#am having a terrible day but look at me writing fluff huh? bless
witchersgoldenbard · 2 years
Perhaps shine, loved, and whirl for Geraskefer or a sub-pairing thereof? 💖
thank you for the prompt, sweetling, i hope you like it 🥰
wc: ~750 | tags: geraskefer, everyone is beautiful and nothing hurts, implied vacation by the coast, dancing, soft geralt
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It is no secret that Jaskier and Yennefer enjoy beautiful things — and it makes sense, for they are the most beautiful beings in this universe and the next. Still, it is a privilege every time to watch them fawn over dresses and doublets, silks and lace, a twinkle in their eyes as they enter a world that is foreign to Geralt.
But he gets to watch. He gets to sit back and smile, his heart entirely too full to the point where breathing gets difficult as they break from their bubble of joy and excitement to ask for his opinion.
“You’re beautiful,” he tells them truthfully, and his heart skips a beat when Jaskier lets go of Yennefer’s hand to come over and brush a kiss to his lips, his nose, his forehead.
“Thank you, my darling,” Jaskier whispers. He steps closer into Geralt’s space, arms wrapped around his neck, fingers idly caressing the nape of his neck as he is resting his cheek on the crown of Geralt’s head.
It’s always like this. All the bubbling happiness inside Jaskier pauses for a brief moment just so he can hold Geralt and tell him, “I love you.”
And Geralt chokes on his words, his heart, his feelings every time, can only sit there and breathe him in. Only belatedly does he remember that he’s allowed to touch Jaskier in return, his hands twitching in his lap to reach out and feel the soft, cold silk against his finger tips and hear Jaskier’s hum, feel it vibrating through his body as more kisses are pressed into his hair.
“So much,” Jaskier adds in a whisper before he pulls back to tip Geralt’s head back with a gentle finger under his chin. His sky blue eyes shine with affection and serenity so much that Geralt can’t help the smile that tugs at his lips. He feels loved under the bard’s gaze, and when Jaskier leans down to capture Geralt’s lips again, the smile is still there, and he feels it won’t leave for a long time yet. His hands travel up to Jaskier’s jaw, the smooth fabric under his hands a pleasant sensation, and he holds him there as they trade slow kisses.
When they break apart and Geralt has time to blink away the haze that Jaskier’s kisses always leave him with, he sees that Yennefer has joined them, her arms wrapped loosely around Jaskier’s middle, leaning against his back. Geralt reaches for one of her hands, humming when she immediately laces their fingers.
“I believe I was promised a dance, bardling,” she murmurs, though she makes no move to step away and pull Jaskier away from him.
“I believe the same, my love,” he rumbles against Geralt’s hair, and the witcher closes his eyes.
None of them moves, and it’s like a moment suspended in time that only belongs to them.
Eventually, though, Jaskier begins to get restless and he pulls back, turning in Yen’s embrace to swiftly sweep her off her feet. Geralt pretends not to have heard her squeal of surprise and indignation that quickly turns into the even rarer sound of a giggle.
“Let’s dance, then, beautiful sorceress mine. Let’s show our witcher the true power of matching your outfit with your lover in a ballroom.”
This little house by the coast they’re staying in for a few days is far from pompous, and to call the small living area a ballroom is more than a stretch, but Geralt and Yennefer are too weak to resist their bard’s imagination.
And with the way they whirl across the room, Geralt has to admit that he has a point anyway.
Yennefer’s dress — black silk with blue and golden highlights — is a perfect mirror to Jaskier’s doublet and trousers, and the sight they make is truly magical. Geralt’s breath hitches when the sunlight streaming in through the windows catches on the smooth silk and makes it shine until they might as well be twinkling like stars.
Jaskier leads their sorceress in a complicated dance that has them intertwined and sharing intense looks, but Geralt can feel in the air how much they enjoy this. How devoted they are to each other. Nothing compares to this.
It’s no secret that Yennefer and Jaskier enjoy beautiful things. But as Geralt is sitting here, watching them dance and whirl and exchange looks of challenge and devotion, he can’t fault them for it. He’s no better, after all.
tagging: @theshapeofcool @horsedadgeralt @meebles @toboldlynerd @luteandsword @natilieal @wherethewordsare
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schmuckyschmarnes · 3 years
build me a bed | s.b. x reader
summary: you’re moving into a new apartment and worried that your best friend is less than happy about it when he leaves suddenly word count: 2965 words warnings: honestly there’s not much to look out for here, it’s pretty fluffy, there’s a small amount of angst but it doesn’t get smutty.   maybe warning for language?  
a/n: hey everyone!  i’m back on my sirius black bullshit and i’ve been overthinking how to start writing again so i decided to just shut up and write something lmao, enjoy this plotless excuse for a fluff piece, it’s not explicitly romantic, just some tender moments between two idiots who are ultimately best friends. 
The weather outside was dismal. Rain pelted against the windows and the sound had been so relentless that it was beginning to dull, as if someone had turned volume all the way down.
You lay on the floor of your apartment, half on top of and half under an array of flattened cardboard boxes, bubble wrap, and packing peanuts. You'd spent the entire day moving your belongings into your new apartment with the help of your friends who wouldn't be letting you forget their generosity any time soon. James was particularly adamant that you would be repaying the favour. Remus opted to exaggerate his chronic pain with dramatic groans and did a terrible job of hiding the smirk on his face when you looked at him guiltily. And Sirius, well, he'd helped the boys with the heavy lifting, fiddled with your washing machine, then dryer, mumbling about test runs, and then left early - which if you were being totally honest, upset you just a little bit, but you weren't going to think about it. If he wanted to be a big baby about your move, that was on him.
The vibration of your phone is particularly aggressive against the cardboard you’d tossed it onto. You reach for it blindly, fingers spread, hoping to catch the edge. After some fumbling you managed to pinch and raise it to eye level. A second later, you were staring at a pair of wide green eyes.
"Hey Lily." You were going for casual, and instead landed somewhere in the neighbourhood of grumpy and pained.
