#am I also willing to ignore everything if I don't like what they're doing? YES
fenixburnedmoved · 2 years
I just KNOW that after this season of s.&b I'll want all the things in my verse where Domek joined Sturmhond's crew (also under an alias) & is present during the events of the trilogy fsjkdfhdsjhgdkg
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Sometimes Silence Is The Best Medicine
Jiyan x reader
Notes: I really needed some comfort from my husband, so I'm throwing this out there for others.
Reader based of of oc (but given name inserts), gn reader, they/them used, afab anatomy possibly mentioned.
Also small warning about some graphic imagery and also not proofread lol
It's ringing, your head is ringing. It's not some stark white noise, it doesn't even sound like anything. It's like there's an absence of noise, yet it's every noise as well. You can't block it out either, it heightens when you hear anything. It just won't stop. You wanted to scream. Why won't it stop-
"Are you alright [Y/n]?" A sudden voice calls out, startling you out of your internal screaming. Gentle hands grasp onto your hands, now realizing they're gripping onto your hair tightly, coaxing them to release the [h/c] locks. The person doesn't let go, instead they keep a firm grip on your skin in comfort. "Breathe."
"I am." You reply, acknowledging the slow breathes you were taking. The realization that tears were running down struck you, feeling the droplets land onto your joined hands. Taking a moment to recollect yourself, you lift your head a bit to look at the person before you. Though you didn't see their face, instead you immediately recognized them by the clothes. "I'm fine, Jiyan."
"Forgive me, but I don't believe you." He says, giving you hands a gentle squeeze. It's easy for him to notice how you aren't meeting his eyes or how tense your posture was. "What happened?"
"Nothing did." You sighed, turning your head away to look on at the main city of Jinzhou. The gentle breeze picked up your clothing a bit, letting it flow like petals. "Just...my own head being my biggest enemy."
"I see." He pauses, unsure how to respond. "Would it be better to talk about it?"
"Not really?" You shrug your shoulders, ignoring the almost itching sensation the fabric that clung to your form gave. "It's hard to explain."
"Try it. Explain to me."
"It's...It's like everything is too much." You begin to say, focusing on the warmth his hands gave. "Every sound is deafening, almost every touch is itchy, and no matter where I look my eyes burn because it's too bright. It makes me want to scream out loud until my voice is gone and scratch my skin off."
"I know, it's intense." You chuckle as you can practically see his expression from the way his voice sounded. "But it happens, it's just something I have to get over until the next time."
"Does having someone with you help?"
"Sometimes? Other times no." You squeeze his hands, desiring more warmth to seep into your palms. "Though luckily this is one of those times."
"I'm glad." He smiles, reciprocating your grasp. You hear a small shuffle before you feel his shoulder bump into your, causing you to tense a bit. "Sorry."
"It's okay."
He releases one hand, using the now free limb to bring your head onto him. "Is this okay?"
"...kind of." You mutter, feeling your cheeks turning a bit red at the contact. A small thought crossed your mind, but you weren't too sure if you wanted to go through with it.
"I remember you saying compressions usually helped with those who experience similar things. Would that also work for you?" He asks softly, studying your body language to make sure he wasn't overstepping.
"I'm not sure."
"Are you willing to try?"
Without another word he guides you to sit in front of him, the grass brushing against your skin irritatingly. You grunt in annoyance, before he pushes you against him and wraps his arms around you. You stiffen in his hold, hearing him whisper into your ear to relax and breathe. You do so and as the breeze tickled your cheeks, you began to smell the clear waters that were nearby.
"Would you be alright with talking more? Or is being silent better?" He asked gently, keeping a comfortable firm grip on your form.
"I wanna enjoy the view of the city a bit." You whisper, the desire to scream slowly leaving you. You barely could even register the fact that the sounds of the world around were quietening.
So you both sat there, taking in the shared warmth as they watched the sun begin the set down past the city.
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kairiscorner · 1 year
peter b. parker x short grumpy reader please and thank you 🤍
anon ily platonically YES I WILL MAKE THIS, THANK YOU <333
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
also for this, i like to think this'd maybe be an alternate earth where everything is the same but peter b is not with mj (or you can think it's a diff mj, spider mj? whatever, it's just you) and he's not married.
so imagine,
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summary: peter b was the only person at the spider society who didn't see you as just this grumpy mess of a person, he knew you were going through a lot of things, who wasn't? he was willing to hear you out for whatever it is you were facing, but maybe without you effortlessly carrying a big table as he hears you out and tries to help you.
word count: 1,265
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saying peter b loved you a whole lot was an understatement, he was practically at your beck and call whenever you needed him. there were times were it was as though he could read your mind, he'd prepare things for you if you needed them, especially without you having to ask. he did whatever you told him to without question, because he knew he'd make you happy if he did it. if it pleased you or made you happy, he'd do it, no questions asked.
but the thing about you was that you kind of, sort of had an attitude problem. you'd snap at anyone who'd get in your way, literally and figuratively. this is why everyone at the spider society flocked to peter b when you'd be around, hoping he'd act like a human (or spider) shield for them, just like that afternoon.
peter was enjoying his round of afternoon coffee by the cafeteria when a bunch of spider people rushed in and hid behind him. peter sighed and smiled as he looked at the spider people behind him. "ya did it again? when i specifically told you guys not to? ah, well, don't say i didn't warn ya." he said with a chuckle as he leaned against his chair, being held up by the frightened bodies of the spider people behind his chair.
he could hear the clangs against the walls outside and the storm of angry footprints as they drew nearer and nearer, signaling these poor spider people's imminent doom. peter laughed aloud. "aren't they just the cutest when they stomp their feet? i tell you, they're so squishable." peter beamed as he gazed at the cafeteria door, counting down the seconds in his head as he waited for you to storm in a 3... 2... 1...
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a loud bang reverberated throughout the whole spider society's cafeteria, with a bunch of bystander spider people looking your way as you fumed. your eyebrows knitted together as you huffed and puffed angrily, your nostrils flared up as you gnashed your teeth together, looking for the spider people who provoked you earlier.
"where. are. they." you seethed, to which all the spider people pointed to the small crowd behind peter b, the lot of which were saying their prayers and hoping they'd get out of this one alive.
peter smiled at you and waved with a small blush across his face. "hey love!" he exclaimed, raising his mug at you. "coffee?" he offered, to which you ignored and rushed straight for the spider people behind peter. "you assholes." you muttered through gritted teeth as you practically became a wild beast that ravaged through the forests of unrelenting anger. "you wanna say that shit to me again? huh? what was that about me being a harmless, pretty little pipsqueak brat?" you seethed as you took a table and pulled it up from its bolts that fixed it in place.
you carried the table with ease and threatened to slam it over their heads. "go on, tell me how vulnerable i am again, i dare you, i dare you!" you shouted, and as you did, your voice rang throughout the whole room, causing everyone to shudder as you let your aggression get the best of you.
the spider people apologized to you, saying how they didn't mean it, but when you caught them making fun of your height, complain how easy it was to rile you up--you knew they meant it. every single word of it.
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peter got up from the chair and stretched a little. "love..." he said as he extended his hands towards you. "we can talk about this before you cut their heads off." he said, half jokingly because he knew you were capable of it.
you grunted at that because you really, really wanted these guys to have a piece of your mind. you were breathing heavily, you wanted to scream, to get angry, anything! but you couldn't do it in front of peter, never him. it could be anyone else in the world, but you hated showing him this side of yourself, no matter how used to it he was.
"you don't have to get violent anymore, okay? i've got you. i've got you..." he said as he slowly approached you and placed his hands on your shoulders, smiling at you, gradually wrapping you in his embrace. his embrace was always sweet, you never felt like he forced it upon you or was forcing it upon him, you felt genuine, warm love from him every time he touched you. it was, to you, the most cathatic feeling in the world.
you set the table back down, it fell to its side since you kind of threw it rather than placed it down. you felt hot tears stinging the corners of your eyes, you tried blinking them away, but they just kept coming.
