#although Sebastian looks really good in that movie
innerslumber · 2 years
So the other day I was googling Sebastian Stan's sex scenes in his movies for science and noticed that in Endings, Beginnings there is a part where he is just devouring his costar and the camera pans briefly to a corgi and then my brain checked out cause OMFG IT'S A CORGI PUPPY AWWWWW PUPPERS PUPPERSSSSS!!! 😍😍😍😍😍
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sebstanaddict · 10 months
The Prettiest Girl
Sebastian Stan x Reader One Shot
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Summary: When you interview Sebastian Stan but all he wants is to flirt with you 🤭
A/N : I've been wanting to write this for a while. It's just a little something I wrote for fun. Hope it brings a smile to your face 😊
Warning : just pure fluff and maybe A Different Man spoiler although the movie isn't even out yet, so 😆
Word count: 2.9k
My other one shots >
Soho, New York - November 11th 2023 - 3.50 pm
Millions of soft icy particles fell from the heavens down to the earth on that fateful Saturday afternoon in Soho, New York. They covered everything from trees, buildings, pavements and the top of people's heads. Some had stuck on one particular window of an apartment and created beautiful patterns.
Y/n looked out the window and smiled. It had been snowing all day and it didn't look like it was going to stop soon. Everything looked white and the atmosphere felt serene and beautiful. Despite the cold she had always loved looking at snow and playing with them. She couldn’t wait to go out and make some snow men at the nearest park once the snow had stopped falling. But now she had a job to do.
She sat at her working corner in her bedroom and turned the laptop on. Moments later she opened the zoom application and started setting up her webcam so it showed her clearly with one of the walls in her bedroom as the background. She tidied her hair a little and fixed her white buttoned up blouse so that she looked presentable. Satisfied with how she looked, she entered the empty virtual room in the zoom application.
Her heart rate started to rise as she looked at her laptop screen. As a senior editor at one of the world’s top entertainment media, she was used to interviewing many celebrities. But that afternoon she was scheduled to interview the Hollywood A List actor and Marvel star Sebastian Stan, someone whom she had been in love with for quite some time. Despite having worked at the entertainment media for ten years, it was the first time she got the chance to interview Sebastian and she couldn’t help but feel very nervous about it.
She picked up the paper which had a list of questions she was going to ask him as well as some facts about his upcoming movie. Yes, one of the reasons for the interview was for him to promote the new movie. She had seen the movie and it was quite an interesting movie. She couldn’t wait to hear from him more about it.
She was re-reading the third question when the screen in front of her flickered and Sebastian’s face was shown on the screen.
“Hello!” Sebastian smiled wide and greeted her, making butterflies fly around in her stomach. How could someone look so gorgeous? She pondered as she stared at the screen and admired his beautiful face. Sebastian had let his hair grow but not that much. It was short but fluffy at the top. He had a very light layer of stubble like he just shaved yesterday. But of course it was his ocean blue eyes that mesmerized her the most.
“Hello Y/n.. earth to Y/n. Can you see me? Can you hear me?” Sebastian asked and she blinked several times, finally snapping out of being drowned in his gorgeous eyes.
“Yeah, yeah, I can see you. I can hear you. Sorry.” She blushed as he smiled again at her.
“Oh okay, that’s good. I'm sorry but I'm currently traveling and I'm stuck in traffic right now. So if I get disconnected or something it's ‘cause I'm on the road.” He said as he turned his camera around making her see that he was in a car.
“Oh okay. You know if it's a bad time, we can do this later.” She suggested.
“Oh no, it's okay. I mean as long as it's not two hours long. You know.” He chuckled.
“Oh of course not. Depending on your answers this could take half an hour to an hour at most.” She replied.
“Alright. I'll try to keep my answers short.” He said.
“Well, if you need to elaborate please feel free to do that.”
“Yeah.. yeah.. of course.” He smiled and for a second she could see like he was really seeing her for the first time.
“You look great by the way.” He winked and she felt like her heart leapt out of her chest.
“Uh.. thank you.You look great yourself.” She blushed yet again that she was sure she looked as red as a tomato.
“Oh, thank you.. “ He smiled shyly and she could see that he was blushing too. She loved how he could sometimes be uncomfortable when people compliment him. It was so endearing to her.
“Anyway, how are you? How is Atlanta?” she asked. As it happened, Sebastian was in Atlanta to shoot the next Marvel movie.
“I’m good, thanks. Atlanta is, well, it’s been cold but not that cold. We’ve been shooting indoors a lot with wires and stuff. It’s been hard and exhausting. But, you know, I shouldn’t complain. I really shouldn’t. It’s been great fun.” He replied.
“Can you tell me if Anthony is there?” she asked with a small smile on her lips.
“You know I can’t tell you that. I signed an NDA! I can’t.” He chuckled.
“But.. maybe off the record I can tell you. Later on.” He winked again and she felt butterflies yet again. She couldn’t believe how flirty he was to her.
“Okay, anyway, are you ready?” She asked.
“Yes, of course. Go on.” He smiled and she felt butterflies again in her stomach. Maybe this was a bad idea. She thought as she tried to compose herself.
“Good afternoon, Sebastian.” She finally greeted him after hitting the record button and smiled at him.
“Good afternoon!” He answered, smiling wide at her.
“Thank you for doing this for us and giving your time amidst your busy shooting schedule.” She said.
“Oh no, thank you for allowing me to do this.” He said and she nodded.
“So, Sebastian, you have a new movie releasing soon called A Different Man, directed by Aaron Schimberg starring yourself, the Norwegian break out actress Renate Reinsve and the British actor Adam Pearson.” She said and this time he nodded.
“I had the privilege to see it yesterday thanks to you and the director Aaron, and I must say that it is a very interesting and out of the box movie. Could you tell me how you got involved with it?” She asked.
“Oh yeah. My agent sent me the script and I think it was such an interesting script. I mean, it’s very rare to see movies with this subject matter. The director Aaron had done another movie before this called Chained For Life that had a similar subject matter. In that movie he also cast Adam. And I watched the movie and I fell in love with it. The way Aaron told the story was very unique. I haven’t seen anything like it in a long while. And yeah, I thought that the movie was something that I would love to be involved in.”
“Aside from being the main actor, you are also a producer in this movie. Is that correct?”
“Yeah I am. It’s the first movie I ever produced.”
“What made you decide to be involved not just as an actor? But also as a producer?”
“Well, I’ve been thinking about producing for a while but never got anything I was excited about until this one came. Aaron needed some help and seeing his talent and his previous work I decided to jump into it and help him out.”
“I see. So, in this movie, you play someone with neurofibromatosis, and you had to change your face completely. How did it feel to be under all those prosthetics and looking in the mirror and saw a completely different version of you?”
“It felt surreal of course. It took a long long time to get the prosthetics on correctly the first time. I think it took almost a whole day. But then they figured it out and the next day I basically just had to put on like a mask and then they added some more stuff on my face to blend it in.”
“Oh, that’s really interesting. I’m sure it helped a lot in your performance looking completely different.”
“Yeah, yeah. It helped a lot in that I just needed to look in the mirror and just like that I felt like a completely different person.” He said as he snapped his fingers.
“And it showed. Being someone who have seen your work a lot over the years, I must say you have done the best job of your career.”
“Oh my gosh. That’s.. really?” He asked, his face reddened and he put one hand on the side of his face.
“Yeah. Really. It was your best work in my opinion and I wouldn’t be surprised if you get an Oscar nomination for it. I really wouldn’t.” She smiled.
“That’s.. wow.. it means a lot, coming from you. Really.” He smiled and she couldn’t help but blush again. She couldn't believe he would say something like that.
“Umm.. yeah. Anyway, could you tell me how Adam and Renate got involved?” She asked, deciding to ignore what he said. She was just going to cut that part out and pretended he never said it.
“Oh yeah, with Adam it was a no brainer really. Aaron had cast him even before I got involved. Adam was actually involved waaay before I did. As for Renate. I had seen her movie The Worst Person In The World and I loved her performance in it. It was so real and raw. I knew when I read the script I wanted someone like her to play Ingrid. So I suggested her to Aaron and he agreed and I sought her out and well, the rest is history.”
“I can see why you wanted her to play Ingrid.”
“Yeah, she possesses this instinct as an actor that I haven't seen in a while. It was really a pleasure to work with someone who can keep up with you and even challenge you in their own way. You know. It was very rewarding as an actor to be able to work with someone like her. She was really something else. Kind of like you.” He winked.
“Excuse me?” She couldn't believe what she was hearing.
“Yeah.. I'm sorry but.. umm.. I really have to say this. I have never seen any girl looking as pretty as you are, especially when you blush. You’re quite literally the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen.” He said and her heart seemed to leap out of her chest as she heard him. Once again she couldn’t believe how flirty he was to her!
“Oh stop it, Sebastian. I will definitely edit this out.” She chuckled as her face continued to redden.
“Oh no, don’t. I want people to see that.” he teased again.
“But that has nothing to do with the interview so I will definitely edit it out.” she insisted.
“Fine, I’m just gonna repeat it along the way, on the record and off the record, later on.” he winked and she just shook her head.
“Okay, back to the topic of your movie.”
“You’re so serious. I like that about you.” He teased her again and she felt herself blush yet again.
“There it is.. the blush. I love it.” He chuckled.
“Sebastian, please.”
“Please what, Y/n?” he asked as his voice suddenly changed to be huskier, as much as she didn’t believe it.
