cotestuck · 8 years
Can you name anyone who deserves more attention besides yourself in the community?
I... don’t know whether you are including me on the list of people who need more attention, or implying that my answer to that question would be “lol, me!”...
But I’m kinda torn about the answer...
I know lots of people who deserve more attention, but would probably be really stressed out if they got it due to just how much of their free time is required to recover from or deal with work, school, relocation, anxiety, depression, or any and all of those things combined!
@realized-fear could definitely use more attention! His muses that mine have met have been fun to interact with.
@cooperstrolls is a doll! and generally quick to reply, unless RL stuff boggs him down.
@tiptoeingtrolls Great muses! Good writer. Love what stories I’ve seen.
@threetrollsandadryad Again, some awesome muses and writing! One of the first people in the community that I met!
@crunchyleafocs Loves them some lovecraftian horror! Super bogged down with work RN, but definitely follow!
@alterniashermits Bara angel boys! Holy god! LOVE the entire Athosh blood line SO much! Lots of shit keeping the mun largely off line, but check out her blog anyway!
@excitableeuphoria Beware the muses! Fun, but stupid dangerous! You will either have the time of your life, or be torn apart, there is NO in between!
@insomniouscreator Holy shit, the art! And he’s a great writer with characters he’s gotten to know very well. Go look at his archives! Good god daMN!
@soundwaveengineer Osmo is a gentle sweety whose shy trolls really need to meet more people!
@fanturds Jay has amazing art and some great muses. Definitely check her out! On RP hiatus due to wrist pain.
@proxytrolls Another super fun one for horror and robot lovers! Great muses. Fantastic stories, amazing art (streams some times!) just a treat to interact with. ^v^
@punktrolls Great art. Cool muses. Another fan of robots.
@shamelessfancies Shane is the goddamn best and Shalez is such a doll! One of the most caring people in the community.
@warrentrolls Holy shit, has Bunny got it pretty much all! Amazing art, fantastic writing, a ton of wildly varied characters! If you are here for story and visuals, this is the blog you follow!
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crunchyleafocs · 8 years
TS: Hey Debsen, rRrespond to this beforRre you talk to IsorRria today. TS: It's kind of rRreally fucking imporRrtant.
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satsuisquad · 10 years
So this is kind of weird and random but I realized there's a touhou character named Kagerou Imaizumi and I'm terribly tempted to draw your Kagero wearing her dress (oh no)
ldfjlskdf that's cute tho!! :3c i hope someday all the kagerou/kagero will be irrevocably associated with me in people's minds. >:3
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cotestuck · 8 years
♧ Is there an RP partner(s) that you credit for becoming a better writer?
Lots!@excitableeuphoria@insomniouscreator@alterniashermits@crunchyleafocs@soundwaveengineer@shamelessfancies@proxytrolls@fanturds@threetrollsandadryad@warrentrollsAll of these people have helped me througb practice, but this is pretty much a list of fantastic, very descriptive writers that each contributed to me finding my voice as a writer and letting Risori voice hers.
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crunchyleafocs · 8 years
"Hey, Del? We've got kind of a prRroblem." "Well, I mean, I should prRrobably starRrt off with good news. RrRisorRri's shuttle finally made it, and she's aboarRrd." "Bad news is, therRre's teeth in the waterRr. I don't know if you noticed. We prRrobably oughta do something about it."
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brisatmoscrew · 10 years
hm... i wonder if Delsul would let me climb the outside od the hive...
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threetrollsandadryad · 10 years
Recruiting Players for a Fantasy GURPS Campaign
So I've mentioned this before, but this time I have an actual fancy google doc giving a setting overview and character creation parameters
Absolutely anyone is welcome, and there is no limit to the number of players who may join. The campaign will be run in an open-world format, with players able to move about and form parties as they please. The platform will be skype (text-based).
As the GM I will provide plot hooks tailored to the characters I receive, but if people need inspiration I can come up with general ones to get ideas flowing. I will attempt to keep the timeline roughly in synch between all players, but if you aren't able to be as active as the others I am perfectly willing to accommodate you.
If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask me. For people unfamiliar with the GURPS system, I will be running a tutorial tomorrow afternoon.
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excitableeuphoria · 9 years
~~~~well thats unfortunate. so like mmm what did she try to eat the damn thing or something~~~~ ~~~~besides im sure she’d be fine mmm in a bit, she’s made of tougher stuff than me ~~~
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soundwaveengineer · 10 years
EreBOS. we NEED to TALK.
