#also you are singlehandedly responsible for the past like 3 or 4 lore adjacent posts on here fsdhs <3 <3 <3
magnolia-sunrise · 2 months
idk if you've ever discussed this before, but are there such things as humans with android-sort of augmentations (idk if that would be considered a cyborg or not exactly), or are things clean cut between being human and android? probably obvious question from me of all people but
thank you mintt for being the frontline soldier of keeping the inbox and this blog alive somewhat even when im busy with non-OC stuff 💖 !!
prefacing this with the ol "any of this might change if and when i flesh out this part of the world more or i decide it doesn't serve the story" you know how it is
short answer first: to general public knowledge, there aren't any human - android hybrids
long answer: there are humans who have performance augmentations, cybernetic implants, advanced prosthetics, which does classify them as cyborgs but its actually different tech than androids. (for example Bastien has subdermal implant for HRT that he refills every 3 months, Élise has a couple chip implants to make interfacing with their computers faster and smoother)
there are also humans who try to reverse engineer android bodies (this is again something Bastien and Élise try to do at the clinic). android bodies are really advanced, they can 'heal' small cuts, mimic bruising et cetera with remarkable accuracy, in that way some of the models are nigh organic, but all attempts to integrate them with human bodies - to general public knowledge - have failed in the long term
since the government (and other interested parties) keeps a very tight lid on the secrets of android tech in general, going as far as collecting any and all of their dead bodies and allegedly incinerating them, the grassroots progress of reverse engineering their parts has been really slow and dangerously illegal. the process of applying for a new limb, body part or skin etc takes years of wait time and bureaucratic loops for any android that's trying to fix an issue with their body via the authorized routes.
there are of course rumors - without any damning proof, that dysfunct android bodies are not destroyed but recycled as new advanced tech, tools, weapons and prosthetics for black ops sectors and the richest of the rich. there are also vague conspiracies about the lack of human knowledge about android tech trying to make the argument that even the government doesn't actually know how to replicate whole androids and that there is a lot more to that secret than just lost knowledge. but yknow none of that is the kind of information any normal person really thinks about much or could verify, and life goes on.
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