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teledyn · 9 months ago
Evolution May Be Purposeful And It’s Freaking Scientists Out
“Stochasticity is the center of creativity in organisms”
they harness it, and ride…
Dickie Dawkins, unsurprisingly, remains unimpressed…
When asked for comment, Dawkins responded, “I have a whole chapter dealing with Denis Noble in my next book, The Genetic Book of the Dead. It will be available in September.”
After all, he does have a science degree…
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teledyn · 10 months ago
Because jazz in the earlier days--the musicians were innovators and they were playing things that wasn't according to the status quo and they appreciated one another and anybody who DID something different they appreciated. Even the ones who weren't playing that, they appreciated them and supported them. Even if they couldn't play it they supported it--they didn't talk about it and all that. You got a case where a lot of successful musicians and some people who say they are musicians are talking against innovators of music. It's very bad to find that musicians want to restrict another musician. I don't see the artists restricting the artists . I really don't see that. Even in religion I notice the churches--the Catholic Church is getting liberal and changing their rules. Even governments are relaxing their rules & laws. Now a case like that, where all these diehards and at least the people who just held to the status quo are beginning to see that they're going to have to give in--it's imperative that all musicians stop criticizing their brother musicians because they're innovators and they really should be happening & they really should be taking some of the money they're making & putting up some sums & be right there with them listening or helping because they don't have anything to lose. In fact they could invest in them & make themselves some money. Now they're trying to be selfish in an art that you're not supposed to be selfish in. Because you can go all the way back & see that the musicians used to be minstrels--troubadours--they weren't selfish--they were out there playing for people. Now a lot of people are getting to say that musicians are trying to be politicians or trying to be religious and all of that, but that's not necessarily true. They're only doing what their brother musicians did, through the ages. They gave what they had to give because they were interested in people and they came out and brought something people needed. Just like people need music now. Even the Army can't get along without it--they got their band, and the Marines got their band and the Navy and the Air Force got their band and everything has its music. They got to have that. Now why can't people just have bands? They're fighting too, just like any soldier--they're fighting a battle to exist every day and their morale gets low too. So I would say that if governments are going to have bands to keep up the morale of their soldiers and the ones who pay the soldiers are the people, why can't they have bands to keep the morale of the people up? I think they do deserve something because they're paying so much taxes and they're paying the politicians' salary and they're keeping the thing going, so they should not be deprived of music & entertainment. . . they deserve some entertainment just as much as soldiers do. I'm not saying that soldiers should not have it. They need it. If they're going to be in the business of murder incorporated. Because that's really all it is and even a simple child knows that.... I go by feeling and spirit too. I'm not "righteous" but I know that spirits can tune in on other spirits, and these people's spirits are plenty low. So you come down to the point where you've got to have a better world. Now my contribution is in the music. In the first place, I feel that people have got to know - they got to know what happens as is. Now, they've never really been happy on this planet because they didn't ever have anything to be happy about. So then I show them in the music and give a feeling of happiness so they'll know when they're happy and when they're sad. But I really don't think people know the difference between good & evil and right & wrong on this planet. They simply don't know. . . .
Interview: Sun Ra Pt.2 (Dec 1966), Ann Arbor District Library
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sivavakkiyar · 10 months ago
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teledyn · 9 months ago
The World Is Waiting for the Sunrise...
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teledyn · 3 months ago
What draws me to Thomas Piketty is how, whether he is aware of it or not, he echoes what Sun Ra taught, that we need an alterdestiny with certain properties, that we need to, in a "The Little Prince" sense, GET OFF THIS PLANET, grab those geese strings and GO NOW, and especially in how BOTH conclude the REAL problem isn't tech or politic, the real core problem is MYTHOLOGY.
Another way to say that is in how each culture excuses their inequalities, ThomasPaine's famous thing-that-is-considered-normal.
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Why do we say that capitalism must be “dismantled”?
You’ll hear phrases like “Smash the state!” “Eat the rich!” and “Smash capitalism!”
And, yes, of course, but… :)
However relevant those sayings are, our work must be careful, highly organized and above all planned.
Because capitalism and all of its associated systems are not discrete, abstracted entities we can attack independently.
It is a structure, like a complicated machine with many thousands of working parts…
And right now it is connected to absolutely everything.
