#alt Loveater
gale-gentlepenguin · 2 years
ML What if:
(What if Felix never existed?)
As a result of the poll, I decided to make an AU about Felix. So no Felix.
-For the most part,the first two seasons don’t change at all.
-So how does the episode Felix Play out without Felix?
-The intro is the same, with Gabriel about to tell Adrien only for him to say the thing about Nathalie, throwing Gabriel off.
-With no Felix, the only person visiting is Amelie. Who asks about the rings but doesn’t get much farther than that.
-Adrien’s friends make the video, and without Felix doing the impersonation. Adrien gets to see all the videos. Including Marinette’s.
-With Amelie there, Gabriel is still a bit on guard but nothing really changes. No akumatization because Felix didn’t meddle.
-Amelie leaves saying she will see them another time.
-Adrien goes and sees his friends, thanking him for the video.
-Now the key difference here is, Adrien did see Marinette’s confession. And we know that Fate usually intervenes to prevent Marinette from confessing. But this time, there is no intervention.
-After puppeteer 2.0 and the statue scene we know Adrien started wondering about Marinette (according to Season 5 episode Determination) which means Marinette’s confession may shake things up more.
-That being said, Adrien probably wouldn’t know how to respond to her feelings, since he also has his crush on ladybug and Kagami also in pursuit.
-So Adrien asks to talk with Marinette. He explains that he saw her video and he is glad she thinks so much of him. And as for her feelings, he needs to sort out his own feelings. And he appologizes he can’t give her a straight answer right now.
-Marinette would be a bit sad by this, but it’s not a no. She mumbles a response that she understands and won’t put him on the spot. Something He appreciates. As Kagami is doing the opposite.
-This leads into Loveater/ heart Hunter.
-Which has Marinette now a bit more emotional and uncertain, since she did put her feelings out to Adrien
-She still had to help with the catering and Luka gives her a lift.
-Kagami, Adrien and Marinette shenanigans ensues but this time with a bit more tension, as Kagami and Marinette have expressed interest in Adrien.
-Adrien is now very split, and is unsure of which way to lean. Go for Kagami or Marinette. But they still have fun like in canon.
-Andre senses the tension and does not help at all.
-Leading to Kagami being assertive and putting Adrien on the spot. Having him decide the ice cream. Instead of deferring to Marinette.
-Adrien unsure of what to say. Marinette noticed he was uncomfortable and simply says she needs to head back and to enjoy the ice cream without her.
-Kagami doesn’t go after Marinette, because she sees that Marinette was making the choice. She did feel bad… and then realized Adrien went after her.
-Kagami told Andre that she would be back and left to go check.
-Adrien says that they can come help her. But Marinette says she doesn’t need the help. Adrien insists.
-Marinette says that she wants him to be happy with the girl he loves, like the one he mentioned. That it’s okay. But Adrien says that girl isn’t Kagami.
-“She doesn’t love me back.”
-That was a surprise, Adrien confesses that the girl he talked about, she didn’t feel the same way and that she made it clear. That… that he’s okay with it. He wasn’t at first, but he realized that he grew beyond those feelings.
-Marinette asks who the girl was that turned him down.
-“You wouldn’t know her… I’m not even sure I know her.”
-Kagami had stopped and overheard what he was saying. And it was heartbreaking.
-Kagami runs off heading back to that party.
-Only for her to get caught by Loveater.
-Marinette sees the sorrow on Adrien’s face, he could see that right now, Adrien needed more time to process his feelings.
-“You don’t need to reciprocate feelings if you aren’t ready to deal with them. I don’t think I or Kagami would want you to move forward if you aren’t ready to. Your feelings matter.”
-That plucked something for Adrien. Hearing Marinette say that did help shake something loose. But the moment couldn’t be capitalized on since heart Hunter showed up!
-Marinette and Adrien barely escape and transform.
-Not as emotionally devastated as she was in canon. But still not thinking as clearly.
-Marinette summons her lucky charm and she realizes she needs help from Fu.
- Marinette forgot to detransform.
-But, Ladybug did pick Chloe for back up, since Ladybug’s mine was in a different set.
-Fu still got captured by Hawkmoth and Mayura.
-Hawkmoth realizes he knows none of the kwami names and thus can’t command them. And since he doesn’t have Chloe to exploit, since she was picked by Ladybug, Hawkmoth needed a new plan.
(Part 1)
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gale-gentlepenguin · 3 years
What if Chloe didn't betray Ladybug and the Miraculous team in Miracle Queen, but Zoe still came later on in Paris and Chloe still got akumatized into Queen Banana, would Ladybug still entrust the Bee Miraculous to Zoe ? And if yes, would she keep calling Vesperia from now on or go back to calling Queen Bee out of guilt ?
Well the thing is, if Chloé didnt betray Ladybug in Miracle Queen. That would shift the outcome of the finale a great deal. So lets start with that.
(What if Chloé rejected Hawkmoth's offer in Loveater?)
-Chloé was near her breaking point. She had seen Ladybug once again pick someone else over her. Despite the akuma being a more personal pick.
-And Hawkmoth arrives with the Bee miraculous in hand. Offering it to her if she joined his side.
-It was tempting, and a part of her, the part that was angry with Ladybug, the part that wanted to just be a hero again.
-But Hawkmoth forgot, Chloé has an immense amount of pride.
-"I refuse."
-Hawkmoth tried to push her, but she would not yield.
-Hawkmoth threatened her, he had her parents under his control. But Chloé refused to cave.
-"Ladybug will save them like always."
-Hawkmoth growled and shouted at her. In his anger, revealing how he held all the miraculous now.
-WIth that, Chloé snatched the bee miraculous and ran off the roof. Transforming into queen bee and escaping. She needed to warn Ladybug.
-Hawkmoth realizing his blunder, he took a deep breath. It didnt matter. He still held the advantage.
-Ladybug, Chat noir and Ryuuko managed to best Loveater. It was a tough fight, but it went off well.
