#aluminium chrome base chair
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interiorergonomics · 4 months ago
Comfortable Alba Lounge Chair
Discover the trendy comfortable Alba lounge chair from OfficeMaster Dubai. This bespoke corporate space relaxing chair is exceptionally complimenting waiting areas in a stylish modern design.
Check out its custom features making it outstanding among others, as manufactured in Dubai.
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spikeybits · 5 years ago
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Rocky Base Set & Hive Walls Terrain Game Mat.EU Save more time for playing games like Warhammer 40k with the new pre-painted Rocky Base, and Hive Walls Terrain from Game Mat EU. Get yours here ►http://bit.ly/Gamemat Terrain provided for review and promotion. All The Hobby Supplies I Swear By ➡️http://bit.ly/Essentialhobby 🔥 Hobby Table: ultrasonic model cleaner https://snip.ly/fhxgwu Overhead Triple Bright Lamp (I use two) http://snip.ly/iqfypj smaller Ultrasonic cleaner https://snip.ly/7y0asn Dx Racer Chair https://snip.ly/al9xrl Gunnar Glasses Protect From Harmful Blue Light https://snip.ly/dun5fq Purple Pad makes any chair better http://snip.ly/oc49os Ott Light Portable Light with No Clamps https://snip.ly/5fnlsx Print your own Bits with this dope 3d Printer: https://snip.ly/bj1lvs Masters Airbrush Spray Booth With LED Lights: https://snip.ly/81t2fi Indoor Filters For Spray Booth https://snip.ly/21enit Heavy-duty paint mixer is fun AF: https://snip.ly/josru5 Amazon 11x17 Poster Frame 2 Pack for starter box inserts: https://snip.ly/0g8v2a Adjustable TV Tray Table is perfect for hobbying: https://amzn.to/2TU6kw6 https://snip.ly/tablemate2 3D Printing Anycubic photon S 3D printer is magic for minis https://snip.ly/d13u0z Anycubic Photon is pretty affordable and easy to use: https://snip.ly/ba7012 Anycubic Wash & Cure Station https://snip.ly/Anycubicwash Egoo Mars (has pretty high marks as well from folks) https://amzn.to/2U4aMr4 Hobby Supplies 15ml Dropper Bottles https://snip.ly/ijjog8 30ml Dropper Bottles (for contrast and large pots) https://snip.ly/0e2q5v Shoe Holder For Spray Cans https://snip.ly/gz30ap Matte Coat In Any Conditions Testors Lusterless Spray https://snip.ly/Amzn_paints plastic putty for gap filling https://snip.ly/w32pyr Tamiya Extra-Thin Cement Quick-Setting: https://snip.ly/ggpiri Testors Liquid Cement For Plastics: https://snip.ly/mzzuea Selfie Light for Miniatures http://amzn.to/2tzZ5yd Hobby Miniature Holder- https://snip.ly/game_envy Cheesecloth for making Camo cloaks https://snip.ly/p9o06k Testors Easy Lift Off Stripper (ELO) https://snip.ly/6lohbi Metallic Sharpie Markers For Painting https://snip.ly/6lpvyd Apply decals like a pro: https://snip.ly/yiascg Wet Pallet (small) https://snip.ly/game_envy Vallejo Chipping Medium https://snip.ly/hj2wm1 Shapers Brushes for filling gaps with putties https://snip.ly/p50xfp Mr. Polisher for trimming mold lines https://snip.ly/y0ia8o Refilling Paint Water Pot: https://snip.ly/game_envy Green Stuff: https://amzn.to/2OmOqOz Hand Sized Pin Vice https://amzn.to/2OtCniO Drill Bits For Magnets https://amzn.to/2OtC47E High-Quality Sable Paint Brushes: https://snip.ly/game_envy 2 Step Paint Brush Cleaner: Winsor Newton Cleaner removes dried paint https://snip.ly/neyp4n Jentastic Brush Goop Conditioner after each use: https://snip.ly/lazu6g Airbrushes & Accessories: H&S Evolution Airbrush (Aluminium) http://snip.ly/zyhlvn H&S Evolution Airbrush (Chrome finish) https://snip.ly/28k0i1 H&S Colani Airbrush http://snip.ly/kvk8yx H&S Ultra Airbrush https://snip.ly/28k0i1 Badger Patriot 105 https://snip.ly/01d9p5 Iwata Eclipse Airbrush https://snip.ly/h6p9p6 GSI Creos PS770 https://snip.ly/90c32v Sparmax Compressor https://snip.ly/5jgvd8 Tooty No-Name Compressor https://snip.ly/z1k35v Aspire Compressor https://snip.ly/rbbt7l Vallejo Airbrush Flow Improver https://snip.ly/7lf0su Vallejo Airbrush Thinner https://snip.ly/fzd7q1 Iwata Airbrush Lube https://snip.ly/lagdce Grex Airbrush Cleaner https://snip.ly/4d5ygt Goose Neck Bottle for Cleaning AB: https://snip.ly/vp782c Figure Storage: Collapsible Tournament Push Cart https://snip.ly/pz0uf9 Clear Case For Miniatures 15"x 17", 6" Tall https://snip.ly/0pqv32 Project Cart With 6 Cases for Miniatures 12"x12" 2"-1/2" https://snip.ly/2lsaqc Steel Sheet (For Clear Cases) https://snip.ly/0lfpqw 3M Double Sided Mounted Table (For Steel Sheets) https://snip.ly/bwrs6a 10 Adhesive Magnetic Sheets 8.5" x 11" 20 mil Magnet Peel & Stick https://snip.ly/iyodnh Sterlite Bins x12 https://snip.ly/pul82p Hobby Bags https://snip.ly/bc084g Large Acid-Free Cases Perfect for miniatures like Magnus, Mortarion, Beetle Lady & more. https://amzn.to/2TR9T4X Action Figures: Primaris McFarlane https://snip.ly/Mcfarlaneprimaris Bandai Marine https://snip.ly/Bandaiprimaris Necron McFarlane https://snip.ly/Mcfarlanenecron These are affiliate links, as an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases SUBSCRIBE ➡️ https://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=rbaer0002 Become a VETERAN OF THE LONG WAR ➡️ http://www.thelongwar.net LIKE US ON FACEBOOK ➡️ https://www.facebook.com/pages/Spikey... TWITTER ➡️ https://twitter.com/spikeybits INSTAGRAM ➡️ http://instagram.com/spikeybits VISIT OUR SITE ➡️ http://www.spikeybits.com TWITCH ➡️https://www.twitch.tv/spikeybitstv Unboxing Hobby Tutorials pdf Instructions. First Look Airbrushing Battle Reports. Rob Baer Kenny Boucher warhammer 40k
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swenkunze-blog · 5 years ago
Einige Interessante Punkte, Die Beim Kauf Von Friseurstühlen Zu Beachten Sind
Ein Barber Stuhl antik Design ist nicht einfach ein Herren Friseurstuhl der mehr kostet als normale Friseurstühle, im Gegenteil, es ist etwas was dir in deinem Barbershop das richtige Ambiente und die richtige Atmosphäre liefert. Barber Chairs gibt es bei uns in vielen verschiedenen Formen und Farbkombinationen, woher willst du also wissen was der richtige Herren Friseurstuhl für dich ist? Wenn du einen Barbershop eröffnest oder gerade renovierst dann ist es wichtig das du auf solche Dinge wie einen Barberstuhl wert legst, folge diesem Ratgeber um den richtigen Barber Chair für dich zu kaufen, einer der mehr ist als nur ein Barber Stuhl antik Design ist, einer der auch das gewisse etwas mit sich bringt.
Hoher Komfort für Kunden und Barbiere
Lass deine Kunden sich fühlen wir Könige, verwöhne sie und lasse sie entspannen. Gib ihnen Zeit für sich und biete ihnen höchst möglichen Komfort. Genau dieser Komfort ist dass, was einen Herren Friseurstuhl ausmacht, deine Kunden werden sich an die angenehme Sitzposition und den Komfort immer erinnern. Es geht beim barbering um mehr als nur den schnellen Haarschnitt und eine zackige Rasur, es geht um das Entspannen und um die positive Erfahrung die der Kunde in seiner Privatsphäre genießen kann. Ein Barberstuhl der für alle Kunden passt, bei dem jeder Kunde sich zurücklehnen kann und der Friseurstuhl mit Kopfstütze auf ihn angepasst wird.
