imagine-loki · 4 years
A Gentle Touch
AUTHOR: amaru163
ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine sometimes when Loki is having a particularly bad day, he'll sneak into your quarters, throw his head into your lap and put your hand in his hair so you can pet him. If it's really bad, he'll ask for you to tell him he's doing a good job.
When the team returned from their month-long mission, you were curled up on the end of a sofa in the common room. Jarvis had told you that they would be arriving soon, which gladdened you because you had been a bit lonely and bored. You had sustained an injury on the last mission that resulted in you being sidelined until the doctor cleared you for action. That made you somewhat resentful, but it was something that you had to deal with.
Loki was the first to arrive, and was alone on the elevator. When he came into the common room, you were curious where the others were. Before you could ask though, he sank down onto the sofa with you, not touching you, but close enough that he only needed to reach out slightly.
“They’re on their way up,” he said, with a deep sigh.
“How did it go?” You asked, putting your tablet aside and sitting upright.
“Successful, but very tiring,” he responded.
You allowed your gaze to skim over his face, and he did look more tired than you’d ever seen him. His hair was slightly unruly, and there were dark circles under his eyes. You watched while he pinched the bridge of his nose and grimaced.
“What’s wrong?”
Okay, Loki never complained about a headache; heck, he never complained at all about anything health related, because any injuries that he might suffer would be healed fairly quickly by his Asgardian biology, and the seidr that coursed through his body.
“Have you tried—“
Your question was interrupted when he shifted enough to put his head in your lap. He arranged himself on the sofa, with his feet propped on the opposite armrest, with ankles crossed. The action took you by surprise, because Loki just didn’t do things like that.
“Are you alright?” You asked cautiously.
“Yes,” he murmured, just before he took your hands and put them on his temples. “Be a pet, would you?”
Now you were flabbergasted, but you did start rubbing his temples gently. Loki closed his eyes, and you could swear that you felt his whole body relax. Your thumbs smoothed his eyebrows, then his forehead before you carefully allowed your fingertips to slide into his hair just enough to gauge his reaction.
He didn’t move, but you took a moment to rub your thumbs over his eyebrows again before moving to his cheekbones. Finally, you went to his hair again, with your fingers lightly moving against his scalp. Before long, you became more confident and combed through his dark locks while watching his face to be certain that you hadn’t overstepped.
That’s how the others found you, and you glared at them warningly, not wanting to disturb Loki, who had drifted off to sleep. They all looked surprised, but quietly went to their own rooms.
For several hours, you remained as still as a statue, with only your hands moving as you soothed Loki’s tension and headache away. You did wonder why he had come to you for comfort, but you didn’t mind at all. You were attracted to him, even though he wasn’t particularly fond of mortals. At least, that's what he’s said on numerous occasions.
Now, though, he slept with his head in your lap, and with your hands playing gently in his hair. And you didn’t mind at all.
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A Midnight Visitor
By: @emeraldrosequartz @latent-thoughts @amaru163 @shiningloki @talklokitome and myself.
Helloooo, everyone! So, a few authors (see above) from the Loki's Library Discord server have come together to create this delightfully smutty piece- which has now been posted on AO3.
This hot potato fic was inspired by this STUNNING art by @amatasera :-
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You’d been asleep, but the distinct feeling of being watched rouses you from your slumber. As you slowly open your eyes, you can feel the chill night air cascading gently down on you from the open window above, the snowscape of Jotunheim shimmering in the eerie silence of winter just outside.
 You take a deep breath and roll over, not entirely expecting to see anyone but...someone is there. Standing as still as a statue with the most calm and caring expression tinged with the slightest hint of doubt and inquisitiveness, black hair flowing over his naked shoulders and moonlight gleaming on his azure torso, his markings barely catching the subtle shadows in the night.
 Prince Loki. Watching you. Silent. Contemplative.
Keep reading
Tags: @official-and-unstable-satan @frostedgiant
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bellesque · 4 years
Hi! Could I be added to your Loki taglist? Please & thank you! 😝
sure thing dear! added 💚
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ragnarachael · 4 years
I’d like to join your discord pretty please 😬
here’s the link for you, love! https://discord.gg/ANesCt just be sure to read the rules and react to the rules message to join the server officially!
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shiningloki · 4 years
The Rescue
The Rescue - A Collaboration Loki One Shot by @latent-thoughts​ @emeraldrosequartz​ @amaru163​ @imnotrevealingmyname​ @toozmanykids​ And Myself!
You’ve been captured by magic harvesting smugglers en route to train with the Master Sorcerer Loki himself. And he’s going to do whatever it takes to get you back...
Word Count: 5514
Part of the “It’s More Fun With More People: Loki’s Library “Hot Potato” One-Shots” Collection on AO3
Master List
A/N: Hey everyone, we’re back at it again with another collaboration one shot!! This one was written by @latent-thoughts​ @emeraldrosequartz​ @amaru163​ @imnotrevealingmyname​ @toozmanykids​ and myself in response to a steamy conversation about Loki’s strength, power, and his definite kink for manhandling! We took turns contributing to this piece so it has a bit of all of us in it!! Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy!
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How long had you been here?
You shifted in your chains, the darkness and cold of the cell seeming to penetrate your very soul. Ever since you had been captured, you had felt your hope of escape diminish with each passing day. At least...you thought they were days; it was near impossible to keep track of time in this place. You had tried scratching marks on the wall, but after the first week or two, you started to lose track.
All this because you wanted magic lessons from the master sorcerer himself, Loki of Asgard. His power was legendary, and you were eager to see if you could pick up any new tricks. But en route to Asgard, your ship had been attacked…
You didn’t even know what had happened to the rest of the passengers and the crew, just that you had been taken and thrown in this reinforced cell.
