incorrectcfvg · 1 year
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dragon8blade · 1 year
Notes From Planet Cray - September 2023
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cardfight-casual · 1 year
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V-Premium Aerial Divine Knight, Altmile
Taking a short break from overDress this week, here's one of my V-Premium decks. Altmile was the first deck I actually used to play back in G-era, so I was hyped when I found out he was coming to V. I've been playing this version of the deck for a while now, so I'm pretty happy with it.
Deck Log Code: MFJQ
Grade 3 -x4 Aerial Divine Knight, Altmile -x1 Blue Sky Knight, Altmile Grade 2 -x1 Explode Jewel Knight, Laile -x3 Knight of Chivalry, Rabol -x2 Diaconnect Dragon -x3 Counteroffensive Knight, Suleiman -x2 Starlight Violinist -x1 Hopesong Angel -x4 Absolute Blade Knight, Livarot -x1 Knight of Determination, Lamorak Grade 1 -x3 Charging Knight, Morvidus -x4 Flourishing Knight, Edith -x4 Laurel Knight, Sicilus Grade 0 -x1 Shining Knight, Millius (Starting Vanguard) -x4 Bringer of Good Luck, Epona (Critical Trigger) -x4 Future Knight, Llew (Critical Trigger) -x4 Flash Shield, Iseult (Draw Trigger/Sentinel) -x4 Yggdrasil Maiden, Elaine (Heal Trigger) 1 Quick Shield, 5 Imaginary Gift Force II Markers Now I know what you're thinking... Am I sure there are enough grade 2s? No, there's never enough grade 2s. Jokes aside, this deck plays seventeen grade 2s and you'll probably see most, if not all of them. Altmile has always been very grade 2 centric, and Veemium is even more so. Your preferred grade 1 ride target is Sicilus. Morvidus is an okay choice if you have to since riding on top of her lets you draw a card, but you definitely don't want to have to ride Edith. You might have noticed this deck only runs five grade 3 units. That's because you always want to ride Aerial Divine Knight, Blue Sky Knight is only here as a last resort and for the Altmile name. Thankfully, Sicilus helps by letting you check the top five of your deck for a grade 3 when placed on vanguard or rearguard. Edith also helps search out a grade 3 when she's placed on rearguard. For a soulblast, she checks the top seven for an Altmile and calls it to the same column she's in. Then after she boosts, the Altmile she was boosting goes to soul to help enable ADK's skill. If you don't want the called Altmile to go to soul, but instead to hand, that's where Suleiman comes in. Suleiman isn't the only viable grade 2 ride option, but it is the one you want to see. When ridden, he allows you to check the top seven once again and call an Altmile that you find. From there you use Suleiman's other skill to soulblast one and return the Altmile to your hand for later use. ADK is the intended boss unit for the deck. As long as all your damage is face-down, Aerial Divine Knight gives all your grade 2 units 10k power and 5k shield, and if there's another Altmile in your soul, your grade 2s also gain a critical. His other skill helps to fill your board by calling one from both deck and drop, meaning you can recycle some of your more useful grade 2s. Because of ADK's continuous skill, ideally all your rearguards will be grade 2 units. To give the deck some boosters, Starlight Violinist comes in handy. Violinist gives boost and the ability to intercept from the back row to all your grade 2 units when all your damage is face-down. If you're on ADK like you should be, you should have minimum 40k columns, with as many as three crit per unit depending on how many markers you have placed. The remaining grade 2 units are to help you get your damage face-down or to get more cards in soul. Laile gives you a soulcharge and puts two units from drop back into deck. Diaconnect soulcharges when placed in a column with another unit. Rabol, Hopesong, and Livarot all counterblast to search units. Finally Lamorak lets you counterblast as many times as you are able and he gains 10k power for each one. In an ideal situation, your first grade 3 turn should be three attacks that are all at least two damage if they hit. Your vanguard should be a 33k swing, and your rearguards at least 40k if not bigger. Unlike my other lists so far, I don't really have any suggestions for changes you could make. There's a promo that allows for countercharge if you need it, but in all my testing, I never even got to use it. You're able to throw in so many one-ofs because of search skills that if there's a particular grade 2 you want to try out, you can probably make the space for it.
