#although I haven’t played the game ina bit
object44object · 1 year
forest colony. it has ember. Enough said
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liptonsbabe · 3 years
My dear [S.U]
Sam Uley x Fem! reader!
Summary: “Did you have a hard day? You can complain to me. Did something make you almost cry? It’s alright, look at me. Starting from now, think of three really good things: the warm air, the dazzling weather, and me outside your window.  I told you, you can see brightness only when it gets dark”
Word count: 2.5k
Warnings: Mentions of abuse, death, heart dissease and such. English not my mother language so pls let me know if something’s wrong
gif’s not mine
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"Sorry to bother you, Chief," you said following the man's moves through your house. Charlie Swan was carrying a reclining chair with ease leaving it in the middle of the living room while you stood at the bottom of the stairs with your little four year old daughter in your arms. Cassie was exhausted. It had been a long plane ride and a bit more road travel, which knocked your little girl out as soon as you set foot in your new home in Forks. It was a long time since you had seen that place but of course you remembered Charlie Swan as kind as he had always been. Even when you were just starting to think about moving back to Forks he was the first to help you get a safe home for you and your daughter. You remembered looking up for Charlie's old phone number hoping it was still the same and when you dialed and heard the man's voice behind the phone you sighed in relief. At last life seemed to be smiling on you after a long time and Charlie was quick to offer to help you if you decided to return to town.
He told you about a house for sale next to his. The owner was elderly and preferred to live with one of her children and earn income from the house near the forest that could be bought by curious tourists so Charlie convinced her to sell you the house and at a lower price than she was originally asking because the house needed some repairs that he could do. So you thought no more about it and packed your things to return to Forks after the horrible years you had lived in Brownsville.
Charlie picked you up at the airport in his police cruiser and avoided turning on the siren cause Cassie was already half asleep in your arms when you got off the plane and he didn't want to disturb her, but Cassie had the strength to stay awake long enough to make him promise that next time he would turn on the siren as they drove around town.
The truth was that Charlie Swan was an angel. He arranged everything so you would have a quick return and even now he was bothering to get all your stuff out of the moving truck so you wouldn't have the worry of doing it later.
"Nonsense, I'm happy to do it. Besides, it's my day off."
"And that's why you shouldn't be doing all this. I know vacations for police officers are non-recurring."
"I'm the chief, I have certain privileges."
"Well, I wasn't going to let you do this on your own" he replied, carrying the boxes with your and Cassie's clothes. He set them down on the kitchen island and leaned back against them to rest. You walked over and settling Cassie better in your arms you sat down in one of the chairs Charlie had given you "Billy and Jacob will be here in a little while to get all this settled so you can have your first night here without any problems."
"I still think it's too much. Stop spoiling me like this, Charlie, you even gave me part of your dining room!"
"Ah, it was nothing. Bella and I recently bought a new one and we didn't want to take it to the dump cause it still has some use. The table is made out of good wood and the chairs are freshly upholstered. Look at it, it suits perfectly!"
"That's not the point" you said, glancing sideways at the newly arranged dining room near the kitchen "The point is that you're doing a lot for me and it's not fair."
"Your father would have done the same for Bella if it had been about me" he replied reaching for a bottle of water from the installed cooler. A sudden tension appeared in the room as you both remembered what your father's life was like in Forks "Jackson was my best friend for a long time and when he died...I promised him that I would seek you out and support you as if you were my own and that is precisely what I am doing."
"You wouldn't have if I hadn't left and hadn't abandoned him. He died because of me"
"That's not true."
"He was left alone when I left. He died of grief"
"He died from the heart valve disease he had. Your father suffered it from a young age and even so, you had a right to look for your mother"
"I wish I hadn't" you murmured, cooing to Cassie who was beginning to get annoyed by the noise of your voices "I abandoned my father and didn't find anything worthwhile"
"Well, that doesn't matter anymore, stop tormenting yourself and thinking you killed your father. I was with him. He loved you and he died peacefully, remember him as the good man he was, child."
You sighed. Cassie went back to sleep peacefully
"You're right. I'm sorry."
"Don't worry, sweetheart. I know it's not the same, but you have me now and I'd rather die than let you leave again, do you hear me?"