Solide Qualität
Die Produktentwicklung ist das entscheidende wenn man auf der Suche nach den richtigen Barber Chairs ist. Ein Barber Chair ist in jeder Hinsicht ein Investment in ihr Geschäft, so musst du dir sicher sein ein langfristiges gutes Investment zu tätigen. Es gibt sicherlich eine große Auswahl an Barber Chairs im Internet, jedoch ist ein Aspekt der wichtigste: Eine solide Qualität, bei diesem Aspekt kommst du um die führenden Hersteller nicht vorbei.
Beim Einkaufen geht es meistens um das Material der Herrenfriseurstühle mit Kopfstütze, es ist wichtig die genaue Qualität und Beständigkeit der Materialien deines potentiellen Barberstuhl zu kennen. Egal ob es ein retro Friseurstuhl ist oder ein moderner Barbierstuhl. Die Hauptbestandteile des Stuhls sind Aluminium und Stahl, dies ist nicht wegzudenken. Es ist ein hartes Material und es hält genug aus. Entscheiden dich dann noch für das richtige Leder, die passenden Farben und das richtige Stickmuster und schon wird dein Retro Herren Friseurstuhl bereit sein. Einige Barber Stühle haben wahlweise noch die Möglichkeit eine Standard Base oder elektronische Base zu wählen.
Einfach sauber zu halten Wenn du einen neuen Barber Chair gekauft hast musst du dafür sorgen dass es genau so schön aussieht wie an dem ersten Tag als du ihn aufgestellt hast, lerne also wie du am besten mit ihm umgehen sollst. Am besten  behandelst du das Leder oder das Kunstleder mit einem Polsterreiniger. Für das chrome oder die Aluminiumteile nutzt du ein feuchtes Tuch und gleitest über die Oberfläche. Achte drauf dass du keine Chemikalien verwendest.
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aluminumprofileinindia · 6 years ago
PVC Edge Banding Tape in India, Gas Lift for Office Chairs in India
Bhavya Tradelink is occupied with assembling and providing a wide grouping of Plywood Edge Banding Tape. Actually, we are trusted as a setup PVC Edge Banding Tape in India, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, and Edge Band Tape Manufacturer from India. These PVC Edge Banding tapes are requested in shopping centres, private houses and diversion houses for beautification and covering fine edges of furniture. Our whole range is planned by using best grade materials in accordance with global market principles at our very much prepared creation unit. This PVC Edge Banding Tape can be effectively benefited from us by our important clients at market driving cost.
 In the event that you need to purchase edge banding tape on the web, at that point you are at the correct spot. We offer these polished PVC Edge Band Tapes with an affirmation of highlights, for example, hostile to maturing, solid strain, cold safe and ecological security. The items are pressed in standard container boxes, which are tough and fit for sailing, guaranteeing the best nature of PVC Edge Tapes, Edge Banding Tape, PVC Edge Banding Tape, Furniture Edge Banding Tape, executive chairs manufacturers, wholesale dealers, exporters, suppliers in India, Ahmedabad, Gujarat at unsurpassed. The conveyance time relies upon the customer's structure and area.
 Creator office seats add appeal and style to your office while giving the most extreme solace to working. These office seats are accessible in a wide scope of shapes, hues, styles, and offices. Creator office seats are accessible in rich, advanced and thin line styles. These have regular alteration highlights for solace and backing of Gas Lift for Office Chairs in India. These seats keep upright stance control standards. Contemporary planner seats have a progressive spinal section framework, backrests with customizable stature, remarkable flexing, low effect, and movable arms. These are given a leaning back tilt instrument with strain control and pneumatic seat tallness change.
 Originator assignment seats are ergonomically structured with work framework backrests that permit most extreme solace. A portion of these seats has 5 star silver bases and gas lift for seat tallness alteration. You can purchase seats with or without armrests. The breeze work planner office seat has the work retro structure, back work strain hand wheel, cleaned base and shaking/lockable tilt mech. All famous fashioner office seats have snazzy and utilitarian structures, synchro system, customizable bodyweight strain control, and discretionary aluminium bases. Back rub fashioner office seats have worked in back rub development, leaning back tilt mech lockable in upstanding position and cleaned bases.
 Trendy and useful 800 arrangement seats have ratchet backrest tallness alteration, fingertip controls, "push catch" and sliding seat and synchro pensionable seat change. Like other contemporary planner seats, these additions can modify situate tallness and highlight swivel activity. The arm-rests with movable tallness and width are discretionary.
 Present-day originator office seats are accessible in unique models that shield clients from significant issues emerging from wrong seating positions. Other than the typical highlights, these seats have triple backrest pads for extreme solace, coordinated seat profundity modification and synchro seat and backrest development. These game delicate touch tallness and width movable armrests and aluminium pass on cast bases that help the seat stature alteration. The backrest pads are bolstered by a chrome-covered spine. Bhavya Tradelink for Gas Lift for Office Chairs in India, Office Chair Gas Lift in India, Office Chair Spare Parts, Office Chair Hydraulic Gas Lift Cylinder, Hydraulic Chair Price, and Furniture Edge Banding Tape, executive chairs in India
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furnitureferret · 2 years ago
Chrome, silver & bright
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#Chrome and silver are timeless, elegant colours and accents you can add to any #home to enhance its elegance. Be it a rug in grey tones, table legs or handles in brushed steel, you can't go wrong with these non-colour colours. Check out our #moodboard and specially collected items below. #interiordesign #livingroom #roominspo
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Loyalty Oval Dining Table - Glass and Chrome The table comes with an oval shaped 10mm thick tempered glass table top which is supporting by a stunningly shaped central pedestal. Simple, understated yet incredible elegant, the Pria 180cm Oval Glass Dining Table is a striking example of modern design. The table, which seats 6, is suitable for either kitchens or dining rooms. The pedestal is made from aluminium and has a stone base to contribute stability. Buy it from Choice Furniture Superstore. Visit in the shop
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Julian Bowen Aria Grey Linen and Chrome Recliner Chair and Stool Featuring a padded headrest and footstool to provide utmost comfort, this trendy chair is perfect for a wide range of decor. Not only does this chair recline, it also swivels Suitable match for a wide range of contemporary decor. The Aria Recliner is stunningly upholstered in grey linen fabric with a astonishing chrome base. Not only does this chair recline, it also swivels allowing you to reach your preffered postition at ease. Upholstered in a grey linen fabric with a chrome base. Featuring a padded headrest and footstool for added comfort. Recliner Chair. Recliner Chair. Buy from Choice Furniture Superstore. Visit in the shop
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Terrace Spanish Tile Flatweave Outdoor Indoor Round Silver/Grey Rug in 160 x 160 cm (5'3''x5'3'') Round Features: Material : Polypropylene (this is not plastic like cheap ones) Pattern : Geometric Outdoor rug in a astonishing Spanish tile design Choose from Blue, Bordeaux, Gold, Natural, Silver, Taupe, Teal or Terracotta Available in 6 sizes including 2 circular Spanish tile outdoor rugs are rot, mould and mildew resistant and hose clean for ease Description: These Spanish tile outdoor rugs are specially designed to lay across your patio or deck. What's more, the rugs are resistant to mould and mildew so you can use them in a summerhouse or high-traffic indoor space as well. You can leave them out in the rain, sun and even frost. The rugs are made of ultra-hardwearing, finely spun polypropylene yarns and are totally weatherproof. Plus, outdoor rugs are a cinch to clean – simply wipe or hose them down. Suitable for adding an added layer of comfort underfoot while helping define any outdoor area. Try them around seating or a barbecue, for instance. This season we've extra even more shapes, designs. From ManoMano UK. Visit in the shop
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Herringbone Rug - Silver - 120x170cm Ideal for use in any area of the home and ideal for high-traffic spaces. Woven with soft, simple-to-clean polypropylene pile this is a great, hard-wearing rug. Use of Rug grip on hard floors is recommended to prevent slipping. Simply blot stains with surface shampoo. Purchase from Homebase. Visit in the shop
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HOMCOM Single Sofa Bed, 1 Person Sleeper Foldable Lounge with Pillow, Grey Switch from sitting to sleeping in an instant, due to this single futon chair from HOMCOM. Filled with thick foam padding and wrapped in linen-look fabric for great comfort. Using steel for a solid and tough frame, it comes with a five-level back to adjust to a position best for you. Now, your guests will always have somewhere comfortable to sleep when they come over for the night. Wrapped in linen-touch fabric for a uncompromising look. Powder coated steel frame, ensures a solid structure whilst you sit and sleep. Features:Single futon converts into a spare bed swiftly and easily. Thick foam padding for comfort, with a echoing pillow. Comes complete with a pillow for added comfort and support. Only throw pillow cover is removable and washable. Back can be adjusted to five different angles. Assembly required. Get it from Aosom UK. Visit in the shop