“Please stop flirting with me. I’m trying to do my job.” she protested.
“I'm sorry. I'm being really unprofessional aren't I?” He sighed and she nodded.
“Okay, I'm sorry. I'll try to be more professional as long as you promise me something.”
“Okay.. promise you what?”
“That you'll go out with me.”
Her heart seemed to stop as she heard him. This couldn't be happening, she thought in disbelief.
“You're in Atlanta and I'm in New York. How are we going to do it?” She asked, suddenly feeling courageous enough to tease him back about it because she was certain he was just joking with her for whatever reason.
“You know I go back to New York every weekend. So, we can go this weekend!” He said excitedly.
“Okay. Sure. I need to ask my husband's permission first though.” She said as an idea popped into her head and his eyes widened.
“Your husband's permission? I should have known someone as gorgeous as you is already taken. I'm too late aren't I?” He said dejectedly and she couldn't help but chuckle. He looked so cute pouting like that.
“Well.. yeah. You are too late. I'm sorry. But, he's quite an open minded person so maybe I can ask him.“ she said teasingly.
“Oh good! Where is your husband? Let me ask him myself.” He challenged.
“Wait here.” She chuckled and she stood up. She went to her bed and picked up a life size human shaped pillow with Sebastian's face on it then brought it back to her working desk.
“There he is. Sebastian say hello to pillow!Sebastian.” She said, showing the pillow to the webcam and the real Sebastian on the screen threw his head back and laughed.
“Oh my God! Hello pillow!Sebastian! I would like to ask for your permission to ask your beautiful wife out, please. I can't stand looking at her being so pretty like that. I must have her. Please. Could you do me a favor and divorce her?” He asked and she laughed.
“He said over his dead body.” She replied after her laughter subsided and he pouted again, making her laugh again.
“Hey pillow!Sebastian, I literally bought you for her and now you have the audacity to steal her from me?! Unbelievable!” He protested.
“He's sorry but he said he loves me and he can't divorce me.” She teased him again and he pouted yet again.
“Sweetheart, listen to me. I can’t do this and sit here miles away from you when you look so amazingly beautiful like that just teasing me with your pretty face. You have no idea what I'm imagining right now.” He said, gazing at her with eyes full of love and dare she said it, lust.
“Oh, what are you imagining?” she asked. Despite knowing this was very unprofessional of him, she couldn't help but be curious about it.
“I'm imagining being there with you and placing my hands on the sides of your face and just.. kiss that pretty lips of yours.” he said slowly, his voice low and husky.
She shivered as she listened to him and felt butterflies again in her stomach.
“I miss you, sweetheart.” He continued, staring at her with longing and she smiled.
“I miss you too, Iubirea mea.” she replied, making him smile.
“There it is. I love when you call me that.” He smiled.
“I love calling you that too.” She smiled.
“So, go out with me this weekend?” He asked and she of course couldn't answer with anything else.
“Sure. I'd love to go out with you, my darling husband.” She winked and he laughed.
“Glad to hear that my lovely wife.” he replied making her smile.
Just then his camera shook and he turned to the side.
“Oh, great! We're here!” He said excitedly.
“Sorry, I have to go, sweetheart.” He turned to her.
“Oh okay. Yeah. I'll talk to you later?” She asked.
“Wait.” He said as the camera continued to shake. She could hear the sound of a car door opening and closing and then the camera turned to show the sky as Sebastian continued to move.
“Seb? Sebastian?” She called out.
It seemed he didn't hear her as his phone's camera continued to shoot at the sky and then it showed a ceiling as Sebastian seemed to be entering a building. She studied the ceiling and thought that it looked familiar. Then it seemed like he was entering an elevator. A familiar ding could be heard as the elevator stopped and Sebastian got out of it. She continued to watch with a smile on her face as Sebastian seemed to be walking. Then he stopped and turned his phone's camera back on his face.
“Sweetheart. There's a surprise for you at the door.” He said with a twinkle in his eyes.
She laughed and immediately ran out of her room and towards the front door. She opened it wide and there he was, Sebastian Stan, staring at her like he saw the sun for the first time.
“Hi.” He smiled as he switched his cellphone off and put it in his pocket.
“Hi.” She smiled back, her heart beating so fast in her chest.
“I was right.” He said as he walked slowly closer to her.
“About what?” She asked, feeling like she was going to faint seeing him so close to her.
“You are.. literally.. the prettiest girl.. I've ever seen.” He smiled as he gently placed both hands on the sides of her face and gazed at her with longing.
“Oh shut up and just kiss me.” She said and he laughed.
And with that he pulled her closer to him and gently kissed her lips, causing fireworks to explode in her chest. She pulled him into her apartment and closed the door behind him as her plans obviously changed that afternoon. Interviews can wait. Snow men can wait. At that moment all she wanted was to be with him. Sebastian Stan. The love of her life.
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whorekneecentral · 2 years
DadBstf!seb just teaching you how to fuck after your dad asked him to stay at the house with you whilst he’s away
this fucks. so much. you get it. you get me.
Just as you arrived home for summer break, your parents were leaving for the 25th wedding anniversary trip. Although you were 20 and had stayed home alone a million times over, your parents, well your dad, still didn't trust you to stay at home alone. 
As an extra precaution, he asked his best friend, Sebastian, to stay with you for the few days they'd be gone. 
You and Sebastian always co-existed, you got along just fine and there was no bad blood but it's not like you spent a lot of time having conversations with him. Truthfully, for most of your life, Sebastian popped in for a weekend here and there or your parents took a trip to see him race. Even when you did watch the races, he wasn't really there -  he was mostly focussed on his race. 
But now it was just the two of you, in the house for the next six days. 
Sebastian have left earlier that day, knocking on your door and telling you that he's got some errands to run and he would be back later that afternoon. You shouted okay and rolled over and went back to sleep. 
It was nearly 6, when you heard the front door unlocked. Sebastian coming in with a few bags before returning to the living room to check on you. 
“What’re you watching?” He asked, walking around to sit next to you on the couch. “Oh uh, fifty shades.” You shrugged, “they finally put the second part on and I fell asleep in the theatre when we went to go see it.” 
“Are you old enough to be watching this?” Seb looked over at you, deadpan but you laughed. “Very funny,” you reached for the remote, “I can change it, we can watch something else.” 
“No no,” Seb shook his head, settling in on the couch. “Don’t change it on account of me, watch your movie.” 
The two of you sit in silence for a bit, focussed on the movie, playing on screen. And, of course, as expected, a sex scene on. You hear Sebastian snicker and you look over at him, confused. 
“What?” You asked, “you’re not that childish, are you?” You joked and he shook his head. 
“It looks so.. forced. I know it’s not real but they didn’t even try to make it seem real.” 
“I wouldn’t know the difference,” you shrugged, turning your attention back to the scene. Sebastian was curious, everyone knew that but they also knew curiosity was what killed the cat. 
He shifts to face you, “what does that mean?” 
“I had sex once at this party but I was drunk and from what I can remember, it wasn’t that great.” 
“Well that’s no good,” he says and you shrug once again, “that’s life.” 
“It doesn’t have to be that way.” He looks at you and you look back to him, brows furrowed. “What does that mean?” 
Sebastian scoots a little closer. “I can show you.. if you’d like.” 
“We shouldn't,” you turn to face him. 
He shrugs, “what’s the harm?” He pulls your leg and now you're face to face with him. “You need a real man to show you how to fuck.” His hand comes up to rest on your cheek and you find yourself leaning into him. You close the gap, kissing the man.
It was heavy, heated. His hands on your body, pulling you over and onto him. You were perched on his lap, Seb’s hands on your ass when he kisses you.
Not a word is spoken between the two of you, what little clothes you had on was gathered in a pile on the floor when he rolls you two over again. You were flat on your back, Seb settled between your legs.
“Are we-” you cut him off with a kiss. “Please,” your hand rested on his jaw, “Seb please.”
He nods, there wasn't much else to say. Not that anything makes sense at the moment, it was all physical. His hand slips between the two of you, his fingers rubbing slow circles on your clit. Your hips lift, wanting more from him.
Seb’s hand wandered a little lower, a finger pushed in slowly. He can feel how wet you are, wrapped around his finger and he smiles.
“All of this for me?” He asks, cocky as ever.
“God, just fuck me.” You mumble, not wanting to wait. You waited long enough.
Seb nods, barely pushing into you. Your hands grip on his biceps, his lips finding yours when he pushes in all the way, muffling the moans that left your lips. 
He pulls one of your legs up to hitch on his hip. “Fuck,” you breath, his thrusts faster and harder. How you wished you could scream his name right now. Seb’s hand drops between the two of you, rubbing your clit; matching the pace of his hips.
Your head falls back into the pillows when he hits the spot he was looking for. His fingers that were previous on your clit now shoved into your mouth to muffle the sounds tumbling from your lips.
Seb leans down, his lips next to your ear; “you know those boys couldn't satisfy you the way I do.” 
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mamawasatesttube · 7 months
For the fic prompts: 52) “I Wouldn’t Change A Thing About You” with the Souperfam? Thinking about them again (<- Guy who’s always thinking about them)
“—in the originals, there were actually five different guys playing Darth Vader! They had the main guy who played him in the full suit, David Prowse, and then his stunt double for a lotta the fight scenes, Bob Anderson, but then his voice was James Earl Jones, obvie. But James didn’t do the breathing! That was another dude named Ben Burtt.”