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you sighed as you eased into his touch. "dammit," you said as you leaned into the crook of his neck. "i'm sorry, it's just... i felt like shit today. my mission went horrible, my teammates talked bad about me--i can barely look at myself right in the mirror without thinking about all the bad things i've been hearing about me." you whispered in a regretful voice into peter's ear as the onlookers of spider people glanced at the two of you and slowly left the cafeteria one by one, the band of spider people gathered behind peter running away quickly so as not to be in the cross hairs of your anger.
"pete, i'm... sorry you had to deal with me. they were just teasing, i shouldn't have given in to their..." you choked out as tears welled up in your eyes. "i just... i've had enough of people thinking they can say whatever they want about me because i'm... because i don't look like much." you said with a slightly irritated tone, more so towards yourself.
"hey, now... you're okay." peter said as he kissed your forehead and rubbed your back. "i know you're trying to be better, i can see that. i know... i know that comments like that can still hurt you. but you don't need to do that anymore, not while i'm here." peter said as he pulled away to look at you, with such softness and care in his eyes.
you may be grumpy, aggressive, and insecure about yourself and your height, but your hot-headedness cools down significantly when peter's with you.
"you're good enough already. and i'm happy you're working on your issues... i'm right here for you if you need me, i'll teach them a thing or two for you. i promise. and no, you are not vulnerable, weak, or a brat. you're better than that, you're strong, independent, and... so much more." he said as he kissed your forehead again.
"i love you, i always will. you're doing great already." he whispered as he held you close. "thank you..." you choked out as you clung on to peter, as he rubbed your back and kissed the top of your head, letting you let out all your frustrations about the day and about everyone else onto him.
you may have been an angry little gremlin, but you were his angry little gremlin, and he'd prove to you time and time again that no matter how bad your grumpiness and anger would get, no matter how insecure you were of your height, he saw you as just right for him and would defend you to the very end.
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tags !! @thecoolerdor @miguelswifey04
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lottieurl · 1 year
here's my problem since some people want to ignore genuine criticism and act like anyone who is criticizing the writing or the pacing is "not accepting things we accepted in s1" by comparing this to doomcoming
doomcoming is. i cannot stress it enough. an episode where the characters are drugged and high on shrooms. when they chase travis and when they nearly kill him we are SHOWN they see a stag
now yes you can compare their doomcoming hallucinations to the hallucinations of it chooses but even the framing isn't really on your side here is it? when the show wants you to doubt to what extent they're really even aware of what they're doing or the level of.. delusion present it has absolutely no problem showing you that! we saw them having an ancient greek feast while ripping apart jackie's body and we saw too many near death hallucinations and other hallucinations to even COUNT on one hand
so they're aware of what they're doing when they draw the cards. while they were shown to NOT BE during doomcoming at least while it happened. and now the question is do you think we have reached that point? if you do i'm happy for you genuinely. i wish i agreed. but i just do not. when they agreed to do this they agreed to not only potentially get themselves killed they also agreed to the death of their loved ones if they draw the card. why was van shown doubting everything she believed in (including lottie that goes without saying) in the previous ep and now willing to get herself or taissa killed for a ritual meant to save lottie? and don't Tell me what you think. i am capable of making up an explanation. i can come up with a bunch of theories. but there is No exploration of that in the actual show. why was taissa fine with this? why was nat? do i think those characters are all such lottie believers they'd go to those lengths? no not really cause all they were really doing before was having dbt group therapy with lottie and then lottie proceeded to fail in all her predictions about the baby
there were absolutely ways to make this more believable (like! maybe show nat and travis get injured while trying to hunt and they start thinking it's because lottie isn't blessing them before they leave anymore. show everyone lost without someone to look up to. put more focus on how hungry they are. maybe use some makeup to make them look more malnourished. show taissa's actual sleepwalking come back - and yes i know there was that one other taissa scene but it wasn't quite enough for me to buy that tai would be all for this. unless they're pulling another Other Tai Did This surprise but it's getting a little old imo) but they rushed through it in a way super jarring. and no it shouldn't be! yes it should still be shocking but we START the show with those murder cannibalism rituals. we watch the show to find out how it happened exactly. every single viewer should be watching this feeling overwhelming dread because it FEELS inevitable that they'll decide to do this. we should be quite horrified but we should also be 100% convinced that's the choice all those characters would make. this scene is what all those 18 episodes led to and regardless of whether someone liked it or not the overwhelming majority seemed to be shocked this happened already. which. quite literally means the build up wasn't there
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thatseventiesbitch · 7 months
Hi!! I would love to hear what you think Donna's consistent main flaws are since people accuse the writers of making her too perfect?! I kind of love that Eric the 'softer' one in that relationship - it's a great subversion of gender roles, especially for that era!
Thanks for the question! I enjoyed answering it - it turned into a little essay.
Donna's Flaws
Donna, like all of the main characters, has flaws. I don't think she was painted as perfect at all, but rather as a realistic teenage girl experiencing her first serious relationship, the disintegration of her parents' marriage, and the social conflicts of the '70s.
For example, she was not always the best at communicating - especially with Eric. See: S2xE21 "Kelso's Serenade". She and Eric got into a massive argument because she wasn't honest about her feelings, and that she was bothered by him hanging out with his friends instead of her. Or in S3xE15 "Donna's Panties". She tells Jackie:
Why doesn't Eric understand that when I said I'm fine I meant I will be fine... so long as he kisses my ass for two weeks until I'm actually fine? He's like, brain damaged.
Donna expects Eric to read her mind, and then gets upset with him when he doesn't. Is it annoying? Yes. A flaw? Yes. Also highly relatable, especially for high school relationships? Also yes. Plus, Red and Kitty have shades of this in their relationship, too.
Another flaw? Donna's stubborn. (So is Eric)
In S3xE11 "Who Wants It More", Donna is the one who breaks their impasse and initiates sex at the end of the episode, but when Eric starts to gloat about winning their competition she's willing to walk away rather than admit she gave in first. In S7xE23 "Take It Or Leave It", she's upset by Eric's decision to go to Africa without talking to her, so she makes up a fake date with one of her co-workers to try to make Eric jealous/rethink his choice. In S5xE9 "Black Dog", she fights with Eric throughout the entire episode about whether it's better to give your partner attention/extra love when they're upset, or space. Etc.
And lastly, despite everything she outwardly projects, Donna ends up being a fairly dependent character. Is this a flaw? Not necessarily. It's just an interesting dichotomy - Donna yearns to be fiercely independent and seems to inherently value that, but at the core of who she is, she's not.
Unlike Kelso she doesn't enjoy the California beaches, but instead is miserable all summer until Eric arrives. She accepts Eric's proposal (in high school!). She doesn't get on the bus - she delays college to stay in Point Place with Eric. She buys the trailer. She waited around in Point Place for a year while Eric was in Africa. She says things like,
"My guidance counselor gave [these college brochures] to me, but I already told him that I'm going wherever you go." (S5xE7 "Hot Dog")
"I mean, Eric, I loved [Marquette], and when I was driving home, I was so excited to tell you about it, and then the drive took forever, and I realized that's how far away I'd be from you all the time, and I don't want that. So I'll just tell my dad I want to go to U.W. with you." (S5xE6 "Over The Hills And Far Away")
"I don't want you to go. You've always been like, twenty steps away from me my entire life. What am I supposed to do without you?" (S7xE23 "Take It Or Leave It")
I think to dismiss or deny this pattern as "out of character" is to ignore an important part of Donna's characterization: she's really dependent. On Eric, yes. But as soon as she and Eric break-up, what is her modus operandi? To start dating a new boyfriend.
I just think it's interesting, and not often (or ever?) discussed. Worth noting that these instances are most pronounced in the second half of the series, and that Donna wasn't this way in the earlier seasons. What happened midway through the series? Her parents split up/mom abandoned her/her family disintegrated. Hmmm.
