#alyx frost
townofcadence · 2 months
Alyx is clairvoyant. He doesn't write the future into reality (that is a possibility one day but right now he doesn't even know he's writing about 'real' people and just thinks he's got a great muse that's inspiring his motivation lol). But his writing does come true for who it depicts because he is essentially chronicling their future.
But the thing is, if he doesn't write it like a fiction, he basically only gets the most generic of understandings currently. Like if he was standing outside a house that if his 'muse' entered they would get stuck in a death-loop of murder and carnage, he'd probably be like 'woah hey i think bad things might happen in there'. It's that level of vague. He also can only write about some people, not just anyone (specifically my characters).
He's new to Cadence so he hasn't met anyone that he writes about yet, just having moved there from Georgia with his roommate, Bun, but I think it'll be very interesting if he meets some of the people he's been accidentally predicting the futures of.
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blushroom20 · 1 year
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Modded Left 4 Dead 2 screenshot collection Volume 1
map names are in the image descriptions (if i remember what they are from)
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daffodils-loverrs · 10 months
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My mistake [...] was to consider myself eaten by her, whereas I should be myself (I always had been) the one who ate her.
Iris Murdoch, The Sea, The Sea Phoebe Waller-Bridge, Fleabag Hozier, To Someone From A Warm Climate (Uiscefhuarithe) Hozier, First Light (x2) Mitski. The Frost (x2) Italo Calvino, Under the Jaguar Sun Hozier, De Selby (Part 2) 1017 ALYX 9SM & Ethel Cain, Famous Last Words (An Ode to Eaters) Italo Calvino, Under the Jaguar Sun Hozier, De Selby (Part 2) Daughter, Future Lover
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pilot-boi · 2 months
Oooh, the Golden Dragon idea for the Twins AU is good, it'd be neat if Jaune's increased closeness to Team RWBY made him talk all the more about them to Alyx and Lewis, even with his grief and regret. The hopeful Crimson Reaper, the beautiful Royal Frost, the steadfast Watchful Shadow... And the tragedy of the selfless Copper Maiden.
I doubt they would make it into the story past a passing mention when the Rusted Knight is introduced. The Golden Dragon is mentioned on several occasions because Lewis can tell whoever it is means something MORE to the Rusted Knight (or Rusty, as the siblings called him). Rusty is clearly waiting for all four of them, but the Golden Dragon is just… MORE somehow. He talks about her differently
It’s only after Lewis leaves and Alyx doesn’t follow that the boy realizes that the way Rusty would talk about the Golden Dragon is how he feels now that his sister is gone
But Jaune definitely talks to the kids more about RWBY than he does in canon, because he is closer to them. RWBYJNRO are definitely more of an explicit family in the Twins Au than in canon, and they’re already really close in canon
Rusty gushes about the gleaming hope and shining blade of the Crimson Rose. He rambles about the beauty and kindness and snark of the Royal Frost. He raves about the quiet bravery and loud loyalty of the Watchful Shadow
The Copper Maiden is only mentioned in passing, usually when Rusty is in the middle of a sentence and doesn’t realize what he’s saying. But every time he cuts himself off with a shuttered look and a hand on the hilt of his sword. She was pure and innocent and the friendliest person he’s ever known. Lewis doesn’t miss how Rusty always uses past-tense when talking about the Copper Maiden
But the Golden Dragon is different
He talks about her flaws more, how she’s quick to anger (like him) and irritatingly stubborn (like him). But she’s also loyal to a fault (like him) and fiercely protective (like him). Out of all the characters Rusty talks about, the Golden Dragon feels the most like a person, and the least like another fairy tale character
Lewis still isn’t sure if Rusty’s “friends” are actual people or just moral goals, or even if Rusty is an actual person. Alyx thinks the Rose is just a flower, the Royal is a princess to rescue, the Shadow is a ghost to redeem, and the Dragon is a monster to slay. And Lewis agrees with her for the most part
Except for the Golden Dragon. She feels more real than even Rusty does
I won’t feel complete until I find her
When Lewis returns to Remnant and feels the hole in his heart of his missing sister, he wonders how Rusty stayed sane without the Golden Dragon to complete him
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 8 months
You know, because it's hard to give a massive amount of character in one post, I'm gonna list stuff about alternate rusted knights here
Repentant Thief: Emerald Sustrai, desperate for company used her semblance to hallucinate her friends/allies. Over time as her memory of them began failing, the illusions became flatter, more generic in their kindness and support, and at some points she truly believes that's what RWBY and Co. were like, while at others she can't stand the sight of them, the inaccuracies making her sick to her stomach.
