#always wanted to talk about Utonium's past as well
crystallizedday · 1 year
So for the past few weeks, I’ve been fleshing out my “PPG 20 Years Later” AU a bit in my spare time, & I’ve finally decided to share what I have so far with y’all!
Do keep in mind that these are just concepts I may change later & these are all just sketches for the most part, but I’m way too excited about this AU & I’m too lazy to do the line work, so uh
Also, this AU’s based off of the first 4 seasons of the original show, so uh… do keep that in mind too.
Anyway, let’s start off with the designs for the trio.
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Since Blossom’s the most academically smart of the three, I had her be the one to follow her father’s footsteps & becoming a professor, a master of many scientific trades. During that 20 year time skip, Professor Utonium actually created his own research facility, one that Blossom later inherits & runs.
Bubbles is a veterinarian, the best Townsville could ever offer. Being able to speak to & understand any & all animals certainly helped her obtain that title. Her kindness from her childhood is still as strong as ever, evident by how she spends most of her time outside of her job doing community work & generally helping out the city however she can.
Buttercup is Townsville’s star athlete, competing in any & every sport she can schedule. She is far more in control of her own emotions than when she was a child, rarely ever lashing out at anyone who didn’t deserve it. She is a lot more patient & considerate of others than she used to be, & is never afraid to lend a helping hand when needed.
Out of the three, Blossom is the most… well, not okay as she begins to struggle with feelings of self doubt. During one of her more concerning episodes, she created a little A.I. buddy to keep herself more emotionally stable.
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Button was programmed to be very kind & considerate, her primary function being to keep Blossom company & to ensure she did not do anything too… heinous, something Blossom is immensely paranoid of. Button CAN & WILL go beyond her initial programming to try & get Blossom to socialize more often instead of being cooped up in her lab 24/7.
Button is only visible through a particular pair of goggles Blossom created for herself, just to make sure no one else would discover Button’s existence. After all, she didn’t want anyone thinking she’s finally lost it, & she didn’t trust anyone else to know about her dwindling mental & emotional state.
Because therapy is apparently overrated.
Button simply wants the best for Blossom & everyone else in the world, constantly pushing Blossom to focus on inventions that ensure the safety of the people & could help them thrive. However, this clashes with Blossom’s ever-growing desire to do something about the rising crime rates, since Blossom’s solutions for that particular issue tend to be rather extreme, much to Button’s disapproval.
& while Blossom for the most part listens to whatever Button will suggest, her initial trust in Button’s opinions become… skewed, not due to anything Button does in particular, but more so due to Blossom’s dwindling self worth taking…
too much of a toll on her…
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Mojo Jojo is still kicking, just as persistent & petty as ever. & while the city has grown more used to his… questionable acts of villainy or even his genuine practices of his own citizenship, he is still VERY MUCH a threat, his mechs & schemes growing more & more dangerous by the year.
He’s also… incredibly lonely, & will pathetically beg for ANY other villain to hang out with him so he’ll have SOMEONE to talk to for once.
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Princess Morbucks has recently inherited her father’s business, just as Blossom has. She is still very much a brat, but now she no longer needs her father’s permission (for the most part) to throw money at her problems. Despite her criminal record & unlikable attitude, she has become a bit of a celebrity to Townsville & even other neighboring cities. She will almost always use this fame to rag on anyone she pleases, particularly Blossom & the facility she inherited. However, Blossom couldn’t give less of a shit, often leaving Morbucks frustrated with how she can never get a reaction out of her.
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Fuzzy Lumpkins is VERY much retired & spends most of his time in his lil shack, enjoying the quiet & beauty of the luscious forest around him. He surprisingly doesn’t mind visitors nowadays, but he rarely ever speaks. He just likes to listen. Bubbles often visits him from time to time to talk with him, since she worries poor Fuzzy gets rather lonely, & she feels like he doesn’t deserve to feel so lonely.
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Him has gotten quite the transformation over the years. He’s become a little more monstrous now with no pupils & no visible mouth… at least not at first. He doesn’t actually SPEAK with his claws, he simply eats with them. WHAT exactly? Well I’m sure you can figure that one out. His boa has also formed into a sort of tail for him, constantly moving around & such. He rarely ever leaves his own dimension, only ever bringing certain mortals into his world either for his own entertainment or as a snack. Thus, it’s a lot harder to really deal with him.
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The Amoeba Boys are NOT the same characters as the ORIGINAL idiotic Amoeba Boys. Instead, they are mitosis-created descendants of what has essentially become a sort of mafia-esque family, with three of them getting the originals’ hats as a sign of “passing on the torch”. Unfortunately, the youngest one’s hat had become far too torn & tattered throughout the years, so all that the little guy’s left with is a hat they stole at some convenience store one day.
With how fast they’ve been multiplying for the past few years, it might not be long until they’re eventually taken care of for good to prevent them from taking over Townsville with their sheer numbers ALONE.
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Sedusa has long since retired from her criminal ways, now settling down as a still-single woman (cause, let’s face it, she may be hot, but no one in Townsville wants to share their bank account with this woman) just trying to keep herself beautiful.
She’s cranky, irritable, & even the mere mention of the PPG gets her in a bad mood after all the shit they’ve done to her. All she wants nowadays is to be left alone to live her life without being accused of a crime she didn’t commit… which happens a lot on a count of she used to be a master of disguise & all.
Or at least a few of them, because I am reaching the image limit for this post & I haven’t fleshed out too many citizens yet.
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While I am not COMPLETELY sure about this one, I am thinking Miss Bellum probably stepped up to be mayor once the OLD mayor… well… yeah.
She didn’t necessarily WANT to, feeling like she didn’t really deserve to be the mayor (showing that, despite how she knew of the old mayor’s incompetence, she still cared for & respected him very much), but Townsville quite liked her & how much she’s helped the city over the years, so she was encouraged into this position. Her competence has greatly helped Townsville stay afloat, & her own combat skills means she can handle almost any attempts to harm her or take her hostage without the need to call for aid.
Y’all remember Mr. Green from the Chris Savino seasons of the original series?
Well, while I have my fair share of problems with that episode, I decided to not waste the potential of this character & use him as the basis for a bit of an oc of mine…
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Miss Keane is still a kindergarten teacher, but she often still keeps contact with the PPG to see how they’re all doing. She’s even sweeter than she used to be 20 years ago, & every kid in Townsville absolutely adores her for it.
However, at some point, she met a certain someone, a fellow teacher. On account of the green skin, unnaturally white hair, & the horns, this guy was most likely from Monster Isle, where all the monsters that attack Townsville are from. It’s odd how he’s more humanly proportioned & it HAS raised a few eyebrows considering this isn’t what monsters are usually known for, but Miss Keane didn’t care.
She saw how sweet & considerate he was & eventually fell in love with him, the two being married for a good few years now. This as well as a few other accounts of Townsville civilians showing some compassion & humanity towards other “monsters” has recently resulted in a sort of shift of attitude towards monsters in general, even if tensions between the two sides are still rather high.
So uh
Meet Mr. Oliver Tilia!
A play on both the word “Reptilia” as well as the tilia genus, which (during my brief research on it) can be found in some species of trees & bushes! This’ll make sense in another post.
So uh…
That’s pretty much what I got so far!
Imma make a reblog of this to showcase some other sketches of mine to further flesh out this AU, but this shall be the main post about it!
I hope y’all enjoy this AU!
& hopefully I’ll get a better name for it soon JWIWKWKCKSKDL
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evcrythingnice · 2 years
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full name → bria angelina maldonado utonium  current age → twenty two faceclaim → lizeth selene adopted daughter of → brynne utonium powers/abilities → weather manipulation, telekinesis, genius intelligence and photographic memory, skilled chemist, multilingual pronouns → she / they
— they are described to be ;
+ outgoing, social, confident - impulsive, stubborn, self-involved
— biography ; tw - we’re talking about making kids in labs  
bria maldonado’s earliest memories took place in the heart of mexico city, in a little house transformed into a group home for kids just like them. it was labeled as five suns orphanage, but bria learned pretty young that kids with powers - kids who were different - they didn’t typically get adopted. kids here just stuck around until they aged out of the system.
but that was okay because at least bria was growing up with people who were going through the same kind of learning processes they were. 
bryson arrived soon after bria did - she was four at the time - and she soon refused to go anywhere without him. from their earliest years at the orphanage to even their safest moments as they adjusted in elias - as utoniums - she had a hard time leaving him out of her sight. bryson was the first person to show bria concern for their well-being, teaching them that these powers they possess can be great or horrible depending on how you use them. it was such a big lesson to learn so young, but to this day - bria’s older brother is their moral compass, even if they don’t always listen to it.
when bria and bryson were adopted, bria quickly grew fond of her auntie trix. while they loved chemistry, and bonded with the professor over that, bria spent her formative years wanting to be like beatrix. it influenced their style, their demeanor, and even the types of music they listened to. so it made sense, when bria got themself in a bit of a bind last year - that was exactly who they called. 
— the past year ;
bria had gotten bold in a very short time when it came to their knowledge and ability in chemistry. ever since meeting the professor and discovering he was a scientist, bria had glued herself to him and demanded he teach them everything he knew. in his old age, professor utonium reminisced about his time as a young scientist in his experiment era with this braggart sort of air about him - the time in his life that created bria’s mother and favorite aunties. he made it sound like it was easy for people who were as intelligent as they were to do what he did all those years ago, especially with how much technology had evolved since then. it made bria want to try just to see if they could. maybe that the experiment could be used to help with tedious tasks bria didn’t have time to prioritize - things like laundry and chores and writing research papers. 
and try she fucking did, hardly even thinking about what they would do if they succeeded. she compiled research in secret for three years, subtly picking at the professor for information by feigning interest in his glory days. on their twenty first birthday, bria had finally collected enough data to confidently compile a recipe and attempt their first experiment. 
their twenty first birthday. on june 21st, 2021. 
and then she met una-julie. well - she created una-julie with the idea that if her grandfather and uncle donnie could make people in a lab, it couldn’t be that fucking hard. the original idea was to make a kid - research seemed to think that would be easier - but for some reason or another ( overshot or, perhaps, even the date ) out came a full fledged 21 year old - same age as bria.
even smarter, too.
not knowing what to do, or how to explain to her family that there was a new person in the house, bria called their auntie trix who quickly agreed to take una-julie in while they sorted it out. and apparently that time was now - because over a year later, una-julie was leaving townsville and moving in with bria for the next month. apparently, auntie believes she needs to socialize.
just in time for term paper season. 
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wayystey · 1 year
Pairing Naruto x Harem
Pairing Naruto x Harem
Story starts
"The city of Townville is the home of the first superheroes The PowerPuff Girls but they were not the first hero to save Townville ", said the Narrator. A tall stranger with long blond hair, cold blue eyes, and three whiskers on each cheek, His name is Naruto Utonium the son of Professor Utonium and soon to be husband of the beautiful Ms. Sara Bellum.
As he was walk through Townville to see his father after so long he see three blurs of blue, green , and a mix of red and pink flying through the sky so he go to see what it is because he thought that all crime of Townville was gone after he left to go on his journey through the world. Then he turns a corner to see the powerpuff girls fighting Mojo jojo in his giant robot now he now the city is in good hands after the fight he wants to congratulate them on a job well done but he though he do it later .
As he got on the Pokey oak street he sees a big white house with 3 big windows and as he walks up to the red door as he was about to knock on the door a red blur tackle him crying in his chest it was his soon to be wife Ms. Sara Bellum. Then Naruto started to rub the back of her head to calm her down so he picks her up bridal style in to the house to have a very long talk.
"Shh its okay I home now honey", said Naruto in a caring voice but unknown to him there were others from his past coming back to find him. "Uhm", said the Professor as he want to welcome him home from is long journey around the world and he couldn't wait to tell Naruto that he was three younger sister that are superheroes just like their brother.
But lurking in the shadow was Ms. Keene who has had a crash on Naruto since pre-school but she is not the only one who loves him along with her is Sedusa and Femme fatale. lean in to see if was really him but then she lean in too far and fell on her face then the professor and Naruto who holds the now asleep . "April Keene is that you' "How are you it's been too long ", said an excited Naruto trying not to drop Sara. Ms. Keene was surprised that he remembers her after 15th years since the day he made his promise.
Flashback 15 years ago
There were four people who were crying and trying to the man they love from leaving them forever but to the veil they couldn't stop him from following to his destiny. But how could they even if they are in love with him. But who are these people. They are Naruto Utonium who was trying to leave but he was being held back by Sara Bellum, , Sedusa, and Femme fatale as they were trying to hold him back.
