈➤ Their marionette form is actually at the same height of an average human.
╰┈➤ Their voice are distorting, and husky with no emotions in it much. It was kind of robotic.
@anxious-twisted-vampire @writing-heiress @achy-boo @yukii0nna
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showamagicalgirls · 6 months
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Although I most often think of her as a maternal archetype, as I’ve explored the stories of Amaterasu Ōmikami (天照大御神), I’ve come to realize that she’s also a maturing young girl in many of her stories. Because of this, I’ve included her in my list of influences on the magical girl genre.
Partially because of this association, I decided I wanted to visit her shrine in Ise city, Mie prefecture during this trip to Japan. As the top deity in Shintoism, her shrine is also considered the holiest place in the country.
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night-lie · 2 years
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Amaterasu, also known as Amaterasu Ōmikami or Ōhirume no Muchi no Kami is the goddess of the sun.
'Amaterasu' comes from the verb amateru, which means "to illuminate or shine in the sky". It's combined with the honorific auxiliary verb -su. 'Ōmikami' means "great (and) august deity". Notably, 'Amaterasu' in 'Amaterasu Ōmikami' is not technically a name: Amaterasu is an attributive verb form which modifies the noun after it.
Therefore, the name literally means "The Great August Goddess Who Augustly Shines in Heaven".
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sag-dab-sar · 6 months
Today is a solar eclipse the sun will be obscured almost entirely (only a sliver still visible) in my area. Tomorrow is the historical start date for the Sumerian Ur calendar (first "sight" of the waxing crescent) and thus an Akiti festival. I was planning on a procession that leads the deity away today and a procession of return tomorrow. And its was going to be Enlil (or An, Enlil, Enki not sure). But the meaning of leaving/returning would be perfect for a festival to Utu the Sun God. However, Amaterasu-Ōmikami forbade me from worshipping any other solar deities (or deities in solar aspect) many many years ago. So a solar celebration of Utu is out of the question. I just realized how intensely this can represent the story of Amaterasu-Ōmikami in the cave story so maybe I'll read that during the eclipse and maybe say the Hi-fu-mi prayer of purification (I'll be with my parents though)
Edit after:
The eclipse could only be seen with special glasses but it got super cold as we sat there, like my wheelchair rims got cold to the touch. And it became a grey sky without clouds which was weird.
I read the Kojiki rock-cave story while waiting for it to reach maximum
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shintoinenglish · 2 years
What are the misconceptions perpetuated by Westerners about Japanese mythology and Shinto? Aside from the widely known ones such as Tsukuyomi being the brother and husband of Amaterasu and him and Susanoo being jerks.
I think a major one is the girlbossification of Amaterasu Ōmikami...and the whitewashing of the political role myths hold.
I'm not sure how major a resource it is, but the Shintō mythology contained within Cassell's Encyclopedia of Queer Myth, Symbol and Spirit is largely wrong. While there is a lot of gender nonconformism and fluidity within Japanese mythology, I don't think that translates 1:1 to Amaterasu Ōmikami being trans.
Shirabyōshi aren't priests or priestesses, but it is rather a genre of traditional dance performed by women (usually courtesans) crossdressing for the purpose of the dance, men, and children.
A more major one, perhaps, also mentioned in Cassell's book: Kitsune just means fox, and does not refer to a specific kami/deity. Cassell is very guilty of conflating all foxes with Inari Ōkami (who is not a fox). While foxes usually function as tricksters in folklore, that does not really translate to Inari Faith. This is all conflated, and I'm not really sure where the sexual stuff comes from either.
(Sorry this turned into a rant about that book!)
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The Founding of Japan, Sort Of
A little while ago, when talking about Japanese mythology, I alluded to the belief in the divine origins of the Japanese imperial family through their reputed ancestor Amaterasu Ōmikami (Amaterasu for short), kami of the sun. This lineage and how they came to rule Japan is recorded in two very old historical texts: the Kojiki and the Nihon Shoki. Since I have been reading a fun book in Japanese…
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theomnicode · 2 years
The Saitama being a sun deity is becoming stronger and stronger. I saw this video and immediately remembered your theory.
Uuh which theories? I have far, far too many lol.
(Please dig me the theories being refered to I would appreciate those haha, I don't keep good tabs, I keep losing my stuff in my own archives...) (Also tbh I can't be arsed to watch Zoniin's one hour long video gah, I'm sorry if that's pertinent to this ask)
You prolly meant this when I took one of Murata-sensei's tweets about Garou arc ending. And also one of my divine power theories I've lost somewhere in the archives...
BUT the depiction of Saitama's divine power is definitely that of the sun and he has quite many sun motifs to go around.
