#alterre shoes
scarlett-bitch69 · 1 year
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customizando-net · 6 years
Foi dada a largada para a estação mais quente do ano, e charme é a palavra de ordem nesta temporada. A alegria das cores, a sensualidade da transparência e o design arrojado prometem adornar seus pés e garantir que o look do dia seja digno de capa de revista. Rachel Toyama, fundadora do Paraíso Feminino, primeiro buscador de moda para mulheres, aponta as grandes apostas dos calçados para o verão 2019.
Verniz transparente/plástico
Sandália Transparente Prata – Santa Lolla
O plástico transparente com acabamento envernizado que foi destaque nos desfiles de inverno de grifes hypadas como Chanel e Balman ganharam os pés das fashionistas europeias neste verão. A transparência já é vista em sandálias, rasteirnhas e sapatos das principais coleções brasileiras. Presente tanto em detalhes fazendo um mix com couro ou camurça, quanto no calçado inteiro de vinil translúcido dando a impressão de que o solado está flutuando.
Tênis Dad Shoes e Sneakers
Tênis Feminino Branco/Prata – Via Marte
Nada de delicadeza, quem vai brilhar sob à luz da próxima estação são os tênis com aparência mais pesada como os Sneakers e Dad Shoes. Eles que vêm tanto na versão sóbria inteiro branco, ou multicoloridos trazendo ainda mais descontração para o look casual. Nada mais cool que reviver esta nostalgia dos anos 80/90!
Saltos trabalhados e em bloco
Chanel – Carrano
Seja nas flats ou anabelas os materiais em corda e cortiça terão presença garantida dando uma pagada natural que combinam super bem com o verão. Outro salto que não vai ficar de fora é o modelo blocado, que vem para estabelecer o conforto até nas alturas, eles ganham um charme a mais pela aplicação de bordados ou feitos em acrílico transparente, que é outra super tendência da nova estação.
Sandália bico quadrado com amarração – Amaro
E para fechar, não existe verão sem cor e 2018 está recheado de cores onde vem destacando principalmente as tonalidades de amarelo e lavanda. Mas calma que o baby blue, fúcsia e o ultra violet que foi eleito a cor do ano pela Pantone também terão seu lugar ao sol.
Veja também:
Capa para salto de sapato (Heel Transformations)
Alterre: sapatos customizáveis
11 Ideias criativas para organizar sapatos
Como customizar sapatos com renda
Como customizar sapato com tinta dimensional
Como usar bota vermelha
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spirify-oc · 7 years
Sol: The Lost Goddess | Chapter One
Background Information To create destruction and to destroy creation, by Rielin
Chapter One
“Phew… Okay. Let’s do this,” She whispered, her silky silvery locks swaying in the air as she gently closed her eyes, the ebony orbs concealing itself under the eyelids. The chilly breeze fluttered by, softly brushing her hair. She stood proudly on top of a tall cliff, fluffs of clouds were overheading the female.
“Brrr.. it’s cold,” Her concentration and position was ruined by the chilly temperature that resides at such height. She rubbed the palm of her hands on her arms while shivering in coldness.
“Okay, Thea. Let’s just get it over with,” She nodded in determination. The female, by the name of Thea, inhaled, and with an exhale, she placed her foot in mid air, falling down the cliff at quick speed. Although the pressure of the wind disturbed her vision, she did not dare to close her eyes, her black eyes were ignited with excitement. As the gap between Thea and the ground became closer and closer at an immense speed, her adrenaline pumped through her pulses excitedly.
‘When the caster is experiences verge of death without the intention of suiciding, their magic will upon itself to save the caster,’
“Now!” She exclaimed as she shut her eyes.
A cloud of sand or something like that should form! She thought to herself.
Yet contrasting her expectation… a piles of giant leaves created before her eyes, her vulnerable body safely landing on top.
“...What? WHAT IS THIS?!” She yelled out in confusement mixed with irritation.
Why did she even just jump off of a cliff, you may ask?
Earlier during the same day, Thea lazily sat on the uncomfortable wooden chair in the library with her feet on top of the desk. Usually, the librarian would give a rather irritating glare to others, but it seemed like the librarian gave up trying to fix Thea’s posture. Multiple books were piled up on one another on top of her desk, and it seemed as if she have already read them all numerous times, considering how lifeless Thea’s ebony eyes were.
Thea was supposedly born on Sol 31st, also known as the forbidden day. No one sures know the exact reason why it’s considered as a forbidden day, but the ideology of birth is not allowed and the child will be executed if found out. Thea’s parents both passed away during the Sol War and was automatically adopted by her father’s close friend, Riz. Riz is a high-ranked magician working for the government for city of Alterre and so far for 17 years, she was able to ‘fake’ Thea’s identity so she won’t face an execution.