"Easy, I have no intention of doing that" you half smiled "I'm running away from the tracks I left in Brownsville, I have no desire to go back under any circumstances. What I'm worried about is that the tracks won't rub off and show the way to the one I'm hiding from"
Charlie clicked his tongue.
"That should be the least of your problems. I have a gun and I know how to use it. He'll have to deal with that first before he gets to you."
"Thanks, Charlie."
"Although, if Chief Swan is as good at shooting as he is at fishing then you'll have to learn how to handle a gun yourself, honey" a voice appeared from the doorway followed by a young man's laughter.  You looked up meeting the unmistakable face of Billy Black next to his son Jacob. Billy entered your house being pushed by Jacob leaving him next to Charlie as he rolled his eyes "Be a little more modest, buddy."
"There's nothing wrong with bragging once in a while."
"Yeah, but you do it all the time."
"Shut up."
"Make me"
Charlie got up from his spot lunging towards Billy who ina swift movement spun the wheels of his chair avoiding Charlie's attack thus beginning a chase through the house dodging the obstacles of boxes on the floor. Jacob laughed taking Charlie's place in front of you.
"I thought we were coming to help with the move, not to watch them play like preschoolers?"
"Me too. I think Cassie will get along with them."
"Your little girl will beat them up right away"
You giggled quietly avoiding waking Cassie as Charlie and Billy finished their game to go back to the truck and get the last boxes, then you could finally get everything settled at home. Jacob smiled, looking at you
"I'm Jacob. You may not remember me but..."
"Are you kidding? I used to give you the bottle."
"No you didn't."
"Of course i did! My dad used to visit your parents a lot and he used to take me with him. You were a newborn baby and I used to volunteer to help Sarah feed you. You were the worst baby ever. You cried too loudly and squeezed the bottle with your swollen gums. Then you'd throw the milk back and you used to get really messy. Your poop was the smelliest I could remember."
"Don't say that!" he replied, embarrassed "I see you do remember me."
"And Quill and Embry. Tell me, are they still the same old fools?"
"They haven't changed at all."
You laughed.
"Ok, these are the last boxes" announced Charlie walking into the house carrying with him a small box with Cassie's toys. Billy came in behind with some boxes on his lap "I think now we can get everything organized and finishing in time for you to get some rest."
"I'll clean up the little girl's room" offered Jacob standing up "then I'll fill the closet and set up the bed so you can lay her down, you must be tired from carrying her around for so long. is that okay with you?" he asked you. You nodded
"Yes, thank you Jacob."
"You're welcome. Give me that" The boy took the boxes off his father's legs and picked up Charlie's, all with one arm and with the other he carried the folding base of the bed. You opened your eyes wide 
"Easy, big guy, when did you get so strong?"
"I don't know. It just... showed up" he replied disappearing up the stairs
"It showed up" said Charlie "Ah, I hope shows up something like that to me"
"Don’t hold your breath as that happens" Billy joked.
"I should do something for lunch" you said trying to stand up. You were going to put Cassie down on one of the couches and put some cushions around her, but Charlie won't let you. Billy agreed 
"None of that. We'll order something."
"Nothing" interrupted Billy "We'll buy pizza"
"You guys really need to stop doing this" you reproached. Billy picked up his phone
"Ah, sorry, you had to say that earlier, I'm already on the call."
"You guys are unbelievable"
Charlie smiled
"We know. oh I'll get Bella, she hasn't said hello yet" Charlie walked out before you could say anything else and closed the door dismissing the moving truck. Billy smiled complicitly, placed the order, gave the address and left the cell phone on the kitchen bar
"Dinner is served."
"Thank you."
"They had children's menu, so I ordered it for Cassie. I hear their brownies are delicious. Maybe I'll steal it for myself."
"I'll keep it as a secret"
Billy nodded with a smile and as the food arrived you chatted animatedly about what had happened in your absence, he also told you things about your father and all the times they went fishing together before his death. You were enjoying Billy's stories when time began to pass and Charlie didn’t return with Bella as he promised. Jacob was finishing Cassie's room and when the pizza arrived he came downstairs immediately, asking about Charlie's whereabouts.