Across the table, Kon pauses to suck at his milkshake. Kara swings her legs back and forth before hooking her heels back onto the bar on her barstool, humming. He was right; this place has really good fries. And the burgers are solid, too.
“That’s only four guys, though,” she says, counting them off on her salty fingers. “David, Bob, James, and Ben.”
“Yeah! I’m getting there.” Kon grins. He dips one of his fries into the pink swirl of his milkshake (strawberry, because he says he likes everything fruity). Kara wrinkles her nose. That still seems weird to her. But Kon pops it into his mouth, chews, swallows, and continues: “The last guy is Sebastian Shaw. Who was only Vader in two scenes! Although technically you could argue he was never Vader and was only Anakin, if the semantics of that mean anything to you.”
Kara has seen these movies a grand total of once. Very recently. As in, Kon got her to agree to watch all of them this weekend. As in, they finished watching Return of the Jedi about ten minutes before they came here for a late lunch.
“They do not,” she assures.
To her surprise, though, Kon deflates a little. “Oh.” He drops his gaze to the fries left in his basket, then looks up again with a grin that doesn’t seem quite as genuine. “Right, yeah, I’ve been rambling for a while, haven’t I? It’s probably gotta get boring to anyone who doesn’t have these movies literally uploaded into their brain.”
He laughs, but Kara doesn’t join in. She frowns. “I wasn’t telling you to stop,” she objects, and lightly kicks him under the table to accent it. “I was just saying the semantics don’t mean anything to me!” Another kick.
“Stop kicking me,” he pouts, so naturally, she kicks him again. “Linda!”
This time, when her foot connects with his jeans, it freezes in place. Kara gasps, then glares at him. She could probably pull free of his telekinetic grip, but that’d definitely take superstrength, and this diner might not look too kindly on a potential hole in the ceiling. “Let go!”
“Only if you stop kicking me!”
“Then stop pouting and keep telling me movie trivia!”
“You don’t have to say that if you’re getting bored!” Kon huffs. His glasses do nothing to hide the flush on his cheeks. “I know I get rambly sometimes. Blame Cadmus, they’re the ones who made me so good at being annoying.”
He grins again, but Kara’s not buying it. He’s not very slick about hiding that this is an insecurity, is he? He probably thinks he’s being slick. He’s not. It’s endearing.
“I don’t think you’re annoying,” she says honestly. “I like that you get enthusiastic about stuff. I wouldn’t change a thing about you.”
And then, because that’s embarrassingly earnest to say to her cousin while they’re in public, she has to follow it up properly, before she starts blushing too. Lightning-quick, she swipes a finger through his milkshake and dabs a dollop onto the tip of his nose. Ha!
Kon squawks. “Linda!” he protests, face even redder. He scrubs his hand over his nose, then licks the melting milkshake from his palm. “Jeez!”
Kara grins at him. “Your move, Conner.” As a concession, she dips one of her fries into her milkshake (simple and plain vanilla), then pops it into her mouth.
Kon huffs at her and makes a big show of rolling his eyes and scrubbing his face with a napkin. “Uncivilized,” he sniffs. But the telltale soft look in his eyes tells her she’s won, even before he opens his mouth. “Anywhoozies. So after the release of the prequel trilogy, George Lucas decided they needed to do some continuity edits on the originals, and there was a rerelease, and…”
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grandeoatmilklatte · 1 year
HL Characters and their Horror Movie Tropes
+ a Horror movie character I think they're most similar to and their likelihood of survival!
I randomly got hit with this idea in my sleep, so now it's on my blog! Hopefully this hasn't been done before! Of course these are my opinions based on my stupid little brain, but feel free to nicely let me know your thoughts. Also, because this has to do with horror movies, there will of course be mentions of D34th, so please keep that in mind. And if I gave your favorite character a low chance of survival, know that I am truly sorry, but someone's gotta go in a Horror film!
Some spoilers will be present for some movies, so please be advised.
Ominis Gaunt:
Trope: Ominis is the resourceful friend. The one who's instantly trying to find a reasonable escape route. He's the one you want when you're trapped in an escape room. Ominis is determined to figure out who the killer is and TAKE THEM DOWN. Final Girl energy to the max. Not even his disability is stopping him.
Character: Erin - You're Next (2011) - Such an under rated Final Girl. Erin is resourceful, knows how to put up a fight, and she's got a rough background that helps her survive. No doubt that Ominis's ruthless upbringing as a Gaunt would come in handy when it comes to survival. He likely knows how to fight, and would get brutal if it came to saving himself and his friends. Erin uses her environment to her advantage, which I know Omi would. (i know there's debate as to whether or not Erin does live, but I'd like to believe she does!)
Likelihood of survival: 96%
Garreth Weasley:
Trope: Garreth is the comic relief friend. May or may not be helpful in terms of escaping, but at least he's good at keeping the group entertained while they're trying to escape the haunted house. He's eager to help and subdue the killer, although he may screw up sometimes. It’s really up to chance whether he’d live or not, which breaks my heart to say cause I love my baby boy Garreth, but I'm trying to be realistic. If he did die, his death would be the most devastating for the group and the audience because of how much of a loved character he was.
Character: I have two that fit Garreth fairly well! Dewey - Scream (1996) and Marty - Cabin in the Woods (2011). Dewey because like Garreth, Dewey is a lovable goofball, but can put up a fight when needed. He cares about his friends, is brave, and still survives despite taking some nasty hits, and I feel like Garreth could take a few hits without being fatally hurt. And then Marty because Marty is hilarious, like Garreth. We all know Garreth would be a stoner a modern day setting, like Marty, and despite Garreth's goofy nature, he isn't dumb by any means, like Marty (Marty is the one to first notice something is up). Plus, like Marty, Garreth is the secret hottie. Movie fun fact - in the scene where they all swim in the lake, Marty is the only one that doesn't take his shirt off and jump in because the actor was actually MORE RIPPED than Chris Hemsworth, and it would have ruined the illusion of Marty being the lanky stoner and Chris being the hot jock.
Likelihood of survival: 75%
Sebastian Sallow:
Trope: Sebastian would try to be the hero for sure (if he isn't the killer). He's eager to find the killer, especially if his lover is in danger. He'll protect them and the rest of the friend group as much as he can. He definitely has Final Girl energy as well, but is at super high risk of dying if he's not careful due to his eagerness to fight the killer off. If he's the killer, he would be the jealous, jilted, boyfriend type, the hot jock guy that you wouldn't suspect (or maybe you would). He's doing this because he was hurt and is getting revenge. His Final Girl will have a lot on her plate.
Character: For the hero role: Ash - The Evil Dead (1981) - Boys can be Final Girls too!! Ash kicks ass and looks hot doing it. He's determined to survive and stops at nothing to do so. For the killer role: Billy - (Scream 1996) - Hot jilted boyfriend. Billy is ruthless in his killing, but thankfully he has an awesome Final Girl to put him in his place.
Likelihood of survival: as a hero - 85%, as the killer - 40%
Imelda Reyes:
Trope: Imelda is the bitchy popular girl that you grow to love as the movie progresses. Sadly she will not survive, and she'd be another sad fan favorite death. She deserved to be a Final Girl with her confidence and attitude, but sadly survival was not in the cards. She did put up one hell of a fight though!
Character: Tatum - Scream (1996). Tatum is confident and tough, and absolutely deserved to be a Final Girl. Tatum even taunts Ghostface before he attacks her, which is totally something Imelda would do. She puts up one hell of a fight, but loses the fight eventually, we know Imelda is fiesty and would fight the killer to the bitter end. 
Likelihood of survival: 10%
Leander Prewitt:
Trope: Leander seems like the type to trust very easily, which means he would put way too much trust in the killer, and it might be his demise. As much as I love Leander, he would be easy to lure in. He would put up a fight, but it would be futile. He would at least have the opportunity to warn the others that there's a killer in their midst, giving the group a fighting chance. There's also a chance he could just get knocked out by the killer, the killer thinks he's dead, but he's not! (It hurts my heart to potentially kill him but not everyone can live in a Horror movie!) If you have a better trope idea please let me know cause I felt bad for him!
Character: Aaron - Creep (2014) - (Major spoilers incoming for this one and the sequel) Aaron should have left at the first sign of Joseph being weird, but he didn't. He stayed for far longer than he should have, and even when he DID ESCAPE, he still agreed to meet with him later, which led to his end. My hope is that Leander would be more like Sara - Creep 2 (2017). She also makes the mistake of trusting Joseph far too much, but she at least escapes and survives the film (although Joseph is definitely still looking for her. )
Likelihood of survival: 30%
Amit Thakkar:
Trope: The smart one!! The one who told the group not to touch the cursed object/not to go in the haunted house. Although he'd definitely be a scaredy cat, he'd be eager to find them a way out. Will likely not try to fight the killer though, and will just be focused on escaping. That is of course, if he even ends up in that situation in the first place. He’d be the type to not even follow the group to begin with, thus escaping the entire movie.
Character: Gavin - The Taking of Deborah Logan (2014) - As soon as Gavin realizes something's not right, HE LEAVES. He doesn't wait around for shit to hit the fan. He quits the documentary while everyone else fucks around and finds out. Thus, surviving the movie.
