#alter Magni
katrasining · 1 year
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Redesigning my boi and I thought GOLDEN HALO CHOKER!!! so yeeee
Damn when I wrote "failed clone experiment" on his sheet back then, I didn't think it would bite me in the ass this badly...
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renaultmograine · 8 months
I'm just saying adding that it is something Blizzard does often, that is have a character do terrible awful things and than be presented as a saintly neutral quest giver that has done nothing wrong.
You know, I see where you're coming from, but I have to disagree on it. When we take quests from, say, Illidan in Legion, the narrative has already gone through all of Illidan's history and addressed them. Maiev has had the narrative address her history (loosely, in terms of Wolfheart, but they have acknowledged that book again). Jaina is a shining example of literally always having to pay her karmic debts.
The narrative does not acknowledge that the Red Dragonflight, the protectors of life, kill and magically alter unborn children. In Cataclysm, a red dragon is experimenting on the black dragonflight so that they can have a purified black dragon that they could keep as a slave. This is deemed as okay, because the blacks are crazy anyway, and you go and help this red dragon who basically goes "don't judge me on this it's important" as you beat an enslaved mother into submission and steal her children from her to experiment on. This is something Deathwing does later on the reds, and it's largely considered a bad thing to have done.
So what happens in Dragonflight, a dragon focused expansion where Wrathion, the victim of the red flight's meddling, who narrowly avoided being a slave to the red flight after they murdered his mother and killed all his siblings? Alexstrasza insults and belittles him for wanting to reconnect with his ancestry, repeatedly, one time right after he saved her life and was just politely asking her for aid (you know because the black dragonflight was driven to near extinction). All Wrathion gets to do is look annoyed at her in the cutscene and leave, and from then on we see him, Sabellian, and Ebyssian all try and kowtow to her as she insults their family and them for wanting to take up the good and noble parts of the black flight's legacy.
Yes, Horde and Alliance members have bickered between each other, but this is the queen of dragons, the protector of all life, and here she is belittling the few remaining victims of the Old God's plot and spitting on everything they do.
That's not even mentioning the other shit that happens to children. In Dragonflight, like was said earlier, you're immediately smashing and killing the whelps inside of eggs for having the audacity to be changed with elemental magic. There's no mercy for them, there's no trying to save them with the magic aqueducts of order magic, there's just smash smash smash and you go onto the next one. In Wrath, we smash blue dragon eggs that were just there (you know the blue dragons live there) because the reds wanted us to. These were not combatants in the war. That was a blatant attack on a decimated flight meant to wound Malygos, just as killing his mate and dragging her corpse around to insult him was.
One of Garrosh's crimes was being associated with the Dragonmaw clan, as they enslaved the red dragons before (reminder, Garrosh wasn't even on the planet when this happened). Alexstrasza gives this testimony about how horrible and cruel it was in her time enslaved by the Dragonmaw, but that she forgives all those orcs, because she just loves life so much. Never once is it mentioned that the red dragonflight has done worse things themselves, and that Alexstrasza either gave the order for it or was complicit in it the entire time. Never once has the narrative ever addressed this past occasionally going "Wrathion doesn't really like Alexstrasza" which is the most mild aspect out of all of this.
Magni was never presented as saintly. In Before the Storm, Sylvanas makes a point about how she doesn't trust him because he's still a dwarf and (IIRC) Baine tells her that. well. he is a rock now. Repeatedly his mistakes with his daughter were mentioned—The Shattering, Before the Storm, BFA, off the top of my head—and the narrative does go "Hey, this character is flawed." Yeah, maybe they didn't specifically address the fact that Magni okayed a dig site on tauren land, but that's kind of comparing apples to child murder imo. The most Alexstrasza gets dinged on is Vyranoth going "I thought it was fucked up that you helped the Titans corrupt and change my children" and she STILL joins team Titan at the end of the day. Alexstrasza faces no real repercussions for her actions on this past she lost some friends twenty thousand years ago in a book no one seemed to want to read.
That's why I harp on how the narrative presents Alexstrasza so much.
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voidscreamintheories · 5 months
Markus: Okay this one is obvious
Spoilers for Hunter the Parenting and If the Emperor Had a Text-to-speech Device
Easy theory today, why not. Following my own rules for Hunter fam theories, let’s look at who Markus was in the world before: Markus is the analogue for Magnus the Red. Magnus is THE magic primarch. Other primarchs had psyker powers, true, but Magnus was such a magical boy that most of his own sons got cool magic powers just for being his sons. Magnus was also able to alter the fabric of reality around himself pretty much on a whim (important for later). As an example: It is impossible to discuss the canon heights of the primarchs to find a definitive answer for “biggest primarch” because Magnus could at will change his size (smallest primarch was either Alpharius (so he could blend in amongst his legionnaires) or Angron (because it’s funny if he had manlet rage)). Magni magic also fell under the sway of Tzeentch, the very god of magic, because he was such a cool magic boi. So Markus is a mage, as in Mage: The Ascension, the World of Darkness game/setting. The biggest clue for this is his interaction with Brok at the bar. Markus spits a curse (and one with obscure and borderline non-sensical phrasing) at Brok, with the full intention of cursing him, while holding an object important to Brok (and seeing as Brok is clearly still sitting on said chair while on duty in the arcanum, I think we could call it ritualistically important to him). This is basically everything Marky needs to engage in a little witchcraft and put a hex on Brok. As Big D has told us in the primer episode, mages have the ability to warp reality around themselves with almost unlimited power. Say for example having a bacterial disease somehow survive inside a shipment of high alcohol content liquor, then have multiple switchblade mechanisms catastrophically fail, THEN have a policeman show up at preciously the right moment to prevent a maiming. Markus himself even recognizes the absurdity of the situation. I’m sure if he continues to grow into magic powers he will be furious with his father for withholding information that would have prevented Markus getting hurt or hurting others. Now as a quick note, I think Markus will actually suspect Guy Chapman as being the one responsible for the strange happenings, if he learns that Guy is a ghoul. As I will discuss at a later time, ghouls can inherit some talents from their vampire overlords. And seeing as Chapman was ghouled by a Tremere (the magic vampires), perhaps Markus will chalk the events up to Guy pulling some sneaky prestidigitation from the sidelines (this assumes Markus learns 1. Chapman is a ghoul, 2. Ghouls can gain vampire powers, 3. Chapman was ghouled by a vampire wizard. So don’t hold’ya breath).