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Camel Platinum Day Silver Birch Slim Italian Vitrine Buffet Sideboard with Glass Door Plinths: 18mm thick MDF (Medium Density Fiberboard) panels foiled in black thermoplastic veneer on internal side and chrome-mirror veneer on external side. They are subject to static load test (positive opening capacity), wear/durability tests (100,000 cycles of opening and closing with the extra load 2x20N), safety testing and salt water resistance and condensation testing. Structural Backs: 8mm thick wood particles panels veneered with semi-gloss silver birch melamine finish (Camelgroup exclusive) on one side and black melamine veneer on back side. Doors: 18mm thick wood particles panels veneered with semi-gloss silver birch melamine finish.95 gloss polyester curtain coating with UV (Ultra Violet) drying process. Standard Backs: 4mm thick wood particles panels veneered in black melamine on both sides. Steel Hardware and Wood Dowels: Solid beech wood dowels 10mm x 40mm. Do not place the furniture close to heating sources or in humid places for a long periods. Other Characteristics: Ultralight virgin white poplar wood particles panel adhere to E1 low formaldehyde emission standard as per UNIEN120 directive. New Slim version characterized by a new elegant handle in shiny wood finish with top and bottom chrome portions. two-door vitrine glass shelf: 2 x 120mm stainless steel profile with LED light (1.2W low consumption. In order to avoid damages do not load weight on doors nor force over-opening or strain on hinges. Shelves: 18mm thick wood particles panels veneered with semi-gloss silver birch melamine finish. Lighting Systems: Recessed 12V Microled spot light(1.7W low consumption 3000 Kelvin warm light). Avoid prolonged direct exposure to sun light, this might cause discoloration which cannot be regarded as a defect. Hinges are certified in compliance with DIN ISO 9001 quality standard. Light effect on glass shelf customizable by client: dotted effect (A) or even light (B). Carbonitrided and galvanized steel with zinc alloy patented joints guarantee certified strength and hold. Glass: Glass doors: 6mm tempered fume glass. Glass shelves: 8mm transparent glass L-shaped. 95 gloss polyester curtain coating with UV (Ultra Violet) drying process. Care and Maintenance: Surfaces must be cleaned with soft cloth and neutral liquid detergent. All Made to Order items are manufactured as per the order supplied by you. Do not use products containing alcohol or solvents. Do not use powder or abrasive products. Glass shelves with LED back light. 3000 Kelvin warm light). Glass doors are wave shaped. This is a Made to Order item. Smoke Grey Glasses. Wash and dry carefully. From Choice Furniture Superstore. Visit in the shop
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Wing Chair Fireside High Back Armchair Shimmer Silver Velvet Fabric Wings Chair Dimensions : H 98cm x W 80cm x D 80cm apprx. If you are looking for style and reliability, our ever popular wing chair has come to define what traditional styling is all about. This traditionally styled wing chair has polyester fibre seat cushion and high tensile comfortable cushions. Therefore in order to make this stress free, we offer all our customers:. Designer Sofas4U Wing Chair also available in customers own fabric. Upholstered in Luxurious Designer Fabric exclusively available from Designer Sofas4u. Featuring hardwood Turned Mahogany Brass legs with rollers. We understand that purchasing furniture is a household decision. Free impartial advice on the suitability of products. Free swatches to help decide on colours. Buy at Designer Sofas 4U. Visit in the shop Read the full article
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onyxfurniture · 2 years ago
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Duke HB/MB Chair
Back & Seat frame structure made of single piece upholstered with microfibre chrome with PU pad Fixed armrest Torshan bar single lock tilt mechanism 350mm aluminium base
For orders in bulk WhatsApp: https://wa.me/message/ZLKHWUWBCTXUN1 Call: 9396381310
Visit: www.onyxfurniture.in
#importedchair #chairmaker #Chairdealer #Dealer #Chairwholesales #Backrestchair #Stylishchair #Comfort #Comfortchair #Doctorchair #Directorchair #Headrestchair #chairmanufacturers #chairs #Manufacturing #import #Manufacturer #officechair #highbackchair
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valueofficefurnitureau · 2 years ago
Why Executive Office Chair is the First Choice of Organizations?
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Executive office chairs are in trend nowadays. Not only they look good, they feel great as well. An executive chair is different from an office chair in various parameters such as build quality, materials, etc. Executive chairs have a sophisticated build and design. They look premium and the quality of material used is very good. They use good quality leather, better upholstery and nice stitching. They are loaded with features such as padded armrest, flexible backrest and height adjustment. This plays an important role in providing top notch comfort to the employees.
Various companies and organizations have now opted for executive chairs because of the various advantages it has over normal office chairs. Here are a few reasons why:
1) Premium looks:
An executive office chairs has a better build quality as compared to a traditional office chair. They are bigger in size and have a muscular and bulky look. Executive office chairs are lined with premium quality leather. They also have great upholstery and stitching that adds to the aesthetic appeal of the chair. Proper cushioning and support also helps these chairs stand out from the rest. An executive office chair looks visually appealing as well.
2) Comfortable backrest:
Executive Office chairs have thick and comfortable backrests that allow the employees to sit on the chair for numerous hours without making them feel tired or fatigued. It provides support to the back and makes sure that the spine is in ‘S’ shape for most time which is very important for correct and healthy posture. Correct posture eliminates any chance of injuries or health complications such as cervical pain or spondylitis. It also allows the employee to devote many work hours which can result in an increased productivity.
3) Leather Upholstery:
The leather upholstery used is an important factor when it comes to differentiating between an executive chair and an office chair. A premium leather touch looks visually appealing and offers great comfort.
4) Padded armrests:
Another feature that makes the executive office chair attractive is the fact that it has PU-padded armrests. They are carefully designed such that they feel good, but at the same time do not compromise with the posture of the body. They use aluminium and chrome for added aesthetic appeal so that these chairs look good and feel professional.
5) Comfortable seating:
The base of an executive office chair is very comfortable, thanks to added padding and the leather upholstery. It feels very soft with adequate padding such that it feels comfortable and upright at the same time. Special attention is given to the lumbar area such that the user does not develop pain in the lower back.
6) Adjustability:
The executive office chairs offer you great adjustability options which include recline angle, seat height and much more. This is helpful as the user can alter the chair to his liking and comfort. This overall helps with increased productivity of the individual. The adjustments can be done via levers provided under the seat.
Thus, this sums up the various reasons why many companies and organizations prefer executive chairs over normal office chairs. A workspace should be pleasant and friendly such that the employee feels comfortable and an executive office chair does exactly that.
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ESD or electrostatic discharge is a common phenomenon. Furniture, equipment, clothing and other common items canstore and release electrostatic discharge.
If you're working with sensitive electronic components and assemblies, ESD protection is vital. Uncontrolled ESD can visibly damage electronic components, interfere with their function or lead to operational failure later on.
Usually, companies build EPAs (electrostatic protected areas) which provide effective protection against damage caused byESD. Proper ESD control is about ensuring the right combination of tools, clothing, working environments, staff training, and user behaviour is deployed effectively.
In EPAs, all precautionary measures are taken so people can work on electro statically-sensitive assemblies without risk of damage.
Setting up an ESD workplace requires personal grounding apparel and items such as wrist straps, lab coats, gloves, etc. It also calls for ESD flooring and ESD furniture, ESD packaging & storage, besides tape and signage to distinguish the space from other areas.