If we do this… [picks up huge hammer and smashes the machine]
Then a lot of vulnerable people will die.
The machine was built and improved and redesigned and patched over the course of generations. It is very good at its intended purpose, which is ultimately to generate profit.
Every human being alive today relies on the byproducts of the machine to survive, without exception.
The machine’s engineers want it to keep working like it does. In fact, they want to optimise it.
That will kill all remaining life on Earth.
So, we must destroy the machine, quickly and carefully
We must examine its deadly programs and mechanics and replace them with alternatives we built together.
The engineers don’t want us tampering with the machine.
However, we make it run…
So we can make it STOP. Together.
How will YOU help us to safely dismantle the machine?
p.s. My computer is on its last legs. If you would like me to draw you a little cartoon and help me get a new computer, learn more at this post.
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instagrampuppies · 6 years ago
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Get outside, enjoy the day, breathe in LIFE! 🥰 #cocodobby #cute10 #adorable30 #spacewurms #alterdestiny #puppies #puppiesofinstagram #fashion #dogsofinstagram #puppyeyes #puppyphotoshoot #mydog #happylife #happy #dog #doggy #dogoftheday #doglover #dogsofinsta #dogfashion #doglife #got #fox #doglove http://bit.ly/2Z3h63c
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marlaluster · 6 years ago
Emptying the cliptray on the new phone. ....
1. This is what happens when you let liberals run an entire city 4 days ago 7 B58 San Francisco.... where the liberals and democrats welcome everyone..... 2 days ago 1 DreamilyReal Please give us CSI San Francisco!!! I want the casts from CSI New York!!! 19 hours ago InvictvsNox Love the Stossel. Never change! 2 months ago 363 Red Lamp This is what happens Democrats make the “policies”. Vote red or we’re dead. 2 days ago 1 Raynaldo Ramirez Don't blame the laws- 1 day ago 2 Roy Dub Truly heaven on earth. I wish more liberals would come here. 2 days ago 1 alterdestiny I can't wait till they legalize drugs !!...😨 1 day ago ryan king You gotta love the young lady with dark hair with her liberal fashion sense and way of talking. On one hand she is all love and tolerance and on the other.." nah I don't want apartments for the homeless blocking my view." It is like I always said, Liberals truly don't give a damn and even hate the people they claim to stand for; but the only people they stand for is themselves, at the center of attention showing the world their fake goodguy badge. Tolerance is the strong suit they want everybody to believe they have...Narcissism is the only actual strong suit they possess. There isn't any racist quite like a condescending liberal talking to a person of color. 2 months ago 137 James Tyler You always see homeless people in line for free food and shelter. But you never see homeless people in line at job fairs or day labor agencies. A majority of homeless people like being homeless so they are free to drink and get high and do whatever they want. 23 hours ago (edited) 1 Nicholas Sullivan Yes, bad laws.... W/o these laws we all be doing great... 19 hours ago Xadion This is the result of NEOliberalism rather than Liberalism. But in our day and age they are almost synonyms. 1 week ago (edited) 10 Tracy Shaffer Cody is extremely over weight to be in law enforcement 17 hours ago jesse brent Million dollar apartment and you get homeless as neighbor 2 months ago 278 maya Wilson All America does is go to war . 1 day ago 1 Steve Dhi Liberals aren't gonna be happy.... messing with the money train 1 day ago gajjthein Should moving these homeless to the politicians homes and cottages in vineyards, this would help move them faster to resolve the homeless issues. 1 day ago Alexander I 'm from Russia, and I 'm happy that main terrorists in the world USA turn to shithole, and want to dictate other nations how to live. 1 day ago Todd Brill Vancouver is similar: anywhere socialists take over government, people get worse off while a handful of elites prosper. 2 months ago 136 bbjagaa As long as the mainstream media stays in business, this will get worse. 3 days ago 1 M 626 The thieves were not homeless but were exactly the same people that commit the majority of crimes in this world. 1 day ago s jo Sanfrancisco has lost itself to pathetic politicians who have been corrupted. 1 week ago 10 M. Fahim The sad part is the most these homeless once paid tax to government. I am wondering where is that tax? 1 day ago 2. I can't wait till they legalize drugs !!...