#alura fucking barks actually-
I heard filthy asks and so I am here 🌚 (this is partly for me because I have been DOWN BAD for this man this comeback)
I just know Jongho is a sadist and fucking loves to overstimulate you. Overstimulation and dumbification is his thing for sure. And especially if you’ve been a brat then he’s definitely just gonna leave you tied up with vibrator so you come as many times as he wants you to. He focuses on your expressions through the pain and pleasure, carefully watching the tears stream down your face from the overstimulation. He gets a kick out of watching you writhe and whine, crying from the countless orgasms he’s put you through, yet still begging to be able to touch him. Or, at least trying to beg. It’s a bit hard with your mind too foggy to form full sentences. “Oh doll, you were just begging me to stop, no? I don’t think you can handle my cock, pretty girl is too fucked dumb already, huh?”
ah sorry for the rant love, but Jongho has just been hitting different lately
jeez I should just start writing fics at this point lol
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thanks babe 🤠 dunno how i’m supposed to cope with THAT but thanks 👍🏻
i agree though. like if he gets you like that, you’re fucking done for. my masochistic ass is t h r i v i n g at the thought brrrr
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methoxyethane · 5 years
Oh my god, they were roommates
Keith had been over every apartment listing in the city before Allura told him about her friend.
His first question had been the same one he’d asked at every failed apartment hunt so far, the question that had prevented him from renting every affordable apartment in the entire area. “Are dogs allowed?”
Allura paused, teacup halfway to her mouth. “I should think so. I know he has a cat.”
“That’s a bad sign, Allura,” Keith said back. “Most people with cats don’t want fifty pounds of Siberian Husky around to chase them.”
“Sensible as that may be,” Alura set her tea down. “I don’t believe it will be an issue. Desperation is rather a factor on Lance’s part, and I don’t think a dog would be enough to for him to reject an offer that could help him stay on the property.”
So, the guy was desperate for a roommate, huh? “What’s so bad about him that he can’t find another roommate? Is he like, a bipolar alcoholic recluse or something?”
Allura laughed, light and pretty. “Not at all. It’s just a factor of time. His old roommate moved out to live with a girlfriend, and left rather abruptly enough to leave poor Lance with rent to pay.”
That made sense, but Keith was still a little trepidatious. A decent house was a hard thing to find in the city, and finding an available one he could afford with only a single roommate to deal with sounded too good to be true.
He trusted Allura though. If this was a friend she was willing to vouch for like this, whoever this Lance was must be a decent guy, and there was pretty much no house dilapidated enough for Keith to be willing to turn down right now. Not when he and Kosmo needed a home.
That said? Keith probably shouldn’t have trusted Allura.
Allura drove with him to meet Lance at his house, mediating between the two strangers about to make a deal to live together. And it was a good thing she did, too, because otherwise Keith wouldn’t have been able to kick her fucking ass for this entire endeavor.
That’s a lie, Keith would never lay a hand on her. And he probably couldn't compete with her even if he did want to. But when they got out of the car to meet Lance in the driveway and Keith caught the undeniable prevailing scent of alpha rolling off the other man, he sure was tempted to try it anyway.
Keith, trusting Allura’s judgement, had assumed the other man would be an omega like Keith was, or at worst a beta. Living with an alpha? On a permanent, this-is-my-home basis? That was… That sounded… Stupid.
Still, it was too late to turn back now, even if the look on Lance’s face said he was thinking the exact same thing. “So, this is the famous Keith I’ve heard so much about!” Lance said, apparently deciding to be friendly as he offered out his hand to Keith. “That’s funny, Allura never mentioned you’d be… You know.”
“Yeah,” Keith agreed. “She didn’t mention to me, either.”
Both of them glanced over at Allura, who waved to them cheerfully from where she was leaning against Keith’s car. “Well, nothing for it now!” Lance said, a hint of an exasperated sigh in his voice. “She said you had a dog, is that him in the backseat?”
Funny, she’s mentioned Keith’s dog but failed to indicate his presentation. How convenient. Keith nodded anyway, deciding that dancing around the awkward subject and pretending it wasn’t actually an issue suited him just fine. “Yeah, his name’s Kosmo. I’d let him out of the car to meet you, but he’s a bit… overly friendly.”