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mayullla · 1 year
( Heyyyy so i've had issues with my ask's so i'm sorry if you already received this [ its happened across tumblr ] if so feel free to ignore me )
But Hey Mayulla! i was reading your writing for the 13 step brothers AU and | really enjoyed the one where she had a crush! So | was thinking]
What is she actually got a byofriend??
Like imagine she got a boyfriend and her boyfriend is like an only child, that would be interesting he's like ' :0 ' when he finds out she has like 13 step brothers.
And what if she kept it a secret as well?
Like with how they reacted when she has a crush on a guy they'd sure react 100x more extreme. So she keeps it a secret so their relationship is more clam because she's like 100% sure they'd like spy on their dates and stuff or like try to intimidate him??
But what if they found outtttt
Like they all accidentally find out when they go to some fancy restaurant for ' bonding time’ and they're all talking and Xiao just points at them and they see her on a date
I feel the calmer ones ( Zhongli, Diluc, Albedo, Thoma, Xiao, Chongyun and Bennet) are like ' is that really [ name ]? | think they'd be shocked and wonder why she didn't tell them ( Definitely Xiao and Zhongli ).
The Cheeky but clam ones ( Keaya, Kazuha and Ayato ) would be like ' Oh? Is that our little sister there? With a boy?? | feel they'd just find the situation interesting and wouldn't really be to bothered by the situation. But they definitely would be the type of intimidate her boyfriend if they ever has a dinner together.
Then you have the hyper-active ones ( Childe, Venti and Itto ) Venti would like dramatically pretend to faint and then start quietly sniffing and fake crying. Itto would be like asking Ayato or something if he knows anything about the guy or something. Then Childe would be like trying to walk over to then but Diluc would be holding him down.
I can only imagine what would happen when they confront her and her boyfriend cones over
Don't worry about it, I did receive it but it took a while to answer, so it is also my fault too really ^^' But dear this is totally adorable and yes that is probably what is gonna happen lmao
This is more elementary like grade 1 or 2 reader or maybe kindergarten but I don't think she would really be proficient in lying if she is still so young. If she is still young like in elementary still, how reader would lie is essentially someone (probably Childe or Thoma, and to a certain point I am willing to bet on Diluc) asking you how your day was only to suddenly be ignored as you looked elsewhere but him. Poor man, the guy would be wondering what has he ever done to you. The smarter ones would know that something was up. (Zhongli, Ayato, Kaeya)
But somehow you avoided that whole situation and oh! you have a date at the playground later but you were not allowed to go there cause the boy you liked lived a little farther than your nearest playground. So you need to ask someone to take you there, and you can't just ask any brother! It would feel like you admitting to doing a no-no that Zhongli told you not to do like being friends with bad kids or touching a cigarette!
So you have to think if who to ask, Zhongli and Childe were definitely a no. Ayato would ask too many questions and in the end, you will never go there! Most of your brothers have school or uni and you can't bother them. Thinking you were heading to the kitchen when you saw Kaeya on the huge living room sofa relaxing with a white tee and gray joggers on.
"Oh, out from your room? Are you hungry? My workplace brought a lot of snacks and wasn't able to finish everything so they gave me some." Looking at your laid-back brother Kaeya, you considered him. He never reacted too hugely to anything you said, sure he would tease you sometimes but he was always willing to help you out. So you took your chance.
Kaeya definitely didn't miss this opportunity to tease you pinching your cheek and asking when you have grown so much to have a boyfriend now. But when you asked him why he had got up all of a sudden, he told you that he can't be taking you to your date only in joggers.
Really brother Kaeya is the best!
It was really a playdate at this point when you got to the ice cream place near another playground. The boy was waiting for you with his mom saw you and waved as you waved back with Kaeya right behind you.
While you and the boy played with each other Kaeya and the boy's mom chatted with each other and at the end of the day when the sun was going down you finally went back home. (the boy's mother's face was definitely not red dear...) In your hand is a small wildflower you picked at the side of the playground that you showed to Kaeya. "Oh, why did you give this to your little boyfriend?" Kaeya asked teasingly, the car still didn't start as you were beside him putting the flower on his hair. "Cause you are my favorite!"
Kaeya definitely laughed asking if you were trying to convince him to help go to your next date which you just grinned. "My little sister is starting to act a lot like me." Kaeya joked ruffling your hair.
You guys were caught at one point, but it didn't really matter. Kaeya had become the person you often go to tell him your secrets to even as you grow older. So when you became old enough to go on dates by yourself, while everybody was shocked as you walked away holding a boy's hand not even noticing them at the small cafe Kaeya can't help but smirk as he watched his brothers. After all, he already knew.
Tho Kaeya won't always there when you came back home only to be confronted by everyone. Kaeya didn't help you much as you try to explain yourself to them. If you were gonna keep a secret from the family you better know that if you were caught he won't be saving you from everything.
(You giving him puppy dog eyes won't be helping your situation either.)
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Note: I definitely went off topic there lol i really just can't help myself when it comes to ask sometimes TvT
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dreadsuitsamus · 2 years
Sacrifice | Itachi Uchiha x Reader |
author's note: this is not my usual genre of either smut or fluff. please do not read if you do not like unhappy endings. itachi and reader are also young adults in this (i didn't give a specific age but i imaged them at 19 just for the marriage and pregnancy to make sense) but everything else is as it was in canon
pairing: itachi uchiha x fem!reader
warnings: uchiha clan massacre, pregnancy, graphic suicide
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You sit on your knees at the coffee table, your back to the front door. Your eyes are closed and you wait for the inevitable arrival of Itachi. You feared that something like this might come to pass, and with the chill in the air and the sounds of violence and screams in the neighborhood, you understand your fears have come true.
You wait patiently for Itachi to come home, listening intently to your surroundings. And all it takes is the sound of one irregular wisp of the wind for you to know he's arrived. "Itachi." You hum softly, his presence now before you.
He doesn't dare speak your name. He's got one spot left after this, and from there he's doomed to a life with the Akatsuki, forever a terrorist. He'd stopped sharing as much about his meetings with the village leaders, and he knew you were intelligent enough to know he was purposefully leaving information out. His eyes well up with tears and go back to black.
"So the clan was going to go ahead with the revolt." You conclude, finally looking up at him.
"Yes." He says softly. "I failed… And now…"
You shake your head. "You don't have to say it."
"They're only letting me save Sasuke." He whispers. "I-"
"I know you fought to spare me." You say solemnly.
"I could not understand why. You are only an Uchiha in name." He speaks slowly.
"Not quite. I am an Uchiha through our marriage, yes, but there are reasons they seek my execution. For one, I am carrying an Uchiha."
Itachi closes his eyes and ducks his head. He'd feared it would happen; his love would cost you your life. "No…"
"I could not tell you why they're willing to spare Sasuke and not our unborn child. But if I had to guess, they must feel that I would raise the child to go against Konoha and seek to destroy it for all it has done to me. A pity that they believe I'd ruin the sacrifice you've made tonight for my own personal vendetta. It is true that I would love nothing more than to destroy this village into nothing… But only for you, would I leave it pristine."
Itachi drops to his knees before you, bowing his head. "I… Cannot do it."
"You have to, Itachi. If you don't, we all die. Everyone else but your parents are dead. You cannot turn back now."
"I won't kill my wife and child."
You sigh and look out the window. The moon is full and bright. "Tell me, 'Tachi. Where will you go when this massacre ends?"
"The Akatsuki." He murmurs. "I've been promised a place with them. It will allow me to watch from the shadows and make sure Sasuke is safe."
"I do not know of this organization. Will you be safe?"
Your lip twitches up. "You never could lie to me. Promise your wife you'll stay alive to see Sasuke grow up."
"I don't like to lie to you." Itachi says, ignoring your request.
"Then don't." You say simply. "Stay alive. That's all I will ask of you. As my dying wish, tell me you'll stay alive and protect Sasuke."
