#am i saying I'd rather watch siggi fuck?
whollyunnecessary · 1 year
Okay bear with me here–Dijkstra should have been Jaskier's weird crush in S3, not Radovid.
Radovid turns out to be SO awful, anybody who goes to the games after the show is going to be perplexed and sad. Radovid begins and supports a witch hunt that moves seamlessly into an attempted genocide. I'm restarting the third game because I accidentally messed up the chance to assassinate him because when he's gone the world becomes provably better. He's a monster.
They had to age him up and change his relationship with the king from son to brother, both of which mean there's no real regency and any of his ire at Philippa and Dijkstra manipulating him is going to be plainly stupid and make him a worse person in the end, because he's an adult man when he assumes the throne and he should be able to think for himself.
Jaskier's astonishment at his own feelings is weird and rushed. Maybe I'm too ace for this but I don't understand the distinction between the way he seemed to be pining over people before and the way he pines over Radovid. I feel like a more interesting choice would have been for Jaskier to get caught up in the force of personality of someone who's not traditionally pretty and swooning over him.
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