This one isn’t really ground breaking, since it’s HYPER obvious, but still good to post an easy lay-up in case all my other theories fall apart around me.
As always, good evening.
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quirkwizard · 1 year
I wanted to ask if you could make a Quirk based off the Crane School from OG Dragon Ball. Sky Dance, Dodon Ray, Tri-Beam. Maybe even the more Tien Specific thing of shouting away a Kamehameha, but I feel like the former three make for a more solid, definable Quirk than... screaming away lasers.
Could combustion bending from avatar be a quirk?
So for this, I decided to combine Tien's two most famous techniques: the Tri-Beam and the Solar Flare. I think the set up and basic idea of them are similar enough to do them together.
I see it working as a Transformation type Quirk activates whenever the user places their hands in front of their head. The user can then  form shimmery, golden eye from their forehead. The user can form beam of light from this eye. This initial acts like a giant beam spotlight, shimmering out over medium ranges. The user can adjust the range and power of the light by manipulating it through their hands. More open hands result in broadening and brightening light while closing it helps focus it, turning into an explosive beam of light. The user's eyes are protected from the bring lights. This gives the user a unique combat tool, capable of overwhelming foes with powerful beams of light. They can quickly blind foes to set them up, take down enemies with beams of light, alter their beams to work around foes, develop new techniques by adjusting their hands, or simply use it like a reading light. Though this does require the user to remain fairly stationary to line up and ready their shot. The beams can be indiscriminate and dangerous, potentially blinding or harming allies, and will require some practice to properly use the light. A possible name for the Quirk could be "Blind Eye" or "Magni-Eye".
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lovevalley45 · 9 months
currently altering my sim version of my power payback OCs for. reasons. n i find it so amusing that i changed magni’s hair to be more accurate n immediately was like wow. daddy fjfjfjdj
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ivebeenmade · 2 years
Much overdue alters list
Magni: The name means 7. He's been with me about that long. I first heard his voice telling me that we don't love our original abuser, my biological mother. He is most vocal, and takes over when I am scared or overwhelmed. Unless I'm already having a panic attack because he doesn't like feeling them (that's when he copilots)
Jinx: (I am letting my girlfriend describe this one because it is the least friendly with her- what I know of him is he is young but not necessarily a child, and I almost never hear his voice but I do feel his feelings. Which I generally do not like at all) "He has no manners. If there is an argument he wants to perpetuate it. Especially if an argument is nearly resolved. Then he will find the nastiest, most targeted thing possible to incite anger and hurt. He knows all of (gf's) buttons and will use them. It is like he wants to be attacked, so he does everything to make someone feel terrible, and question any established relationship with me.
(FormallyGretchen) Simone: BIGOT. Teenage to young adult. Believes everything my parents and/or abusers wish they had been able to shove down my throat. I strongly feel she is the makings of the person they could've made me. Only very recently she co-piloted with me long enough to tell/taunt me about the many times she has been at the wheel when certain abuses occurred in my early life.
Donna: Very very kind, loving. Caring for others and being motherly or affectionate is her M.O. We're cool. She's showed up recently and helps me a little when I feel like pushing away from people.
Notes: @nywythwndblws thinks Simone is a teen because I had to mother my mother. Accurate.
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thepunmaster · 2 years
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I posted 28,265 times in 2022
That's 21,509 more posts than 2021!
157 posts created (1%)
28,108 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,724 of my posts in 2022
#double lifeblogging - 52 posts
#anon.txt - 20 posts
#unreality - 16 posts
#described - 14 posts
#pattoncakes! - 11 posts
#reblog game - 11 posts
#time for crab - 10 posts
#dsmp - 10 posts
#ai generated - 9 posts
#what - 9 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#brain's got into a dopamine-seeking loop and is endlessly refreshing notifications again? tell your friend to tell you to do the thing you'v
My Top Posts in 2022:
We have decided to make a new pinned post to reflect some changes, and the fact that we wish to be fully open about being a system.
Hello, we are the Puns System. We are traumagenic and have over one hundred members. Our collective pronouns are he/they/fey, and we enjoy poetry, animals, and various fandom-related things.