Itachi breathes in slowly, shuddering at your words of 'dying wish'. His knuckles are clenched tightly around his ANBU sword at his side, but it feels like lead in his hands that he's too weak to move.
"Legacy: what is a legacy?" You muse softly. "I wonder how they'll remember us. The great Fourth Hokage died for this village too, and to other nations we've gloated that he was the strongest of us all. You'll be remembered as a stain on Konoha, instead of the bravest and most selfless man they could've ever had the privilege of speaking about. You're saving their lives at the cost of nearly everyone you have ever loved. Your legacy will be nothing but a lie a young man had to tell for problems that the cowardly politicians should've fixed themselves."
Itachi trembles at your words, following up on where you were headed. "Sasuke must hate me to become strong. He and the village can never know the truth."
You look back at him. "I wish you'd let Sasuke decide what's best for him."
Itachi freezes under your stare. "I have to protect my little brother and Konoha."
You hum to yourself, and Itachi recognizes it as an Uchiha clan lullaby. His heart constricts in his chest as you place your hand over your lightly rounding belly. "This village doesn't deserve you, love."
Itachi doesn't have an answer to that, so instead he allows his Sharingan to burn bright again. He stands once more, heart hammering in his chest so much he may die before he can even lift his sword. And damn that look on your face, the one of understanding and love and forgiveness for what he's about to do to you and your child.
"Don't put me in an illusion." You ask softly. "I want the real you to be the last face I see."
It's swift. Even with his Sharingan he can only barely register what you've done. The moonlight glints off the metal of the kunai, and time slows as you drag the metal tip across your own jugular, slicing yourself open and throwing the kunai aside in your final action. You fall back and your eyes are heavy as you bleed out and begin to fade.
Your hearing is gone, and the last thing you see is the movement of your husband's lips.
I'm sorry.
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acourtofthought · 4 months
'Yet a mating bond snapping first without the couple getting to know each other does not allow for those same positive connotations. It's akin to a non consensual arranged marriage.'
Said as if the trope of arranged marriage isn't one of the most delicious trope to read (Claire and Jamie are my ultimate OTP).
And sjm already has a couple contradicting the dynamic of 'falling in love before the bond snaps' with Danika and Baxian. Actually, I don't remember if their bond snapped right away, but they barely knew each other when they decided to be together and I DO remember that they loved one another truly and deeply. It was heartbreaking reading the scenes with Baxian missing his mate, and we didn't even have the chance to see them together on page.
But it's clear that sjm wasn't establishing a pattern where the couple is doomed if they discoverer the bond before falling in love or even getting to know their mate. And with Elain and Lucien, sjm gets the opportunity to write this situation *on page* and we get the opportunity of reading how this scenario unfolds *on page*.
And the part where the anon said 'There can never truly be choice, because a higher-power has willed it before the character (such as Elain) even knew the other person existed (Lucien)' just proves that they have a real problem grasping the meaning of the entire series. Did they forget the part where it says that Rhysand was dreaming of Feyre years before they met? There is and there will always be a higher power behind each and every mating bond, whether the couple falls in love before the acquaintance of it or not, because that is the fated mates/destined to be together trope. That is probably the way sjm feels about her relationship with her husband.
We're not the ones in the wrong place, hoping for a book that would require the author, famous for writing a certain trope, to ignore everything she believes and loves to portray in her books. They're just too stubborn to see it.
Yes! The entire concept of fated mates is that a higher power wills two people together. There is still choice of course but it's just silliness to claim that any of SJMs mated pairs truly came about organically when a mating bond was involved. Fate led them to one another, fate created an unexplainable link even if they were unaware of exactly what that was and that higher power was always behind the wheel to some extent. Also (in regards to your point about Outlander), I'm not sure why they think it's a good idea to try and diminish Elucien's ability to end up happy together just because their bond instantly snapped when the author herself said she's obsessed with the show. Do they truly not realize they're insulting something Sarah herself enjoys when they say that? Claire was absolutely not in love with Jamie when they got married, she was still in love with her husband. She was FORCED into marrying Jamie and he was forced into marrying her. Claire was even forced into having sex with him in order to make the married official though she felt like an adulteress, it's not something she actually wanted to do hence why she got herself completely drunk. She did enjoy it but it was very apparent she wasn't comfortable with having to do it in the first place. People don't have to like the setup of Claire and Jamie's romance in Outlander but the author of the ACOTAR series does so e/riels arguments that Elucien can't end up happy together when their situation mirrors that of the show / book only has them wasting their breath. I'm not saying that because SJM likes Outlander it definitely means Elucien is happening but I am saying that because she likes Outlander, Elucien as endgame is very realistic possibility.
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crushingcasanova · 2 months
Exposed, Jealousy, Love Language, Quit, Stigma, Happy, Manipulate, Zenith.
Exposed: Are you honest with your darling about your feelings or the true extent of them? Does anyone else know? - Yep! I'm pretty obvious with my feelings for people when I am obsessed with them. Happy: Have you ever given up something important to you to make your darling happy? How important is their happiness to you? - Yes. I'm willing to give up a lot as long as my darling is happy. My darling being satisfied and happy is really important to me. Jealousy: How jealous or possessive do you get? - I don't get jealous as long as I feel secure in my darling's life, or unless they're specifically hanging out with people I view as threats. I get possessive and like to have them all to myself a lot, but I'm pretty flexible and willing to let them do other things! Love Language: What are your giving and receiving love languages? How does this apply to your darling? - I kinda do all of the love languages, so I usually accommodate what my darling likes/gives. I find what they like and give them that, and I understand the kind of love they give me! Manipulate: Have you ever lied to or manipulated your darling? Would you? - Nope! I'm incredibly honest with anyone who is my darling. I don't like lying unless it's to keep something a surprise or similar. Quit: How long do you think it would take for you to “move on” from your darling if necessary? Would you be capable of moving on? - As someone who's moved on from past obsessions, it takes a while depending on how we were when we left and how the connection ended. Generally speaking, I can get over losing people, but it takes at least a month or two. Stigma: What do you think brought about this side of you (childhood, mental illness, personality traits etc)? - Abandonment issues! Smiley face. I also have an intense need to know things. So those make me really desperate to know about everything the people close to me think and feel and say. Zenith: What would break you? What do you think would break your darling? - I really don't know either answer... I'm not sure what would really break my darlings, but I suppose being abandoned and ignored for one of them and the other would have to be mistreated and brought to such a low point in their self esteem and separated from others. As for breaking me... I guess also secluding me or not allowing me to love the chosen people in my life.
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mahayanapilgrim · 1 year
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The Uncomfortable Paradox of Possessions
You probably don't want to read this.
If possessions made you happy then simply open your closet and see if you can feel the wave of bliss, but you don't. Paradoxically, the more possessions you have the less time you have to enjoy them, and perhaps they're no longer enjoyable or even momentarily satiating?
Look closely - examine deeply. Far too often all of these possessions serve as symbols - existential symbols of our desire to be happy and furthermore reflect a mirror image of our unhappiness with ourselves as we are. Instead of each possession making us feel better and contented, we simply want more of them - every possession stealing both our contentment and serving as totems of our inner poverty and insatiable craving.
Just Imagine...what do you think the cumulative and lasting impact would be on a person's mind to live in a residence surrounded by unconscious objects that reflected their unquenchable craving to appear as safe, secure, successful and reliable? Imagine, that this person interjects and says, "But wait, this is not some house that craving built, this is my home - this is where I live." Exactly
In all seriousness - how is that you actually own anything at all? If these things were actually yours, beyond just you or a piece of paper saying so, then why is it that they could and do just disappear in a single moment? Perhaps you're just making up a story called, 'ownership?' It's not like you haven't completely fabricated stability stories plenty of other times (health, relationships, occupation etc etc).
Death is mocking you. Know that you could and sooner or later you will lose everything in a single uncertain moment.
