#also. maul talking shit as if he didn't lose every fight to obi wan.
mutatiio · 2 years
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@heartfurnaced​ truly is his master’s padawan: ❝ you should’ve killed me when you had the chance. ❞ ( for maul! hello! :D )
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    we all make mistakes. something had compelled him to leave the jedi back then. looking back on it now, he wonders if it was his master's doing. always near. always watching. maul finds himself wondering if he will ever escape that gaze. what other 'choices' were made with sidious' influence?? the weight of it no longer resembled the anxiety it once had. he wasn’t trying to prove himself as a worthy apprentice anymore. not keenly searching for his master’s approval. now it was more akin to a tooka playing with their meal. infuriating. suffocating. 
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    "kenobi's arrogance." he replies plainly, regarding the young jedi with a grimace. this is his master’s new puppet. killing him here would not only hurt him, but also kenobi. very efficient. he flicks the switch of his staff. the beams spring to life in his hand, glowing red, that familiar oscillating hum that he could recognise in his sleep. “and just as misplaced.”
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