#alyn & rhogar
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thevelaryons · 7 months ago
I love how GRRM always positions various Velaryon brothers as having a close bond with each other. Although not much is known about some of the sibling dynamics in the family, when GRRM chooses to write about them, it is with a sense of brotherhood and unity.
Even in such instances where the relationship is only implied in the text, it is as a positive one. Aurane is a bastard and yet he integrates himself amongst the highborn without any issue, suggesting a somewhat polished upbringing in a castle. He also served in the Velaryon fleet, led by his trueborn half-brother Lord of Driftmark, Monford. It's mentioned in the books that bastard children are usually kept away from the family because they are viewed as a source of shame. It is considered very unusual for a bastard to be raised in a castle with their trueborn family (re: Jon Snow). But that could certainly be the case with the Bastard of Driftmark. His moniker does suggest a close association with house Velaryon which means he was not a bastard that was hidden away. Especially when you consider that Aurane, despite being very treacherous and self-serving, never once does anything against his brother's family. When he sets his sight on a castle he wants to claim, it is not Driftmark, but another castle. He sails his powerful fleet past Driftmark thrice and makes no move to attack the seat governed by his late brother’s son even though house Velaryon is in service to the rebel Stannis and Aurane is trying to ingratiate himself with the Lannister regime. Despite the commonly held belief that bastards will seek to harm their trueborn siblings, Aurane is not once shown acting against Monford or his remaining family at Driftmark. All his treachery is reserved for the Lannisters, who are more or less responsible for Monford’s death at the Battle of the Blackwater.
Addam & Alyn's relationship is a prime example of Velaryon brotherhood. Although the narrative presents their identity arcs as Velaryons differently (in relation to their parents), it’s done so in a manner that still connects the brothers to each other. Alyn’s actions are often framed in the text as a "what would Addam do in this situation?" way. They participate in the Red Sowing together and they clearly remained close enough to each other for the duration that Addam was quickly able to save Alyn's life. They get physically separated afterwards only because Alyn is bedbound from his burns. Alyn openly laughs in the face of a King who calls him brother and says that a "brother by blood" is the only true form of brotherhood. Years after Addam's death, Alyn still honors his brother with a touching memorial.
There are several instances of brotherly love shown between Jace/Luke/Joff as well. From defending each other from a bully to all three echoing each other in upholding their mother's claim, they are always in sync. The loss of a brother is expressed openly and the desire for vengeance too.
The more minor instances of brotherhood in the family further showcase this.
Sometimes it's as simple as hanging out together to serve as royal escorts:
Though Daemon Velaryon, as the Crown’s lord admiral and master of ships, was in King’s Landing with the regents, that did not prevent Jaehaerys and Alysanne from flying their dragons to Driftmark and touring his shipyards, escorted by his sons, Corwyn, Jorgen, and Victor.
Other times it's plotting together. The Silent Five may be committing treason, but they do that as a united front:
When they took their case before the sick and failing Viserys, they made the grievous mistake of questioning the legitimacy of his daughter’s children. Viserys had their tongues removed for this insolence, though he let them keep their heads.
Three of the “silent five” had died during the Dance, fighting for Aegon II against Rhaenyra…but two survived.
“Lacking tongues with which to make their appeal, they preferred to argue with swords,” says Mushroom. However, the plot to murder their young lord went awry when the guards at Castle Driftmark proved loyal to the Sea Snake’s memory and his chosen heir. Ser Malentine was slain during the attempt; his brother captured.
The Velaryon brothers who act within the law are also depicted taking action together each time. Interesting how it's not specified which of the two wishes to claim Driftmark for himself, over the other. They are partners in all that they do and that's all that matters:
All came forward now, insisting that they had more right to Driftmark than “this bastard of Hull, whose mother was a mouse.” Ser Vaemond’s sons Daemion and Daeron took their claim to the council in King’s Landing. When the Hand and the regents ruled against them, they wisely chose to accept the decision and be reconciled with Lord Alyn.
I just think it’s neat that regardless of the circumstances of the characters’ upbringing, whether trueborn or bastard, there’s a supportive bond between Velaryon brothers each time.
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horizon-verizon · 2 months ago
Also, Daenaera is Vaemond’s granddaughter and her father Daeron was one of the “silent five,” as was her uncle Daemion. Daenaera marrying Daemon and Rhaenyra’s son is one pretty serious reconciliation.