Your name, your face - everything. Why would you invest your time and energy gathering things and believing that you could be successful through owning things? Leave what to your children? Things that were never or could be yours? A legacy that amounts to nothing more than delusions of grandeur.
At some point we have to realize that to continue purchasing things to be happy is a form of willful ignorance - a not wanting to look deeply for fear of an unfounded nihilistic reality.
To train our children to follow in our footsteps and to teach them to want even more than what we have? You say you want your children to have a better life than the one you had - surely that doesn't mean more illusions? This is a fool's errana.
To encourage competition, ambition, comparing and rating with regard to the illusions of possessions is to facilitate inadequacy in ourselves and others often in service of the magical kingdom known as, 'the economy! The measure of GDP is not a measure of a country's wealth or financial health, but instead has served as a barometer of environmental recklessness and the division of our so-called society into haves and have-nots. This is a path of external destruction and internal misery - it is inevitable. All in the service of illusion.
Of course what I am saying is deeply unpopular because it can feel as though a person's lifestyle and reason for being is under attack.
Instead, try thinking of this as an encouragement to lead a very different life.
Also, many of you will try the age old nonsensical defense by saying something like this, "But, but - we need possessions to survive." This is the fallacy and cognitive distortion of black and white thinking. People use this type of extreme thinking to paint others as extremists and thereby remove themselves from the further responsibility that wisely thinking things through requires. Yes, you will need a few things to survive. No argument. See that wasn't hard. Yes, the economy would look very different it we changed our measurement of a successful society to GNH - Gross National Happiness which can easily be measured externally by restoring a healthy environment and internally measured by decreasing destructive emotions and a rise in positive emotions such as empathy, brotherly love and compassion.
There is a different way. Try the path of disenchantment and dispassion and apply them toward old habits of materialism and ways of being that no longer work - especially ones based in delusion. Just go through it. Joy and contentment is what follows.
Simply rest in awareness, content in your own being. Learn to ride out the waves of compulsion, desire, craving, restlessness and boredom. Enjoy the natural manifestations of your awareness without trying to possess them. Try not to possess more than you could actually use and begin to fully appreciate your mind and its creation - a simple leaf, a blade of grass, a wildflower, a smell, a touch, a taste.
The joy of contentment comes from the ability to vividly enjoy the stress-free, non-possessing, never-ending manifestation of your own awareness that is available to you in every moment.
Before buying the next unnecessary thing, ask answer the question. Just ask the question and rest.
May you be truly happy
May you be well May you fell safe
May you feel peaceful And at Ease.
In Loving Kindness
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ddeongies · 2 months
Maybe she should’ve moved slower in the moment because of that, but one taste of Ryujin had made her heady with desire.
- new challenge: try not to say green flag yeji every chapter u put out --> AND I FAIL EVERY SINGLE TIME.
If she’d known she was just looking for a hookup (or two maybe, at least two would be nice) she might’ve made a move earlier.
- they're not even hooking up yet and she's already bargaining in her head lmao queen of bargaining !
Sure, it’s not really what Yeji wants, but she’s too aware of her own feelings at this point to pretend like she’s not willing to be with Ryujin in whatever capacity she wants.
- wow i want to smack both of their heads (lovingly ofc 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰)
2HWANG BFFS!!! so cute so cute ugh and god yeji all rounder in all universes like damn leave us some
yezyizhere: oh ok so you saw it once, didn’t think about it, and came back to watch it again?
yezyizhere: compliment accepted ;)
- one thing about yeji, even though she's kinda devastated that ryujin only wants casual, she will never pass up the chance to show off her yerizzma
iamfinethankyouandryu: you’re fucking hot
iamfinethankyouandryu: happy?
- SCREAAAAAAMIIIING !!!!!!! ryujin you're just like me 🫂🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️
Ryujin? Hoodie? Bed?
- i'm sure yeji is not the only who let out a sound around here 🙋‍♀️
ugh as u said, this chapter, short and sweet. i'm a big fan of the texting format bc of the short, flirty banters and the thrill of waiting for the replies. 🙂‍↕️ yeji this whole chapter: is this real...? such a mood. u definitely captured the awkward flirty texting stage after a life-altering event and before getting together and the phase of suddenly becoming active on social media just so ur crush could notice u. i miss those times...HAHAHA anyway, thanks for this one and choreo au update as well. i hope work and irl stuff gets manageable soon! have a great weekend ahead!
ps. omg the tropes i asked before and no worries if it took long! i love how we almost have the same favorites!! established relationships for one shots u are so right 🙂‍↕️ another one to add would be friends with benefits (a plus if it's not too angsty for no reason) and generally i'm a sucker for fluff!!
- 🌼
i have a meme i keep meaning to make about nmau yeji being a green flag but i'm lazy.... i'll do it one day tho i just need to edit an image LMAO (but yes she's the best i love her so much....)
girl knows what she wants (ryujin. she wants ryujin LOL)
they're idiots 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
yeah it's impossible to write yeji without her being good at everything (except for cooking) like i can't ignore the source material!!! (also yes 2hwang besties couldn't resist, nmau yeji has her bros)
she can't resist the rizz... it's in her blood it's in her dna (even all the way back in the cafe when she thought yunjin and ryu were dating she fucking winked at ryu she's impossible LOL)
ryu gets it yeji is fucking hot 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️
girl literally short circuited like i think ryujin almost killed her???
i honestly had such a blast writing this chapter!!! it was kind of nice going for something a bit different and light after the rollercoaster of chapters 8 and 9 lol. it also ended up being really important for the relationship i think. i love the awkward flirting stage it's so fun to write. i both miss it and don't LOL it's so fun and exhilarating but also god i love being married LMAO. and thank you!! i'm gonna be on vacation this week and it's much needed 😮‍💨
okay yessss i love a good fwb when it's not like overly angsty exactly. like you can't have that without some pining and miscommunication and stuff, but i like when that leans more on the fluff than on the characters being sad (but that's just how i am in general i'm not really an angst person (ignore choreo that's out of character)) fluff is god
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Ok so I have some questions about Olivia, her motives and mindset and all that considering she has been a major character in the every book, to properly understand her. Not meant to criticize your writing I love the way you write everyone! So she spent her whole live in the shark army living and training there? Would you call the shark army some kind of cult? How do they add Olivia trust Garmadon so easily when he could "fire" them without a care? Is everyone who joined some kind of crook or has theyre own motivation? What would be Bridget's? Did she only go to normal school beacuse her father insisted? What is Olivias opinion on her mother? Do the shark army allow little kids in it if Olivia was in so young? In her mind Garmadon is the solution they're world needs right? Destroying everything so it can be rebuild better? Is she really willing to do whatever it takes for Garmadon and his plans or are there some lines she isn't willing to cross? I noticed that she is often being used to criticize Kai's actions, which are at that moment justified because someone needs to put his head straight but if feels like this is all the interaction they have sometimes? Like those moments are the ones where she seems to justify herself and her actions while in the end always leaving like she won the argument? (Which considering all the bad things she did to Kai and his sister even if not planned that way, the kidnapping and such, I'm surprised didn't end with Kai pulling his swords out) it also always looks like it uses these moments to build some form of sympathy between them and justify Olivia, she also often seems to have the last word in conversations with Nya and Kai always appearing like she was in the right. was that because Kai and Nya at the beginning just weren't, I don't know how to say it, developed for it? Didnt know enough about what was going on, had to much going on for them and weren't certain in their place in theyre team? I know they're friendship will be Explorer more but why was Nya so Ready to forgive Olivia for the thing she had done not only to herself but to her brother as well? Even if she was her one and Only friend wouldn't that put a serious dent in it together with trust issues wether Olivia would do all that again or even just using her? No one expect Kai seems to be all that bothered about Olivia and Nya's friendship even though she is the enemy why is that? Will Olivia face consequences for what she did with Nya or is that already forgiven and forgotten? Was what happened to her father considered the consequence? Would you call they're friendship maybe unhealthy? She often talks about truths and how she only has to ask to get answers but she only appears to be ready to hear one version of the truth? Would you call her close minded? Like she considers everything Garmadon says the truth while ignoring the truths others have to say or not even wanting to hear them out like with Wu? Speaking of she seemed to already have a big anger at Wu, is it only because he was the one who hid so many things from the world or was it also the influence from her surrounding that made her so mad?