"Well hello to you, too," she laughed, her eyes crinkling at the corners. "James just got home, I wanted to see how you're feeling about the new place!"
"Mnerrergh," was your response, throwing your free arm over your face.
"That good, huh?" There was something about Lily, the way that her voice dropped with concern, the way her eyebrow raised immediately, the way she pulled her lip between her teeth that made your heart clench. She was going to be such a good mother. "You think you might feel a little better if you weren't on the floor?"
"I'm okay, love," you soothe. "Just whiny. Of all the days for me to move it had to be in this weather, with the least helpful removalist in the world, and even with the boys' help, bless them, I've still got crap to put together. The place is great and I promise I will properly appreciate it when this-" you move your phone to show Lily the mess you were lying in, and the stacks of boxes around the room "-is all cleaned up.  And maybe when I have a bed again."
"I'm sorry I couldn't be there to help," Lily begins. You cut her off swiftly.
"Listen, Missy. You are growing a literal child inside of you. You get a free pass from now until, oh I don't know, eternity, maybe." This gets a laugh out of Lily who shifts so that her free arm rests on her belly.
"I appreciate the free pass and I’ll try not to abuse it too much. I love you, I'll check in with you again soon, okay?"
"Okay, Lils, love you, too."
You end the call and a second later your phone is vibrating again. You put it to your ear without looking.
"Lily, I promise you I'm fine-"
"Let me up, love," you hear. Oh. Not Lily.
"It's fucking cold and I am holding a very large box, please buzz me up so that I don't freeze to death." His voice crackles through the phone, and even now, you hear the pouring of rain.
"Okay shit, just one sec- ow, just hold on-" you scramble to your intercom and press the small button with your thumb, listening for the buzz. You hear the door open and the phone hangs up.
"Fucking rude," you mutter. A second later there’s a knock on your door. You open it to find a soaked Sirius, escaped tendrils of hair plastered against his face, his leather jacket dripping with rain, holding up a very large box indeed.
"Sirius, what on earth-” You step aside so that he can come in. Your previous annoyance is replaced with a cocktail of shock and confusion and the steady spreading warmth in your chest at the very small fact that your best friend came back.
“Hey,” he’s panting and shivering and he smells like rain and coffee and cigarettes when he leans in to kiss your cheek.
He drags the box with him as he comes inside and you help, bringing it along at the rear. It's ridiculously long and he's halfway inside your apartment before he lays the box down and he's back at the door, pointlessly toeing off his wet boots so as to not make a mess.
"Take these off, you'll catch your death," you say, fussing about him as you slide off his jacket and peel the wet t shirt off his skin before making your way over to the stack of boxes.
"I'm not here five minutes and you're already trying to get me naked," he teases, and you catch a hint of his smirk and raised eyebrow before the hoodie you throw at him aggressively wipes the cheeky look off his face. "Hey!"
"Poor baby having to put some clothes on," you pout, and if he hears the sarcasm, and you're sure that it's unmissable, he doesn't let on.
"Thank you, that is the appropriate sympathy this situation calls for," he replies, solemnly. You walk over with a towel and he ducks as you move to smack him upside the head, laughing. All the annoyance leaves you when you hear that laugh, it’s always been a weakness for you.
"C'mere," you say, sitting on the floor with your back against the counter. You spread your legs so he can sit between them and he does, leaning against you. You rest your chin on his shoulder while you squeeze the water from his hair with the towel. After a few minutes of quiet, you ask: "What's in the box?"
Sirius forgets that you're holding his hair and turns quickly to face you, swearing when it pulls. You drop the towel with an apology and he rubs at his scalp, scowling.
"I brought your bed," he says, getting to his feet.
"My bed?" you ask, confused. "But they said-"
"They said they couldn't deliver it in time, I know, and the removalist refused to drive out of his way to pick it up, I know. So I borrowed Frank's van and picked it up myself," he says, not looking up as he moves around the box, tearing the cardboard open.
"But Sirius, the nearest store is 2 hours from here, do you mean that you-"
"Drove two hours to pick it up for you and then drove two hours back only to get caught outside your apartment in the pouring rain because I don't have a key anymore? Yeah, pretty much, love."
Your eyes pricked with tears as you watched him remove the wooden planks from the box. He dropped them with a clatter when he looked up and noticed your expression, striding over to you.
"Hey," he murmured, cupping your face in his hands. You tried to turn away from him but he tilted your face back towards him, gently. "Sweetheart, what's going on?"
"I thought-" you swallowed the lump in your throat and shook your head a little.
"You thought, what?" he prompted, eyes searching yours. "You thought you were going to have to sleep on the couch tonight?" he tried, and smiled when you choked out a laugh. "Tell me, love."
"I thought...I thought you were upset with me for moving. The guys stayed to help, and you left, and I know I'm further away now and I-" you stop, feeling ridiculous and trying to look anywhere but at his grey eyes.
"I told James that- Did James not tell you I'd be back?" he asks, letting go of your face and stroking your arms up and down.
"James?" you ask, just as confused.
Understanding washed over Sirius's face, and like a mirror, yours too. James forgot.
He wraps his arms around you and pulls you to his chest, stroking your hair.
"You thought I was upset with you for moving away and just pretending to be okay with it?" he asks, pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
You nod, unable to speak, the tears that you'd held back all day spilled onto your cheeks.
"Hey," Sirius soothes, rubbing your back as you cry. He holds you away from him to look at you, his thumbs brushing away the tears on your cheeks. "I love you, angel."
"I love you, too," you sniff, leaning into his embrace, eyes fluttering shut when he brushed his lips over your forehead.
He continued in the same soft, soothing voice. "You're such a fucking idiot sometimes, you know that? So, so stupid."
He resists your attempts to break free of his embrace, trapping your arms to the side when they reached out to smack him. He readjusts, wrapping himself around you, resting his head on top of yours, shushing your squawks of indignation.