😨 1 day ago ryan king You gotta love the young lady with dark hair with her liberal fashion sense and way of talking. On one hand she is all love and tolerance and on the other.." nah I don't want apartments for the homeless blocking my view." It is like I always said, Liberals truly don't give a damn and even hate the people they claim to stand for; but the only people they stand for is themselves, at the center of attention showing the world their fake goodguy badge. Tolerance is the strong suit they want everybody to believe they have...Narcissism is the only actual strong suit they possess. There isn't any racist quite like a condescending liberal talking to a person of color. 2 months ago 137 Measure Twice BINGO 100% TRUTH 2 months ago 6 Mandy The bitch knows she doesn't make enough to have the high taxes be applied to her, its all about her until she finds out she is over paying 2 months ago 4 Marten Dekker Ryan King ; Any person that refers to All liberals or All Conservatives as bad, or stupid...is moronic. 2 months ago 3 Awesome Andre We’re all colored, otherwise we would be see through. ( I was going to use the word transparent, but Obama screwed that definition up. 6 days ago James Tyler You always see homeless people in line for free food and shelter. But you never see homeless people in line at job fairs or day labor agencies. A majority of homeless people like being homeless so they are free to drink and get high and do whatever they want. 23 hours ago (edited) 1 3. jesse brent Million dollar apartment and you get homeless as neighbor 2 months ago 278 CL4H I've experienced homelessness. I'm 53, I look younger than my age and have a bachelor's degree. I've never 'looked' homeless. I lost everything in a horrible divorce. Not all "homeless" are nasty, dirty or on drugs. Get over yourself. 2 months ago 29 Jimmy B Don’t have to live there you’re an idiot to live in any city They stink literally and figuratively 2 months ago 7 juju bone San Francisco wad ugly when i visited. People begging everywhere. No parking. Homeless people all over crime all over. I hated it. 2 months ago 17 Mandy @CL4H The homeless she is talking about are the ones who shoot up out in the open, piss and shit on the sidewalks, and harass people passing by. Literally crazy fucking people who need to be institutionalized. Maybe you should get over yourself if someone doesn't want to be exposed and associated with that shit, and literally! Its a biohazard to everyone, and we shouldn't be saying NOT ALL NOT ALL NOT ALL all the time when talking about the homeless problem in SF. Its a dystopia here! 2 months ago (edited) 22 Mandy @Jimmy B The city is where jobs are, especially in tech 2 months ago 1 CL4H @Mandy You know, on one hand you pointed out that I'm not the 'type' that is being talked about (and I'm not), and, on the other hand, you are very rude to me and tell me to 'get over myself'… What I meant to convey is not to be so quick to judge others. God bless you. :) 1 month ago 7 Mark Jones @juju bone sf not even top 3 in homeless. parking usually hard to find parking, especially in a very small city. crime in all cities, good luck in chicago or crenshaw LA. but glad you didnt like it, dont come again ;) 1 month ago Redhunt86 all the rich people don't actually want to fix the problem. (cause it will impact what their income) They just want the homeless to be shipped out of sight. And this is exactly what many rich cities are now doing. 1 month ago 7 juju bone @Mark Jones i live in la work by skid rowe yesterday police and city kicked out people in tents im glad it smell they sit around all day these homeless people dance in the street wander bother people they are dping anything to help themselves but beg and get high. Sf had more honeless and most were young hippy looking guy's and girls. Stop having empathy. We all have to work. Not trying to sound mean but i refused welfare and work for what i have im trting to live off the rich. Socialism sucks and so does the people who refuse to work and rather live that way. Most would rather. Dont say they dont even try. 1 month ago 6 AlexMustang +juju bone You won’t be saying any of that after you heard some of their stories 4 weeks ago 1 Marla Luster Inequality isnt okay?????? Ever heard if that?? And then the money system is not a real basis of reality or enduring thing etc. It shouldnt be a million dollars to be nice. Is it wished or chosen by someone. Idolatry okay?????? This devil worshiping la la land here!!!!!!!! Aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dangerous n psycho here!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1 second ago maya Wilson All America does is go to war . 1 day ago 1 Marla Luster COVERTLY AS IT PRETENDS TO BE GOOD WHEN IT IS REALLY THE DEVIL!!!!!!! DONT FORGET THAT PART!