Thea’s original name is ‘Sol’, and that’s the only information about her own self that Riz have told her so far. She would always repeat, “when you become older and wiser, I will tell you more”, and yet for 17 years, Riz have told her nothing else.
Riz lied to Thea that she was born on Sol 15th, therefore Thea thinks she has single Earth element as her elemental power. However, no matter how hard she tried, she was never able to conjure a simple earthly magic, such as swirling sand on top of her palms. Perhaps she has another elemental power, she thought once. Yet she wasn’t able to conjure fire, water, nor air.
A/N: Sol = Thea. She was born Sol 31st. Sol 15th is her ‘fake’ birthday. Sol thinks her birthday is on the 15th. She doesn't’ know her original birthday, only her name.
Thea have read numerous amount of magic book in and out, mastering the concept and knowledge of Earth elemental power. She was able to do difficult calculations within her head, yet no magic occurred. She would even wonder, is it because her father named her after the month known for having no element?
As Thea sighed with stress, one of the student volunteering in the library walked by while pushing on a cart. Thea glimpsed over at the noise without interest, then a book caught her eye immediately. She’ve read all kinds of books, yet the navy-colored cover book with an intricate pattern of gold- it was a book she have never seen before. She walked over to the cart and grabbed the book. The student gave her a surprised look, but passed on since he was going to put it back in the shelf where it belongs again.
“Basic Magic, psh…,” Thea murmured to herself. She thought it was probably some basic facts which she already knows about, but she decided to read on since it was a book she have never read before. Surely she would be interested if there was new facts.
Then she read those words that constantly echoed into her mind throughout the rest of the day, ‘When the caster is experiences verge of death without the intention of suiciding, their magic will upon itself to save the caster,’.  In result… she decided to climb up to the highest cliff in Alterre. Although she was somewhat hesitant, she believe that her Earth magic will appear for sure when  her body experiences the verge of death. She expected some kind of sand swirling around, creating a fluff for her to land upon… yet tremendous sized leaves piled upon one another appeared before her eyes. Although she did land safely, it just wasn’t what she expected it to be.
Thea placed her feet down to the earthly ground, a gentle sand wrapping around her shoe, staining with dirt. She revolted back from the sight of the mysterious leaves that were created out of nowhere. She cautiously leaned forward and gently touched the leaf, yet nothing happened. It was just a plain, tremendous leaf. Even more confused, she inspected the plant however no clue was to be found.
“Go away!” Irritated, Thea exclaimed as she kicked the giant leaf. Due to the sudden force, the leaf swayed in the air violently and within a blink, it vanished into the thin air. As stunned as Thea was, no words escaped from her lips as she watched the ground where the leaves were prior to her violent actions.
“What is the meaning of this?!” She whined in thin air, the sound of her voice echoing from afar as it bounced from mountain to mountain.
“How did you do that,”
Thea turned around at the sound of a random voice, only to find out it was a small boy. His hair was golden brown that resembled the earthly sand of Alterre, and his petite body was wrapped around in black clothing along with a black scarf that covered his mouth.
Who is this kid? Thea thought to herself as she stared down at the boy with shocked eyes. However, she remained calm even in the most spontaneous events and smiled toward the boy saying,
“Uh… hi, little kid. Are you lost? I don’t know much magic to teleport you back, but I know the city well enough to take you back,” She said, yet the boy did not flinch a bit. He did not even shed a tear or anything, he was simply expressionless.
“How did you do that,” He said once again as if wasn’t even a question, but a demand.
Did he just… ignore me?! Thea shouted furiously inside of her mind but her physical features stayed calm as she maintained her smile.
“I don’t know either, this is the first time anything like this happened to me,” Thea said nervously as she scratched the side of her head, as she wanted to question her own skill as well. She turned her gaze back to the petite boy, who was merely staring at her with emptied expression.
…? What does he want? Thea thought to herself as his glance was rather uncomfortable.
“I guess I’ll take you ho-,” As Thea was about to finish her sentence, the little boy started to conjure the sand on top of his palms, transforming the earth into stones. The stones were swiftly thrown toward Thea, who narrowly dodged the large stones.
How did he just transform the sand into large rocks? Thea thought to herself, Wait… why is he attacking me in the first place?!
“Wh- what are you doing?!” She furiously shouted as she scrunched her face to state at the boy. He was staring at her with those emptied, golden eyes once again, creating even more anger within her.
“It is! Not nice! To throw! Rocks at people!” She exclaimed as she caught one of the stone and threw back at the boy. Then with a loud colliding sound, the rock landed on top of the earth which was followed up by a complete silence and the disappearance of the boy.
