franchescookiejar · 8 years
Thank you, Lord. Always thank you, Lord. You are the best, even in super unanticipated surprises. :’)
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franchescookiejar · 8 years
I have my own style. 😉
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franchescookiejar · 8 years
Embrace change.
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franchescookiejar · 8 years
Whom shall I fear? 'Cause I am Yours. :)
Who am I by Casting Crowns
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franchescookiejar · 8 years
Wag kang susuko. Kaya mo yan!
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franchescookiejar · 8 years
When you're needing your space to do some navigating, I'll be here patiently waiting to see what you find.
I Won’t Give Up by Jason Mraz and Michael Lee Natter
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franchescookiejar · 8 years
On all the days to become who I am, you were there. 😊
Ma. Francesca M. Ortega
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franchescookiejar · 8 years
On good and bad days, on lonely days, on sad days, on suffering days, on special occasions, on best days, on happiest days, on ‘just’ or fair days, I remember you.
Ma. Francesca M. Ortega
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franchescookiejar · 8 years
Sa kanya pa rin babalik sigaw, ng damdamin. Sa kanya parin sasaya bulong ng puso ko. Kung buhay pa ang alaala ng ating nakaraan, ang pagmamahal at panaho'y alay pa rin sa kanya.
Sa Kanya
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franchescookiejar · 8 years
If God is with you, who will be against you
Romans 8:31 
God Works In All Things …30 And those He predestined He also called, those He called He also justified, those He justified He also glorified. 31 What then shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? 32 He who did not spare His own Son but gave Him up for us all, how will He not also, along with Him, freely give us all things?…
--- Nothing will be against you, if God is with you and you are with God. :)
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franchescookiejar · 8 years
Dear Self, You can't sleep now.
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franchescookiejar · 8 years
God works in mysterious ways. And that’s how amazing He is. 😊
- Ma. Francesca Ortega
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franchescookiejar · 8 years
Hardship first before Reward 😊
Ma. Francesca M. Ortega, True Happiness 😊
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franchescookiejar · 8 years
I can’t afford to waste time on any way, on any how. Life is short so live it to the fullest. ☺ 😌
Ma. Francesca M. Ortega
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franchescookiejar · 8 years
My spirit is screaming faith, hope and love. 😄✨
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franchescookiejar · 8 years
I will love you as long as I live. From this moment on. 😌
From This Moment On by Shania Twain
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franchescookiejar · 8 years
Lord, I wanna take this moment to say thank you. For saving me. For everything. I love you so much, Lord. I love you. Thank you.
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