Our blog for original posts is @theoriginalpunmaster, and our system-related sideblog is @themanypunmasters.
We tag things as #x tw, #tw x, or #x mention. We usually tag #long post. If we reblog a version of “do you love the colour of the sky”, we tag it as #colour of the sky. If you wish for us to tag a certain thing or type of post, you need only to ask.
We would prefer if no nsfw blogs follow us.
You may send asks or message us at any time, and are, in fact, encouraged to.
Below are some of the alters who will be or are using Tumblr, and their corresponding tags. We will add to this as necessary.
#plant.posting - Parsley, he/him. This is me, and also the alter who has been writing the post thus far. I am 15 years old on average, though my age varies from 12 to 17. I am similar to an angel, though without the halo or religious connotation. I enjoy botany, the wind, and stargazing. I tend to be an aggressive protector, though we do not use many labels.
#fishbitch>D - yo i m Meenah from Beforus, ey/em/eir, fish/fishself, or water/waterself. i m a homestuck fictive obviously but dont ask me why the brain chose me 2 b all fleshed out + almost a host instead of anenome of the other trolls we have cuz idk. >D looks like a fish n i think thats cool
#eclipse.text - this will be the tag for the time subsystem, we all use he/him and xi/xim/xir pronouns. dark thyme (that’s me) is 17, likes tea, and enjoys playing minecraft. i’m the one who will probably be using tumblr the most out of us three. light thyme is somewhere between 5 and 9, he really likes chocolate and we might make a sideblog for him (and other littles) to reblog stimboards and animal pictures on, and other things like that. gray thyme is a 12 year old cryptid, he rarely fronts and i have no idea what he likes.
#pattoncakes! - I’m Patton, she/them! I’m a very upbeat, positive alter! I’m a fogtive of Patton Sanders (Sort of in between a fictive (alter based on a fictional character) and a factive (alter based on a real person), in a way that makes it confusing which one I am or how much of each I am!) I like dad jokes and cats!
#pearlescentperegrine - absynthe, they/them and si/sin/sir, im a winged person (hence the tag “pearlescent peregrine”) from an alternate sorta victorian-era england where some people have wings an stuff. i like watchin hermitcraft
#anon.txt - This will be used for alters who do not wish to reveal themselves, when we are blurred and are not aware of who is fronting, and other reasons that we/an alter would stay anonymous.
16 notes - Posted April 6, 2022
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See the full post
18 notes - Posted September 20, 2022
ok i dare u.
make a pun with this fish (btw her name is shiny :D)
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oh, a sarcastic fringehead! she's magni-fish-ent! i sea that just one pun won't be enough to hold to scale, she deserves the fin-est jokes i can shell out :3
27 notes - Posted January 31, 2022
the concept of being “overqualified” for a job is a construct of capitalism, because employers want their employees to be dependent on them so they can get away with more shit without losing workers. if you have more qualifications than necessary for the position, especially if you have a lot more, you could very easily get a different, better-paying or higher-quality job if you become unsatisfied with your current one. if you just barely meet the qualifications for your current job, almost any others that you would be able to find would be a downgrade, likely with a lower rank and pay.
this intertwines with the majority of employees getting severely underpaid, so that even in higher positions they might struggle with or be unable to maintain a comfortable lifestyle, which feeds into the culture of competition and the societal pressure to have the ultimate goal and dream of climbing up the metaphorical company ladder, instead of being satisfied and happy on a figuratively lower rung, as most “lower” positions, while absolutely essential, are not paid enough to reflect their necessity, and are treated with very little respect. in this essay I will
64 notes - Posted June 23, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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See the full post
424 notes - Posted June 1, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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ULTRAMagic Lore #2: Dimensions
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Master Post
ULTRAMagic Alternate is host to many strange entities from all walks of life and existence. They come from all sorts of realms and dimensions… yes, dimensions. What do dimensions mean in UMAE? What do they imply? What can they do? This lore post will look into what dimensions are relevant to UMAE, what they represent, and what they could mean for UMAE.
Quick Author Disclaimer: While I am an enthusiast for quantum physics, I am by no means an expert. This should NEVER be interpreted as a scientific paper and should always be viewed as a fictitious, albeit grounded take on quantum physics. If new discoveries are made in the future, I will update this lore at my discretion. 
All characters referenced here are characters from ULTRAMagic Alternate.
The Basics:
What is a dimension? The most basic definition is a measurable extent of some kind, describing the coordinates needed to specify a point within an object. The best examples are length, width, and depth. 1D indicates 1 coordinate (a line), 2D indicates 2 coordinates (a basic shape), and 3D indicates three coordinates (A cube or similar object). These are the dimensions everyone is familiar with. Of course, things are never that simple. Dimensions go well past and below the 3rd dimension.
It should be noted that things are only going to get more vague as we progress. While it is possible to know that there are higher and lower dimensions, understanding them from, let's say 3D, is difficult. Obviously there have been third dimensionals who have made it to 4D and beyond, but it certainly was not an easy task. Of interesting note is that the amount of dimensions you can truly perceive is double of what you current understanding is.
What dimensions will we be focusing on?