"Why are all of you trying to stop me from leave", asked a questionable Naruto because Naruto is like his father when it came to the opposite sex. Then they replied back "Because we love you ", they said in unison. That made Naruto stop in his tracks as hear those words from them, he through it was a dream so Naruto slapped himself to see if he was dreaming but he wasn't because he felt the pain from the slap.
Then he turns to them and said, "You love me but how and why". As turn away with a painful look that in his eyes and the girls could see it and they all knew why it was there so they turn away so he couldn't see it. Then Keene said," We have always have love you and not as a crush but love at first sight love". Next was Sara Belllum to speak and said," But we were always afraid to tell you are true feelings and what you might say". Naruto was thinking on what too said because his best friends were telling him that they love. What will he do now then it hit him that his feelings that he have for it was love too. "Girls I promise to return to you all in 15 years from now okay and it's a promise of a lifetime.
The Girls were happy that returns his feeling of his love and that he will return to them safely. That day ask them all to marry him when he returns to them and they all said yes they would love to marry him.
End of Flashback
Naruto smiled at that memory but he still needed to find Sedusa and Femme Fatale and give them their rings. But where was he going two wedding rings before they Sedusa and Femme Fatale find him before he could think more a blue blur ran right in to him and what he could see the blur was a little girl with blonde twin pony tails. Then two more blur came thought the door it was Blooms and buttercup and the one on Naruto chest was bubbles. Then Naruto said "Dad who are the little girls and why do they the same powers I do?"
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miutonium · 3 years
💋 🐞 🍅 🛏️ 🎃 🗺️ 💜
Oof this one is longggg, i decided to put an undercut cuz i really went ham on this one 😩😩😩😩
💋 - Give us a kiss headcanon!
Kissing hc is so in rn lol I have answered it here and here
But i need to answer it again because I love it ;w;
Utonium loves any kisses, cheek kisses, nose kisses. He is very affectionate and he loves it when he gets his affection being returned. However, one of the spots that Chloe cant kiss is his ears. His ears are very delicate and happens to be one of his soft spots. If she kisses them or just brush over it, it will drive him insane. His legs will turn jello. Proceed with caution when it comes to his ears.
🐞 - What makes your f/o squirm?
Canonically, he doesn't like spiders. Spider grosses him out, maybe because its hairy? Or it has multiple legs? That makes him squirmy.
🍅 - What makes your f/o blush?
I also answered it here too if you wanna read :3
Anyway, like I said previously, he gets flustered so easily, Chloe doesnt really have to do anything. I feel that Utonium doesn't get compliment enough other than for his work. He doesn't find himself to be attractive so he still finds himself lucky that Chloe wants to date him lol.
Utonium is pretty clean cut, he wears the same clothes everyday so it doesnt mess up his routine. When Chloe compliments him and tells him how handsome he looked today, he thought she messed around yet he still blushes because he doesn't get that often. Chloe did really mean it though, she does finds him to be handsome and would point out what looked different that day (maybe he wears different ties or cologne? Or maybe he combs and gelled his hair the other position that day? Normal people couldnt spot it but Chloe could lol).
Either way, complimenting him is a sure way to make him blush :3
🛏️ - Give us a sleep-related headcanon!
Ooh I answered this before too but hhh its cute so i want to add more
Just like his clothes, he also has specific pjs he wears to sleep. His pjs are actually custom made and quite expensive. It's made of silk and fine cotton. Its very soft to the touch and on his skin. He couldn't go to bed if he doesn't wear those pjs. Although, usually he would fall asleep on his table while doing his work and finishing his new papers, before he started dating of course. He falls asleep while doing work less now and goes to bed earlier than before since Chloe moved in. She tries to make sure he gets enough sleep ;w;
🎃 - You and your f/o are going to a costume party! What do you both dress up as?
I made them wear this for halloween before hhhh
But other than that, I can see Utonium dressed up as a mad scientist or a mummy while Chloe would dress up as a Nurse or a cat girl.
But if you meant like out of season halloween costume party, I will make them wear animal onesies because it doesnt need that much effort for both of them lol.
🗺️ - If you could go anywhere with your f/o, where would you go?
I really like the thought of both of them travelling to Asia. Maybe because I am Asian but also I feel that both of them would enjoy it here. Utonium loves learning about other cultures while Chloe loves to try new things and she loves food too.
Bali, Indonesia seems like an ideal place for them, despite it being quite a tourist trap place? The food is great, there's tons of fun stuff to do there and it's actually quite cheap???
The other place I can imagine them travelling is Malaysia. Maybe its because I live there but also if I look through a tourist's eyes, it's quite an ideal place to go if anyone wants to go for a holiday without spending so much money. They can simply travel to all states in 1 week or just Penang and K.Lumpur in those 1 week as well. There's a lot of fun stuff to do, they can visit various parks and museums and its easy to travel since our public transport in those two states are kinda good? Not to mention the food here is absolutely amazing and cheap for them to try and we have tons of food stalls that opens until late at night lol.
ALSO AAAAA I think he will enjoy one of the science museum here, because I do love them??? There's a place called Petrosains here and each exhibition has themes (space, prehistoric times, physics, etc). Utonium would definitely feel like a kid there because they have machines you can try out to simulate what it feels like to be in various situation like I remember theres a chamber where it simulates how it feels to be on mars and deal with the wind speed there? And I also remember walking with zero gravity pants??? Amazing
Why the fuck am I promoting my own country for free???? Anyway Utonium hmu if you need a tourist guide here 😎
💜 - Free space! Tell us a random headcanon you have for your f/o.
Kinda cute and angsty? Idk. Anyway, i hc'd that Utonium were married before he met Chloe a few years later.
I have kind of a backstory for his ex-wife? Her name was Judith and she goes by the name of Judy.
He met his ex-wife at a pharmacy she works at (she's a pharmacist). He was around his late 20s at that time and is interning at a lab downtown. He would go there quite often to get a restock of antibiotic creams, bandages and plasters because he injures himself quite frequently. He would walk in with a fresh bandages each time and it baffles her because she doesn't understand how someone can be that wreckless to get themselves injured and even more so that his company didnt have any first aid kits in their office (They actually do, Utonium goes through all of the supplies so quickly, he opted to buy for his own in the end because he doesnt want to get embarassed lol). She wouldn't be surprise if he walks in with crutches one day.
Anyway, around that time, I imagine that Utonium is not the same as canon Utonium in classic ppg? He's much more anxious around girls and gets nervous when he sees any pretty girls talking to him. And the same goes to when he sees his first wife as well. He froze up when Judy asked if he needs any help and despite his reaction, she still would help him get what he needs. Although, his visits became frequent to the point it starts to worry her and she ended up asking for his phone number just so she could ask about his condition from time to time. And turns out they have the same interest and those check up calls became normal phone calls before they decided to go on a date months after they met. And then they started dating before he proposed to her 2 years later.
They were married for 3 years, both of them were in love but they wanted kids, Utonium wanted kids very badly. They tried conceiving a baby but all attempts failed. They went to the fertility clinic and there were no issue at all yet they still couldn't have a child and it stresses both of them. One day, they had a big argument about it. He suggested that they should adopt a child but she doesn't want to and insist on keep trying again and again. But, Utonium blurted out that its no use when they tried and exhausted all of the options to get her pregnant, including going to the clinics which made his wife furious that he dares to accuse her to not being fertile enough and so she stormed out of their house. She took his car keys and drove away not knowing that was the last time he seen her alive before she got involved in a fatal car crash. Utonium fully blamed himself for putting so much pressure on her and let his anger stopped him from trying to make his wife walked out of their door and he stayed single for a while, trying to dedicate his life to work and trying to forget that he wanted a family since he crushed that chance and cost someone he deared very much their own life.
However, I feel that he still wanted to be a father. I find him to be very pure and gopeful, I dont think his spirit is too crushed, he still wanted kids so he could raise them and teach them to be good people for the town, because the town has too many bad people his wife said, the town needs more good people like him. He has considered adoption but the system isn't very kind to single men wanting to have kids without a mother. So I like to pretend that's one of the reason why he ended up creating his girls too.
I honestly can go on forever about his past tbh lol he deserves more backstory ahhhh
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thewritingstar · 4 years
Falling Back to You
Pairing: Blossick (Blossom x Brick, Reds)
Fandom: The Powerpuff Girls
Soft, sweet reds because I've been feeling angsty lately and needed a breather lol. Sorry to everyone who follows me for other fandoms, I promise Ill write more for FT (you can always leave asks lol)
Tag List: @over-under-through1 @shellielyzabeth (if you want to be on my tag list, you can find the post or dm me)
I hope you enjoy. This has been sitting in my drafts for a few months and decided to just finish it lol. 
“I’m surprised you don’t have your hat on.” A voice came from behind him. But not just any voice. The moment the first word left those lips, the hair on his neck stood up and sent a familiar chill down his back. It was a voice that he knew well, could distinguish in a crowd of a thousand voices, it was the equivalent of his favorite song or the taste of the sweetest thing to melt in your mouth.
“Blossom.” He said under his breath but her super hearing picked it up.
She thought she was prepared to see him, after all its been two years. That’s enough time to heal, right? But she prayed that he didn’t hear the small gasp that escaped her lips as he turned. That crisp dark red suit fit him like a glove and she spotted him from a mile away in that signature color. He looked good in red.
“Hi.” She managed to say smoothly as he took a step towards her. 
“What are you doing here?” He asked with a reluctant tone. It was only the most important night of his life. The one where he would be promoted to the head of the department, the one he busted his ass off from the ground up. Not to mention an award for a case he worked on last year. 
She shrugged and bit her lip. “My boss is here and I have to write a report for him.” Then added. “And I wasn’t going to miss the achievement you have been talking about for literal years.” She said shyly. “I promised after all.” 
And she did. Back when they had dated all those years ago. Blossom was by his side as he worked from being an assistant at the law firm to one of the most promising lawyers, and now the highest ranked lawyer, but she missed the last part. Unfortunately. 
He studied his ass off and she did too, both of them determined to outshine anyone in their paths, maybe that why they chose different companies. They had traded their childhood rivalry for a path of lust and love, a simple competition would not be throwing them down that path. In fact their jobs were the reason they weren’t together.
“You remembered.” He said under his breath. She heard it, of course. 
She tapped her foot and looked around before giving a puzzling look. “Wheres Jasmine?” It pained her to ask. 
Jasmine. Oh yes, his girlfriend who couldn’t be bothered to celebrate to most important time of his career. Or rather, ex girlfriend, As of last night where he found her with another man. 
“Not my girlfriend.” He simply stated as she nodded before taking a sip of her drink. 
It must have been good if she brought it to her lips. Blossom loved a good cocktail but if it was hard liquor, she required top shelf, something he admired. He was like that too and was the reason she only drank the highest quality. 
“What about Tyson?” 
Her eyebrows shot up in surprise. “Not my boyfriend.” She said bitterly and he didn’t know why he was happy about it. “Cheated on me for a blonde.” Her glass was on the verge of cracking before she smoothed out her dress. “Typical.” 
He hummed in agreement. There was a feeling of anger running through him as he thought about any man hurting Blossom, sure he hurt her too but nothing like that. No their fight was different, it was a fight about whats best for both of them. 
They had just under an hour before the cermony started. He didn’t want to bother being inside socailzing with a bunch of random people and he had a feeling she didn’t either. The wide open hallway was becoming stuffy and he could see a trio of men walking their way and knew Blossom would become the talking point. 
Before Brick could turn them the other way, the men were already there. 
“Brick.” The tall one spat. 
“Landon.” Brick matched his tone. What a dumb name he thought. 
Landon turned and did not bother to hide the fact that he was checking out Blossom. Of course he was. Even in her simple black cocktail dress that screamed sophistication, she was a walking dream. 
“And you are?” He gave her a smirk that could charm anyone, expcet for Blossom of course. 
Brick was pracitcally smiling as Blossom shook his hand. He knew she wouldn’t take his bait. 
“Blossom Utonium. Head of corrupt affairs at Duchess Law.” She started with what Brick likes to call her “Miss Business voice”. 
Landon smirked. “Duchess Law? Someones a smart cookie.” He winked. 
The other men behind him agreed and Blossom held her tounge. She hated being patronized or looked down on. He should be thanking the lucky stars that he’s even in her presence.
