#always a sense of breaking out. the cracks; the eccentricities he never defends & acknowledges. it screams out: this is what i have to
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cathymee · 12 days ago
cont. i love rambling in the tags + no u can never make me make a post that has like 100 words in it
#smth that Resonates smth that's Familiar. in art that wasn't his he found smth that says 'this is me'. that's such an important 4 thing -#identity.#& that was another intense focus - even as a part of the j5 he has this established case of standing out & that was understandably carried#the whole way thru his whole career. fighting against motown to have more freedom in their outputs - to imprint more of his individuality.#wanting the world to see what artistry he's rlly capable of. wanting to finally make the world see what he has to offer-this is michael.#the child star not as he was sold as but who he really is - what he had learned & how he applied these learnings combined w/what he wants#the world to learn from and about him as well. that was literally his whole thing-how he was perceived shouldn't b the same w/how he was#perceived before & how other stars were perceived-acceptable. yes 70s-80s it's still. well. very PR very keeping an image safe. but there's#always a sense of breaking out. the cracks; the eccentricities he never defends & acknowledges. it screams out: this is what i have to#offer & you have to not only accept it but understand it. i will not be changing.#god. in everything. being inspired but with his own flavor being different being a trailblazer being his Own Thing. he definitely does not#just follow what is 'acceptable'. hello. what is his controversies about. black or white song & music video making white ppl clutch their#pearls so hard. being the 1st black man to involve coherent storylines in music videos & being the 1st black man to have said videos be#shown in mtv where they only showcase the works of white artists. everything about the history era. everything about tdcau. his#noncomformity in regards to a lot of things. molding himself into smth just simple & immediately acceptable was never his thing.#where did this conclusion come from.#and all this therefore feeding into his the ever-present feeling of being misunderstood. the sense that he can offer something special that#no one else can but in turn therefore most ppl just. Do Not understand him the way he wants to be understood. all the layers all the#details of who he is from what he does. to be Seen. his need to be seen & understood & therefore loved as he is. god#& sometimes. the Fantasy Self. the projection to fictional characters; the whimsical approach to some situations. the emulation of#childhood heroes - astaire & brown & chaplin. the fantasies the daydreaming#all this 2 say. he's a 4w3. i'm fuming#*sntaches him* ur mj privileges r over u don't understand him. no oen does. like i do#[this is a joke] [ppl can interpret him in many ways as long as. ukno facts & evidences. him as a 7 tho. seems like such a bad read. no#one understand him. no one. alexa blast dangerous & history album /j]#no hate. to anyone. i only hate the thoughts of. That. why am i angry ab a pseudo-scientific model of personalities anywy#u can develop an interest over a legendary pop icon. but watch out
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thedefinitionofbts · 7 years ago
In Your Eyes
Pairings: Jeon Jungkook x Reader ft. the rest of BTS
Genre: Fluff, Comedy, Drabble
Words: 2.5K
Description: Jungkook is not adept at interacting with girls, especially not ones he’s been crushing on for years. 
A/N: Because I really needed this after all the Jungkook angst. 
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“Doing 10 more reps is not going to make you feel any better you know.”
Jungkook grunts, before placing the weight back on the rack. 
“You’ve been at it for hours. Take a break man.” Seokjin takes another sip from his water bottle, using the towel draped over his shoulder to wipe the trickle of sweat that’s started to run down from his forehead.
It had only been a couple of weeks ago that Seokjin started dragging the younger male along with him to the gym. He thought it’d take more convincing, but the mention of girls being attracted to fit guys was all it took to get Jungkook off the couch he’s been playing video games on for the past few months. He didn’t expect Jungkook to become this obsessed with weight training, didn’t think the nerd had it in him, but boy was he wrong. 
“I’m this close to hitting my goal body fat percentage.” Jungkook sits up from the bench and grabs his usual blend of protein powder and mineral water, biceps twitching as he lifts the bottle to pour the liquid down his throat.
“Don’t tell me you’re already treating this like gaming stats.”
“You need to have goals in your life.” 