0D (Nothing)
1D (Length)
2D (Width)
3D (Depth)
4D (Gravity)
5D (Time)
6D (Subatomic)
The Dimensions
1D to 3D
The first three dimensions are the building blocks of reality. To properly interact with reality, you need to be able to move and see in all directions.
These are the cardinal directions of reality.
Many life forms start out as 3D by default. This allows the most interaction with reality and also gives way to being able to move up the dimensional spectrum.
4D (Gravity)
To keep it simple, Gravity is the force that pulls everything together. It is the mutual attraction between all things with mass and energy. Its counterpart, antigravity (Dark Energy), is the mutual repulsion between all objects with mass and energy.
What is the force exactly, from the perspective of a 4th dimensional? Don’t ask, it’s incredibly hard to explain to third dimensionals (it’s not impossible, however).
Understanding Gravity means you now know how to alter reality on a macro level. You can now use Gravity to take apart and reassemble matter. This opens up many possibilities as it teaches you the concept of push & pull (or attraction and repulsion). This is an essential concept for higher dimensions. The biggest benefit of 4D is that you are now able to pull yourself into other realms, timelines, and universes. Rudimentary time travel also becomes possible, but it is difficult to control where you will end up. An interesting note for later is that 4th and 5th dimensionals often joke about how 4D and 5D could be interchangeable to them.
Notable individuals
Spiritus Magni Octavia
Morrigan Devilfay
5D (Time)
Time is weird given that it is a nebulous concept. Essentially it is the progression of things in reality. Things form and eventually settle back into a ground state. The universe expands and contracts. This is progression.
Progression is known as “The Flow of Time” to 5th dimensionals.
If you truly understand progression, you can reverse engineer it in your mind. This allows you to accurately move to different points in time using the principles established by 4D. In fact, understanding 4D is more important than ever at this point. 4D and 5D go hand in hand at this point. What’s the point of knowing where to go if you don’t know how to get there? Inversely, what’s the point of knowing how to get there when you don’t know where “there” is? Attesting to the importance of understanding these dimensions, 6D relies heavily on a proper understanding of Gravity and Time.
Notable Individuals:
Ignatius “Infinity” Ford
ULTRAMagic Hunter
6D (Subatomic)
To simplify, 6D is 4D on a micro level. It focuses on subatomic particles and the forces that influence them. Understanding 6D allows one to alter reality on said micro level.
What are these forces that influence this realm of particles? Unfortunately that cannot be answered to third dimensionals. Usually this knowledge is meant for fifth dimensionals while fourth dimensionals have a very rough understanding. 
Understanding the subatomic allows greater precision when altering reality, much like what 5D is to time travel. Despite how weird the subatomic world is, the principles of gravity do apply there. These particles do not behave how you think they would, so having knowledge of how time works is pretty much mandatory. It is borderline impossible to explain this to third dimensionals, but what can be said is that these incredibly tiny particles refuse to obey any laws of physics, even if those laws are redefined. 4D and 5D allow you to comprehend what these particles are going to do. While third dimensionals can do basic subatomic manipulation with technology such as particle colliders, this is not the same as what sixth dimensional entities can do.
Notable individuals:
Valentina Pari
Archangel Raguel
Spiritus Magni Drusa
0D (Nothing)
0D is a dimensional placeholder that should not exist… It basically serves to define what other dimensions are and describes what zero would look like. It allows proper to stand out and be identifiable, since we know what “nothing” is.
The existence of 0D has led to the discovery of the negative dimensions.
Life should not exist here… but it found a way anyways. These entities are incredibly unstable, living distortions of reality. They simultaneously exist while not actually existing. Their presence outside of 0D greatly disrupts reality itself and can cause all sorts of mayhem. What we typically see of them is their manifestation for the realm they are inhabiting. While considered stable enough, these forms can still cause trouble for the dimensions they visit. Strangely 0D is omni-dimensional. Anything can exist there, but anything below 7D is prone to corruption if there for too long. Also note that entities in the 7D to 9D range are capable of turning anything below them 0D, assuming the conditions are right.
Notable individuals
ULTRAMagic Disciple 
7D to 9D and beyond…
At this point the level of understanding is well beyond what a third dimensional can even understand with as much knowledge of 3D as possible. What can be said is that 7D to 9D deals with dimensions themselves, but the specifics are hazy to even fourth dimensionals. 
10D to 12D also exist, but you need to be at least 5D to even comprehend what these dimensions represent. And things do not stop there as the scale goes well beyond 12D. It should be noted that once you get to a certain point, it becomes harder to interact with lower dimensions, with realms like 0D and The Unlight becoming your only viable options.
Notable individuals
Zal-Rint (7D)
Adonai and Ianoda (8D)
The Monolith of Old
Erika Storm (10D)
1D Life?
Jumping back to 1D for a moment, the true existence of the first dimension has confused higher dimensionals for some time now. Where was it exactly? Fortunately Father Time stepped in and remembered the Prima Materia. The Prima Materia is the smallest possible type of thing in the universe. At this level, “particles” called “strings” vibrate into patterns and form the particles we all know currently. Prima Materia is the building blocks of all particles and in turn all of reality. Now what happens when strings vibrate in ways they are not supposed to?