ESD workstations and other furniture are crucial elements of an ESD workplace - and that's where Messung Workplace Technology presents an undeniable advantage.
ESD Workbenches Messung manufactures world-class ESD workstations or ESD workbenches in both aluminium and mild steel, to meet the minimum requirements of IEC 61340-5-1. The ESD tables are modular and ergonomically adaptable. The lab table top with volumetric ESD ensures electrostatic charge is dissipated across the working area. To further keep the table charge-neutral, there is a grounding cable and all plastic parts are not ESD conductive.
Some of the features of Messung's AFM-PLUS workstations include:
- Sleek electrical mounting panel: Our industrial work table has a sleek mounting panel equipped with high standard universal power sockets (5/15 Amp) and with standard MCB of 2 pole/32 Amp.
- Ergonomic rack for hanging trays to hold cables, special tools, inspection equipment, etc.
- Sturdy Worktop: The worktop is a tough high pressure laminated particle board with ABS 2mm edge binding. It has 200 Kg weight carrying capacity and is Formaldehyde Emission – Class E1 (normally inflammable) as per EN 438.
- Perforated panel: Well-designed perforated panel for easy mounting of electronic assemblies.
- Provision for accessories: Messung's aluminium ESD table has provisions to fit magnifying glass, monitor arm, keyboard tray, bottle holder.
- Footrest: Adjustable ESD footrest for working comfort.
ESD Work chairs & stools Using an ergonomic ESD chair with cushioned seating, back rest, casters and all parts made ESD-conductive material means your people can work better and safer for longer.
Messung's IEC 61340-5-1 standard ESD workstation chairs and stools provide excellent ESD protection and ergonomics. They are available in standard and high versions, in 3 material options: Thermoplastic PU-Integral Foam, Synthetic leather and Fabric.
Features include:
- Adjustable back
- World-class synchronous mechanismso users can enjoy a seat tilt of 7 degrees, and backrest tilt of 35 degrees with forward tilt of 15 degrees and backward tilt of 20 degrees.
- Hard chrome-plated piston and springfor height adjustment, corrosion resistance and high reliability.
- Volumetric ESD casters: Five heavy dutydual wheel casters with a weight carrying capacity of 50 kg per caster.
- Five-star base: Sturdy 700 mm diameter base provides better stability and excellent strength-to-weight ratio.
Messung also offers ESD trolleys, ESD drawer cabinets, ESD racks & pedestals, moveable test stations, instrument movement trolleys and other furniture to optimise your ESD workplace.
All these offerings are designed and manufactured at Messung’s own manufacturing facility in Pune under its ‘Navonmesh – Make in India initiative’. For customers, this offers the plus points of customisation, fast turnaround time, installation support and ‘Make in India’ cost-efficiency. Messung can design and produce ESD furniture as per the customer’s requirement, ensuring world-class specifications and finish.
With the growing inclusion of electronics in every aspect of manufacturing and in the design of end-product, many industries require ergonomic ESD furniture to optimise the work environment while ensure safety and ESD protection for both people and products.
Messung Workplace Technology is one of India’s leading ESD products manufacturers. It is a business unit of the diversified Messung Group. Messung is well-known as the pioneer of the first indigenous PLC in India, and a leading name in industrial automation for four decades.
Messung’s indepth knowledge of the Electronics and industrial sectors has enabled it to provide best-in-class ESD workplace solutions that fulfil the most demanding criteria.
Contact Messung Workplace Technology with your requirements today.
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messunggroup · 3 years ago
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Electrostatic discharge (ESD) has been around for centuries. We all know that familiar shock when touching a metal doorknob or walking across a carpet; the little spark when touching woollen clothing in winter. That doesn't seem so serious in daily life but in industry, ESD can pose a real problem.
ESD can negatively impact production, ruin quality of product and increase costs.
What damage can ESD cause?
Personnel working in EPAs (ESD Protected Areas) can generate and conduct static electricity, causing minor electrostatic shocks. However, ESD can cause more severe problems in the manufacturing process, compromising the products being manufactured or tested.
In an increasingly technological age, where sophisticated electronic components are part and parcel of practically every product and process, ESD can damage the components. With electronic devices becoming faster and circuitry getting smaller, their sensitivity to ESD increases.
The time and cost of repairs or replacements can be huge; the damage to the company’s reputation can be incalculable.
Hence EPAs follow strict compliances pertaining to personnel and infrastructure. One imperative feature of an EPA is the ESD chair.
What is an ESD chair?
ESD stands for Electrostatic Dissipative. ESD or static control chairs are chairs made of non-conductive material to reduce static charge and discharge it safely through the ground. From the static-free fabric and casters, to the seat, backrest, armrest, base and other components - every element is specifically designed to protect people and products from electrostatic discharge problems.
Where are ESD chairs used?
ESD chairs are required wherever people work with electronic components. The static protection provided by ESD chairs is essential for workers that dealwith sensitive electronic circuitry or controlled-environment areas such as a cleanroom that requires minimised environmental pollutants.
ESD chairs are now an essential part of EPAs (ESD Protected Area) in industries such as:
- Manufacturing- facilities where PCBs and other electronic components are produced, assembled or tested
- Science & Education- technical production facilities; training & didactic centres, etc.
- Healthcare- in environments with delicate medical electronics
- Cleanroom- in critical environment facilities
Advantages of using ESD chairs
Different ESD safe chairs may have different features but generally, every ESD chair offers these advantages:
- protects personnel and products from electrostatic discharge problems
- minimises environmental pollutants in controlled environments
- provides ergonomic support for sitting workers
- protects product quality and reliability
- promotes worker efficiency over long hours of work
Trust Messung’s ESD Chairs
Messung is a leading ESD chair manufacturer in Mumbai. Messung's range of AFM-PLUS ESD safe chairs offer the optimal combination of ESD protection and ergonomics, at a competitive price.
Messung’s ESD lab chairs, ESD production chairs and ESD chairs for manufacturing are designed and manufactured indigenously by Messung's own design, production and testing facilities – under its ongoing ‘Navonmesh – Make in India initiative’.
Whether you want ESD chair with armrest or without; ergonomic ESD chair in standard version or high version - Messung offers it.In 3 versions: Thermoplastic PU Integral Foam, Synthetic Leather and Fabric.
Main features of Messung’s ESD chairs include:
- Height adjustment between 580-840 mm
- Seat tilt of 7 degrees, and backrest tilt of 35 degrees with forward tilt of 15 degrees and backward tilt of 20 degrees
- Up to 120 kg weight carrying capacity
- Chrome-plated safety gas spring
- Aluminium die-cast five-star base
- Foot ring of 457 mm diameter
- 700 mm diameter base for stability
- Heavy duty volumetric ESD PU-Nylon casters
- Class-4 cleanliness
- ESD range: 106 – 107ohms
- As per IEC 61340-5-1 standard
If you work in an EPA and deal with sensitive electronic components, and need to protect both people and products from ESD damage - make Messung your partner of choice.
Messung's ESD safe lab chairs provide excellent ergonomics, offering the comfort, adjustability and support required by workers in industrial workplaces. The ergonomic seating promotes productivity and wellbeing, enabling long hours of fatigue-free work.
For ESD workplaces, Messung also offers a range of world-class ESD workstations, ESD storage racks, ESD trolleys and cabinets. With global quality standards, rugged reliability for heavy-duty industrial useand long-lasting volume ESD, these ESD tables offer high quality with value for money.
To find out the Messung ESD chair price in India or for more details about any Messung workplace product, contact the company today.
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pickinguppisces · 3 years ago
How to Make Your Outdoor Furniture Look Good
Outdoor furniture always looks good on display, especially brand new ones that is waiting to be sold to the next excited buyer, but don't fret, because you can have a similar showroom look for your backyard or patio if you know how to make your outdoor furniture look good.
Maintaining and ensuring that your outdoor furniture will look good is not rocket science, all it takes is a little ingenuity, tender loving care and the time to make sure that you will always make it a point that your outdoor furniture will last longer and in the process help you save money. As mentioned before, outdoor furniture will always look good on display, especially when it is still at the showroom of a furniture store, but once it gets settled down in your lawn space, patio, veranda or backyard garden, nature will try to take its toll on your furniture.