Now, you didn’t know when you would get out of this place...IF you would get out of this place. It all seemed so hopeless, and your magical ability was nowhere near strong enough to do anything useful.
Suddenly, you heard the dull boom of a distant explosion somewhere in the facility. Then another. Then another.
You moved your way over to the small grated window in your cell, trying to catch a glimpse of what was going on outside.
And that’s when you saw him.
He wore his battle armor, and strode with purpose, and you had never been so happy to see someone in your life. As he got nearer, you could tell that he’d had a tough time getting to you. His expression was fierce enough to frighten you, and you were rather glad that he wasn’t angry at you.
@latent-thoughts​ on AO3
@emeraldrosequartz​ on AO3
@amaru163​ on AO3
@imnotrevealingmyname​ on AO3
@toozmanykids​ on AO3
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Fic requests are CLOSED! Be sure to check out my AO3 for more Tom Hiddleston and Loki angst, drama, fluff, romance, and smut!
Like what you see? Support me on ko-fi!
Want to be added to my tag list for “Get On Your Knees And Pray To Me”, for my one shots, or both? Send me a message, an ask, or leave a comment letting me know which list you want to be added to!
Bee’s One Shots Tag List: @lots-of-loki​ @hiddlesholic​ @procrastinatinglikeabitch​ @nancybenson​ @ladyblablabla​ @anagrom​ @heartforhiddles​ @memenerdlover​ @bellesque​ @fluffyfanficangel​ @frostbitten-written​ @toozmanykids​ @dangertoozmanykids101​ @eli-vibes​ @michellearel1​ @nomadmilk​ @is-it-madness​ @cholcomb01​ @myraiswack​ @hanyasnape​ @merrymaking88​ @jessip1ier​ @lordofthenerds97​ @worshipping-skarsgard​ @siochan-leat​ @fixatedfandomhunter​ @davidbuddbg​ @readsalot73​ @caffiend-queen​ @ciaodarknessmyheart​ @myblissfulparadise​ @tea4sykes @arianoct @rorybutnotgilmore​ @cap-n-ce​ @bourbon-in-my-coffee​ @rogueheretic555​ @sifinskies​ @astheworlddturns​ @harold231 @creator-appreciator​ @ohdearhiddles​ @luna-viola-delmare​ @beanisintrovert​ @sllooney​ @imnotrevealingmyname​ @cottoncandy1010​ @coastall-girll​ @lokislastlove​ @americaan-tragedy​ @kiliskywalker666​ @tom-ben4ever​ @rhemasky​ @ragnarachael​ @catsladen​ @dragonmaiden70 @fyrecrafted​ @tehgvicious​ @onesmokinbabe​ @delightfulheartdream @amberlokabrenna​
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latent-thoughts · 4 years
Today is Fanfic Writers' Appreciation Day, and so, I wanna spread some love.
@mastreworld One of the very first Loki fics I had read were yours. It was full of my kinda kinks and smut, but more importantly, it was full of rich story telling. It didn't just open a new creative world for me, it also opened the gates for one of the closest friendships I've ever had. You and your fics have a special place in my heart. I love our discussions (Loki knows some of them have led to the writing of more Loki fics). It's a magical thing, and I hope you keep writing more delicious Loki fics.
@caffiend-queen Boy, you write such details in your fics, my mind is blown away. Especially the stuff about clothes, shoes, classy booze, anything really...you have got such in-depth knowledge of this stuff! I don't even think about such details when I write, which is a personal failing of mine, lol. It's so damn impressive that you mix these details in, and it really brings the story to life. Great smut aside, you write some of the most nail biting climaxes (ha!) too, which is not an easy thing to do.
@nildespirandum You are a words' witch. You weave words like pearls in an intricate jewelry piece. I'm awed by your worldbuilding, and even slightly envious, if I may say so. You write grey characters so well, I feel truly conflicted when they do something super bad, lol. I hope your Loki and Nora series never reaches an end. It even gave me inspiration for writing a series in future.
@realityhelixwrites You write one of the cutest, fluffiest Loki's, and still keep him authentic and in character. Not a small feat. Your story, Lasabrjotr, has a really fleshed out reader character. I luff her. Though she be but little she is fierce! Keep on writing, you write one of the best slow burn Loki fics.
@illegalcerebral I truly appreciate your Loki fics, especially the series with the GOTG gang. It's something I badly wanted to see, and your fic filled that void in my soul. Your writing has an almost fairytale-sqe feel to it. I enjoy it thoroughly! MY BODY IS READY FOR THE NEXT PART OF THE LONELIEST PEOPLE IN THE GALAXY.
@maiden-of-asgard Don't think that I can say more than what's already been said. Your writing is to die for. The details in your fics, especially the worldbuilding and language and culture creation... CHEF'S KISS! And to top that, you blend Loki's mischief and stoicism so well. I hope to see more of your creative ventures, be it fic or original publishing.
@ohhhmyloki Your writing has a unique tone and style. Very few stories make me FEEL so much, and yours surely do. I feel as though I'm in the character's skin. I swear reading Fever was a religious experience, in more ways than one. It brought you in my life, and with you came the understanding about certain spiritual experiences I had been receiving. It has been a great experience, and I'm glad to have you as one of my closest frens.
@emeraldrosequartz GUUURL... whatever I write here, its the tip of the iceberg that's our relationship 😂🥰. A year ago, at this time, @dangertoozmanykids101 (I think) recced your fic (In One Moment) here on Tumblr. I hopped on the wagon and started reading. And then commenting on it. It was dark, it was delicious, it even scary. I found you on Tumblr... And idk what happened then... a spell was cast, perhaps? But that marked the beginning of a writing frenzy unlike any I've ever experienced before. We wrote together like crazies, and we got to know each other through it. It was so intense, it was like a fever. I hope we can keep on creating more stories (we sure are). I'm blessed to have you in my life, babe. ❤️
@talklokitome I got to know you through Loki's Library, and I thank the universe that I stuck with the server, because I cherish our deep friendship. Through it I got to read your fics, which was like uncovering a gem. Watching you write with @emeraldrosequartz was especially fun. Hope you do it again soon.