She waits for her Heroes. The ones that saved her before.
She wears leather armor with a Leather helm that covers the lower portion of her face, with a large cloak and hood over all of it. her pants are very similar to previoupairs, simply plainer and sturdier. She has traded heels in for full hiking boots.
Fathomless Angler: Clover Ebi, now an old man, has grown tired, very, very tired. So tired he no longer cares to find a way out, and lets time slip by - He never read The Girl that fell Through the World, his knowledge of it's tale being minimal. He figures this is some twisted afterlife, that he'd done wrong fighting Qrow and has to let himself be punished for fighting his friend.
He Waits, as catching a fish is mostly waiting for it to take the bait. He's still trying to figure out his fish.
Clover wears a faded, dusty Atlesian coat, meant to have water and snow slide right off, with a large scarf and slick bucket hat. due to lack of care, his beard has grown long and scraggly, a veritable bush of salt and pepper. He wears Waders in place of his old Military boots.
The Cobalt Knight (Oxidized Cobalt): Alyx, upon deciding to amend her mistakes in the Ever After was assaulted by The Curious Cat. Jaune Arc, the Rusted Knight, still sick from the poison rushed to her aid. In the end, Alyx was saved, and the cat slinked away to lick it's wounds.
Jaune's didn't make it, and was swallowed by the tree.
Alyx, unable to heal him, to fix this mistake took up his weapons and trained. She was smart - out maneuvering and outsmarting the cat for years until she was able to fight it directly. Then they stayed apart, the Cat not wanting to risk themself, and Alyx not wanting to her own life in revenge.
Alyx waits for the same reasons Jaune did - Guilt, anger, self-loathing, and a need to help RWBY, with all the same weapons he fought with; Mind, Sword, and Shield.
She wears armor like Jaune's only simpler, and lighter, and in FAR better condition - only a little dirty and scuffed.
The Frosted Empress (Lonely): Weiss Schnee, Knowing all she had to do was wait, did just that. She waited. and Waited. And waited. She did her best to stay stable, she practiced arts, she kept up her training, she began to speak to herself in off moments, she never got along with people too much liker herself so Alyx was a handful to deal with.
She oscillates between a very sweet, matronly figure, and an Icy, bitchy Vol-1-esque personality, with moments of lucidity being not too uncommon.
This Weiss wears very simply constructed outfits - basic chain mail and dresses, with immense ornamentation, and a veil, like one would wear at a funeral. She has many different trinkets - leaves, feathers, jewelry and what not.
The Wilted Rose: Ruby Rose fell into the Ever After, and Suffered. She fought as much as she always had, but with no support, no clear goal and the weight of her failings crushing her, Alyx and Lewis were the Straws that broke the Camel's back.
She Ascended into the one person she knew could do anything.
Summer rose.
As motherly and sweet as ever, this rose has thorns only for The Curious Cat - even if she can't remember why.
She looks like an older Summer. With like, very graying hair. It's just Summer Rose.
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*she hands you a cookie with blood infused frosting*
Happy valentines day Rosie!
Thank you, Alyx! Do you have a valentine?
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alyxdefoisnthere · 7 months
@alastor-the-demon I'm so sorry that i messaged you 10+ quotes so I'll compile them in a post instead.
Alyx: *on the phone with Alastor* I can’t talk right now, I’m doing hot girl shit.