"You thought that after ten years of you being my best friend, I was going to fuck off because you moved thirty minutes away?" His fingers tickle your side and you squirm against him, laughing.
"Yes, I did!"
"Had vivid daydreams of lonely dinners for one and no one to watch your shitty shows with, did you?" he continued, expertly dodging your smacks and somehow keeping you against his laughing body.
"You're so fucking mean, Black, oh my God-" you begin. He interrupts you, still laughing.
"Did you- did you imagine I'd go out and get myself a new best friend?" he asks, cackling as you manage to push yourself off of him, unable to keep your own smile off your face.
"I did, in fact. I imagined her name would be Wendy," you reply, your voice snippy as you bend down to lift the parts Sirius had removed from the packaging earlier, and walking over to the bedroom.
"Wendy," Sirius sighs, dreamily. "Is she attractive, at least?"
"Tits aren't huge, but a great arse," you call over your shoulder.
"I've always been more of an arse man, I think, there's just so much more to do with a nice arse, don't you think?" he says, following you into the room with the rest of the parts.
"I stopped listening at 'I've always been more of an arse' you say, arranging the screws you'll need into piles on the floor. "If that's the sentiment you were going for, I couldn't agree more."
Sirius barks out a laugh and it cracks your heart in two. You look up to see him pushing his hair out of his eyes as he reads the instruction manual. You bum shuffle your way across the room to him, before pushing yourself onto your knees to reach behind his head and remove his hair tie. You settle in front of him, ignoring the fact that your chest in his face as you brush his hair back with your fingers, tying it into a little bun at the nape of his neck.
"Thanks, sweetheart," he says, bringing a hand to your face, his thumb stroking your jaw.
You turn your head to kiss the palm of his hand, nuzzling against it.
"You're very welcome. Now build me a bed, I beg of you,” you cry, pulling on the strings of his hoodie. He laughs again, pushing you away gently, and you both get to work.
Sirius puts on a playlist and it's a wonder that you both get anything done between the singing and dramatic dancing, but 30 minutes later, you have a bedframe and no extra screws lying around to make you nervous.
"I wish I could crawl in right now," you whisper, as you lie down on the floor for the second time today, this time, not alone.
Sirius sits up and pulls your reluctant arms with him.
"Go shower," he says, pushing you in the direction of the bathroom. "I'll fix this up."
The shower is magical, you're sure of it. When you step in you're aching, and tired, and shaking off the remnants of the shitty feelings the day had brought with it. A considerable amount of time later, skin scrubbed, hair washed, and teeth brushed, you feel born again. Clean, and fresh and peaceful. You move to step out of the shower and then halt.
"Sirius?" you call from the bathroom, and the smallest part of you is afraid there'll be no answer.
"Yeah?" he calls back. You exhale, smiling.
"I forgot to bring a towel in," you yell, stepping out of the shower. The puddle around you begins to form almost instantly.
"That's so crazy, in the time you were gone, all the towels in the world just set on fire, it's all over the news-"
"-Sirius!" You're laughing as the door opens and he throws a towel in before walking away again.
When you make your way back to the bedroom, wrapped in your fresh towel, you see that Sirius has unpacked your new mattress and pillows from the plastic packaging they had been in, and made your bed with your favourite sheets.  All the cardboard and plastic and styrofoam is gone from your room, and it looks, for the first time, like a bedroom.
You flop down and inhale deeply as he walks into the room.
"You fixed my bed," you smile.
"I fixed your bed," he repeats, pulling off the hoodie you had given to him earlier.
"Come lie down," you say, patting the bed. "It smells so good, did you wash these? When did you get time to wash them?"
Sirius laughs, shucking off his pants next.
"I'm going to go shower before I get into your nice, clean bed," he says, standing in a pair of boxers. "And I washed them earlier today when the guys were here, remember? Had to test the washer and dryer, and I knew I was picking up the bed."
He had.
"You're the best," you whisper, closing your eyes for a second. "Go shower."
You wait until he's gone to haul yourself up and get changed into some pyjamas you'd packed into your wardrobe earlier, pulling out a pair of shorts you'd stolen from him years ago and throwing them on the bed before you climb back in.
He's gone for less than ten minutes before you hear his feet padding towards your room, towel wrapped around his waist. Water droplets run down his shoulders as he spots the shorts and drops his towel to put them on, facing away from you, it wasn’t anything you hadn’t seen before.
"Nice arse," you say, as he climbs into the bed.
"Ah, this old thing?" he replies, and it sends you into a fit of giggles.
"C'mere," he says, holding his arms out to you, and you do a ridiculously sideways wriggle to get to him. He huffs out a laugh as he wraps himself around you, tucking your head under his chin, and you get a whiff of peppermint.
"You use my toothbrush?" you ask, except the word 'toothbrush' is swallowed in a yawn.
"Mm, get you another one tomorrow," he replies, rubbing your back in soothing circles.
"Don't mind," you murmur.
A comfortable silence and then -
"You could move to the moon, you know," he says, gathering you closer to him.
"You were worried I'd leave you. Stop being friends with you. Like you're not part of me, like - you could move to the fucking moon and I'd be right behind you," he says, voice a little gruffer than usual.
You untuck your head from under his chin to breathe him in at the junction of his shoulder and neck, soapy clean. You kiss him there, once, twice, and tuck yourself back against him, his hands resuming their circles on your back.
"Was stupid to be scared," you say softly. "You've always been there, I know. Just never want to lose you. Miss you already."
"I'm right here. Not going anywhere, promise," he replies, squeezing you for emphasis.
"Love you so much," you whisper, eyes fluttering closed in the comfort of his embrace.
"I love you too, angel," he says. "I like this bed, by the way," he adds after some silence.
"You do?" you ask, tangling your legs with his as you make yourself more comfortable.
"Yeah, for sure," he says. "I like that there's enough space for both of us to stretch out. It might get a little cramped with Wendy, but I think we can make it work, depending- ow!” he’s laughing as you try to kick yourself away from him.  “Depending on how truthful you've been about that arse of hers,” he finishes between actual honest to God cackles.