"He went to get Bella, but he hasn't come back yet."
"That's strange, his house is right next door."
"Maybe something came up for him at the station" Billy shrugged.
You  decided to wait for the Swans to eat, but seeing that they didn't show up Jacob offered to investigate what was going on when suddenly the door opened and a very worried Charlie Swan walked in wiping the sweat from his brow
"Bella’s missing."
Jacob suddenly became alert and Billy remained static in his place. You felt a knot in your stomach. While riding in the police cruiser that morning, you had heard something about tourist disappearances and wild creatures killing people in the woods and you feared Bella might be in that kind of danger. You were never close, but you knew her and occasionally went out together to talk or share a movie night. You still hadn't seen her after the years you were away and the least you wanted was for something bad to happen to her.
"Did you talk to any of her friends?"
"She was with them during classes, but they lost track of her on her way here. I'll call the Cullens, maybe..."
"You didn't know?" asked Billy "The Cullens left Forks, Charlie."
"Where did they go?"
"We'll find her" encouraged Jacob "But we have to go out and look for her before dark."
"I'll go with you" you said "I'll take Cassie to her room and..."
"No, no, stay" Charlie asked you "I left a note for Bella at home in case she comes back she’ll know that she has to come here and wait for me. If she does, call me right away, please" you nodded
"I'll call Harry and ask him to join along with the boys" Billy said and wheeled away down the hallway holding the phone to his ear. Charlie and Jacob left and you decided to take Cassie to the room, go down to the kitchen and make some coffee for the Brigadiers and Bella. If she was alone in the woods and the night was catching up with her then she was going to need something hot to get her strength back. 
You hoped with all your heart that she was all right. For her, for Charlie.
Hours passed one after another with no sign of Bella. Your driveway was carpeted with people and police cruisers specially brought by Charlie to search for Bella. The entire town was scoured by officers from the early hours of the night, yet there was no trace of the chief's daughter. You decided to join the search taking the opportunity that Sue Clearwater was playing with Cassie - who was awakened by the ruckus of the patrol cars - asking if it was a good idea to search for her in the woods, but Harry refused.
"It's too dangerous, we don't know what might be among the trees. We can't risk losing any more people."
You were about to object his words when Jacob came up to you putting a hand on your shoulder telling you that he was right and that the forest was something not to be taken lightly. So you gave up, deciding to go back inside and refill the coffee pot when Jacob alerted Charlie that someone had found Bella.
A tall man walked in a straight line toward the Brigadiers where Billy and Harry watched him with restrained relief. He had a stocky frame and Bella unconscious in his arms seemed to weigh no more than a feather. His cropped black hair was messy and his lack of a shirt told you that the icy cold of the city didn't affect him at all
You knew him. His face was very familiar yet strange at the same time. You were back in Forks after a few years, but you knew that no one could change that much in that period of time.
Sam Uley was holding Bella and Charlie took her in his arms as he came out of the stupor and relief of having found his daughter. The Brigadiers sighed in unison and Billy thanked them all. You wanted to do something, to approach Charlie, to ask him if he needed help with Bella, but your eyes were caught in Sam’s. 
They were dark, wild, like the forest behind him. You remembered him perfectly. 
Before you left Forks you two were close friends and came to like each other as something more, but your leaving ended that and what you might have been up to that point.
You tried to look away, but then Sam's huge body began to shake, his knees buckled and he fell to the ground resting his hands on the dirt. Harry Clearwater reacted and approached him asking if he was okay.
"Tired" you heard him whisper causing you to shudder. Harry helped him up, whispered something in his ear and after taking one last look at you he disappeared into the woods. Harry walked back towards you.
"I thought the forest was dangerous"
"For us."
"What do you mean?"
Harry looked at you. Then he looked at his wife with Cassie in her arms standing at the doorway . He smiled.
"You'll find out soon, child"
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knightofbalance-13 · 7 years
Apparently I’ve been Tagged
I was tagged by @comicfan44 : We’ve talked a few times but honestly I should talk more with them more often.
Anyway, I wanna tag @fallentitan88 @sollus78 @weissfire @tumblezwei to know them better as well.