From his bald head reflecting the sun, sun shining from behind him, fists glowing golden, the clash of divine powers looking like the sun itself, standing atop a monsterized sun, sun symbols like reading manga...the list goes on.
He's the sun man and sun deity, through and through.
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Well that is, if he Awakened (ascended) to the full use of his powers, his divine power to be precise that is fueled by his emotions. I still hypothesise that he doesn't particularly know exactly how it works. He punches something, it relieves him of his stressfull emotions and uh, yea.
That's it. He's like "I punch stuff and it works."
When he's talked to about his divine power, he does not consciously remember either. And pelted with rocks too as punishment.
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Then there's ofc the japanese mythos of Amaterasu, the sun goddess and rest which are probably a good source of inspiration to draw from.
Now if you allow me to detour from Saitama himself a bit...
Cuz he's prolly not the only "sun god" in the mix.
Let's talk about some potential Sun lore, divine power and mythos in OPM. This be a long one.
The interesting bit comes from that we also have a direct Tsukuyomi reference in the manga now and Tsukuyomi stands as one of the the siblings to Amaterasu, as does Susanoo. So it is probably fairly definitive at this point that ONE has read the mythos and some of that has been used as source of inspiration.
Amaterasu is the great and glorious goddess of the sun. An embodiment of the rising sun and Japan itself, she is the queen of the kami and ruler of the universe. The Japanese Imperial Family claims to have descended from her, and this is what gives them the divine right to rule Japan.
She is the center of Shinto, and Japanese spiritual life. Amaterasu can be translated as “Shines from Heaven,” with 天 meaning “heaven” (or Imperial) and 照 meaning “shines.” Amaterasu is shorthand for Amaterasu-ōmikami, which can be represented in Kanji as 天照大神, 天照大御神, and 天照皇大神. This longer version means “the great and glorious kami who illuminates from Heaven.” The most prominent of her titles is Ōhirume-no-muchi-no-kami (大日孁貴神), meaning “the great sun of the kami.”
Amaterasu is the Queen of Heaven, the kami, and creation itself. Though she did not create the universe, she is the goddess of creation, a role she inherited from her father, Izanagi, who now defends the world from the land of the dead.
Amaterasu’s primary role is that of the sun goddess. In this position, she not only serves as the literal rising sun that illuminates all things, but also provides nourishment to all living creatures and marks the orderly movement of day into night.
The sun represents order and purity, two of Shinto’s most important concepts. All things in creation are ordered, from Amaterasu down to the denizens of Jigoku and other hells. This order is reflected in Japanese society as well.
Through Amaterasu’s illumination, she represents not just order, but the justice that maintains it as well. The Imperial family has long served as the legitimizing power of any Japanese political entity, and they have always used this position to ensure that Amaterasu’s place as Queen of Heaven and her control of its courts are reflected in their rule. Thus, the earthly court systems and the justice they represent are reflections of Amaterasu’s divine justice, though she herself is not the goddess of justice - merely its final arbiter. She maintains harmony and balance in both the natural world and human society.
Tsukuyomi-no-Mikoto is the Japanese god of the moon, a proud deity of order and beauty. The estranged husband of the sun goddess Amaterasu, Tsukuyomi spends eternity chasing her across the sky.
Tsukuyomi, sometimes called Tsukuyomi-no-Mikoto (the great God Tsukuyomi), is rendered as 月読尊, or simply 月読 in Kanji. This name directly translates to “moon-reading,” a popular practice in the noble courts of pre-modern Japan where parties would stay up all night moon-gazing and reading poetry. An alternate Kanji reading is tsukuyo, moon-light, and mi, watching. Sometimes he is called Tsukuyomi Otoko (月讀壮士) or Tsukuhito Otoko (月人壮士), meaning “moon-reading man.”
Tsukuyomi is very much a match for his wife Amaterasu. Beautiful and serene, he believes in order and etiquette and enforces them whenever he can. His enforcement of such ideals extends to the point that he is willing to kill to maintain order, despite killing itself being a breach of etiquette in the heavenly court. Thus, there is irony in Tsukuyomi’s strict adherence to etiquette: to enforce it, he is willing to break it.
Tsukuyomi and his siblings Amaterasu and Susanoo were born of the purification ritual Izanagi underwent following his trials in Yomi.
Together, the siblings climbed the Heavenly Pillar and ruled the Heavens. Tsukuyomi married his sister Amaterasu, and ruled as her consort.
The Death of Uke Mochi When word reached Amaterasu, she was horrified and labeled her husband an evil kami, unworthy of returning to the Heavens. This separation of Tsukuyomi and Amaterasu was the origin of day and night. For all eternity, Tsukuyomi will continue to pursue Amaterasu across the night sky without ever reaching her; even during an eclipse, the sun will run from the moon.