-The three heroes were shocked to see Queen bee.
-"Ladybug there is trouble"
-"Chloé? Whats going on?"
-"Hawkmoth has the miraculous!" She says in panic.
-Ladybug's eyes went wide. There were a lot of questions, but the three other heroes were going to detransform, so they quickly move to a hiding spot so they could detransform.
-Ladybug asked Chloé to explain everything.
-Queen bee explained how Hawkmoth tried to proposition her into joining his side by offering the bee miraculous. But she refused and kept refusing, and he got frustrated, allowing her to snatch it and find out that he stole from the guardian the miraculous.
-Ladybug was mortified. She realized she had led Hawkmoth right to Fu.
-Chat noir calms Ladybug down,
-Ryuuko states that Ladybug did seem "unfocused" but Chat noir was the one that tells her to zip it. (which does impact his view of kagami.)
-Ladybug does calm down.
-"He likely cant use any of the miraculous. He doesnt know the kwami"
-Which means they have a chance. And they could take the fight to Hawkmoth
-Mayura was trying to get Fu to remove his forcefield, and get him to spill what he knows.
-The kwami refused to speak and that meant Hawkmoth couldnt use them because he didnt know their names. He could ensure they didnt attack him, but not command them to transform. And right now detransforming to have his kwami tell him their names wouldnt work.
-Fu was trying to figure out a plan. But fortunately, Ladybug and the other heroes arrived.
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gale-gentlepenguin · 3 years
ML What if
(What if Marinette used Fluff?)
Marinette has mentioned using the rabbit miraculous on several occasions. But what if she did use it?
At what point would Marinette use Fluff.
Well the answer to that is simple.
Episode 3, Gang of secrets. Right after she kicked all her friends out.
-Marinette had hit her lowest point. She realized it. She couldnt do this. This was going to be the rest of her life! She couldnt have friends? She couldnt fall in love? She couldnt even be honest with her family! This was Horrific! She would do anything to just turn back time and...
-Marinette looked at the miracle box. She did have the means to do it.
-She could go back in time. She could stop Fu from getting his memory wiped. She could stop Shadowmoth before he was shadowmoth.
-She went into the miracle box. Tikki was not happy about this idea.
-"Marinette messing with time is dangerous!"
-"I know Tikki but shadowmoth is way too dangerous of a threat. I am not going to change too much. I am just going to make things how they should be."
-Marinette transformed with the Rabbit miraculous. (Names appreciated)
-And she jumped into the portal.
-She did her best to avoid looking to deep into it. She had a limited time. But she found it. The day that things fell apart.
-She jumped through.
-She transformed back into Marinette, having just made it in the nick of time.
-"There is still time to go back." Fluff commented."
-"Not an option." I have to try. Besides it isnt the first time I went back in time to fix something."
-Marinette made sure to give herself plenty of time to observe. That is when she realized. When Mayura was chasing her, Hawkmoth was to. If she could stop him. He wouldnt find out where FU was!
-Tikki was still very against this. But that wouldnt stop Marinette.
-Hawkmoth wasnt expecting someone to conk him on his head.
-He turned to see... Ladybug?! But how is that possible.
-"You really think I didnt see you coming?"
-Ladybug took off, leading Hawkmoth away. He failed to realize he was stalled long enough for Ladybug to get the miraculous from fu and find kagami. But it was a matter of keeping him distracted.
-Hawkmoth caught up eventually.
-"Now youre cornered."
-"Sir... did you find the guardian?"
-Hawkmoth growled.
-"Negative. Ladybug spotted me But I will take her miraculous. I have her cornered"
-"But she is fighting the akuma now. With Ryuuko and Chat noir."
-"WHAT?! But... then who..."
-"Lucky charm."
-It was ketchup.
-"Who are you?"
-Ladybug squirted the ketchup in Hawkmoth's eyes and escaped.
-Ladybug quickly evaded Hawkmoth. Watching as Ladybug cast her lucky charm into the air.
-Hawkmoth growled.
-"You wont escape."
-"Another time Hawky."
and just like that. She vanished with the ladybugs.
-Hawkmoth looked into the air and screamed with rage. His brillaint plan was foiled by that meddling bug. But how? Why.
-Mayura watched as the akuma was best.
-"Sir, the akuma is defeated. The plan was a failure we should..."
-Mayura felt her body weaken. but she was not going to let this stop anything.
-She was desperate. She would not let this day end in failure.
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gale-gentlepenguin · 4 years
ML What if : Su Han is Early part 1
(What if Su Han arrived during the season 3 finale)
Considering we don't exactly know how long its been since Fu wiped his memory to when Su Han appeared. Its hard to say how much fast Su Han would have to move to get from Tibet to France. BUT if we take into account the ML NY special. Which we know takes place in between season 3 & Season 4. The monk that arrives at the end of the NY special seemed to have arrived in America a little bit after Ladybug and Chat noir left America. And since that distance from tibet to NYC is 7,413 mi. and Pais to Tibet is 4,527 mi. Su Han could theoretically get to Paris faster than the monk. Which we can also add to the fact that. 1. Su Han has the compass that leads to the miracle box in his staff. 2. The monk that found Eagle in NYC was looking for a missing miraculous, not a box. So he must have had a harder time finding it. And to get there with such speed (I.E, finding out the miraculous was there) must have meant with a hurry, he got there.
So its not unreasonable to assume Su Han could have arrived sooner.
-Su han had managed to get to Paris. Having rushed immediately after waking up in the temple completely restored. The staff had guided him to Paris, and he needed to collect the box which for some reason, the staff was pointing to here.
-The events of Loveater happen very similarly up to when Hawkmoth confronts Fu. Knocking him out of his hiding place.
-Hawkmoth about to strike, when Su Han recognizes a rogue miraculous user
-"Hand over the butterfly miraculous this instant!" Su Han jumped down and demanded.
-Hawkmoth goes to swat the old man, but was not expecting mirakung fu. Sending him flying.