What anon means by "silent five" are 5 of Vaemond's cousins cousins/Corlys' nephews who sailed to the Red Keep after Vaemond's execution to protest it to Viserys. Viserys had their tongues cut off bc much earlier, he already made the decree that no one can decry Rhaenyra's 3 Velaryon sons as "bastards"--as these Velaryons did--or they'd have their tongues cut out ("A Question of Succession"):
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Malentine, Rhogar, and 3 other unnamed sons by an unnamed brother of Corlys.
Answering the asks, kinda but not really. Alyn of hull/the legitimized and successful Alyn Velaryon stood to gain more than these cousins ever did from Daenaera marrying Aegon, even thought they were the ones to protest Vaemond's death.
Daenaera's parents were dead (so Daeron Velaryon, her dad, can do not much for these tongueless cousins esp when he already "reconciled" with Alyn) and she was under first just Alyn's care for some months, then both his and Baela's, not theirs for some more months even if they were the ones who were taking care of Daenaera before Alyn fought them off, killed Malentine and made Rohogar become one of the Night's Watch ("War and Peace and Cattle Shows"):
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They would remain tongueless until their deaths with nothing to show for it, and we don't know if Vaemond himself would have approved or liked the fact his own son made nice with a former bastard bc it is the show that made Vaemond be so...persistent more about the principles of anti-bastardry and male privilege over strategic power-grasping behind such principles.
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in-my-own-opinion · 2 years ago
Valyrian Names
These are names we have record of from canon and semi-canon sources!
She/Her Common Valyrian Names
Aelinor, Alysanne, Baena Daella Daena Daenerys Elaena  Jaenara Rhae Rhaelle Rhaena Rhaenyra Rhaenys Rhaera Visenya Vaena
He/Him Common Valyrian Names
Aerys Aegon Aegor Aemon Aemond Aenys Aerion Aethon Aurion Baelor   Daemon Daeron Haegon Jaehaerys   Jacaerys Lucerys Laenor Maegor Maekar Matarys  Orys Rhaegar Rhaegel Valarr Viserys Vaermon Vaemond
She/Her Names for House Targaryen
Alysanne, Aerea, Alyssa, Aelora, Baela, Calla, Daella, Daena, Daenerys, Daenys, Daenora, Elaena, Gael, Helaena, Jaehaera, Maegelle, Naerys, Rhae, Rhaelle, Rhaella, Rhaena, Rhaenyra, Rhaenys, Shaera, Shiera, Saera, Shaena, Visenya, Vaella, Viserra
He/Him Names for House Targaryen
Aerys, Aegon, Aegor, Aelyx, Aemon, Aemond, Aenar, Aenys, Aerion, Aeryn, Aelor, Baelor, Baelon, Daemon, Daeron, Daemion, Gaemon, Haegon, Jaehaerys, Maelys, Maegon, Maegor, Maekar, Matarys, Maelor, Orys, Rhaegar, Rhaegel, Valarr, Viserys, Vaegon, Valerion
She/Her Names for House Velaryon
Alyssa, Daenaera, Laena, Lianna, Larissa, Valaena
He/Him Names for House Velaryon
Aethan, Addam, Alyn, Aurane, Corlys, Corwyn, Daemon, Daeron, Daemion, Jacaerys, Jorgen, Lucerys Laenor, Malentine, Monford, Rhogar, Vaemond, Victor
She/Her Names for House Celtigar
Prudence, Prunella
He/Him Names for House Celtigar
Alton, Bartimos, Clement, Crispian, Edwell, Terrence
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Alyn nació siendo un bastardo, hijo de una jovencita llamada Marilda en el astillero de la Quilla, en Marcaderiva. Creció entre hombres de mar, ya fuese en el Astillero o a bordo de los barcos que su madre capitaneaba. Amaba tanto el mar que sinceramente llegó a pensar que tenía salitre en la sangre.
Él y su hermano Addam intentaron domar dragones cuando Marilda los presentó en Rocadragón como semillas de dragón. Addam lo consiguió, Alyn no. Lleva cicatrices de ello en piernas y espalda que le recuerdan que su lugar siempre estuvo en el mar. Su madre dijo que era hijo de Laenor Velaryon, aunque muchos creen que eso no es así y que muy probablemente Alyn fuese hijo del famoso Lord Corlys Velaryon.
Durante la Danza de Dragones perdió a sus tres medios hermanos y por ello fue legitimado como un miembro de la casa Velaryon a petición de su abuelo Lord Corlys. Con el fallecimiento de Addam, Alyn pasó a ser el heredero de Marcaderiva.
