#am i a sicko
beebfreeb · 4 months
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Louisiana Meshi!!!! Thistle will be at the crawfish boil.
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cainternn · 1 year
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doctorsiren · 4 months
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Today’s textured canvases once again featuring that Legally Mom AU 😁
Miles and Phoenix were never separated, and so they remained best friends through high school and college. They both went to law school, but Phoenix got a BFA and went to law school wanting to defend artistic and creative rights. He also went because he would be bored all day if Miles was still going to school and he wasn’t
Edgeworth actually becomes a lawyer and he works at his mother’s firm
Mia ends up working there instead of at Grossberg’s because it makes more sense that she would work at the firm connected to DL-6 and also uh she would have a woman as her boss lmao (Eleanor ends up becoming like a mother-figure for Mia, and Miles becomes like a younger brother to her)
Since Mia isn’t working at Grossberg’s, she wasn’t involved in the Fawles trial (which was prosecuted by Franziska). Diego was the defense attorney on that one, and he went on a solo mission to investigate Dahlia. He and Mia met and became friends, but Diego kept the Dahlia investigation close to his chest and a secret, partially to protect Mia (since they were friends now and since she was a new attorney and inexperienced). Diego and Mia finally ask each other out one day, and they plan to have a date later that week, but Diego then has to go to a meeting he has…which was with Dahlia…and he got poisoned…and by the time he wakes up, Mia is dead and they never got to go on that first date. He was asleep and unable to protect her, which is why he didn’t tell her about the Dahlia investigation in the first place. He ends up blaming the Edgeworths (Eleanor and Miles) for her death.
Dahlia (Iris) still dates Phoenix since Phoenix and Miles are dummies and have yet to confess their feelings for each other (although Eleanor can tell). Since Mia wasn’t a part of the Dahlia investigation, and since it was handled by a different firm, it didn’t raise any red flags when Phoenix started dating this chick. Phoenix was also in the courthouse library that day because, again, he wanted to go to law school with Miles (subconsciously pulling an Elle Woods).
When the murder of Doug happens, Miles isn’t a lawyer yet since, even though he could have skipped a grade or two, he never did because he didn’t want the increase in social isolation and also didn’t want to get separated from his friends he already had at his grade level. So he’s the same year as Phoenix (senior in college). I think Eleanor would then be the one defending Phoenix (rather than Mia) since she’s also basically a mother to him (he practically lived at the Edgeworth household since his home life wasn’t great, and then he moved in after his mother passed away his senior year of high school. So he’ll call her Mom and such, but he doesn’t refer to Miles as his brother and neither does Eleanor refer to them as brothers since She Knows What They Are [even if they don’t really know yet lmao])
We also figured out that for Turnabout Goodbyes, Eleanor is the one framed for Hammond’s murder since MVK wants to get rid of her as she is still trying to investigate the truth and he can’t have that. Miles has to defend his own mother BUT THEN when Miles starts saying the stuff about how he probably is the one who killed his own father, Eleanor then defends HIM and it’s just…Ough…mother son bonding over murder and death of father 😭😭😭😭
Just some thoughts 😁
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curioussubjects · 7 days
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oh we are so fighting the skyhold regret demon
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blackcrystalkitten · 9 months
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🌊🌊🌊Mermaid kaiju!! 🌊🌊🌊
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✏ ✏ ✏ ✏ Sketch. ✏ ✏ ✏ ✏
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fuzziiwuzzii · 10 months
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halemerry · 1 year
Okay so I wanna take a moment to talk about gravity. Now I know what this sounds like, but bare with me here I promise I'm not looking to do a physics lecture. But I've been rotating this around in my head for a couple days now and I think there's something really critical in the way the show presents it to us.
For example: it's one of the few things actually listed in our introduction to this show individually while our protagonists build the universe, right between matter and everything else.
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The show draws our attention to it here fairly bluntly by naming it but there are other incidents that, while I would not call them subtle, are not quite as on the nose.
