#also you can't tell me scar isn't the taller younger sibling
marzghost · 1 year
⚠️ Spoilers if you still haven't seen the final limited life episodes⚠️
Guys guys guys I have a vision hear me out I love the clockers and it's a tragedy the way they went out but guys Cleo out lived her sons and like imagine if you will an animatic of Cleo singing After All by Christian Ebersole to either Grian or Etho! Like listen to the song and tell me you can't see what I'm about to describe to you.
It opens with Cleo as a ghost walking through the clockers base before stopping at a family picture of her and her sons with Ethos face either cut out , burned away, or marked out before she closes her eyes and opens them again but this time she's standing in front of either Grian or Etho, heck maybe even both of them, as she looks down at them with a burning hatred in her eyes. Circling them as she begins to sing "What would a mother not do for her child what lengths would a mother not go there’s a bond that exists between mother and child with no end to how strong it can grow." and at grow she's standing in front of them again looking at their eyes with a sneer on her lips and tears begining to form in her eyes. Then the next verse starts and it's a flash back to her in the clockers tower holding a baby Scar with little five year old Bdubs looking down at him as Etho holds Bdubs up in his arms and smiles over at Cleo and as it gets to "and find you're looking in your own" it shows baby Scar opening his eyes and looking at Cleo with Bdubs also looking up at her before cutting back to Cleo with Grian/Etho this time with her sneer gone and her full on crying. The next verse starts as she clutches her chest and looks down before sings "And there’s a pain you can’t imagine. A special kind of torture you can feel ,a cut that bleeds from somewhere deep inside you, a past regret you cannot heal." And at a past regret you cannot heal it shows Bdubs dying and scar in shock on his knees holding his older brother trying to wake him up despite himself being hit with arrows before it changes to Cleo blocking Grian from hurting her last remaining son anymore than he's already done.
"And no one guesses all the while you’re praying The little screaming stranger in your arms Might just grow up and save you after all. Might just grow up and save you after all." At this part it's just a flashback of Cleo holding baby Bdubs before changing to ten year old Bdubs and five year old Scar hugging Cleo as Etho walks out on them.
"What would a mother not do for her child?What heights would a mother not climb?" Shows her going to the deep dark before climbing out with the shriekers in hand with Scar and Bdubs helping her out of the hole and back into that little room they were in, you know the one.
"There’s a bond that exists between mother and child and it only goes deeper with time." Could be a close up of Cleo's eye with her timer in it ticking down before she blinks and it flashes zero as the next part is sung "It’s a promise for life between mother and child and to break it there’s no greater pain" this part is sung as she glares over at Grian as Scar's smiling figure is flashed behind Cleo before quickly changing to him crying out in pain with a sword going through him before disappearing "and you’re shaken to your soul With an ache that can’t erase like the tears you never cried but still keep scrubbing off your face." Shows Cleo running over to scar with shining eyes as she tries to avenge him only to be killed by pearl before going back to singing Cleo who is looking down at her hands as they slowly start to turn clear before she looks up and turns her attention to Etho now singing with a sort of defeated and mocking look to herself as if mocking herself for what she couldn't do despite promising she would protect her boys "Cause there’s a pain you can’t imagine. A little talk that keeps you wide awake. That somehow turns to bold determination that you’ll never make the same mistake." With a background of her trying to protect Bdubs to her left and her fighting with scar to her right before lightning flashes them both away as she falls to her knees and sings the rest.
"Some dreams die upon the vine"- a picture of a poppy and a lilac is shown with a heart string tying them together before disappearing with a blue sound wave from a warden or a sword
"Some they never have a chance"- an image of a broken clock with a picture of impulse and Bdubs inside could be seen before it gets blown up
"Sweeter than the sweetest wine"- an alternate future where Cleo wins with her sons by her side flashes before going back to regular Cleo whose arms are now even clearer than before as she screams the next part with a smile on her face and tears continue to fall.
As she starts to sing the next part she slowly gets back up to her feet whipping away her tears as she continues to turn clear and the more she turns more ghostly the more scar and Bdubs come into focus behind her and at the very last save you after all she is completely ghost like and is holding the hands of a young ghostly Bdubs and Scar as she once again glares at Grian/Etho and sings the very last verse.
"What would a mother not do for her child what lengths should a mother not go there's a bond that exists between mother and child, ah but then again, how would you know?" She sings as the focus changes over to Grian/Etho who both in their own way wouldn't understand the bond between a mother and child with Grian being taken by watchers at a young age and Etho being the father that walked out on his two sons.
It would be so flipping heart breaking guys I wish I can animate sometimes
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