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1 second ago Steve Dhi Liberals aren't gonna be happy.... messing with the money train 1 day ago gajjthein Should moving these homeless to the politicians homes and cottages in vineyards, this would help move them faster to resolve the homeless 4. https://youtu.be/ayVYxJppXg0 5. https://youtu.be/zHbHEK9qEbM 6. I dont like ham. It is unfortunately too popular for a recipe. Chicken cordon bleu i have heard of before. Alas i will never be able to eat it as i find ham gross. It challenges my sensibilities for some strange reason not fully revealed. Its something to do with this being a secretly evil reality. A certain condiment beginning w an "m" also. I suppose there are countering food items that are so not really fitting in with some parts of this reality for reasons not fully revealed. I think nutella is one, it does not fit so easily because there are so many things and a person cannot really or rather is supposed to be more narrow in their eating. I like nutella. Things should change or end here at some point. 7. Forced labor here really, really slavery. People are to not be able to survive to not "earn their keep", or do something others that are in power are saying to do or supposedly needing for someone to do! It is extremely dangerous, bad, and disgusting here! It is so horrible here! I hope something stops this so called country and this practice here, it is endangering me, i am attacked by this!! It is really evil here, it is some kind of secret cahoots as whats happening on some level, really its that the masses of people n these ruling are really devil and are supposed to be god of those more to represent actual people! People or respresentations of people are supposed to be attacked to say it is fundamentally not okay or not support the order here! ITS EXTREMELY DANGEROUS HERE, ITS EXTREMELY BAD HERE, THIS PLACE NEEDS TO BE STOPPED AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!! I HOPE THIS N AM SEEKING THIS VERY MUCH, IE FOR THIS PLACE TO BE STOPPED!!!!!! IT IS DANGEROUS HERE, THE MASSES ETC ARE THE DEVIL AND THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO BE GOD OF PEOPLE THAT IS EXPRESS SOMEHOW THAT THIS IS NOT OKAY HERE (IE THIS WAY OF THINGS HERE IS NOT OKAY ETC) AND IS NOT TO BE! 8. https://youtu.be/erw37IEvSTc 9. This is what this is here pretty much, but much more covered up n hidden and it is more attacking if someone w psychological tormebt (by the devil)! This society though like this movie They Live is ruled by what would be aliens, the rulers n masses are not real people here and they are supposed to be god of mankind!!!!! This way of things n so called country the United States needs to be stopped!!!!!!!!!! It is very dangerous here n someone is attacked for discovering what it really is here or for thinking it is not okay here!!!! People are not present in their form (except for me) but there are occurrences of people here that are saying something like that people should be okay n those occurrences would be attacked for saying that because its supposed to be less than here to be something possible to exist n something that would make something other than this way of things here!!!!! IT IS VERY DANGEROUS HERE, IT IS VERY BAD HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT IS DANGEROUS HERE FOR ME!!!!!! 10. https://youtu.be/BSnWDrKJVXU 11. This is what this is here pretty much, but much more covered up n hidden and it is more attacking of someone w psychological n magical torment (by the devil)! This society though, like this movie They Live, is ruled by what would be aliens! The rulers n masses are not real people here and they are supposed to be god of mankind!!!!! This way of things n so called country the United States needs to be stopped!!!!!!!!!! It is very dangerous here n someone is attacked for discovering what it really is here or for thinking it is not okay here!!!! People are not present in their form (except for me) but there are occurrences of people here that are saying something like that people should be okay n those occurrences would be attacked here for saying that because its supposed to be less than here to be something possible to exist n something that would make something other than this way of things here!!!!! IT IS VERY DANGEROUS HERE, IT IS VERY BAD HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT IS DANGEROUS HERE FOR ME!!!!!! 12. This is unlikely someone such as a homeless person would get a home for free here in this way of things here. I did not watch the whole video. But the ideology of the society is more so that a person needs to earn their keep by sustaining the present order in this society in order to gain enough means for to survive, get a home or other place to live. A home is much more wished than other options even a very small home is more wished than a big apartment. It is very dangerous here, it is very bad here with homelessness. It seems quite unlikely someone could avoid homelessness as who disagrees with how it is here. It would somehow be an illusion if they did, i would say myself because this way of things is arranged for by the devil as such as that someone would not be okay here as