@lokilover9 Yours was also one of the first fics I read in the fandom, especially on Tumblr. If there's a potential for humor in any situation, and if Loki is involved, you know how to make it even funnier. I've had a blast writing with you, and also, experiencing the growth of our friendship. I hope that you can get back to writing again. It's the perfect outlet for your naughty and dirty creative thoughts. 😂
@amaru163 I know that I've been lacking in reading your stories (or reading much at all, lately 😭), but those snippets you've shared have been a delight to read. Please keep sharing more.
@shiningloki Boy, you've been a revelation. I hope I can dedicate more time to reading your deliciously smutty fics. They have all the kinks I wish for. One night imma set my obligations aside to simply gorge on Get On Your Knees... 😏
@grufflepuff-writes-stuff Your dedication to writing is something else. I'm amazed at the fact that you've written almost 150 Loki's Lullabies. You go girl! Your writing feels like a warm blanket on a cold and stormy night, with a fire crackling nearby. It's a hot chocolate that feels like warm silk on the throat. The fact that you can, through your writing, give us readers comfort during this tough time is something truly amazing. Keep it up. 💜
@pedeka & @icybluepenguin I love the way you weave your storyline within different MCU storylines to create a completely new thing. I love that you included mythological elements to it as well, especially Huginn and Muninn. I cannot wait to catch up on it. It's one of the best RP evolved stories I've read.
@wolfpawn You write such inspiring and strong female characters, it's a gift to the Loki fandom. You write rich, long stories filled with real world issues and problems, something that is hard to do when writing fantasy. Idk how you do it, but you're a like a supremely skilled craftsmen with it. Not to mention, your amazing work with @imagine-loki . You work hard on that blog, and I'd say you are one of the great pillars of this fandom.
@dangertoozmanykids101 @toozmanykids Guurl, your are a turbo charged fic reccer and reader. Your comments on my fics have probably added years of good life to my lifetime. I swear I want to get them all framed. Besides being an awesome contributer to the fandom, you're a great creative mind yourself. The things you've written, especially in our 'Loki on Sakaar' challenge, are absolutely out of this world. I could never, lol. I hope to see more of your writing come to life, babe. And I hope our friendship keeps growing too. You're an awesome person.
@foruneyti Your story is one of the loveliest I've ever read in the fandom. I rec it to anyone and everyone who asks me for fic recs. I hope you write more such engaging tales.
@sserpente The sheer volume of your fics is amazing. You write with great heart and dedication to the craft. You take on prompts and requests (something I've had issues with) and weave lovely fics around them. Your productivity is enviable. I hope you keep on writing and succeed as an author.
@imnotrevealingmyname My little writing fren. I've come to know you and your fics very recently, but it's been a very pleasant discovery. What more, getting to know yet another Indian in the fandom was delightful! You write one of the naughtiest, smuttiest fics I've read, and I love your thought process. 😂😏
@nekoamamori I love the sheer joy your fics bring into the fandom. I especially love your Peter and Loki friendship fic (Of Numbers And Strange Friendships). It's something that I dearly wanted to see on screen, but it didn't happen. Your fic fixes that beautifully.
@nuggsmum You are a lovely storyteller, one of the funniest people I've met on Tumblr, and not yo mention, super strong and resilient. I hope that you can find the time to write again, after you've dealt with the things that need your attention now. You're a bright star in a dark sky. ❤️
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gingerwritess · 5 years
Omg I love hands too, can u imagine the reader just out of the blue straddling Loki (who was perfectly minding his own business on the couch reading) & the reader pulls the book from his hands and starts to just feel them. Kiss them. Even nibble them just a little. And our smol bean is just so confused but slowly closes his eyes and just enjoys the sensations. When the reader hears him sigh she looks up and he’s full blushing like ‘oh I actually liked the feeling of that’,real cozy vibe fic
i am aLIVE have this dumb little fluffy piece to tide you over, i have something up my sleeve that i’ll be posting about later but for now...enjoy fawning over loki’s hands
He’s deeply at peace right now, with the most serene softness to his face that you’ve seen in a long time.
Loki’s been needing some peace lately, between hyper kids and an equally hyper brother, plus patients and work and avenging and being a princely diplomat and a husband; yeah, he deserves to curl up with a good book.
But, his hands dare to exist. So graceful. Such long, pale fingers, turning the pages and clutching the cover, you want to hold them, but he’s caressing a book, not you.
What a shame it would be if someone were to interrupt.
You stride over to the couch, pluck the book out of his hands—careful not to lose his spot—and plop yourself down on his lap.
“I was reading that,” Loki halfheartedly protests, half a tired grin creeping over his face—he can’t say this isn’t preferred.
“Read me,” you mutter, already distracted by the hands settling on your thighs. “Give me your hands.”
The god quirks an eyebrow, but does as you say. Always, does as you say, as if he likes it, as if he’s proud to.
You hold his hands like he held the book. Just let them sit in your palms, occasionally running your thumbs along the curve of skin between his thumbs and forefingers.
They’re heavy.
Yet at the same time...perfectly light. At first they float, and Loki is confused, so you lean forward to press a soft kiss to his forehead and his hands fall the rest of the way into yours.
“What’s this about?”
The left hand drops from your grip as you focus on the right, lifting it to eye level and squinting at it.
Holding perfectly still, he watches you trace the undersides of his fingers from the tip to the center of his palm, your touch ghostly and careful, sending a tingling shiver down his spine.
The minuscule jerk of his body under you makes you crack a smile, and you bring his palm to your lips.