"You're a sad excuse for a friend, you know that?" you grumble.  His arms hold you against him for the second time today and he shushes you while you fight to get free of him.
"Settle down.  You love me," he murmurs, once his laughter has died down.
"Yeah?" you challenge.  It’s halfhearted at best and you both know it.  He kisses your temple.
"Yeah," he replies, unbothered by your stubbornness. You let yourself relax back against him, face buried in the crook of his neck once more.
It comes after minutes of silence, your chests both rising and falling evenly, your voice is soft and tired, but he hears it anyway, the admission hidden in your sigh, and he smiles.
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oingo233 · 4 years
By The Lake*Chapter Seven
Summary:  A family friend offers you a place to stay to get away from an abusive past.  Her home is a place that you are familiar with, an old town with a large lake you spent many days in. You went there years ago for one full summer, where you became close friends with a very young Daryl Dixon.  You two were inseparable until you had to leave.  But now you’re back, escaping from a past much like his.  You will need to weave your way through the town’s problematic people, your own problems, and above all the confusing Dixon.  Will you two find your way back to each other again?  Or will he push you further away?  And above all, will your past cease to haunt you?
Pairing: Young Daryl Dixon X Reader
Warnings: Mentions of abuse and violence(potential triggers), cussing, more mature themes(not smut or anything tho), slow burn romance, described wounds and injuries
Authors note:  I don’t own the character Daryl Dixon, he belongs to the creators of The Walking Dead.  This fic talks about abuse, and the terrible reality involved to spread awareness about the matter, not to romanticize it. Also, I was writing the last couple of paragraphs with a horrible sense of deja vu because I could have sworn I wrote it already, and then I realized that I have but tumblr didn’t save it, so I wrote the end with immense caution and fear in case my wifi cut out again. But it’s okay because both endings have sticky sweet fluff!                        
Word Count: 2.2k
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It was the dreaded dinner of the century.  Cherry’s words lingered in the back of my mind like an all consuming fog.  “We have to talk...dinner?”.  And her face, god, her face was so sad.  Was I disappointing her? Do the kids not like me? I glance to Daryl who looks just as nervous beside me.  Does she know?  Daryl catches me looking, and he glances over my expression, his own frown forming.
“Don’t stress ya’self out too bad, huh?  We’ve gotten in trouble a plenty times before.”  He adds with a wink, I roll my eyes, grateful for the smile he brought out of me.  He shifts the angel cake to one hand and knocks on the door with the other.  Cherry answers with an uneasy smile, that turns into a slack jaw as she sees Daryl.
“Daryl?”  I think she meant it as an excited hello, but it came out more as a threatening question to me.  That is probably because I forced him to come with me as a buddy for the night.  If Cherry’s going to tell me off for Daryl, then he should be here too.  Or if Cherry wants to kick me out, I’m going to need emotional support in the form of a redneck, tough love friend.  Daryl’s the best option.
“Daryl, are ya alright?”  She goes to touch his face, not knowing it’s the best of his wounds.  His long sleeve shirt and jeans covered everything else.  He flinches back slightly but she didn’t back off.  Daryls breathing picked up as she traced the bruises and cuts.  I restrain myself from pushing her hand back as Daryl takes a slight shift back and gives her a stiff nod of his head, mumbling something about roughhousing with friends.
“M’sorry for just showin’ up.  Thought Mark would’ve liked to talk about our day tomorrow.  Cars almost done.”  He offers a small smile which she returns, though she gave me the stink eye.  God bless his soul for covering for me like that, but everyone knows he’s here cause I asked him.  At the mention of his name, and apparent super hearing, Mark pops up behind Cherry.  His smile the widest out of all of ours.
“Daryl!  What a good surprise!  That cars almost done ya know.  Come in, come in.”  He ushers everyone inside and Daryl hands over the angel cake.  Cherry sets in on the table further inside, glancing behind her shoulder to make sure I was following.  Which I was, I was following her like a dog with it’s tail between it’s legs.
“(Y/N)!  What the hell?  Daryl comes around looking like he got bulldozed.  Is everything alright?  Did he really come here to talk about cars?”  She looked stressed out, bags under her lightly mascaraed eyes, deep enough that no amount of coverage could hide it.  Her hair was fizzy, and for the first time I’ve seen it, unkept.  Does this have to do with her news?  Could I really lie to her in her state?
“I’m sorry Cherry, I just-it’s just that-”  My voice came out more strained than I meant, a familiar burn in my eyes start to work up.  “I can’t tell you all of it alright?  But things are bad, I just don’t know what else to do.”  She steps forward and raises her hand, I nearly jump out of my shoes, but she just rests her palm on my cheek and wipes away a tear.  I don’t tell her about Daryl’s truth, it isn’t mine to tell.  I don’t tell her about him staying with me, although she should probably know.  I don’t tell her about the crushing weight of it all, or that I feel like I’m betraying her.  But I don’t have to.  She saw it, and now she is the one comforting me.  She rest her forehead against mine and nods softly.
“Lets just breath darling.  I’m not going to punish you for anything.  I just want to know if you’re doing what you think is right?  That’s enough for me.”  I take a few breaths in until they run steady.  
“I am doing what I think is best.  Whats right.”  I whisper out, drained from the past couple days.
“You always do, doll.” She kisses my forehead. “Now, lets eat!”  She cheers, pulling back and quickly wiping her own tears.  
“Wait-”  I pull her back to me, quietly over the sounds of the family and Daryl rushing into the kitchen to eat I ask her.  “What was the news you wanted to tell me about?”  She doesn’t say anything, only gives me a small smile.
“Later.”  she says with a shrug, masking her true emotions.  Mark was near and pulled her aside when he heard this.  I meant to give them privacy but it was too late, my curiosity got the better of me.  
“Cherry, are you sure we should wait to tell her?” I’ve never heard him so serious in my life.