Strong wind, bird droppings, dried-up water deposits, decaying leaves, sun exposure and a whole lot more factors will constantly beat up your outdoor furniture, which in turn could cause it to look dull for those made of chrome or stainless metal or the rustic look for those made of wood.
Scratches will also start to appear, especially if it is constantly subjected to winds, where stone grits or coarse soil particles get blown on to the smooth surface, causing it to lose its wood and shiny appearance. But don't worry, here are some helpful tips to help you keep your outdoor furniture looking good and make it last longer.
If you are still in the market looking for that ideal outdoor furniture to adorn your garden space, you can start off by looking at those that are easy to maintain and clean, such as those of wrought iron, aluminium or stainless steel.
This is so since outdoor is subjected to the elements, it is likely that anything that moves around or exists in an open space can definitely get into contact with your outdoor furniture.
Avian droppings, mud, decaying leaves or twigs, pollen, rain water and standing water, are just some of the things that your outdoor furniture gets beat up with, which can cause your furniture to develop weak or stress spots that can lead to damage.
As the first rule of thumb, the easier it is to clean and maintain, the better the chances of that furniture set last longer and stay more durable. When selecting colours, choose those with lighter colour tones rather than the darker ones.
This is not only because it is easier to spot the dirty areas, but lighter coloured ones maintain their colours better compared to darker coloured ones, especially since changes in dark coloured furniture can be easily seen as the sun fades the colours through constant exposure.
Try to keep away your furniture from where there are trees or plants nearby, which has also the tendency to damage it over time.
Spend time making sure that aside from the base body of the furniture, you also get to clean cushions and accessories that come along with the entire furniture set.
Wicker chairs, since they are made up mostly of either vinyl coated plastic strands or strips of rattan, an ideal cleaning process for it is to use a pressure washer configured to its low settings, so as not to damage the weave works.
So know how to make your outdoor furniture look good, not only will it help you have good looking outdoor furniture, but will also help you save money in the long run.
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table setting
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garycdewitt · 4 years ago
comfortable dining chairs uk: How to choose perfect chairs for the dining room
The kitchen in every home is a whole world. Here are receptions of friends, family meals, sincere conversations are held.
It is very important that the atmosphere is conducive to cosy gatherings, and comfortable chairs for the dining room to play an important role in this.
At the same time, the entire interior should be pleasing to the eye and create a beautiful picture.
You also need to find furniture that will not break after a couple of years of operation. So a seemingly simple business sometimes turns into a difficult task.
Types of  Dining room chairs uk
Chairs differ depending on their configuration and are used for different purposes:
Stools do not have a back and armrests, and therefore are not the most comfortable option. But they are easy to hide under the table or in the pantry, and they help out great in a small kitchen.
Classic – comfortable products with back support, sometimes handles are added. There are all kinds of sizes and shapes, and therefore you can choose the right furniture for both a tiny room and a large dining room.
Bar bars are a must for those who have a bar counter at home. They are characterized by increased height, sometimes one leg is used as a support (as in the photo), in addition, they can often rotate around their axis.
Chair-chairs are an improved modification of the classic ones. They are distinguished by a high degree of comfort, which is ensured by anatomical shape, soft filling, and the presence of armrests. They are good only in spacious rooms since they take up a lot of space.
To understand how to choose the right type of furniture for yourself, you should analyze the initial situation and imagine how this or that chair will fit into your apartment.
Chairs seem to be the most ergonomic, but they simply cannot physically fit into a small living space, and you will have to stop at compact classic versions or stools.
The temptation to purchase an unusual, ultra-fashionable setting is very great, but you should not rush.
Do not forget about the main purpose of the subject: to provide comfortable support during meals. So it is still desirable to pay the main attention to the design features of the model.
Choose the perfect seat
Let’s talk about sizing first. The depth and height should be such that your feet, when you sit, stand on the floor at an angle of 90 degrees, and there is 5-6 cm of free space between the back of the knees and the seat.
This is necessary so that the blood circulates freely and does not cause constriction. The optimal depth is 40–45 cm.
In order to be able to adjust the height, take a look at the products with the “gas lift” system. It allows you to smoothly set the desired level by simply pressing the lever. This is especially true in families where there are small children, short adults, or vice versa, very tall.
The width of the base most often varies between 44-50 cm. If you are not miniature parameters or a person with a large weight is often a guest, you will have to select models with increased width.
The seats are classified as hard or soft. Each of the options has its own advantages and disadvantages:
Hard: do not differ inconvenience, since they do not contain filler or a very thin layer is provided. But they are durable and, as a rule, easy to take care of them (wiped with a cloth – that’s all). For dwellings where children or animals live – the most practical type.
Soft: suitable for those who are used to a long meal. You can sit on the chair with increased comfort due to a large amount of filler made of coconut coir, polypropylene, horsehair or other materials (natural, as a rule, are much more expensive). For convenience, you have to pay with the service life: it is less than that of the tough counterparts, due to the fact that the filler inside is knocked into lumps or pressed through. However, it can be quickly and inexpensively replaced.
The backrest is necessary to relieve the spine while sitting. Be sure to “try on” the chair on yourself and estimate the height and angle of inclination. The backrest should preferably have a slope of about 108 degrees.
There are models with adjustable parameters. They are good because everyone can adjust them to their needs, regardless of weight and height.
The disadvantage of such products is the very presence of additional elements and mechanisms. They have a shorter service life than their non-adaptive counterparts, because something, but will surely break.
Chairs have different configurations depending on the purpose and design. So, traditional wooden models are often placed on four supports, bar ones have one, and products with a metal frame can even rest on a frame.
The main thing to check its stability. The chair should not sway, and the legs should not move apart under the weight of the seated person.
In order not to damage the floor covering, special pads are glued or attached to the legs. You should also pay attention to their quality and strength of fasteners.
On sale you can find options with wheels, but this is a product for a big fan. The beam support and wheels make the kitchen furniture look like an office setting. And in families with small children, such a model will be traumatic.
The armrests provide additional comfort and are conducive to a long stay at the table. At the same time, the presence of handles interferes with compact placement. Typically, such objects take up a lot of space and cannot be pushed under the table.
Choose comfortable material
The durability and appearance of the product depending on the materials used in production.
The most popular and versatile type. It is great when chairs are in harmony with wooden tabletops.
Whatever you say, but natural wood gives the room its own special atmosphere. Hardwood products (oak, beech, larch, yew, ash, apple) are durable, and the damaged surface can be restored.
Of the shortcomings, it is noted that a considerable weight and complexity of storage, because these models are usually impossible to stack.
Contrary to popular belief, high-quality plastic is not inferior in strength to wood. And for the price, items with a modern design can give odds to other materials. Plastic is lightweight, easiest to carry from place to place and stack.
Such samples are most suitable for plastic and glass tables.
Fashionable and beautiful wicker furniture will be an excellent alternative to plastic. Lightweight and environmentally friendly, it requires little maintenance. Such objects are successfully combined with a table made of wood, glass, plastic.
Frames are made of steel or chrome-plated aluminium. They are combined with almost any table, it all depends on the design of the seat and backrest.
Such structures are heavy, therefore, in order to reduce weight, the parts from which the frame is made are made hollow inside.
The seat, backrest and armrests can be upholstered with natural or artificial leather, fabric.
The former, of course, are preferable because of their ease of maintenance; it is enough to simply wipe them with a cloth in case of contamination. But such material is scratched and may suffer from careless handling.
The fabric looks “more comfortable”, but it is more finicky in use: it is difficult to clean and will have to be replaced periodically with a new one. Some types of textiles are treated with a special impregnation that repels dirt. The following fabrics are used for sheathing:
Microvolume (jaguar) – allows air to pass freely, and dust and dirt do not collect on it.
Tapestry – very beautiful and rich cotton fabric.
Flock – in appearance it resembles velvet, while it is easy to clean and does not fade.
You can sew removable covers on furniture, which can be easily removed for washing, and then put back on.
Dining room design
The purchase of a table and chairs usually takes place at the end of the renovation, when the finishing work has been carried out and the headset has been installed. It is very important that the purchased furniture is in harmony with the interior. It is not necessary to purchase a kit, you can pick up such a pair yourself.