“Well, if you move in I’ll have to meet him anyway, right?” Lance said, walking over to the car.
He let Keith be the one to open the door to let him out, the husky gleefully bounding out of the open door to slam head first into Keith’s chest, the same greeting he always gave. Once the dog was done with Keith he turned to the stranger that was Lance, sniffing his offered hand curiously. Keith watched as Kosmo sniffed the hand, then licked it, then stood up on his hind legs to cover Lance’s face with happy puppy kisses.
“Well,” Allura said, also watching. “He certainly didn’t take to me that quickly.”
“I just had bacon,” Lance said, laughing as he pushed the dog down. “He’s probably just trying to get a taste.” Kosmo barked cheerfully, coming back to circle around Keith’s legs. “So,” Lance said. “Shall we have a look inside, see if you wanna move in?”
“Sure thing.” Keith didn’t need to see inside the house. Kosmo’s judgment was all he needed to know he’d do just fine living here.
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bleusarcellewrites · 7 years
I'm so sorry if you didn't actually mean for people to request drabbles, but it would be incredible if you could write something for Shayllura with "You smell really nice".
Oh, Riley, you could tell me to write an entire 10k fic for u and I would. I mean, I would cry and bleed and such but hey, I would try for sure. 
Anyways! Here’s Shayllura, hope I did it justice but it’s the first time writing it and I hope it’s decent enough. IT’S PROBABLY SO WEIRD AND i’M SO SORRY ????
Also, I love flustered Allura. I need more. Also 2, I’m sorry if it’s bleh. Also 3, I’m posting this on my college’s computer, currently on the library and I feel so weird. Fun fact. 
Disclaimer: Voltron doesn’t belong to me. 
“You smell really nice.”
In Alura’s defense, it was totally justified for her to spit out her entire drink on her friend, having in mind that her crush – her lovely, wonderful, too pure for this world crush – just said she smelled nice.
She smelled nice. She. She who had just come back from the gym and sweat is dripping from every single skin pore on her.
Any time you want her eat her up, Ground. Your call.
“Really.” Lance deadpans dryly as the remains of Allura’s mango smoothie drips from his face, shooting an exasperated glares towards his boyfriend when he barks a laugh. Lance sighs before he grabs his man by the wrist, pulling him towards the bathroom and shouting a quick ‘be right back’ to Allura.
Allura doesn’t have the time to grab him because, how dare you Lance, you can’t leave me alone now, what the actual fuck.
“Allura?” The same sweet voice from before speaks up once again, this time shyly and unsure.
“Shay! Shay, hey, hello, hi, hey!” Allura exclaims, turning around to meet Shay and her heart beats faster than it does in her Cardio class.
Shay’s bright amber eyes brighten happily at the greeting, a wide soft smile decorating her entire round face and Allura is weak.
“Back from the gym?” The short haired teen asks, nodding at her outfit.
Allura takes a deep breath before she nods and smiles back at her. “Yeah! Today I got a chance to take the new Cardio class they offer. It was intense.”
“I would bet.” Shay giggles, leaning closer and flickering a wet white lock from Allura’s face.
Allura blushes. “Hah, yeah, but don’t worry! I totally washed myself good enough afterwards. I’m not as smelly as one would expect.”
Shay giggles and shakes her head. “Please, this is nothing compared to Rax’s sweaty socks, believe me.” She scoffs, waving her hand off nonchalantly at the thought of her brother before he looks back at the white haired teen and offers a small smile. “Besides, like I said, you smell nice. Maybe it’s your natural smell.”
‘Control yourself, Heart.’ Allura scolds inside her heart.
“I was actually wondering if you wanted to join me? I was about to go to the beach for a walk.” Shay offers, tucking a stray black lock behind her ear, smiling softly at the older teen. “The sunset is always breathtaking, I can assure you.”
Allura gulps and looks down at her outfit, grimacing when she realizes she’s still dirty, sweaty and clearly a mess.
She purses her lips and arches an eyebrow at her with a smirk. “Would you accept a sweaty messy and probably smelly gal to be your fair and deserving company?”
Shay rolls her eyes good heartily before pulling Allura up to her feet. “Come on, Smelly Rose, you are fine. To the beach we go!”
Allura allows herself to be dragged out of the store with a happy smile.
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