“I’m sure, they’re just kids.  We should let them be that for a while-”  The rest of her sentence was forgotten because Daryl scared the shit out of me.
“Curiosity killed the cat ya know?”  He scoffs out behind me, obviously not proud of my behavior.  I give him a sheepish smile.
“But satisfaction brought it back.”  I point my finger at him making him roll his eyes.  He guided me away from snooping on the married grown ups, and to the dinner table.  When walking to his seat, Daryl casually snatched Rosie’s napkin, and dropped it on her lap for her.  This made Rosie giggle, so when Daryl sat down she took his napkin and put it on his lap. We all laughed at Daryl’s surprised expression, it held a softness I haven’t seen before.  He laughs with us and says a quite thank you to her.  
Cherry and Mark came and sat down minutes later, both giving each other mean looks.  They obviously had a heated conversation.  But as dinner went on everyone was happy.  Daryl and Rosie were talking about this Magic Tree house series she was reading, and at one point Rosie wiped food off from Daryl's cheek. “So messy.”  She mumbled exhausted under her breath. Everyone nearly died laughing at this, Daryl included.  Monty told him all about his favorite dinosaur and Daryl even mentioned a few he liked, which surprised me.  The kids loved him, and dinner was a blast.
Although dinner was fun, cleaning was not.  Cherry assigned Daryl, Rosie, Monty and I on cleaning duty.  
“Ow. Heavy.”  Rosie complained, she came walking in with a grumpy expression nearly hidden by the stack of dinner plates she was bringing into the kitchen.  Before I could warn him, Daryl fell right into her trap.
“I’ll take those for ya!”  Daryl all but hummed, as he lifted the “weight” from Rosie.  She beamed up at him.  
“Thank you Dare Bear,” Daryl blushed and gave me a sheepish look when the nickname came. “I’m just so tired, it’s past my bedtime.”  Before she could fake a yawn I spoke up.  
“It is not, you liar.”  Rosie gave me an offended look, I was going to ruin her plan. But she was smart, smarter than me apparently. Her lips curled up and her eyes, as if she was a talented working actress, teared up.  Daryl was at her side in an instant, giving me a shocked look. I didn’t miss the amusement in his eyes though.  I gave up right then and there, her plan was going to work.  She had Daryl wrapped around her finger all night.
“Don’t ya call her that.  She’s sensitive.”  He whispered the last part to me as he picked her up.  “Lets get ya to bed.”  I nearly melted at the sight, as Rosie wrapped her small arms around his neck, and he rubbed her back soothingly as he carried her off to bed. She gave me a bratty smug look, pulling a smile from me. “C’mon Monty.”  Monty, who didn’t feel as hopeful on getting out of cleaning duty until now, ran towards the two, beaming.  
Then there was one.  I walked to the hallway to get a rag from the laundry closet, it was next to Rosie’s room.  I heard her giggle before her little voice echoed in the silence. I was holding my breath.  I didn’t dare to ruin the moment.
“Here Dare Bear, you can ‘ave it when doing the dishes for me.”  There was a few moments of silence before I heard Daryl chuckle, almost in defeat.  
“Alright. Thanks.”  He chuckled again.  “Sleep well, Rosie.”  I rushed back to the kitchen when I heard his light footsteps approaching.  
Minutes later and I turn around as he enters the room.
“Oh.  My.  God.”  I try so hard to keep it in, I really do, but I laugh the hardest I have in years at the sight before me.  I nearly hit my head on the wall from leaning back and cackling so hard.  I can’t form the question I want to between trying to breath and laugh.  
“Yeah, yeah, yeah.  Say what ya will, but I look good.”  He tries to joke about it, but his blushing face said he knew he looked ridiculous.  Tied around his waist and neck, was a pink daisy apron, made for a 5 year old.  It didn’t even cover his whole torso.  Wordlessly, I pointed my finger in the air and spun it.  Daryl stared at me exasperated before he did a little twirl for me.  A giggle escaped me and I sent him a wink.  He laughs now too, taking the rag from my hands quickly and swatting me with it.
“Shut it and get to work.”  We do as he says for a while but I just could not focus.  It was starting to annoy Daryl by the way his fingers would twitch every time he saw me drying the same plate for five minutes.  
“Play music.”  He scoffed out after I nearly dropped the cup in my hands, he was giving me a pointed look.
“Fine, if you want it so bad.”  I mumble as I make my way to the radio.  It turns on with a familiar tune, Daryl and I share a smile with one another.  
“Ain’t for me.”  He whispers, noticing how I get back into the easy rhythm of cleaning.  I blush as I realize how well he knew me.  Some things never change.  I move my hips to the song and notice him doing the same.  It nearly makes me laugh but I hold it in so he won’t get shy.  The song was “I see it, I like it, I want.” by Shirley Ellis.  We knew the song well.  Whenever Daryl and I would hang out in town, my mom would give us money for groceries and a little extra for ice cream.  The ice cream shop played that song religiously.  So often in fact, Daryl and I could never decide if we loved it, or hated it.  But by the way our bodies moved to the beat like old times, it was clear we did not hate it.  
“You look damn good in an apron.”  I giggle out, I would have been shocked at my boldness if it was any other song.  But this song makes a girl get what she wants.  
“Ya think so?”  Daryl asks, turning around with a soapy sponge in one hand and a dripping plate in the other.  I nod and he sets the two things down, his eyes playful as he engulfs at me.  
Soap was everywhere.  Slipping wet through my hair, and dripping down my arms as he grabbed my hands and swung me in a dance.  When I was pulled back into his chest his lips were by my ear, the song playing from his lips sounded much better.
“From the moment I laid eyes on ya,
This is what I said, I said a beautiful sight to see
Because everything that makes ya, you, means so much to me!”  He spun me around once more before letting go and circling around me with bad dance moves.  I pushed him to a stop before singing the rest of the song to him. 
When that song was over one played that we haven’t heard before.  But it was slow and beautiful.  Daryl fit his soapy hand in mine and leaned down close to my ear.  His lips danced shyly against my cheek as he spoke.