Brick could tell she was annoyed and wrapped his arm around her waist before looking at Landon. “She makes more money than all three of you combine and actally can win a case so show some repect.” He spat and he turned them around towards the back doors that led to the garden space. 
The feeling of having his arm around her sent a spark through her body. At first it felt foreign but the memories came rolling in waves as they walked.
“I could handle myself.” She stated and he hid his laugh.
“I know, but you won’t because of your repuation. I for one don’t care about mine that much.”
“Or maybe its because you still care.” She teased as she sat on the stone bench with him. 
He was about to response but his phone began to ring. He wanted to ignore it but Blossom probably would say something about it. 
“Its Butch.” He said before trying to put it back into his pocket. 
“You should anwser it. I’m sure he’s wanting to wish his brother well.”
He huffed and anwsered on the final ring. 
“Hey quick question. Do you think that I would win in a fight against Thanos?” 
Brick only shook his head.
“Its serious cause Buttercup doesn’t think so but I could take him for sure.” 
Blossom was holding a hand to her mouth as the guy kept going on about the stupid question. 
“Oh shit dude, tonights your night!”
“Yes it is now Imma hang up now.”
“Brick be nice.”
“Wait a minute bro. Is that Miss Blossom with you?”
“Yes because shes the only one who bothered to care.”
“Hey you’re the one who said not to come. Anyways tell her I said hi and that you two should totally get back together because you kept going on and on about how you missed her and leaving her was the worst choice you made-” The line cut dead and the phone was shoved in his pocket. 
“Hes stupid.” He mumbled and Blossom drank the rest of her drink. 
“Hes not wrong.”
He turned towards her and gazed silently. She was just as he remembered. Gorgeous and graceful and even without a word spoken, she could command a room. He admired her greatly and she felt the same. 
“Brick, can we just skip all of it?” She asked softly. 
“I’ve kinda been looking forward to my award.”
“No, not this.” She gestured to the building. “But this.” She pointed between them. 
“Skip what?”
“Oh I don’t know, the drama of it all? Because if we don’t confess now we are going to waste so much time running after each other and I-I dont want to waste time.” She looked down at her shoes. A sad sigh leaving her lips. “I just miss you.” 
The confession surprised him. They were both forward people who never beat around the bush but when it came to their feelings between them, they had always been shy. Boomer and Bubbles were easy to confess and even Butch and Buttercup seemed to have it together but for them, it felt impossible sometimes.
No matter where he turned, she was there. They had always crossed paths like star-crossed lovers and it was as if the universe was constantly pulling them together and they had tried. They really did. 
Perhaps the timing wasn’t enough or their pride had stood in the way. they never meant to fall apart the way they did but when the other side of the bed was empty, those walls they held up became transparent and it only took a mere few seconds to see what they had lost. 
But he understood what she meant. They both knew that if anything were to happen between them tonight it would start a snowball effect that everyone was tired of seeing. Over and over they would fall in line and build each other up before something came between them and pulled them apart. 
He wanted to get past all the hurdles of playing cat and mouse until on of them caved and said their feelings. But her saying she missed him wasn’t her caving, she was just tired and so was he.
They had been young when they had fallen in love. The rules of life tossing them into a sea of doubt but now they were adults who knew the game and could easily avoid anything in their paths, except each other. 
His hand slid over hers. “I missed you too.”
She smiled softly before her hand rested on his cheek. “I’m really proud of you Brick, you’ve come along way.” 
“I’m just happy you got to see it.” He whispered before his lips touched hers with a fire they both had missed. 
A swirl of fire and ice that only they knew. No matter how much life decided to pull them apart or change the course, he would always find himself coming back to her. 
The kiss didn’t last as long as he would have liked but seeing the faint blush on her cheeks made it all worth it. 
“What are you doing later?” He asked as he helped her up from the bench. 
“I was going to get take out and sit in my hotel room watching movies.” 
Brick leaned over to fix the bow in her hair, taking the time to have her close. “I don’t suppose you would accept any company?” He winked before kissing the back of her hand and handing her the red purse.
“I think I can make an exception.” She winked and he had never thought she had looked more stunning. 
She took his hand, their palms resting naturally together, before walking back to the ceremony, where he would leave with not only his award but the woman he had loved for years and years. 
was the ending lazy? yes. do I care, only a little bit. Lol. I’ve had a really off day so I hope this is good.
Hope you enjoyed :) 
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icanbehardcore · 4 years
Top 10 WORST Powerpuff Girls Episodes
For a long time, I have been wanting to make a project resembling a countdown list, being inspired by the likes of @umbramagna777​, @phantomstrider​ and even the Nostalgia Critic. After some considerate years, I have finally decided to make a list based on my all time favorite show The Powerpuff Girls.
Cartoon Network's breakaway hit of the late 90s and early to mid 00s starring three adorable, precocious little kindergartners with superpowers was a cultural phenomenon. Spawning hundreds and thousands of merchandise, a theatrical film, several TV specials, an anime and a reboot, it's unbelievable that a cartoon with an all female lead would become an icon in the cartoon industry.
Created by Craig McCracken fresh off two pilots in the "What A Cartoon" shorts and evolving from the earliest incarnation "Whoopass Stew", The Powerpuff Girls became the highest rated cartoon debut at the time. Critics praised this show for being so unique, entertaining, epic, action packed and nothing like anything else at the time, but most of all, this show was very, very funny.
But that doesn't mean this show gets all the glory and praise 100% per episode, like every television show, there will always be flaws and bad episodes and, the Powerpuff Girls is no exception when it comes to rotten entries in the line-up.
Whether you like these episodes or not, remember to respect each other's opinions, including mine. If you like these episodes, that's great, you're more than welcome to have your say, but be nice.
I am only counting down episodes from the ORIGINAL series, this won't include the movie, the anime, the Dance Pansted special, The tenth anniversary special, the christmas special or especially the reboot.
Mixing either of these up would be one big mess and would derail my points of view. With that being said, let's begin.
NOTE: Spoiler alert ahead.
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 10. Keen on Keane   This episode was a new era for the original show, it had a new art style which was first introduced in the movie. So if you hadn't seen it, you would have had to get use to this new art style before getting puzzled or confused.
Unfortunately, these episodes were somewhat mediocre and after 2002, show creator Craig McCracken left the show to Chris Savino, so he could work on Foster's Home for Imaginery Friends. Usually when this happens, that's a sign of a show losing it's...err...Mojo. No pun intended. For a first of this newly animated version of the show, this episode is just ...well...sappy.  
So what's the story: It's Valentines Day...oh boy, what a way to start the new era of an already great show. I am NOT a fan of this holiday whether I'm taken or not. I prefer to keep romance and affection personal.
While receiving various little Valentines from her beloved students, Ms. Keane gets the one simple innocent question asked by the girls: "Where are you going out tonight?" and "Who's your sweetheart?" (don't you just love precocious little questions coming from kindergartners). Ms. Keane explains to the girls that she doesn't have time for going out on dates and is too busy for that sort of thing, this leaves the girls slightly worried, knowing she may be lonely and in need of a significant other half.
Later that evening, the girls are all at dinner with the Professor whose attention prompts the innocent, curious little question from an inquisitive Blossom "Why aren't you going out, tonight?".
Personally, if he WAS going out, he may need to hire a babysitter for the girls and knowing the Professor, he may end up calling someone but being delayed or on hold due to everybody with their arms round each other, making googoo eyes and lip wrestling all evening as they bask into their romance.
Anyway, the Professor tells the girls that HE doesn't have time for dates or going out, nor does he have a sweetheart...(hope he hasn't forgotten the events a long time ago when meeting Ima Goodlady who turned out to be using him and was revealed to be Sedusa).
On hearing this, the girls trade rather sly and calculating looks to each other, a plan has hit them. If their father isn't going out and doesn't have a sweetheart and Ms Keane doesn't have a sweetheart, why not get them together for date?
At Ms. Keane's place, she is busy grading homework. On hearing the doorbell ring, she goes to answer the door only to recieve a love letter from a secret admirer and a rose. Oh bittersweet cliches...
Round the same time, the Professor too recieves an identical love letter from a secret admirer (by the way, I do love how he recieves a red rose and Ms Keane recieves a pink rose).  The two admirers meet at "Petes-A Pizza", an obvious parody to Chuck E Cheese, you can just feel how out of place these two are.
Not to hurt each others feelings, the two adults try to strike a conversation, but seem to show no interest in each other, all they can do is slap on a plastic smile each.
As they try to communicate and interact more and order, Ms. Keane suddenly forces a hearty little smile, stunning and questioning the Professor. As she tells him to look behind him, he sees that his own daughters are hiding in the large ball tank, this catches on as both Ms Keane and Professor Utonium have realized that they had been set up.
Unfortunately, the evening was unsuccessful and the Professor offers his date a ride home with three dejected little girls in the back. Their high hopes sunk to the bottom, gone down like a ship, but the Professor tells them if they did end up going out, then he wouldn't have enough time to spend with his own daughters. As he walks her to her door, Ms. Keane trips on a crack, the Professor immediately dashes forward to catch her. After bewilderment and indecision on what to do next, Ms Keane and the Professor's hearts become intertwine. As they stand up straight, they both share a nervous laugh while blushing (by the way, I find this scene amazingly cute, I mean...the Professor here is just...OMG, how can you not just want to reach out and dive into his arms...ahem...).  Finally,  they hold hands and are somehow...in love. Also note this is the only time in the episode where they see each other  face to face. Feeling accomplished, the girls smile knowing that their mission is complete . The following morning, the girls notice that not everything is all hunky-dory! Now having a significant other half, the Professor neglects his family duties and lab work and Ms Keane neglecting her school duties and even forgetting to feed her cat. Why? Because the two most important role models in the girls' lives are now sickeningly sweethearts talking to each other endlessly on the phone together, complete with EVERY single sentence ending with a mushy pet name. And you know what? It's really degrading! Also that phonebill must be really expensive by now,
Because of the neglection, the girls don't know what crimes are being caused....seriously, not even watching the news? Also, doesn't Ms Bellum have a light for a signal? Why couldn't she  just set that up in the sky for them?
But no! Instead, Sara Bellum gets kidnapped while the conversation continues until the Mayor sneezes, causing the couple to realize that they were holding up phoneline and neglecting their duties, including feeding the cat. This upsets the Professor and complains about the past event where a cat made him jump off a building which somehow, Ms Keane doesn't believe and causes them both to suddenly break up. Hmm...like every other couple today right? Okay that was bad.
Overall, this was a weak episode with no crime fighting at all and for a new start of upgraded animation, this was pretty bad. Especially being a Valentines themed episode.
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9. City of Clipsville  I ought to let you know that seasons five and six sucked. Big time and this episode is no exception. I am not much of a fan of clip shows and this one was really weak, lame and the repetitive dialogue is as entertaining as a stale book made for toddlers. "Remember when Mojo Jojo turned us into dogs?"...umm...yeah? There's like two episodes with pretty much the same chunks of animation of it and it doesn't help that they referenced BOTH episodes! Also, did we really want to be reminded of some of the more mediocre episodes?
Mind you, most of these little trips down memory lane never happened. These include The Professor marrying Ms Bellum...for some reason, the girls losing their superpowers without realizing until they fall off a building...the Professor turning the girls AND all of Townsville's citizens into helpless infants...(no, seriously...make way for cliche'd moments whenever a baby is in a cartoon, which I'll get to later), complete with Blossom spitting up over the Professor's shoulder.
BUT the most most shameful fan-service cringe-worthy moment would have to be a quote on quote flashback of when the girls sped up time and became teenagers. Oh my god! Just...yeah. Complete with their midriff showing, slender figures, skinny jeans and stereotypical valley girl accents and mannerisms such as blowing bubble gum talking on their cellphones and ...discovering boys, teenage boys...in this case, the Rowdyruff Boys.
Yeah...remember when I said that the whole counterpart thing is a drag, well they do it here too. But this time, they are somewhat getting along, yet the girls are ditzier. I do love some of the hidden innuendos snuck in this scene visually and audibly.
Besides this episode being a weak one, I do admit that I like how the girls looked as teenagers, a bit two fan-service material-esque but still cute. I love how Bubbles still kept her pigtails in, but are a little longer, Blossom's red hair still makes me jealous *seriously...) and Buttercup growing out that little bob, it suits her.
Of course, I can't mention this scene without the fact that it was a reference to Craig McCracken's fan mail he was  receiving from fans about what would happen if the girls and boys were couples. He hated the idea so he decided to poke fun at this little trope.