Likelihood of survival: 90%
Poppy Sweeting:
Trope: Poppy is a sweetheart! She’s friendly and cares about animals (beasts). She wouldn’t hurt a fly. Right? You ever meet someone that’s just too nice and you can tell there’s probably a darkness to her, waiting to be unleashed? Poppy seems like the perfect killer because of how unexpected it would be. Her bubbly personality is a perfect way to lure someone in before she attacks. We all know she doesn’t bat an eye to the use of unforgiveables on poachers. On the brightside, she isn’t that difficult to take down once you outsmart her. 
Character: (This is going to be an obscure one. If you know what movie this is, please let me know cause I want to be friends!!) Rebecca - Superhost (2021) - Superhost is an indie horror movie about a vlogging couple who vlog from Airbnbs. They stay at this one Airbnb owned by a Superhost named Rebecca. Rebecca is bubbly and sweet, but there’s just something off about her, and she gets progressively scarier as the movie progresses. Her character is adorable, sweet, but totally unhinged. If Poppy was into vacation homes instead of beasts, this would be her. 
Likelihood of survival: 50%
Natty Onai: 
Trope: Natty is a true Gryffindor. She’s brave and protective of her loved ones. She has the makings of a Final Girl, but her eagerness to fight back puts her in danger frequently, and she could possibly go as a result. She would need to scale back and not act on impulse if she wants to survive the film. 
Character: Helen - I Know What You Did Last Summer (1997) - I know I just said Natty has Final Girl vibes, but there’s too many Final Girls on this list already, so for her I’m picking a girl who SHOULD have been a Final Girl, and definitely had the makings of one. Helen is badass, popular, and puts up a fight to stay alive. She would have been a much better Final Girl than Julie (Julie sucks!!). Helen’s death was lame, but heartbreaking. Another fan favorite unfairly taken away. Also, Helen’s actress is also miss Buffy FREAKING Summers, another badass lady who I feel like Natty would vibe well with.
Likelihood of survival: 40%
Character: MC is another character that could be either the hero or the killer. As the hero, they are determined to protect those they love, and fight the killer to the bitter end. They obviously have major plot armor. They might discover they have superpowers just when they're about to die, and they use the superpowers to fight off the killer, thus surviving the movie. As the killer, they would definitely be the type of killer who didn’t start off that way, and turned evil due to the things that were done to them.
Trope: As a hero - Sienna Shaw - Terrifier 2 (2022) - Why does she have super powers? Who knows? But she's cool and just when hope is lost, she's able to use her powers to protect her loved ones and defeat Art the Clown. As a killer - Jane Doe in The Autopsy of Jane Doe (2014) (major spoiler for the movie incoming!!!) she wasn’t inherently evil, but after being tortured and being accused of witchcraft, her corpse became evil, cursing anyone who dares touch her. She’s also super powerful considering she doesn’t move for most of the movie. This level of overpowered-ness is also a trait of our MC. 
Likelihood of survival: as a hero: 98%, as the killer: 98%
Bonus! Duncan Hobhouse LOL
Trope: Duncan would bring about the horror to begin with. He's the one accidentally reading from cursed books out loud, the one who's accidentally watching a cursed tape, and the one using the ouija board. He's not surviving. BYE. He'll be screaming the whole time, giving up the group's location to the killer constantly. The other characters will spend the rest of the movie hating him because he got them in this mess to begin with.
Character: Every person in the Evil Dead franchise that plays the recording that raises the deadites. You should never play mysterious records, especially ones you find in a creepy cabin or in a hole in the ground. 
Likelihood of survival: 2%
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imagitory · 9 months
Do you think Wish would have been better if they kept the concept of romance between Asha and the star boy, and the kind and queen being a villainous couple?
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I admit, I do really like human!Star and Magnifico/Amaya being a villainous couple as concepts -- but I don't think adding those ideas alone would've fixed Wish's shortcomings. Because I strongly believe the main reason so much of the Wish fandom has latched onto the idea of a romance for Asha in particular comes down to people feeling more for their mental AU concepts of Asha and Star than for Asha and the rest of her canon cast in the real finished product. There are no relationships in Wish -- ones featuring Asha or otherwise -- that I feel really prompt much investment or emotion in the audience.
Asha's mom and grandpa really don't have much time devoted to them, especially early on when we could establish some real history and pathos in their relationships with Asha. (Positive examples of this would be Ember and her dad in Elemental, Tiana and James and Eudora in The Princess and the Frog, or Mama Coco and Miguel in Coco.) We never even learn Asha's mom's dream even though it's picked up multiple times and the narrative makes such a big deal about Magnifico crushing it. The few lines discussing Asha's deceased father could've been cut from the story altogether and we would've lost nothing. Asha's friend group gets so little focus as individuals that it's hard to even remember most of their names. They were clearly envisioned as just "the Seven Dwarves but as teens," and honestly, them being vaguely like the Dwarfs is the only real impact they leave on a lot of people by the end. Or did a bunch of kids that went to go see the movie beg their parents for dolls of Simon and Bazeema after the movie was over? Asha and Star's dynamic can't be that interesting because Star doesn't spark any real character growth or change in Asha, nor does Asha really bond emotionally with Star. Star honestly just floats around looking cute for most of the movie, rather than doing that much of consequence. Valentino doesn't provide any significant emotional support for Asha, the way that even other cute Disney "pets" like Pascal or Pua do for isolated characters like Rapunzel and Moana. He also doesn't advance her journey in any meaningful way like Sebastian or Jacques and Gus do for Ariel and Cinderella, respectively. Asha and Magnifico's hero-villain relationship has no teeth because they have no real history prior to the events of the story (unlike Ursula using Ariel as a way to get back at her father Triton or Mother Gothel raising Rapunzel in isolation in an attempt to use her hair's magic to keep her young) and they don't serve as any kind of narrative foil to each other (unlike Jafar, who like Aladdin also uses magic and deception to try to advance his own goals, or Scar, who like Simba at the beginning of the movie "just can't wait to be king" and is focused way more on the perks of kingship rather than the responsibilities). Even Amaya and Asha can't have much of a relationship because there's no time set aside for it, and even if Amaya put in a good word for Asha with Magnifico, she didn't speak out on Asha's behalf after Magnifico vindictively cast her aside and really only decided to fight alongside Asha after Magnifico "went too far" by threatening Amaya herself (as opposed to, say, anyone else).
When my mum and I went to go see Wish, we came out of the theater feeling oddly blase about the whole story. My mum even -- upon me asking her about her thoughts on this topic before I sat down to write this -- admitted that although she "wanted to see evil defeated," and all that, she honestly just hadn't cared about any of the characters that much. She wanted Magnifico to lose because it was justice for Magnifico to lose -- not because she was actively rooting for Asha, her friends, or Rosas overall. She wanted good to triumph and evil to fail, but none of the characters and their relationships had made her that invested in seeing how that came about. And considering that every single character in every story ever written is largely shaped by the relationships they have with other characters, that means that Wish's primary failing is not a lack of romance, either for its main lead or its villains --
It's a lack of love.
Any kind of sincere, selfless, development-inducing, chemistry-fueled love. Not necessarily romantic love -- Disney's Revival work has actually shown just how diverse love can be through films like Zootopia, Encanto, and Frozen -- but real love between the characters, built on the back of history and camaraderie and meaningful screen time. Love that adds layers to their personality, fuels their choices and actions, and ultimately helps them bloom into better, more complete people. Instead I would argue that the only "love" in Wish is with ideas from past Disney projects -- that's why there are more Easter eggs and overt meta references to other projects in this movie than there are scenes that actively stir your emotions. You know -- the way Mulan does when she decides to steal her father's armor, or Marlin does when he gingerly picks up Nemo's cracked egg in his flippers and cradles it, or Cinderella's stepsisters do when they rip apart the dress the mice made for Cinderella, or Pinocchio does when he watches in horror as Lampwick turns into a donkey, or Tarzan does when he comforts Kala after he comes out dressed in his biological father's old clothes and she starts to cry.
The reason a lot of fans love these two ideas -- villain!Magnifico/Amaya and human!Star/Asha -- so much is because these two relationships, even just in concept art, prompted more emotion out of them than any relationship in the entire finished film.
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Perhaps if that same level of emotion was brought out in these relationships in a real movie, that would've helped, but only if the rest of the film had also been trimmed down and edited so as to help tell a story with those two elements. Slim down the overstuffed cast. Have Asha's family actually have a point, or cut them. Give Asha and Magnifico some sort of real history and/or compare-contrast dynamic. Develop Star as a character. Give both Star and Asha character arcs. Make the music more essential to telling the story.
Without a lot of additional changes on top of those two concepts being used, I think the ideas of a hero and villain couple would've only just made the list of ideas that were only half-baked in the final product longer. After all, if Star was Asha's love interest, you'd still really have to have good writing and a lot of chemistry between the two characters in order to sell your audience on a love story between them. Not saying it can't be done -- Tangled and Elemental both did it quite well -- but just throwing the two characters together as is (namely, rather underdeveloped) and making them romantic partners by itself isn't enough. Honestly, I think a platonic or even familial-esque relationship between Star and Asha could've been just as powerful, if that love between them really came through. Just look at the bonds between characters like Judy and Nick from Zootopia or Miguel and Hector in Coco. Even keeping Star as less explicitly human could've been fine, if the relationship between them and Asha was strong enough. Stitch and Lilo's relationship is rock-solid in Lilo and Stitch, and Stitch isn't even remotely human. Even Soul did something kind of interesting with Joe Gardner and his relationship with 22 by giving them something of a mentor-student bond. Maybe a quasi-"young parent/child" relationship between Asha and Star could've even been interesting, if it was written well!