“Ya know, I don’t just dance for anybody,”  He pulled away and looked at me with those beautiful eyes of his.  An easy smile was on his soft lips, but only a fool would miss the anxiety ridden twitch they would have every couple seconds.  He was nervous.  I lend him courage with a squeeze of my hand and the words spilled out of him like butter.  Like he was never more sure of anything.  “Go on a date with me?”  
We stopped our dancing as I gaped up at him.  A date with Daryl?  The thought of it made my heart swell.
“Nothing sounds more perfect.”  A large smile breaks his intense stare as he gives me a kiss on the cheek, whispering in my ear he says.
“Keep ya eyes off the lake tomorrow, sunshine.” Words proceed me, as I just nod up at him like a love sick puppy.  Nothing witty comes to me so we get back to work after he twirls me once more. We finished cleaning the kitchen with laughter, our horrible dance moves, and shy intimate looks at one another over our shoulders. He winked at me when he took the rag from my hand and finished the last dish.  Oh I just can not wait for tomorrow.
(If I forgot or you would like to be added to the taglist just let me know)
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k-popscenxrios · 7 years
Only 6 Months (CEO!Jungkook x Barista!OC) Part 1
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I’M SORRY I KNOW THE TITLE IS LAME BUT I COULDN’T THINK OF ANYTHING ELSE Summary: Who knew that pretending to be in love could create such chaos? So I’ve been working on this story for so long, and I really hope that it is as good as I think it is ^^’ I literally rewrote half this story (it’s long, I already have 52,000 words written for it and I’m still not done) so I’m really happy to FINALLY start posting it. Ironically, I think it’s been 6 months since I started writing this xD) Also, Jungkook is actually not a CEO in the story, he’s just the son of one and next in line to be the CEO.
Words: 3,300+ Genre: Fluff, Drama, Future Angst sorta?
Part 2
⇨ Masterlist ⇦
“I don’t think so,” Jungkook laughed in disbelief, “what kind of rule is that?”
“You don’t have a choice, Jungkook.” his father’s voice rang through the corridor, shaking his head in annoyance.
Jimin and Hoseok stood behind Jungkook and looked at each other for a few seconds before Hoseok spoke up, “Sir, isn’t that deadline a little unrealistic?”
“Six months?” his father’s eyebrows raised, “I think that’s more than enough time. With his looks he could pick up any woman on the streets and she’d fall for him.”
“But any woman won’t be good enough,” Jungkook shook his head and took a deep breath, “You can’t put a time limit on finding the perfect woman.”
“You don’t need the perfect woman, you just need a wife,” his father shot, getting tired of the conversation, “Why do you think I married your mother?”
Jungkook’s patience was wearing thin and his glare was intensifying by the second, “I don’t want a marriage like yours. You two don’t love each other. She only married you for the money.”
“You have six months, Jungkook,” his father repeated, ending the conversation with no further discussion
“Can you believe that guy?” Jungkook mumbled as he threw his empty coke bottle in a trash can that they were passing by, “He expects me to find someone worth being with me in such a little amount of time?”
“Well…” Seokjin bit his lip for a second, “There are seven of us, so if we all go wife hunting, I’m sure we could find someone.”
Jungkook groaned, but most of the guys were agreeing with Seokjin, “I would rather just hire someone to marry me and then just divorce them when I find the right girl.” Taehyung scrunched up his nose, “That sounds like a terrible plan. What if she denies getting divorced unless she’s paid a million or something? Or worse, your father won’t let you divorce her because it would hurt the company’s image.”
“But I don’t want to get married right now!” Jungkook was starting to get frustrated with his friends. He doesn't want to be set up… and he certainly doesn’t really want to find a girl that just wants money. He couldn’t live with a woman that was like his mom. All she cares about is money.
“You could always go for an old friend or even one of our sisters or cousins if you had to.” Jimin suggested, but Yoongi’s eyebrows raised.
“My sister is off limits, though. I don’t want her to be the wife of a CEO.” he shook his head, taking a drink of his coke. The guys paused their conversation to walk inside the local coffee shop. It wasn’t a common hang out place, but it was the most private one that they knew of.
“I know that my cousin would marry you,” Namjoon offered, “She’s kinda liked you for a while. Don’t tell her I told you, though.”
Jungkook shook his head, “I’d rather not marry into anyone’s family. It would make things more complicated than it should be.”
Taehyung plopped down into a booth first as the others followed, “Well you’re low on time. You might be marrying into one of our families or just marrying a complete stranger.”
“Well,” Hoseok spoke up, “There’s always the internet.”
“No,” Jungkook shot that idea down, “I refuse to take to a sad dating website for a mate. I would rather marry Yoongi’s sister and have him kill me for doing so.”
Yoongi gave Jungkook a murderous look, “I’m glad you know your limits.”
“So we’re all going wife hunting, huh?” Jimin asked, watching Jungkook’s frustrated expression turn to a worried one.
“What am I gonna do? I’ve only dated like one girl seriously, and she ended up cheating on me within two months of our six month relationship.” Jungkook’s defeated look made everyone else feel a little defeated as well. He was a great flirt no doubt, but dating wise? He hasn’t really had a steady relationship.
“I guess we’ll just look for the kindest hearted people we can. I could ask my sister about friends she has if you’d like.” Jimin offered, but Jungkook was being super stubborn and shook his head.
“Okay, for someone in this deep s***, you are very uncooperative,” Yoongi glared, getting up out of his seat, “I have a meeting to go to soon. I’m out on finding you a wife until you clean up your attitude.”
“Count me out, too,” Namjoon raised his pointer finger a himself, “If you want my help just ask. I could recommend you plenty of single woman once you’re ready for help.”
Once the two of them were gone, Hoseok followed soon after with a few short excuses of, “I have some ideas, but you’ll have to admit to needing help for me to tell you them,” and “I have a meeting as well.”