-Mayura attacks too, but Su Han was a grandmaster for a reason, and Fu/Jade turtle was able to assist.
-"Fu is that really you! Why are you so old, and USING A MIRACULOUS! That is against rule 133 of..."
-"Master Su Han, I will explain everything. But we need to best these two."
-Su Han agreed.
-Hawkmoth refused to let this other old monk stop him from his goal. Mayura and Hawkmoth, while more skilled then Ladybug and chat noir possibly could have bested Su Han alone, but with Fu's assistance. This was a much more difficult fight.
-Meanwhile, Ladybug, Ryuuko, and Chat noir were fighting Loveater.
-Ladybug was actually able to explain her plan and the group went to execute it.
-Loveater zeroed in on Chat noir, reading his love for Ladybug like a book. Which Chat noir was NOT happy about, since he is trying to move on.
-Chat noir may have taken more out on the akuma then intended.
-The group managed to defeat Loveater with Ryuuko's help and the power of the lucky charm.
-Ryuuko and Ladybug fist bump but chat noir doesn't. He is still kind of shaken by the whole akuma encounter.
-Ladybug tries to reach out to him, but chat noir says he will be fine. But he just needs time. He says it was a pleasure to work with Ryuuko.
-But before he leaves, Ryuuko tells him that if he really loves Ladybug, 'He should fight for her'.
-Chat noir says he will consider her words, and leaves. He wonders if Kagami would say the same thing to him if she knew who was under this mask.
-Ryuuko gives Ladybug the dragon miraculous back. Saying she was glad to help.
-Ladybug wishes Kagami luck.
- Ladybug goes to head back to fu.
-Hawkmoth is super pissed because Fu and Su Han are not letting him escape with the miracle box, and Mayura is clearly tiring.
-Mayura tries to create a sentimonster but Jade turtle won't leave her any openings.
-Su Han is overwhelming Hawkmoth with his skills and Hawkmoth is trying to find a mean of escape.
-Marinette arrives to see this super hero fight going on.
-Hawkmoth sees it, A HOSTAGE!
-Hawkmoth moves and snags Marinette. He informs the old men that if they try anything, he can't guarantee the girls safety.
-Fu realizes how bad this is. And stands down. But Su Han gives ZERO F***s cause the miraculous are a priority above all else.
-Fu gets kicked hard by Mayura and she rushes to hawkmoth's side.
-Marinette holds her tongue, almost revealing her knowing Fu.
-Hawkmoth takes Marinette and escapes with Mayura. saying if they follow, they will harm her.
-Su Han stands down because Fu cuts him off.
-"What are you doing!"
-"This is not the way."
-Su Han is very pissed at his student.
-As he let two rogue miraculous wielders escape.
-"Trust me master. We will be able to find them."
-"You have a lot of explaining to do fu."
-Hawkmoth doesn't have a miracle box, but he has a hostage. Though once they are safe from those monks. Then they can figure something out.
-Mayura is clearly fighting her exhaustion.
-Hawkmoth was furious that they didn't snag the miracle box. They didn't even get a chance to grab anything of value.
-Marinette is remaining quiet, Hawkmoth doesn't know who she is. She will need to play this safely.
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gale-gentlepenguin · 4 years
ML What if : Su Han is Early part 3
(What if Su Han arrived during the season 3 finale)
-Hawkmoth returned shortly after. A devious glint in his eye.
-Mayura looked to see him descending. Marinette turned away.
-Marinette secretly sliding the dragon miraculous on and hiding it as view was obscured.
-"Mayura. I will handle things from here."
-Mayura walks over and stumbles.
-Marinette's concern leaks out.
-"Is she okay?"
-"Im fine." Mayura snapped.
-Mayura walks and heads to the elevator.
-Marinette glares at hawkmoth.
-"Your sick, using someone who is physically unwell for your ploy for world domination."
-Hawkmoth looked at the girl, he held his emotion back.
-"She is helping me of her own volition. I warned her about the risks. She cares about my family far too much."
-Marinette felt even angrier.
-"Its sick." Marinette spat in disgust. "Your family?! You are just a crazed super villain that wants world domination!"
-Hawkmoth says nothing and walks over to the coffin.
-"I know about you, Marinette dupain Cheng."
-That chilling statement caught her off guard.
-Marinette tried to hide her expression. But she suddenly felt a chill.
-I know that you are the daughter of Tom Dupain and Sabine Cheng. Owners of the Dupain Bakery.
-Marinette took a step back.
-"I know your friends with Alya Cesaire. The one that runs the Ladyblog. Her research was quite... fascinating."
-Marinette could feel her self getting more nervous. How did he know all of this? How much did he get from his akumatized victims? It was terrifying, and she was her doing her best to not despair.
-"I akumatized her a few times you know, as well as most of your friends. Though I am surprised, I never akumatized you. Well, I was close one time."
-Marinette backed away, and found herself on the edge. Beneath her was what seemed like a bottomless pool of water.
-Hawkmoth opened his cane, revealing a fresh akuma. Attracted to her fear.
-"You know I can go after any of them. Doesn't matter how many times it takes. Ladybug and Chat noir wouldn't be able to protect you. So why don't you help me instead. Help me get the miraculous and you will be free to go. And your normal life will be back to normal after you help me."
-The akuma was moving ever closer.
-Marinette was doing her best to think. What could she do?
-Chat noir tried calling Ladybug but she wasn't answering.
-Fu, Su Han and himself were running across rooftops.
-"She isn't picking up. Is she perhaps in a dangerous spot?"
-Chat noir was worried.
-"Of course she is. She was..."
-"Ladybug likely is tailing Cautiously and doesn't have a safe place to return your call." Fu interrupted.
-Chat noir nods and decides to scout ahead.
-"Why do you keep stopping me from telling him the truth. That she has been kidnapped."
-"Because he doesn't know that Marinette is Ladybug." Fu explained.