There are at least three times Crowley chucks something he's holding in his hands across the room. They're played for comedic bits but they all feel very weird and pointed to me - especially both times he does this to books that he seems to have no purpose for holding other than to chuck them later. It caught my attention mostly because everything in me recoiled at the idea of him doing that, but the more I thought about the way they're so visible and pointed was important. They almost feel like weird hiccups in the scene they're in.
We also get gravity as an implied threat with Gabriel climbing out the window and, of course, with every mention of a Fall. But there's also more mundane uses of gravity in the season that while not odd in isolation, the fact we get it popping up so notably is interesting to me. There's also the scene with Nina and Maggie under the awning where rainwater's weight gets pulled down by gravity, the scene in 1941 where Aziraphale drops the picture of them onto the floor before they have their gray area talk, Gabriel dropping the matchbox, and I'm sure there's more. The point is the show is littered with reminders that gravity exists.
Now I know what this sounds like. I know it seems like yeah. Duh. They're on earth. Which has gravity. Of course gravity is a factor in nearly every physical action they do. Why are you even talking about this at all?
Well, it's because of a scene that is one of my absolute favorites in the whole season: the Gravity Lesson.
The scene opens with Jim throwing a book (My Best Games of Chess, an interesting title that feels pointed) repetitively at a desk. He's testing gravity himself, looking confused.
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Crowley then descends from the upper level, carrying a stack of books. He pauses his descent on the spiral staircase and notes what Jim is doing.
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Then we get this shot. Notice the light here. Jim is in the light from the windows but relatively in the middle of the shot. He's an angel still, though not nearly as in the Light as he was as Gabriel. And he's notably at ground level, on earth. Meanwhile Crowley blends into the shadows of the shop itself. He continues down the staircase, sauntering vaguely downward, until he finally hits earth level to be even with Jim. There's symbolism here, in the lighting, in the way they move through these frames, in the way the staircase spirals like an orbit.
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Crowley continues this same sweeping circular pattern to come around the bookshop and place him in front of Jim. Unable to resist a question, even one that wasn't asked out loud, Crowley tells him about gravity. He moves center toward Jim here. A meeting in the middle. This is the first scene we see Crowley interact with Jim in a way anything near amicable. He explains how gravity works. "It's, um... A thing that happens when objects are pulled together. In this case, they're all pulled downwards because Earth is the largest thing around."
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As he speaks, Crowley moves away from Jim, toward the back of the bookshop. But he stops very rapidly because Jim goes and asks him why. Crowley frowns to himself. He says he can't remember. He says it seemed like a good idea when they were all talking about it.
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He walks back to Jim, giving this question some real thought, and settles on, "So things would stay where you put them, not just drift off." And Jim, backlit by the windows still, kind of frowns and drops the book again and points out. "But it doesn't stay where I put them. It goes down."
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When the book hits the table it also visibly does not land precisely over where Jim dropped it either. It settles out of place, bouncing slightly from the force of it. This is what drew my attention to this scene more than anything else.
Because it's interesting isn't it? They're both right in their assessment here. And so much of this story is about people not fitting quite where they're dropped. Aziraphale and Crowley are both caught in Earth's gravity, jostled out of their respective places. The very first shot in the intro sequence emphasizes this idea. Crowley and Aziraphale meet in the middle on earth (where Crowley then says let there be light and lights a flame to guide them going forward).
Gabriel and Beez too fall out of line as soon as they get caught in Earth's gravity. Memories are deleted, but can't entirely escape the gravity of their old home. Memories are added, but you can't predict exactly the way they'll form. Miracles backfire and don't land quite as they're expected. We obey Heaven or Hell as far as we can, but not necessarily exactly as they'd like. These shifts eventually become predictable and eventually we learn we can calculate the odds of how gravity can impact something, but as Jim shows us here a little bit of the drift still happens. In the end it's all just firing bullets at ears and pretend to catch them in our teeth.
And there's viewing this line of thinking from the perspective of God. God who functionally dropped the universe into the gravity of Fate and Choice just to see where it would land.