Remember, these deck lists are for fun and not necessarily optimized. If you have another card that you think would make a better fit, then go for it and test it out.
If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to send me a message!
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carnelianwings · 2 years
Hey. Hey you. What deck do you main in zero
Hi there!
I play pretty much everything in Zero (and I will play to the meta if I need to climb for rank rewards), but right now my main deck is (predictably) Blaster Blade Exceed. It was already fast on its way to becoming my favorite deck when I saw it debut in G Next when I watched (read: marathoned) all of 2011 CFV + G back in 2021, and it holds a special place as one of the first preconstructed decks I ever bought and upgraded irl. Sure it's also Aichi's deck in G, but it's also got all the mechanics I love - recycling from drop, lots of deck thin, and the ability to search out and Superior Call whatever I need from deck. I don't play it as much these days - I only have the one friend who also plays Premium but nothing gives me more joy than sacking crits (read: Flogals) one turn and throwing them down onto the field the next turn to restand Blaster Blade a stupid number of times while throwing every trigger effect onto him between Alfred's and his (because lulz Alfred skill) drive checks. (My friend has declared the Alfred Stride to be their "One Fear" whenever we play Premium because they always know what's coming lolololololol) Sure I can't quite do the same in Zero since drive checks don't go to hand, but I have a funny way of drawing into at least 1 Flogal every fight (or check Blaster Blade Exceed - I run him as a Stand in Zero because I either deck myself out or badly overflow my hand otherwise) so I still end up tossing out 4-5 attacks lol.
And in case you're wondering just how much I love this deck:
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damiano-versailles · 9 months
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Lottie's Peanut Butter Cupcakes Recipe These creamy peanut butter cupcakes with or without frosting are ideal for a birthday party or bake sale.
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underooc · 1 year
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Recipe for Lottie's Peanut Butter Cupcakes These creamy peanut butter cupcakes with or without frosting are ideal for a birthday party or bake sale. 3 tablespoons applesauce, 1 cup buttermilk, 3 tablespoons vegetable oil, 2 teaspoons baking powder, 1.5 cups cake flour, 1/4 teaspoon salt, 1 teaspoon vanilla extract, 1 cup packed dark brown sugar, 1/2 cup creamy peanut butter at room temperature, 2 eggs, 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
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folklorecrew · 1 year
Lottie's Peanut Butter Cupcakes
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These creamy peanut butter cupcakes with or without frosting are ideal for a birthday party or bake sale.
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masterprinter · 1 year
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Lottie's Peanut Butter Cupcakes Perfect for a birthday party or a bake sale--with or without frosting--these peanut butter cupcakes are creamy and delicious.
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laziarteest · 1 year
Oh neat lol
If you look far enough down in image search, my Altmile fan art from years ago shows up
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lacunasbalustrade · 2 years
also my brother has built a katana world Buddyfight deck with only one X season card and everything except two spells (triple D) from hundred or first season sets.
He managed to get it to five attacks a turn
so uhhh he has this size 3 with penetrate, three critical, and 6000? 7000? Power, and if that's not enough due to size reduction he has two size 1s on the field and an item that can attack with a monster in the center. When the size 3 attacks he can call a size 1 from drop.
ultimate aggression skull warrior style
And this is WITHOUT adding Yamigitsune
low-key proud
kinda reminds me of royal paladin altmile in vanguard
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theabbeyweho · 2 years
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tanukifucker91 · 2 years
I have entered a new vg zero flop era. I’ve won like 1 game in 3 days lmfao
The day before yesterday I fought like 8 narukami players in a row (funny since the last time that happened was literally exactly a year ago now, almost, the night between the last of September and the first of October before the g update dropped) and I didn’t beat a single one, one game I was winning until the very end where I misplayed and decked myself out so that was a big L for me
I don’t know, I didn’t play for like a month (not ranked anyway) bc I was busy and taking a break and I wasn’t interested in the rank rewards anyway, so maybe I’m just rusty, but weirdly enough despite everything being much of the same old I feel like the meta has shifted while I was away and I’m just not keeping up which makes no damn sense bc out of the decks to get new support I’ve run into literally zero of them except for like 1 aqf player
I main neo nectar right now and I have for a little while after my old gears deck just wasn’t giving me the wins I needed and it was like the easiest deck to learn bc I had already learned it before and I had the materials to just craft everything I needed to update except for like one extra primavera that I’m hoping to pull still
Anyway, I feel like the deck isn’t as good as it used to be, ogma is a hard counter to thuria and altmile players just kill me before I can do anything. Gears players have the new chronoscommand too which is also a hard counter (upheaval Pegasus always was but I didn’t rly see anyone play it for some reason, tbh one big reason I kept repping gears for so long was bc of the Thuria counter and also just bc I felt like no one gave it an honest chance, like to figure out combos). But like other than Chronoscommand none of that is new so I don’t really get it, like why I’m losing so much. Maybe I just am rly out of shape.