Alastor: You’re pulling Oreos apart and saving off the frosting to make a mega Oreo, aren’t you.
Alyx: Maybe.
Alastor: This bloodline ends with me.
Alyx: That's the fanciest way I've ever heard someone say "I'm Asexual"
Alyx: Hold on, I can explain!
Alastor: Really? Can you now?
Alyx: I can if you give me a minute to think of a convincing lie.
Alyx: Swear words are illegal now. If you say one you'll be fined.
Alastor: Heck.
Alyx: You're on thin fucking ice.
Alyx: Oh no-
*this is how I ended up £1000+ in police fines*
Alyx: I'm gonna nickname my child "Lil Bitch".
Alastor: I see you're passing on your name.
Alyx: Bonjour, Alastor. Voulez–vous coucher avec moi?
Alastor: No, I don't want to sleep with you.
Alyx: Is that what that means? Oh, man, I had a really gross tennis instructor.
Alyx: What’s sexting?
Alastor: I'm not having this conversation with you.
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nerdyquestier · 7 months
*she hands you a cookie with fire coloured frosting*
Happy valentines nerdy!
*Pats her head, a flower crown of poppies, cornflowers, sunflowers and yellow roses weave itself into existence* Happy Valentine’s Alyx
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oneinathousand · 2 years
With how much Half-Life fans will eat up anything related to the series, it’s a surprise how relatively few people are aware of one of Half-Life’s main inspirations, the Japanese point and click adventure game GADGET and its tie-in novel, The Third Force, which was written by Marc Laidlaw before he went on to Valve and brought these influences with him into every mainline game he had a direct hand in writing.
I’ve brought up GADGET here a few times before, but today I want to list off just how many similarities there are between the two franchises. Laidlaw has discussed most of the inspirations in some Twitter posts, but I’m going to elaborate on them. Some are from the GADGET games even before Laidlaw wrote the novel, but most are from there as a sort of first draft for what would become Half-Life:
The most obvious shout-out to GADGET is the border-world Xen, and the substance xenium aka the Xen crystals. Xenium comes from the art book Inside Out With Gadget where it’s said that it powers the games’ titular gadgets and comes from a meteor which crashed onto Earth. In Laidlaw’s book, there is no Xen equivalent, but each shard of xenium is sentient, and the comet which is the main threat throughout the GADGET games is a gigantic piece of xenium that’s going to crash into Earth on a rescue mission to free the shards that had fallen to Earth before.
In both series, most of the main characters rebelling against the dictatorships they’re a part of are scientists, with the character Horselover Frost being a rough equivalent to Eli Vance. Judith Mossman was apparently originally going to be named Elena Mossman, similar to The Third Force’s protagonist, Elena Hausmann, who is also a red-headed member of the rebellion, but Laidlaw felt the reference would be too obvious. However, the scientists in GADGET are definitely far more morally ambiguous than the Half-Life ones, the former being complicit in the dictatorship’s goings-on and definitely being manipulative (though they’re much nicer in Laidlaw’s book than in the games), while the Black Mesa scientists were simply duped by the G-Man into triggering the Resonance Cascade. 
Speaking of the G-Man, the second-most obvious shout-out to GADGET is Laidlaw modelling him after a character named Theodore Slowslop. Both are the mysterious bosses of their games’ protagonists (Gordon Freeman and Louis Hausmann) as the middleman under their employers, but both have their own ambiguous agendas and will go against their employers if they feel like it. While it is unknown exactly what these two characters are, it’s clear that both are not human and possess supernatural powers, though the G-Man is much more powerful than Slowslop. 
I believe that the G-Man is not only modelled after Slowslop in his appearance but is also based on another GADGET character simply called “the boy”, who - like the G-Man - carries around a briefcase at all times, is able to teleport, and watches over the main protagonist on his journey. In fact, in the original GADGET game, Invention, Travel, and Adventure, which was the only game out when Laidlaw wrote his book, Slowslop and the boy WERE the same person, but this was retconned to either be left up to interpretation as in the games, or to be firmly established as being two separate entities like in Laidlaw’s book. Basically, the G-Man takes his appearance, role, and some mannerisms from Slowslop, while he takes his briefcase and teleportation powers from the boy. 
