#althouvh he is green TO ME
trainerethan · 7 days
I like the idea of red not really. Realizing that his feelings for green are romantic until they're like. Adults. Even after they reconcile and he comes down the mountain he's kinda operating under "we're best friends" assumptions. Not bc internalized homophobia or anything but he just. Can't tell the feelings apart. He doesn't have any friends other than green as a kid and as a teen he lived on a mountain alone so. All the feelings of loneliness and longing for green very well could be now you're supposed to feel about your Good Buddy in his mind. I think green realized way earlier that he Liked red and it did freak him out. So after they reconcile and green has given him a whole speech about needing red in his life and how only red understands him and completes him n whatever he's like. Ahh it feels so good to confess my feelings...only for red to nod sagely and tell him I feel the same. I need you too. You'll always be My Best Friend.
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trainerethan · 10 days
Would it be weird for in universe pokemon cards to exist. Even if it wasn't a tgc it could just be collectibles like sports cards. See probably not right since baseball cards exist those are just real guys and ppl don't really use them to play a game they just like having them. So why can't green collect pokemon cards just for fun. To theory craft teams for his eventual pokemon journey...
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