Loki nods, his eyes fluttering closed.
“Sorry,” you whisper, and place a tiny kiss on each of his fingertips.
“Kids asleep?”
He hums right back deep in his throat, his free hand settling in the curve where your thigh meets your hip, his thumb brushing over your skin as you kiss his fingertips.
He’s gone completely limp and looks so difinitively delicious that you can’t help but take the tip of his middle finger between your teeth, watching him through your eyelashes when he cracks an eye open to stare at you.
Sliding your fingers through his, you cut him off by catching his lips with yours.
That’s when he actually relaxes.
His eyes close and he groans against you, squeezing your hand tight as you stroke your fingers along his knuckles. You’re lifting the weight of a million stars from his chest with one brush of your lips, and you guide his hands to wrap around your neck as you pry your fingers from his so you can slide your palms over his chest, his shoulders, up his neck to lose themselves in his hair.
The smallest whimper leaves his throat.
“Hey,” you whisper, pulling away ever so slightly, forehead still resting against his. “Loki. You okay?”
“Tired,” he replies hoarsely. “So, so tired.”
He hasn’t been sleeping well, you’ve been able to tell, always tossing and turning beside you, trying to hold onto you and see if that will put him to sleep, but most of the time he ends up getting out of bed to go busy himself with anything he can. A book, a small task, writing, you, if you’re awake; any kind of distraction.
You nudge his cheek with your nose, slowly stroking your palm up and down the side of his neck. “Go to sleep, sweetheart. Right now, just fall asleep, I’m right here.”
His forehead drops to your curve of your neck. “Something’s changing,” he murmurs, fingers curling against your back. “It’s waking me. I don’t know what or when or what is has to do with us, but something...something significant is on the horizon.”
Moving slowly from his cheek to just under his eye, you trace your lips along the smooth skin there, placing a soft kiss on his brow. “Something good?”
“Maybe.” He twitches under you and shakily tries to land a kiss to your lips, but he misses and it lands on your chin instead. Breathing a quiet laugh, you take his face in your hands, thumb tracing once over his lips before you guide him into a proper kiss.
“We’ll make it good,” you whisper. “Whatever it is.”
Trailing soft kisses across his cheek and down his neck, you pick his left hand up again, lips moving to the inside of his wrist as he quietly groans.
“What kind of dark magic...”
“Affection, Loki.” A quick kiss to his wedding ring. “It’s called affection.”
He laughs, his fingers curling towards you. “I know. Can I—”
You push him back against the couch with a firm kiss to his forehead, not letting go of his hand when he tries to flip the tables on you.
“Unbelievable,” he grunts. His eyes flutter closed and he smiles. “You’re such a pain.”
You kiss his wedding ring again, ghosting kisses along his ring finger and down to his palm and back up to twirl his ring around his finger. It’s still one of your favourite things you’ve ever given him—aside from two children, I suppose.
A thin golden serpent wraps itself around his left ring finger, a snake with two tiny emerald eyes, biting it’s tail to bind him as yours.
When you lift your gaze, he’s staring at it.
“You okay, honey?”
He smiles, twists his hand suddenly to grab your wrist and yank you against him, and locks an arm around your neck as you let out a yelp.
“Always,” he whispers, and kisses your giggling lips. “Always, no matter what.”
―   ―   ―   ―
~ masterlist link in my bio ~
loki tags: @bluediamond007 @himitoshi @drakesfiance @destiel1597 @dangertoozmanykids101 @archy3001 @jcalpha1 @yzssie @skullvieplu @forthesnakeofdragons @skulliebythesea @wegingerangelica @storiesfrommirkwood @agarwaeneth @adaliamalfoy @laurfangirl424@fitzsimmons-is-forever @ladylokimischief @katelinwrites @tarynkauai @polaristrange @loavesofmeat @canadian-ravenpuff-multishipper @lou-makes-me-strong @holyn0vak @chocolatealmondmillk @swtnrholland @kenzieam @jessiejunebug  @the-republic-and-face-of-texas
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@toozmanykids @brooklyn-times
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sserpente · 5 years
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A/N: Here’s to the first Halloween Imagine this year! I can’t believe September is almost over already. Request from @amaru163​, @primestefericirea and anon. Enjoy, everyone! ♥
Words: 2262 Warnings: brief mentions of attempted rape
Moaning, you shut off the TV and then threw the remote on the empty spot on the sofa next to you. Hocus Pocus was a classic Halloween movie and perfect for cuddling up with pumpkin spice tea and Halloween candy… but at the end of the day, the boy got the girl and they kissed and lived happily ever after.
It wasn’t even Christmas yet—you forbad yourself to sulk away and cry over being so lonely; and going out on Halloween, dressed in an uncomfortable costume, wasn’t really your thing either, even if your friends had insisted you came along to meet someone. Since the incident with your spiked drink and the two American men who had tried to rape you in the backyard before your friend found you and stepped in, you hardly felt like partying out in public anymore.
You’d rather spend the day giving out candy to costumed children and then curl up in bed with a good book, wishing you would not have to spend the spooky day alone. With a sigh you closed your eyes, the clock striking midnight. 31st of October… well… Happy Halloween to me.
It was time to go to bed anyway.
The next morning started unspectacular, even though it was a perfect October day. Fog crept through the streets, the cold autumn air uniting with a grey sky. The wind was chilly—you were glad to be too old to go trick or treating. You would have been freezing today, especially in the witch costume you used to wear.
Humming to yourself, you poured yourself a cup of coffee and then prepared a bowl of treats which you placed next to the door. You had a few more hours until the first children would excitedly ring your doorbell and until then, decorating a bit surely wouldn’t do any harm. You always left your Halloween decorations up until mid-November anyway.