Recibió una misiva de Aegon II exigiéndole someterse a él o Baela y Aegon Menor serían ejecutados. Alyn se enfureció tanto que llamó a la flota Velaryon para atacar Rocadragón, lugar en donde Aegon II los mantenía cautivos. Sólo un mensaje de Lord Corlys impidió que la guerra se prolongara.
Pasada la Hora del Lobo y con la restitución de Lord Corlys en sus antiguos cargos (salvándose de ser ejecutado), Alyn permaneció en Marcaderiva, reconstruyendo la flota Velaryon que había sido duramente mermada durante la batalla del Gaznate.
Lamentablemente, Lord Velaryon fallecería en el transcurso del 132 D.C. La Serpiente Marina había nombrado heredero a Alyn, pero la sucesión no fue incuestionada. Daemion y Daemon Velaryon se presentaron insistiendo en que tenían más derecho sobre Marcaderiva que «ese bastardo de la Quilla cuya madre era una ratona». Presentaron su demanda ante el consejo en Desembarco del Rey. Cuando la Mano y los regentes fallaron en su contra, decidieron sabiamente aceptar la decisión y reconciliarse con lord Alyn, que los recompensó con tierras en Marcaderiva a condición de que aportaran barcos a la flota. Otros de sus primos optaron por una táctica diferente.
Al no tener lengua para presentar su alegato, prefirieron discutir con las espadas. Sin embargo, el plan de asesinar a su joven señor se torció cuando los guardias del castillo de Marcaderiva demostraron ser leales a la memoria de la Serpiente Marina y al heredero elegido. A Ser Malentine Velaryon lo mataron durante la intentona, y Ser Rhogar salvó la cabeza vistiendo el negro.
Alyn Velaryon quedó formalmente instituido como Señor de las Mareas y amo de Marcaderiva, tras lo cual se dirigió a Desembarco del Rey para reclamar el puesto de la Serpiente Marina entre los regentes. (Ni cuando aún era niño le faltó jamás audacia a lord Alyn.) La Mano le dio las gracias y lo envió de vuelta a casa; comprensiblemente, pues Alyn sólo tenía dieciséis años. El puesto de lord Corlys en el consejo de regencia ya se lo habían ofrecido a un hombre mayor y más curtido: Unwin Peake.
Y así, Alyn permaneció en la Quilla atendiendo la reconstrucción de la Flota Velaryon, preocupado por la situación de Essos que estaba empezando a afectar a todas las casas costeras del Mar Angosto, paralizando el comercio.
Fue una sorpresa cuándo un día Baela apareció frente a él contándole que la obligarían a casarse con un vejete. Alyn prometió que no permitiría que la casaran con alguien indigno de ella. Quince días después, Alyn Velaryon y Baela Targaryen contraían matrimonio en el septo de Rocadragón. La novia tenía dieciséis años; el novio, casi diecisiete.
Desde entonces Alyn y Baela han vivido en Marcaderiva. Alyn recibió una misiva a comienzos del 134 de parte del Rey en la cual se le nombraba Lord Almirante y se le instaba a volver a la corte junto a su esposa Baela. (Enviada por el Maestre Orwyle a petición de Aegon III Targaryen) No obstante, un nuevo mensaje fue recibido poco después pidiendo que se ignorara el nombramiento. Estaba firmado por Unwin Peake la Mano del Rey.
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thevelaryons · 9 months ago
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Alyn + being a conciliator
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thevelaryons · 9 months ago
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VELARYON LORDS ↠ conflict resolution
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thevelaryons · 1 year ago
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“Lacking tongues with which to make their appeal, they preferred to argue with swords,” says Mushroom. However, the plot to murder their young lord went awry when the guards at Castle Driftmark proved loyal to the Sea Snake’s memory and his chosen heir. 
Condemned to death, Ser Rhogar saved his head by taking the black. 
Artist: Herheim (pixiv/twitter)
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thevelaryons · 6 months ago
do you think Addam and Alyn knew Corlys Velaryon was their father growing up?
No, I do not think they would be aware of this. Addam’s actions indicate he fully believes Laenor is his father and I’m sure Alyn believed the same (though since he lived longer, Alyn must’ve realized the truth eventually).
Besides, jumping to the conclusion that Corlys is their father is very far fetched (especially because everyone knows how much Corlys loves his wife...) and it’s only presented as a reasonable possibility AFTER Corlys personally pushes the boys forward as Velaryons.