In the classic interior of the dining room, richly decorated wooden samples will be appropriate.
Minimalism and modernity are well complemented by simple stylish wood products without unnecessary details. Also, plastic will harmoniously fit here.
High-tech hi-tech is emphasized by metal and plastic.
When decorating a room in Provence or country style, it is worth picking up objects made of wood, it is possible to use colored or artificially aged samples. For a country, an interesting solution would be to use rattan.
Now it is fashionable to acquire chairs of the same shape with different upholstery colors or painted in all sorts of colors.
These can be calm shades, for example, white and black, variations of beige or rainbow variety. The first case is appropriate for minimalism, modern styles, and bright objects will perfectly fit into country and hi-tech.
In Conclusion
The main rule to remember is that you need to choose a chair based on your own needs. If you are used to eating on the go, do not like feasts, then you do not need chairs. Functional classic chairs or stools are fine.
Consider the size and height of your family members and frequent guests so that everyone is comfortable. We must not forget about the size of the room and its design. Furniture should harmoniously fit into the interior and decorate it.
Have you found your perfect chairs? Tell us how and share your experience.
, http://www.thechairandsofa.co.uk/?p=7704
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spikeybits · 5 years ago
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chellesbookreport · 4 years ago
comfortable dining chairs uk: How to choose perfect chairs for the dining room
The kitchen in every home is a whole world. Here are receptions of friends, family meals, sincere conversations are held.
It is very important that the atmosphere is conducive to cosy gatherings, and comfortable chairs for the dining room to play an important role in this.
At the same time, the entire interior should be pleasing to the eye and create a beautiful picture.
You also need to find furniture that will not break after a couple of years of operation. So a seemingly simple business sometimes turns into a difficult task.
Types of  Dining room chairs uk
Chairs differ depending on their configuration and are used for different purposes:
Stools do not have a back and armrests, and therefore are not the most comfortable option. But they are easy to hide under the table or in the pantry, and they help out great in a small kitchen.
Classic – comfortable products with back support, sometimes handles are added. There are all kinds of sizes and shapes, and therefore you can choose the right furniture for both a tiny room and a large dining room.
Bar bars are a must for those who have a bar counter at home. They are characterized by increased height, sometimes one leg is used as a support (as in the photo), in addition, they can often rotate around their axis.
Chair-chairs are an improved modification of the classic ones. They are distinguished by a high degree of comfort, which is ensured by anatomical shape, soft filling, and the presence of armrests. They are good only in spacious rooms since they take up a lot of space.
To understand how to choose the right type of furniture for yourself, you should analyze the initial situation and imagine how this or that chair will fit into your apartment.
Chairs seem to be the most ergonomic, but they simply cannot physically fit into a small living space, and you will have to stop at compact classic versions or stools.
The temptation to purchase an unusual, ultra-fashionable setting is very great, but you should not rush.
Do not forget about the main purpose of the subject: to provide comfortable support during meals. So it is still desirable to pay the main attention to the design features of the model.
Choose the perfect seat
Let’s talk about sizing first. The depth and height should be such that your feet, when you sit, stand on the floor at an angle of 90 degrees, and there is 5-6 cm of free space between the back of the knees and the seat.
This is necessary so that the blood circulates freely and does not cause constriction. The optimal depth is 40–45 cm.
In order to be able to adjust the height, take a look at the products with the “gas lift” system. It allows you to smoothly set the desired level by simply pressing the lever. This is especially true in families where there are small children, short adults, or vice versa, very tall.
The width of the base most often varies between 44-50 cm. If you are not miniature parameters or a person with a large weight is often a guest, you will have to select models with increased width.
The seats are classified as hard or soft. Each of the options has its own advantages and disadvantages:
Hard: do not differ inconvenience, since they do not contain filler or a very thin layer is provided. But they are durable and, as a rule, easy to take care of them (wiped with a cloth – that’s all). For dwellings where children or animals live – the most practical type.
Soft: suitable for those who are used to a long meal. You can sit on the chair with increased comfort due to a large amount of filler made of coconut coir, polypropylene, horsehair or other materials (natural, as a rule, are much more expensive). For convenience, you have to pay with the service life: it is less than that of the tough counterparts, due to the fact that the filler inside is knocked into lumps or pressed through. However, it can be quickly and inexpensively replaced.
The backrest is necessary to relieve the spine while sitting. Be sure to “try on” the chair on yourself and estimate the height and angle of inclination. The backrest should preferably have a slope of about 108 degrees.
There are models with adjustable parameters. They are good because everyone can adjust them to their needs, regardless of weight and height.
The disadvantage of such products is the very presence of additional elements and mechanisms. They have a shorter service life than their non-adaptive counterparts, because something, but will surely break.
Chairs have different configurations depending on the purpose and design. So, traditional wooden models are often placed on four supports, bar ones have one, and products with a metal frame can even rest on a frame.
The main thing to check its stability. The chair should not sway, and the legs should not move apart under the weight of the seated person.
In order not to damage the floor covering, special pads are glued or attached to the legs. You should also pay attention to their quality and strength of fasteners.
On sale you can find options with wheels, but this is a product for a big fan. The beam support and wheels make the kitchen furniture look like an office setting. And in families with small children, such a model will be traumatic.
The armrests provide additional comfort and are conducive to a long stay at the table. At the same time, the presence of handles interferes with compact placement. Typically, such objects take up a lot of space and cannot be pushed under the table.
Choose comfortable material
The durability and appearance of the product depending on the materials used in production.
The most popular and versatile type. It is great when chairs are in harmony with wooden tabletops.
Whatever you say, but natural wood gives the room its own special atmosphere. Hardwood products (oak, beech, larch, yew, ash, apple) are durable, and the damaged surface can be restored.
Of the shortcomings, it is noted that a considerable weight and complexity of storage, because these models are usually impossible to stack.
Contrary to popular belief, high-quality plastic is not inferior in strength to wood. And for the price, items with a modern design can give odds to other materials. Plastic is lightweight, easiest to carry from place to place and stack.
Such samples are most suitable for plastic and glass tables.
Fashionable and beautiful wicker furniture will be an excellent alternative to plastic. Lightweight and environmentally friendly, it requires little maintenance. Such objects are successfully combined with a table made of wood, glass, plastic.
Frames are made of steel or chrome-plated aluminium. They are combined with almost any table, it all depends on the design of the seat and backrest.
Such structures are heavy, therefore, in order to reduce weight, the parts from which the frame is made are made hollow inside.
The seat, backrest and armrests can be upholstered with natural or artificial leather, fabric.
The former, of course, are preferable because of their ease of maintenance; it is enough to simply wipe them with a cloth in case of contamination. But such material is scratched and may suffer from careless handling.
The fabric looks “more comfortable”, but it is more finicky in use: it is difficult to clean and will have to be replaced periodically with a new one. Some types of textiles are treated with a special impregnation that repels dirt. The following fabrics are used for sheathing:
Microvolume (jaguar) – allows air to pass freely, and dust and dirt do not collect on it.
Tapestry – very beautiful and rich cotton fabric.
Flock – in appearance it resembles velvet, while it is easy to clean and does not fade.
You can sew removable covers on furniture, which can be easily removed for washing, and then put back on.
Dining room design
The purchase of a table and chairs usually takes place at the end of the renovation, when the finishing work has been carried out and the headset has been installed. It is very important that the purchased furniture is in harmony with the interior. It is not necessary to purchase a kit, you can pick up such a pair yourself.
In the classic interior of the dining room, richly decorated wooden samples will be appropriate.
Minimalism and modernity are well complemented by simple stylish wood products without unnecessary details. Also, plastic will harmoniously fit here.
High-tech hi-tech is emphasized by metal and plastic.
When decorating a room in Provence or country style, it is worth picking up objects made of wood, it is possible to use colored or artificially aged samples. For a country, an interesting solution would be to use rattan.
Now it is fashionable to acquire chairs of the same shape with different upholstery colors or painted in all sorts of colors.
These can be calm shades, for example, white and black, variations of beige or rainbow variety. The first case is appropriate for minimalism, modern styles, and bright objects will perfectly fit into country and hi-tech.