LOOKS I’m pudgy or fat (depends on the person’s definition, I consider myself inbetween) I’m about 5′8″ or 5′9″...and one of the tallest members of my family so go figure. I don’t have any tattoos or piercings nor do I expect to get any. My eyes are usually seen as blue but from the right angle, they can appear green. I have short, balding brown hair but I have been getting it shaved because apparently it looks good and I inherited male pattern baldness from my grandpa.
PERSONALITY Despite my aggressiveness online, I’m not very aggressive in real life. If anything I try to keep to myself and I often try to stay out of people’s way as much as possible. I mostly like to be left alone and decide when I want to talk to people since I hate being forced into social situations. I’m a pretty big geek, I don’t really have a specific area of interest as I do like Sci-fi a lot (Especially Doctor Who and Star Trek), I enjoy watching anime (Although I prefer Shounen battle anime, I do like Mecha anime a bit, I’ve dabbled a little in the Magical Girl genre and I’ve been lookinga round the horror anime. Really the only thing specific I like is anything made by studio Gainax and Studio Trigger) and I know my way around Video games. I am rather weird. I talk to myself a lot, I keep to myself, I don’t pay attention to people around me, I speak my mind despite what that means, I am very straight forward, I don’t like loud noises and I often times try retreating into a book or a game. I am sarcastic as all hell. I often times make quick, sharp quips at people which seems to make people laugh a lot for whatever reason. I have a very dry sense of humor and I do enjoy raunchy humor as well as just plain dumb humor as well. I am very protective of my friends: Seriously, I’ve gotten in trouble with how rash I can be when I see a friend being insulted or attacked.
ABILITY I can write rather well. It would be better if I could bring myself to do it more but unfortunately I often lose my motivation for writing. I am rather good at debating: At the very least, I can identify when someone is using logical fallacies or is trying to manipulate people through emotions rather than facts. I can have a very good memory if I memorize thinsg quickly. I am very good at math. I can cook a few basic meals rather well. I dunno if this is an ability or lack thereof but I do not have a sense of smell and my sense of taste is rather dulled: I am unaffected by horrible smells and I can eat intensely flavored foods (my favorite being the spicy kind.)
HOBBIES Basically debunking bullcrap in the RWBY fandom and trying to make sure it doesn’t turn to shit. I play a lot of video games, mainly been trying Metal Gear Rising again or replaying Skyrim again for consoles, I occasionally pick up my DS and play The World Ends With You or a Pokémon game and speaking of, I’ve been searching for well made complete Pokémon fangames. I read sometimes, I do like to read just regular stories but I very much like reading mythology and I’ve been tryng to read and digest Fredrich Nieztche books lately. I use tow rite but again, I haven't ahd the energy to do it.
EXPERIENCES Um...I guess this means the big events in my life... Well, I’ve had an extra long appendix taken out of me... I’ve been to the Florida keys, Saint Thomas and Hawaii (Great Pineapples) I struggled to the end of High School so there’s that... And I’ve beaten Skyrim about 3 times now.. Oh, and I managed to see the Solar Eclipse that happened this year. thatw as amazing... RELATIONSHIPS Yeah, never had one. MY LIFE My Dad was ina nd out fo my life until a few years ago which he was just out. I have no friends in real life but a few close ones online I don’t really work... I live in Sioux City Iowa...Wouldn’t blame you if you never heard of that. I am an only child.  I live with my mom but lately I’ve been trying to live by myself. The weather in my city goes from boiling hot to freezing cold...that’s Sioux City for you. And I think I’m depressed. Dunno for certain but my mom’s pretty certain I am. Thankfully not sucidial anymore. That was a dark time... RANDOM STUFF I own a bony cat named Silvo who I think has trouble with his bladder because he pees so much. I also have an elderly old dog named Vega and I often times look after my Grandpa’s dog whose her puppy, Griffon. I share my birthday with my Grandpa. Currently playing Pokémon Insurgence, metal gear rising and JJBA: The 7th Stand User. I have absolutely no idea what to do with my life and I’m constantly wondering if It were best if I was never born... And I really like animals and I really like to hug them. I’m just all around affectionate towards them.
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