And then there's the Fly.
As Jim points out here, some things actively resist gravity, at least temporarily. Flies go up. This is very fun, given Beelzebub's arc this season, but I think it's getting at more than just that. Crowley and Jim both pause to watch the fly rise upward, drifting away from Jim and toward the dark half of the shop. Crowley says Jim makes a good point and then shifts into "Right, the plan, Operation: Lovebird."
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Given the plot of season 1, I find the use of the word plan here pretty interesting. Especially given that the event that follows this is Crowley trying and failing to get Nina and Maggie to recreate his own meet cute. Like the idea of these two being drawn together will fix everything.
And that got me thinking about Crowley's line at the end of season 1. About what if God planned it that way. What if they're God's own Operation Lovebird. We know that together they can do very powerful things. This whole season starts with them, while trying to keep their power under control and contained, do a miracle so big it could've brought someone back from the dead nearly 25 times. Last season ends with Heaven and Hell thinking they've become something impossible. The Metatron here goes out of his way to separate the two of them like he's afraid of what they're capable of together. And he seems to have successfully managed to do this.
But a Fly can't stay in the air forever. The Fly is always drawn back to Jim. Because not all gravity is about Earth itself. The same way Gabriel's memories are drawn back to him. The same way Beelzebub and Gabriel are drawn to each other in the first place. The same way Aziraphale and Crowley have been described time and time again as drawn in by each other. They're Alpha Centauri. Twin stars orbiting each other. They're constantly going in circles around each other. It's a dance. With the hands touching in the middle. Because that is a gravity too. They complete each other the same way the Fly completes Jim.
So what about choice? Think about the Ball episode. Think about how everyone in the shop is being influenced by some sort of miracle. Their clothes and behavior shift and change and Nina in particular shows us that this is Noticeable. Forcing something in a gravity it doesn't like or want makes it have a hard time settling. It doesn't go quite where you drop it.
And then there's the chat Nina and Maggie have with Crowley. "We're not a game. We're real people," says Maggie. And Crowley tries to argue this saying that they both needed help and they both push back that it is still not his right to meddle with. A game. Like the title My Best Games of Chess. Like the thing we know God has been using as a framing device since season 1. A thing the narrative always has pushed as a bad thing.
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Maggie and Nina are choosing to not let beings above them influence their choices. They actively resist being compelled by Aziraphale in the bookshop together because they know what's right. His gravity is not enough to overwhelm their choices. And at the end maybe they're not together but they're working on it. And, maybe, if they do come back together (when they do, according to Maggie) it will be when they are ready and when they are choosing each their free of the constraints of the game or higher power. And that gives me hope that's where we're headed for the Ineffables as well.
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slavhew · 2 years
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terminally annoying to kind of endearing
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manderleyfire · 3 months
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I will do all this, I will get all this blood on my hands, and you are able to plead naivety.
#welighttheway#hotdedit#larys x alicent#larys strong#alicent hightower#larycent#alicent x larys#alicenthightowerdaily#hotd#matthew needham#i fuckng need to tag the man himself because all those quotes? still! so! striking! HONESTLY i pepper his brain with kisses#'he makes himself indispensable to her ties them together in blood in this extraordinary act of will'#'he can see what she’s capable of and he wants to draw it out. they’re both outsiders among the natives'#'she gets to say 'i didn't want it' and i KNOW she did'#'that’s the thing about assault like that it makes the victim’s body the scene of the crime'#rent fckng free forever#larys wants her to feel the same shame wants to break her chaste royal placid exterior and peel the layers off. manually#he wants to creep inside of her mind and rearrange what he finds there#and mr needham is the only larycent fan who gets it to the core!!!!!!!!#THE matthew of the cast i'm so sorry *or am i??*#is this my way to ignore the leaks??? who knows#tbh i was overwhelmed by the urge to give our tiny larycent circle SOMETHING before the new season starts#for better or for worse i am not sorry for my crime#sooooo i'm afraid this post is not for normies it's for sickos#LIKE CALLS TO LIKE#dolores <3 mariana <3 alyssa <3 bia <3 val <3 nina <3#trashfam *affectionate*#game of thrones#shitty things i do for love#me in s1 DON'T FEED THE RAT ALICENT!!!! me now: FUCKNG FEED THE RAT ALICENT *before this particular determined rat chew its way through*
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ganondoodle · 2 days
with the rough draft for chapter two nearing its completion
if i may dare say this on main, but actually i am unbelievably excited to get to paint demise (tiddies) again
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vicsy · 3 months
ohhh for the ship asks
strollonso (obvi) and the prompt: you should stay away from him
In a perfect echo of the hotel bathroom, Lance cuts himself over the edge of false convictions. His fingers close around the wide band of a custom-made collar.