It was then somebody knocked on your door, making you frown. It was way too early for trick or treaters. You suspected it to be the postman but even he usually did not stop by before twelve—one of the disadvantages living in a small and secluded house in the suburbs. But that also meant that visitors were a rarity. Only the children knew that they’d collect a lot of candy here.
You heard the knocking again, this time more urgently, ferociously even. Almost as if somebody was sliding down your door after being beaten up…
Quickly, you threw on your bathrobe and hurried to the door, eyes darting around to find a suitable weapon—just in case. The metal shoehorn would have to suffice; but what you saw when you opened the door made you gasp.
There was a man, panting and barely conscious. A tall man with long black hair and the most beautiful face you had ever seen, cowering on the ground like a parched traveller in the desert. Your eyes met—his of a stunning blue—then, they flattered close.
Your first instinct was it to call an ambulance, the police, anybody. But something held you back. This just didn’t make any sense. Where did he come from? The passed out man before you had, apart from a few minor cuts on his face, no visible injuries and he did not look drugged either. Just very tired and exhausted, like he had just returned from a war and now the weight of what he had seen and done was taking its toll both on his body and mind. It could be a trick, too. A burglar using his acting skills and then overwhelming you once you dragged him inside, practically inviting him to rob you.
Still… you couldn’t just leave him out here to die. It was cold… and it was Halloween. Perhaps your wish had been heard and you wouldn’t have to be alone after all. If the stranger woke up, that was.
He was heavier than he looked. You had barely heaved him on your sofa when he opened his eyes again, seemingly appreciating the soft surface you were attempting to steer him onto. As soon as his body hit the fabric, he fell asleep again.
For a moment, you simply stared down at him, blinking. None of your friends would believe you if you told them what was happening here right now. What if he was severely sick? Should you call an ambulance after all?
Biting your lower lip, you decided against it and instead hurried to the bathroom to empty your medicine cabinet, returning with some gauze and antiseptic.
You longed to find out his name, who he was. But for now, you would tend to the wounds on his face. There was a cut on his forehead that, by the looks of it, didn’t need stitching, another one on his left cheek. He had a split lip, too.
He looked so peaceful and innocent. Like a boy who had been forced to grow up too soon and at the same time… like a dominant man who took what he wanted no matter the cost. Like a man who would hide his true feelings and protect his heart because it had been broken one time too often. You couldn’t deny he looked familiar too. And those clothes… so old-fashioned and… otherworldly. He was wearing green and black leather armour combined with golden accents and plates. Probably just a Halloween costume.
The stranger took another hour to come about again. Time which you made use of by finally getting changed into proper clothes. You had just sat back down on the sofa with him, watching him intently and checking if his wounds had started to bleed again when his eyes fluttered open and your gazes met.
His widened, as if something occurred to him. Sitting up so fast his vision must have gone black for a moment, he grunted when a stinging pain cursed through his head. He hated to admit that his unexpected fall from the Bifrost had drained him completely and now, being far away from a realm sizzling with magic, his energy would take a lot longer to replenish. He was tired, hungry and worn out. Well… he shouldn’t be surprised. Coming to Midgard had never been a joyful experience before.
Your house had been the only one in sight and he needed a safe place to recover. He would positively kill Thor once he found a way back to Asgard. It wasn’t the first time he had been banished to Midgard, after all.
The mortal was staring at him like he was alien. He was, technically. But Loki was certainly not in the mood for explanations. He had to admit you were rather beautiful though—for a human that was.
“Who are you?” You heard yourself whisper.
The stranger sighed. “I am Loki, of Asgard. You may have heard of me.”
Then it dawned on you. Loki. Asgard. Of course you had heard of him—and of the incident in New York. You had taken in a known criminal and treated his wounds. Your heart started beating rapidly at the realisation.
When you said nothing, he spoke up. “And who might you be?”
“I… (Y/N). My name is (Y/N).”
“(Y/N),” he nodded. A pleasant shiver went through you when he spoke your name with his smooth and velvety voice. “It looks just like I will be keeping you company for a while.”
Standing, he took in his surroundings. “It will suffice.”
“Excuse me? You can’t just make yourself comfortable here. I didn’t invite you!”
“Technically, you did when you helped me inside your home and took care of my wounds. I heal faster than mortals.” He said it like it had been an unnecessary and pointless action.
“I was just trying to help.” You glared at him, unable to believe what you were hearing.
“Thank you very much for your hospitality,” he replied dramatically, slightly rolling his eyes in the process. “Where are your kitchens?”
“Kitchens? I only have one.” He waved it off. “Straight ahead, you can’t miss it.” You followed him when he turned on his heel and began to search your kitchen like a cat hoping to steal a piece of meat or a slice of ham and soon, unceremoniously, practically ripped open your fridge. There were leftovers from yesterday’s dinner as well as some yogurt and carrots. You had planned on going shopping today. Loki grunted at the pitiful selection and took it all without asking. Then, he slammed the fridge shut again, grabbing the bag of bread rolls on the counter too.
“Of course, help yourself.” You murmured contritely. When he only rolled his eyes in response and barely managed to find some cutlery to dig in still standing, you threw your arms up, desperate for someone, anyone to explain this bizarre situation to you.
“What on Earth happened? Why were you knocking on my door like somebody tried to murder you? How did you even get here?”
Loki swallowed a big bite. He glanced at you in such a menacing manner, you took a step back. Perhaps you should have called the police, after all.
“Do you have hot chocolate? And coffee?” He suddenly asked. You blinked.
“I… yes. I mean, no.” Loki raised an eyebrow at you. “I mean, yes I do but not for you. Answer my questions, Loki.”
Loki dropped the cutlery onto the counter with such force the ear-piercing sound made you flinch.
“I was banished, if you must know. Thor had me leave Asgard because he no longer trusts me… and the people urged him on too…” He trailed off. “I refused. Believe me, my unfortunate fall and inelegant landing on Midgard was not planned.”