I know that's a lot of questions and this isn't meant as criticism I enjoy her character and am interested about how growing up in such a inviroment forms someone like her!
...well, we did one for Jesse, so why not Olivia? *rolls up sleeves* All right, lessssgoooo
So she spent her whole live in the shark army living and training there? -> Since she was four years old, yes
Would you call the shark army some kind of cult? -> Yes, somewhat........but, honestly, only in Olivia's case. Every other member only joined because a) they had nowhere else to go or b) has very strong personal reasons to join the cause, but they've all got outside reference to consider their actions with. To Olivia, how the Shark Army functions, their motivations, their way of living and enforcing their prerogative...that's her whole world. And a crooked person in a crooked world is always going to see things on an angle without ever realizing, unless they are removed from the environment.
How do they and Olivia trust Garmadon so easily when he could "fire" them without a care? -> Olivia doesn't, and Bridget definitely doesn't, but they are under the impression that Garmadon is the best and only way of "setting the wold right". And in Bridget's case, unless something better presents itself, the risks are worth the reward to them. In some Army Members cases, they've got nothing left to lose anyway, so, might as well die trying to make things "better", right?
Is everyone who joined some kind of crook or has theyre own motivation? -> Some are crooks, all have some inkling of motivation, however.
What would be Bridget's? -> Bridget, much like Nya, picked up on the fact that something was very inconsistent with the world's history and sought deeper to investigate, and The Order caught up with her and tried to silence her. The Shark Army happened to intercept and save her. Realizing that they had the answers she sought on top of exposing other ones, she was inclined to stick with them, not realizing how deep she was getting into until it was too late. (She is absolutely disgusted with Olivia, and would get rid of her in a heartbeat, but can't because removing Olivia means Bridget's one step close to Garmadon firing her if she makes one wrong move. This is why she tries to keep Olivia as of trouble as much as she can.)
Did she only go to normal school because her father insisted? -> Yes, and only keeps up with it out of respect for her father's memory. This...changes comes Season 3.
What is Olivias opinion on her mother? -> Olivia doesn't remember much of her mother before she died, but is very aware of one thing: that "she was right."
Do the shark army allow little kids in it if Olivia was in so young? -> Olivia was an........exception. Besides her, the youngest would have been Bridget, who joined at 16 (Bridget is currently 18). Darkley's Kids were convinced they had a chance of getting into the Shark Army, but if they had a chance at all, it wouldn't be until they were older, more capable, and less of a liability.
In her mind Garmadon is the solution they're world needs right?Destroying everything so it can be rebuild better? -> Yes, because the city and other places are running under one giant lie that Wu fabricated (which the members of the Shark Army are aware of and shunned for, if they're not being chased off by The Order), so having Garmadon "destroy the lie" will, to them, put things back the way they should be...even though that is, obviously, not Garmadon's only end goal. Olivia, however, know the deepest reason why the Compass was removed from the world, courtesy of her mother, and that it is because of/related to Lloyd...which may put her at odds at Garmadon at one point or another.
Is she really willing to do whatever it takes for Garmadon and his plans or are there some lines she isn't willing to cross? -> ....I will just say that she really is willing to do whatever it takes for her goals.
I noticed that she is often being used to criticize Kai's actions, which are at that moment justified because someone needs to put his head straight but if feels like this is all the interaction they have sometimes? Like those moments are the ones where she seems to justify herself and her actions while in the end always leaving like she won the argument? (Which considering all the bad things she did to Kai and his sister even if not planned that way, the kidnapping and such, I'm surprised didn't end with Kai pulling his swords out) -> hey it's not too late for Kai to swing a sword into her ;P
it also always looks like it uses these moments to build some form of sympathy between them and justify Olivia, she also often seems to have the last word in conversations with Nya and Kai always appearing like she was in the right. -> it's less that she *is* right, and more than she thinks she's right.
was that because Kai and Nya at the beginning just weren't, I don't know how to say it, developed for it? Didnt know enough about what was going on, had to much going on for them and weren't certain in their place in theyre team? I know they're friendship will be Explorer more but why was Nya so Ready to forgive Olivia for the thing she had done not only to herself but to her brother as well? -> Nya was willing to try and salvage their friendship (especially because a) Olivia was being lowkey manipulative about it and b) Nya was in a bad headspace at that very specific point in time due to all the exclusionary ninja nonsense) but she by no means forgave her. And Kai definitely didn't either, but he is at least trying to understand her better (because he can't wrap his head around her actions otherwise).
Even if she was her one and Only friend wouldn't that put a serious dent in it together with trust issues wether Olivia would do all that again or even just using her? -> Yes! But, like, the seeds have just been planted for this. It's all gonna sprout and come to a head in Seasons 2 and 3, and then you're all gonna hate me for it ;P
"Friends until then?" "Friends until then."
No one expect Kai seems to be all that bothered about Olivia and Nya's friendship even though she is the enemy why is that? -> As stated before, Cole and Zane do not take Olivia as seriously as they should, and Jay doesn't want to say anything about it lest he make Nya upset. If anything, the only one that's rightfully suspicious besides Kai is Jesse, because he realized that Olivia knows way more about the Compass than both the average individual and people within the Shark Army, but he hasn't had the opportunity to really bring it up yet.
Will Olivia face consequences for what she did with Nya or is that already forgiven and forgotten? -> No she's not forgiven and forgotten; my bud, my pal, my friend, we are just hitting the tip of the iceberg!! That was just the first stop on a pain train!!! The waters were rocky but sailable but now we're headed for the typhoon!!!
Was what happened to her father considered the consequence? -> Not even close, but please do keep that in mind when we hit the end of Book 3~
Would you call they're friendship maybe unhealthy? -> not maybe, it IS. But everything being squeaky clean does not an interesting story make. They had a good thing once, sure, but now that everyone's true colors are showing, they've got to decide if it's worth it to make it work anyway.
Would you call her close minded? -> Yes, but in a really annoying, roundabout way.
She often talks about truths and how she only has to ask to get answers but she only appears to be ready to hear one version of the truth? Like she considers everything Garmadon says the truth while ignoring the truths others have to say or not even wanting to hear them out like with Wu? -> This one's hard to explain but because she knows that Wu's enforcing a lie, anything that contradicts "the lie" must be the truth. The things Garmadon says contradict the lie, plus he's vocally supportive about "freeing the truth", thus Olivia trusts what he says. And she, unlike the general public, has direct access to Garmadon's truth on top of being aware of the lie to begin with. The only thing about this that Kai, Nya, and Lloyd have pointed out, is that Garmadon likes to frame the truth to suit his own needs. And even if Olivia is correct about Wu enforcing the lie and for what reason, she's driven herself to believe that there's only one correct solution for it when there isn't -> harkening back to Wu's words about her deluding herself in the first story. But again, we haven't gotten to the part of how/why all this is relevant yet either.
Speaking of she seemed to already have a big anger at Wu, is it only because he was the one who hid so many things from the world or was it also the influence from her surrounding that made her so mad? -> [REDACTED]. We'll just say it's a bit personal.
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oceandiagonale · 2 years
Yeah the divorce for Lysandre and sycamore is real here, sycamore gets the kids btw, originally my plan was for it to just be xerneas, because he only says that immortal line to the kids in X meanwhile In Y it's a death threat, but both would be neat I dunno.
