#always forget how SAD this show gets in the last couple seasons😭
tubesock86 · 3 months
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in which spike shares his cringe poetry
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ice-sculptures · 7 months
Hero Complex: Hen and Chimney put themselves in danger Me: oh no
I was too scared to draw gorey stuff (not bc I thought I'd be in trouble, but because I didn't want to get it wrong) but I still would have vibed with the French Revolution carnage when I was that boy's age. OH WAIT
that's JONAH!?
Things make so much sense about him now. Nice casting, they have very similar smiles! (I was wondering if this would be about Jonah too. Especially with how Hen suspects him).
Oh no. Now Taylor thinks he might be a serial killer when really he's obsessed with being a hero. Oh boy. Oh dear. This will not end well.
In other news, so glad that Eddie and his dad have a chance to talk to each other. I always forget that he has little sisters!
JONAH HOW DARE YOU DO THIS TO CHIMNEY! AND TO HEN! Should Bobby have punched him? Legally no. But do I endorse it? Absolutely.
It already seemed like Buck and Taylor's relationship has begun to crack... I wonder how long it will take for them to break up next season.
Okay starting the last episode of the season! Let's see what heartbreak is in store for me!
With the people at the wellness retreat, I assumed they would KNOW they were taking hallucinogenic tea.
that hair extensions one is gonna give me nightmares. I love that I just reached out to my hair stylist right before this episode asjdklfajsf (it's just a haircut and maybe color tho. No worries about extensions!)
The couple in the car crash! I liked the use of house- it felt like a set in a play, which for this scenario worked really well!
It was a little sad seeing Buck and Taylor break up, but it's best for both of them, I think. And they seemed to part on good terms despite the hurt between them.
And that's the end of the season!
-TWS anon
5x17 is one of my favorite eps for all of the reasons you listed!! i loved the hen/chimney teamup and jonah's whole angel of death schtick was such a fun twist on a show like this :D also aisha hinds was amazing in this ep (imo her best performance since the ambulance crash) and the last scene w hen & chim always makes me cry 😭
also all of the scenes with eddie's family made me so incredibly happy <3 so much of eddie's story is about wanting things to be better for his son and it was so satisfying for him to actually say out loud that he wants things to be better for himself. i was so proud of him, and of course, ryan guzman absolutely killed those scenes!! also i loved that eddie finally got a chance to talk to his dad and end that cycle of generational trauma. it's not a stretch to say that ramon was probably raised with the same terrible mindset as eddie from his own parents, and i thought it was so beautiful that eddie got to let his dad know that it's never too late to break out of that cycle, to start over and really be better. i loved it :)
also no spoilers but. i'm with you LMAO it really is honeymoon time
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mars-626 · 2 years
** somewhat spoilers**
The more I think about it the more I definitely want Kate and Anthony (of course if not primary) as secondary leads. I mean if Lady F can have a f*ing whole ass plot they can keep K and A in S3.
I think since filming S2 Covid was at its height that contributed to the quote "lack of s*x scenes" and I completely understand...
I LOVE K and A. And Johnathan and Simone's acting/chemistry was BRILLIANT, AMZING imo, but I definitely wanted more of them, I'm not ready to let them go yet ❤😭
So Imagine this:
In the beginning next season K and A are still enraptured with each other where members of the family are looking for them but they are off somewhere with each other. Not necessarily a montage of s*x scenes like S and D but at least a couple more intimacy scenes with the explosive chemistry K and A have would be nice 😇
But trust it still serves a purpose to their plot. K becomes pregnant. Anthony is ecstatic but Kate is happy yet a bit wearisome.
(I know this next plot point was Anthony's in the books but the show is now mostly separate and I still am sad we didn't get to explore Kate's past a bit more so I've tried to establish it in the show!canon)
We find out Kate's bio mother passed away in child birth when she was 27-8ish (Kate was 5).
Kate is afraid this might be her fate as well but not wanting to dwell and trying to be a new Vicountess she throws herself into family obligations once more. This time helping Francesca with her season.
Anthony can see something is bothering Kate but she is afraid to admit it. One night during a particular bad storm /dream flashback Kate goes to the library to find a book to read. Anthony awakens to find her not in bed so he goes to find her in the library. She is shaking and crying standing at a bookshelf. They finally have a conversation where Kate finally is ready to tell Anthony what has been bothering her. Anthony lovingly chuckles stating he should have known and forgets how much alike they are. He tells her about his fears from before explaining why he was such in a rush to get married last season and tells her he understands but also helps ease her. The scene ends with them sitting on the floor with him reading a book to her remembering how her father used to read to her during the monsoon season.
Anthony calls for Lady Mary the next day and she comes to help Kate too (bringing back the Sharmas for guest appearances too)
My hypothetical S3 plot structure, since Shonda said they are not necessarily following the order.
Plot A: Benedict's story: searching for his mystery person, meeting Sophie, his confidence about his place in the family verses who he is as an individual
Plot B: Anthony and Kate married life (we deserve it) and family/duty as heads of the family including Anthony and Benedict conflict (s2 showed A blindly expecting B to follow his orders and this will come to a head in this hypothetical season) and Kate helping Francesca through her season.
Plot C: Francesca in her season but she is not fully committed until a friend of her's John (she met while with their Aunt in previous seasons) comes into town
And I guess there is a bit of Pen and Colin but I think with the way the show is going Pen and Colin DEFINITELY need a bit a time a part for self discovery. Imo it's too soon for their story in the show. Pen needs a redemption of some sorts imo to reconcile what she has been doing. Because in show!canon she has been targeting the Bridgertons. Good intentions don't always lead to good results. BUT Pen will get a chance to grow as a character in this season
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