You should stay away from him.
He addresses the reflection in the mirror, stern, but his voice is soft, too forgiving, nothing like his father's. A tremor wracking through his hands; Lance clasps the collar over his throat, living through a memory so crystal clear. Lawrence's heartbroken face when he slid a black box across the table in his office, just the two of them and a thick burden of the best interests kept at heart. A sharp point of a dagger prodding his skin where it's the thinnest.
Familial ties have no weight in blood. Lance still wants to learn he's worth his weight in gold.
"I won't tell you what to do," Sebastian said, then, a glass of wine next to his empty plate. Lance zeroed in on the silver of his fangs, peeking through his lips stretches in an easy smile. They were playing pretend for the night. "He and I are very different. Try to keep a healthy distance, yes?"
The want parched Lance.
"No. Don't," Esteban snapped a week later, frantic and desperate, cornering Lance near his driver's room in the sweltering Bahrain heat. He pointed at his parted mouth and pressed the pad of his index finger to the tip of his fang. "It's no good, Lance, please. Stay as far away from him as you can, ask your dad to– I don't know!"
"Or come to me," Esteban pleaded, his hold on Lance's shoulder bruising. "I'll do it. Don't risk it with him. Please."
Lance couldn't, ever. Esteban would have ended up loathing himself and Lance would have never made his peace with it. To Esteban, he still made a feeble promise, sealed with a bone-crushing hug. Lance hoped it wouldn't break the way his wrists did; it hurt.
The pain was his impediment. It lessened his resolve.
You should stay away from him.
Race after race after race. The pinprick on the back of Lance's neck from being watched, a touch to the small of his back; to his cheek. His lungs constricting and sweat pooling under the collar, unbearable chokehold. Lance wishes to crack his chest open, to leave the bridges up in flames, to stand on the podium drenched in champagne — up there, not alone, free. Lance detests the thrum of want singing under his skin. It never abates, haunting.
You should stay–
Lance goes for a drive. He pretends there is no destination in mind. His car doesn't seem real but the empty streets of Oviedo at night are more than enough.
A house on top of the hill greets him with a sound of shattered promise. The front door opens before Lance reaches out to ring the bell.
"I don't know," he says right off the bat and shivers. Then forces a smile he knows is crooked. He's lying. "Sorry. Shouldn't have come, really."
Leaning against the mahogany doorframe, Fernando appears mostly human, dressed in a t-shirt and sweatpants. The eyes of a predator look at and through him. Lance never wanted it to be anyone else.
"Hm. I know," Fernando rumbles, his smirk as cruel as it is indulging. Lance feels lost; feels like he's on the wrong path. "You are doing a bad job at staying away, Lance."
Fernando's fixation on discipline fascinates him. With a trembling hand, Lance unclasps the collar around his neck; with the other, he grabs Fernando wrist, palm up. There is no pulse beating underneath his fingertips but Lance's heart is rabbiting out of his chest hard enough for the two of them.
Too perceptive to be fooled, Fernando waits him out. He knows the game well. Lance walks into the trap on his own volition, waving a white flag. Places the collar onto Fernando's calloused palm, closes his fingers around it.
"Show me why I shouldn't."
Then, Lance bares his neck.