-Su Han is confused. "Why is that important? After this is over I am taking their miraculous. It will not matter if they were a user."
-Fu blinks.
-His master did make a good point. Su Han was the guardian of the miraculous. He had the final say on who had the miraculous. Once this was over, it was his call. And there was nothing he could do.
-"Okay... I will tell him."
-Fu moves to Chat noir.
-"Master Fu, I am very concerned. Ladybug would have sent a message by now."
-"Chat noir... Ladybug isnt tailing Hawkmoth. She was captured by hawkmoth."
-"WHAT! How! First Marinette, and now ladybug! We need to save them both!"
-As fate would have it, Su Han caught up.
-"Thats enough."
-"We are wandering in circles! The ladybug miraculous is lost because of you. If you had simply let me attack hawkmoth, I would have secured the miraculous."
-"Master I understand your frustration but..."
-"No buts! You are a disgrace chicken legs! You have always been a failure! Now the order is falling apart, we have been gone for over a century because of your inability!" Su Han was at his limit!
-Marinette knew that if she got akumatized, it was over. Hawkmoth would have the ladybug miraculous. She had to act fast.
-She knew water was below. She knew what to do
-"I would rather drown."
-She fell back.
-Hawkmoth rushed to the edge, only to see nothing. There was no splash.
-But something from behind, A mighty wind blasted him, causing him to fall.
-He caught a glimpse.
-A red and black costume. Horn headband. Smiling above him.
-Hawkmoth realized that the girl had a miraculous. How was this possible. before he could process. He fell into the water.
-Tikki had flown back in, now frantic and was relieved to see Hawkmoth and mayura not there.
-"Marinette we need to ... did you transform."
-"Had to think fast. Knocked Hawkmoth off into the water. But we need to leave. Do you know where we are?"
-"I think we should get out of here first and then we can talk about the where.
-Marinette agreed and activated her lighting powers to scale the elevator and find a way out. Tikki followed behind.
-Unknown to her and tikki. The akuma had left to find the massive source of negative emotion.
-Hawkmoth had washed up outside of his lair, and he was quite peeved.
-"She was going to pay for this."
-Suddenly he felt his akuma zeroing in on a powerful force of negative emotion.
-"And I may have just found my way of doing it."
-Chat noir tried to cut in and tell the cranky guardian that he and his order must have really been lousy if two kids were needed to restore them.
-"Excuse me!"
-"Fu may have caused some trouble but he has been doing YOUR job for over 100 years. And how does an order of guardians lose to one single sentimonster? Shouldn't an order so prestigious and elite have countermeasures against that sort of thing?"
-Su Han felt his rage boil more then he ever felt before. He was so angry he failed to notice the black butterfly that happened to be heading right towards him.
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gale-gentlepenguin · 4 years
ML What if : Su Han is Early part 4
-Fu had noticed the akuma approaching and backed up.
-"Master there's..."
-"Silence! You remain silent! You always fail to..."
-Tha akuma flew into the cane, and Su Han felt his anger darken. butterfly outline appeared over his eyes.
-"Oh no" Chat noir commented. "We need to snap him out of it."
-"We need to leave." Fu stated.
-"But the akuma..."
-Chat noir and Fu took off as Su Han desperately to free himself of the akuma.
-But Hawkmoth narrowed in on the Guardian's anger.
-"Grandmaster. I am Hawkmoth. I will give you the power to punish your student and get you the miraculous he lost. In exchange, You will let me utilize the Ladybug and Chat noir miraculous."
-Su Han argued that he couldn't let him keep the miraculous. He even said that no one can handle the power of those two together.
-Hawkmoth pushed hard. And sure enough. Su Han caved.
-Grandmaster was born.
-Sun Han's robes were now black and gold. His eye brows now longer and able to move and grow in length. His Staff now had miraculous tracking capabilities. not just miracle box.
-Dragon!Marinette had scaled the elevator and was surprised to find herself inside a rather nice office. It took her a few seconds to realize that it was the Agreste mansion.
-"Wait... if the lair was under the mansion then..."
-"What are you doing here?"
-Dragon!Marinette looked to see Nathalie who looked concerned.
-Marinette was unsure if Nathalie was aware or not of the lair underneath the mansion.
-"How did you get in here? You didn't appear on the cameras"
-Dragon!Marinette decided to not assume she knew. And explained that Hawkmoth's lair is underneath this place.
-Nathalie feigns surprise, but falls down. She was still very exhausted.
-Marinette helps her to a chair. She tells her to rest. She needs to leave.
-Marinette runs out of the mansion. Nathalie relieved she wasn't exposed. She was in no shape to fight.
-Marinette looked around, wondering why Hawkmoth's lair would be under Adrien's house. Could it be that Gabriel and Hawkmoth... No, then why would he get akumatized...
-Marinette didn't have time to dwell on this long. She heard a boom.
-She rushes to an alley way to change to her Ladybug form.
-Fu and Chat noir were getting their butts handed to them by Grandmaster. His incredible martial arts prowess combined with super powers!? It was too much.
- Ladybug arrived on the scene. Calling out to Grandmaster to leave them alone.
-"This is all your fault!" Grandmaster screeched.
-Chat noir did not take to that insinuation.
-Grandmaster was fighting the three of them. Until, Hawkmoth showed up.
-"This day seems to be having a lovely turn around. As I will get BOTH ladybug and Chat noir's miraculous."
-It wasn't until Hawkmoth got punched by his own akuma.
-"What is the meaning of this!"
-"No one but I deserves to hold the miraculous! I have gone too soft on you all! I will get the miraculous and restore the order. Even if I have to get rid of everyone here!"
-The grand master started charging what appeared to be an energy blast in his hands.
-"Hawkmoth used his miraculous to try and put the squeeze on grandmaster. Trying to force him to focus on Ladybug and Chat noir!
-But Chat noir snagged the butterfly off of him.
-"Oh no you don't!"
-It was at that moment that they saw the true identity of Hawkmoth.