A string that vibrates too violently has the potential to escape the first dimension and enter realms such as 0D or The Unlight. These do not have the forces or conditions needed to keep strings in place. These rogue strings vibrate uncontrollably until they take the shape of what we could define as sentient life. While nowhere near as unstable as 0D life, they are advised to stay in 0D or The Unlight. They have the tendency to glitch out reality and people usually go mad upon seeing them.
Notable individuals
Sir Odo, Knight of the Unlight
Buster Ash
The realms and Omni-dimensional
On an ending note, let’s go over some realms that are relevant to the topic. Before that, what is “omni-dimensional"?” This phrase refers to any entity that comprehends/can enter all major dimensions and realms that accommodate all dimensions. 
Notable Omni-Dimensional individuals:
Father Time (Omni-dimensional)
The Void (Omni-dimensional)
ULTRAMagic Blood-Wraith
Dragoslava Raynot
The Unlight (Omni-dimensional)
In brief, this is the literal void trying to manifest physically due to things trying to occupy it
The Unlight is the most popular realm for entities of different dimensions to meet given that it is omni-dimensional. This status comes from the fact that the void is nothing, so it allows anything to exist within it.
Asgard (3D+)
The home of the Aesir, Vannir, and Jotunns.
Asgard was a realm that broke off from the third dimensions and became inhabited by higher dimensional entities. It currently accommodates anyone who is third dimensional or higher.
Heaven (4D+)
The home of celestial entities like Angels, Archangels, Souls, and higher entities. Notable residents are Adonai, Sophia, the greater Archangels, and Angels in general.
Heaven is responsible for a lot of activity in the universe (but not all of it) and the realm is only accessible by those who are fourth dimensional or higher
Hell (Alternate universe?)
Hell is typically the home of Infernal entities, but happily accommodates any entity that needs a place to live.
Hell is strange because it is a full blown alternate universe. It also allows entities of different dimensional levels to interact with each other freely. Where it exists out in the multiverse and usually traveled to by invoking the realm itself.
ULTRAMagic Alternate © 2022 William Ford II (ChaoticTempleKnight)
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westernwind · 1 year
Lorem Ipsum
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Lorem ipsum is typically a corrupted version of text derived from sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of Cicero's De finibus bonorum et malorum with words altered, added, and removed to make it nonsensical and improper Latin:
[32] Sed ut perspiciatis, unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam eaque ipsa, quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt, explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem, quia voluptas sit, aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos, qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt, neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum, quia dolor sit amet consectetur adipisci[ng] velit, sed quia non numquam [do] eius modi tempora inci[di]dunt, ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum[d] exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur? [D]Quis autem vel eum i[r]ure reprehenderit, qui in ea voluptate velit esse, quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum, qui dolorem eum fugiat, quo voluptas nulla pariatur?
[33] At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus, qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti, quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint, obcaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa, qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga. Et harum quidem reru[d]um facilis est e[r]t expedita distinctio. Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio, cumque nihil impedit, quo minus id, quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellend[a]us. Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis debitis aut rerum necessitatibus saepe eveniet, ut et voluptates repudiandae sint et molestiae non recusandae. Itaque earum rerum hic tenetur a sapiente delectus, ut aut reiciendis voluptatibus maiores alias consequatur aut perferendis doloribus asperiores repellat.
[32] But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of reprobating pleasure and extolling pain arose. To do so, I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness. No one rejects, dislikes or avoids pleasure itself, because it is pleasure, but because those who do not know how to pursue pleasure rationally encounter consequences that are extremely painful. Nor again is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain of itself, because it is pain, but occasionally circumstances occur in which toil and pain can procure him some great pleasure. To take a trivial example, which of us ever undertakes laborious physical exercise, except to obtain some advantage from it? But who has any right to find fault with a man who chooses to enjoy a pleasure that has no annoying consequences, or one who avoids a pain that produces no resultant pleasure?
[33] On the other hand, we denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men who are so beguiled and demoralized by the charms of pleasure of the moment, so blinded by desire, that they cannot foresee the pain and trouble that are bound to ensue; and equal blame belongs to those who fail in their duty through weakness of will, which is the same as saying through shrinking from toil and pain. These cases are perfectly simple and easy to distinguish. In a free hour, when our power of choice is untrammeled and when nothing prevents our being able to do what we like best, every pleasure is to be welcomed and every pain avoided. But in certain circumstances and owing to the claims of duty or the obligations of business it will frequently occur that pleasures have to be repudiated and annoyances accepted. The wise man therefore always holds in these matters to this principle of selection: he rejects pleasures to secure other greater pleasures, or else he endures pains to avoid worse pains.
"Lorem Ipsum." Wikipedia. (2023.08.16.16:41UTC)
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rausule · 1 year
MEGOR-MARDUK (CIM): Missa et densitas et pondus. Materia neutronum stellarum. He trahit et in se trahit. Gravitatem abyssi significat, deorsum trahentem
Animae plus quam pluma. Ultimus actus eius entropy aequat. Custos probareVoluntas, quia sola voluntas potest suam potestatem transire, eum raro invoca, exquisita cura MUSARUS (SM). Abominatio. Terminus applicatus ad Berosum nuntiis a Sirius, seu Vetus, in amphibio forma
NAGRIKSHAMISH (CIM). Indomita vis pura, Berserker. Se transcendit, transcendit rationem, Shiva et Mars. Fulmen. Ne invocatione indiget, in te habitat
NANNA (SAB) Naugerius Sin. Sphaera lunae. Vetustissimus Wanderers. pater Zonarum. Kalendis (septem) portis
NAR MATTARU (SAB) Oceanus magnus infernus. Naugerius Abu , vel Abyssus .