“What’s the point? You don’t even take shirtless post-workout selfies.” Seokjin turns to face the mirror and begins stretching, admiring his self-proclaimed perfect face in the process. “And if you think your newly developed muscles are going to just translate over to your nonexistent social skills, I have some bad news for you bro.” 
“I just want to see improvement ok?” Jungkook defends, walking over to the next station. 
“You seriously think I don’t know the real reason you’re pushing yourself so hard?” Seokjin glances over to eye the sweaty boy who’s now moved on to legs. “You literally hid behind a bush when you saw her walking towards you last week.”
“I was still in my sweaty gym clothes!” Jungkook exclaims, as if it could pass as an excuse. 
“And what about the time you kept laughing after everything she said, even when it wasn’t meant to be funny?
“I was nervous.”
“When are you not when you’re around her?”
Jungkook doesn’t have a response to that. He knows Seokjin knows. There’s no point in hiding the fact that he’s harbored a crush on you since he saw you walking down the halls for the first time in high school.
“Do you want me to just talk to her for you?”
“What the hell? No!” Jungkook snaps back. “I mean, what would you even say?”
“Umm, hey Y/N, I have a friend who’s a couple years younger than both you and I. You know that kid who’s super awkward around new people and especially you because he’s had a huge crush on you for years now. So…you interested in going on a date with him?” Seokjin cracks up, unrestrained windshield wiper laugh reverberating through the gym making some annoyed heads turn.
“Fuck off” Jungkook mutters, rolling his eyes.
“Hey, I’m just trying to help.”
“Remind me why we’re friends?”
“Because I’m in the same year as her, and you kept asking me for updates when I left for college and you were still stuck in high school.”
Jungkook groans, he knew that decision would come back to haunt him, but he just couldn’t help himself back then could he?
 “Dude” Taehyung sighs. “Just ask her out. The worst she can say is no.” He proceeds to pick up his controller after stuffing a hand full of chips into his mouth, talking mid-chew with eyes still glued to the screen.
“I can’t. It’ll crush every dream I’ve ever had.” Jungkook tilts his head up and squeezes his eyes shut. “And not in that way! You know what I mean!” He quickly adds before Taehyung’s eccentric mind can run off to god knows where. 
“You’re acting like her rejecting you is the end of the world.” The older male huffs, leaning back on the couch the two of them were huddled on. 
“It is!” Jungkook cries, burying his face in his hands.  
Taehyung shakes his head. “You’re so whipped. Just look at yourself. Training your ass off with Seokjin, wearing clothes you used to hate just because you think she might like guys who dress fancy.” Taehyung stops playing and turns to Jungkook. “Name brands were always my thing.”
“I borrowed that weird patterned shirt one time!” Jungkook exasperates, recalling how hideous he thought it was; yet still forcing himself to throw it on despite it not being his preferred style. “You’re never going to let it go are you?”
“It was Gucci!” Taehyung exasperates, making a clearly offended face.
 “The way you literally choke on your words every time you try to say hi to her, does not match all of this.” Jimin gestures towards Jungkook’s perfectly proportioned body.
“What?” Jungkook crossed his arms defensively, making his practically see through white button up crinkle near the chest area.  
Jimin huffs a shortened laugh. “In case you actually don’t own a mirror-which sometimes I question if you do, you’re fucking hot.” Jimin’s voice echoes throughout the empty dance studio. He’s stopped stretching his legs and has begun examining his own hair in the mirror, running a hand through his soft locks and making sure they look on point like always.
The door to the studio opens and a sleepy Hoseok walks in. “All I heard is ‘you’re fucking hot’, and I don’t want to know the context.” He says as he drops his bag and begins changing into more comfortable shoes.  
“Hobi! You’re late.” Jimin accuses.  
“I worked an overnight shift.” The older male responds, letting out a long exhale before starting his routine warm-up.
“I see you’re back to Timberlands” Hoseok comments as he eyes Jungkook’s boots, clearly remembering Namjoon’s comment on how the boy is recently changing up his sense of fashion.