In Conclusion
The main rule to remember is that you need to choose a chair based on your own needs. If you are used to eating on the go, do not like feasts, then you do not need chairs. Functional classic chairs or stools are fine.
Consider the size and height of your family members and frequent guests so that everyone is comfortable. We must not forget about the size of the room and its design. Furniture should harmoniously fit into the interior and decorate it.
Have you found your perfect chairs? Tell us how and share your experience.
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imotibg2015 · 4 years ago
comfortable dining chairs uk: How to choose perfect chairs for the dining room
The kitchen in every home is a whole world. Here are receptions of friends, family meals, sincere conversations are held.
It is very important that the atmosphere is conducive to cosy gatherings, and comfortable chairs for the dining room to play an important role in this.
At the same time, the entire interior should be pleasing to the eye and create a beautiful picture.
You also need to find furniture that will not break after a couple of years of operation. So a seemingly simple business sometimes turns into a difficult task.
Types of  Dining room chairs uk
Chairs differ depending on their configuration and are used for different purposes:
Stools do not have a back and armrests, and therefore are not the most comfortable option. But they are easy to hide under the table or in the pantry, and they help out great in a small kitchen.
Classic – comfortable products with back support, sometimes handles are added. There are all kinds of sizes and shapes, and therefore you can choose the right furniture for both a tiny room and a large dining room.
Bar bars are a must for those who have a bar counter at home. They are characterized by increased height, sometimes one leg is used as a support (as in the photo), in addition, they can often rotate around their axis.
Chair-chairs are an improved modification of the classic ones. They are distinguished by a high degree of comfort, which is ensured by anatomical shape, soft filling, and the presence of armrests. They are good only in spacious rooms since they take up a lot of space.
To understand how to choose the right type of furniture for yourself, you should analyze the initial situation and imagine how this or that chair will fit into your apartment.
Chairs seem to be the most ergonomic, but they simply cannot physically fit into a small living space, and you will have to stop at compact classic versions or stools.
The temptation to purchase an unusual, ultra-fashionable setting is very great, but you should not rush.
Do not forget about the main purpose of the subject: to provide comfortable support during meals. So it is still desirable to pay the main attention to the design features of the model.
Choose the perfect seat
Let’s talk about sizing first. The depth and height should be such that your feet, when you sit, stand on the floor at an angle of 90 degrees, and there is 5-6 cm of free space between the back of the knees and the seat.
This is necessary so that the blood circulates freely and does not cause constriction. The optimal depth is 40–45 cm.
In order to be able to adjust the height, take a look at the products with the “gas lift” system. It allows you to smoothly set the desired level by simply pressing the lever. This is especially true in families where there are small children, short adults, or vice versa, very tall.
The width of the base most often varies between 44-50 cm. If you are not miniature parameters or a person with a large weight is often a guest, you will have to select models with increased width.
The seats are classified as hard or soft. Each of the options has its own advantages and disadvantages:
Hard: do not differ inconvenience, since they do not contain filler or a very thin layer is provided. But they are durable and, as a rule, easy to take care of them (wiped with a cloth – that’s all). For dwellings where children or animals live – the most practical type.
Soft: suitable for those who are used to a long meal. You can sit on the chair with increased comfort due to a large amount of filler made of coconut coir, polypropylene, horsehair or other materials (natural, as a rule, are much more expensive). For convenience, you have to pay with the service life: it is less than that of the tough counterparts, due to the fact that the filler inside is knocked into lumps or pressed through. However, it can be quickly and inexpensively replaced.
The backrest is necessary to relieve the spine while sitting. Be sure to “try on” the chair on yourself and estimate the height and angle of inclination. The backrest should preferably have a slope of about 108 degrees.
There are models with adjustable parameters. They are good because everyone can adjust them to their needs, regardless of weight and height.
The disadvantage of such products is the very presence of additional elements and mechanisms. They have a shorter service life than their non-adaptive counterparts, because something, but will surely break.
Chairs have different configurations depending on the purpose and design. So, traditional wooden models are often placed on four supports, bar ones have one, and products with a metal frame can even rest on a frame.
The main thing to check its stability. The chair should not sway, and the legs should not move apart under the weight of the seated person.
In order not to damage the floor covering, special pads are glued or attached to the legs. You should also pay attention to their quality and strength of fasteners.
On sale you can find options with wheels, but this is a product for a big fan. The beam support and wheels make the kitchen furniture look like an office setting. And in families with small children, such a model will be traumatic.
The armrests provide additional comfort and are conducive to a long stay at the table. At the same time, the presence of handles interferes with compact placement. Typically, such objects take up a lot of space and cannot be pushed under the table.
Choose comfortable material
The durability and appearance of the product depending on the materials used in production.
The most popular and versatile type. It is great when chairs are in harmony with wooden tabletops.
Whatever you say, but natural wood gives the room its own special atmosphere. Hardwood products (oak, beech, larch, yew, ash, apple) are durable, and the damaged surface can be restored.
Of the shortcomings, it is noted that a considerable weight and complexity of storage, because these models are usually impossible to stack.
Contrary to popular belief, high-quality plastic is not inferior in strength to wood. And for the price, items with a modern design can give odds to other materials. Plastic is lightweight, easiest to carry from place to place and stack.
Such samples are most suitable for plastic and glass tables.
Fashionable and beautiful wicker furniture will be an excellent alternative to plastic. Lightweight and environmentally friendly, it requires little maintenance. Such objects are successfully combined with a table made of wood, glass, plastic.
Frames are made of steel or chrome-plated aluminium. They are combined with almost any table, it all depends on the design of the seat and backrest.
Such structures are heavy, therefore, in order to reduce weight, the parts from which the frame is made are made hollow inside.
The seat, backrest and armrests can be upholstered with natural or artificial leather, fabric.
The former, of course, are preferable because of their ease of maintenance; it is enough to simply wipe them with a cloth in case of contamination. But such material is scratched and may suffer from careless handling.
The fabric looks “more comfortable”, but it is more finicky in use: it is difficult to clean and will have to be replaced periodically with a new one. Some types of textiles are treated with a special impregnation that repels dirt. The following fabrics are used for sheathing:
Microvolume (jaguar) – allows air to pass freely, and dust and dirt do not collect on it.
Tapestry – very beautiful and rich cotton fabric.
Flock – in appearance it resembles velvet, while it is easy to clean and does not fade.
You can sew removable covers on furniture, which can be easily removed for washing, and then put back on.
Dining room design
The purchase of a table and chairs usually takes place at the end of the renovation, when the finishing work has been carried out and the headset has been installed. It is very important that the purchased furniture is in harmony with the interior. It is not necessary to purchase a kit, you can pick up such a pair yourself.
In the classic interior of the dining room, richly decorated wooden samples will be appropriate.
Minimalism and modernity are well complemented by simple stylish wood products without unnecessary details. Also, plastic will harmoniously fit here.
High-tech hi-tech is emphasized by metal and plastic.
When decorating a room in Provence or country style, it is worth picking up objects made of wood, it is possible to use colored or artificially aged samples. For a country, an interesting solution would be to use rattan.
Now it is fashionable to acquire chairs of the same shape with different upholstery colors or painted in all sorts of colors.
These can be calm shades, for example, white and black, variations of beige or rainbow variety. The first case is appropriate for minimalism, modern styles, and bright objects will perfectly fit into country and hi-tech.
In Conclusion
The main rule to remember is that you need to choose a chair based on your own needs. If you are used to eating on the go, do not like feasts, then you do not need chairs. Functional classic chairs or stools are fine.
Consider the size and height of your family members and frequent guests so that everyone is comfortable. We must not forget about the size of the room and its design. Furniture should harmoniously fit into the interior and decorate it.
Have you found your perfect chairs? Tell us how and share your experience.
, http://www.thechairandsofa.co.uk/?p=7704
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Electrostatic discharge (ESD) has been around for centuries. We all know that familiar shock when touching a metal doorknob or walking across a carpet;the little spark when touching woollen clothing in winter. That doesn't seem so serious in daily life but in industry, ESD can pose a real problem.
ESD can negatively impact production, ruin quality of product and increase costs.
What damage can ESD cause?
Personnel working in EPAs (ESD Protected Areas) can generate and conduct static electricity, causing minor electrostatic shocks. However, ESD can cause more severe problems in the manufacturing process, compromising the products being manufactured or tested.