who would try to have something other than this way of things here. This seems misleading, this video here. But it would be something wished very much i would say for people to not be homeless. It is supposed to be that in order to have a place to live a person has to do something worthwhile as considered as such by the society and others having the say so for what is worthwhile. It is very bad. It is a false reality ruled by the devil. It is very dangerous, it is very bad. I am present in my form here as the only person really present here. It still means something that others are homeless. They are some occurrence of something, some sentiment somehow that is unwelcome here. It could be anger n upset about how it is here. It could be other things the ocurrence of a person here is representing. There are some decoy homeless figures as well apparently that are not expressions of sentiments unwelcome in this reality here. 13. I was trying to be clarify here about people to have a say so to consider something someone is doing or would do is worthwhile. Someone to have money is one way someone is to have a say so to say someone should be okay and not "unsuccessful" or homeless etc. For example to support a business by frequenting it or i suppose supporting somehow someone to be okay by maybe hiring the person or helping the person somehow financially. It is a very bad situation. Really of course everyone should have a say so for how things should be including the person or a person to wish to do a thing such as follow a dream or inclination or something. It is very extremely bad here. People are at the mercy of the rule here or can be at the mercy of others to some degree such as in staying w a family member or seeking someone to take one to the store or elsewhere. It is a very very bad situation and way of things for a person here. It is so extremely bad and dangerous so horrible and disgusting. 14. I was trying to be clarify here about people to have a say so to consider something someone is doing or would do is worthwhile. Someone to have money is one way someone is to have a say so to say someone should be okay and not "unsuccessful" or homeless etc. For example to support a business by frequenting it or i suppose supporting somehow someone to be okay by maybe hiring the person or helping the person somehow financially. It is a very bad situation. Really of course everyone should have a say so for how things should be including the person or a person to wish to do a thing such as follow a dream or inclination or something. It is very extremely bad here. People are at the mercy of the rule here or can be at the mercy of others to some degree such as in staying w a family member or seeking someone to take one to the store or elsewhere. It is a very very bad situation and way of things for a person here. It is so extremely bad and dangerous so horrible and disgusting. I am attacked very extremely extremely bad by the devil here for what i am saying and for thinking and saying it is not true here. It is attacking me extremely bad as im writing this, its pressing im supposed to feel i am diminished personally and as who i am for how things are here as if i have no self or truth other than that of this present and society. It is extremely extremely bad and disgusting, the devil and it attacking in this kind of way. It is so very extremely disgusting here. 15. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9cCpZl8euLI 16. Autoplay is paused I Gave A Homeless Man A Home 14,522,452 views MrBeast 17,980,200 subscribers Published on Feb 28, 2019 WE GAVE A HOMELESS PERSON A HOUSE idk y caps Get Honey and start saving money today ▸ https://joinhoney.com/mrbeast It’s FREE, and it only takes 2 clicks to start saving at stores like Amazon and ShopMrBeast. New Merch - https://shopmrbeast.com/ SUBSCRIBE OR I TAKE YOUR DOG ---------------------------------------------------------------- ► FOLLOW BOTH THESE AND I WILL HAVE YOUR KIDS! • Twitter - https://twitter.com/MrBeastYT • Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mrbeast -------------------------------------------------------------------- Category Entertainment Up nextAutoplay 11:45 Ordering Water Then Tipping $30,000 MrBeast 22M views 5:51 The Real Way Dinosaurs Went Extinct MrBeast 17. Comments • 107,889 Add a public comment... Marla Luster This is unlikely someone such as a homeless person would get a home for free here in this way of things here. I did not watch the whole video. But the ideology of the society is more so that a person needs to earn their keep by sustaining the present order in this society in order to gain enough means for to survive, get a home or other place to live. A home is much more wished than other options even a very small home is more wished than a big apartment. It is very dangerous here, it is very bad here with homelessness. It seems quite unlikely