Tsukuyomi lacked Amaterasu’s naturally glowing disposition. Whatever goodness he had was merely a reflection of her light.
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(Kami means God, so this is probably a direct reference to the mythos) (Garou has the sun corona wrapped around him, ergo he was the sun eclipse and ill omen)
And as we know, the Moon God is an obvious reference to OPM God who's body resides in the moon.
So what do they say about moonlight?
It only reflects the sunlight. Because moon does not produce light on it's own.
And there's been bunch of parallels between Saitama and OPM God already. One stands in the heavens and reflects the sunlight, the beauty of overwhelming power of the sun, light and moral good aspects and positivity and growth and want for living, while the other crawls from the ever-dark side of the moon where no sunlight reaches, the dark corners and only ever seems to even connect with individuals with dark thoughts in their minds, notably about killing or death of something.
(If he turned around it would be such a nice parallel to Saitama image above wouldn't it? Heh)
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There is one other occasions with usage of monsterized sun as motif, like when Black S combines to platinum S and experiences sadness and grief on a deeper level, because he feels all those consciousness of other Black S fade in death and merge into new individual.
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One could hypothesise then that OPM God gains power from darker, deeper, negative emotions of the psyche, these powers work as it's fuel and it takes advantage of these openings in the heart to wheedle it's influence over individuals. When the spirit is weakened and people give into these dark thoughts and emotions in times of duress. Like when HE tried to hang himself and Garou gave up after Saitama beat him, future Garou turned himself into salt statue and Garou tried to get other heroes to kill him.
Emotions like self-loathing, hatred of other individuals enough to produce killing intent, dark triadism, those kinds of stuff. Saitama himself has to prep a serious punch with enough killing intent to vaporize enemies like Elder centipede.
So you could say that if Saitama is the Sun god, then OPM God is the Moon God and the other side of the coin, the forces that make the Earth spin around, if you allow some philosophy.
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Saitama is the protagonist of the story and OPM God is proposed to be the final villain. So yea, it kinda makes sense too. The beginning and the end of the Ouroboros.
(And you can't say OPM God prolly ain't kinda obsessed and/or linked with Saitama at this point, the Abominable fist that turned against God, like Tsukuyomi chases the sun god Amaterasu. It ain't easy being Saitama.)
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Sun is basically a large ball of hot plasma, so their divine powers are similar too. HE basically throws large balls of hot plasmas at people (like vaccineman and choze), so its no wonder he was such a scary opponent and a hit would vaporize anybody in an instant.
Besides cutting it with sun blade, which seems symbolic if anything in a chapter titled "The greatest obstacle". There is both the sun blade and the moon blade, naturally, to reflect the dualistic aspects of divine power I am guessing. Sunlight is the source of all life on Earth, but ultraviolet can also break down DNA and the thermal energy is very destructive.
The Sun is the star at the center of the Solar System. It is a nearly perfect ball of hot plasma, heated to incandescence by nuclear fusion reactions in its core. The Sun radiates this energy mainly as light, ultraviolet, and infrared radiation, and is the most important source of energy for life on Earth.
I don't really see that much difference between Saitama's divine power of the sun or what Homeless Emperor uses and what gets forfeited from him and which then also kills him by burning him to crisp, besides the intent.
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It's a sun, alright. Blast calls Garou's power "divine power" when he flares and glows with the power of Sun's corona (same look as in the cover page "Authenticity"), Saitama's copied power from Garou fuses with his own serious punch to create a ball of plasma in the sky and literal sun and Blast's friends wonder who's this person imbued with so much divine power.
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It's all just some aspects of the power of the Sun.
(Praise the sun) (I'm sorry, not)
And as it stands, OPM God also resides within a depiction of heaven, much like when Amai-mask imagined Saitama as a being of overwhelming power in 174 "Beauty". The first attack Garou also used was Nuclear fission, third attack was Gamma ray Burst and our Sun is classified a red dwarf star.
Nuclear fusion is the process that powers active or main-sequence stars and other high-magnitude stars, where large amounts of energy are released.
The interesting bit is that Garou could also use and copy Blast's and Saitama's powers and then figured out something as absurd as time travel on his own. With just the knowledge of the flow and behaviour of all the energies in the universe.
Idk maybe he just slapped everything he knew and had copied together and poof, time travel concept. *shrug*
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Whether there is more to divine power itself, like divine power having the capacity of manipulating reality of the cosmos itself (space-time) or whether Saitama's divine power is still in it's infancy, like Garou who only got a small impartation of power or if Saitama bending reality of the known cosmos comes from somewhere else, like soul or some kind of combined effect like mind, body and soul... Hard to say.