Then, Fernando lunges.
Bare and at a mercy, wrists bound behind his back with the same collar he wore, a mere sheep to a slaughter, Lance's want crumbles into dust and all of his pain ebbs away. He can never go back now; he wants to forget the way exists when Fernando pushes him into the bedsheets, big hands gripping his waist tight. Lance bucks up against nothing, white-hot pleasure blinding him, rendering him bonesless, voiceless but frighteningly at ease.
Fernando's jagged fangs plunge into his throat without a warning and Lance wonders why he ever resisted going somewhere he belongs.
Send me a ship/character(s) and a one word prompt and I will write a 5 sentence fic about it
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inkykeiji · 3 months
I feel like Sunday would enjoy leaving marks on your body and then admiring his work, tracing the bruises left on your body. He would normally put them in places only for his eyes, but from time to to time he would leave a hickey on your neck or another visible place, only covered by a piece of clothing that equally shows his claim over you, like a choker etc, just in case you feel like removing it, there will still be prove of who you belong to underneath.
oooh honestly i think sunday really enjoys marking, too!!! i genuinely think sunday has this like...sadistic side to him, but it’s so covert you almost need to know exactly how to decode him to see into what it truly is.
i could also see sunday leaving marks in spots that are just barely hidden. he gets a thrill at the thought of someone catching a quick glimpse—nothing more than a second-long instant; a rapid flash of mangled purple braceletting your wrists, or a fast peep of snapped capillaries crushed to a deep navy blotting your collarbone—and thinking about it for hours afterward, questioning what they saw, if they saw what they truly think they saw, and if yes, why you’re so battered and bruised.
i love love love the idea of sunday admiring his work afterwards, and i think he purposefully takes his sweet, slow time with aftercare to do just that. a standard cleaning procedure that should be quick and painless takes him a laughable amount of time, a tender finger tracing the edges of the contusion after it’s been cleaned, only to have to clean it again. the process is meticulous, as most things with sunday typically are, and ridiculously precise, and by the end you’ve growing fidgety and restless, muscles beginning to ache from sitting still for so long. but he always makes you wait until he’s finished, eyes alight with stars of reverence as he tends to each wound, and he always seals them with a kiss—each and every one, no matter what.
and don’t even get me started on how this whole process is so long and so tedious and so insanely overblown that it does more harm than good to the wounds, because that’s part of sunday’s plan, too. in fact, that’s the bit he loves the most.
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yuri-is-online · 6 months
A while ago you said in a post that Ace’s isolation seems to come from how he values Yuu and Deuce’s friendship more and I think you perfectly worded how I feel. I would like to hear more about it if you have more to say!
Like yeah he’s a very friendly and outgoing guy. He can easily make friends/acquaintances but there’s also a clear line between those friends and where Deuce Yuu and Grim stands.
He gets along really well with his seniors as seen by his relationships with the basketball club, Playful Land and hell I bet this new event will prove that too. But it gives me more of a vibe of a younger kid endearingly annoying his older classmates than friendship.
Among the first years, he doesn’t seem to be as close to them as Deuce is. Like Deuce and Epel have this whole bond going on because of Chapter 5, Deuce and Jack are in the same club etc. Ace is kind to his fellow first years and helps them out like in Fairy Gala If with Ortho but again there’s this divide. Everyone knows it’s Ace, Deuce, Yuu and Grim as the group.
Multiple people have mentioned how those 4 are constantly together and how it’s rare to see one without the other and I think that’s really important when you take into consideration on how Ace literally ditched his last girlfriend because they were too different in terms of taste (well there’s more to unpack with that but that’s not what I’m here to talk about). Quality time is hugely important with Ace in my opinion, he wouldn’t hang out with people he hates and seeing the amount of time he spends time with those three and how the game makes an active effort to make us pay attention to it tells us that yeah Ace definitely values his friendship with Deuce, Yuu and Grim more than the others and why Ace feels so separated from the other first years at times.