someone could avoid homelessness as who disagrees with how it is here. It would somehow be an illusion if they did, i would say myself because this way of things is arranged for by the devil as such as that someone would not be okay here as who would try to have something other than this way of things here. This seems misleading, this video here. But it would be something wished very much i would say for people to not be homeless. It is supposed to be that in order to have a place to live a person has to do something worthwhile as considered as such by the society and others having the say so for what is worthwhile. It is very bad. It is a false reality ruled by the devil. It is very dangerous, it is very bad. I am present in my form here as the only person really present here. It still means something that others are homeless. They are some occurrence of something, some sentiment somehow that is unwelcome here. It could be anger n upset about how it is here. It could be other things the ocurrence of a person here is representing. There are some decoy homeless figures as well apparently that are not expressions of sentiments unwelcome in this reality here. 1 second ago Marla Luster I was trying to clarify here about people to have a say so to consider something someone is doing or would do is worthwhile. Someone to have money is one way someone is to have a say so to say someone should be okay and not "unsuccessful" or homeless etc. For example to support a business by frequenting it or i suppose supporting somehow someone to be okay by maybe hiring the person or helping the person somehow financially. It is a very bad situation. Really of course everyone should have a say so for how things should be including the person or a person to wish to do a thing such as follow a dream or inclination or something. It is very extremely bad here. People are at the mercy of the rule here or can be at the mercy of others to some degree such as in staying w a family member or seeking someone to take one to the store or elsewhere. It is a very very bad situation and way of things for a person here. It is so extremely bad and dangerous so horrible and disgusting. I am attacked very extremely extremely bad by the devil here for what i am saying and for thinking and saying it is not true here. It is attacking me extremely bad as im writing this, its pressing im supposed to feel i am diminished personally and as who i am for how things are here as if i have no self or truth other than that of this present way of things and society. It is extremely extremely bad and disgusting, the devil and it attacking in this kind of way. It is so very extremely disgusting here. 1 second ago QuinPlayz This is how many times T-Series used subbots: 👇🏻 2 months ago (edited) 5.6K Apple Kitty Mr. Beast is the only youtuber that can make me watch a sponsor. 1 week ago 3K MobGamer hey Mr. Beast please help tito for his lungs transplant.. He became youtuber to raise money for this operation.. Please help him 1 week ago 565 ℓαριѕLPS Who else was almost in tears about how nice this is? Ok just me.... I’m a baby, I know. 2 days ago 107 Just Another Commenter 74742069: I gave a newly discovered planet the size of 50 stars to a man 2 days ago 12 Art This is how many people care for the homeless 👇🏻 2 months ago 15K George Chocolate I wish I could be such a good person as mr beast 2 days ago 19 eww feelings 3090: Buying a country for a homeless man 1 week ago 273 Chinx Chonx 200,000,019 - We give a universe to a colony of homeless people. 1 week ago (edited) 202 ItsMeAlpha 2569: I Gave Mars to a Homeless Man 1 week ago 99 Grice M You should make brother Bobby merch and give him 50 percent of it 2 months ago 1.6K Squirtlesquad 64 sniff no. No I ain't cryin sniff Anyways brother Bobby's my man. Just so cool. He rode a panther after all. 2 days ago 9 David 10116 Installing honey rn because brother Bobby asked me to 1 week ago 158 Annah Seibel This is the sweetest thing I've ever seen. I couldn't stop smiling as I watched it lol my checks are sore 😂 4 days ago 31 Can we reach 1000 subscribers with no videos this is how many people care for the homeless 👇🏼 1 week ago 178 Linus Hählen 2023: "We're buying a new city for a homeless guy" 2 months ago 4.8K Aidens Vlogs Aw I love this so much Mr Beast You Are Such an amazing person 1 day ago 4 Olim Pather GUINNESS WORLD OF RECORDS SHOULD AWARD THIS YOUTUBER BECAUSE HIS MAKING A REALLY EXPENSIVE CONTENTS AND HIS NEED MORE MONEY FOR THIS. 1 week ago (edited) 45 HoboJo Goddamn dude you might be the most generous human beings on the face of the planet. Love watching these vids... 1 week ago 69 David Zita i salute you MrBeast you give without discrimination. may God keep blessing you more. your videos make me cry. 1 week ago 77 18. you give without discrimination. may God keep blessing you more. your videos make me cry. 1 week ago 77 Marla