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(Hah Saitama's divine power being underdeveloped...scary)
(Other side of the coin when Saitama reflects the moon on the surface of the water, btw)
I've thought this before, but I do think that one of the agendas, if OPM God is the chessmaster and the invisible hand, then it allowed Saitama to learn this ability from Garou who managed to figure out how to do it. He's a quick study and genious of techniques, so maybe he needed to be pushed to that point to actually develop such a technique and Garou was fond of combining other techniques into making his own.
So maybe the theory of Garou combining everything he knew into time travel concept holds some water then and it's not part of divine power in itself.
But Blast having space-time powers, so idk... need to know more.
I'm going to loan Rene descartes and the Pineal gland for a bit.
The pineal gland is a tiny organ in the center of the brain that played an important role in Descartes’ philosophy. He regarded it as the principal seat of the soul and the place in which all our thoughts are formed.
In Treatise of Man: In scholastic philosophy, these activities were explained by referring to the soul, but Descartes proudly pointed out that he did not have to invoke this notion: “it is not necessary to conceive of this machine as having any vegetative or sensitive soul or other principle of movement and life, apart from its blood and its spirits, which are agitated by the heat of the fire burning continuously in its heart—a fire which has the same nature as all the fires that occur in inanimate bodies”. The pineal gland played an important role in Descartes’ account because it was involved in sensation, imagination, memory and the causation of bodily movements.
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As in perception, Descartes applied the term ‘idea’ again to the flow of animal spirits from the pineal gland: “And note that if we have an idea about moving a member, that idea—consisting of nothing but the way in which spirits flow from the gland—is the cause of the movement itself” (AT XI:181; Hall 1972, p. 92). Apart from the just-mentioned type of bodily motions, caused by motions of the pineal gland, there is also a second kind, namely reflexes. The pineal gland plays no role with respect to them. Reflexes are caused by direct exchanges of animal spirits between channels within the hemispheres of the brain. (Descartes did not know that there are “spinal reflexes”.) They do not necessarily give rise to ideas (in the sense of currents in the ventricles) and are not brought about by motions of the pineal gland.
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The passions of the soul: The solution of this puzzle is to be found in a passage which Descartes wrote a few years before the Passions, in which he compared the mind with the heaviness or gravity of a body: “I saw that the gravity, while remaining coextensive with the heavy body, could exercise all its force in any one part of the body; for if the body were hung from a rope attached to any part of it, it would still pull the rope down with all its force, just as if all the gravity existed in the part actually touching the rope instead of being scattered through the remaining parts. This is exactly the way in which I now understand the mind to be coextensive with the body—the whole mind in the whole body and the whole mind in any one of its parts” (Replies to the sixth set of objections to the Meditations, 1641, AT VII:441, CSM II:297). He added that he thought that our ideas about gravity are derived from our conception of the soul.
In this, ONE may have juxtaposed the idea of heavy conscience with passions of the soul from Rene Descartes and having powers of gravity at one's disposal, like Blast has. Kinda like how Mob walks with heavy steps when he's in ??? because of heavy conscience. The more the individual feels about matters, the more passionate the individual is, the more weight is put on their conscience.
If we glean from this that the more weight on individual's conscience, the more space-time powers they have then...and reality manipulation being space-time powers then it would mean Saitama's conscience might be...very fucking heavy. Since he too, is wounded healer archetype like Blast.
First episode in OPM, about thousand civilians died in one fell swoop because he could have just punched Beefcake immediately, but did not, because he had grown so apathetic his conscience had taken a hike.
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The medieval philosopher Thomas Aquinasbelieved our conscience emerged from synderesis: the ‘spark of conscience’. He literally meant the human mind’s ability to understand the world in moral terms. Conscience was the process by which a person brought the principles of synderesis into a practical situation through our decisions.
Anyways, one other mythos from the aztects of their Sun god comes to mind when talking about sun gods.
OPM God is basically dead. It's incorporeal and it's body is inert in the moon. It only appears to people taking other forms and when enough divine power is present and only within their subconscious. Then it took HE's life and his power as his own. His temple underground looks reminiscent to aztec temples.
The rationale for Aztec human sacrifice was, first and foremost, a matter of survival. According to Aztec cosmology, the sun god Huitzilopochtli was waging a constant war against darkness, and if the darkness won, the world would end. The keep the sun moving across the sky and preserve their very lives, the Aztecs had to feed Huitzilopochtli with human hearts and blood.
Joe Rogan talks about how Aztecs burned people alive.