In addition to Judith Mossman originally being named Elena, the actual Elena equivalent in Half-Life is Alyx Vance, and Laidlaw has said that her dynamic with the G-Man is meant to be similar to Elena’s dynamic with Slowslop in The Third Force. This is the most interesting point, because considering that Laidlaw remained a consultant on Half-Life: Alyx, that puts the developments in that game under a new light and could possibly be a hint at future developments in the story.  In The Third Force, Slowslop is protective of Elena, that being his only real redeeming quality, going out of his way to keep her from harm and ending up (SPOILER ALERT FOR A 25+ YEAR-OLD OBSCURE NOVEL) allowing himself to be executed so that Elena can escape with the scientists from the incoming comet. Looking at the story so far in Half-Life, the G-Man once rescued Alyx from Black Mesa against his employers’ wishes seemingly so he could someday use her for his own benefit, but if the parallels with Elena and Slowslop are going to be continued, could it actually be that the G-Man has some genuine affection for Alyx, and his employing of her after saving Eli was done because he genuinely cared in his own way? It could be a very long time before we find out for sure, if at all, but like how Elena didn’t care much for Slowslop all throughout the novel, right now Alyx certainly doesn’t care for the G-Man. 
Lastly, both games’ silent protagonists, Gordon and Louis, are for the most part never truly in control, with both being under the thumb of the G-Man/Slowslop, plus the scientists in the latter’s case, though Gordon manages to get let go by the G-Man after he’s dissatisfied with his work, while Louis never breaks free and is heavily implied to lose his mind by the end of his story, and the realization that he has been manipulated the entire time by everyone around him predates Bioshock’s famous twist by about 17 years.
Listing off these similarities makes it seem like Half-Life is just a rip-off of GADGET and Laidlaw just got lazy and recycled his own ideas, but the tone, gameplay, structure, and story details are completely different. Half-Life is a straightforward sci-fi story with some horror elements, but no matter how dire things get, there’s always some optimism to be had and the series is all about how much humanity can accomplish, with relatable characters to go on this journey with. GADGET, meanwhile, was an early example of arthouse video games where much of the story is left up to interpretation, but no matter how you interpret it, it’s a dark story about manipulation, abuse of power, and how the truth can be impossible to find, all in an unnerving Lynchian atmosphere. Laidlaw’s book is a little softer, bringing more warmth to the game’s cold characters, but still ends with nearly everyone on Earth perishing from a comet impact while the survivors go on to an uncertain future. 
It goes to show that you can take obvious inspiration from something but still turn it into something completely your own. 
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the-truth-is-there · 10 months
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Video Game Heroines - Part 2
Sonya Blade (Mortal Kombat) Nitara (Mortal Kombat) Kitana (Mortal Kombat) Li Mei (Mortal Kombat) Mileena (Mortal Kombat) Tanya (Mortal Kombat) Ashrah (Mortal Kombat) Jade (Mortal Kombat) Sindel (Mortal Kombat) Jacqui Briggs (Mortal Kombat) Skarlet (Mortal Kombat) Sareena (Mortal Kombat) D’Vorah (Mortal Kombat) Cassie Cage (Mortal Kombat) Kira (Mortal Kombat) Frost (Mortal Kombat) Sheeva (Mortal Kombat) Alyx Vance (Half-Life: Alyx) Heather Mason (Silent Hill 3) Chell (Portal I/Portal II) Jess e Soph Blazkowicz (Wolfenstein: Youngblood) Nara (Chorus) Clementine (Telltale Games' The Walking Dead) Alex Chen (Life Is Strange: True Colors) Comandante Sheppard (Mass Effect) Kate Walker (Syberia) Jade (Beyond Good and Evil) Fenyx (Imortais Fenyx Rising) Marianne Severo (The Medium) Selene Vassos (Returnal)