Luster This is unlikely someone such as a homeless person would get a home for free here in this way of things here. I did not watch the whole video. But the ideology of the society is more so that a person needs to earn their keep by sustaining the present order in this society in order to gain enough means for to survive, get a home or other place to live. A home is much more wished than other options even a very small home is more wished than a big apartment. It is very dangerous here, it is very bad here with homelessness. It seems quite unlikely someone could avoid homelessness as who disagrees with how it is here. It would somehow be an illusion if they did, i would say myself because this way of things is arranged for by the devil as such as that someone would not be okay here as who would try to have something other than this way of things here. This seems misleading, this video here. But it would be something wished very much i would say for people to not be homeless. It is supposed to be that in order to have a place to live a person has to do something worthwhile as considered as such by the society and others having the say so for what is worthwhile. It is very bad. It is a false reality ruled by the devil. It is very dangerous, it is very bad. I am present in my form here as the only person really present here. It still means something that others are homeless. They are some occurrence of something, some sentiment somehow that is unwelcome here. It could be anger n upset about how it is here. It could be other things the ocurrence of a person here is representing. There are some decoy homeless figures as well apparently that are not expressions of sentiments unwelcome in this reality here. 42 minutes ago FreeToPlay Dodge I wish there were more Mr. Beast in the world. 2 months ago 8.2K Fazy Tube I hope you get millions more wealth for what you give. God bless you brother. 3 days ago 7 Sir Noobite Almost everybody in mr beasts channel has a Mustache 1 week ago 58 Caitlin Hay ❤️ Wow! 💜 you are amazing god bless you! 1 week ago 57 harsimran Kaur This is how much money MR BEAST gives out to people with very good use 👇 6 days ago (edited) 51 ICharCoalZ These are votes for President Mr.Beast | V 2 months ago 1.1K Brandon Lascelles Your amazing for what you did for him god bless you 19 hours ago 1 Spookybratz Bobby has such a funny personality it touched my heart 1 week ago 43 mahendra maity You are so famous in our country love from India god bless u keep it going 1 day ago 1 David Roberts How about that he solved the homeless problem, gee, what a swell guy ... 1 day ago 1 Jake Calvert This is how many weeks Pewdiepie will stay ahead of t-series 👇 2 months ago 806 Good King Monty How is brother bobby older than the dad 2 days ago 2 Raven Gaming Will the honey work on India Amazon and flipkart? 14 hours ago 1 Røyal Neøn I love the music they play in the vids they sound so cool and chill 1 day ago 1 Hrant Manukyan When i saw that it was written 7 series on the tv box... i remember the sandness of the 9 yo's 1 day ago 1 1,000 subscribers without videos_Eva Petition for Brother Bobby to host meme review 👇 1 month ago 1.9K killshot plays Im YouTuber struggling to get veiws could you help me please 1 day ago 1 Ri U derserve more than 17 million subs dude. 7 hours ago 1 Lawrence Mari I love your videos bro,,.,... from Kenya 10 hours ago 19. Ri U derserve more than 17 million subs dude. 7 hours ago 1 Lawrence Mari I love your videos bro,,.,... from Kenya 10 hours ago 1 Mesael Flores Scholarship, Mr. Beast🙏 9 hours ago 1 LogicallyOrange I love when mr.beast do these things makes my heart warm 2 weeks ago 3K Moinul Hosen Emon I love you more than pewdiepie 1 day ago 2 Baalzebub23 Chikanos I have been admiring his works for a very long time now.. 2 days ago 1 Noor Kansi Thank you guys for sharing your blessing to another people god bless you more 2 days ago 1 Armel Mahmutovic101 42069: I gave the whole universe to a homeless man 5 days ago 8 Punch Party May God bless brother Bobby mr beast and his crew and who ever likes this comment 2 months ago 1.4K Silent Echo Actually, you gave a manless home a man. And a bunch of stuff. 20. Silent Echo Actually, you gave a manless home a man. And a bunch of stuff. 1 week ago (edited) 32 Susanna Apriany That store having a bunch and bunch and bunch of profits xD 2 days ago 2 Victoria Landavazo His reaction was the BEST thing I ever I no joke cried. 12 hours ago Liezel Padilla Mr. Beast i want robux plsss(sorry but change topic) name to roblox: janina925 1 hour ago Jess Louise What is this A bandaid for elbows Yeah its definitaly a bandaid for elbows Sure guys 4 hours ago That Scary Nerd Mrbeast: I got you a new house Guy: you didn’t have to do that Mrbeast: well now we have to take this stuff back 5 days ago 21 Wendell Mine Boy 4569: I Gave Sun To A Homeless Man 1 hour ago Lindsey Plessinger I love the his vid o because people are helping each other and to a homeless person this is a lot and very nice I was about to cry 😢 2 days ago 2 Lil Shizzy Homeless People: exists Mr Beast : It’s free Real Estate 2 months ago (edited) 1K justin8771 Gave him a house and paid a whole year of rent amazing 23 hours ago Eric scalies ._. Hey Mr.Beast how is Bobby doing? 1 week ago 15 Rose Quarts Omg mr beast is so nice. And brother Bobby’s innocence and gratefulness makes me feel terrible about myself lol 20 hours ago RobertPlayzTiktok Tiktok sooo much emotion, you guys are sooo nice to homeless people, i about to cry........ SOOO MUCH EMOTION 1 week ago 13