“Did I just… throw a rock at a little kid?!” Thea questioned herself. “Oh my god! What have I done?! He was being annoying but I should’ve never threw that rock, he probably wanted to play with me, oh my god,” Thea murmured to herself with panic, her voice shaking with fear at the thought of possibly murdering a child. She grabbed onto the sharp edges of the stone and with a mighty force that constrated her slender body, she threw the rock to the side… only to find nothing. The boy was gone.
Thea glanced about, Where… did he go?
“So weak, how pathetic,”
Thea turned around at the sudden voice of a deep, husky voice. It was a grown-up male. He seemed to be almost six feet tall, with golden brown hair and eyes that resembled the color of Alterre. He was wearing a black scarf that wrapped around his mouth and black clothing. Although his clothing covered every inch of his body, judging from the width of his shoulders, Thea could tell this guy was pretty muscular. However it was somewhat weird. The grown-up male right in front of her, is wearing the same exact clothing as the boy that just disappeared. Not only that, but their hair and eyes are exactly the same color. It’s as if the boy grew up within blink of an eye. The two had the same, the exact, expressionless face.
“Who…?” Thea whispered, her voice cracking in thin air. Wait… he just said I’m pathetic!
“Who do you think you are, sir?! Calling a person you just met pathetic?” Thea shouted with irritation. Why are there so many strangers that suddenly appears out of nowhere and acts in such a rude way toward her?
“What is your name,”
I’m ignored, AGAIN! Thea scrunched her face, staring at the male with shock.
“Thea,” She answered but with irritation lingering within her voice as she pouted.
“Thea…,” He repeated her name with a hint of despair in his voice as he whispered under his breath. Thea tilted her head in confusion, for he seemed so depressed and lonely for some reason.
“Uh… is something wrong?” She asked carefully.
Then all of a sudden, within blink of an eye, he was standing right in front of her as if he have teleported, closing the distanced gap in between the two. His arms were effectively locking her from moving, as his palms were placed directly on wall of the cliff. Embarrassed, she couldn’t stare back at the male who was giving her an emotionless expression. She could feel heat crawling under her skin, rising up to her cheeks. As she nervously glanced at the male, his face became closer and closer as he leaned forward.
W- wait! Is this… my first kiss?! I can’t even have it with a man like this! Thea thought to herself, her heart pounding rapidly at each second. She scrunched her eyes closed, somewhat nervous, somewhat afraid. However, the sensation she felt was not his lips matching against hers, but a gentle voice whispering close to her ear.
“But that’s not your name,”
The mysterious male backed away, giving off a rather arrogant smile toward Thea, who stared at him with shock.
“Don’t disappoint me with your weakness next time I see you,” He said, and within a mere second, he disappeared into the unknown.
How does he know? Does he know my real name? But only Riz knows. Who is he? Why did he approach me? Does Riz know about him? Multiple thoughts crossed Thea’s mind at a fast speed. Her ebony orbs were shaking within her eyes as a drop of sweat rolled down her neck.
What just happened?
Author’s Note:
HI ALL THIS IS DA CHAPTER ONE FOR MY FIRST ORIGINAL STORY! Sorry it took me awhile to post, but school recently started and I will be semi-active on my fanfiction blog and this blog :c I’ve already written chapter two, so I will be posting that in couple weeks, but I don’t think I will update this story so often after. I apologize in advance!
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boottique · 8 years
Trending Now: Modular Shoes
Trending Now: Modular Shoes
Customizable, modular shoes are gaining momentum.  There have been some fails and flops in the last few years, and a few that have stayed the course.  The concept is this: one sole can be customized by switching out the upper “skin,” or by adding various straps, embellishments or adornments.  The benefit of a modular shoe is that it reduces waste, cost, space.
ACBC by Shoozmight be the ideal…
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heyimcaptainkik · 8 years
A Solution to All Your Shoe Problems
Does comfort rule your shoe of choice over style? What if you could have both fashionable and comfortable shoes? Would it put you over the edge to say that this shoe could also change styles to your needs?
Alterre Shoescan give you all of that. Alterre is a shoe company with a innovation on their side–the ability to make shoes modular. Here is how it works: the platform of the shoe is the base,…
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sahar009 · 8 years
Product Overview: Alterre Shoes
Product Overview: Alterre Shoes
The sustainable enjoyment of the amazing material benefits the world has to offer us is a question I often address on this blog.  I believe that the benefits of the world are meant to be enjoyed as part of a life focused on personal development and of contributing to the betterment of the world. Over the years, some people have challenged the fact that I love fashion and owning pretty things…
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scarlett-bitch69 · 1 year
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scarlett-bitch69 · 1 year
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