Jungkook buried his head in his hands, feeling regret come down on him. He knows he needs help, but that’s the last thing he wants to admit.
“Jungkook,” Seokjin spoke up, “You’ve gotta listen to us.”
“You especially need to listen to Jin Hyung,” Taehyung added, “He’s been through the whole marriage thing.”
“But he found her and fell in love with her over two years. I have six months.” Jungkook mumbled, “How am I gonna do this? I’ve never been in love, and I didn’t really plan to ever be.”
“It’s not something you plan,” Seokjin smiled sadly, “but that’s also what’s going to make this really hard.”
“What we need is a miracle,” Jimin leaned his head back on the booth he was sitting at, “We need someone to literally fall from the sky. Someone who is the ideal girl for Jungkook.”
“You know the odds of that?” Jungkook scoffed, “They’re 0 because I’m hopeless. At this point I’m just trying to figure out which is more important to me: getting married with someone I love and being taken out of line for CEO, or being CEO with a money loving wife who won’t give me the time of day.”
“Well you’ve got all six of us,” Taehyung tried to cheer him up, “Because I know those other three who left would help you in a heartbeat if you really asked them to.”
Jungkook’s dread was growing as he thought about having to have help to find something like love. He always prided himself on not needing anyone else’s help yet here he is in desperate need of help from anyone who will offer it.
“Fine,” Jungkook groaned, “Everyone keep on the lookout for any girl that looks worthy to be a CEO’s wife. Don’t totally disregard looks, but don’t look at just looks as well.”
“Got it!” Taehyung smiled and grabbed Jungkook’s shoulder, “Don’t worry about this too much, Jungkook. As your hyungs, and your co-workers, we’ll make sure you stay in line for that position you deserve!”
Jungkook rolled his eyes at Taehyung’s cheesy words, but smiled at them as well. Seokjin snickered and turned around to look at the coffee shop around them. Hey, it wouldn’t hurt to start immediately, would it?
“You know Chaerin,” Kiseung took a sip of her coffee as she glanced at her friend, “You realized you’re the only single one here… right?”
Chaerin raised an eyebrow, “So?”
The two across from them, Nari and Hyomin, gave Kiseung a dirty look. “What was the point in saying that?” Hyomin asked, getting the attention of Kiseung.
“We need to find her a date!” Kiseung smiled, “Then we could all go on dates together!”
“I’m not looking for someone right now,” Chaerin smiled nervously, but Kiseung wasn’t having it.
“There is never a time to not be looking for someone. You’re 21 Chaerin! It’s time to find a man and get married or something.” Kiseung showed off her engagement ring, “This is probably the best thing that’s ever happened to me, and I want you to feel the same!”
Hyomin took a deep breath, “Kiseung, just ‘cause you love being in love doesn’t mean everyone else does. If Chaerin wants a guy, she can go look for one on her own.”
“But then she’ll never find anyone!”
“...wow, thanks Kiseung. That did not hurt my pride at all.” Chaerin gave her a disapproving look.
Kiseung frowned and looked down at her phone. In a matter of seconds, she was out of her seat and downing her hot coffee as fast as she could. “I gotta run. Baekhyun is wanting me to help with our wedding plans since it’s only four months away!”
She dashed out of the building as Nari sighed, “Bless her. She can be so hurtful sometimes.”
Chaerin nodded in agreement before she took a sip of her latte. It’s not really that she doesn’t want to get married or to date… It’s more of that she doesn’t know how to. But she’s not going to tell Kiseung that, otherwise she’ll take her out to a club to find some weird guy or something… she wanted love to happen on it’s own, not a setup by them or anything.
Nari and Hyomin said bye to Chaerin as they left the coffee joint.  Chaerin had to head to the back of the place before her break was over, and she was almost late clocking back in.
She had only been on the clock for a few seconds before a group of really good looking guys came in and sat down in a booth. She was about to walk over to them, but they all looked really serious and she didn’t want to interrupt what was going on. It took a few minutes, but things seems to calm down at the table. It wasn’t long until they started to leave one by one, and Chaerin know she would probably be scolded for letting potential customers out without even asking if they wanted anything, but she respected their privacy (and she was intimidated by how good looking and professional they looked.).
Eventually only one of them was left, and she finally made her way over to the table, “I’m sorry I didn’t head over here earlier, but can I get you anything?”
The guy looked so defeated and she felt really bad for him. Whatever it was, she was glad she waited to come over. She made the right call to not bother all of them.
Despite being terrified of dating, she was pretty good at talking to people and being friendly toward them, especially guys. Sometimes she’d go overboard to make it strictly platonic while talking to a guy.
She found herself sitting down in front of him and smiling softly, “Bad day?”
The man snickered and rubbed his face, “You wouldn’t even believe how bad it is.” “Try me?” she offered the stranger, putting down her note pad, “I’ll listen. Well, if someone else comes in, I’ll have to help them, but if you need an ear, I’ll be here all day.” He looked up at her and took a deep breath. With a look of confusion, his words reflected his expression, “Did someone send you?” Chaerin raised her eyebrows, “Who would have sent me? I don’t know you or why you’re upset. I just wanted to help since you looked so defeated.”
“I’m not a charity case,” he grumbled, putting his face in his hands, “I don’t need your help, I need a wife.”
Chaerin blinked a few times and gave him an annoyed look, “Well you’re not gonna get one with that attitude and mindset!”
He looked up and glared at her, “I don’t have a choice to have this mindset! What would you know about me? You’re just a poor waitress working a minimum wage job. You couldn’t possibly know my place as a future CEO.”
Chaerin glared at him and stood up, “Never mind. I’m sorry I tried to help. You obviously deserve everything coming at you.”
She rushed to the back of the shop and took a deep breath, finding herself shaking from his words. They hurt a lot more than they should have. She didn’t even know him! His words shouldn’t have meant anything to her.
She took a few minutes to calm down before she heard the sound of the door opening, and she put on a brave face to greet the customer.