“Thor? Out of all places, why would he send you to Earth? You tried to subjugate us!”
Loki’s blue eyes locked with yours yet again, thousands of unspoken words reflecting in them. There was a story behind it—a story which he was not quite willing to tell you.
“Sorry… I just meant…”
“Midgard was not the final destination.” He interrupted you sharply—but not before smirking weakly but mischievously. “This place is void of magic. I will need some time to recover in peace. I assume you have chambers for me to rest in?”
“I don’t have chambers, I have bedrooms. And there is a guest room upstairs.” There was no point in kicking him out. Surely, Loki would simply take what he wanted if you denied him. At least this way, he was asking nicely… more or less; and besides, you had hoped for a miracle to happen so you wouldn’t be alone on Halloween.
He wasn’t so bad… apart from being outrageously handsome, he was by far as charming as arrogant when he smirked at you like that. And for some reason… you doubted he would seriously threaten or harm you.
You almost giggled at trying to explain trick or treating to him.
“Now, what about that hot chocolate?”
“Oh, fine then.”
After slurping down the cocoa you made him and eating up almost all of the food you had had left in your house, Loki retreated to your guest room and did not return until noon. You were quite surprised he only needed a few hours of sleep for some fresh energy, which is why he completely caught you off guard when he suddenly appeared behind you in the living room, watching you with his head tilted how you balanced on a chair to hang up some spooky pumpkin lights.
“I am dreading to ask but what are you doing?”
You screeched, almost falling off the chair as you turned around to face him. “Couldn’t you clear your throat or something? And now don’t tell me you don’t know what Halloween is…”
Loki frowned in response, waiting for you to speak on.
“It’s today. People dress up in costumes and celebrate and children go from house to house to ask for candy to scare away ghosts and evil spirits. I’m decorating. Jack-o-Lanterns are the most common item you’ll find around houses on this day. Don’t you celebrate Halloween on Asgard?”
He shook his head. “What we celebrate towards the end of autumn is Álfablót, to worship our ancestors and honour the life force of a family. It does not involve carved pumpkins though.”
“Must be weird for you…” You muttered sarcastically, attempting to stick a piece of tape around your curtain rail.
“It is by far not the strangest thing I have seen mortals do during all the times I visited Midgard.”
“The first children will be here soon, I need to have decorated until then. You could help me instead of standing around. Consider it paying your rent.”
Loki smirked, making your heart jump; almost as if he meant to say challenge accepted. With but a wave of his hand, the pumpkin lights stuck to the curtain rail on its own.
But it didn’t end there. You let out a scream when you suddenly felt the orange and black tinsel from your Halloween decorations box slowly creeping up and curling around your leg like a snake.
This time, the God of Mischief actually chuckled. He dropped the spell when you threatened to lose your balance and fall off the chair yet again. When you turned back around, he was leaning against the threshold with his arms crossed in an amused manner.
He certainly was going to have his fun while he was here. You were quite adorable, after all.
A/N: Check out my blog to find more Imagines and take a glimpse at my first novel! Also, if you enjoyed this story, I would appreciate so much if you supported me on Kofi! ko-fi.com/sserpente ♥
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imagine-loki · 4 years
Imagine that Loki has broken out in a rash that’s spread everywhere; he’s miserable and itchy. He can clear it with seidr, but it comes back within a day or two. You finally figure out he’s allergic to the laundry detergent that’s used on his casual clothes, so you start using detergent that’s made for baby clothes. You think it’s funny as heck but he’s not too amused, although he feels much better.
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bellesque · 4 years
Hello can i get 10 and 11 with Loki please ?
10. “it hurts.”
11. “just hold on.”
You’ve never felt this helpless before. This... useless.
You never minded being a mortal. You always pushed away the thoughts of him living without you to the side, tucked into a little box in your mind, never to be opened. You’d never be able to enjoy the time you actually have with him, you told yourself. After all, you would be gone long before he would be.
Never, absolutely never, in your wildest dreams, did you ever think that there was a chance you would be alive without Loki.
You swallow the lump in your throat, cradling Loki’s head in your shaking arms. His chest rises shallowly; his eyes are unfocused.
You want to cry. You want, so badly, to cry. But you can’t.
You don’t.
“Hey,” you whisper, bringing him closer to your chest. “Look at me.”
Glassy and gazing at nothing, his eyes slowly find yours. “My love,” he croaks out, the ghost of a smile on the corners of his mouth.
His bloodied hand reaches up, trembling, and you catch it, holding it against your heart. “I’m here.” Your voice is so small. So quiet, in the aftermath of the battle.
Loki grunts, as though straining to sit up. You keep your hold on him, shushing him as he tries to babble. “No, no, Loki.” You take in a shuddering breath. “Save your strength.”
“It-it hurts,” he says hoarsely.
“Just hold on.” You feel your heart begin to crack. Why couldn’t you have some kind of healing powers? “Thor is on the way, he’s coming back with help.”
Loki’s eyelids shutter, his grip on your hand going slack. You panic, instinctively tightening your grip on his hand.
“Stay with me,” you command firmly, surprised at the steadiness in your voice. Inside, you are crumbling. You are fearful.
Loki stirs. You breathe a sigh of relief.
You cannot lose your heart today.
Loki Tag List (OPEN): @cheriedjarin @shiningloki @rorybutnotgilmore @ragnarachael @destynelseclipsa @amaru163
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shiningloki · 4 years
Hi there! I’m looking for some new Tom hiddleston fics and was wondering if you have any suggestions! I’ve read through all of your fics and I’m just looking for something to read while waiting for the next chapter of get on your knees and pray!
Hey love! I’m so glad you’re enjoying my fics and thank you for reading them! I’m honestly considering putting together a huge list of fics on a fic rec post. I’ve read so much that putting together a list here would take forever but allow me to rec some fantastic authors who write for Tom Hiddleston/his characters for you with amazing master lists!!