NATH-HORTHATH (HPL): Magnus Vetus in Celephaide colitur.
NATTIG (SAB): Una quattuor Spirituum Spatia. Ab Occidente et Mare. Aquilae figuram habet cum corpore humano, et facies et ungues aquilae. (Vide etiam Lamas, Sed. Ustar).
NEBO (SAB) Sphaera Mercurii custos deorum. Secunda porta Zonae NECRONOMICON (HPL): Liber Legis Nominum Mortuorum. Primum quae t *
NEG (NEC): Alter e geminis proles Yog Sothoth et Shubs-Niggurath. NEPHILIM (HEB Grants. Nomen significat magni Veteris
NERGAL (SAB): Sphaera Martis. Deus belli et sanguinis effusio. Antiquos agens, nam ad tempus habitavit in Catha. Quinta porta Zonae
NEXHAGUS (CIM): Ignis, solis accensus. Immoderata mutatio. Phasellus et malesuada sapien. Scurra, crudelitas risus et resina. Choroszon mentes Hominis et frater designabat canere. Prima et ultima larva choreae. Saepe eum invocate, ne serio nimis incitetis. Ne invoces eum, ne ad perniciem tuam et risus advolet te
NINAXAKADDU (nec) Carminum domina.
NINIB(NEC) Saturnini Dominum. Naugerius Adar. Eius essentia invenitur et in plumbo, in
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katrasining · 2 years
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Some alternate Magni doodles at school! I named him Zed ♡
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pwncrackers · 2 years
"Quator Magnis"
PwnCrackers Lore
"Long time ago, when the world was being formed, four great beings came into existence. They were born from the seeds of the dark void that had enshrouded the world as it was being formed. They were responsible for the formation of the four great continents, which was a result of their struggle against each other. Alkabraàn was the greatest among the four great beings and was the ruler of the ground, although he lost most of his dominion when the land was split into four. Gaúlwog is Alkabraàn's greatest adversary and was ruler of the west. He is the second most powerful of the four great beings and was born from Alkabraàn's liver. The third most powerful being was Jaiseng, who was the ruler of the seas. He existed long before the other great beings came into existence but never bothered to claim the land. It was said that Alkabraàn angered Jaiseng by intentionally ripping the latter from its sleep under the deep oceans of the east, resulting in a hostile retaliation from the great being. As a result, Jaiseng created the sea elementals to destroy the shores of Alkabraàn's dominion. Jaiseng is considered to be a very powerful individual despite being ranked lower than Alkabraàn due to the fact that he rarely displayed his powers. The fourth most powerful great being was Knorgkell. He was the youngest of the four and used to rule both of the north and southern winterlands. He was responsible for the creation of the great oriental mountains during a battle against Alkabraàn by splitting the latter's dominion into two and then mending it back after defeating him. Despite having defeated Alkabraàn several times, he is considered to be the weakest among the four in terms of raw force. The world then became what it is today due to their conflict which spanned for millenia. However, a mortal who has gained their power decided to put the unending conflict into their own hands. This mortal, whose name remains obscured, was a sorcerer who learned how to assimilate natural forces into his own. He learned how to use their power after accumulating it and devised many tools from which the mortals benefited. Seeing their power being used without their permission, the four great beings united and destroyed the mortals. For a brief period, natural disasters stopped occuring due to the cessation of hostilities between the four great beings. Having lost his own family and people against the great beings, the sorcerer faced them in battle, emerging victorious despite the difference in their power. Using the four great being's power, he split their spirits into tiny fragments, releasing multitudes of erratic and uncontrollable elements in their wake. The lesser beings can longer unite as the sorcerer had embedded a curse which Alkabraàn suffered; the curse of discord. They were given minds of their own, which prevented their coalescence into a single being. Despite having unleashed chaos into the world, the sorcerer still had hope for his people who had perished in the conflict. For a long time he roamed the lands in the wake of the destruction, searching for any survivor that might have been spared from death. Having failed to find anyone of his own race alive, he decided to impart his power among the primitive races, developing them into powerful, sentient beings who became capable of altering the world around them. Seeing that his legacy will now take root, he sealed what remained of the four great beings into four pillars. These pillars were then embedded deep under the earth, which became a source of power called Magick."
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mainshype · 2 years
Hornady black 300 blackout subsonic
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#Hornady black 300 blackout subsonic free
Maecenas tempor lectus pretium justo delos elementum, nec molestie justo ornare. Integer vel cursus felis, in scelerisque eros. Praesent a nisl eu purus bibendum convallis. Cras placerat purus non nisl sodales, eu sodales orci ultrices. Molestie justo ornare decenas non felis et mauris placerat vehicula eu quis quamĭestibulum commodo eros vitae odio commodo faucibusĮtiam ut suscipit ex, nec ornare nisi. Please allow up to 24 hours for tracking number to be activated.Įtiam ut suscipit exous nec ornare loremousĭabitasse platea dictumst integer del cursus felis in scelerisque erosĬum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes Please remember that until the carrier scans the package your tracking number will not work. You will receive an email confirmation when your order ships.