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gale-gentlepenguin · 4 years
ML What If
(What if Marinette snagged the wrong person in Loveater?)
-Ladybug had taken the dragon miraculous from Fu in order to fight Loveater just as in canon.
-However her coordination was a bit more rocky then she realized and she ended up swinging and not picking up Kagami, but Adrien instead?!
-The red heroine realized her mistake, but going back to drop off Adrien and pick up Kagami. But she really didnt have time (and mentally not wanting to go back) decides to go with it.
-”I need your help Adrien.” Ladybug responds.
-Ladybug passing with Adrien in her arms instead of Kagami actually has Chloé less angry, since she assumes Ladybug probably just saved Adrien and not picking another hero.
-Adrien of course, remembering the events of Desperado tries to talk his way out of this situation.
-”I am sure there is someone more suited for the miraculous. I... know I wasnt the best last time.”
-Ladybug shows him the dragon miraculous.
-”Unfortunately, Hawkmoth knows of the previous holder of the dragon miraculous and I need to change it up. I know you can be a good hero.”
-Against his better judgement. Adrien decided to accept it, but his plan was to sweep around and find Kagami to give her the miraculous and transform into chat noir later.
-So Dragon!Adrien is born. Ladybug realizes she has to change back and asks Adrien to turn around.
-Adrien realizes this might be the perfect time to leave and is just about to go. But Ladybug’s words stop him.
-“So you and her(Refering to kagami)? You are bound to break a lot of hearts.” Ladybug tried to joke...
-”Huh? No Kagami and I arent... I mean... I dont know.”
-”She is a good girl, I am sure you would be happy with her.”
-”Yea... she is great... but... no she is good.”
-”Is there something wrong with her?”
-”No! Kagami is a great girl. Its more like, there is something wrong with me.”
-”With you?”
-”I dont want to trouble you with my love problems.”
-”Adrien, tell me. What is the problem”
-Ladybug finished refueling.
-”Im still in love with another girl.” He confessed. “I was trying to move on...”
-Ladybug’s eyes widen. the girl he was into wasnt kagami?
-”W-whose the girl?”
-Plagg near adrien silently gesturing for him to stop. But Adrien has gone full tilt dumba**
-”She is the one that gave me this miraculous.”
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gale-gentlepenguin · 4 years
What if Marinette didn't recruit another hero during Loveeater, but rather, used another Miraculous in tandem with the Ladybug?
Actually, I have something slightly different in mind.
(What if Ladybug didn't recruit anyone during Loveater?)
-Ladybug knew that the combo akuma was definitely stronger then most typical ones, and she would need to get help. But part of her was screaming that it was a bad idea. She noticed that Mayura had been tailing her.
-What if this was part of Hawkmoth’s plan? What if Loveater was just part of some elaborate plan, just like the heroes day fiasco?
-Ladybug decided that she would forgo an ally for now. If things got super desperate she would meet up with Fu.
-She needed to contact Chat noir.
-Adrien happened to be with Kagami at the time, much like the scene prior to Ladybug snatching up Kagami, but with a different interruption. Plagg had turned on Adrien’s phone.
-”Sorry, I need to take this.”
-Kagami understood and sat by as Adrien moved a bit away to hear Plagg tell him that he needs to go hero it up.
-Since this was crucial, he sort of ran off without telling Kagami, She would remember this.
-Ladybug managed to contact Chat noir and told her to meet up at the location.
-Chat noir is still a bit awkward like in canon, but since there is no Ryuuko, there is no flirting and jelly ladybug.
-Chat noir comments that this seems like one tough akuma.
-”Yes, but I can't risk getting Allies. I noticed Mayura tailing me. I think they want me to go out and try and find the guardian.”
-Chat noir understands that is a tough spot.
-”So its just you and me then.”
-”Like always.” Ladybug gives him an encouraging Nudge.
-Considering that there was no direct fight with Loveater, it isn't known how tough the two are. But I assume that Ladybug and Chat noir manage to save the day, albeit barely. 
-They fist bump and head off to go back to where they were before.
-Hawkmoth’s plan had failed, since there was no way of finding the guardian, and no point in turning Chloé angry without the bee miraculous. Mayura is also weakened from simply using the miraculous. So Hawkmoth called an end to things for the day. Telling Nathalie that they will think of another plan another day. She is close to the miraculous doing permanent damage.
-Chloé was bitter, but she wasn't outright betrayed, there were no allies picked so she wasn't too angry. Though she will get her signal light fixed.
-Marinette arrived back at the party where Kagami is sitting by herself.
-”Kagami? Why are you here? Where’s Adrien?”
-”He ran off. Not a word. He had a call, and the next thing I know, he is gone without a second thought. I tried calling him but there was no answer. I think it was her.”
-”The girl Adrien is in love with.”
-Marinette was shocked to hear that. Marinette was under the assumption that Adrien was in love with Kagami. Was that not the case.
-”I am sure that isn't the case. Adrien wouldn't ditch you over something like that.”
-Kagami looked a bit hurt. Though she was trying to stay composed.
-Marinette gives her a macaroon.
-”Here, I will try and find Adrien. I am sure he didn't ditch you without an important reason.”
-”You go, I think I might yell at him if I go now.”
-Adrien arrived back at the spot he was before with Kagami, but kagami wasn't there. He was gone a while due to the akuma.
- He felt like he really messed things up.
-”I should call Kagami and apologize.”
-And dead battery.
-”Why is my phone battery dead?”
- He looked at Plagg, 
-”I was bored so I was playing games.”
-Adrien hoped his father or Nathalie wasn't trying to call him. He had no way of contacting Kagami, and no battery. Maybe this was the universe telling him that Kagami wasn't the one he should be going after. This was yet another time things didn't go smoothly with her.
-Adrien started walking. He ended up bumping into Marinette. Who ran into him.
-”A-adrien! You’re okay. Kagami said you had run off with no explaination. So I went looking for you. You weren't answering your phone.”
-Adrien looked a bit embarrassed.