@bellesque @ragnarachael @grufflepuff-writes-stuff @talklokitome @emeraldrosequartz @latent-thoughts @caffiend-queen @nildespirandum @just-the-hiddles @villainousshakespeare @myoxisbroken @frostbitten-written @mastreworld @amaru163 @hopelessromanticspoonie @imnotrevealingmyname
If anyone else has some authors they’d like to recommend (because I know I’ve forgotten some - thanks hectic brain) please link them to this ask for our lovely anon!!
All of these authors have written exceptional works from every genre. Smut, fluff, romance, humor, angst, drama, one shots, chaptered works - they’ve got it all! I’m probably going to put together an extensive list of fics I’ve read and recommend sometime this week or next week! If you’re looking for anything specific like kinks or characters, send me another ask and I can find some more specific fics for you a little later. Until then, happy reading!!
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imagine-loki · 4 years
Imagine: the first time you see Loki, you run face first into a door before it could slide open for you. Same thing happens the second time you see him. The third time you lay eyes on him, he’s just returned from a mission and is still wearing his armor. This time, you hit the door, drop your coffee, and your knees literally give out.
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imagine-loki · 4 years
Imagine: Loki pretends that he doesn’t like cats or dogs, but has occasionally fed a couple of strays on his walks around the tower
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imagine-loki · 4 years
The Better Man
AUTHOR: amaru163
ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine that you want to pursue Loki, but have no idea what to do to make him see you as more than a friend. Thor inadvertently finds you looking at Loki from a distance with lovestruck eyes. He decides to get himself involved in helping you pursue Loki. Hijinks ensue.
Possible situation: Loki notices that you and Thor are spending more time together, and feels somewhat left out/suspicious that you and Thor are in a relationship.
NOTES/WARNINGS: none really, brief mention of fighting, one curse word (I know, scandalous, right?)
When Loki breezed by you in the hallway on his way to the kitchen, you couldn’t help but turn to watch him for a moment. The scent of the subtle cologne he wore caused you to take several deep breaths, just so you could commit it to memory. You resisted the urge to close your eyes, though, but when the smell dissipated, you sighed and started toward your original destination, which was your own apartment. Once there, you’d probably take a moment to compose yourself before leaving again.
When you did face forward, you were startled to find Thor standing a few feet away, silently watching. You couldn’t stop your face heating up in embarrassment, and you dearly hoped that he hadn’t seen you mooning over his brother.
“Hi, Thor,” you greeted him softly, mentally begging him not to say anything to you, or more importantly, to Loki.
“Good morning,” he replied, smiling at you. “Were you coming to breakfast?”
“Yes, I just needed to take care of something really quick. I’ll be right there.”
“Good. I’ll save you a seat.” He nodded slightly before continuing on his way.
Ten minutes later, you returned to the kitchen to find that Thor had indeed saved you a seat, right beside him and opposite Loki. You usually sat on the same side as Loki, with someone between you so that you weren’t tempted to steal glances at him, and so that he wouldn’t be witness to any clumsiness on your part if he were to look your way.
Thor stood to hold the chair for you, and then helped to slide it forward. He’d never done that before, since meals together were always pretty casual, and you wondered why he did it now. He made a show of serving your plate as food was passed around, and would lean over to say something in your ear, making sure that no one heard him. All the while, the heat never left your cheeks. You also noted that Loki would give you two just the barest of glances. When his eyes landed on Thor, they hardened before he turned his attention to his plate.
From then on, Thor made a point to be near you when in the common rooms, or even during missions, which everyone noticed. After a time, your embarrassment eased because Thor was simply too likable and approachable, like a big ol’ puppy. The only person who *could* stay angry at him was Loki, who made it a fine art.
— — —
Today, about a week after Thor had caught you ogling Loki, you had made banana nut muffins, and they were just out of the oven. You were just taking them out of the pan when Thor sat at the breakfast bar to watch.
When you had time and the ingredients, you loved to bake and would often have cakes, pies or even homemade bread in the oven. Once, you’d made a banana pudding, which Steve and Bucky went nuts over simply because it reminded them of their younger days. You’d learned then to double up on most of the baked goods, because a shortage caused good natured elbowing between them.
“What kind of glorious treat do you have for us now?” He asked, his gaze intent on the muffins.
“Banana nut muffins,” you replied, putting one on a napkin in front of him. “It’s still hot, be careful.”
— —
The smell of the muffins caught Loki’s attention when he stepped off the elevator after he returned from the training room. He started toward the kitchen, but paused when he heard you and Thor speaking. No one else was there, so he was certain that Thor was looking at you with doe eyes, and going overboard with the chivalry.
That thought caused him to scowl for a moment before he schooled his features so that his face wouldn’t give away his churning thoughts. He hated it when Thor found a new love interest because Thor would always extol about said interest’s charms, and about how clever they were, or even other things that were simply TMI.
When they were younger, there was a rivalry between them, causing them to try to steal the other’s current interest. He liked you too much to play that type of game. He also didn’t want to hear anything about you from Thor’s lips, because now he was resigned to watch from the sidelines, and try to bear it now that Thor had shown an interest in you.
When Loki walked into the kitchen, you were leaning forward on your elbows, with your face mere inches from Thor’s. Loki just barely managed not to growl when he walked through to get bottled water. He was gone in the few seconds it took for you to turn, muffins in hand, to offer him one. Only Thor noticed that your shoulders dropped slightly, and he averted his gaze when you turned around again.
“You like him, don’t you?” He asked, while selecting another muffin. He’d nearly eaten them all by now, and you hoped that they were gone before Steve or Bucky returned, or that he’d save some for the others, which seemed unlikely.
“Wh-what?” You asked, surprised and wary of the question.