Interestingly, there was going to be a scene that never made it, but there were storyboards lying around of the teenage girls becoming popstars...obviously a reference to the likes of Mandy Moore, Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera and other teen idols, maybe even the lesser known band that have since broke up, No Secrets.
The episode gets more stupid as everyone somehow ends up in the house until the episode ends which turns out to be filmed in front of a "live audience". Yeah, just...weak.
If you do like this episode, that's great, it does have a few funny moments but I still feel like it's just another cheap bland clip show.  
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8. Neighbor Hood Good god was this episode lame? The moral was a good one I will admit, but first, the story...Bubbles rushes home from school in time to watch her favorite show: The Wondrous World of Whimsical Willy. Mr. Willy being the host of the show (and an obvious parody of Mr, Rogers) greets his audience warmly, at first, he seems like the typical friendly, harmless, yet unsettling kind of person on a kid's show. He never snaps, he's calm and mellow. But when Daydream Lane loses all of the happiness and joy, Mr Willy asks his audience to hand over all of their cash to him so they don't lose hope.
Being naive and simple, not wanting the show to fall flat with misery, Bubbles somehow breaks into the town hall and takes off with the money in the Mayor's vault and hands it over to Mr Willy and the rest of the crew on set. By the way, the Mayor also donated...yeah, he's a man child. lol
Meanwhile, back at home, after getting a phone call from the Mayor, Buttercup and Blossom notice their sister live on TV with a huge bag of money, thanking Bubbles, Mr Willy and his gang celebrate until Bubbles' sisters barge in telling Mr Willy to literally drop his act.
Sweaty and nervous, Mr Willy finally snaps and reveals his true plan to steal all of the money of Townsville, showing his true colors at last. Bubbles demands an explanation and tells her sisters that Mr. Willy isn't a crook, he just needed the money to help save Daydream Lane. Blossom isn't buying it and tells Bubbles that none of this is real and that the whole set is just canvas painted with scenery and backgrounds and the crew are all crooks in costume.
Now shocked and realizing she had been conned along with the rest of the those who donated, Bubbles loses faith in Mr Willy and the show and even refuses to save his fall. In case you might guess, Mr Willy is arrested and thrown in prison and Bubbles apologizes for her foolish act and also that she shouldn't believe on what she sees on television. In a way, this is a great moral for kids, especially when the main cast are kindergartners, but come on, the girls are more precocious than this, they are better than this. This is basically a weaker version of Film Flam.
This episode is really unsettling for many reasons.  Mr Willy asking for donations from little kids, isn't that a little creepy and somewhat makes him a pedophile? But to go as far as flying all the way to the set on your own and revealing the stolen cash is even more risky and dangerous.
I have read something interesting here from the PPG wikia, this episode was based real-life events in a 1965 New Year incident where Soupy Sales, miffed at having to work on the holiday, ended his live broadcast by encouraging his young viewers to tiptoe into their still-sleeping parents' bedrooms and remove those "funny green pieces of paper with pictures of U.S. Presidents" from their pants and pocketbooks. "Put them in an envelope and mail them to me," Soupy instructed the children. "And I'll send you a postcard from Puerto Rico!" He was then hit with a pie. He later admitted that he was joking and that the money would be donated to a charity, but Sales was negatively affected by the incident.
Also I learned that this episode was actually written back in 1999 as a season 2 episode, but was scrapped since the staff feared a lawsuit from PBS, so instead the story was given to DC Comics named Remote Controlled. The story was much better and less mediocre compared to this one. It's such a downfall when a great cartoon runs it's course and episodes that were originally written for the comics suddenly have elements thrown onto the screen and never live up to how they could have been.
There's something else I would like to point out here. I saw this comment on the PPG wikia by a user named Crossoverfan4ever and he pointed out that Bubbles commited a crime and got away with it, and did she get punished? Of course not, because she's, cute, innocent adorable, precious, sweet little Bubbles who can probably get away with murder if she tried.
So...in A Very Special Blossom, Blossom steals a rather valuable set of golf clubs and gets punished for it with 200 hours of community service, yet the Professor asks the cops to go easy on her and she's also sorry (seriously, you can feel her sorrow in her voice and that face just says it all).
In the fan-loathing controversial episode Moral Decay, Buttercup commits a crime by breaking into the local villains homes and steals their teeth for money from the "tooth fairy" after already beating up crooks for committing crimes. Her punishment: Ambushed by her worst enemies as her sisters sadistically watch her get beat up (note that Buttercup is a little girl, so can you imagine the pain inflicted on her?). Going back to Neighbor Hood, yeah, it's bad. One of season five's worst.
7. Crazy Mixed-Up Puffs
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Season six was definitely the weakest link in the original show's run, so in a way, it's a breath of fresh air when McCracken and Savino declined a season seven from Cartoon Network (much to the disappointment to the fans).
CMUP just made way for some really weak points in writing and character development and derailment. Whichever one, even my feelings for this are mixed up...or mesed up. Whatever!  
In this episode, Mojo Jojo is watching old clips of the past fights and battles he has had with the girls and soon stops for an ice cream break. Unforunately, a little girl is in front of him and he deters her. As Mojo orders his three scoops (which happen to resemble the signature colors of the Powerpuff Girls), the little girl throws her ball at him, causing him to drop the ice cream onto the floor. As it does, Mojo gets an idea.
Mojo then goes home to his lair and creates a dummy of a girl calling for help, attracting attention from the Powerpuff Girls, they fly over to save her and are immediately caught in his trap.
The machine swirls the girls together, fusing them all into one and because of this, the girls find it hard to fly, spin and even keep their own balance, not to mention worsening their arguments every single time. It's really unpleasant to watch.
From here, the girls  now have to rely on each other with trust and work as a team to stop Mojo. After finally making their way to Mojo, they defeat him, destroying the fuse machine with a huge blast, but are still stuck together as one.
As they make their way back to the Mayor's office, they get Professor Utonium to try and seperate them. Feeling hopeless, the Professor breaks down into tears knowing that his daughters will never be the same, but they tell him that they don't mind being this close and reassure him that everything is going to be okay. The Mayor finds a thread from their fused dresses and pulls it which somehow...separates the girls restoring them to their glory. I do love when the Professor tells the girls that he loves them all, it's moments like this that always make the show great, it's too bad this episode suffered from mediocicy, unpleasant arguments and...this (Really? After all you've been through, you decide to add this in here?) NOTE: Never let Paul Stec or someone else write a Powerpuff Girls episode storyline which may result into tasteless immature fart jokes...speaking of which...
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6. Reeking Havoc Season six...why? Why did you have to go with this crap? An entire episode about flatulence? Really? Okay, well silently but still visually. I for one don't care for this kind of humor, it's immature, lame, not funny, pointless and...just go watch South Park if you're into that stuff (by the way, I'm a huge fan of South Park, freakin' ironic I know! lol).
The Girls have just returned home from enjoying a beautiful sunny day in spring, admiring the fresh air until their noses are suddenly inflicted with the smell of something ...not so fresh, in this case, chili. Yep! Because how else are the writers going to come up with an episode which is ten minutes of fart jokes. Real mature. Not.
It turns out that the girls father Professor Utonium is cooking this...chili for the "2nd Annual Chili Cook-Off" in Townsville. The girls reluctantly try a sample, as expected by them and those watching, it doesn't go down well (we even see a shot of Buttercup losing it in the waste-bin). Worried that he may lose again, Blossom decides that they should tell the Professor, but her sisters object due to the year before, in which the Professor lost and broke down.
Later that night, the Professor still thinks his chili needs something extra...or should that be "x-tra"...with that, he adds a drop of Chemical X into the concoction. Sure, because somehow that works right? Also, maybe adding COFFEE into the chili is the reason it doesn't taste so good. Later on that night, the girls (one by one) also happen to put a drop of Chemical X in the chili.
The following morning during the annual chili contest, the judges (which happen to be Ms Keane, the Mayor and Sara Bellum) are trying out all the dishes that have been made for the event when soon, they try the Professor's chilli causing reactions that they never experienced before. With that, the Professor is declared the winner of the contest and is awarded the trophy and with that, the Mayor hands out free samples of the prize winning chilli.
What then follows is nothing but flatulent puns, visual and audible, one after the other while everyone's guts start growling and all that gas happens to escape and creates...a giant methane monster. No, seriously! A giant cloud made out of everyone's gas! What were the writers thinking, seriously? It's like they have watched Ren and Stimpy and got some ideas off there, no? 
The following day, the methane monster soon causes chaos all over Townsville and his stench is so unbearable that it causes everyone to feel nauseous and complain. This then causes the Mayor to call the girls and...*sighs*...watching them trying to fight off a huge flatulent monster is just...well...yeah. Lame.  
As if stinking up the city has already been done in season 2's Down and Dirty, but that as caused by Buttercup refusing to bathe, but nope, we get a full on episode with gastronomical proportions and bad jokes!
From here, we get some rather ridiculously stomach churning moments including the girls actually trying to suck the monster up...err...gross? So...after the mention of a "match", Blossom gets an idea and takes off and returns again in seconds with...a giant match...no seriously AND to make this episode even more cringy, she mentions that she got it from the same place where she got the giant jar in "episode two season one". Was that really necessary?
I don't wanna go on since its pretty cliche'd with the fact that entering a chili cook-off with an ingredient that happens to be linked to chaos, it's obvious what that equals.
This was a bad episode and I mean really really bad. GOLDEN RULE: Keep fart jokes off this show! Oh wait...the reboot pushed that further! *sighs*
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5. Gettin' Twiggy With It Consider this the Pet Sitter Pat episode of The Powerpuff Girls. Nearly every character in this show is likable, funny, great, relatable and somehwhat a decent role model. All but one...that being a less major character: the girls class mate Mitch Mitchellson. A sadistic, nasty, evil, selfish, greedy, manipulative  child who takes pleasure in bullying his fellow...ahem...classmates. Think of him as the Nelson Muntz of Townsville. Think of him as Ren Hoek off Ren Seeks Help in Ren and Stimpy Adult Party Cartoon, or maybe even Stewie Griffin. In this episode, it's Friday and that means one of the kids has the responsibility of taking the class hamster Twiggy home. The girls volunteer, but somehow Ms. Keane chooses Mitch to look after her.
This episode is legimately painful to watch in my opinion. As an animal lover (especially hamsters) who hates animal cruelty to a degree couldn't even watch this. It isn't funny, isn't a pleasure to watch, it's just sick, twisted and evil, I'm glad though that the episode itslef wasn't treated as comedic, that would make me up this episode straight to number one in my opinion. Mitch apparently says he never owned a pet before, yet you can clearly see that he has a snake in the background, what the hell?
I like how when Twiggy becomes a vicious monster, the girls do their part to save him, but still teach him a lesson in harming little Twiggy. It's rare for an episode to be played out seriously for the most part, yet this is just so difficult to watch. Especially all the ways Mitch tortures the hamster.
Gettin' Twiggy With It is just nasty and an unwatchable episode. It's unpleasant, demented and just uncomfortable to watch. For a better review on this episode, I suggest reading this: https://www.deviantart.com/regulas314/art/1001-Animations-Gettin-Twiggy-With-It-517452789. He does great reviews and provides decent detail.
Overall, Mitch Mitchellson is hands down my most despised character in The Powerpuff Girls, maybe even worse than Princess Morbucks. And that's saying a lot. 
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4. Girls Gone Mild I don't think there's one countdown of top ten worst PPG without this episode at least appearing on there. It's bad, the story, the premise, the fact that this episode was inspired by letters Craig McCracken received from parents thinking the violence was appropriate as a defence, pretty much the Three Girls and A Monster of the Chris Savino era. This episode is basically like a reminder that parents and legal guardians are the ones who should ultimately take responsibility for their children's actions instead of just blaming other people for it. But for what it is, it's not funny or entertaining and definitely one worth skipping. Need I point out that the two people of "P.A.P.P" (People Against Powerpuff Girls) were played by the same people behind the voices of Cosmo and Wanda from The Fairly Odd Parents?
But seriously, where do these two come from? Clearly not from Townsville otherwise they'd be more than happy to ask for the girls help, but no, instead they eat everything up with complaints and threaten to sue the Professor if the girls start using their superpowers again. I hate tropes like this, especially when we all know in the end, they go back to normal and do what they do best. Now if only they were kicking Stanley and Sandra Practice's butts instead.
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3. Moral Decay *sighs* some of you have definitely seen this one coming but you can see why. It's one of the most unpleasant, mean spirited and degrading episodes of the Craig McCracken era. What were the writers actually thinking?