Lysandre also doesn't die from it either, he does the thing you know where he meets up with sycamore after because husband's, it does not go well sycamore is a very upset dad to not only Cecile but all the other kids. The dad's fight
"I know you're upset mi amor but-"
"upset? Lysandre I'm furious. I trusted you- those children trusted you! Our child trusted you. And you try to do this? You try to.. to.."
"I was going to make the rest beautiful, they were so close amor- they would have led a beautiful new world into harmony-"
"they're children! Even if we ignore everything else wrong with this they're still children who deserve to live their own lives. Not be little models for a world made on thousands of deaths! And you wanted to do that to our son.."
"I know it sounds bad-"
"it is bad! How can you not see that this is bad? They looked up to you, they thought- I.. thought you were on my side. Instead you try mass murder leaving only your grunts and these children alive?!"
"mi amor I was going to get you- I wouldn't let you die with this ugly world-"
"do not. Do not call me that Lysandre, after all this... Do not call me that.. did you not even think of if I wanted that? If the children wanted that? Or was the only thing that mattered this new world?"
".. sycamore you are beautiful, you and our child are the most perfectly beautiful people I have met, you are kind and loving and want to help. This world is not. This world is ugly and it kills and I was going to-"
"to wipe it all out? Decide everyone's fate? What about yours, Lysandre? Did you ever think about you?"
"...yes. I know where I stand, when someone as beautiful as you looks at me with such ugly disgust.. but I am willing to die to make the world as beautiful as you, it's what you deserve mi amor"
"...leave. leave me and these children alone. I know who's looking for you, I will call them here if you don't leave now."
"....as you wish, amor."
Throughout the journey the kids do meet Lysandre alot more then in game because he wants to make sure they're actually becoming beautiful but he uses the excuse of checking in for sycamore so it's less suspicious plus saying he's also invested in the kids journey. Both him and sycamore pop in more, Cecile being there and that being their kid helps for that, so the whole group is basically like "new dad's??? New dad's?" And cecile has to share
it's probably for the best, lys has Issues he needs to work out but it's still sad 😔😔😔
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artiificiial · 2 years
I have a few headcanons of Ring I would like to share if you don't mind.
1) mans is like four feet tall, they are not tall in the slightest and they are a-okay with it.
Sometimes they'll even use it to get out of fights with drunk people "you wouldn't hit a short lil guy huh 🥺🥺 I shouldn't even be a threat to someone as tall as you🥺 I'm just over here making balloon animals tryna bring some joy to the world" they are actively sneaking to the back in order to steal some item they need for a quest. With the chain I might place them a couple inches taller than Four but not by much, and even then I'm willing to hear out ppl who say they're smaller.
2) they can't talk. I don't mean in the non verbal sense, but everytime they talk little jester bells ring. Either the chain can't understand what they're saying but nod along anyway to make them feel included, or only the chain understands them (maybe their Zelda as well), leading to something like this
"you need anything from the shop, Ring*
*bells jingle*
"I don't think they'll have that but I can see"
3) For as much as they can talk, Ring is very expressive when saying anything, like 'you need to move before you get hit' kind of expressive. It's even worse then they're telling a story, suddenly they're hands are moving so fast you can barely make out what's a sign and what's a random hand movement, all the while bells are ringing a mile a minute.
3a) they do the hand-flaps, they stim. They don't really do it in public or when they preform, but if they feel particularly comfortable around you it's pretty common esp when they're excited.
4) (another non serious one) when you squeeze them they make a chew toy noise
5) I'm kinda tempted to say that they can't juggle, bc the idea of a non-juggling jester is funny. I also like the idea of him not being able to do fire performance work (make it extra angst and make it be because of his parents dying in a fire)(maybe even have it be because fire reminds him of Ganon or a near death experience)
6) any link: oh hey you're not busy
Ring, putting on his daily make-up: actually __, I am busy
I think that's it
hii sorry i took long to respond, i wanted to gather all of my thoughts. while reading this i was totally giggling and kicking my feet, i enjoyed reading your thoughts on Ring!
1. Ring is quite small, I just never put much thought into how tiny he is. I love the idea of him being slightly taller than Four though because Ring wields the master sword on his journey and if I remember properly Four was too small to wield it!
Ring most definitely would use his stature to wiggle out of things! He often uses peoples ignorance to his height/occupation to get the jump on them! Cause I mean, you wouldn’t hurt a wee jester would you? (also I drew this before I saw the ask but I think it fits perfectly)
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(more under the cut!)
2. Oh actually! Ring used to be able to speak like a normal person but during his first adventure he was cursed to only sound like a bell (in relation to the fact that a part of his “game mechanics” would be rhythm game based!) so the only people who can understand him are the other cursed beings of the ganon-ified Hyrule Castle. Ring does do sign language and it’s how he communicates with those who weren’t in Hyrule Castle at the time of Ganons corruption!
I like to think Ring was originally embarrassed of the fact that he sounded like a carillon when he was trying very hard to speak real words that he opted to just not talk! Which I realize now has angst potential (that one tiktok audio that’s like “why don’t you speak? does nobody ask you why?” or smtn)
(It would be funny if Hyrule/Time could understand Ring since he very vaguely sounds like a fairy— I’m p sure they sound like bells?? I can’t remember)
3. Yes yes yes!!! Even before he lost his voice he was pretty expressive! When making Ring I combined a little bit of everything when it came to clownage and a part of why he’s so expressive is due to pantomime! (I used to study it and boy was it difficult to act out! Having to tell a story with nothing but your expressions and actions!) Another part of his “game mechanics” would involve pantomime and having to interact with objects that were invisible! (think of that one scene with mr mime in detective pikachu) Also you’re so right about the stim!
4. I actually have a drawing somewhere of Ganon squeezing Ring like a chew toy and it making the sound
5. I agree it would be funny if Ring wasn’t able to juggle/do fire work, but imagine if like, Ring used his clown skills.. in battle. Like the chain is fighting a gaggle of lizafos or smtn and Ring like.. juggles something at them? or even breaths fire at them??
Warriors: That was a slick move, do you own a fire rod?
Ring: Do I own a what
Surprisingly Rings parents (at least his mom, I never made his dad) is okay! Ring pulled the sword when he was very young and the king removed him from the circus to be raised as a knight but the circus still visits as often as they can! I was looking through his notes and the only things I have listed as his fears are “tight spaces, loud noises, and the dark”
6. Ring is that one vine of the granny doing their eyebrows in the floor length mirror.
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kaiba-fangirl · 1 year
If you follow my main, you know I've been focusing on medical stuff again. Just went for bloodwork last week. 13 pages of things to test for, I think 8 vials of blood. I finally got the results back this morning, and I've been going over them, comparing flagged things to symptoms. A few of these results could be connected to low sex drive. Not one of my symptoms, but I was reading everything anyway. These are disorders & conditions related to organ damage, where the symptoms may either be nonexistent, or just 1 symptom, or mistaken for other things, or even written off as nothing. But this actually isn't about my medical journey. That's long and confusing even to uncaring professionals, and I of course have to wait to at least see what my endo says about it all. This is cuz... I'm 35, been on this journey since I was 12, and finally staring at hard numbers from my blood that most likely mean organ damage from 29 years of untreated hypothyroidism. So I have some delicate life experience, that I hope others are willing to not bite my head off over.
...especially cuz it's June.
. But I'm also putting this HERE, on kaiba-fangirl, as a reassurance that I am not trying to write this off the other way, either. Because, my hardest headcanon for Kaiba, since 15, through all the shipping through all these years, even way back then, whenever someone would ask me who I ship Kaiba with, (& let's be real, they meant-) do I like Puppyshipping - or even alone, did I think he was gay? In 2003, I didn't know what to succinctly answer except, "I don't really think he'd be into anyone..."
. Kaiba & Joey stuff was usually hot cuz they're independently both hot. Kaiba & Serenity was just to get Joey steamed, & again both hot in fanart. Kaiba & "blue-haired-girl" (before her name was reliably translated) was just cuz BEWD destiny ancient egypt. Kaiba & Mai - just my 2 faves, so put together? Eh... 🤔 Nahhh.