“I-I never moved on from them,” Jungkook says feeling a bit embarrassed as he looks down at his favorite pair of shoes. He knew he was going to be in the dance studio all day, so there was no need to dress to impress because he wouldn’t be seeing anyone (especially not you) except Hoseok and Jimin.
“He only dresses up when there’s a chance to run into you know who.” Jimin blurts out, causing the youngest male to run up and tackle him.
“Who? Y/N?” Hoseok asks raising a brow, interest sparked for the first time since he got out of bed today.
“Yeah, he thinks it’ll get her to notice him.”
“Hyung!” Jungkook whines.
“Hey, I wasn’t finished yet. I was about to add how unnecessary it is when you look good in everything anyways.“ Jimin flashes him an angelic smile, making Jungkook loosen his hold on him.  
“Oh, so that’s why you’ve been acting so weird lately.” Hoseok comes to realization. “Can’t blame you though, she’s really pretty and like what, 3 years older?”
“Almost 4” Jimin corrects.
Jungkook feels like he wants to crawl into a hole and never come out. Why were his friends like this? God, he shouldn’t have been so obvious about his crush on you, but he was never good at hiding his true feelings, especially not when his hyungs were all so observant. 
  “Namjoon?” Jungkook begins to ask. “You think you could help me, uh, compose a song or something?”
Namjoon glances up from his laptop. “Yeah, sure. But can I ask why you suddenly want to do something I’ve been trying to spark your interest in for ages?”
“Oh no reason, just I, uh, wanted to, I mean…I-I like music?” Jungkook mentally curses for being so non-covert.
Namjoon chuckles lightly. “You want to write a song for Y/N right?” Namjoon grins, hitting the target and getting straight to the point.
“I-I….yeah…I guess that’s what I was considering.” Jungkook admits.
“Of course I’ll help, but you should probably allow her to get to know you before gifting her a random love song.” Namjoon laughs again. “That might just scare her off.”
“Y-yeah, I’m working on that.” Jungkook knows he’s hopeless. He’ll never gather the courage to actually talk to you, not when he’s barely able to look you in the eye when he’s attempting to just say hi. “I’m just bad at expressing my feelings or just talking to girls in general.”
Namjoon smiles warmly, dimples forming on the sides of his cheeks. “Honestly though, the best way is to just be yourself.” He encourages. “I’m sure she’ll find a lot of things about you to be charming.”
  Jungkook’s never been one to strike up random conversations with strangers, but he figures Yoongi was just giving him a chance to practice honing his social skills. That is, until he sees you walking into the coffee shop. He immediately diverts his eyes, training his gaze onto the cars passing by outside and hoping that you’re not actually walking towards their table.
Yoongi didn’t mention who the person joining you guys was, and he prays his horrible instincts are being their normal horrible selves and that you won’t-
This can’t be happening.
“Y/N!” Jungkook can practically see the signature half-smile plastered on Yoongi’s face, but no, he refuses to turn and acknowledge the reality of the situation.
No, this is not happening. Maybe if he closes his eyes-
“You’re Jungkook, right?” He hears the sweet melody of a females voice drift to his ears.
“H-h-hi” Jungkook says, clearing his throat and shifting uncomfortably in his seat.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
“Glad you could make it, Y/N.” Yoongi says, smiling as if nothing was wrong, and pretending like this was the most natural situation he could’ve thrown the youngster in, and not purposefully set up at all. “I wanted to officially introduce the two of you. I know you’ve already met, but-”
Yoongi’s phone vibrates before he can finish. Jungkook watches intently as the male looks down and checks the message. “Oh, looks like Namjoon janked up the microwave again. I gotta go fix that shit before the guy starves or burns down the apartment trying to cook.” Yoongi puts on a fake sad face.
Yoongi can’t be leaving. Jungkook’s eyes widen in horror.
“You guys don’t mind if I head out right?”
Jungkook opens his mouth to protest but you reply before he has the chance to.
“Oh yeah, you go ahead. We’ll be fine.” You smile at Jungkook who glances at you shyly before fixing his large doe-eyes back on the empty table in front of him.
Yoongi sighs. “The guy has an IQ of a genius, but he’s a total klutz.”