Buttercup's nothing but a straight up sadist in this episode, the moment those mouth muscles form a malicious slasher smirk, she has straight up changed in personality throughout the episode. After accidentally knocking one of Bubbles' teeth out, she learns of the "tooth fairy" bringing money in exchange for teeth under kid's pillows and what does she do? She constantly abuses Bubbles just to try and knock out her teeth.
First off, Buttercup may be tough, but she loves her sisters dearly and wouldn't think of abusing her own sisters for kicks. Sure she gets into scrapes now and then, argues and teases them, but she would never want to hurt them to this extent!
UmbraMagna's stated this before on YouTube but have they go something against Buttercup, did they hate her character? Why did she always get the rough stuff in punishment and treatment? Think about it? In Down and Dirty, she refuses to bathe and even gets kicked out the house until she gives in and is forcefully given a full scrub by her own sisters. In Cover Up, a whole opportunity is wasted  on a story that could have had a heartwarming peptalk scene between Buttercup and the Professor, there, Buttercup feels vulnerable without her security blanket. You gotta remember that she is a little girl, it's normal for someone her age to have a baby blanket.
Going back to Moral Decay, it's a terrible episode that's just painful to watch and do NOT get me started on the ending. The Professor at his most non-caring right here, not to mention that close out ending scene. As punishment, the Professor pays covers Buttercup's dental bills with the money she "saved". By the way, I suggest you check out @UmbraMagna's extended review on this episode. Since mostly I'd be shadowing and echoing what she has said, along with A Very Special Blossom in her top 10 worst PPG eps countdown.
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2. Sun Scream/The City Of Frownsville I put these two together because...well, they both aired together, simple as, bit cheap and not so well explained or thought but what else. These two episodes are just torture! Despite being on different topics. 
First off, Sun Scream. This episode is just a chore to get though. The girls all catch the sun after refusing to put sunscreen lotion on while trying to stop a solar flare from plummeting to the earth. What do their fans and the rest of the citizens do? They laugh at them, instead of showing concern for three kids who have badly been sunburned. Just...what has happened to Townsville?
The rest of the episode is nothing but the girls struggling to get up out of bed and trying to answer the hotline, getting dressed to even struggling to attack some con artists. I won't spoil this episode but if you have made it through till the end then good luck, this one's just painful to watch.
Then we have The City of Frownsville. Although being dedicated to those who lost their lives during 9-11 (with all my respect, I pray now even). Despite this, this episode is nothing but everyone sobbing their eyes out for ten minutes. If you can't stand nails scratching on a chalkboard, then you will definitely not be able to make it through this episode.
All of Townsville's put under a spell by "Lou Gubrious" and his machine that causes everyone to cry uncontrollably, this then reverses his mood giving him the new name "Hal Larious" (please, seriously?), the rest...ugh.
Skip this one while you can guys.
Before I get to number one, I'd like to give out a few dishonorable mentions.
Cover Up - For shaming Buttercup being a softy. Also her sisters cruelly laughing at her. Twisted Sister - First off, I don't hate this episode as a whole, I don't like what they did with the new sister Bunny. She's unstable, but her slurred speech and lack of English, as well as dying in so called comedic fashion's a bit too much. Fallen Arches - Blossom's unbearable in this episode. Sure, we should respect the elderly but refusing to fight these crooks and throw'em in jail. Just...no. Sweet and Sour - Ugh, cutesey animals getting away with crime and the citizens are just as clueless because they are "TOO CUTE!". Come on! Pee Pee Gs - Unsettling and nothing but pee jokes. Umm...no, unfunny and a cringefest. Prime Mates - Mopey Popo's constant complaining and rambling in his Droopy-esque voice and the girls not having enough screen time make this a true downer. A Very Special Blossom - Ugh, one of the first of episodes where one of the girls does wrong and gets punished for it. In this case, Blossom's dark side shows when she steals a valuable set of golf clubs just to please the Professor for Father's Day. That's Not My Baby - Ah the baby cliche! Whether it's abandoned or just being looked after the whole package is there. The baby never stops crying, and when it eats, it's diaper needs to be changed yada yada yada, I'm sick of this cliche and this episode's no better. HOW did they not even notify the Professor even? I left it out of here because the ending was actually clever. Cop Out - Forgettable, bland and yeah. Unfunny, also that cop. Ugh. Custody Battle - Just doesn't feel like a PPG episode, but a Rowdyruff Boys spinoff. Also the whole two daddies thing...nah. Divide and Conquer - I know education and learning's important but an entire maths episode...nope. Save Mojo - I'm a bit of an animal activist, no lies but...a cartoon chimpanzee with constant diabolical plans to destroy the Powerpuff Girls and take over the world, that's different (plus a cartoon), and...yeah. Basically Girls Gone Mild with animal activists and protesters. Say Uncle - Absolutely forgettable and lame. Mizzen In Action - I love the Crack McCraigen pun name but over all, this swash buckling episode's one of the show's most forgettable episodes. Seed No Evil - Bland and boring and...seriously, what's this all about seeds in olden times? The City of Nutsville - Bubbles gets stung in the throat by a bee/wasp and her sisters actually laugh at her...messed up. Also, squirrel apocalypse. Insane. West in Pieces - Ugh...ancestors of the Powerpuff Girls? really? As if Seed No Evil was no better.
And the number one worst Powerpuff Girls episode is...
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1. Toast Of The Town I HATE this episode! Talk about character derailment, especially when you're in the middle of season five. If you can get through this episode listening to the Mayor speak in the third person, good for you, because there's a lot of it and it's enough to make your eardrums split.
The Mayor has a huge craving for toast (say, at least SOMEONE now has a toaster unlike everybody in Too Pooped To Puff few seasons back) but his toaster is out of range, so he goes to the Professor to have it fixed. And with that, we get some of the most cringe inducing audio, lack lustered story writing and some of the most ANNOYING dialogue in any episode! The Mayor is basically nothing but...a child in a man's body here. The Professor won't fix his toaster because he's busy, but after more complaining from the Mayor, he gets on with the job and the Mayor is so impatient he asks in seconds if it's done yet...really? The Mayor is an idiot, that's for sure, but at least he means well and loves his city and job and looks out for the girls. BUT his stupidity here is both questionable, childish and dumbed down to a tee!
The Professor makes the Mayor wait somewhere in the lab which he does despite still dejected and impatient. What follows is...the Mayor curiously pressing buttons like a child and setting off an alarm and causing a huge explosion in the lab...err...is this Dexter's Lab or The Powerpuff Girls? Some weird pattern here! Anyway, the Professor then proceeds to let the Mayor stay put by putting him in a high chair...for...some reason...
Later on, the Mayor discovers a can of Chemical X and rubs some of it on his head thinking it's hair growth formula and...his entire body is now the size of King Kong, complete with a shameless parody to boot. I don't need to explain anymore of this.
Seriously? The Mayor's third person speech and childish behaviour here is some of the worst character derailment I've ever seen. As I said with Gettin' Twiggy With It, there's a more detailed review here by Regulas314: https://www.deviantart.com/regulas314/art/Animated-Atrocities-Toast-of-the-Town-475588395
There's no other way I can mention this episode without any...ahem spoilers, but I suggest avoiding it while you can. SERIOUSLY! This episode's unbearable!
Compare the Mayor in episodes like Uh Oh Dynamo, where he was against the girls having the city destroyed (even though it was the Professor making the girls use the Dynamo). Then compare him here...it's just painful. And with that, let me know what you think which episodes do you think are th eabsolute worst? 
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silyabeeodess · 5 years
Fusionfall Headcanons: The Fates of Characters (Future)
When you arrive in the Future, you find that several of the characters simply "aren't around anymore," their fates either kept quiet about or left to speculation by those remaining. This is going to go into some dark territory given the topic, but the following will include a list of ideas focusing on the fates of those characters. Given that this will largely cover MIAs--many of which were listed due to being cut off and losing contact with various bases--and that we already meet several characters in the future portion of the game, I won’t be listing everyone/explaining all of their disappearances; however I will try to cover as many as possible in the context of “reports” known by the majority of Fusion Fighters:
Sector V KND Operatives:
Numbuh 1--Status: TERMINATED
Numbuh 1 fought hard in the Battle of Tech Square, however, he suffered grave injuries from both fusion monsters and overexposure to fusion matter.  To ensure that both his friends and the time-travelers survived, he remained behind and sacrificed himself. 
Numbuh 2--Status: ALIVE
Numbuh 3--Status: TERMINATED
Numbuh 4--Status: TERMINATED
Both Numbuh 3 and Numbuh 4 were confirmed losses after the KND Jungle Outpost was overtaken by fusion matter’s devastation of The Wilds.  As leaders, they stayed behind to the very end to ensure that as many people as possible could escape the base.    
Numbuh 5--Status: ALIVE
The Kanker Sisters:
Lee Kanker--Status: TERMINATED
Marie Kanker--Status: TERMINATED
When the fusion matter infection began to heavily settle in Peach Creek, both Lee and Marie were swept up in the destruction. They weren’t in a good spot and the ground collapsed under them, burying them with a ton of fusion matter.  If the collapse itself didn’t kill them, overexposure to fusion matter did as no one was around to reach them in time. 
May Kanker--Status: MIA
The Eds:
Ed--Status: MIA
When Lee and Marie Kanker stopped trying to get into the Cul-de-sac, everyone knew that in itself was a bad sign. Edd felt partially responsible for their disappearance, even though he wasn’t the only one who wanted to keep the sisters out, so he left with a small squad to go find them.  Unfortunately, only a few members of the squad made it back: The rest were ambushed by fusion monsters, Edd included.
Eddy--Status: ALIVE
Eddy was pretty stubborn when it came to both the Kankers and Edd’s decision to look for them, holding a fearful grudge against the girls for all of the stunts they’ve pulled both before and during the war--and, honestly, they were such a thorn in the Eds sides that he didn’t expect anything to happen to them.  When none of them came back ok, he became a little more serious, maintain an outwardly confident, business persona, but also trying to make up for what happened by trying to be a better leader.  It’s a lot harder without either of the other Eds by his side, and he has a lot of self-blame for their disappearances and not appreciating them sooner.
When things started to really get bad, Father decided to “cut his losses” and abandon Peach Creek.  However, this was also around the same time when a report came out saying that the Delightful Children had gone MIA.  It’s assumed that Father went looking for them, possibly taking his family into hiding if he managed to find them.  
Status: AWOL/MIA
According to candy pirate Root Canal Rita, Stickybeard went missing while he was looking for a new ship.  Many of those who served under him claim that, while he left his post, he wouldn’t have done so to abandon the war effort, but rather to become an active fighter again.  Whatever the case, no one’s seen him at Candy Cove or anywhere else since. 
The Powerpuff Girls:
Blossom--Status: ALIVE
Bubbles--Status: ALIVE
After the Battle of Tech Square, Blossom and Bubbles opted to stay on one of Dexter’s airships to guard the survivors and search for any others. Able to fly at rapid speed, they were able to make great cover for the airship against any further attacks as well as split off to the collapsing structures in the area to save people. 
Buttercup--Status: ALIVE
Having Buttercup back in the fight was a huge morale boost for the Fusion Fighters, especially after facing a string of devastating losses.  Remaining primarily on the battlefront, she tends to go wherever she’s needed most for a fight.  After the Battle of Tech Square, that meant returning with the rest of the heroes to guard the remaining bases and ensure the time-travelers were prepared to face off against Fuse’s army.  
Professor Utonium:
Status: POW (Presumed Dead)
When Buttercup went missing, it took a large toll on the professor.  Seeing people around her age fight in the war--and knowing his other two daughters were also out there fighting a gradually losing battle--pushed him to taking a more active role as a soldier instead of just leading scientific/technological endeavors in Genius Grove. Unfortunately, while he was able to protect civilians, he was captured.  Fusion monsters don’t take many POWs, so the worst could only be assumed.  
Mojo Jojo:
Status: MIA (Presumed Dead)
At the point of the time-travelers’ arrivals, the Monkey Minions haven’t seen their leader for days.  Two theories, however, surround his absence.  The first is that Mojo effectively “went down with his ship,” unwilling to let Fuse get any of his tech from his volcano base to the point of dying over it.  The second is that he tried pushing forward on the frontlines and was inevitably killed in battle.  Either way, all of the monkeys insist that he wouldn’t have just turned tail on them.
