altsalvationhq · 5 years
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It’s been an hour since the last child fell.
Some tried returning, others are grieving or lost, but the whole of the emotions to the newcomers is despair and anger. And while the paramedics are still looking for the injured to help and our heroes are trying to gather information from the children to know how best to assist them the sound of what can only be described as an Earth-shattering rumble is both felt and heard.
Everyone stops and stares at the hole in the sky. A wave of bright crackling fire envelopes the mirrored city above them and swallows it whole. Like an ocean wave, it covers everything and splashes around the rims of the opening. Whatever is stopping people from re-entering through the hole, is also preventing the destruction from that world from getting out. The world continues to burn until the hole and the world eventually fizzle and fade out.
What probably took months or a year to transpire for the kids and their family seems to be done in a few long moments. The flames pass, there is nothing but quiet and a large black abyss. What was there is gone and the blackest of skies a universe can have is shown as the portal slowly closes.
All of New York witnessed the end of a world. And the children witnessed the loss of their home and lives as they knew them once to be.
Most of New York was hit by the freak lightning strikes and has suffered some major structural damage. Some roads have been blocked by rubble and people have been trapped in their homes. Police are coordinating with rescue personnel to help clear paths and make sure people can get to and from safety as quickly as possible. Some schools are currently being used as shelters for the moment, hospitals are filling up, the military has been called in for support.
A lot of government officials are questioning what is going and want to know what the world hoppers have to say for themselves however where our heroes have learned and stopped treating the children as hostiles the soldier have not and will not see them that way. They are under orders to arrest and interrogate those they catch. S.H.I.E.L.D has gotten word about this and sent a message to our heroes. On top of that, news outlets are beginning to report on the situation worldwide, though not much has been said aside from what was seen at the event. 
Children who have fallen and are injured are being seen too but with what information has been gathered by our heroes they have decided to herd all the children they can together and get them somewhere safe where they can learn more information. Currently, there are two places of shelter for the children have been provided by Tony Stark and Charles Xavier.
Avengers Mansion is an enormous mansion, a city block wide-scale mansion in Manhattan with three floors, to basements, as well as many other amendments that you might see at the Avengers compound. Tony Stark has bought and set up this facility with his AI JOCASTA running the ins and outs of it when he’s not around. Children are invited to stay here especially those of the Avengers and S.H.I.E.L.D members. There is a floor each dedicated for boys dorms and girls dorms and upon moving in, everyone will be randomly assigned roommates.
As an alternative to the Mansion, Charles Xavier has opened the doors of his School for Gifted Youngsters, but due to having less space compared to the Mansion, the school is only open to mutants. Like the situation Avengers Mansion, the School will be doing dorms as well, randomly assigning roommates to those who choose to stay there. 
While it isn’t mandatory that children choose to stay at either shelter, it’s highly recommended, at least until they manage to get on their feet. A big concern is making sure everyone is off the streets -- it’s February, so even though spring may be here soon, it’s still cold.
The Avengers Mansion has three floors, a basement and a sub-basement. Part of the third floor is designated for quinjets, computerized navigation aids, radar and communication systems. The other part of it has been changed to the boy’s dorm. The second floor houses the girl’s dorms, as well as any other private quarters for members of the Avengers who have requested it. The main floor and grounds contains the kitchen and dining facilities and a library. The backyard has a garden and patio as well as enough foliage to ensure privacy and security. There is a security system on the property, as well as a fence, intended to keep intruders out. The basement contains recreational, training and medical facilities -- a gym, a pool, game room and combat simulation room. The sub-basement is primarily used as a lab, but also contains a meeting room and the Avengers’ computer system.
Located outside of Salem Center in Westchester County, Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters. The grounds have large, open fields with a surrounding wooded area and a lake. The school itself contains two floors, a basement and two sub-basements. The ground floor contains the kitchen, dining area, living room, library, classrooms and Professor X’s office. The second floor is dedicated to the dormitories. The basement is primarly used for storage, laundry and various power systems. The first sub-basement is used by the staff of the school with their own dormitories and also houses the medical facilities, a gym, a pool and a lab. The second sub-basement is used for the X-Men, containing the Danger Room and Cerebro, as well as various meeting rooms. The X-Men sub-basement is non-accessible to anyone who isn’t an X-Man, though access to the Danger Room may be allowed if you’re accompanied by one of them.
You are more than welcome to continue past threads, but please refrain from starting new event-related ones!
Please message us to let us know whether or not your characters will be taking up residence at the mansion or the school !!  Keep in mind that, due to the smaller scale of the school, that’s specifically for mutants. Your muses don’t have to stay here, but it is heavily encouraged!
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