-”Yea... I forgot to charge my phone this morning and was out of battery before I realized it. Something came up.”
-”Is everything alright now?”
-Adrien looks ready to say everything is alright, but he saw something in marinette’s face. A look of something he can't help but feel was familiar. Heartbreak?
-”Is everything alright with you, marinette?”
-Marinette not sure how to respond with that question.
-”What do you mean?”
-”It was rude of me to ask. Forget I said anything.”
-”Adrien, what do you mean?”
(And thats where I will be leaving things for right now. Unless there is more interest in this what if)
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gale-gentlepenguin · 4 years
ML AU: In Another Life: Loveater
-Well this goes off very different in an emotional aspect.
-Ladybug and Chat noir dont have the talk at the beginning because it wasnt necessary.
-Adrien and Kagami are stuck at the Mayor Bourgeois’ wedding anniversary as in canon.
-Marinette happened to be helping her parents with the catering. So She was hanging out with the two before Kagami suggests the three of them sneak out.
- Kagami is the one that feels like the third wheel, but Marinette and Adrien make sure she feels included by both secretly agreeing to not act couple like in front of her.
-They end up playing in the ball pit. (Marinette doesnt lose her hair ties, since she had her hair down since Adrien’s confession) They have a blast.
-Adrien holding back he need to flirt and hug his girlfriend. (its very hard on him)
-Adrien playing music on the piano and Marinette and Kagami listening.
-Kagami seeing her two friends in love, she figured she would be angry or jealous. But she is actually really happy for both of them. She loves her friends dearly. But she gets this vibe that they are hiding something.
-They escape like in Canon, and everything regarding that poor excuse for a getalong cape causes the birth of loveater.
-Chloé’s signal was also destroyed
-Marinette, Kagami, and Adrien are with André getting the ice cream. André offers Kagami her own special ice cream, He could sense she would like her own unique experience. She comments that it seems a bit weird since she wanted to order her own flavors, but Marinette tells her to give it a try first (she remembers how protective André is over his choices)
-Adrien and Marinette get the Mint and blackberry flavors that represent them and share their ice cream (though they did try to insist not to since Kagami is there.) Kagami gets what they are doing now.
-Kagami tells she is happy for them. She cant however she cant stand them pitying her.
-Marinette runs after her explaining that wasnt what they were doing.
-Cue Marinette telling Kagami that she didnt want her relationship with Adrien to make things awkward between them. It wasnt out of pity she just wanted to be a good friend.
-Kagami and Marinette talk it out, and both girls make up. When Loveater shows up. (Since Marinette didnt double back to the party she didnt see Loveater early.)
-Kagami gets zapped because the blossoming platonic love of her friendship with Marinette was tasty. Kagami managed to get Marinette out of there before that happened. Allowing her to transform.
-Adrien seeing the akuma from afar goes to transform as well. He and Ladybug briefly meet and fight the akuma only to get a clear understanding that this was a real powerful threat.
-Ladybug summons a lucky charm and knows she needs back up. Chat noir tells her to go and that he will distract the akuma.
- Ladybug had passed a distressed Chloé trying to get her attention. She avoided Mayura. who was tailing her.
-Since Ladybug wasnt as emotionally distressed as she was in canon, she was able to go detransform somewhere and Hawkmoth lost her. Resulting in his plan to locate the guardian is off roading.
-Fu is chill with things, since he sees civilian marinette and not hero form mari
-Marinette greets Fu and he gives her the choice of miraculous. With, Kagami out. The only person coming to mind is Chloé. She takes the Bee miraculous and goes to Chloé.
-Chloé gets her chance to be a hero. And she gloats about it
-Hawkmoth is pissed that his plan to find the guardian failed. But Chloé having the bee, he might still work out his plan.
-He tells Mayura to be on standby and rest, its best she doesnt over exs She complies.
-Queen bee helps Ladybug and Chat noir fight the akuma.
-There is some funny chat Noir and queen bee banter.
-But during the fight, Hawkmoth swoops in and takes Queen bee.
-Loveater keeps Ladybug and Chat noir pinned down so that they couldnt go to Queen bee.
-Queen bee ends up fighting Hawkmoth. Hawkmoth starts praying upon her weakness. Her need to be queen bee.
-”If it wasnt for me, you would not have received the bee once again”
-”Of course I would have. Ladybug knows I am worthy.”
-”Then why does she take it away from you after the fight?”
-”Duh, because she it’s dangerous.”
-”She doesnt do that with the other heroes.”
-”She... doesnt?”
-”Ladybug doesnt respect you, she treats you like a last resort. I know emotions, and I can feel her disdain.”
-Chloé tries to dismiss his claim.
-But he pushes her more, and more. Telling her how everyone else is keeping her from being special. From being loved.
-”Dont you want to be Queen bee forever?”
-”Then work with me. And you will always be Queen.”
- Queen bee managed to resist. Telling him he is a villain and she is “Above working for a creepy butterfly man”
-Hawkmoth leaves, he can feel her doubts.
- Queen bee would show she is worthy of keeping the miraculous.
-So Queen bee gets back Just in time to help ladybug with her plan.
-They defeat Loveater and the damage is fixed.
-Afterward, Ladybug asks for the miraculous back.
-Queen bee hesitates.
-”Chloé, I need it back. Remember what I said.”
-”But you gave it back, I earned it. I should keep it.”
-There is an arguement. And Hawkmoth arrives again. But with a fresh akuma. Having it hit chloé's weapon.
-Ladybug and Chat noir try to get to chloé to help her resist, but Hawkmoth got to her.
-Miracle queen is born.
(Miracle queen will happen, but in a different way)
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gale-gentlepenguin · 4 years
ML What if
(What if Marinette did choose Chloé instead of Kagami in Loveater?)
-Marinette felt herself pulled in different directions, but decided to take the bee miraculous for Chloé instead of the Dragon for Kagami. She couldn't let her feelings persuade her brain on this.