“I’ve seen you watching him,” he replied, his gaze never leaving your face.
“You’re mistaken,” you responded, while taking the pan to the sink in order to wash it.
“I don’t think so.”
His voice came from directly behind you, and when you jumped and turned around, you collided with his broad chest. He quickly caught you by the elbows to keep you from hitting the floor.
“Sorry about that,” he said, but didn’t let you go.
“For a big guy, you sure are quiet,” you told him, as you looked up, your eyes meeting his while he continued to hold onto you.
That prompted him to wink and squeeze your arms slightly. You stayed still, not wanting to hurt his feelings if you shrugged out of his grip. Thor then turned his head slightly, as if listening for something, before he picked you up effortlessly and set you on the countertop so that your eyes were level with his.
You started to say something, but then Loki walked in. He faltered before coming to a dead standstill. Once he gathered himself, he turned and left. Thor chuckled softly while you just dropped your head in dejection.
“I will help you.” His hands rested on your shoulders for a moment before he rubbed your arms gently.
“He’s not very tolerant of humans, and I’d rather just leave him alone,” you replied.
“Loki says many things that he doesn’t mean,” Thor commented. “You shouldn’t take it to heart.”
You shook your head with a shrug and started to slide off the counter, but his hands on your knees stopped you. Before you fainted from the shock, he tilted your face upwards so that your gaze met his.
“I believe he will come around, just follow my lead, hmmm?”
— ——
Three weeks later, Loki was almost ecstatic when a mission came up. He’d had to witness Thor showing you all kinds of attention, and was quite ready to blow stuff up, or get stabby with someone. His temper got the best of him, and almost everyone felt the sting of it. Except for you, he couldn’t bring himself to snap at you, so he limited his contact to avoid doing it.
First, there was movie night, when his brother sat beside you (too closely in his opinion), and shared your popcorn bowl. Then, during an outing at a nightclub, hosted by Stark, he’d watched in silence when Thor guided you to the dance floor. He took a small amount of comfort in seeing that Thor struggled with the Midgardian dances, but the fact that his brother held you in his arms (again, *much* too closely) nearly made him lose control.
Finally, there were the flowers that Thor gave you, apparently not knowing that you were allergic. You had sneezed violently for several hours before the vase was “accidentally” knocked off the dining table and to the floor, where it broke. The flowers ended up in the garbage, and Loki felt much better after that.
Now everyone was on the quinjet, with Thor inevitably beside you. For the most part, the trip was silent and allowed everyone to check their gear and to get their minds locked into what needed to be done.
A Hydra facility had been found, which needed to be neutralized, and any data retrieved from the computers. That task fell to you and Natasha, so she handed you an encrypted thumb drive, which you carefully secured in a pocket. Together, you both poured over the map of the facility, plotting the quickest way in and out once you had what you’d been assigned to get. You’d take separate routes so that if one couldn’t get there, the other could get the data.
— —
Loki was to meet up with Steve in a tunnel close to the computer rooms, so he silently slipped past other rooms and entrance points, taking care not to make any noise. When he drew closer to the target, he heard fighting up ahead. He grew even more cautious as he moved toward the sounds.
It only took a split second for him to recognize that you were fighting with a Hydra agent, and that two more of them were on the ground, quite still. You fought with a sharp dagger in each hand, and held your own against the larger man. As he watched, he thought that the way you moved, with conservative motions that saved your energy, was one of the most beautiful things he’d ever seen. He had watched before while you trained, or even during other missions, but he’d never actually *seen* you. Now, though, he was ready to toss Thor aside in order to take his place.
You’d defeated your opponent, and now stood looking at the three men on the floor in order to make sure that they were out of commission. A movement in your peripheral caught your attention, and you turned quickly.
“Loki! I’m—“
You were interrupted when he snaked an arm around your waist and lifted you off the floor. His lips found yours in a fierce kiss, surprising you by the move. After a moment, your arms slid over his shoulders as he pulled back to look into your eyes.
“What was that for?“ you asked, breathlessly.
“So that you will *forget* my brother,” he growled.
You blinked before you kissed him back with an intensity that matched his.
“Forget who?” You asked.
“Minx,” he said, rolling his eyes.
You couldn’t help but laugh, which drew a smile from him.
“I suppose that I should give him the bad news,” you remarked.
“The sooner the better,” Loki told you, firmly.
“Have I ever told you just how *hot* you look in your armor?” You asked, deciding just to go for it.
“No, I don’t believe so,” he replied, pretending to mull that over.
Before you could respond to that, there came a reminder that there was a job to do.
“Hey, you two, this is not the time nor place to play kissy face!” Tony’s voice came over the comm units.
Loki rolled his eyes again before setting you on your feet.
— —
After the facility had been secured and left in the hands of the support unit, the quinjet carried the team home. Before take off, Loki guided you to a seat, and sat down beside you. When Thor sat across the aisle, Loki put an arm around your shoulders in order to pull you closer, all the while staring at Thor, daring him to say or do something.
When your head fell against his neck, Loki’s attention moved to you, and he found that you’d fallen asleep already. Thor still watched the two of you, with a slight smile on his face.
“It seems that the better man has won,” Thor finally commented.
*Damn straight,* Loki thought.
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imagine-loki · 4 years
Imagine: Loki takes care of his hair, but lets people think that he doesn’t do anything to it. He has a certain brand of shampoo, conditioner and hair gel and always has some on hand.
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imagine-loki · 4 years
Imagine that Loki secretly likes you, but won’t make a move. During a team party at a nightclub, he watches while you dance with other men, but he has declined any efforts to get him to ask you to dance. Finally, he can not longer stay on the sidelines when one of your dance partners get too handsy. He disguises himself, but you immediately know who he is. You don’t blow his cover, but he is the only person that you dance with for the rest of the night.
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