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well-tempered-life · 8 years ago
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Happy 103rd birthday to the legendary and infinite Sun Ra. 🙏✨🔮#spaceistheplace #alterdestiny http://ift.tt/2qPOlXH
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teledyn · 2 years ago
Disappearing Archives: Sun Ra and Henry Dumas, Recorded in Conversation ‹ Literary Hub
There are moments that must not go missing in orbit, interactions that must vibrate beyond our capacity to comprehend them intellectually, rhythms that we need in the universe to help us cohere as a culture, moments that we must immortalize without knowing why.
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teledyn · 11 months ago
First of all, I don't know anyone who would want to be Roger Eberts' friend.
Second is a matter of survival. It is hard to survive alone, but also hard to survive trapped in a bad situation. To this, Confucius advised "The way out is via the door" but that says nothing of what's out there. Sun Ra on the other hand advised "Get OFF this planet, this planet is a Hell on Wheels" but then also "There are other worlds they have not told you of, that wish to speak to you."
Fandom can be another world, with community, connection, even commerce and vocation! So too ballet, or stamp collecting, or fitness training, or ten thousand other worlds that slip between the dimensions of mass madness and live their own madness in the comfort of friends.
What's not to like?
Sun Ra also said, whatever you do, make it beautiful 😊
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Roger Ebert just destroying some specific kind of nerd(s). 
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teledyn · 1 year ago
Against Scale
on one hand, an unruly seasonal explosion of flowers, on the other, the algorithmically-boosted presentation of those same flowers as a product, a highly-reproducible image driving traffic both online and onto California State Route 14.
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teledyn · 1 year ago
You think you are human, but what if you made a mistake, as humans often do, and you are an angel instead?
— Sun Ra
People underestimate how much it fucks you up to be subtly excluded as a kid. I would try to talk to my classmates and be met with disinterest or annoyance. The one friend I had, who I clung to and nodded along to his every word, had other friends he liked just as much or more. And his other friends didn’t care for me at all.
I look back at pictures from the time and see how separated I was from them. I remember knowing I was different. I remember posing questions about the world to the girls playing next to me and realizing that they had never asked the same ones to themselves. That the ways we thought couldn’t be more different.
I kept myself amused with my own fanatical stories and musings in my head. I would wander the playground on a circular path, imagining a friend and being sorely disappointed when it didn’t feel as real as I’d hoped.
There was a bubble separating me from everyone else, thin, and nearly invisible, but with a pearly sheen you could catch under the right conditions. I knew it was there, they knew it was there, and it changed me
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teledyn · 1 year ago
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Yes! Ah, yes is a word with a glorious ring! A true universal utopious thing! Engenders embracing and chasing of blues, the very best word for the whole world to use!
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teledyn · 2 years ago
I think I have some understanding here:
Fediverse has folks convinced of an impending apocalypse and grasping for any sort of preventive action.
Tumblr has folks convinced it is already long since after the End of the World and wonder why no one else has noticed this yet.
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teledyn · 2 years ago
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BBC has a Royal Charter that gets them into all sorts of fun stuff
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teledyn · 2 years ago
The Truth About Planet Earth
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