-Ladybug left and sure enough Fu was attacked.
-Ladybug approached Chloé and offered her the bee miraculous. Queen bee was back in action!
-Hawkmoth managed to get the miracle box, but without the Bee and Kwami that refuse to give their name, his plan to use the miraculous was useless! He needed to interrogate the old man! Or maybe his Akuma would defeat ladybug and chat noir, that would allow him to get his wish, even if his plan failed.
-Kagami and Adrien were on their own, sharing ice cream, and just like in Loveater, Kagami was going to go in for a kiss. Adrien considered doing the same, but this time, Queen bee interrupted!
-Ladybug of course had to step in and calm the Bee down. Adrien was curious on why Queen bee was there, but then realizes that there must be an akuma. He flees to transform while Kagami and Queen bee were arguing.
-Ladybug manages to calm the two down and tells Kagami that she might be targeted with Adrien, Since the akuma attacks Couples. Kagami was kind of happy to hear that, until she noticed Adrien was gone.
-”So much for that, if you were really a couple he would have stayed.”
- That was a sharp blow to Kagami, telling Queen bee to buzz off, that she must have scared Adrien off.
-Kagami runs off to go find him. Chat noir arrives. Cue Slightly awkward Chat noir with Ladybug.
-”You aren't calling me your lady?”
-”Lovers quarrel?”
-Queen bee happened to tease. Which actually put MORE tension then before.
-But they managed to encounter the Akuma
-Loveater picking up on Chat noir’s love for Ladybug and trying to eat the two. Chat noir doesn't say anything and keeps avoiding the akuma’s attack.
-Loveaters comments describing how the feeling is eating away at the cat. Sort of exposing his emotions to Ladybug, Queen bee and anyone else listening.
- Cue plan to capture the akuma, It works. The akuma is bested.
-Chloé’s parents are de-akumatized and Ladybug goes for a fist bump, but Chat noir isn't exactly feeling up to it. Chloé takes the cat’s place for the fist bump.
-Chat noir mumbles something about needing to go and leaves. Chat noir hates that after his best attempts, his love for Ladybug was still leaking out. He was trying to move on, but that akuma nailed it right in the head.
-Adrien detransforms and runs into Kagami who was looking for him. 
-Kagami is relieved to see him and explains why Ladybug and Queen bee interrupted them, that the akuma attacks people in love.
-Adrien stops her right there. “Im sorry Kagami, but I am not in love with you. I need to sort things out for myself.”
-Kagami was pretty furious and heartbroken about the whole thing.
-Hawkmoth’s interrogation and trying to break Fu’s shield have been failing, but a new powerful emotion was present! Hawkmoth decided to pursue the new emotion, the miracle box in hand. Perhaps something New will come of this.
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gale-gentlepenguin · 4 years
But what if Ladybug didn't choose Queen Bee or Ryuko? What if she chose another hero to fight Loveeater?
(What if a different hero was picked to fight Loveater?
-Ladybug found herself split between Ryuuko and Queen bee, but before she could make her choice, another idea popped into her head. Another person. 
-Ladybug took the snake miraculous.
-”Remember Ladybug, the snake miraculous is a powerful one.”
-”Don't worry Master Fu, I know the perfect person for it.”
-Ladybug took off just as in canon, but with a different target in mind.
-Hawkmoth however, still got to attack Fu.
-in another part of Paris, finishing up some deliveries, Luka was biking when he noticed a red clad heroine appear in front of him.
-”I don't have much time to explain. This way.”
-Ladybug took Luka to a more private location and offered the snake miraculous.
-”If you need my help Ladybug, I will be happy to assist.”
-The two heroes go off to fight Loveater, But something else catches their eye.
-A bubble being attacked! It was master Fu! The akuma was a diversion
-”We need Chat noir!”
-Back with Kagami and Adrien, a moment was about to occur when Adrien’s Phone went off.
-”Sorry Kagami, I need to get this.”
-Kagami nodded as she watched Adrien get up and move several feet away to ‘Answer’ his phone.
-Plagg hopped out of his pocket.
-”Ladybug is contacting you! Its an SOS.”
-Adrien understands. He takes off without a thought. Leaving Kagami on her own. Chat noir needed to save the city.
-Viperion Sets a save point.
-”Okay, Im set.” 
-The two heroes intervene with Hawkmoth and Mayura’s game of Fu ball.
-Hawkmoth frowns.
-”Ladybug, you shouldn't be here!”
-”Sorry to disappoint Hawkmoth, but you shouldn't be here either!
-She snags the Miracle box from him.
-”You aren't getting anything today.”
-Mayura interrupts and tackles Ladybug from behind.
-”We will be taking your miraculous.”
-Mayura goes for her earrings.
-’Second chance!’
-Mayura goes for Ladybug with a surprise attack only to get kicked by viperion.
-”You aren't getting anything past us.”
-Mayura growls. How did he know what she was up to?
-”The snake seems to know what will happen. Be careful.”
-Ladybug and Viperion verses Hawkmoth and Mayura
-Meanwhile Chat noir is hurrying to make his way to Ladybug
(Now vote what happens next)
-If you want Chat noir to bump into Loveater before he can get to Ladybug (Reply with 1)
-If you want Chat noir to make it there quickly (Reply with 2)
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gale-gentlepenguin · 4 years
ML What if (Part 2)
(Part 1)
(What if Marinette did choose Chloé instead of Kagami in Loveater?)
-Adrien did feel awful about telling that to Kagami, but he needed to be honest with her. But he knows he screwed up big time. He needed some advice.
-The party! Marinette was helping her parents with the catering. While it did mean he would be stuck at that stuffy party again, he could really use a friend.
-He starts making his way towards the party
-Ladybug drops Chloé off back on the roof she found her on, Chloé Hands over the miraculous, Happy that Ladybug trusted her again. Ladybug however wasn't in such high spirits. Chat noir was clearly not 100%. She needed to talk with him next time, She was his partner, and she knows that he wasn't a fan of that previous talk they had earlier. Not that she could blame him, he didn't understand how bad things could be when Identities get revealed, how feelings can be manipulated.