I do think both ideas had great potential in giving Wish more of an identity that could help set it apart from its predecessors -- I mean, we've never had a human character have a romance with a supernatural being or a villainous couple in a Disney animated film before -- but including them wouldn't have fixed Wish by itself.
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duckchu · 11 months
Under The Weather SDV Sebastian x reader
Reader isn't the farm, pre established relationship (Sebastian is your boyfriend), jealous Sebastian, reader is a baker since imo Pelican Town deservers a bakery
It was a week since the farmer moved in. She looked like a nice gal, although very silent. She sometimes stopped by your bakery and listened to your rants about Joja putting your shop out of business. She would even sometimes gift you your favourite items. You really grew to like her, even sometimes allowing her to hang out in the back and visiting her farm for garnishes for your dishes, unfortunately that meant you had practically no time for your boyfriend, Sebastian. Due to the nature of his job, you would usually hang out in his basement, with him doing some last fixes for his latest code and watching a movie later. You were sad that you haven't seen him in more than a week. Maybe you should stop by Robin's, especially since you needed to fix one of the displays, as the wood on it started cracking.
Next day you closed shop early to go visit your future mother in law and after giving her the money for the display fix up, the farmer walked in. You wanted to go to your boyfriends room, but she stopped you, handing you a really pretty crocus, one of your favourites.
- Oh my...Thank you - you gave her a big smile and put the flower into your bag, going down stairs into the basement. Sebastian was sitting in his chair, eyes fixed on his computer. You walked up to him and gave him a peck on the cheek, alerting him to your presence. He nodded to greet you, busy with his work while you sat down on his bed and took out your tablet, looking for movies to watch this evening. You felt good about returning to your usual routine. That was until Seb finished his work, getting up and looking at you, noticing the crocus.
- Did she give this to you again?- He didn't look mad or hurt or even upset, but you knew deep down he was mad at the farmer. Sebastian wasn't usually a jealous guy, but he felt like he was only with you due to the fact that he got lucky. He was sure everyone in town thought you would be better off with someone with an actual life. Like Alex, Hayley or even Sam. Now that the farmer has appeared, he was sure you would have preferred to be with her...No matter what you told him, he kept on deluding himself to stay in his misery. It pained you to see him like this. You couldn't come up with a good answer to his question so you just pulled him into a hug to at least try to reassure him that you aren't planning to leave him anytime soon.
Ah, Spring, the new plants, the air getting warm...You couldn't help but to enjoy the season. The 24th approached quickly so you dusted off the old white dress and went to the field. Looking for Sebastian, you ran into the farmer. She seemed to be enamoured by your looks in the dress. It was...flattering to have this kind of attention. You knew Sebastian tried his best to show you affection, but he was bad at it...You were sure he loved you, but he couldn't show it...You looked for Sebastian again, but it seemed like he didn't show up...You sighed, then the farmer asked you to dance. Well if Seb wasn't going to come anyways...You decided to agree and go back to socialising when you saw him. You felt shame engulf you as he approached, knowing that you're gonna have to deny him.
- Y/N, would you like to dance with me? - he asked, a light smile on his face, how unlikely of him. It felt even more crushing to deny him
- I would love to, but I didn't think you'd come and then the farmer asked me...- the sudden change in his expression hurt you, his smile disappearing
- I understand - he said, as much as he didn't want to show, his hurt apparent in his eyes. You felt so disappointed in yourself for making him feel that way. You went up to the farmer and the dance begun, you looked sadly at Sebastian standing in the corner, not wanting to participate even with Abigail, his best friend...You decided to make it up to him.
As the days of spring went by, you finally caught a rainy one. You went to the pier, with hopes of seeing your beloved there.
You were really lucky, finding him in the exact spot he always was. You walked up to him.
- Sebastian? - he looked at you, his cigarette hanging from his mouth
- I'm sorry about the flower dance...I thought you wouldn't come and...the farmer asked me and...-
- I understand. - he cut you off
- No, Seb, I love you...- He looked surprised, almost like he was expecting you to say something different. He looked at you, soaked wet and almost... desperate to prove that you really love him, even though you risked being sick. He looked back at all the moments you've spent with him and finally realised just how sincere you were when you said those words.
Please don't mind me sucking at endings thank you
~ Dukchu
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lunarspiral1127 · 5 months
X-men 97 episode 7 *SPOILERS*
Gambit's funeral
I didn't recognize everyone at the funeral, but are they his friends from his past or his family? Cause I have no idea.
Nightcrawler with the eulogy. He sure has a way with words. Plus, him being there as a priest makes sense. Also, he looks so adorable with the robes.
Logan comforting Jubilee was sweet, bit it got me thinking that her screentime has been spent most with Roberto than the other X-Men.
Rogue going solo
Honestly, I don't blame her for hunting down Gyrich and Trask. Especially when it was later on revealed that they were involved but not the mastermind.
Cameos of Thunderbolt Ross and Captain America. Now, last time I saw 90s Steve Rogers was in the Spider-Man animated series during that show's own version of Secret Wars. Before that, he was trapped in a vortex with Red Skull. So, I guess he got out which is why he was there?
I was bummed that he didn't go help Rogue get Gyrich, but I get that he has to do things by the books. Cause that's who he is. Although, Rogue did him dirty by throwing his shield far into the mountains. It was funny and I don’t blame her for doing that. But I do kinda feel bad for him.
Her fighting Ross's army was cool. Also, if the base was durable against the Hulk, does that mean she's stronger than the Hulk?
Nightcrawler best brother! The way he talked to Rogue, hugged her when she was finally mourning over Gambit and Magneto (still don't like the Rogueneto ship), and even called her "sister"! God, I love this blue devil man! 😭 And if anything bad happens to him in the next three episode, Imma be pissed!
Roberto "coming out" of the Mutant closet to her mom
Well, it went better than when Iceman told his family in the X-2 movie. It was a relief to see his mom accepting of him and not hating him.
However, it's unfortunate that she told him to keep it a secret because of their business reputation l. It would've made more sense if it was to protect her son due to the humans' stances on mutants and what happened in Genosha. At least, that way, it would've been more of a good reason than about their business.
Jubilee being supportive and being there for him was sweet.
Yeah, that's pretty much it. Jubilee isn't really part of the main plot, though, so I don't know if we'll see her in action, nor if we'll see Roberto use more of his powers.
Genosha aftermath
More of Jean and Scott talking, so that's good. They're communicating and are still working as a team despite what happened. So, there may be hope that their relationship will survive, but we won't know for sure. So much crap has happened, and I blame Sinister for all of it.
Emma Frost survived, and she got her diamond form! She must've been stuck in all that debris for days. Also, how is she gonna react when she finds out Sebastian Shaw is dead?
Beast and the reporter. Considering how all these relationships have been going in this show so far, I was very, VERY worried about Beast. But, because of what Trish (I think that's her name) said, it ended before it even started.
Y'know when he said he didn't want to be made a monster more than what Sinister did, I thought he was talking about Genosha, but I think he was talking about him turning him into a human sentinel.
Also, yes, we're getting Prime Sentinels, which is very very bad. They ain't no joke cause Trask as one took out the X-Men one by one. Rogue was knocked out with a single hit!
Speaking of Trask, I have no sympathy for that sunuvabeech. But, it was messed up how his body was twisted.
And, all because Rogue dropped him off the building! Like, DAMN ROGUE! Again, I have no sympathy for Trask, and I get why she did it but it was still a holy crap moment. Also, everyone else could've tried to save him, but they just stood there. I think only Wolverine was cool with it.
Thank god, Cable was there to save them. Doesn't seem like he likes Scott despite him being his dad, even though he cared for his mom back in episode 5. Then again, daddy issues have been a thing in the Summers' family. But, I hope that's not the case cause animated Scott is cool.
This whole time, Bastion was the true mastermind?! God dammit, how did I not see this coming! OZT was Operation Zero Tolerance, I should've seen this coming, but I thought it was Apocalypse or Nimrod!
This is his first animated debut, btw. And, I'm surprised he was working with Mr. Sinister cause he's a mutant, and Bastion is a human looking sentinel thing. That explains the Genosha massacre cause, of course, he'd wanna exterminate them.
Magneto's alive! But, he's held captive by Bastion. Okay, I don't know how the hell he survived or how he got captured when he was in Genosha. I hope that'll be explained. But, if he's there then where's Leech? Where are the Morlocks? Cause they were there with Magneto.
I'm really really worried for Magneto. He must've been captured for days or weeks, and I think Bastion is gonna turn him into a Prime Sentinel like Trask. That would be so so terrible if that happened. He'll become the thing he fought against. The thing he despises. God, what's taking Xavier so long?! He gotta go save him!
So, a good episode again. But next week begins the three-parter finale which I'm really nervous how it'll turn out. I hope the show will stick the landing, but I can't handle it more of my favorite characters get killed or worse.