Before that happened, their father could’ve been any other Valyrian man for all they know. There’s several other Velaryon men residing on Driftmark (apart from Corlys and Laenor): Vaemond, Daeron, Daemion, Malentine, Rhogar, etc. There’s even Targaryens who are also Valyrian (Daemon has been known to frequent the island often). Also, there is the possibility that their father is some sailor from the Free Cities (where Valyrian features are very common) who visited Hull while travelling. Seeing as how their mother refused to name their father, the boys have no way of knowing for certain who it could be.
I think Addam learning that Corlys is his actual father would disorient and devastate him because he seems to have based his identity as a Velaryon around Laenor. Whereas Alyn seems like the type that goes "well of course it's him 😌" and "how dare it be him 😠" at the same time.
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thevelaryons · 2 years ago
The similarities between Corlys and his youngest son are well known, but one underrated parallel that I never see brought up, is their tendency to seek reconciliation rather than drawing out a conflict with their enemies. 
Whatever monarch Corlys serves, his advice always follows the same pattern:
Cognizant of all these threats, Queen Rhaenyra’s Hand, old Lord Corlys Velaryon, suggested to Her Grace that the time had come to talk. He urged the queen to offer pardons to Lords Baratheon, Hightower, and Lannister if they would bend their knees, swear fealty, and offer hostages to the Iron Throne. The Sea Snake proposed to let the Faith take charge of Dowager Queen Alicent and Queen Helaena, so that they might spend the remainder of their lives in prayer and contemplation. Helaena’s daughter, Jaehaera, could be made his own ward, and in due time be married to Prince Aegon the Younger, binding the two halves of House Targaryen together once again.
— Fire & Blood, The Dying of the Dragons: Rhaenyra Triumphant
He wanted pardons not only for himself, but for all those who had fought for Queen Rhaenyra, and demanded further that Aegon the Younger be given Princess Jaehaera’s hand in marriage, so the two of them might jointly be proclaimed King Aegon’s heirs. “The realm has been split asunder,” he said. “We must needs join it back together.”
— Fire & Blood, The Dying of the Dragons: The Short, Sad Reign of Aegon II
Once more it fell to Corlys Velaryon, Lord of the Tides, to plead for peace, pardon, and reconciliation. “The killing has gone on too long,” the old man said.
— Fire & Blood, Aftermath: The Hour of the Wolf
Alyn, following Corlys’ example, also prefers to make peace offerings with former enemies:
Ser Vaemond’s sons Daemion and Daeron took their claim to the council in King’s Landing. When the Hand and the regents ruled against them, they wisely chose to accept the decision and be reconciled with Lord Alyn, who rewarded them with lands on Driftmark on the condition that they contribute ships to his fleet.
— Fire & Blood, Under the Regents: The Hooded Hand
Three of the “silent five” had died during the Dance, fighting for Aegon II against Rhaenyra…but two survived, together with Ser Vaemond’s sons, and all came forward now, insisting that they had more right to Driftmark than “this bastard of Hull, whose mother was a mouse.”
However, the plot to murder their young lord went awry when the guards at Castle Driftmark proved loyal to the Sea Snake’s memory and his chosen heir. Ser Malentine was slain during the attempt; his brother captured. Condemned to death, Ser Rhogar saved his head by taking the black.
— Fire & Blood, Under the Regents: The Hooded Hand
Though never formally constituted as a Great Council, the gathering of the lords in 136 AC was the largest assembly of nobles in the Seven Kingdoms since the Old King had summoned the lords of the realm to Harrenhal in 101 AC. King’s Landing was soon full to the point of bursting, to the delight of the city’s innkeeps, whores, and merchants.
Most of those attending came from the crownlands, the riverlands, the stormlands…and the Vale, where Lord Oakenfist and Bloody Ben Blackwood had at last forced the Gilded Falcon, the Mad Heir, the Bronze Giant, and all their supporters to bend the knee and do homage to Joffrey Arryn as their liege (Gunthor Royce, Quenton Corbray, and Isembard Arryn were amongst those accompanying Lord Alyn to the gathering, along with Lord Arryn himself).
Then up stood Oakenfist, to offer the name of Isembard Arryn, the Gilded Falcon of the Vale.
— Fire & Blood, The Lysene Spring and the End of Regency
Reuniting the different branches of the Velaryon family, allowing his would-be killer to live and join the Night’s Watch instead, granting honors to former rebels as a way to assist the Crown. The Sea Snake would most certainly be proud of his successor. :’)
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