I was thinking maybe I should just try to play something else. The new seasonal skins is an excuse to try gavrail again but god damn it I’ve tried that deck so many times and it’s fun and strong but it’s so goddamn hard. And I don’t rly see anyone playing it right now so idk how viable it still is even though I can’t think of any reason except ofc Luard players going full dmg denial, which is my next point, like maybe I should just play Luard bc I put a lot of time and effort into building it and then I just never used it in ranked. But to optimize it you have to play damage denial and I just hate that play style so much. It’s just not fun to not give your opp cb and then just sit there for 6 turns and stall. It just makes me feel like a terrible person.
Maybe I should just build Altmile LMFAO, I wanted to build him since last year so maybe it is finally time to complete the trifecta
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thebladeblaster · 2 years
So Aichi and Shion had their rematch😂
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Shion: Let’s see how well you do this time
Aichi: I’ll give you my best Kiba-kun!
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Dude seriously declared ‘final turn’ while I had 5 shields in hand and two intercepts🤣. Priceless. This is exactly why you should invest in Blaster Blade.
Kiba: Final turn!
Aichi: *suddenly has Kai and Ren PTSD* Oh no…
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He attacked so many times oof. To be exact he attacked me 7 times in one turn.
Aichi: Your so amazing Kiba-kun! To think you could launch 7 attacks in a clan that isn’t Nova Grappler
Shion: Heh. I’m impressed you withstood that barrage. The question is can you seize this opportunity?
Aichi: I will!
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So then like a chad I decided to declare final turn
Shion: Alright do your worst. Let’s see if your bluffing or not. I’m not surprised you superior called Blaster Blade. You really do like that card don’t you?
Aichi: I do. It’s really special to me. I got it from Kai-kun.
Shion: (Ohhh….that’s how this all started) In that way I guess we’re alike. Kai helped me back in the Under 20 by training me.
Aichi: You were trained by Kai-kun?! I had no idea! No wonder your so good!
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My stride Altmile against his Altmile
Aichi: This is the end! Go, Altmile!
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Perfectly G like finale.
Shion: You did it. Looks like that last win was more than a fluke.
Aichi: That was a great match Kiba-kun.
Shion: Hehe. You don’t have to always be so formal, Aichi. Remember I’m from the future where your technically my senior. You can just call me Shion.
Aichi: I never get used to this weird place…Your telling me that the me in your time is older than you?
Shion: That’s right. The you I know is 21. It was knowing of him that made me approach you. As a fellow Royal Paladin user you interested me.
Aichi: *looks very flustered* Am I cool at 21?
Shion: I’d say so. Though, don’t sell yourself short. The current you is cool too.
Aichi: *blushing mess* Thank you, Kiba-…Shion
Honestly from now on every time I cardfight a Shion I’m going to record it because the matches are always amusing.
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rinkunokoisuru · 7 years
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The bare-midriff-boy is here, it’s Altmile. The second trial deck for Altmile was the first deck for Cardfight!! Vanguard that I actually played with, and I’m super excited for the support coming out next month. I actually spent way more time on this than I intended to. It was just supposed to be a really quick doodle, and then things got out of hand.
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dragon8blade · 7 years
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Vanguard unit inspired bracelets I made a while ago are now up for sale in my shop!
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sailortentacle · 2 years
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Iodem's eventually vindicated since this information ends up saving Babi's life, but do you ever think about how annoying Babi must have found this?
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