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sixty-silver-wishes · 3 months
Movie ask game for a film you despise. Like just. Absolutely loath :)
does the quote “wake up you animal” mean anything to you. if not, I envy the ignorance you live in
anyway, aside from . That, it’s gotta be the tim burton sweeney todd adaptation. lola sebastian just made an amazing video essay breaking down what I’d been thinking about it for Years, and I’ve already shared my thoughts on tim burton (don’t like him), but I think what irks me the most about this movie is that people like to treat it as not just a good movie, but a good sweeney todd.
the thing is, sweeney todd has been my favorite musical since high school. I’ve read the original victorian novel it was based on. I went as far as going all the way to new york from florida just to see it last year. so naturally, I’m gonna have some Opinions. and to be honest, most of mine were articulated in the lola sebastian video- depp and bonham carter’s lackluster performances, the absence of comedy and some important songs, etc. but here are a few other things about it that really irked me-
- the handling of johanna’s character. people usually misinterpret johanna as a stock ingenue, when she’s intended to be a subversion. she’s a foil to anthony and a parallel to sweeney because she’s motivated by her lack of hope, no matter how much she wants it. that’s why she tries to marry anthony, because he represents the hope she doesn’t have for herself (side note- his name “anthony hope” isn’t just a thematic choice; this was also the name of a 19th century novelist). that’s what “green finch” is about. that’s why she’s able to kill fogg, while anthony can’t (a detail that burton’s version omits). johanna may not have gone off the deep end to the extent of sweeney, but there’s a case to be made for “green finch” and “epiphany” being cut from the same thematic cloth. she’s frightened, neurotic, and at the end of her rope due to living with the judge, not a sad, quietly suffering damsel as portrayed in burton’s version.
speaking of “epiphany,” the way it was shot in the film just. kills it for me. and I understand there are things you can do in theatre that you can’t do on film. but the terrifying substance of the song was DRAMATICALLY reduced with the absence of the fourth wall break. traditionally, when sweeney does his whole “you, sir!” bit, he’s supposed to be shouting at the audience. (george hearn’s is my favorite example of this; I get chills every time!) this serves a few purposes within the play- it signifies that sweeney has lost his grip on reality, but it also implies that the idea of a ruthless man-eating-man world is something that exists in real life, outside of the play. sweeney is singing about 19th century london, but in this moment, you know he’s not just singing about 19th century london; he’s singing about wherever the play happens to be staged- which could be anywhere in the world.
Now, I get that a movie couldn’t do a fourth wall break like this without looking a bit silly, and so I see why we had sweeney yelling at some random extras instead. but at the same time, I think there’s so much to the song that’s lost there.
also like. I know bonham carter and depp and burton were like. a whole thing. but I feel like casting actors who looked good on screen vs. casting talented people who look more rough around the edges just kind of annoys me when it comes to sweeney todd. todd’s spent 15 years in an australian prison camp after being separated from his family; lovett runs a struggling pie shop in lower class victorian london. they should look like that’s what they’ve been doing, not airbrushed sad pretty goths. but I digress.
I guess I can’t get too mad at people who treat this version as the definitive sweeney todd, because it is more accessible than seeing a live play (although there are proshots available online, including the one with hearn and lansbury). it’s just annoying to me because this is a shell of what sweeney todd actually is. there have been so many great sweeney productions out there, all of them portraying the characters and story in different ways. “sweeney” is very commonly performed with a diverse cast, and has been for decades, so while burton’s phobia of racial diversity comes as no surprise, it’s especially frustrating in comparison to multiple monumental stagings of the play. the greek chorus adds so much to the story; the characters have so much depth. there’s comedy, tragedy, and horror in there. so it’s really just frustrating to see this version upheld as The sweeney todd, when in reality, there’s just so much that wasn’t done with it.
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midnightbabylon · 1 year
New Years Eve
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summary: Some time ago, you met Anthony Mackie on the set of a movie project. You two understood each other from the first second. Although you tend to avoid social contacts, he constantly invites you to his annual parties. At least five times a year, you’ll be in his house. Parties aren’t for you, but he always makes you laugh even though you don’t want to be there. And every time at those parties, you meet an incredibly handsome man. Will he and you finally get closer on New Year’s Eve?
pairing: Sebastian Stan x fem!reader
word count: 1.3k
warnings: none I guess
You met Anthony on Set when you became a bit bigger in the scene. As a not over social person you often stayed in your trailer reading a book. You could say that Anthony adopted you when he found out that you were practically hiding to not talk with people. He took you out to eat lunch or you were just roaming around the city. He was making you feel all kinds of comfort. You had great chemistry and soon became friends. For New Years he wanted to throw a massive house party with all his friends, colleagues and family . You volunteered to help him with decorations etc. because you really liked organizing parties. At the time time you were damn nervous because you knew that Sebastian will come tonight. You were crushing hard on this men. On the other hand you met Sebastian a few times only. Every time you had great conversations for hours ongoing, you two laughed and smiled a lot but did this mean he liked you the way you liked him? Tonight you wanted to shoot your shot. A kiss after the New Years countdown sounded perfect to you. Mackie knew about your crush that is why he bought your outfit. “He’s gonna see u in this and man.” He chuckled and made an obscene pose. “I am so good at this.” As you looked in the bag you couldn’t believe your eyes. This little black dress was a tiny piece of clothing. “I am not gonna wear that. I’d rather die.” You shoved the bag right back into his arms. “What? No! You are gonna look sexy as hell. He will be head over heels for you.” “I doubt that. It’s barely covering my ass and tits.” You gestured up and down your body. “That’s the point darling. You have great tits and a bombastic ass. Show him.” You shook your head.
Because of his compliment, you still had to smile. "Okay I'll wear it, but only if I get to do my make up and hair by myself." He grinned widely and gave you a high five. "You got it." An hour later, the house was conspicuously decorated with all sorts of odds and ends and food was on the tables. The drinks were all set up in the kitchen, so everyone could help themselves. Now you could finally get ready, too. "What if he doesn't come at all today?" You called into the room while Anthony was putting on a shirt. "Oh he'll come, he promised me." You rolled your eyes. "Okay, and what if he comes with an escort or hooks up with a pretty girl at the party?" Anthony put his hands on your bare shoulders. "You worry too much. None of that is happening. In that outfit, he only has eyes for you. Just look at you. That dress is perfect for your body type. I've outdone myself." He laughed out loud. "Just get off your high horse," you smirked.
After a few more hours, the house gradually filled up. It was still exactly four hours until midnight and you already had a headache from the stuffy air and the loud music. You weren't really in the party mood for the new year yet, inside you were rather cleaning up after the guests who were making a mess. To clear your head, you went outside to the terrace. There, the lights danced across the pool and fewer people danced and wrestled around. Anthony you had lost in the crowd a while ago. Exhaling loudly, you leaned against the wall of the house and closed your eyes. Peace and quiet. "Y/N there you are!" Sounded Anthony's voice not two seconds later. "Look who I found!" he warbled. Sebastian stood beside him, a red cup in his hand. In the blue shirt, he looked simply gorgeous. Swallowing, you began to smile. "Hey, you made it." He stared at you for a few seconds and nodded. "Yeah wow ehm you look great. That dress suits you immensely." You noticed your cheeks turning red from the heat rising into them but still returned his hug. God he smelled so divine like a man, with a hint of sandalwood. "Thanks Seb."
You chatted a few minutes before someone called his name and he turned away from you to talk to the other person. Now was your chance to grab a water. A quick check to the clock told you there was only one and a half hour left till midnight. Your eyes wandered trough the crowd of people dancing when you caught the familiar color of his shirt. A really pretty redhead reached for a strand of hair and smiled widely at him. You couldn't hear what they were saying but she probably complimented him the way he smiled back at her. Your heart pounded faster than it should with the sting in your stomach. Jealousy creeped up your blood line. But you shouldn't be jealous, he's not even yours. Quickly you looked elsewhere.
At the same time Anthony watched your reaction intensely and started playing his role as wing man for the night.
"Hey man who you kissing tonight?" Sebastian looked at him in confusion "I am single why should I kiss someone?" Anthony put his arm around his shoulder. "Everybody kisses someone at midnight." Seb drew his eyebrows together. "Who are you kissing?" He laughed. "I am kissing that hot chic right over there." Sebastian laughed nervously. "Okay good for you. And who should I kiss?" He shrugged his shoulders. "Y/N." Mackie smiled at him. "Y/N?" "Trust me. Just kiss her and you'll see how she feels about you. You flirt at every one of my parties." He rolled his eyes. "Flirting doesn't mean we're going to be anything." Anthony grinned meaningfully. "Trust me. She wants to be kissed." Sebastian sighed. "You know I'm not the type to do that." "I know, I know, but it's either that or lock you in a closet for seven minutes like the teen parties used to be." Sebastian laughed softly and took a sip of the alcohol that was mixed with some soft drink. Maybe he needed this burning in his throat today to finally have the courage to take the first step. His eyes scanned your body with arousal. The way you leaned against the bar, at the other side of the room, lost in your own thoughts. Not seeing how many men are staring at you just in this second.
In a chorus, the last ten digits of the countdown sounded. Ten. Nine. Eight. Seven. You couldn't see Sebastian anywhere, how could you possibly make it to him by one? Yourself. Five. Four. You went around in circles but there were just too many people. Three. Two. Oh, God.
Before the one sounded, warm hands closed around your cheeks and soft lips touched yours. Surprised, you let your eyes open and looked into the face you just wanted to see all evening. "Kiss me Y/N." He murmured against your lips and you gave in. Sighing, you wrapped your arms around his neck and pressed your body against his. You didn't even notice the cheers and lights around you. The kiss felt so real. You felt everything. You almost lost your mind when you felt his tongue exploring your mouth. It felt like hours before you broke away from each other. "That was…" He began and you finished the sentence. "Wow." While he added "Long overdue." You both had to laugh and looked deep into each other's eyes afterwards. "Do you feel like getting out of here and maybe going somewhere else for a bite to eat or a coffee?" He scratched the back of his head and you nodded happily. "I'd love to."