With this in mind...OPM God may stress out people first so when they finally die, it can digest the souls and they're more tasty this way but it would also give him their superhuman strenght and religious ecstacy of their souls.
If it feeds on the power of dark emotions, yea, it would probably give it more power with this kind of approach and feed into it's own cruel tendencies of manipulating people and watching them suffer and doing his bidding like slaves. Playing the evil, egotistical puppermaster.
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That's why it's so goddamn large, it looks like a Preta path (hungry ghost) and why there's so many flowers of Lotus at it's feet. A pure, sacred flower. Might be all the souls it has nommed in it's quest to sustain itself in some way, since it's dead so it has no life energy and looks like death warmed over.
Kinda like Boros when boros got a taste of Saitama's serious punch, just shriveled up. Might be the reason it wants a living body as sacrifice to resurrect on earth.
This is a hypothesis though.
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Nelumbo nucifera is a lotus species with historical cultural and spiritual significance. It is a sacred flower in both Hinduism and Buddhism,[93] representing the path to spiritual awakening and enlightenment. In Christianity, the lotus flower is often associated with the apostle Thomas and his coming to India.[94] It was also an important symbol in ancient Egypt, where it represented the path from death to rebirth to the afterlife.
Whether it has some kind of agenda at play, like the Aztec sun god and keeping some kind of darkness at bay and morally justifying this action of empowering itself...that I cannot say. But there is that dark shape below inside the God's dimension that Saitama awoke which wants to destroy humans cuz humans are apparently a plague, so there is that.
Kinda hard to make humans your avatars if the other agenda is to create monsters to destroy them at the same time, huh? Misantrophy all the same.
Idk, maybe it tries to take the human souls to himself first so they don't end up as sacrificial lambs for the resurrection of evil god? Ends don't justify the means though. *shrug*
Phew, that's a lot of stuff. I may've had a bit more to add but I lost my train of thought somewhere. Mostly mythos and hypothesis and stuff I've thought about here and there.
(The smallest ask sometimes gets the longest meta thoughts if I am so inclined lmao)
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pararennial-archived · 11 months
She is sitting there . . . Like an overgrown stuffed animal, probably spacing out or something while having a bunch of items nestled inside her very thick coat.
Her visits almost become regular, it was beyond the point of simply happenstance and algorithm. The greatest mathematicians cannot unravel the grandest of mysteries with such fine point precision, not through equations nor measurements. Whether Roxanne knows the true identity of the she-wolf or not, Amaterasu Ōmikami shows whenever she pleases, as certain as an ocean wave would collide against rocky shores.
Her arrival is not unwelcome as Roxanne greets her amiable companion with a smile and gently runs her fingers through the wolf's voluminous mane. The silken texture was to be expected, but not the foreign object that her fingers catch hold of. What the ⏤ ?
With a frown, Roxanne's hand closed around something cool to the touch and when she unearthed it from a mass of fur, to her surprise it was a bong of all things! Sucking in a sharp breath, she vigorously rakes her hands through, catching anything in her grasp. From her excavation, she collects a few zip locked bags of weed, several bottles of pricey booze, and even a pair of pants filled with ( you guessed it ) more weed.
Now, Roxanne is no narc, nor is she the most pious and reverent person ever. However, anybody should be able to acknowledge that this is an incredibly tasteless act!
❝What kind of drug dealer does this?! How'd they get to you?! And most importantly, how the fuck will they expect to get this all back?!❞
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princessmeepa · 1 year
Strong and beloved female characters that are not toxic marry sue girl boss from Myths and fairy tales that Disney have never done:
Gretel from Hansel and Gretel 
Ame no Uzume from Japanese mythology
Amaterasu Ōmikami from Japanese mythology
Psyche from Eros and Psyche myth/Greek mythology
Ariadne from the minotaur myth/Greek mythology Hopefully they will make Dionysus cute and handsome not fat and ugly for a Disney Prince/ Love interest , and make Theseus into a Prince Hans villain type from Frozen
Demeter from Greek mythology
Penelope from the Odyssey/Greek mythology
Hellen of Troy from Greek mythology
Sakura from the Legend of Sakura tree/Japanese fairy tale
Cleopatra from history if they made Pocahontas a Disney princess then why not
Odette from the Swan Lake
Juliet from Romeo and Juliet 
Benzaiten from Japanese mythology
Esther from the Bible if Dream works can do a retelling of the Bible then so can Disney
Ruth from the Bible samething
Little Red Riding Hood from the same name
The Unnamed princess from the Princess and the pea
Eliza from the Wild Swan
The uname girl from the Goose girl
Any other Ideas
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