. Probably 10 years later before I finally learned "asexual" & was like "FINALLY" - but not for myself. Ohhh very much not myself lol. But I finally had a word to describe Kaiba.
. So, as I hope you can guess by now, I'm (probably making a huge mistake typing this out loud) here to combine these 2 things to tell you: Low sex drive *CAN* be a medical indicator that something is wrong. And it could be a singular symptom, but a closer look at extensive bloodwork can tell a larger story. I *look* perfectly healthy. On average, I usually feel pretty fine. Which is how it took 29 years to find my hypothyroidism, during which time it's caused other organ damage (adrenal glands, kidney, pancreas. & then heart disease if I can't get my cholesterol under control, diabetes if I can't get the insulin resistance under control) & hurt my life greatly. And I don't know what treatment is going to look like from here on out.
. Yes, asexuality is valid & I even feel I do understand it. I do know it doesn't just mean low sex drive; I know you can be asexual with a high sex drive. I know it's not about that; it's about feeling sexual attraction, or not. I know it's not absolute but a spectrum. But for a lot of people, it does seem they also say they have low sex drive. And if that is so for anyone, then please do not ignore the fact that it can also be a medical symptom. You probably already know it's also a side effect of SSRIs.
. I certainly do not care who wants to claim asexual for any reason. That has nothing to do with me. But - please - don't let a hidden medical thing - like the autoimmune disorder that hypothyroidism is (& whatever else may be wrong with me) or the metabolic syndrome that PCOS is (a possibility my endo is looking into) - destroy your actual organs just because you didn't want to check.
. I'm just older & don't want anyone else to go through what I have with all of this. I have had to fight since I was 12 to get a blood test workup like this one. & it's probably cuz I'm just going to reportedly "the best" practice within 50 miles, which means no insurance & throwing a credit card at them. With gas & tolls round it to $500 first visit, $250 followups. First time in my life some of this stuff is getting tested. 29 years before my thyroid was ever tested. @ EVERYONE, get your thyroid tested. Endocrine issues are so misunderstood or little understood, can hide as so many other things, or get written off as absolutely nothing, but they affect everything in your body. It's basically how your brain tells your organs what to do. It's so important. But no one pays attention.
. I understand the sensitivity, but not everyone who tells you to check low sex drive medically is just trying to write off asexuality. I'm saying get it checked cuz too many symptoms of actually serious things get written off as nothing. THIS is the kind of "something medically wrong" we're talking about. Kinda need your other organs to work to keep your body alive to even be around to be asexual. Okay?
. And this applies to so many other things I'm seeing on these lists. Anything. Don't ignore it. Do whatever you can to see a good doctor. If reddit doesn't die, find a community there to share stories & experiences. This just seemed to be the one thing I've seen people get defensive over, taking it as only an identity thing, when there can very much be serious physical reasons behind it. Take care of yourself. 💙💙💙
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musingbymunelite · 11 months
Productive Day
Today was spent in a chaotic mess.
Pulling everything out of my closet, I attempted to Marie Kondo the shit out it.
People always reference Marie Kondo when it comes to organization or downsizing items, whether it's in jest or seriousness. You know what though? After reading her book, it left a lasting impression on me. Like why not? The idea of surrounding yourself with only the things and people that really "sparks joy" in you is just beautiful.
Why wouldn't I want to wake up every day surrounded by items that just glancing at, makes me feel happy. Going through my day, socializing, using certain items, that brings a smile to my face. That bolster of good vibes will counteract any negativity I may encounter that day.
I think it's about time that I really take an active role in ignoring the negativity that surrounds me and just carry on doing what makes me happy. I'm tired of constantly hearing from people how I should be, how I should feel, what I should do, why am I eating this or that. It's unbelievable how much people try to direct me on even the simplest things like what drink I should be ordering. Why? Just because I don't really care to speak up? I also get crap for that as well.
It's not even just an avoidance of confrontations. It's more of a I just don't feel like this is worth my time. If I feel strongly about something then I do speak up. Then again, it's also a waste of time speaking up if the person just talks over me or dismisses my thoughts. Then it's more of an alright then, you do you and I'm just going to carry on so please stop talking. There's just nothing left to discuss. A discussion means both parties should be willing to converse and listen. I find that many of my "loved ones" these days don't even believe in me anymore. Anything I may say has often been looked down upon.
For example, when I mentioned that ube, purple sweet potato and taro are in fact, not the same root. I had looked it up before with another group of friends when we were trying to determine what it was we were eating. Yes, the ube and purple sweet potato are similar and are even in the same family but there really is a distinction and are categorized as its own root. So why? What was with the disdain and dismissal as if I really am just too stupid to do anything? As if all those years of being the most responsible and trustworthy one in the family meant nothing just because I've been struggling these past few years.
No one has ever stopped to asked me why. What happened? Is there a story behind it all? Asking and then not listening doesn't count. It's ridiculous when strangers give you the benefit of the doubt and hear you out before making judgement but the people closest to you have already typecasted you so no matter what you say, they're not even listening.
Has anyone ever thought about why I act a certain way towards certain situations or certain people? Maybe that situation is a trigger because of some past trauma. Maybe that person has so thoroughly broken my trust that it's all I can do just trying to treat them civilly. I have no patience left to spare for someone who abandoned me when I reached out for help.
Some have been pushing me to go to therapy. Therapy will help. Don't talk to them about things because ya know, they can't help me. Again, why dictate how I should be when you won't even support me. Therapy only works when you have a support system. What support system do I have? Too much shit has happened over the years and I feel like everyone's so concerned with their own lives for me to even reach out. Even if I do, which I have here and there, I was just betrayed anyways. When something's a secret, it's supposed to stay a secret. Not told to your mother or your significant other who has no real obligation to keep quiet about it. The worst is when you spill your guts out and the other person use it as a conversation topic with someone you're not even close to. Why?
I feel like I'm constantly asking why? Why would you betray my trust like that? Why are you forcing your opinions on me? Why are you making me feel like a waste of space? Why are you getting angry when I'm literally just doing what you told me to do, ignoring the negativity and doing my own thing? Why are you wasting my time?
At this low point in my life, with so much trauma and PTSD, I just don't have the capacity to deal with anyone's negativity. Keep your shit to yourself. If you don't wanna hear about mine, don't tell me about yours. I'm tired of being the one always there to help, always there to do a favor but I get nothing in return.
I'm tired of being told I'm all alone and no one cares. Everyone's just nice to me because so and so. Why even say these things to me? As if I'm not already feeling low. How does this make things better? This isn't "tough love", it's just negativity. It's verbal abuse with how far and how long you go with it. Again, why? You claim to love me. Where's the love? The comfort? The support?
There's just so many issues that's piled up over the years and I just don't really know where to start.
Therapy sounds great and all but there's no connection. I'm just paying someone to listen to me vent. I might as well start journaling again. I mean, I only stopped because my mother kept reading my entries then coming after me for them. There was literally no safe space growing up. I never felt safe and relaxed at home. Not even once. My room wasn't even safe. No where was. I felt more comfortable being at school. There was structure and expectations, as long as I stayed within those parameters, I didn't get shit for it. Instead I got the praise and encouragement I needed.
I remember being so afraid when I got in trouble at school. I wasn't afraid of getting beat up. I wasn't afraid of getting detention. I was afraid of my parents getting called in. Anything else could happen, any punishment accepted. Just don't call my parents because that meant shit at home where I couldn't escape from. That meant walking on eggshells for days and being afraid of triggering who knows what trigger that ranged from just sitting in my room quietly to just sitting in the living room. Essentially just being around and breathing could be the trigger to some epic fight.
Life just sucks and then you die.
The End.
P.S. Mr C was a great teacher. Encouraging free writes and always replying in such interested, invested comments. It's been a while since I've done one. So thank you Mr C for making part of my childhood so safe.
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