Permanent Bucky/Sebastian Taglist:
@aya-fay @glitterydeputyshepherdwagon @queenofkings1212 @lilya-petrichor @dexter99 @dystopian-dez382 @xoxoloverb @yougottalovefandoms @justalostgirl
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stardewsnail · 1 year
Sebastian SFW Alphabet
SFW Requests are CLOSED
Bold  = complete
Italicized = available
crossed out = in progress
Remaining: Y, X, W, V, U, R, P, O, E, D, B, A
Snail’s directory
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Sebastian is a bit like a cat in that he likes to cuddle on his terms. Also like a cat, when he decides it’s time for affection he will come and disturb whatever his partner is doing and lay on top of them. I also see him as being the biggest platonic cuddler (with Abigail and Sam). 
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Sebastian desperately wants to belong and be loved. He spends so much time pre-relationship evaluating every thing and agonizing over his decision and crush that by the time he’s dating someone he’s fairly confident in his affections. He’d decide to be committed before the relationship if that makes sense? He wouldn’t date anybody casually. He’d look at getting married fairly quickly—maybe start considering it seriously a year in. He wants to be settled and have a home. 
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Sebastian isn’t emotionally gentle—he’s a little too oblivious to emotions and a little too blunt—but he means well. He cares deeply, it’s just sometimes his communication is lacking. Physically he’s tender but I don’t know if I would call him gentle considering his tendency to pull his partner into his lap as he sees fit. 
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
I think Sebastian loves hugs and 90% of the hugs he gets come from Abigail and Sam. (Again, platonic cuddle puddle) If he has a partner he will be hugging them constantly. Especially just wandering over and hugging them from behind. He’s surprisingly solid under that hoodie so his hugs are warm and encompassing. Always goes under the other person’s arms so his face is tucked into their shoulder. 
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Not fast, Sebastian isn’t always the best with words—it’s likely going to be on a date. Once he’s decided he loves his partner he’s just got to work up the nerve to actually say it. It might take more than one date for him to get it out. The actual saying of it won’t be planned—he’ll think about it for days but will end up just blurting it out.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Sebastian is a little shy about giving kisses but really loves being kissed. Since he’s a little nervous at first he’ll go for a hug and sneak a lil smooch on his partner. What he loves though is when his partner will take him by the chin and direct him to kiss them especially if there’s some extra eye contact involved.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Sebastian is uncomfortable around children but they inexplicably love him. He’s good with kids, but occasionally a little too blunt. The embodiment of “you want a beer-?” “HES FOUR”
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Although Sebastian’s gotten better about getting up, his ideal morning is still spent in bed—whether or not he and his partner are sleeping is up for debate. Regardless, lazy mornings in bed with a trip to the kitchen for coffee, snuggling, idle conversation—that’s his ideal. 
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
He enjoys playing a game before bed or watching a movie. He’s a night owl, and in the beginning of living together he’d often come to bed long after his partner had fallen asleep, at least until he discovered how much he enjoyed falling asleep with somebody. He can cuddle and fall asleep and will want to fall asleep holding his partner/using them as a weighted blanket. Sleeps listening to a podcast or audiobook, and snores a little. 
O = Open  (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say  everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Q = Quizzes  (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little  detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Sebastian is very protective of his partner. He doesn’t want anyone to tread over the top of them and their opinions. He knows what it’s like to feel excluded or unwanted and he tries to prevent that the best he can and ensure his partner always knows he’s right there on their team. He also knows how to amp up his goth-biker image and can be pretty menacing when he puts his mind to it. He wants to be protected emotionally and treated gently. I imagine his partner has gotten very good at politely countering Demetrius’s iffy comments.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
After Elliot, Sebastian is the most romantic. A moonlight motorcycle ride to stare and wax poetic over the city? I mean come on. He puts so so so much effort into making little things special. He’s found so much fulfillment in being part of a household where he feels valued and like he’s actually able to contribute in a meaningful way that helping out with daily tasks is natural.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
Sebastian needs absolute darkness to sleep. Once he’s out of the basement, black out curtains are a must.
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sotwk · 1 year
Dear Anon Who Requested An Elladan x OFC Reader fic,
Your wonderfully written and oh so polite and gracious request really made my day! I am still getting out of vacation mode and back to regular business this week, but your Ask was such a lovely message to read and be motivated by.
I would be honored to write your fic request, and hopefully do justice to the story idea you came up with! It sounds so intriguing with a lot of potential, and the way you already thought certain details out tells me this means a lot to you. I'm flattered you came to me with it. ☺️🥰
Here's what might surprise you... although I have not posted a single thing about the Peredhel Twins in my blog so far, I actually DID write an Elladan x OFC fic many years ago, when I was a baby writer. It was never completed and actually wasn't very good (I was still learning), so I'm not even gonna speak more of it. Somehow, you made a good wild guess that I did have a bit of a crush on Elladan back in the day! I'm sure I can draw on that again to write your request. ❤️ Knowing me, this request might just become a multi-part fic.
I will probably even throw in one or two of my OC Mirkwood princes, the eldest three, who would have been friends with the young twins during the timeframe you are requesting. They would just be side characters, of course, as Elladan would be the main focus.
In case you feel like responding to this message (via another ask), let me ask your opinion: which of these two gentlemen do you prefer for Elladan? (assuming either of them work for you). Richard Madden and Sebastian Stan look so much alike and are both so beautiful... they are my personal favorites to fancast as Elrond's sons.
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Sorry if this is an odd question... I pretty much have to fancast every non-movie canon I write for, since I'm the type of writer that needs solid visuals in my head.
Anon's opinion and preference rules above all else, but I'm curious to see what everyone else thinks!
Anyway, I'm cooking up ideas for Chapter 1 in my head already, and hopefully, I can have something for you soon. 😉 Thank you again for your kind words and your trust in sending me this Ask!
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theladyofshalott1989 · 2 months
20 questions for fic writers
Thank you for the tag @heyitszev, @thetotomoo, and @infernalrusalka! It was so fun reading all of your answers, too <3333
1. How many works do you have on AO3? Eleven!
2. What's your total AO3 word count? 220,491 posted currently (about 60k more written but not posted yet).
3. What fandoms do you write for? Hogwarts: Legacy (10 works) and Bridgerton (1 work).
4. Top five fics by kudos? "Like Moths to a Flame", "Burning Bright", "The Reynolds Dilemma", "Heart's Pleasure First", "Love's Not Time's Fool".
5. Do you respond to comments? In the words of Severus Snape, "Always." <3
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? My Sebastian Sallow/You one-shot "What Was I Made For?"
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Nearly all of my fics end happily, but I think from a "wow, the characters went through hell and back and yet they somehow got a happy ending" perspective, I would probably say "Burning Bright."
8. Do you get hate on fics? Not directly on them yet (thankfully), but I have definitely received anonymous hate here on Tumblr and Reddit. Those people can suck it. Affectionately. 🙃
9. Do you write smut? Yup.👍
10. Craziest crossover? No crossovers yet, although I'm hoping to write a Hook (the 1991 movie) & Peter Pan (the book by J.M. Barrie) long-fic someday. That's not all that crazy though...haha.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I'm aware of, but I don't go looking. Eek.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? No, but that would be very cool!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? I'm currently co-writing an MC x MC fic with heyitszev. Someday we'll (hopefully) finish it because it's SO FREAKING GOOD ALREADY. AHHH.
14. All time favorite ship? I have consumed many ships over the years, but the one that always sticks with me is Cassian/Jyn (aka Rebelcaptain) from Rogue One. My own ship (Sebastien, Sebastian x Damien) may also be added to this list soon as these boys have consumed my every waking thought for nearly a year and a half now. Lol.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I don't think I've ever not finished a WIP? Hopefully I didn't just jinx myself...
16. What are your writing strengths? Banter, emotional whiplash (sorry lol), foreshadowing, and plot twists. At least I think so. Haha.
17. Thoughts on dialogue in another language? I like it! I minored in Spanish in college and have always wanted to use Spanish in a fic, but haven't really had the opportunity to yet. Maybe if I ever get around to writing a Cassian Andor-centered fic, I'll finally do it. We'll see.
18. First fandom you wrote in? Star Wars! I wrote a shit ton of Anakin/Padme when I was a young teen.
19. Favorite fic you've written? If you had asked me a few months ago, it would have been "Burning Bright", but it's now my current WIP, "You Cannot Put a Fire Out." I put a lot of myself and my insecurities into these two fics, and they were both written at a pretty emotionally turbulent time of my life, so they have a special place in my heart.
20. There's no twentieth question, so take this as your cue to give yourself a hug. (Yes, I'm talking to you!) <3
No pressure tags: @morelikeravenbore @endless-starlight-legacy
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effervescentdragon · 3 months
aight what’s your wip that’s just a dinosaur emoji i’m curious
okay. thats a jurassic park au that i started writing after binging all the movies, which are my faves, with no pressure to myself just so i could get some things out. it has a very "movie-like" style, where the focus is on the action and physicality and dialpgue more than exploration of feelings, ina show-dont-tell way, and since its f1 rpf, i have a million characters to choose from. the people i hate get eaten by dinosaurs and its supremely cathartic. its my happy place because i am not publishing it i am just writing when i want to, and its lovely to take that pressure away. imma post a bit of it here for any interested audience. i love you <3
“You get full VIP passes for all the attractions, and I’ve managed to ensure you get taken along on the tour that the experts about to evaluate the state of the park are about to take this weekend, though not at the same time with them, after they're done,” Lorenzo said as he herded Arthur and Charles through the corridors of the main compound. “I would ask you to act appropriately for your age and in accordance with my position here, if in any way possible.” He narrowed his eyes and grabbed Arthur’s hand before he could very obviously pick-pocket an access pass from a poor dishevelled engineer that bumped into him. “On your way, Hopkins,” he said to the wide-eyed engineer, and as soon as the man turned the corner, he slapped Arthur on the head. “This goes double for you, petit. I told you you’ll get to see everything. No need to resort to criminal activities to gain access.”