“Gentlemen, it’s been a pleasure.”  These were the last words and sole warning from Him just before the Fusion Fighters lose Endsville.  Leaving them to hand the area’s collapse, it’s believed he returned to the Underworld to spend however much more time Earth had there. People are just glad that things didn’t get worse.
Grim, Billy, and Mandy:
Placing these three together, because it’d be more difficult to talk about them otherwise. When things got bad, the Fusion Fighters were still somehow able to convince Grim to maintain the last few Resurrect ‘Ems--even if the reaper didn’t think there was much use for them up to that point.  Nevertheless, Grim opted to head back to the Underworld and Billy and Mandy tagged along, per his obligations as their “friend.”  No one really sees much of the three besides Grim on rare occasions, who spends his time out of the Underworld to vent when he’s not working.  According to him, Billy’s a pain, but at least Mandy’s still technically trying to help... if by getting into some pretty dark arts...
Dee Dee:
Status: ALIVE
It’s confirmed by Dexbot Q-33 that Dee Dee’s ok, however, she stays in her house at Genius Grove.  While still a kind of home-giver like she in the past at the base, she takes an even more active role now as a nurse as well, which always keeps her busy.  That, and that she’s also a target as Dexter’s sister pushes her to stay safe.
The Foster’s Home Gang:
Pretty much everyone at Foster’s was TERMINATED or has gone MIA, because one of the first things Fuse did when closing in on some of the more secure areas was wipe out Foster’s Home.  This includes Frankie, Mr. Herriman, Wilt and Mac--the last two having gone there to try to protect Foster’s for as long as they could.  Three to have survived are Coco, Bloo, and Eduardo.  These survivors were split apart so that, in the event of Fuse capturing another base, they’ll still be a few imaginary friends left around.
Bloo fell into kind of a depression after losing Mac.  He lost his usual self and has gotten pretty reserved, unwilling to see much of anyone. Sometimes, he blames Coco, since Mac initially split off from him to protect her, but he also largely blames himself for not being there for Mac and the others in the end.
Coco is kept under constant protection by the Fusion Fighters, who are always worried about losing her support and all that she supplies to the war effort such as her eggs and her strength as an imaginary friend.  
Status: MIA (Presumed Dead)
A loyal pet to the end, the Fusion Fighters last saw Courage trying to save Eustace and Muriel from the overtaking fusion matter claiming Nowhere.  They never saw him again after that, and at best could only hope that he and the elderly couple managed to meet up somewhere with some of the Eggplants/Chickens.
Juniper Lee: 
Status: MIA
Juniper just went missing one day in the middle of leading a battle, and while no one knows what happened many assume that Fuse or possibly even someone from the Underworld kidnapped her for her connections/abilities as the Te-Xuan-Ze.  Grim was asked to keep an eye out for her, given her ties to him, but there’d been no update.
Ben 10 Characters:
Vilgax--Status: DESERTED
As soon as things took a turn for the worst, Vilgax bolted.  He did try targeting Ben one last time, claiming that it was worthless to allow the Omnitrix to be destroyed along with himself and Earth; however, Ben beat him.  Everyone saw it coming anyway and nobody grieved.
Max Tennyson--Status: TERMINATED
Max perished with several other Plumbers trying to protect civilians from fusion monsters during the City’s final days.  
Hex--Status: MIA
Gwen Tennyson--Status: MIA
Kevin Levin--Status: AWOL/POW
When Fusion Fighters lost contact with the base in the Pimpleback Mountains, Kevin abandoned his post to go looking for Gwen despite all orders against it.  His last transmission was to report that the base had been overtaken, right before it cut to himself being caught by fusion monsters. It’s believed he was captured for his Osmosian DNA so that Fuse could experiment on him. 
Ben Tennyson--Status: ALIVE (wounded)
Ben fought hard in the Battle of Tech Square, but sustained heavy injuries and slipped into a coma-like state.  It’s a miracle at all that he survived, and it’s assumed he only managed to because of some alien DNA in the Omnitrix protecting him as the device’s host.  
Tetrax--Status: ALIVE
His initial plans were to study Fuse and while he has no personal investment in Earth, he’s remained loyal to protecting it from the remaining airships.  Nevertheless, he doesn’t have much faith in Earth’s survival, and so he mostly tries to convince several Fusion Fighters into leaving the planet--citing that they could do more good and save their species if they left and shared their powers/knowledge regarding Imaginary Energy and nanos with the galaxy, thus preventing Fuse from conquering anymore planets. If all else failed and Earth was lost, he planned to kidnapped some Earthlings anyway (including Ben) so that not all hope would be lost.   
Albedo--Status: DESERTED
Hardly anyone had any faith in Albedo’s intentions when he first signed on for the war, and the former Galvan never helped his situation thanks to a series of incidents where he actually sabotaged the Fusion Fighters–particularly to get to Ben and his aliens. To be honest though, it usually wasn’t much different than any of other villains’ antics, be it on purpose or not. Although he did takes things too far to the point where he got locked up more than once, like them, he was largely given a pass because of Fuse being a bigger threat and thanks to his abilities. Needless to say, no one shed a tear when he vanished one day–either still somewhere plotting how to take the Omnitrix from Ben or trying to find/craft a ship to escape Earth.  
The Scotsman:
Status: ALIVE
No one understood how this man’s survived everything he’s been through beyond sheer luck.  He constantly remains on the frontlines, determined to keep fighting for Earth until the very end no matter how hopeless things seem.  It’d really be encouraging in the med team and Resurrect ‘Ems didn’t have to keep pulling him back from the brink of death...
The turn of war had already moved against the Fusion Fighters. In the middle of one of the final battles for the Darklands, after Samurai Jack had to return to the city, Demongo betrayed them--claiming many of their strongest soldiers before vanishing.  It’s assumed that he returned to Aku’s side, but there’s been no move by him or his master since.
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yayninjabob · 4 years
Author Commentary
Ramblings from Yay Ninja Bob about her monstrous creation~
Besides working on my fic, I personally try to journal every day, and I realized that a lot of my journaling has become me pretty much rambling about the process of writing this damn fic lol.  So I thought I'd share some of that for those who may want to know more behind my chapters from my author's perspective. 
It's certainly not everything I can say, but it is a lot haha..
Chapter 1 - Thirteen
Behind the title:
    Well, when I first began writing VillainR, I hadn't planned on having chapter titles at all.  Mainly because coming up with chapter titles (or titles for stories in general) has always been something I struggle with personally.  Anywho after I decided I wanted to challenge myself with chapter titles, I went back and named chapter 1 "Thirteen."  Why?  Well, it is the PpG's thirteenth birthday, of course there is that.  VillainR as a whole is many things, but one major thing is it is a coming of age story for Buttercup/Joey/Jojo, as well as a story of self-discovery.   There's a few important ages I wanted to cover and 13 is around the age where many kids start to "develop" and being a super-powered kid,  Buttercup finally begins to develop her own "special power" at this age.  I wanted this "growing pain" to be the catalyst for the events of Part One.  So, I gave the chapter the title of "Thirteen" to try to highlight the significance of that age for Buttercup. The self-discovery made at this age is that special power (although they are unaware of it at this point).  It's considered an unlucky number, and as it turns out, it is an unlucky year for our main character.
During the writing process:
     First draft was written on Halloween night 2019 and pretty much all of it was completely scrapped haha. 
     I started writing it in first person, like the original Villain, in Buttercup's POV.   I kept the events but approached it again in third person and liked it so much better that way.  One major thing I wanted to improve on with the rewrite was character development which is pretty hard to achieve when writing in a limited POV of a character who eventually loses sight of much around them.  I debated briefly on maybe doing alternating POVs between Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup, but then I felt like it would still exclude a lot for other major characters like Mojo and Princess.  I could add them too but I thought alternating too many POVs would be overwhelmingly difficult (for me as the author for sure but I imagine for the reader too)  Third person seemed to be the best way to handle everything and really my only challenge with that was tweaking the whole "unreliable narrator" trope which I will be honest is my favorite trope ever. It is a challenge to try to recreate the same effect in third person, but I decided that a close third person was the best way to 1) tell a broader story and 2) still set limits on the reader's perspective, and control when and how I drop information and attempt to recreate a similar experience in an entirely new way I've never tried before heh.  (I guess I will spend more time on this on my notes for Chapter 6)
     Second draft I scribbled out in another few days with this new approach.  It began at the start of the carnival and ended where it ends.   Simultaneously I was reworking my overall outline for the fic and began to narrow down all the characters I wanted to be my key players for this epic.  Once my outline was expanded to include everyone, I added the scene with Mojo and Him.  For me, that's when I was like "Ayyy it's all coming together 👍👍" haha.
     Another thing I wanted to improve on was setting and world-building.  So final draft I decided to include some "history" behind Townsville and that's when I worked out the final draft.
    This chapter definitely had the most trial and error during the writing process than any other chapter other than 5 so far.
     Townsville world-building/history - much of it is inspired by the city I grew up in (for the most part) which is Los Angeles. I mean it has all the sort of settings we've seen in the show which are all pretty diverse right?  Townville had to have a diverse cityscape ranging from a busy downtown setting to quite suburbs to upperclass mansions, beaches, an island, forests, etc.  Well I knew LA had all that and so I tried to re-imagine Townsville as basically an alternate universe LA lol. Monster Isle, I based on research I did on Catalina Island.  I imagined the Utonium household was in a middle class neighborhood like Pasadena- close to the heart of LA but still a relatively "calmer" part of the city.  Morbucks Manor would be in the Hills like Beverly Hills.  Downtown was the heart of the city like Downtown LA.  I debated briefly whether or not to have the Gangreen Gang be from an area modeled after South Central or East LA, but eventually I went with East LA because TBH I am just more familiar with it since that's where my mom's side is from and where I grew up early on in life.  PLUS East LA actually has a pretty big punk scene so that fit the story too with Ace being in a punk band and all that. 
1998 PpG Show References:
     "Oh my gosh they have giant Bunny-Bunny's at the prize tent!"
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    (Super Zeroes)
Pop Culture References:
   (OK most of my pop culture refs are just punk references lets be honest lol.  Why Punk?? - because it is rebellion and rebellion is the heart of this fic)
     The Clash - OK in original Villain I established that this was Buttercup's favorite band so I HAD to have that back for the redux. Here's all the refs I crammed into chapter 1 lol:
   "Oh, Man! It's so hard to choose, like, I love literally everything by them. But I gotta say it's a tie probably between their first album and London Calling."
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"Hell yeah. Jimmy Jazz is my jam."
"You know, my band does a cover of White Riot," Ace continued to talk music with the teenager as he lit his cigarette and took a deep drag. He held the smoke in his lungs as he continued, "Only we call our version Green Riot."
     The one artist Buttercup had introduced Robin to that she instantly obsessed over was Blondie.
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(Some) Symbolism:
     - Blossom is 5'9" and Buttercup is 5'8" - Buttercup is always falling one step behind Blossom.
     - Bumper Car scene - has some foreshadowing and well...
Blossom sat behind the wheel of a red bumper car at the opposite end of the metal floored rink. Buttercup crossed her arms in protest, "No way. I'm driving." she demanded.
Blossom also crossed her arms from where she sat behind the metal wheel. "So you can just rampage and crash into everybody here? No way." She fastened her seat belt with a quick snap and placed her hands firmly on the steering wheel again.
"Ugh. That's the whole point of bumper cars! It's to bump the other cars! You're supposed to try and bump everyone before the times up!"
"You always take it too far, Buttercup. I'm driving, so get in." The redhead grasped the steering wheel in her hands firmly, and refused to move.
"You drive like an old lady," Buttercup shook her head in disbelief as her sister managed to avoid yet another collision.
"Well, that's your opinion," she shrugged off the insult, "Personally, I think it takes just as much skill to avoid every single car in here, as it does to hit every single car," she smiled at her sister.
And finally a brief allusion to the OG Villain lol...
"Blossom!" Buttercup shouted louder so she could get her sister's attention. She pointed at the fast approaching purple car that zoomed towards them from their right side. Behind the wheel of that car was Bubbles who wore a rather determined look on her face as Robin cheered for her.
Blossom saw, but by then it was too late. Bubbles and Robin's car slammed into Buttercup and Blossom's car at full force, spinning Buttercup and Blossom's car into the wall of the arena. The loud buzz which signified the end of the ride then sounded.
    - the roller coaster is Buttercup's ideal carnival attraction; it's got the thrills, twists, turns, ups and downs.  And makes Bubbles sick.