On the other side of the coffee shop was Jungkook, sitting in his seat in fumes. He was unnecessarily mad, which caused him to scare that poor girl away. He watched her smile at the customer who was ordering and turn around to make their order. He shouldn’t have yelled at her, but she was being nosy.
“That’ll be $3.95,” she said to the customer as they handed her a five and told her to keep the change. They took their fix and exited, and once again it was just the two of them in the store. He thought about saying sorry, but his pride was telling him it wasn’t worth it. He’d probably never see her again, anyway.
“I think I found a girl that might be worth while,” Jimin smiled and held up a picture of a blonde girl. She was good looking and her figure was amazing, and Jungkook told him to continue, “She’s an aspiring actress. She told me she’s played some minor roles in some lesser known dramas, but she’s scheduled to appear in a new one that’s supposed to be huge.”
“Oh?” Jungkook sounded interested, “How’d you find her?”
“My sister told me about her. She’s a director, you know? She told me she was good actor and that she could be big in Korea one day.” Jimin looked really proud in his discovery, but Jungkook was a little skeptical.
“But what if she gets offers to travel?” he asked, “We’d hardly be together. She’d be in the news and everything about our lives would be public. I don’t know about going after someone like her.”
“Oh come on, Jungkook!” Taehyung cried, “She’s literally perfect! She could adjust to any life! Why don’t you just try meeting her?”
He took a deep breath and just shook his head, “I don’t think it’s a good idea guys…”
“I’m setting up a date anyway,” Jimin stated, “You need to start finding someone now if you’re gonna get them to marry you. I know she’d like you because who wouldn’t? You look amazing.”
“But looks aren’t everything. It’d be nice if someone liked me for my personality, too.”
“Well if she never meets you then she would never know if she likes your personality or not.” Taehyung frowned, “And with your current attitude, you’d be lucky if a girl liked you based on your personality.”
Jungkook glared at him as he got up from his seat, “I’m going somewhere else. Don’t follow me, okay? I need to think this over.”
The two of them nodded and let him walk off, feeling even more frustrated with their friend. ***
“Look Jungkook,” Jimin sighed as he grabbed a drink from the fridge. He had called Jungkook and asked him to come over that night to seriously talk about what happened earlier, “I’m really sorry I pushed a little hard on you about that girl, but I just want you to find someone. I know you want to become CEO, and something like this shouldn’t stand in your way…”
“I understand,” Jungkook was sitting at the bar in Jimin’s kitchen, just watching Jimin lean against the wall and open the drink, “I just don’t want you guys to feel like you have to find girls that are really popular… That would just complicate things, and it sounds really unappealing.”
“I know... “ Jimin trailed off, “I just thought you might like her since she seems really cool... And she’s hot.”
“Well…” Jungkook felt a smile creep on his face, laughing at what Jimin said, “I never said she wasn’t, I just feel like having an actress as a wife could be incredibly difficult.”
“I guess so,” Jimin nodded, “But it doesn’t change that she’s a choice. If you change your mind I could always give you her number…”
Jungkook just continued grinning as he looked down at the table. For such a bad situation, he feels like the reality hasn’t totally set in yet.
Once it does, it’s going to be a rude wake up call.
It had been about a week since he had last stepped into the coffee shop, which wasn’t abnormal. Him and the other guys hardly ever went there anyway. Today was a little different than usual mornings, so he found himself at the shop. It hadn’t occurred to him that he had offended the waitress there until he saw her eyes lock onto his. Her expression immediately turned sour as she looked at him, but he tried his best to ignore her.
Now that he’s thought about it, this should be a good opportunity to try to clean up his attitude and the mess it left behind. If he left this girl out there with a bad impression of him in two seconds, how is he supposed to find a wife in such a small amount of time? He’s short a week from 6 months, and he feels like he’s made no progress at all. He really hasn’t made any progress at all.
“Hello,” he bowed his head to the girl as her expression stayed sour. He felt a sigh escape his lips as her eyes watched him carefully. “I wanted to apologized for yelling at you a week ago. That was rude of me, and I was hoping you could forgive me?”
The girl’s harsh look shifted to unsure as she continued to watch him. It was like she was waiting for him to pull something she wasn’t expecting, but he just continued to wait for her to answer. After about a minute, she let down her guard and sighed through her nose.
“Despite how rude you were, it is respectful that you apologized. I accept the apology.” she nodded, and Jungkook smiled in response.
“Great! I’m Jungkook by the way,” he smiled in a flirtatious way at her, but it didn’t seem to take effect on her. He was surprised by it, honestly, but he didn’t let that get to him.
“I’m Chaerin,” she nodded, sending a small smile back at him. She didn’t want to seem like she was nervous at the fact that he seemed to be flirting with her, so she acted like she didn’t even notice.
“Also, I would like to order some coffee if you promise me you won’t spit in it.” he joked, feeling satisfied when a laugh escaped her mouth.
She wished she didn’t laugh since he obviously saw it as some kind of victory, but it was too late for that. A smile was growing on her face the more she thought about it. “I have never spit in someone’s coffee, so I don’t plan to start today.”
“That’s good,” he laughed, leaning on the counter and resting his chin in the palm of his hand, “I’ll have a mocha latte with extra whipped cream, please.”
“Coming right up!” she gave him a thumbs up and turned around to send the order to the back kitchen.
Jungkook watched as she called back to whoever was in the kitchen to tell them the order that he wanted. She had such a soft voice and such a sweet smile.
You know… she could be really useful if I could get her to help me… Jungkook thought as she turned around and sent him a small smile.
“That’ll be $3.95,” she said to him as he handed her a five dollar bill.
“Keep the change,” he said, thinking back on the customer she had been talking to when he was watching her the other day. She seemed surprised, but she thanked him with a small bow and told him it would be out in a minute or so.
By the time you finish reading this, the second part should be out! I wish I could update the story all at once, but for tonight, I’m only posting two parts x3
⇨ Masterlist ⇦
-Admin Jinnie
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