He also tends to keep people at arms length because of his inability to really express affection towards his friends so it just comes across as him being snarky and mean when that’s really not the case. This also does show with Deuce Yuu and Grim yet goes to help them whenever he gets the chance, buys gifts for them, spends time with them etc. Like bro his actions tell otherwise it’s so funny he’s like a tsundere.
I think his exterior kind of makes it hard to people to really get close to him and I think he purposely does that, so to see him have obvious bias towards a group of people is really important.
Gotta admire his loyalty, once you’ve proven yourself he’s sticking with you for the rest of his life. Sorry for rambling but uh yeah your response gave me thoughts.
I would like to thank the aceyuu community for their continued dedication to putting deeply insightful character analysis in my inbox. I love you all so very much. I also love your icon very much, Gen 5 best pokemon (˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧
it gives me more of a vibe of a younger kid endearingly annoying his older classmates than friendship.
Yes very much this. Ace is the baby of his family, and there seems to be a decent age gap between him and his brother. He repeatedly talks about wanting to be like his seniors, and Jamil mentions at least once he is generally respectful towards them. His level up lines imply he wants to try challenging Riddle again, but it seems less because he disrespects him and wants to be dorm leader and more because he wants to prove he's gotten stronger.
Friend groups
So I have been thinking since the first and second time we talked about this trying to pick out who exactly Ace's friend group even is outside of Yuu and Deuce and ??? Deuce knew who Epel was before you properly met and he and Jack do seem to get along pretty well but Ace? I feel like maybe the intention might be to have him be closer to Ortho and Sebek, which sort of makes sense. They're all the youngest in their families and look up to their seniors to varying degrees but still. Ace specifically, like you said, is literally always around either Yuu or Deuce. In Idia's lab wear vignette Ace literally stays over alone with Yuu to watch horror movies and sends Grim to get the drinks alone 💀 like sir? Hello? And he implies he's done this more than once??? I like the idea of quality time being important to Ace, he says the most important thing for him in a partner is someone you have fun with and like being around so yeah. That makes sense for him.
I think back on how Ace initially interacted with Yuu and Deuce and, while at first I was a bit hesitant to say Ace keeps people at arms length, but you can literally see him doing that in the prologue. He's a brat towards people his own age, and while I imagine he has always been super popular to a degree I don't know if I can see him ever having had as deep of a friendship with anyone as he has Yuu and Deuce. I'm not sure if I would say he does it on purpose 100% of the time, but his Suitor Suit vignette does seem to imply he does it when he feels particularly embarrassed by something. He isn't just like a tsundere, he is one and honestly I was not expecting to like him as much as I do because tsundere isn't really one of my favorite tropes.
Gotta admire his loyalty, once you’ve proven yourself he’s sticking with you for the rest of his life. Sorry for rambling but uh yeah your response gave me thoughts.
Never apologize for rambling, it is the last thing I will ever take issue with and that goes for anyone in my inbox.
I hard agree. Ace's loyalty to Deuce, Yuu, and Grim should scare anyone trying to mess with them. I am waiting with baited breath for Grim overblot he is just going to pop off I JUST KNOW IT PLEASE YANA PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE
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This may not make sense but I feel like show!Hickey is an evil person who just happens to be gay and book!Hickey is just literally evil gay guy stereotype. And then Dan Simmons realized the implications of that and added in Bridgens and Peglar to be the normal gay people.
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stargloom · 6 months
hey. i dont like doing this. and i dont want to be a tumblr bitch who's wrote a callout before. but i cannot in good faith continue posting in the same community as this guy and allow him to pretend to not be genuinely a sicko. but @/bloomingduskk (who im sure will change urls after i post this is. a prosh.ipper radq.eer trans.d alongside a plethora of unfavorable unethical things. most of which being too personal to share, but enough left for me to be uncomfortable with my own silence. tw for like fucking everything lol
I never wanted to be in this position, or ever have to be the author of something like this. I am not a confrontational person or someone who enjoys drama, i’m entirely someone who goes out of his way not to get involved in such things, but due to my past public friendships with this person, and his tendencies of covering his tracks and lying about me and my friends, i feel as if it would be cowardly of me not to at least issue a warning about this user, and hope my message is conveyed well. If this was solely a personal gripe, I would not come out with a doc publically, I have no intentions of being petty, and am purposely leaving out a lot of petty issues and things that have been done to harm me personally. I only intend to talk about the actual dangers he promotes, and provide counterclaims to the narratives he tends to enjoy putting out. 