     - the Ferris Wheel is Blossom's ideal carnival attraction; it's a staple of any fair, grand and big, overlooks everything, and traditionally romantic
YNB's favorite scene:
     Personally, I loved writing the whole exchange between Buttercup and Blossom in the car.  Establishing their rivalry, Buttercup's jealousy over Blossom's special power and heroism, Blossom's projection of her own insecurities, their differences, and their commonality. 
Final thoughts on the chapter:
     I was pretty satisfied with how it turned out but I did wait to post it until I had a decent headstart on chapter 2.  I was pretty nervous about whether or not I could stay personally committed to writing this fic so I just wanted to make sure I was really feeling it first, lol.  It had been so long since I'd written fanfic so I just needed to be sure.
     When I outlined everything I estimated the chapter length to be around 6-7k words... And I was surprised that it was double that at about 12k.  Which was wild because on my outline each opening chapter for Part 1, 2 and 3 were supposed to be shorter and more like preludes to everything else.  Well, I guess they ARE shorter chapters but STILL definitely longer than any chapter I used to write for my multichaptered stories.   At the time I thought "Ok obviously my writing has changed but surely I wont go much longer than 12k for future chapters...."  Hurr hurr.
     Personally, I was pretty proud of myself for spending so much time on it and rewriting it over and over and all that.  In the past, TBH whatever was my first draft was pretty much also my last draft haha.  I cranked out a chapter in one sitting usually and edited it mayyyybeee lol.  I just wanted to get it posted so I could move on and get to that next point in the story.   But I suppose now that I'm older and a bit more self aware, I realize a lot of my own anxieties manifest a lot in my writing though and I can recognize it in my old works like the OG Villain where I JUST WANNA GET TO WHAT I WANT TO WRITE RIGHT NOW OK??  I forced myself to slow the hell down this time, take it one scene at a time, and when things felt off I took breaks, slept on it for a few days and came back with new approaches or ideas.   And so far that's how I continue to work on it.
   Also, CHVRCHES.  I listened to a ton of that band while working on this chapter especially.
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ranmagender · 7 years
The Ballad of Blossom Utonium
Chapter 2: Another Line
Summary: Seven years after her deal, Blossom deals with a troublemaker.
Word Count: 1075
A big thank you to @teacupballerina for editing this chapter and being a constant source of toon related inspiration.
AO3 Link
Blossom looked down into the canyon at her next target, a young and muscular girl with long bright pink hair and several eyes all around her face and neck wearing some kind of golden armor.
This of course was Yblapsa, the leader of the Aku’s Realm Liberation Front (ARLF).
This had become the routine for Blossom in the 7 years since she made that deal with Aku.
Some troublemakers wanted Earth to be free from Aku’s rule so she was sent to silence them.
She was always sympathetic to these individuals. Their only crime was opposing the tyrannical rule of their land and planet and the decimation of their culture. Did they truly deserve to die a gruesome death at the hands of her blade? Of course not.
Nonetheless, orders are orders, and she made a deal that can’t be broken. Aku did give the Professor, her beloved father, eternal youth. One peep of rebellion talk out of her would result in his slow and painful death.
Blossom had become numb; the years had not been kind to her mental state, especially not in her current position.
She tried to calm herself by breathing slowly and closing her eyes. This of course turned out not to be helpful.
“You’re no sister of mine” echoed Buttercup’s voice in her head.
Those words had haunted her for six years, and she was not likely to forget them within her lifetime.
Buttercup’s look of betrayal as she held her dead boyfriend Dexter in her arms; It was an image that was burnt in the back of her mind to remind her of her past, remind her that she once belonged, that she once was good, that long ago she could look into the mirror  and see a heroic person.
Was this even doing any good for anyone anymore? Was this serving any purpose beyond her inability to let go of the professor? Was the alienation of her sisters, her friends, and everyone that respected her worth it?
She likely would never know. She shook the thought out of her mind and began focusing on Yblapsa. In a swift move she flew down, startling the girl.
“Etusui, man if the big guy sent you I must really be a thorn in his side” Yblapsa said, turning around to face Blossom.
Etusui, was that who she was now? The name was given to her by the locals. In some tongues it meant “Lady Death”. Fitting.
Blossom smiled, looking the girl over.
“Well, you sort of are. Don’t feel too flattered though... you’ve not managed much more than others before you.
“Are you planning to kill me?”
“Well that’s the idea, but I do prefer a bit of chit chat.”
“Chit Chat?” she asked, surprised at this unusual mannerism.
“Yeah, you know how are you?” she asked.
“F-fine? At least until you showed up”
She blew a bubble from the chewing gum she had been chewing. Pop.
“Are you gonna attack me or…?”
“Thinking about it” she said.
It wasn’t obvious from her laid back appearance, but she was crying her eyes out on the inside. She just wanted to hug Yblapsa. Or someone. Anyone.
She wanted someone to hug her, pat her on the head, and say that she’s good. Blossom looked around the canyon they were in.
“So what exactly are you doing here?” she asked.
“Why would I tell you?”
“Well I was just asking. I’m curious to know what the most influential civil rights leader is doing in the grand canyon.”
Yblapsa felt little more than confused and annoyed at this point.
“Well, not that it matters to you, but I was gonna try to find a suitable place for our new headquarters since our last one was found.”
“Why are you doing this?” rang in her head. To her left  a gray vision of herself as she was 7 years ago appeared. Was this the ghost of her dead innocence, or a projection of her crumbling mind?
“For the Pr-”
“You don’t give a damn about the Professor! Blossom, sorry, Etusui, you’re the opposite of what he created you for. He’d be better off dead than see what kind of monster you’ve become!”
“Aku is the real monster here. I’m bound by my deal with him.”
“Etu, you’re not doing anyone any favors here. Least of all yourself, and deal or no deal you didn’t have to do a lot of the things you’ve done. You didn’t need to kill Dexter.”
“He was a threat to Aku.
“Think about it Etu…did Aku tell you to kill him or was that your choice? Face it, you’re worse than Mojo Jojo. Even he had morals, he had lines that he wouldn’t cross. You’re a monster, plain and simple--”
She just shook her head, trying to get past Blossom to stop bothering her. She focused on Yblapsa again.
“Now, if you’re not gonna do anything. I have important things I gotta d-”
Yblapsa didn’t even get to finish before Blossom leaped forward, sword in hand, cutting right through the armor. The sound of the steel cracking echoed throughout the canyon.
The next thing Blossom experienced was the the feeling of Yblapsa’s blood splashing onto her face, followed by the sound of her bones breaking and her breath shortening.
This all happened in the span of a few seconds. It didn’t take long for Blossom’s sword to reach the other side of her.
What she was left with was the most influential civil rights leader in the entire realm cut in two halves on the ground in a puddle of her own blood.
Blossom just looked at Yblapsa for a bit. She found it always peaceful to watch them after they died, just for a little bit. In a messed up way it was relaxing.
She flew home afterwards, to Aku’s tower, where she had her own room. It was a reward she got for her 50th kill.
Aku was somewhere else, or at least nowhere to be seen, so she just walked straight to her room. It was a small room, just a bed and space for her stuff but Blossom didn’t need more than that.
She threw her sword on the floor, sat down on her bed and looked up. Three-hundred forty-one narrow black lines decorated the wall.
She took out a marker and drew another line.
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miutonium · 2 years
I need to go to sleep but shhh I suddenly have the urge to kiss Utonium and I started thinking about them in college again haha.
Anyway, I already talked briefly about how their first kiss went but shh I'm starting to think about another scenario that doesnt involve Utonium being a clumsy dude hsksksk anywayy I imagine that they probably had their first kiss at a Science Museum.
Usually, for their dates, Utonium always plan his dates to be somewhere Chloe wants to go or somewhere he knows she would enjoy. Chloe doesnt really force Utonium to pick places she wants, in fact, she doesn't even plan at all. Utonium is always in charge of the planning. And she feels guilty about it because she doesn't like the feeling that Utonium has to listen to her all the time just to please her. So one day she tells him they should go somewhere that he wants and she will agree to it whether she likes it or not. Initially, Utonium is pretty sceptical in about going to places he's unsure if she would like, and the last thing he want is for them to argue over something miniscule (honestly they won't, Utonium is just being a worrywart lol). But Chloe assured him it's fine and its time for him to bring her somewhere other than their usual spot so he suggested that they should go to somewhere he wants to revisit: Townsville Science Museum.
They didn't book any slots and decided to walk in praying there would be a slot and surprisingly when they arrived, the museum is almost practically void of visitors since it's the weekdays. And luckily there's no school tour on schedule either so they can walk inside freely without any kids screaming and running.
Utonium already been to the museum a few times before (although the last time he went there was when he was in junior high) so he already knows what to expect inside, prehistoric exhibition, modern times exhibition, space, physics, all that science crap. Despite that, he still loves walking inside reading the info cards and be mesmerised by the exhibition there. Chloe never really went there before so he's excited about showing her around and became her tour guide. During his past time, he loves reading books especially science trivia books since he was a child so he used the info that somehow plastered into memory and mention them whenever he thinks it's related to the info cards and samples they're reading;
"Hmm, prehistoric air smells like farts, no wonder the dinosaurs died."
"Well the fart smell is because of bacteria byproducts around that time. It releases carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide whenever they 'eat'"
"Huh, I expect it to be pure oxygen to be honest."
"Pure oxygen is actually quite toxic to us. The air we're breathing right now is a compound of other gases.
"....So are we breathing farts now?"
"Well, not now but sure if you go for egg salad at the canteen"
It might be because she's bias and he's her boyfriend but Chloe really enjoyed having Utonium walking her around each hall while he excitedly talks about Science. Partially because she learned a lot from him but mostly because she loves seeing him talking passionately about things he likes while beaming with joy. She sees how good he is at attracting her attention towards something she used to considered lame and thought how nice it is to have him change other's mind about science and make it sound fun. So she encouraged him to ask if they have any part time job as a tour guide inside the museum. I like to think he did get the job and ended up spending his 2nd year of Uni working with kids on school tour showing them cool chemistry tricks and spilling trivia while he walks them through every hall. And I like to think that's how he started having interest on teaching people and wanted to become a Professor.
I wrote about them stargazing before and I thought it would be really neat to tie them up here (although I probably write about it briefly cuz I mentioned the whole thing in my prev hc lol) As they were checking out the space hall, Utonium noticed how her eyes glued to the constellation on the walls but her face looks more bewildered than curious which earned a questioned look from him:
"Why'd you look so concerned?"
"Constellations are real?????"
And Utonium laughed and had to explain to her that they're real and in the end after the talk he promised her they'll go stargazing one day after finding out she never go for those trips before.
Luckily, there seem to have a planetarium scheduled every 30 mins so he suggested they should go inside.
When they're seated and the show started, Utonium couldn't help himself but gaze at Chloe, falling more deeply in love with her while she has her eyes locked on the ceiling looking at the stars in awe. There's never a day where he doesn't have those warm fuzzy feelings in his chest whenever he thinks about her, she's live in his mind basicly rent free since 73' but somehow he feels a bit extra sappy for her, maybe he's at the place he loves, maybe it's because he's able to talk about things he loves to the person he loves so dearly without any worries or anyone belittling him, or maybe it's Chloe believing in his goal and passion and gave him a little push today to encourage him spreading his love of science for others. There's too much in his mind right now yet there's nothing in his mind at the same time whilst he looked at her through half lidded eyes intoxicated by his feelings for her. And Chloe is clueless about his inner thoughts and him looking at her so softly and lovingly in the dimmed theatre.
When the narration starts to mention the audience being possibly the brightest star despite a very brief moment in the Galaxy, Chloe turns her head to look at Utonium only to notice him been staring at her for the past minutes with a soft smile on his face. Usually, she's always so quick to tease him about staring just to make him flushed but today, maybe she got caught up in the moment just like him and peered into his starry eyes lovingly. She had nothing to say when they locked eyes in adoration and even more so when Utonium's hands cupped her cheeks gingerly, pushing away a strand of rogue hair from her eyes before he sealed her lips with a soft kiss. When he pulls away, he suddenly feels a bit afraid that he pushed too far and was about to apologize, but when Chloe returns his feelings, her hand brushing his face slowly before returning his kiss, he knows she feels the same way about him and glad he made the first move.