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townofcadence · 3 months
Muse Information - Alyx 'Glitch' Frost
Directory | Character List | Headcanons
Basic Information:
Full Name: Alyx Frost
Nicknames: Alyx, Frost, Glitch
Age: 29
Date of Birth: January
Nationality: American
Accent: American
Blood Type: A
Pronouns: He/Him, They/Them, or Fae/Faer
Sexuality: ??? People pretty he suffer [sex positive asexual demiromantic]
Relationship Status: Single
Occupation: Online Contract work, Freelance Writer and Artist
Physical Traits:
Height: 5’7” (170.18 cm)
Weight: 367 Lbs. (166.47 kg)
Eye Color(s): Green
Hair Color(s): Dark desaturated blue and Teal
Notable Features: Alyx is a thick man, with longer hair, half shaved, and a teal blue-green peekaboo. He usually has a bit of fuzz on his chin. He has a tattoo of the town's weird cat thing on one arm, and a few eyes on the other. He also wears an eye bracelet made of leather one one arm, and a necklace. He looks constantly tired, dark rings under his eyes, and he uses an orange wheelchair more often than not. His clothes are usually a tanktop and yellow jeans with a pair of converse, though he's fine wearing anything relatively casual. He has a pair of copper square-framed glasses he SHOULD wear, but he never seems to have them on.
Nature: creative, playful, adventurous, tired, sickly, silly, sweet, friendly, distractable, long-winded, annoying, shy, anxious
Art Ref (to be updated):
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hanahaki-arcade · 1 year
Omega being put into the main group shit because cringay
Alyx: Self care is actually getting into fights with randoms in dark alleys. Barney: No, self care is stuff like taking a bubble bath, or putting on a lot of makeup if you like it, or taking a nice warm nap! Gordon: Self care is the burning heat when rage washes over you!! Self care is when you feel the bones crack under your powerful fists!! Self care is the fear in your enemies’ eyes!!! Omega: Lmao self care is taking your birthday cake just so I can eat the frosting. Alyx: If you touch my birthday cake I’ll make you eat your hands.
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rarealdcresults · 1 year
Work Class Talent Experience, in Rockville #2 (2014):
Mini Recreational Solo:
Makayla Clark - “Yacht Club Swing” (Jazz) - 1st Place
Rylee Pratt - “Itsy Bitsy Spider” (Acrobatic) - Did Not Place
Mini Recreational Small Group:
“Dimples” (Musical Theater) [Ava Brazos, Bella, Rylee Pratt, Mary Eagle, Makayla Clark & Mariah Sullivan] - Did Not Place
Mini World Solo:
Sarah Hunt - “My Pa” (Lyrical) - 1st Place
Junior World Solo:
Selah Curran - “Crazy Feet” (Tap) - 1st Place
Brooke Kosinski - “Beautiful Like Me” (Musical Theater) - 2nd Place
Anastasia Rose - “Chopsticks” (Acrobatic) - 3rd Place
Sammie Lenzi - “Loud” (Specialty) - 4th Place
Haley Vrolijk - “Never Neverland” (Acrobatic) - 5th Place
Kylie Edwards - “Mama” (Jazz) - 10th Place
Junior World Group:
“Frost” (Lyrical) [Chloé Lukasiak, Maddie Ziegler, Mackenzie Ziegler, Nia Frazier, Kendall Vertes & Kalani Hilliker] - 1st Place
“Borrowed Angels” (Lyrical) [Mackenzie Ziegler, Selah Curran, Haley Vrolijk, Anastasia Rose, Sammie Lenzi, Kylie Edwards & Sarah Hunt] - 3rd Place
“Toy Box” (Specialty) [Mackenzie Ziegler, Anastasia Rose, Brooke Kosinski, Sammie Lenzi & Sarah Hunt] - Did Not Place
Teen World Solo:
Kalani Hilliker - “Unless You Say Sorry” (Lyrical) - 1st Place
Keara Sweeney - “Living In The Shadows” (Contemporary) - 6th Place