In an increasingly technological age, where sophisticated electronic components are part and parcel of practically every product and process, ESD can damage the components. With electronic devices becoming faster and circuitry getting smaller, their sensitivity to ESD increases.
The time and cost of repairs or replacements can be huge; the damage to the company’s reputation can be incalculable.
Hence EPAs follow strict compliances pertaining to personnel and infrastructure. One imperative feature of an EPA is the ESD chair.
What is an ESD chair?
ESD stands for Electrostatic Dissipative. ESD or static control chairs are chairs made of non-conductive material to reduce static charge and discharge it safelythrough the ground. From the static-free fabric and casters, to the seat, backrest, armrest, base and other components - every element is specifically designed to protect people and products from electrostatic discharge problems.
Where are ESD chairs used?
ESD chairs are required wherever people work with electronic components. The static protection provided by ESD chairs is essential for workers that dealwith sensitive electronic circuitry or controlled-environment areas such as a cleanroom that requires minimised environmental pollutants.
ESD chairs are now an essential part of EPAs (ESD Protected Area) in industries such as:
- Manufacturing - facilities where PCBs and other electronic components are produced, assembled or tested
- Science & Education - technical production facilities; training & didactic centres, etc.
- Healthcare - in environments with delicate medical electronics
- Cleanroom - in critical environment facilities
Advantages of using ESD chairs
Different ESD safe chairs may have different features but generally, everyESD chair offers these advantages:
- protects personnel and products from electrostatic discharge problems
- minimises environmental pollutants in controlled environments
- provides ergonomic support for sitting workers
- protects product quality and reliability
- promotes worker efficiency over long hours of work
Trust Messung’s ESD Chairs
Messung is a leading ESD chair manufacturer in Pune. Messung's range of AFM-PLUS ESD safe chairs offer the optimal combination of ESD protection and ergonomics, at a competitive price.
Messung’s ESD lab chairs, ESD production chairs and ESD chairs for manufacturing are designed and manufactured indigenously by Messung's own design, production and testing facilities – under its ongoing ‘Navonmesh – Make in India initiative’.
Whether you want ESD chair with armrest or without; ergonomic ESD chair in standard version or high version - Messung offers it.In 3 versions: Thermoplastic PU Integral Foam, Synthetic Leather and Fabric.
Main features of Messung’s ESD chairs include:
- Height adjustment between 580-840 mm
- Seat tilt of 7 degrees, and backrest tilt of 35 degrees with forward tilt of 15 degrees and backward tilt of 20 degrees
- Up to 120 kg weight carrying capacity
- Chrome-plated safety gas spring
- Aluminium die-cast five-star base
- Foot ring of 457 mm diameter
- 700 mm diameter base for stability
- Heavy duty volumetric ESD PU-Nylon casters
- Class-4 cleanliness
- ESD range: 106 – 107ohms
- As per IEC 61340-5-1 standard
If you work in an EPA and deal with sensitive electronic components, and need to protect both people and products from ESD damage - make Messung your partner of choice.
Messung's ESD safe lab chairs provide excellent ergonomics, offering the comfort, adjustability and support required by workers in industrial workplaces. The ergonomic seatingpromotes productivity and wellbeing, enabling long hours of fatigue-free work.
For ESD workplaces, Messung also offers a range of world-class ESD workstations, ESD storage racks, ESD cabinets and trolleys. With global quality standards, rugged reliability for heavy-duty industrial useand long-lasting volume ESD, these ESD tables offer high quality with value for money.
To find out the Messung ESD chair price in India or for more details about any Messung workplace product, contact the company today.
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messunggroup · 4 years ago
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Ours is an increasingly technological age requiring more and more sophisticated electronic components. From our laptops& TVs to washing machines to cars, electronics run our lives. In such a world, Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) poses a serious problem for industry.
Static discharge can damage electronic components in electronics manufacturing. ESD can attract contaminants in clean environments or cause products to stick together. The cost of ESD-damage can range from a few rupees for a simple diode to several thousand for more complex components. The time and cost of repairs or replacements can be huge; the damage to the company's reputation can be incalculable.
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ESD high chairs and high stools are the modern solution. They have become essential parts of the industry, for workers who deal with delicate electronic circuitry or work areas that require minimized environmental pollutants such as a cleanroom environment.
They are commonly used in the semiconductor, bioscience, pharmaceutical, computer, and medical equipment industries.
Workers in such workplaces also need the same comfort, adjustability and ergonomic support that workers in non-ESD areas require. Seating ergonomics enables long hours of work, promotes productivity and protects wellbeing.
Messung offers a range of ergonomic ESD workstation chairs and stools, in both standard and high versions.
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Messung’s ESD chairs and stools are specifically designed for use in electrical and electronics industry. They are proven to minimise environmental pollutants in cleanroom applications too.
Some of the tasks associated with ESD areas call for elevated seating positions or require workers to stand for long periods or to alternate between standing up and sitting down. As a result, their bodies are often subjected to a great deal of physical stress. Messung’s high chairs and stools with footrests support the human body and relieve physical stress. Also called task chairs, they have pneumatic seats that adjust to an optimal working height.
In accordance with the European EN 61340-5-1 standards for conductivity, Messung’s ESD chairs and stools are built of robust metal frames with non-conductive materials, static-free fabric and static free casters/glides, to deliver reliable ESD protection and long service life.
They also ensure ergonomic seating and support for worker productivity and comfort. The adjustable conductive backrests (for chairs) and smooth gas lift height adjustment make Messung ESD task chairs and ESD-safeindustrial metal stools a must-have for industry.
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Messung’s work stools are designed to withstand tough environments, including heavy industry. Thermoplastic PU can withstand oils, sparks, and blows. The synthetic leather and fabric model are soft but at the same time resistant to disinfectants and cleaning agents.
- Height adjustment between 580-840 mm
- 75mm thick seat of 350 diameter
- Up to 120 kg weight carrying capacity
- Chrome-plated safety gas spring
- Aluminum die-cast five-star base
- Foot ring of 457 mm diameter
- 700 mm diameter base for stability
- Conductive casters/glides
- Class-4 cleanliness
- ESD range: 106 - 107ohms
- As per IEC 61340-5-1 standard
- Available in 3 versions: Thermoplastic PU Integral Foam, Synthetic Leather and Fabric
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Messung’s high chairs are suitable for industrial work that involves a lot of standing. They offer a non-slip seat,smooth height adjustment for the seat and the footrest ring that can help lower the pressure on your feet by up to 60%. The polyurethane surface is durable and easy to clean.
- Height adjustment between 580-840 mm
- Seat tilt of 7 degrees, and backrest tilt of 35 degrees with forward tilt of 15 degrees and backward tilt of 20 degrees
- Up to 120 kg weight carrying capacity
- Chrome-plated safety gas spring
- Aluminium die-cast five-star base
- Foot ring of 457 mm diameter
- 700 mm diameter base for stability
- Heavy duty volumetric ESD PU-Nylon casters
- Class-4 cleanliness
- ESD range: 106 - 107ohms
- As per IEC 61340-5-1 standard
- Available in 3 versions: Thermoplastic PU Integral Foam, Synthetic Leather and Fabric
Messung Workplace Technology, under its 'Navonmesh - Make in India initiative', manufactures these world-class task chairs and stools for industrial and technical workplaces. Whether for production, packing, R&D or EPA environments, Messung’s chairs and stools offer excellent value for money.
Messung is already well-known in the industry for bringing the patented volume-ESD technology to India through their products like ESD workstations, ESD storage racks and trolleys.
Messung’s painstaking attention to detail complemented by meticulous manufacturing and testing inhouse, ensure their products add real value to industrial workplaces. With global quality standards, ruggedness for heavy-duty industrial use, ergonomics for enhanced comfort and long-lasting volume ESD - Messung's industrial worktables, ESD tables, stainless steel tables, lab tables with drawers, ESD chairs and stools are built to boost productivityin ESD, general and cleanroom workplaces.
If you want to ensure ESD-free seating for your lab or cleanroom; if you want to give your workersa comfortable, ergonomic seating experience; if you want world-class chairs and stools at cost-effective prices - Messung is your first choice.
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