[ ] O-oh..? What can Í d-do for you..? [ ]
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satsuisquad · 10 years
alterniashermits replied to your photoset:it must be stopped
OK, stupid annoying question time, what is that game? ^^;;
Plague Inc! Basically just a mobile version of Pandemic 2!
... so ridiculously addictive. T_T
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cotestuck · 8 years
On return to the Temple of Death and Mercy, Zenadi parted ways with her beloved Moirail at Mercy's door and set off at a slightly quicker clip than usual down the residential hall. Passing her own nearly imperceptable door with hardly a glance, she made a b-line for Desria's block and rapped the light tap-tap-tap with her center knuckle. "Hey, Des?"
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crunchyleafocs · 9 years
I̕ ́ḱno͠w, ̨m̴o͡t͟her̷. B͜u̵t͘ ̡sh͏e h̨a̧s s͏o̶me͡ ́nątura̵l͘ p͜ro̧te̛c̕tions̴ ̴àgai̕nst̴ ͏o̵u҉r ͟k͏i͞nd͠ ͘that̕ m͘a̕kes ̢it ̀not͘-s͡o͡-eas̢y̢ ̧f͠or ̀me͟ ҉to c͢o͞r͘r͞u͠p͘t̵ ̴he̵r҉ ͟a̸cc̨i̷den̸ta҉lly.̶ ҉I ͏w̛o͟u̡ld̷ a̶d͢v͜i̶s̷e you̸ ̧t̨ò ̢m̀ee͠t͝ ͜her ̛i̡n h̨er ̷drea͏ḿ bub̴bles̨ ̧f̵iŗşt͞, ͘and͠ I beg͏ y̕o̕u͟, pl҉e͟a̡s͡e ͜don't͏ ̛s̸hǫw̕ hèŗ ̸you̢r̴ tr̶u͟e ̵f҉o͢rm ̡or ̀sp͝eák ҉in th̵e ̀e̢l͜d͝e͡r͡ ̀to̕n͜g͏u̵e͠s͝.҉ ͢H̀e̴r ̀body̢ ͢m̵i̧g̴ḩt̕ ͟b҉e ҉r̵es̶i͡st͜ant ̵a̴g͝a̸in͏s̡t ̴u͟s͜, bu͞t̀ ͏I҉ ̴don’t wa͘n͜t̶ tǫ fin͠d̕ o͞ut͘ ̕if̢ he͞r ͘mi͏n̨d҉ ͟is ͏o̢r͟ not. It'͠s̴ ͝t́oǫ ͞da̕ng͟er͏òu̴s͡.͝
E̷h́ehehȩ, ́o͠h ̸goo͜d,̛ I͞ ge͘t t͏o ͞d͝r̢R͘r҉es͟s̷ ́u̸p͞.̢ T̸h̸eŕRr̕e͘ a̡rRre̷ ͢a͟ c̵o̶up͢le of ͢fòr͜R҉rm͏s ͞I̵'v͏e ̴be͟ęn͟ ̡me̷a̧nin͝ģ ͜t̨o̧ ̵t͞rŔr̕y on͘, ͘a͡n͡d̸ nơb͡o̸dy̴ to̴ sh͡ow̡ the҉m͜ ͘t̢o. Y̶ou d̀o̸n'́t ̕coun̷t, ̧it͡’s i̶m̢poss͝ib̨le͡ ̀t͟o̡ s͠ća̢r̴Rre ̴yǫu ̢t͟h͟e̸s͏e̢ ͜dày̢s͘. } P
M͘o̷t̷her, ́ple͟a̸se d͠o̕n҉'t̶ b͡e͟ m̶eàn ͢t̢o m͠y g̨ir̶lfriend. ≈͏:͜(
Oh̸,̷ it'͘s ju͝s̴t͘ ͜h̴a͟r͞Rrḿl͜es͜s ͏f͢u͝n, no̵t͟h͠i̸ng ͝we can͠'t ̛lau̵gh off͠ ̧ļa̢tèr͢Rr.̕ I̶f҉ she ́can̸'t ̸handlȩ a͜ bi̕t ̀o͝f a ̀s̀p̢o͝o̶k̨, ḿaybe̴ s͘h͢e̛'̛s ͝t͠oo ͠f̶rR҉r͟agil͡e f̕o̷r̷ ̧you?̨ } y
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I love these people:
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excitableeuphoria · 10 years
For anyone wondering, this is what happens when Cismos ,the descendant of Lutris, grows up~
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threetrollsandadryad · 11 years
Sorry for delayed replies
Had a killer homework assignment I didnt get finished until 8 this morning. I'll catch up on all my RPs right after class.
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