Before going further, i will be addressing him by his url, or nothing at all, as i will not be calling him by the japanese name he chooses to go by as a white person. It is against my morals. I hope that my decision doesn’t make this document more confusing than it needs to be. 
--- bloomingduskk uses Japanese names as a white person, and has done so for a while. He currently uses the name “maki” , and for the last half of 2023, went by Kaede, despite the fact that i firmly told him not to due to it being cultural appropriation multiple times, and each time he gave me an excuse, before continuing to do it. This is not a targeted attack against him, as he has said before in regard to being told not to use a japanese name, but something that i would condemn no matter who the person was. He identify(s)d as transracial. No matter the mental health issues you may have, the entire concept of “transitioning” into an ethnic minority is racist and entirely unacceptable. Here was his response to that.
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And here is him self describing as transracial, and his pinned post on his old radqueer blog
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^^ his discord at the time, which i and many others have personal dms with, matched exactly with his radq.ueer blogs. he cannot fucking say this isnt him i will go insane if he tries to deny this shit. He has spoken about me under the guise that I am stalking him, despite never having me blocked on anything but an old art account, and also the fact that I have gone out of my way, due to having severe morality ocd, not to scroll through or look at his content. All screenshots were provided to me secondhand, and not from my own devices, due to how severe this situation was for me, a person with ocd who he knew has ocd. At the time of these screenshots, i specifically requested my friends to block out his usernames so i didn't obsessively compulsively make myself feel sick scrolling through his blogs. (the screenshots in question here are not mine, i own a samsung galaxy, this ui does not match. I added my own annotations to the second image though.) VV his self identification as a proshipper + some stuff he had on his propara blogs (heavy tw)
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^^ the first image here is in repsonse to an extremely long and thought out message my friend sent him during this period to this specific blog of his when it still existed.
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his response to this was full of lies and empty promises and excuses, and plenty of vapid words he has taken back. i dont see a point in including what he had to say about this purely because he was lying through his teeth.
his twt account was probably the worst thing of his that was shown to me. i do not want to include screenshots of the things he would retweet as they were all sexually explicit imagery and posting of pedophilia, rape, beastiality, severe abuse, loli/shota content, and general dangerous and exploitative philias. i do not want to make that content more reachable to anyone than it already is . this account has been deleted. but i have been given screenshots of him posting his art there. along with the most tame thing i think he posted there. yeah
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a lot of the harm he has done to my friends and i is extremely personal, far more personal than i feel comfortable airing out on a public blog that i've worked hard to distance a public personality from. so, i am not willing to spend time slowly outlining every single lie and harmful action he has done. that would make this post impossibly long, and i dont have the stomach to retrigger myself in this way. this has taken me two months to write, as i am deeply bothered by it and this entire event with him made me the sickest i'd been in a long while. do not fucking harass him. block him. im certain he's going to send himself anon asks pretending to be stargloom rabid fans or pretend to be my friends or whatever but all i want is for him to stay the fuck away from me and my friends and spaces where he pretends he isn't into vile shit. block him. dont interact. dont send him anything. just be careful of this cunt . i refuse to let him walk around as if he hasn't happily and enthusiastically promoted the most vile content one can enjoy.
im sure he's gonna scramble after this and probably start spewing revolting shit abt me which hes done at every single turn after me being upset. but he cannot pretend like nothing happened forever. thanks.
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mostlyghostlyy · 23 days
I JUST CANT STOP WINNING! (being blocked by everyone who I reblog silly longlegs posts from)
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