#am i UnstableTM?
dieletztepanzerhexe · 2 years
literally shaking with rage. wish I could scream really loud rn
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nyanzaya · 5 years
starter : @unstabletm 
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(🐾) He re-adjusted his sunglasses. Zuo was confused for half a second seeing the other. “Oh.” It was when he put his glasses on the bridge of his nose correctly that he spoke. “I don’t see anything that special ‘bout you. Not that bad, I guess. Though annoying to look at.” They only looked annoying because of someone else Zuo knew. 
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etherealroses-blog · 5 years
Imagine being me, crying over spilled milk. Literally this is not something a sane person would cry about.
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kissitani · 4 years
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@unstabletm : “i am bysexual as in i’m not interested, goodbye.”
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    ❛ it was only a question  !  ❜ still an invasive one, though, not one asked so commonly, or without fumbling hands and stammers ━━━ shinra didn’t present any of that, though; clear within his rather confident stance, hands folded casually behind his back. really, he just wants to test out a theory of his, that’s all  !  ❛ i could’ve sworn you told me you were, though . . . huh. ❜
text post sentence starters.
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pastchased · 5 years
UNSCARVED  !   i would just like to state once again that for all intents  &  purposes i am exclusive with @unstabletm​ as well as her yoshi   &   saki   . this has been a psa  .
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mentioning @unstabletm
// im also very tempted to make a drr hangout chat but scared XD
>> i mean i AM i the process of making a server but i wasnt sure to share--- because i too  am a coward
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Music Meme
Tagged by: stolen from @unstabletm​ Tagging: @seacaved​ @rosuia​ @voidfcks​ [ Meir ] and anyone else who would like to!
Rules: share four songs / pieces of music that represent your muse REPOST. DON’T REBLOG.
feelings are fatal - mxmtoon
I'm always sad / And I'm always lonely / But I can't tell you / That I'm breaking slowly / Closed doors / Locked in, no keys / Keeping my feelings hidden /There is no ease / I need it to stop / And I want to be able / To open up but / My feelings are fatal
Fleurs Captives - Nicole Dollandanger 
Press you in the pages of a hardcover book to dry like flowers and weeds / Peel your petals off and slowly pull them apart to wrap in my bed sheets / To take you with me while i drift off to sleep and assemble you inside of my dreams / On a soiled mattress we drift to the attic where the dust collects on your long eyelashes / They say open up the window and stand in the sunshine / But you hide in the shadows cause the light goes right through you / Tou're a ghost, you're a ghost, you're a ghost, you're a ghost of my mind
Brass Goggles - Steam Powered Giraffe
How'd you like to try pumping / Lead through your veins / Or have a heart so wet and cold it starts rusting / When the world ticks around you / Voices tocking all the time / You live for feelings you've never felt / Because you cannot feel / And what is this leaking affecting my eye? /Does the oil that is dripping mean this is a cry? / Will I ever be something with feelings to hide? / Or am I just a boiler with nothing inside?
Are You Satisfied? - MARINA
Are you satisfied with an average life? / Do I need to lie to make my way in life? / High achiever, don't you see? / Baby, nothing comes for free / They say I'm a control freak / Driven by a greed to succeed / Nobody can stop me' / Cause it's my problem if I wanna pack up and run away / It's my business if I feel the need to smoke and drink and sway / It's my problem, it's my problem if I feel the need to hide / And it's my problem if I have no friends and feel I want to die
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halfmadtm · 5 years
‘ am i a good person ? no . but do i try to be better every single day ? also no . ’
MEME // accepting ( @unstabletm )
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“At least you admit to your flaws. You should really work on being less of a jerk though.”
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kissitani · 5 years
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@unstabletm : “ i push everyone away,  but in a way,  i am doing them a favor. ”
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shinra remembers well : persistent in his attempts to befriend izaya ━━━ mostly due to his favorite dullahan’s request. it was only a few years ago, but shinra remembers his friend’s dismissive comments, brushing off his proposal for a biology club only to be in search of him days later. and here they were, after even more days, months, so on. maybe then, shinra would’ve replied with a pout, claiming that it wasn’t a favor if izaya was pushing others away.
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but here he just chuckles, hands folded behind his back. now, shinra’s experienced more than enough to agree. ❛ yeah, ❜ he says, a bit too nonchalant; but with a guy like him...ah, shinra’s said it before - the guy’s an asshole. even so, shinra remains at his side. ❛ you are. ❜
random text post starters.
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🌹; A Deal with The Devil
The artist had been able to fend off the vengeful thoughts that lingered in the back of her mind for years now, progressing forward like many of those who had been abused before.  However, as the days went on, and the more she re-read Frankenstein and The Count of Monte Cristo - books she had once read to live vicariously through those who acted upon their lust for revenge - the more she wanted to see her father suffer.  The stories became less satisfying and more of a source of inspiration.  Granted, she believed she deserved some of the punishment, but her father had taken things too far and she could no longer stomach breathing the same air as him.  Revenge, however, was not an easy thing to achieve without repercussions.  She would need assistance.
Perhaps it was a bit idiotic - at the very least unsafe - to seek out Orihara Izaya for help.  He certainly had a reputation for ruining people’s lives - especially those of teenage girls and young women, but Scarlet was determined and certainly not easily swayed.  If she only approached him for this job and remained firm in not allowing him any closer, she should be safe, right?  She had the privileged of learning from other people’s mistakes, and the main common variable she had noticed among the informant’s victims was that they seemed to trust and open up to him.  The artist never opened up to anyone, and she certainly would avoid doing so with someone she KNEW with absolute CERTAINTY that he was not to be trusted.
She had spent some time trying to track him down.  It wasn’t as if an informant would have his own website for his services as many of them were illegal; she would simply have to run into him.  Her method of doing so were also rather unsafe, but she figured the best chance at finding the elusive informant would be to try and locate him in the aftermath of one of his infamous fights with another rather dangerous individual:  Heiwajima Shizuo.  If the ever familiar sound of that man screaming the other’s name in an I M M E A S U R A B L E fury echoed throughout the alleyways, it would be very likely that if she simply followed the trail of destruction then she would eventually run into her target.  
And one day, this hypothesis proved to be correct.  While she was following the path of demolished vending machines, rummaging through them for any food that was still left in-tact while also picking up a few of the myriad of knives thrown at the blond, ones she thought of adding to her won collection when a dark figure caught her eye.  There he was, the young man clad in his iconic fur-trimmed coat.  Scarlet approached him, peeling her crimson hood from her long, snowy locks with crimson eyes gleaming like rubies in the sun.  She appeared aloof and confident despite her heart HAMMERING anxiously in her rib cage, as she handed him one of his discarded knives with the blade pointed down towards the ground.
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❝ Orihara-san, if you have the time, I have a job offer for you, ❞  she spoke clearly, forcing her voice into a monotone in an attempt to mask her nervousness.  ❝ I understand if you are busy, and I am willing to schedule a proper appointment with you if that is what you would prefer. ❞
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