Arthur didn’t even bother to hide his grin. He only shrugged his shoulders, and Lorenzo cursed the Leclerc charm that was already colossal in Charles, but seemed double so in Arthur.
“What exactly is your position?” Charles asked, ostensibly distractedly as he took pictures of everything around him. Lorenzo made a mental note to confiscate his phone before they left the premises and thanked the good sense of jamming all the wifi and data signals inside the main compound. They could not afford another leak, not of any proportion, and Charles had the bad habit of not thinking things through before he posted on his social media. It’s a good thing Sebastian doesn’t use Twitter, he thought to himself, not unkindly. Charles had probably forgotten about those things he posted years ago, but Lorenzo’s job was to know these things, and he remembered. He didn’t know if he wanted Sebastian to see them or not. The answer mostly depended on how annoyed he was with Charles at any given moment. The one thing he knew is that it was good that Arthur didn’t know about them.
He also knew better than to trust Charles’ apparent lack of interest and naivete.
“Manager,” he said breezily. Charles looked away from the phone and raised an incredulous eyebrow. Arthur was peering over Lolo’s shoulder at the passcode he used. Lorenzo just grinned, gave his middle finger scan to the machine, and ushered them into the elevator.
Lorenzo’s job description fit on exactly three A4 pages of Times New Roman font size 12 single-spaced text (although Lorenzo preferred Arial, but nobody really asked him). The text of the publicly available contracts itself was mostly blacked out. There existed one uncensored copy which was stored in the CEO’s safe, and another one which was in Lorenzo’s possession and stored somewhere nobody would ever think to look, just as a precaution. The job shortened to “manager” very nicely and appropriately. It was also a very accurate description, because the amount of managing he had to do on the daily superseded all his other obligations.
Lorenzo was very, very good at managing his job, classified and unclassified parts both. What he was slightly less better at managing were his two younger brothers. He comforted himself with the thought that nobody was perfect and the fact that his brothers were forces of nature in themselves. For that, he loved them more than anything in this world, and for many, many reasons more.
It didn’t mean he didn’t want to throttle them on a regular basis.
“Oscar!” Arthur yelled as they entered the control room, making most of the staff flinch. Oscar and Lando both turned around, and Lorenzo kept a straight face at the way Lando’s face soured when Oscar disentangled himself from his headset and leapt up to hug Arthur.
“Arthur, mate, I didn’t know you were coming! Why didn’t you tell me?” he asked, then turned to Lorenzo. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
Lorenzo shrugged. “I wasn’t sure if they would be able to make it. Charles had his final exams this week, and it was a tight fit.” He smiled gently. “He passed with top grades, and this is my gift to him for being extraordinary.”
Charles blushed, as Lorenzo knew he would, and accepted Oscar’s hugs and congratulations as gracefully as he knew how; which is to say, very awkwardly while still giving off the satisfied vibes that they were unquestionably deserved.
“What am I, chopped liver?” Lando butted in, reaching for the milkshake on his desk. Lorenzo narrowed his eyes, and Lando fumbled with a pen on the desk as he tried to pretend that was his plan all along. “Hello Arthur, Charles. Why are you here?”
Oscar elbowed him. “Don’t be fucking rude.” He frowned. “Why are you here, though?”
“A special tour of Jurassic World,” Arthur said, launching into an explanation. Lorenzo observed Charles, though. He came closer to the screens where the cameras from the paddocks were displayed, alongside the data on the dinosaurs.
They were supposed to refer to them as ‘assets’. Lorenzo could never bring himself to do so, at least not in the confines of his own mind.
“That is an invisible fence, right?” Charles turned to Lolo, who nodded. “How much is the voltage?”
“Ten thousand volts. Fifteen in the border of the Restricted area.”
Charles’ face scrunched up in thought. “But the pillars you put, they are -”
“Golden One and Silver One are incoming,” Lando interrupted Charles’ thought. “And the boss-man is on his way too.” He grinned, and Lorenzo knew why he was gleeful, but it still somewhat grated on his nerves. “With company. So you should maybe move to the meeting room.”
“Yikes,” Oscar said, typing something up on his computer. “Too late.”
The main elevator doors opened a fraction of a second before the emergency elevator doors, admitting five new people into the control room.
Lorenzo, being the consummate professional, did not sigh, or curse, or frown, or show any sign of distress.
He really, really wanted to, though.
This is going to be a fucking bloodbath, he thought.
He was right; he just didn’t yet know how right he really was.
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lanabuckybarnes · 7 months
Once again I miss a very important date for my page but in my defence I was ill.
In order to celebrate Bucky’s (belated) birthday I will get something put together and hopefully post it tonight.
I’ve also been thinking about branching out into writing for other marvel characters since Bucky is such a small character in a much bigger universe. The only issue is my heart belongs to Buck so I don’t know how good I would be able to encapsulate the characters without making them robot like.
And on the topic of writing for other characters, I may start brining in some other characters played by Seb, although besides 2 movies I haven’t really studied or looked into the characters. They’re played by Sebastian Stan they’re hot right? That’s about as far as I’ve gotten.
Anyways much love x
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two-tyred-problems · 4 months
F1 ask game!
got tagged by @kazoologist!! Thank uuuu I love talking
Who is your favourite driver?
Oscar Piastri!! And also Logan, my favourite unlucky guy :,)
Do you have any other favourite drivers?
I like most of the grid, but especially Lewis, Yuki, Alex and Zhou!
For non current drivers, I gotta say my fellow Germans, Nico Rosberg and Sebastian Vettel
I’m also taking this as my cue to say how much I love the F1 Academy drivers! Especially Doriane cuz I was following her even before she joined! But also Tina, Lia, Chloe and Abbi (Some of them are really carrying their teams, Amna is making that VCarb suit actually look good)
Who is your least favourite driver?
Daniel Ricciardo, I’m guessing. Sorry for all his fans but I already disliked him before the DR hate train started this year, some of the stuff he said really irks me
Also Carlos kind of because he constantly has beef with my favourite driver and I’m currently not too fond of Lando either (cuz of the Trump stuff :/)
Do you pull for drivers or do you like teams as well?
Teams as well, although I mostly start out liking them because of the drivers! Williams for example (and Gee, you’re so real, I’d also kill for Lia Block)
If you like teams, what team do you pull for?
Williams and Mercedes, Williams because I liked their drivers first and then started to like the team in itself too. I like Mercedes mostly because it’s one of the first f1 teams I knew and my sister is a big fan!
If you could take over as team principal for any team, who would it be and why?
I would simply not. I’d maybe be convinced to do marketing but I can’t even manage my own schedule
But if I really had to, I’d go for Sauber probably? Not the pressure that’s on teams like Ferrari, scandal free drivers, a marketing team that tries to rebrand Zhou as wizard and a cool colour scheme. Would even dye my hair neon green again as a publicity stunt.
How long have you been in F1?
Not thaaaat long to be honest, since August last year probably but I got even more intensely into it a few months later, after I finally got how everything works
What got you into F1?
It’s a long story comprised of multiple small stories basically
I always watch Top Gear/Grand Tour with my dad and one day they reviewed the McLaren Senna and I thought it was a super neat car, because of the glass in the doors and I decided that McLaren will be my favourite Luxury Car brand now.
I slowly got into cars a bit, but not really motorsport itself until we went to an outlet Center and I got myself a cheap Mercedes AMG jacket, because my Uncle is a huge AMG fan and I liked the cars. After I bought it I noticed that it said F1-Team on it too, so I followed the Merc F1 account cuz I didn’t want to get asked about it and then not know anything.
A few months later we went into the Gran Tourismo Movie and one of my friends and I loved it so much we started getting into motorsport. Then I followed the McLaren F1 account because of their previously mentioned car I liked. That’s probably why Oscar is my favourite driver. (I still remember being super confused when my friend tried to explain all the rules to me when I could only remember like 6 drivers)
Do you enjoy fanfic/rpf?
I can’t say I read it, although it’s also inevitable to stumble upon it sometimes. It’s just not for me but I ain’t judging people for it, there’s weirder stuff you could do.
How do you view new fans?
I still consider myself a kind of new fan, even more so in MotoGP, so I can’t judge! But even in fandoms I’ve been in for a long time I like meeting new fans because it’s a cool thing to share your passion for something!
Are your friends and family into F1 as well?
My sister currently is (because i forced her to watch races with me) and a lot of my family watched it like 30 years ago but not anymore. My uncle likes motorsport but thinks F1 is too elitist (which, fair point, but still)
I have one friend who’s into it as hardcore as me. The rest of my friends just listen to us ramble lmao
Are you open to talking to other fans/making friends?
100%! I don’t know how to actually start talking to people because this is the first tumblr account I made to intentionally share what I say but rest assured, I love making friends and chatting with people, even if it’s not about motorsport!
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