Jungkook hears you laugh, but he’s sweating so much he wonders why the fucking AC in the shop feels like it’s turned off when it’s actually on full blast.  
 “So you’re a college freshman now, right?” You turn to Jungkook after Yoongi leaves, trying to focus on creating a lighter mood. You’ve always known he was the extremely introverted type, someone who takes a while to open up.
“Y-yeah, starting soon, classes starting-” You giggle at the way he squeezes his eyes shut and mutters something under his breathe when his sentence doesn’t come out coherently.
“Hey, well congrats on surviving high school.” You still remember seeing him in the hallways back then, the scrawny kid who would look away every time you waved at him. You had asked Seokjin about it, but the older male just said he was a shy one. Seeing him act the same way now was utterly endearing, and you liked how his sweet personality hasn’t changed despite the noticeable transformation in his physique.
“High school, yeah.” Jungkook mutters. “Y-you’re uh, almost done with college right?” Jungkook winces at the way the pitch of his voice gradually got higher as he finished that last sentence. Because puberty still likes to pay him random visits now and then.  
You giggle again. “Yup, I’m in my last year, but I’ll be attending grad school at the same university.”
Jungkook’s eyebrows lift in surprise. “T-that means you’ll still be here…”
“Mmm-hm” You hum in confirmation. “So if you ever need help with school, hit me up.”
“Y-you’d do that?”
“Of course. We’ve known each other long enough.” You reply nonchalantly.
“Hehe, y-yeah. Known each other…”
“You know, on the outside you look like the type of guy who would just fuck a girl and leave, but on the inside you’re like super nerdy and a complete jokester with your friends. Am I right?” You give him a knowing look.
Jungkook’s jaw drops.
“Sorry, I should’ve been more refined with that statement. I guess what I’m trying to say is, you totally seem like the type who’s super soft but hides under a hardened shell.” You watch as an astonished expression washes over his face. “It’s the vibe you always given off.”
You still remember the days he was always dressed in a hoodie too big for him or that white shirt he must either continuously wash or own several of the same kind. You briefly wonder why he’s recently stopped sporting the style that you’ve grown to associate him with.
“Always?” He wonders how long you’ve been analyzing him to come up with such an accurate portrayal. He’s usually misunderstood.
“Yeah, ever since I first saw you back in high school. And I totally thought you hated me or something.” You chuckle, recalling how he seemed to avoid you at all costs. “You don’t actually… hate me right?” You slowly lift your eyes to meet his, waiting for a response.
“No!” Jungkook answers quicker than his reflexes can even allow. “Y/N, I’ve actually liked you since high school. Like, like-like. And I’m just so nervous around you and super socially awkward in general, and I didn’t want to come off weird and shit. Uh, fuck.” He blurts out, finally revealing his feelings that he’s kept hidden from you for so long. It’s the most embarrassing thing he’s done to date, and he swears he’ll hide away from society for good after this day. “Haha, wow, I can’t believe I just said that.” He bites his bottom lip, feeling his cheeks blossom into the darkest shade of rose that’s physically possible.
You feel your heart skip a beat as his confession, a feeling that gradually spreads as a soothing warmth throughout your chest. “A-actually, I have too.” You admit, voice soft and shy, much like his is 90% of the time.
Jungkook is speechless at that moment, just gaping at you for what feels like an eternity because this obviously can’t be real.
“W-what?” Jungkook feels like he’s in a dream. How was this possible? There’s no way you could’ve just admitted that you’ve had a crush on him too, and since fucking high school. This can’t be real. This can’t.
“Jungkook, I’ve liked you since then too.” You repeat, firmer this time because he looks like he’s in a daze. 
Jungkook has to swallow before replying because he’s still in the most shocked state he ever been in. “R-really?”
You nod, eyes gazing into his with a sincere resolve.
“Shit. I can’t believe. Wow.” Jungkook doesn’t know what to do with himself in that moment, but he’s so fucking relieved he feels like someone just transported him to heaven. This was actually real. “Wait, d-does that mean you’ll, uh… go out-”
“Yes, Jungkook.” You smile tenderly. “The answer is yes.”
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