There's approximately 200 billions, trillions of stars above them, yet both of them shines the brightest at that brief moment of time. And he still believes she's his brightest star til this day ;w;
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miutonium · 3 years
Lmao so I'm still sick today and I stayed in bed the whole day because of that but I needed to feed my brainrot so instead of being miserable in bed not being able to draw and do my work, I wrote a fic of Utonium and Chloe because I've been obsessing over the thought of them slow dancing and just me writing a HC of ut isn't enough lol
I guess this should be consider as a song fic? Idk man but shhh please im begging u pls listen to "Dynamic Superior - If I Could Meet You" because its so underrated and it's such a sweet song ;e;
Anyway there's no warning inside other than light angst and probably mention of Chloe's past? Tell me if you want to make me tag something just in case i missed out.
Fic under cut cuz apparently it was 2.3k words lol
"No way,"
Is the first word that came out of Utonium's mouth when she admits to him that she never slowed dance.
"You're kidding, right?" He asked, it's not confrontational, no. Rather he find it amusing that his girlfriend confesses she never slowed danced before.  Throughout his time getting to know her, through their small talks when he was her patron, shoving pancakes into his mouth as he secretly steals a glance of her through the reflection of the corner mirror, and when he finally dated her, listening to her talking about her wild adventure back in her early 20s, he never really thought that her never slow dancing before would amuses him more.
"No, I actually never did." She confirmed her previous statement as she gets up from her seat from one of his couch in his office.
"Hmm, but you told me you used to go to clubs before, right?" He asked more, his posture now straightened up to focus on her, curious to know what her answers will be.
"Well, yeah, but it's not the same though. At clubs you just dance erratically to whatever the crazy beat was and you're surrounded by a bunch of intoxicated ravers." Chloe explains further, while mindlessly checking out his shelves full of books and piles of papers she will never understand.
"How about school though? You can't tell me you dont have those in your homecoming prom?" Utonium shifts his swivel chair towards her direction, by this time he already lost interest on continuing writing his notes and tucked his pen into his pocket. "I mean, even back in the 60s we have those, although we're swaying to Elvis." He continued.
"I thought Elvis was lame by the 60s," Chloe turns her head to Utonium,
"Well, technically you're right, that's what you get when you have adults at that time be in charge of the music selection." He chuckled slightly, remembering his time back in high school wearing an oversized suit belonging to his ol' pops. Eugene never let him wear his tartan suits even though they're equally the same size no matter how much he argued and cried to his mom about it and Utonium never owned a suit other than it's a hand-me-down from his relatives at that time.
For a moment, there was silent. The only audible thing was the table fan whirring and blowing cool air in the room, none of them seem to speak again. And that's what they always do in the room, talk until the conversation die down and do their own thing in silent. And it's never awkward to them, Utonium finds her presence to be welcoming, even when he's busy either writing notes for his next class or stressing over writing some finishing touches to his papers. Knowing that he isn't alone and being able to look at Chloe reading magazine or napping on his couch with the book covering her face eases him tremendously. Sometimes he laid his lab coat on top of her just to cover her from the cold air.
His office used to be messy and....lifeless, as Chloe would say. White walls with brown and nude furnitures decorating the space, with piles of documents and papers strewn on his tables and coffee marks on the work table that he didn't seem to bother wiping out. Although, oddly enough, other spot doesn't seem to be affected by the mess, only his table were a nightmare for Chloe to witness. Utonium couldn't recall why he let her into his office in the first place, his own kids rarely goes inside his office as well. But nevertheless, he welcomed her presence into his office and let her add a few decoration of her own just to lighten things up in the room. From an outsider's eyes, its pretty easy to catch on which stuff belongs to Utonium or Chloe, the random pink flamingo figure right next to his brown golf bag doesn't seem to match his aesthetic to start with, and so does the random decorations and a vase full of fresh  flowers right on top of his coffee table. But he accepted it, it makes him happier that his office looks more like theirs now.
"No, I don't. I didn't go to my prom." And Utonium snapped back to reality when he realized Chloe now stares back at him from a distance, now playing with
an hourglass from the bookshelf. "Back then, my parents couldn't afford the fee and a pretty dress for me to go. And at that time I just don't see the need to go, I could have use my own money to feed my siblings instead."
"I missed out, didn't I?" For some reason, Chloe felt a bit sad that she missed out on a lot of things from high school and even more so when she remembers that she didn't even graduated high school. Maybe if she took her education seriously, she might ended up being a better person than she currently is.
"No honey, you don't. I got stood up by a girl and ended up bailing earlier with my buddies to go get hamburgers instead." Utonium reassures her, he could sense that his sweetheart is upset being reminded about her teenage years. They've been dating for months now and it's not until recently he found out that behind her confident and cheery facade she shows to everyone at work and him, she hides her regret and insecurity so well. And he figured it out one day after she burst into tears one night on their bed crying about how she doesn't deserve a good and smart man like he is when she's an exact opposite of his with no goal. It took him a while to calm her down and reassures her that he loves her dearly with no condition. Even so, he still doesn't know her own history and family, she's reluctant about talking about them but Utonium had no intention to do so. All that matters to him is that she is safe with him and he'll do everything in his power to make the happiest woman ever just like she did to him.
"Huh, unlucky. I would've wanted to dance with you if I were that girl." Chloe chuckles lightly and it puts Utonium in ease knowing that she finds it funny.
"Would you, though? You saw my school yearbook picture before didn't you?"
"You're right, I probably would've give you a wedgie instead." She laughed and he pouted, feigning hurt from her comments. She of course knew that he's a good sport about it and continues messing around with the books on his bookshelf looking for something to mindlessly read about.
Utonium finally rise from his chair, walking towards the record player nearby the shelf before bending down and quickly shuffles his fingers through records he owns , stopping at a certain cover and pulling it off his shelf. He lightly blow and dusted off the cover, it says "Dynamic Superior" at the front.
By this time, Chloe already picked a book and sat down on the couch, her eyes just scanning and reading the text in the magazine mindlessly, before she heard soul music plays in the room.
"If I could meet you now, instead of years ago-, ♪"
She took a peak from her book to see Utonium swaying slowly to the music.
"Kenny?" She called him out meekly. It's not uncommon to see him put on music whenever they're in the office, but this is her first time seeing him slowly moving along to the beat in a dance, and she couldn't help but to stare at him, her eye follows his every movement up to when he waltz his way to the couch she's sitting on.
"If I could start again, I'll never let you go,♪"
"Will you have this dance with me?" Utonium leans down slighly, he extends his palm in front of her, roping her to join him in.
"Yes, yes I do." Chloe accepted his offer with a smile on her face, holding his palm as he helped her getting off of the couch. He then helped her balancing on heels before he placed his hand right on her shoulderblade.
"If I could meet you now, If I could hold you close,♪"
She placed her hand onto his shoulder, her other hand cupped by Utonium's larger hands. When he feels that she's ready, he slowly move his feet, with Chloe following his footsteps afterwards. It seems so natural to Chloe, she doesn't have a hard time picking up to his slow pace and more so that she didn't mistep nor accidentally stepped on his feet, as if she had this dance with him before.
And they swayed slowly to the sweet melody, their body closely hold onto each other. Utonium's eyes softly curls into crescent as he gaze onto her eyes, enjoying his moment with his
"I whispered all the love yous, The ones I didn't show,♪"
"I thought it would be nice if you danced with me." Utonium whispered, as if he knew that Chloe would ask him why he decided to break into a slow dance.
"How do you feel about it?"
"It's...it's really nice." Chloe professed.
"I think it would be nicer if you put Elvis on." And it earned a tiny chuckle from Utonium.
"I'll bribe the DJ next time."  He smiled, before shifting his pose slightly so now their bodies are closer to each other.
"T-thanks anyway, for giving me the chance to do this." Her voice was tiny, trying to hide her embarassment from him. "I don't think anyone ever do this to me until you do."
Utonium knew exactly what she meant, his small gesture might meant nothing to anyone, but for her? It meant everything. Every small things he did meant the world to her. Growing up, she constantly seek attention from her parents, shifting to boys when she grew older because she never receive enough affection from anyone. And it pains her that none of her feeling were being reciprocate enough, all she ever wanted was to feel loved, just like how she loved all her previous partners before. But a human can only handle so many heartbreaks before they wear down and had enough of it.
"When I go back in time, in my memories' mind,♪"
And so she promised that she won't be wearing her heart on her sleeves no more and not rely too heavily on anyone, afraid that she would be disappointed and left with another broken heart, that is until she started dating Utonium. Learning from her previous relationships, she decided to put her expectation low. She didn't want to pursue affection and asked for kisses and hugs, she thought to herself that maybe if she doesn't put any expectation this time, she won't be a broken mess by the time Utonium would have left her when the time comes. She's used to disappointment and heartbreaks, its pretty much a norm to her, but she's not use to when this time, Utonium's the one seeking her love and affection. She's not used to him being the one initiating hugs and cuddle session, she's not used to him to being the one planning for dates and she's not used to him being the one that has to ask if he could place a sweet kiss on her lips. And it overwhelms her so much to the point that Chloe breaks down completely one day, screaming at Utonium "What do you want from me?!"
"I will not change in a million ways if I could meet you, if I could meet you. ♪"
Being so used to being manipulated to get something from her, she couldn't even tell that Utonium's feelings were genuine. She couldn't even tell that this whole time, Utonium's the one that has been wearing his heart on his sleeves all along. And being the patient and sweet man he is, instead of leaving her brewing in her thoughts, he held her close to him, his hand gently rubbing soothing circles onto her back before whispering his true intention to her.
"I don't know what they've done to you. And I'm sorry it happened to you, it hurts me tremendously to see you like this. But please believe me that everything I do was real. I love you, please hold onto me, okay?"
Words are easier to be said than done and it was hard for Chloe to accept at first, but seeing how patient he was dealing with her at her lowest, sticking around giving her support and encouragement and how kind and sweet he is to her and others slowly makes her believe that his intention were genuine. And slowly she accepts that just as she wanted love and affection, Utonium was seeking the same thing as she does, which is why he would do everything for her, including swaying aimlessly in the middle of his office.
"if I could meet you, if I could meet you now.♪"
"You know that I would do anything for you, right?"
Utonium's smile never falter as he waited for her to response.
"Yeah, you do."
By this time, the music almost reached to the end, and they swayed slowly, their faces now very close to each other, lips inches away from touching each other.
"Chloe, can I kiss you?" Utonium breathed.
"If I kiss you, I will show you how much I need you. ♪"
She always finds it so cute that even though they've been dating for a while, he never failed to ask for permission, despite how much she assured him that he didn't need to ask. At this point, she just accepts that it's a quirk of his and she has no issue with it.
Chloe hums, before she tiptoed and sealed his soft lips with hers. Utonium soon returned her gesture and leaned into her kiss.
"If I could meet you now, If I could meet you. ♪"
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miutonium · 3 years
2021 is not entirely a good year for me, but I can't deny that I have been going through a lot of changes, I have new friends, I lost a few. I went to work for a while and then able to go back studying. And since this is a selfship-centric account, it's lowkey embarassing for me to say this but like it feels quite refreshing and also odd that I get the chance to love an f/o again after being head over heels for my previous f/o for the past 4 years. I am honestly not the kind of person that has multiple f/os at one time, I usually focus my whole emotion to only one f/o at a time. I don't really expect myself to fall for Utonium so hard tbh, I decided to watch ppg for nostalgic values and out of spite for the CW script leak but here I am 6 months later being helplessly in love with this nerdy dorky dad lol. I am unsure how long will I ever stay with him this time, my friends are putting bets on it (and I want to win I ain't gonna pay 100 bucks for it smh) but for now I'm just gonna pour all my love for this fictional man because sure as hell he deserves that and I am going to keep dominating his tags until I know at least someone will love him just as much as I love him ;w;
Before I forget one more thing, I want to thank everybody for encouraging me to post about my selfship wuth Utonium in the first place. I am always an anxious person and I still am, it was really nerve wrecking when I posted them for the first time here months ago because I am honestly not always very open about my selfship and I always avoid talking about my self-inserts and selfship in general because I was afraid of being ridiculed but I am very glad that you guys encouraged me to do so. I still have that feeling when I post but knowing that some are still interested in my selfship really helps putting me at ease and I cant thank you guys enough. I am sorry I dont interact with you guys as well, I usually only talk when other talks to me first and starting up comvo is an issue to me from my prev blog up until this blog. I hope I can overcome that one day but for now, I hope everyone is patient with me and also I really appreciate and encourage dms or ask about anything 💕💕💕
Happy New Year to everyone reading this post! I wish this year will treat us better than any other years ✨✨✨
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