-”If your bummed about Chat noir, you can always just take his miraculous and let me do it full time!”
-Ladybug gave Chloé a rather Icy glare. That made the blonde shut up.
-”...Sorry Ladybug. I was trying to lighten the mood.”
-”Don't joke about that again. Thank you for your help.”
-Ladybug leaves, she needed to get the miraculous back to Fu, and then she would go back and help her parents. Kagami and Adrien probably found each other again and can enjoy their date in peace. 
-Ladybug detransformed and started heading to the park, when she suddenly heard some rather loud clangs and bangs. it was coming from the direction of the park. Master fu!
-She thought she had ditched Mayura when she went to Fu, this must have been Hawkmoth’s plan!
-She quickly recharges Tikki and rushes to the park to save the old guardian.
-Mayura was doing her best to try and crack the shell, but she was starting to get fatigued and the shell wasn't breaking. Without Hawkmoth, this was proving to be a much more arduous task.
-”Back away Mayura!”
-Ladybug and Mayura clash. Jade turtle disengages his shield and catches his breath.
-Mayura was formidable, but she was not 100% and she was finding herself on the back foot against the young heroine.
- Jade turtle throws his shield and knocks Mayura off balance.
- Allowing Ladybug to tie her up with her Yo-yo.
-Hawkmoth approaches the source of the negative emotion, and notices it was Kagami. He could work with this. 
-Hawkmoth approaches the young fencer.
-Kagami quickly gets ready to fight only for the man to reveal a dragon miraculous for her.
-”I can sense your turmoil Kagami. An over protective mother that limits your freedom, and your first love cruelly breaking your heart.”
-Kagami turns away from him, claiming he knew nothing.
-”I know emotion, and I can tell you how to capture that boy’s heart. Achieve victory, win against this ‘Other girl’.” Playing on her competitive nature.
-Kagami was not in the most stable of states, and hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.
-Kagami asked for the miraculous. Hawkmoth smiled as he gave it to her.
-The dragon Kwami popped out. 
-”Miss Kagami what are you....”
-”Longg! Bring the storm!”
-Ryuuko stood in front of Hawkmoth.
-”Big mistake giving me a weapon.”
-Ryuuko Attacked Hawkmoth. Like hell she would work for the butterfly jerk! She wasn't so weak as to willingly join this creep!
-Ryuuko was surprised by the skilled Hawkmoth, who seemed to match her swordplay.
-”Quite a bold move, attacking me as soon as I gave you the miraculous. But you are foolish if you think I came unprepared.”
-Hawkmoth opened the staff and the Akuma flew out and touched her sword, much to her horror.
(And what should the akumatized Ryuuko be called? I am open to suggestions.)
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gale-gentlepenguin · 4 years
Part 2 on the "What if Ladybug chose both Queen Bee and Ryuuko to fight Love Eater?"?
(Previous Part)
-Hawkmoth decided to focus on trying to get Fu out of the bubble in order to get what he wanted. Since his plan to get Queen bee on their side failed.
-”You will talk old man.”
-Jade Turtle chuckled “You are not the first one to pursue the miraculous with selfish goals, and you will not be the last.”
-Loveater still attacks the city while eating up those in love or have love.
-Ladybug, chat noir, ryuuko and Queen bee approach carefully.
-”Okay we need a plan to take that thing down. What exactly are its powers.”
-”Its a floating two-faced monster that can sense the love in people. Any type of Love.” Queen Bee Explained.
-”So it can sense feelings of Love.” Chat noir commented. “Then Ill distract it.”
-Chat noir jumped away before the other three could react.
-”Oh yea, that loser cat is in love with you.” Queen bee comments.
-Ryuuko looks to Ladybug.
-”So does that mean...”
-”No. He is just a friend, and crime fighting partner.”
-Ryuuko shrugs.
-”Shame, you both look good together.” Ryuuko jumps to go help Chat noir.
-Ladybug flashes back to the talk she had with chat noir. Flashes of Chat blanc
-Queen bee snaps her out of it.
-Loveater zeroes in on Chat noir.
-”Ah yes, you are in love with that other hero. Ladybug. Oh I can smell the intense passion. But I also detect some hints of doubts. Seems its one-sided  love.”
-Chat noir says nothing avoiding the Akuma’s attack. He just focuses on the fight as the akuma really starts pushing the button.
-”Its pathetic how you will never see that love returned.”
-Ryuuko jumps in.
-”Shut up, you a blob of an unhappy couple, its clear you never understood how love works.”
-Chat noir smiles at the heroine
-”Thanks Ryuuko.”
-Ladybug and Queen bee join in and get the drop on Loveater.
-Ladybug thinks up a plan and there is an epic battle where Ryuuko and Queen bee work together to best the akuma.
-The Mayor and his wife back to normal. Queen bee gives back her miraculous to ladybug.
-”Now if you excuse me, I gotta go give my parents a piece of my mind for the stunt they pulled.”
-Ladybug, Ryuuko and Chat noir are both amused by Chloé’s comment.
-Chat noir waves off the two red heroines and says it was a pleasure working with them both.
-Ladybug wanted to say something but he was gone before she could say it.
-”Not that it is any of my business, but I do think you and him are great for each other.”
-Ladybug does not address Kagami’s comment, only taking her to a safe location where she can take the dragon miraculous back.
-Ladybug goes to return the miraculous to Fu only to find that Hawkmoth and Mayura are batting him across the park.
-Ladybug quickly shoots Chat noir a call, just as he is about to Detransform.
-”Master Fu is in trouble!”
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gale-gentlepenguin · 3 years
Will you be continuing the What If Su Hands is Early AU, or was that the end?
I feel like it kind of reached a good stopping point for the time. but if people really want more for it. I could look into it more. It would likely be an alt Season 4 au at that point.
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