#Hornady black 300 blackout subsonic free
Items with an extraordinary weight or dimensions may be excluded from Free Shipping promotions. Other items in same cart may have shipping applied) Offer valid only in the lower 48 Spend $50 in Fishing and get FREE USPS shipping (Free Shipping only applies to Fishing items. Firearms will be shipped within 48 hours of when the transfer FFL is received and processed.Īll orders that include ammunition must ship UPS Ground. Unless a different shipping option is selected, items with FREE SHIPPING under 1LB ship USPS First Class and items between 1-3 LBS ship USPS Priority Mail.įirearms ordered online from our website ship for a flat fee of $15 each via UPS. In rare instances a product may require additional shipping time. Hornady BLACK Ammunition - 300 BLACKOUT SUBSONIC 208 GR A-MAX showcases versatile loads that were made perfect for exceptional performance. Orders Monday through Friday will ship within 2 business days. Skip to the beginning of the images gallery. Arrows that have been cut or altered in any way.If your package arrives damaged or you received the wrong item email us immediately so that we can resolve the problem as quickly as possible. Refund fees on firearms are typically $40.00 Once you take possession of the firearm any warranty issues or defects need to be directed to the manufacturer of the firearm. We reserve the right to deduct return shipping fees and add a restock fee to your refund depending upon the reason of the return. After we receive and inspect the firearm you will be given a choice of a refund or a replacement if available. If there are any issues email us and we can arrange to have the firearm returned. Please inspect the firearm carefully before taking possession from your dealer. The product needs to be returned new and in the original package with all tags, warranty papers, accessories and original invoice to:Īll refunds will be issued via the same manner the order was originally paid for. All returns require a return authorization which can be obtained using our CONTACT US page. Loaded with legendary Hornady bullets, Hornady BLACK ammunition is designed to fit, feed and function in a variety of platforms. Designed specifically to fit, feed, and function in a variety of firearms including gas system guns.Most items sold by Sportsman Fulfillment can be returned within 30 days for a replacement or a refund. 300 Blackout 208 gr A-MAX Hornady BLACK Item 80891 20/Box Hornady BLACK ammunition features versatile loads optimized for excellent performance from America’s favorite guns.As with all of their other lines, this 300 AAC Blackout ammunition is new production, non-corrosive, in boxer primed, re. Bullets feature a cannelure for a positive case crimp for use in semi-autos. Hornady Black 300 AAC Blackout ammo features a muzzle velocity of 1020 feet per second and muzzle energy of 480 foot pounds, making it the ideal choice for precision hunting ammo of small, medium, or large sized game.Loaded with unique powders optimized for subsonic use, the low flash signature is ideal for both suppressed and unsuppressed performance.Designed to expand at velocities down to 900 fps.Impact velocities of 960 to 1,020 fps into ballistic gelatin, providing 16-18” penetration and 90%+ weight retention.Performance of the 300 Blackout Subsonic load meets or exceeds FBI Protocol terminal ballistic test requirements. Long grooves in its gilding metal jacket combine with the bullet’s flat profile and the patented Flex Tip insert within its hollow-point cavity to help it expand reliably at low velocities. The 190 grain Sub-X (Subsonic – eXpanding) bullet features a lead core. Hornady 300 Blackout Subsonic Ammunition is designed for accuracy and performance below the speed of sound. 22 Winchester Magnum Rimfire (WMR) 4 4 products.17 Winchester Super Magnum 3 3 products Hornady BLACK ammunition features versatile loads optimized for excellent performance from Americas favorite.17 Hornady Magnum Rimfire (HMR) 10 10 products.270 winchester short magnum 6 6 products.Upper Receiver Assemblies 15 15 products 300 Blackout 110 gr V-MAX Hornady BLACK 29.99 Sellier & Bellot 300 AAC Blackout 200gr FMJ Subsonic 24.99 300 Blackout 208 gr A-MAX Hornady BLACK 39.99.