Katherine Narasimhan - “Star From India” (Specialty) - 10th Place
Alyx Biery - “Dancin’ Fool” (Tap) - Did Not Place
Alison Taylor - “Here I Am” (Musical Theater) - Did Not Place
Eve Vinkler - “Buenos Aires” (Specialty) - Did Not Place
Teen World Duet/Trio:
Eve Vinkler & Alison Taylor - “Don’t Wanna Miss A Thing” (Jazz) - Did Not Place
Teen World Group:
“Welcome To Havana” (Jazz) [Eve Vinkler, Alison Taylor, Alivia Bella, Carolyn Whitney & Alivia Cooper] - Did Not Place
“Screaming Silence” (Contemporary) - Did Not Place
Senior World Solo:
Ian Schemoke - “Words” (Contemporary) - 1st Place
Overall World Solo:
Kalani Hilliker - “Unless You Say Sorry” (Lyrical) - 1st Place
Ian Schemoke - “Words” (Contemporary) - 3rd Place
Selah Curran - “Crazy Feet” (Tap) - 6th Place
Brooke Kosinski - “Beautiful Like Me” (Musical Theater) - 7th Place
Overall World Group:
“Frost” (Lyrical) - 1st Place
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aethernoise · 4 years
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the warmest color... 💙 thank you so much to @britishmuffin for this absolutely darling portrait of my favorite couple
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 8 months
Character Descriptions
Fathomless Angler (Clover)
Repentant Thief (Emerald)
Oxidized Cobalt [AO3] (Alyx)
Frosted Empress (Weiss)
Wilted Rose (Ruby)
Galvanic Squall (Harriet)
The Three Setinels (Weiss, Jaune, Pyrrha)
Dual Jewels (Ruby and Emerald)
Thunderless Tempest (Nora)
Tarnished Spartan (Pyrrha)
The Kindly Automaton (Penny)
The Witch of the Yeast (Gretchen)
The Shrouded Panther (Blake)
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bunnywand · 3 years
i keep a big list of all the nicknames i’ve ever used 4 pokemon, bcos keeping track of them both helps me not use them more than once, and also helps w/ inspiration when i’m coming 2 naming new pokemon 🤔
it goes all the way back 2 the earliest pokemon i still have (with nicknames anyways, i didn’t nickname my pokemon in my original gen 3 games or pearl 😧) from my original platinum game, w/ 13 y/o me’s ideas of nicknames like “frost” the abomasnow and “crystal” the froslass, up to my pokemon from my pokemon shield team, like “fiona” the appletun and “soup” the duraludon 😌
nowadays there’s a few ways i pick my pokemon’s names, some are just names i think are nice and fitting, like my pikachu “hanna” from let’s go pikachu, or “evelyn” the espeon from ultra moon, and some have more of a story behind them, like it’s p obvious w/ “fiona” the appletun, but “soup” the duraludon came from bcos like, it’s a metal dragon, and there was a metal dragon called the soup dragon in the tv show “clangers” so, soup the dragon 🤯
a Lot of them i name after characters from others things i like tho 😭 so i’ve got ones from atla (“azula” the gardevoir, “mei” the absol), half-life/portal (“alyx” the luxray, “chell” the flygon) + spyro (“crush” the rhyperior, “gulp” the aggron) but the ones i’ve got the most nicknames from is (unsurprisingly 😳) buffy/angel!!
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those are all the ones i’ve got so far, going from “xander” the crobat in my original soulsilver game all the way to the garchomp i plan 2 use in shining pearl, “harmony” 🥰
there’s some from buffy/angel that are Rly obvious + Rly good that i haven’t used yet like faith, anya and dawn, or lilah and lindsey from angel, but some of the buffy names are kinda awkward 2 use.. like maybe i could think of a pokemon 2 call “buffy,” but what kind of pokemon would i call “giles??” 😅
but um.. originally this was gonna be a post just abt the pokemon i’d named after buffy characters, but then it ended up being a lot longer than i originally meant.. 😳
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