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mainsgiga · 2 years
Kershaw bevy
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#Kershaw bevy free#
Please allow 2 days after payment is received before your item will be shipped. Your attention.Pls: Shipping and Handling is non-refundable and non-negotiable. Shipping Policy Package will be shipped via Post Office Air Mail with tracking number. Leave negative feedback can not solve any problem, please give us a chance to serve you! We will answer your email within 24 hours. It is impossible to drawback the evaluation in new ebay policy) because, we also consider a NEUTRAL feedback as a NEGATIVE feedback. Feedback is our life, before you leave a neutral or negative feedback, please do contact us for a better solution before open a dispute. 93.5 g) In order to provide you a better service. They were stacked together and the pressure create the scratches and blemishes) The blade is centered, no play blade and none of the screw is stripped. more will find minor scratches and blemishes on the handle because of the way they were stored. Untitled Document This auction is for one unit of Kershaw 1730SS folding knife. NOTICE FOR OTHER INTERNATIONAL BUYERS ALL OTHER LOCATIONS MUST CONTACT ME TO GET SHIPPING RATE BEFORE YOU BID PAYMENT DUE IN 3 DAYS.RcmdId ViewItemDescV4,RlogId p4%60bo7%60jtb9%3Fuk.rp*0a6211%3E-13cef48cd04-0xf7. SHIPPING TO ALL UNITED STATES AND PUERTO RICO IS $4 CANADA IS ONLY $6. PLEASE ASK ALL QUESTIONS ABOUT THE ITEMS YOU SEE IN THE PICTURE BECAUSE THE PICTURE IS WHAT YOU ARE GETTING. SCRAPES, SCRATCHES, DENTS, DINGS, MARKS AND OTHER THINGS THAT MAY NOT MAKE IT INTO THE DESCRIPTION. IN GOOD USED COND ITION THE PICTURE IS THE ACTUAL ITEM FOR SALE USED KNIVES AND TOOLS MAY NEED TO BE SHARPENED AND WILL HAVE MINOR NICKS. This knife is tight and flips about halfway open. Knife has carry wear Blade has a date OCT 04 on it. The blade is 420HC stainless steel and the handle is 6061-T6 anodized green aluminum. The lockclip does not work and needs to be replaced. more to prevent accidental opening and a removable pocket clip. Maecenas tempor lectus pretium justo delos elementum, nec molestie justo ornare.APPROX 3 1/2" CLOSED LOCKBACK COULD USE A GOOD CLE ANING POCKET CLIP It features a speed-safe assist ambidextrous thumb stud folder. Integer vel cursus felis, in scelerisque eros. Praesent a nisl eu purus bibendum convallis. Cras placerat purus non nisl sodales, eu sodales orci ultrices. Molestie justo ornare decenas non felis et mauris placerat vehicula eu quis quamĭestibulum commodo eros vitae odio commodo faucibusĮtiam ut suscipit ex, nec ornare nisi. Please allow up to 24 hours for tracking number to be activated.Įtiam ut suscipit exous nec ornare loremousĭabitasse platea dictumst integer del cursus felis in scelerisque erosĬum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes Please remember that until the carrier scans the package your tracking number will not work. You will receive an email confirmation when your order ships.
#Kershaw bevy free#
Items with an extraordinary weight or dimensions may be excluded from Free Shipping promotions. Other items in same cart may have shipping applied) Offer valid only in the lower 48 Spend $50 in Fishing and get FREE USPS shipping (Free Shipping only applies to Fishing items. Firearms will be shipped within 48 hours of when the transfer FFL is received and processed.Īll orders that include ammunition must ship UPS Ground. Unless a different shipping option is selected, items with FREE SHIPPING under 1LB ship USPS First Class and items between 1-3 LBS ship USPS Priority Mail.įirearms ordered online from our website ship for a flat fee of $15 each via UPS. In rare instances a product may require additional shipping time. Orders Monday through Friday will ship within 2 business days.
Arrows that have been cut or altered in any way.
If your package arrives damaged or you received the wrong item email us immediately so that we can resolve the problem as quickly as possible. Refund fees on firearms are typically $40.00 Once you take possession of the firearm any warranty issues or defects need to be directed to the manufacturer of the firearm. We reserve the right to deduct return shipping fees and add a restock fee to your refund depending upon the reason of the return. After we receive and inspect the firearm you will be given a choice of a refund or a replacement if available. If there are any issues email us and we can arrange to have the firearm returned. Please inspect the firearm carefully before taking possession from your dealer. The product needs to be returned new and in the original package with all tags, warranty papers, accessories and original invoice to:Īll refunds will be issued via the same manner the order was originally paid for. All returns require a return authorization which can be obtained using our CONTACT US page. Most items sold by Sportsman Fulfillment can be returned within 30 days for a replacement or a refund.
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ivebeenmade · 2 years
Dissociated for about 90 mins. It wasn't Magni, the alter I know well, that took over. And I was semi-aware. It was someone I have no name for other than I know that they are teenaged or younger. They're constantly arguing with me, asking questions about literally everything (big or the smallest detail) . So that's why the age guess mostly. I figure I know why they act that way too.
Just had to get this down before I forgot. Like the doc said.
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gyldenkyn · 3 years
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❛ will you come into the wood with me? ❜ ( from Magni )
@runaljod​  //  UPROOTED  //  accepting 
❝ did you ever hear what happened the last time someone lured me away from my garden? ❞ it only takes a few moments for her playful facade of feigned suspicion to crumble into a bright smile, her delight plain to see. ❝ but I can’t refuse such an offer. ❞
she could think of no better way to spend her afternoon. duties so often pull the Æsir in different routes, currents forcing them realms apart but Asgard always their guiding star; where Iðunn awaits their tales of triumph. not all have such a peaceful relationship with the golden realm as she ( though certainly not devoid of complexity or heartache ), great suffering lies within its walls; mostly inflicted by and between its inhabitants, she strives to be a place of amity and respite.
there’s a brief pause before Iðunn joins him, studying him and all the changes since she last saw him. so tall she almost has to crane her neck. a scar she intends to ask about. 
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❝ ... you have grown so alike to your father. as a child you were his reflection, and even now. Though, you have become the more handsome one. but we shan’t tell him that. ❞ a soft snicker escapes her as she aligns herself to Magni’s side, her fondness for the great thunderer obvious in her inflection. unsure of their destination, she’s content to start down the path to wherever it may lead them; her trust innate in her companion. ❝ you must leave a trail of weeping maidens wherever you go. ❞
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